Thur. Nov. 2, 2023 – back in the saddle again…

By on November 2nd, 2023 in culture, decline and fall, march to war

Cold, then warming, but sunny and clear- if we can believe the weather liars. I guess that describes yesterday pretty well, so since today is usually like yesterday, I’m going with that prediction.

I got most of my decor down and put away. I did leave some up, just because it’s easy to take down, near the house, and pretty festive and colorful. I’ll give it another day or two.

Today I need to pick up a couple of things, do some grocery shopping (D1 decided she wanted sandwich fixings) and maybe swing by my auctioneer. I don’t have anything for him this late in the week (he’s doing fulfillment on Friday and Saturday) but maybe I can get a check… Or maybe I’ll go by my storage unit and do some sorting for next week. We’ll see what the day ends up being.

I think I might try to pick up some bang bang for the pew pew too. Academy showed some in stock at the same price as everyone else. I’m getting a bit nervous as the middle east heats up. This is a period of great change and realignment in the world. That usually happens with blood and fury accompanying… so what will be the nominal catalyst? Bay of Tonkin? Some asshat riding in a car through the wrong country? Sneaky bast@rds who think they can surprise someone? Or will the mullahs finally put Netanyahu to the test? IDK but it will be something and the history books will make it seem logical and unavoidable.

I can’t imagine our personal security situation getting better if the whole world is upset. Oh, and a massive bolus of stinking humanity is headed right for me. Nevermind that we’re full up on violent third world traffickers and slavers, someone is driving the herd right toward the homestead. Pressure is building from every direction.

I don’t think people are taking the situation seriously enough. I’m having trouble with crisis fatigue and this is pretty much my full time job! Or maybe that’s the problem. Still, there was plenty of warning for WWII and most people just muddled through. Some were well positioned, and much better off than others. If you are marginal now, you’ll be really hurting soon. Get your stuff straightened out NOW.

And stack. Food security. Physical security. Friends. In whatever order you need the most work.


74 Comments and discussion on "Thur. Nov. 2, 2023 – back in the saddle again…"

  1. Greg Norton says:

    Professor Jacobson points out that he learned these things at Cornell:

    The junior engineering student who was a National Merit Scholar has probably made himself well-nigh unemployable and faces a very difficult road to wellness. 

    A fine, handsome Irish lad who was persecuting fellow students from a position of white privilege.

    Based on my experience with my wife’s family, it is more likely “Patrick” wasn’t getting laid at Cornell, probably because he acted like a spoiled brat, even by the standards of a Fancy Lad school. I’m also guessing Number Two Son.

  2. MrAtoz says:

    When I last did this, DeDRM couldn’t break the DRM on books downloaded to my newer Kindle. So I dug out a really old Kindle. It apparenlty only supported older DRM, so when I downloaded the books to it, and then copied them to Calibre, DeDRM could work with them.

    I found this out when I got a new Kindle early this year and gave away my kind of old Kindle. DeDRM wouldn’t work. That’s when I started looking for an updated Calibre plugin. The original, by Apprentice Alf, is not being maintained and doesn’t work with new Kindles (I also found out the new .kfx format wasn’t being transferred from Kindle to Calibre). I found the Chocolately fork and their plugin works.

    I haven’t tried stand-alone DeDRM apps***, but they do exist. There is a lot more viral risk using one of those so scan, scan, scan.

    ***Any book I buy, I have no problem searching the tubes for a copy. They always have the DRM removed, so somebody knows what they are doing.

  3. Greg Norton says:

    When I last did this, DeDRM couldn’t break the DRM on books downloaded to my newer Kindle. So I dug out a really old Kindle. It apparenlty only supported older DRM, so when I downloaded the books to it, and then copied them to Calibre, DeDRM could work with them.

    I found this out when I got a new Kindle early this year and gave away my kind of old Kindle. DeDRM wouldn’t work. That’s when I started looking for an updated Calibre plugin. The original, by Apprentice Alf, is not being maintained and doesn’t work with new Kindles (I also found out the new .kfx format wasn’t being transferred from Kindle to Calibre). I found the Chocolately fork and their plugin works.

    Kindle DX has a kind of cult following so the company will be reluctant to end support for new books completely in that format suitable for the 2nd generation devices, even if the download and transfer process is clunky.

    That isn’t to say that ending support won’t happen, but I still see a DX occasionally in airports, in the hands of people who probably deal with a lot of PDFs for a living and needed the larger screen back in the day.

    You might luck out on EBay buying a DX or 2nd gen Kindle like the one I keep around as a portable book archive and occasional DRM tool.

  4. Nick Flandrey says:

    I’ve still got a DX in the stacks, but I have never used it.


    40F! cold and clear this fine day.    My plans might rearrange themselves, I got three missed calls from my auctioneer yesterday so maybe he wants me to bring some stuff by after all.

