Month: October 2023

Wed. Oct. 11, 2023 – auctions and pickups and imaging oh my

Cool and cloudy, chance of rain. It rained off and on all day yesterday, albeit only in some spots and very lightly. I had the truck windshield get wet several times as I went through my day.

Did my kid duties in the morning, went to earn my daily bread in the afternoon.

Solved most of my client’s current problems over the course of the afternoon and evening. Got home around 8pm.

Which means there are a couple of things I should have done yesterday that will now push to today and tomorrow. I’m supposed to fast this morning, get my imaging done at 330pm and so I have to fit the rest of my day around that. I’ll be doing two pickups in the morning. I’d rather be sleeping late, and moping around the house waiting for my appointment. But I don’t get to make all the choices.

Speaking of choices…

Everyone has a choice to make. Take some responsibility for your life, or don’t. If you DO, you need to make plans for the future, to the best of your ability. Some of those plans should be for bad things happening.

The people of Israel had a bad thing happen this week. Their lives will always have a dividing line- before the day and after the day.

JFK’s assassination. The 9-11 terror attacks. The moon landing. Those are some of the shared “lines” in the USofA. There WILL be more “lines” – some will be universal, some will be very personal. Some will be good, some bad. The bad ones tend to have a bigger impact on the world and groups of people than the good ones do.

I expect there will be a bunch more bad days and bad dividing lines. So I prep. I accept that there will be bad things that happen and I do what I can to minimize the effect they will have on me and the people I love. I know there will be things that happen that I didn’t think about, that I didn’t consider could or would happen to me. I prep generally for those things and hope it will be enough.

I have taken responsibility for my life, and my future, and I’ve acted in a way that I think will lead to the best possible outcomes. I continue to evaluate, to plan, to consider, and yes, to STACK the things I know I’ll need and the things I think I’ll need, and even the things I might need.

I could be struck down tomorrow and it will have been for nought, say some. But I say, no. It’s ALREADY made my life better. It’s ALREADY led to better outcomes. It’s ALREADY paid off, and even if I’m not here, it will continue to pay off for my family, my friends, and the people who have taken responsibility for themselves and their loved ones because of my influence, however small it might be.

I’m feeling a bit poetic and dramatic because I’m facing my own very personal dividing line. Today’s testing is a part of that. A follow up appointment next Thursday will likely be the day, if there is to be one. Until then I will be watching and preparing for other, bigger events, as I have been for years.

The world is changing, as it constantly is, but the rate of change, and the magnitude of the change isn’t constant. They both seem to be getting bigger at this point in time. Bigger changes, happening faster. Be as ready as you can.



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Tues. Oct. 10, 2023 – already a third of the way to Halloween…

Cooler than before the weekend, but it’s still Houston. Humid too. It was beautiful at the BOL. Mid 80s in the afternoon but with a cool breeze. Sunny and clear. I can hope that today will be similar, but that would be asking a lot. We’ll see how it goes.

Wrapped up my work at the BOL yesterday. Did a bunch more small stuff. Took one of the sliding patio doors off the track, cleaned and adjusted the rollers, replaced what I could. It works nicely again. It’s very worn, but they will all be replaced at some point.

Cut the grass, weed wacked, blew all the hard surfaces clear. Put everything away. Decided to take one more look a the irrigation pump to see if I could figure out why it lost prime. The check valve in the lake was working well. So I set up to backfill the line with water. This time, the answer was clear. The pipe had come loose from the discharge side of the pump. Oy. Given the lateness of the hour and a desire to not trudge up the hill to get my box of fittings, and a crazy idea that I should install a union fitting so