    Oh and D2 has a play tonight that we’ll be attending.  I better charge my earpro…


  5. Nick Flandrey says:

    And the site was down for an unknown period of time this morning.   It was definitely down around 645-700 and might have been down before that.  

    Seems normal at the moment, although it took a long time for this comment to post.


  6. Greg Norton says:

    This story is making the rounds of the Interwebz today. Are the long knives finally out for Grady Judd?

    The suspect lived in a stucco cr*p shack in Davenport, not far from the Western Way “Pedo Junction” section of the Disney property. I’m sure that there is more to the story than the Lakeland Ledger – owned by Gannett – is reporting.

    PCSO had a big win yesterday, busting a huge fentanyl operation yesterday, seizing enough of the drug to kill five million people, but I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.

    The story on the fentanyl bust, originating from Tampa’s Faux-owned WTVT.

  7. Greg Norton says:

    @Moderators – Remove the first version of that post which I edited while the text was in moderation.

    I guess two URLs are a problem?

  8. Greg Norton says:

    $8.6 Billion is a big number, but not as large as it could have been.

    Still, that is a large payment in a year when The Mouse has produced nothing but flops with “The Marvels” and “Wish” still pending to close out the year of futility.

    The “intrinsic” value — to borrow a Buffett-speak term from his shareholder letters — of the remaining third of Hulu is zero.

    And Super Mario is still heading to Orlando in 2025 along with his friends. Well played, Comcast.

  9. Nick Flandrey says:

    @greg, I reflexively deleted the second comment, thinking it was a simple duplicate.    Didn’t see a big difference between them.

    Up to 5 URLs should be ok, but site was down for a bit, and there might be admin stuff going on at the host.


  10. Nick Flandrey says:

    Rick is west coast so he’s probably not up yet.


  11. Nick Flandrey says:

    Disney will buy out remaining 33% stake in Hulu from Comcast in $8.6 billion deal that gives the House of Mouse full control of the streamer and freedom to merge it with Disney+ 


    Disney announced the move on Wednesday, and will be required to close the deal before the end of the month. The sale price could rise if an independent valuation finds Hulu is worth more.

    – wonder what that payment plan looks like.


  12. brad says:

    DRM needs to die. I do understand why the suits want it, but guess what: it doesn’t work, and the people who suffer most are the paying customers. But the suits don’t understand or care about the actual business or the customers – they only care about their brilliant business acumen.

    Remember music and cassettes? Then ripping CDs? The music industry did just fine. The stupid fees on blank media went anywhere except to the musicians – it was a racket for lawyers and a couple of faceless corps.

    So, books: If I own a book on Kindle and want to read it offline on my tablet – why not? I bought the book, I should be able to read it wherever and whenever I want, on whatever device I want.

    Bottom line: People who steal stuff weren’t going to buy it anyway. Inconveniencing your actual, paying customers is just dumb.

  13. Nick Flandrey says:

    I bought a bunch of books directly from Baen.   They don’t put DRM on them.   It was a two step process getting them on my kindle, but it wasn’t hard.   There is some issue with cover art not displaying for some titles, on some of my kindles, but it’s not bothersome enough to even remember the details.


  14. Nick Flandrey says:

    This list of banking scams is what B of A is concerned about… 

    and one of my Dr’s offices sends billing notices with a link for payment by TEXT msg…   WTF?  I’m not clicking on a link in a text message, especially one that asks for credit card info!


  15. Nick Flandrey says:

    wonder what that payment plan looks like.  

    – they have to pay in full, but I’d bet they try to borrow the money.   And no mention of what happens if they determine the value is lower than the value set by the 4 year old agreement.   


  16. Greg Norton says:

    Disney announced the move on Wednesday, and will be required to close the deal before the end of the month. The sale price could rise if an independent valuation finds Hulu is worth more.

    – wonder what that payment plan looks like.

    Comcast will make sure the payment plan inflicts the most damage short term in order to make sure that The Mouse has nothing in reserve to counter Super Mario at the parks in Florida beyond cheap stunts like new character meet-and-greets.

  17. Greg Norton says:

    wonder what that payment plan looks like.  

    – they have to pay in full, but I’d bet they try to borrow the money.   And no mention of what happens if they determine the value is lower than the value set by the 4 year old agreement.

    Of course Disney will have to borrow the money.

    Regardless of what Disney pays, the value of a third of Hulu is zero, and the paper will be pricey as a result.

    Figure $800 Million+ a year in payments if $8 billion holds at a time when nothing is working for the company beyond Coach Prime games on ESPN.

  18. Nick Flandrey says:

    8 Billion, or $1 for every living soul on the planet…

    Or by my rough math, they hope to get $120/year from every household in America making over $50k/year.  Even dividing that by a 5 year payback seems WILDLY optimistic, especially given the current economic outlook for the next 5 years.   

    Especially when, as you say, the real value is ZERO.   Nobody needs streaming, and nobody is obligated to pay it for one more day.   It could literally vanish overnight. 

    It’s a bit like the “value” of “goodwill” on the company’s books.   Lies, in other words.


  19. Greg Norton says:

    – they have to pay in full, but I’d bet they try to borrow the money.   And no mention of what happens if they determine the value is lower than the value set by the 4 year old agreement.   

    Four years ago, The Weatherman thought he was King and would be in the drivers seat of the deal and in Florida.

    The Republicans had seized control of Florida Government, but DeSantis 2018 opponent Andrew Gillum was annointed Shadow Governor in Waiting by the media, expecting a 2022 rematch victory by Gillum and the Demings Orlando machine taking Marco Rubio’s US Senate seat.

    As Mike Tyson once famously said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

    Or get caught with an almost dead male prostitute while high on meth in a Miami Beach hotel room the first night of Covid Lockdowns.

    To recap, from the Disney/ABC affiliate TV station owned by Warren Buffett:

  20. nick flandrey says:

    Or get caught with an almost dead male prostitute while high on meth in a Miami Beach hotel room the first night of Covid Lockdowns.

    –ah the good old days when everyone was more innocent…    hardly raises an eyebrow now.


  21. MrAtoz says:

    Speaking of Hulu:

    I’ve been binging “Justified”. I’m in the middle of S06 and looking forward to “Justified: City Primeval.” And “Bosch Legacy” is on if you are a fan.

  22. Ray Thompson says:

    Or get caught with an almost dead male prostitute while high on meth in a Miami Beach hotel room the first night of Covid Lockdowns.

    A role model for the current crop of college students.

  23. nick flandrey says:

    “a live boy, or a dead girl”

    Gollum split the difference…


  24. Greg Norton says:

    “a live boy, or a dead girl”

    Gollum split the difference…

    Various Louisiana Governors are credited with originating the quote. Edwin Edwards most famously used it running for reelection in the state in the 80s, but I think it is older, possibly “Huey Long” old

    That is an Old South political rule of thumb which I’ve heard forever.

  25. RickH says:

    Rick is west coast so he’s probably not up yet.

    Yep….you are correct. I stay up late (usually around midnight), so I usually get up at the ‘crack of nine’. (No, SteveF, not that crack.)

    All is well on the site as far as I can see. Have to leave to see the fang doctor in a few minutes. They will probably use the “F” word several times. (“Floss”)

  26. Bob Sprowl says:

    I don’t want books to disappear.  I may not be actively reading it, but when I try to go back to it and can’t find it, it is very annoying.  I usually have a half dozen books started at any given time.  Currently the count of started books is around eight.  They include fiction, technical, three SF, and two biographies. One I haven’t touched in over a year but I will get “around tuit” any day now … it is background material for the book I’m (inactively now) writing.

    I also want to group the books by genre and sub genres,  read and unread, and series.  Kindle does not not let me do that. 

    During the process of putting the books into Calibre I discovered that of the 580+ Kindle books, 130 have not been read. 

    The source files are available so maybe I can figure how to generate the missing file.  I’ll also try to figure out how to tell them about my installation problem.

  27. Lynn says:

    “Joe Rogan reveals he poisoned himself by eating 3 tins of sardines a night”

    “You can get arsenic from sardines too,” Rogan told Elon Musk during a recent episode of his podcast. “I found that out the hard way.”

    That is a lot of sardines.  And don’t go your mate with loving on your mind after eating a bunch of sardines (hat tip to Loretta Lynn).

  28. Lynn says:

    “Inside the Transgender Empire” by Christopher F. Rufo

    “The transgender movement is pressing its agenda everywhere. Most publicly, activist teachers are using classrooms to propagandize on its behalf and activist health professionals are promoting the mutilation of children under the euphemistic banner of “gender-affirming care.” The sudden and pervasive rise of this movement provokes two questions: where did it come from, and how has it proved so successful? The story goes deeper than most Americans know.”

    “In the late 1980s, a group of academics, including Judith Butler, Gayle Rubin, Sandy Stone, and Susan Stryker, established the disciplines of “queer theory” and “transgender studies.” These academics believed gender to be a “social construct” used to oppress racial and sexual minorities, and they denounced the traditional categories of man and woman as a false binary that was conceived to support the system of “heteronormativity”—i.e., the white, male, heterosexual power structure. This system, they argued, had to be ruthlessly deconstructed. And the best way to achieve this, they argued further, was to promote transgenderism. If men can become women, and women men, they believed, the natural structure of Creation could be toppled.”

    This crap goes back to the 1980s ?  And a bunch of deadbeat billionaires are funding it ?  No wonder that impressionable young people think that they can jump back and forth between the sexes.

  29. CowboyStu says:

    Several years ago I signed up for a free trial Kindle prime.  I was able to send choice books to both my Kindle and Samsung Android tablet for reading.  Both worked well.  Did not retain them, I think I had to return them.

  30. Greg Norton says:

    Especially when, as you say, the real value is ZERO.   Nobody needs streaming, and nobody is obligated to pay it for one more day.   It could literally vanish overnight

    The value of the streaming service is in the licenses for content. The service is provisioned via a software configuration in The Cloud” using rented storage, network capacity and CPU time.

    Anyone with a credit card and the right technical know how could set up a streaming service which could scale to the size of Netflix or Disney+. They would need Roku, iOS, and Android apps, but those skils are readily available cheap.

    By purchasing the last third of Hulu, Disney isn’t adding content to attract subscribers. If anything, it is a net negative because now The Mouse shoulders all of the expenses of provisioning the service instead of just two-thirds of the costs.

    All of the costs do add up. That’s why so many platforms are taking writeoffs on content which seemed extremely valuable four years ago. Would anyone have guessed “Westworld” becoming a writeoff back in 2019?

  31. Lynn says:

    I’ve been binging “Justified”. I’m in the middle of S06 and looking forward to “Justified: City Primeval.” And “Bosch Legacy” is on if you are a fan.

    Justified: City Primeval was meh.  Bosch Legacy is ok.  I watched two episodes of Bosch Legacy with my Dad over the weekend.

    I’ve been bingeing Yellowstone (Peacock) and Greys Anatomy (Netflix) from the beginning.

    There is no question about it. Netflix has the best bingeing experience hands down. It just works and the preview is awesome.

  32. Brad says:

    Somewhere I was reading about an old guy (50ish?) who claimed to identify as a middle-school girl. He was allowed to compete in a girls’ swim meet.

    The organizers needed only one answer: “your mental illness is not our problem.”

    That’s the answer to a lot of idiocy. It also stops creeps: odds are that the aforementioned guy just has a thing for underage girls.

  33. Lynn says:

    Anyone with a credit card and the right technical know how could set up a streaming service which could scale to the size of Netflix or Disney+. They would need Roku, iOS, and Android apps, but those skils are readily available cheap.

    I dare you to watch Starlost and make it through the first episode.  It has a Canadian Roku server that will feed you as much as you can take before barfing.  I did not last ten minutes.  Maybe five.

  34. Lynn says:

    DRM needs to die. I do understand why the suits want it, but guess what: it doesn’t work, and the people who suffer most are the paying customers. But the suits don’t understand or care about the actual business or the customers – they only care about their brilliant business acumen.

    Remember music and cassettes? Then ripping CDs? The music industry did just fine. The stupid fees on blank media went anywhere except to the musicians – it was a racket for lawyers and a couple of faceless corps.

    So, books: If I own a book on Kindle and want to read it offline on my tablet – why not? I bought the book, I should be able to read it wherever and whenever I want, on whatever device I want.

    Bottom line: People who steal stuff weren’t going to buy it anyway. Inconveniencing your actual, paying customers is just dumb.

    There is a sliding scale on DRM.  Anything less than $100 should just use a serial number.

    I could tell you stories of customer mismanagement of software licenses.  Rent a one user license and spread that across 40 users plus 300 customers.  Been there, done that.  Found out when we got called for customer support.

    Or, people reselling our software from Russia and China. They did here in the USA too from an application server in San Fransisco. The FBI caught them and I had to testify.

  35. Lynn says:

    “This is why Hamas has to die, no matter what”

    Hamad:  “Israel is a country that has no place on our land. We must remove that country, because it constitutes a security, military, and political catastrophe to the Arab and Islamic nation, and must be finished. We are not ashamed to say this, with full force.”

    “”We must teach Israel a lesson, and we will do this again and again. The Al-Aqsa Flood is just the first time, and there will be a second, a third, a fourth, because we have the determination, the resolve, and the capabilities to fight. Will we have to pay a price? Yes, and we are ready to pay it. We are called a nation of martyrs, and we are proud to sacrifice martyrs.””

    ““News anchor: “Does that mean the annihilation of Israel?””

    “Hamad: “Yes, of course … The existence of Israel is illogical. The existence of Israel is what causes all that pain, blood, and tears. It is Israel, not us. We are the victims of the occupation. Period. Therefore, nobody should blame us for the things we do. On October 7, October 10, October 1,000,000 – everything we do is justified.””

    “When someone says he’s out to destroy you, you’d better believe him, and act on that belief, lest you find out the hard way he meant it . . . because after that discovery, you’ll no longer be able to act.”

    I’ve been thinking this for quite a while.

  36. Lynn says:

    “Connecticut Judge Throws Out Election Results and Orders New Primary After “Shocking” Evidence of Democrat Ballot Fraud ”

    “In Bridgeport, Connecticut, State Judge William Clark has thrown out the results of the September Democrat primary election and ordered a new primary to be scheduled and conducted [Court Order Here].  The issue was ballot harvesting and ballot fraud – both violations of state law.”

    The 2024 election will be absentee balloted to the maximum, especially in the battleground states.

  37. Lynn says:

    I don’t want books to disappear.  I may not be actively reading it, but when I try to go back to it and can’t find it, it is very annoying.  I usually have a half dozen books started at any given time.  Currently the count of started books is around eight.  They include fiction, technical, three SF, and two biographies. One I haven’t touched in over a year but I will get “around tuit” any day now … it is background material for the book I’m (inactively now) writing.

    Books will not disappear.  But, books are becoming self published, the ratio is already 10 to 1, maybe higher, I have no data.  

    MMPB’s are getting ready to disappear.   The new choice is “faux” trade paperbacks and hardbacks.  I have no idea what the ratio of epubs to dead trees is but it is not good for us dead tree lovers.

  38. Lynn says:

    I went by Kroger last night looking for my Silknog after spending $100 at HEB.  I never get out of HEB for less than $100 nowadays and hit $200 way too often.  No Silknog at Kroger but I did buy some more Ivory bath soap.  $7.50 for ten 4 oz bars.  It was $3.99 just five years ago.

  39. drwilliams says:

    BREAKING: US to Demand Pause as IDF Declares Gaza City Surrounded

    I can only imagine the reaction of the U.S. government if one of our allies had “demanded” a pause after Pearl Harbor.

  40. nick flandrey says:

    The world seems to want hamas to escape, and israel to run out of steam.

    I think Netanyahu is smart enough to recognize this and keep moving.   Don’t know if the other self hating jews will let him.


  41. Brad says:

    Agreed. Israel needs to move as fast as possible. If they stop, the international community will have the leverage to keep them from starting again – anyway, until the next atrocity.

    Now that Hamas has openly stated their goal, Gaza must be emptied. There is no other option. Let the international community pressure the Arab nations to resettle the inhabitants.

  42. Alan says:

    >>So, books: If I own a book on Kindle and want to read it offline on my tablet – why not? I bought the book, I should be able to read it wherever and whenever I want, on whatever device I want.

    “… own…” HaHa! 

    (mimicking Sgt. Schultz) ‘You own nothing!’

    You, of course, read all the T&C before you hit the Buy It Now button, right? 

  43. Greg Norton says:

    MMPB’s are getting ready to disappear.   The new choice is “faux” trade paperbacks and hardbacks.  I have no idea what the ratio of epubs to dead trees is but it is not good for us dead tree lovers.

    Mass market paperbacks are always going to be around serving some market. There are even a few minutes devoted to that book format in the original “Cosmos”. Yeah, Carl was seriously baked when he taped the segment, but the observation was accurate.

    (Was Sagan ever not high? I’m not sure. Cheech and Chong have nothing on that guy.)

    A lot of retail will have to be relearned as energy costs rise, including B. Dalton the way it was under Dayton Hudson/Target, when paperbacks were most of the store.

  44. Greg Norton says:

    I dare you to watch Starlost and make it through the first episode.  It has a Canadian Roku server that will feed you as much as you can take before barfing.  I did not last ten minutes.  Maybe five.

    That’s quite a guest star list for a terrible show. Its like “Kolchak”, except that actually was a good show which had unfortunate timing.

    Keir Dullea didn’t age for about 20 years, between shooting “2001” in the 60s and “2010” in the 80s. It is kinda spooky watching both films back to back.

    One of my long simmering goals is to become more familiar with building private Roku channels to serve my own needs and see if it would be a viable 1099 gig. I don’t see doing the corporate IT work too much longer than the point where we get child #2 out of college in 5-6 years.

  45. Lynn says:

    Kolchak was awesome.  It was what the X-Files always aspired to be.

  46. Greg Norotn says:

    That’s quite a guest star list for a terrible show. Its like “Kolchak”, except that actually was a good show which had unfortunate timing.

    Over the last few weeks, “Svengoolie” had both original “Kolchak” movies as well as “Trilogy of Terror” from the same production company. Early 70s ABC TV horror movie classics.

    The Munsters’ movie is on in November at some point. That film shoot was the last time the house on the Universal backlot was in the 1313 Mockingbird Lane facade.

  47. Greg Norton says:

    Kolchak was awesome.  It was what the X-Files always aspired to be.

    Darren McGavin appeared twice on “The X-Files” as a retired FBI agent who created the office. The producers asked him to reprise the Kolchak character, but he declined, agreeing to appear as a different character … in a seersucker bathrobe, however.

    “Murphy Brown” with Darren McGavin appearing as Murphy’s father and “A Christmas Story” are completely different once you’ve seen the Kolchak movies or TV series.

    “Kolchak” was cancelled as part of Fred Silverman’s housecleaning when he moved from CBS to ABC in 1976. It had nothing to do with ratings; Silverman simply didn’t “get” the series.

  48. Greg Norton says:

    There is no question about it. Netflix has the best bingeing experience hands down. It just works and the preview is awesome.

    Binging has its upsides and downsides. I think the third season of “Picard” was better piecemealed out, but I felt bad for Gates McFadden appearing at Megacon in Orlando still a few weeks into the run of shows before it really caught fire in the Nielsens for the last couple of episodes.

    I will take the entire season on our Wisconsin trip this month thanks to the relatively unprotected BluRay. I may have a few days to kill stuck in the hotel at the conference if the weather is bad.

  49. paul says:

    I’m over here wandering why y’all are misspelling Kojack.  I looked and yeah, we didn’t have a working TV at the time.  It may have never been on in the RGV.  I forget exactly how it worked…. NBC I think had a channel.  CBS and ABC shared.   Or something like that.  Two channels plus one from Mexico and then PBS showed up.

  50. Lynn says:

    I’m over here wandering why y’all are misspelling Kojack.

  51. SteveF says:

    I can only imagine the reaction of the U.S. government if one of our allies had “demanded” a pause after Pearl Harbor.

    Ref the statements of some of the US’s “allies” after 9/11.

  52. SteveF says:

    I made my long drives yesterday. Drove 800 miles or so (round trip) to go to my son’s promotion ceremony. He made Staff Sergeant, E-6, after 4 ½ years in the Army. Pretty impressive, I’m thinking, especially for a non-combat MOS. (He and the rest of the unit will never be deployed to theater. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that he needs to get permission to travel abroad, even to Canada. It’s one of those jobs.) He downplayed it by saying that he got the promotion because no one else wanted the job but I’m not sure that’s quite true.

  53. Greg Norton says:

    I’m over here wandering why y’all are misspelling Kojack.

    “Svengoolie” made a joke the other night about mistaking Kojack for Kolchak.

    Both are landmark TV series, but Kolchak only lasted a season.

    The series had a huge influence on TV via the talent involved which still resonates nearly 50 years later, everything from “The X Files” to “Murphy Brown”, “The Sopranos” and even “The Big Bang Theory”.

    Carol Ann Susi. Search for her. Wild connection eh?

    And no “Kolchak: The Night Stalker”, no “Back to the Future”.

    Zemeckis and Bob Gale wrote the “Chopper” episode around the same time as they were shopping the script for “Back to the Future” to various studios.

  54. Greg Norton says:

    I made my long drives yesterday. Drove 800 miles or so (round trip) to go to my son’s promotion ceremony. He made Staff Sergeant, E-6, after 4 ½ years in the Army. Pretty impressive, I’m thinking, especially for a non-combat MOS. (He and the rest of the unit will never be deployed to theater. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that he needs to get permission to travel abroad, even to Canada. It’s one of those jobs.) He downplayed it by saying that he got the promotion because no one else wanted the job but I’m not sure that’s quite true.

    The wife half of my Colonel Bat Guano neighbors in Florida was an NCO whose name pops up in connection with working on Able Danger pre-9/11 in Congressional testimony gathered as part of the post mortem about who knew what and when 22 years ago.

    Post-9/11 she ran the snake torture room at Gitmo according to another neighbor who overheard a story swapping session between her father, an Air America pilot, and Mrs. Colonel Bat Guano.

    Of course the US Military does not run torture rooms. By that time, Mrs. Colonel Bat Guano was on the payroll of a consulting firm whose name you would recognize in a heartbeat since they’re seriously plugged into tech contracts both inside and outside the government.

    Mrs. Colonel Bat Guano probably couldn’t leave the country either. She had a unique appearance which was probably in a composite sketch on “Wanted. Dead. Preferably hacked into small bits.” posters all over the Middle East.

  55. MrAtoz says:

    He made Staff Sergeant, E-6, after 4 ½ years in the Army.

    Very impressive. Congratulations to you both.

  56. drwilliams says:

    Thinking about how the U.S. political scene got to the present condition, there are a lot of discussions about “the other hand”. Collecting the common scolds:

    You wrote checks to liberal universities, colleges, and liberal causes for years. No liberal/progressive/communist candidate has been too far left for you–you are reliable Democrat voters. Your “allies” on the left have made no secret of despising and hating you, and hating Israel as well.. The hate crimes against Jews in the U.S. are many and well-documented, and unlike hate crimes against certain other minorities, I cannot recall one against Jews that turned out to be a hoax.

    Despite all this, and despite calls from conservative voices that urged you to wake up, you kept right on contributing. And you have stood by with few exceptions and had little to say as politics in the U.S. became more and more corrupt, as the legal system and the MSM were weaponized against Republicans. There was more than adequate evidence the Joseph Biden was a corrupt liar without the mental capacity or the energy to be the leader of the free world. Yet as a group you voted overwhelmingly for Biden.

    Now Israel is facing an existential threat and a few demonstrations on U.S. campuses have made you realize that…what, exactly?  And specifically, what is it that you want me to do? Or any of the Republicans and conservatives that you have so enthusiastically helped to marginalize for decades? You stood there and watched as your liberal friends howled every time Trump’s name was mentioned, and pulled every dirty, stinking, illegitimate trick to bring him down, destroy his presidency, and keep him from being re-elected.

    Your ideological brethren in Israel aren’t any better. They’ve used pretty much the same playbook on Netanyahu, and it’s only to the extent that they weren’t successful that Israel still exists, for now.

    The IDF has mobilized 360,000. How many Jews in the U.S. are in the age range of those called up? How many have flown to Israel and volunteered? After decades of supporting gun control how many U.S. Jews  can shoot a gun? [A lot more this month that last, by accounts].

    The time to make a difference was when the butterfly was flapping, not now that the hurricane has started. 

    What if I tell you that Israel is already lost, and better to let it go so the various factions in the Middle East can get back to killing each other?

    What if I tell you that letting the U.S. campuses burn themselves down in an orgy of Jew hate is also inevitable–thanks in large part to your contributions in money and looking the other way for decades–and has the same attraction of letting them expose themselves for what they are, so they can’t justify existing any more.

    What if I tell you that the destruction of the entire woke coalition and the rending and tearing of the parts in the aftermath is worth losing a small group that only decided to step up when they thought themselves in peril?

    What if I tell you that having the hypocritical faces in the media go silent on their lecturing about words or hats or t-shirts being “violent” as they labor to ignore real violence and their moral authority swirls down the drain at their feet is priceless?

    What if I tell you that the best response I can imagine to the burning to come of the blue cities is to ring them firmly and let the fire cleanse the infection lest it spread?

    What if I tell you we’ll never forget?

  57. Greg Norton says:

    Thinking about how the U.S. political scene got to the present condition, there are a lot of discussions about “the other hand”. Collecting the common scolds:

    Yeah, all of that. Trump, tho.

  58. Greg Norton says:


    “Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.”


    “… a term of no less than four years in a Federal pound me in the a** prison.”

    Which quote from which comedy classic is more appropriate. Okay, maybe “Office Space” works better since tech is involved. At GTE in the 90s, we considered the flick to be more of a documentary than comedy.

    Tyler Durden cowardice protecting a mainstream member of the press, probably an employee of Pinch’s brood.

  59. MrAtoz says:

    Sammy better hope they don’t hold him in the “Epstein Special” cell. What am I thinking, that guy won’t last in prison, unless he gets Club Fed. The fix might be in.

  60. Greg Norton says:

    Sammy better hope they don’t hold him in the “Epstein Special” cell. What am I thinking, that guy won’t last in prison, unless he gets Club Fed. The fix might be in.

    That guy is definitely getting an “Epstein Special”. Even Robert Francis took money from “SBF”.

  61. Lynn says:

    Sammy better hope they don’t hold him in the “Epstein Special” cell. What am I thinking, that guy won’t last in prison, unless he gets Club Fed. The fix might be in.

    I figure that he will last a week.  A month at most.  He owes too many people money.

    Of course, I thought that about Bernie Madoff who only spent 12 years in Club Fed.

  62. Lynn says:

    I now have Windows 11 23H2.  I have separated my icons on the taskbar.  Life is much better now.

  63. Greg Norton says:

    Of course, I thought that about Bernie Madoff who only spent 12 years in Club Fed.

    Bernie grew up in Far Rockaway in the era when little Jewish boys got beat up on a regular basis.

    A few years ago, I saw a “Tonight Show” rerun with George Carlin and Marvin Hamlisch from the glory days of Carson, ~1976 since Jackie Cooper came out as the last guest to talk about being cast as Perry White in “Superman”.

    (Best Perry White ever. Amazingly, Cooper was concerned about not being right for the part.)

    At one point, Hamlisch talked about growing up in New York City in the 50s and how he got beat up on a regular basis for being Jewish, nerdy, and musically inclined. Carlin then interrupted to say, “I was probably the guy beating you up.”

    Yeah, that wouldn’t have made it on the air today.

    “SBF” grew up in Palo Alto and on the Stanford Campus. The scariest thing he probably faced was the charcoal fire spewing “pollution” at the Kirk’s Steakburgers before the city banished them from downtown, out to the strip mall on El Camino Real.

  64. nick flandrey says:

    So how did he F it up?  He was running the massive money laundry for the Dems, at 20-something the biggest or second biggest donor to the party, and his parents are politically connected… 

    Too much skim?


  65. nick flandrey says:

    Jordanian man, 20, arrested in Houston for ‘illegally owning a gun’ is ‘radical who posted of his hatred of Jews and was possibly planning attack’

    • Sohaib Abuayyash was arrested on October 19 and charged with unlawful possession of a firearm
    • FBI investigators have said that Abuayyash had also been studying how to build bombs and he had posted online about killing Jewish people 

    –May alla grant that all his followers are as dumb…

    And that if the shoe is on the other foot, lessons are learned.


  66. JimB says:

    I have never had ebooks, for a reason. Along with books, I used to read quite a few technical and popular magazines. I had hopes the mags would become available in some kind of open format that was indexed and searchable. I did some exploring when I was using Linux exclusively, and didn’t find anything I could trust to be available over the years. Very little could even be read on Linux, so I gave up. I should look again, now that I am back on Windows, but the outlook isn’t good.

  67. Paul Hampson says:

    read and unread
    My Kindle has always marked the books Read and Unread, and included a little x when it hasn’t yet been downloaded.  Recently I’ve found the unread books listed first in some circumstances, but I haven’t figured out how I got there so it is not always the case.  

    read it wherever and whenever I want, on whatever device I want
    From the first Fire when our kids gave us one I have also used the computer reader, downloaded everything there as well (I think you’re allowed three devices per book), found where Kindle put it and copied to another drive and backed that up.  I figure that even if they take everything back I can run the computer offline and still get at the books.

  68. Lynn says:

    “Hunter Biden, Secret Agent?”

    “For years, Hunter Biden has been protected by the FBI and probably the CIA and all the other three-letter agencies devoted to national security and spying. His illegal behavior – bribe-taking and money laundering operations – has been made possible by connections to his crooked dad, “The Big Guy,” Joe Biden. But I predict Hunter will slither out of his legal problems with the help of the swamp. But not for the reason you think. This prediction prompts a couple of big questions: Wut? Why? How? And that’s where my theory gets interesting.”

    “JOHNNY RIVERS – Secret Agent Man 1966”

  69. nick flandrey says:

    College football game is interrupted by a POSSUM as it storms the field during TCU-Texas Tech battle: ‘He paid for his ticket like everyone else’


    The marsupial ran onto the field before halftime, leaving spectators impressed by its speed and resolve to cross freely. Fox Sports’ broadcast picked up the moment with the score locked at 7-7. ‘Rodents of unusual size are showing up in Lubbock. That just happened. We had an opossum at the 15-yard line,’ said one of two FS1 commentators in the booth, despite wrongly labeling the possum’s infraclass. ‘He was not happy about being escorted out of the stadium.”

    – ha!  “Rodents of unusual size”.   And the caption author completely missed the reference.


  70. Greg Norton says:

    So how did he F it up?  He was running the massive money laundry for the Dems, at 20-something the biggest or second biggest donor to the party, and his parents are politically connected… 

    Too much skim?

    Old fashioned theft of FTX customer funds through illegal “loans” to Alameda, the exchange run by the Mouseketeer-looking girlfriend, Caroline Ellison. 

    Use the Duck or the Googelz to see her picture. Pedo much?

    Whether or not it is Pedos all the way down in the C-suites, it is definitely kinks of some kind once they get to the level where more money really doesn’t make a difference.

  71. Greg Norton says:

    I guess this rules out a RISC-V Raspberry Pi.

    I have fourRaspberry Pi boards and a Pi 400 around the house. Right now, one of the first gen boards is running as an IPP print server for the HP LaserJet 4000N.

    BTW, the 4000N has a shot drum, and replacement drums aren’t available either.

    The printer is headed to the Goodwill computer store at some point in the next few weeks.

    The Brother laser printer just works and has IPP built in with an Ethernet port connection. Images are a bit dark, but we have an inkjet for pictures.

    If I really wanted to do something about the images, I could run CUPS to manage grayscale on a … Raspberry Pi!

  72. Lynn says:

    MMPB’s are getting ready to disappear.   The new choice is “faux” trade paperbacks and hardbacks.  I have no idea what the ratio of epubs to dead trees is but it is not good for us dead tree lovers.

    Mass market paperbacks are always going to be around serving some market. There are even a few minutes devoted to that book format in the original “Cosmos”. Yeah, Carl was seriously baked when he taped the segment, but the observation was accurate.

    Ah, the MMPB got bigger in 2020.  The size is increasing roughly from 4 inches by 7 inches to 5 inches by 8 inches.  What I call a “faux” trade paperback.  “Why Have Paperback Books Become Larger?”

    For all of us, you know who you are, old people with poor vision. I must admit I like the new size.

  73. JimB says:

    “JOHNNY RIVERS – Secret Agent Man 1966”

    One of my favorites!

    This is a collection of half of the greatest dance clips of the era, with different music. Totally bizarre:

  74. Nick Flandrey says:

    @JimB, that was fantastic.


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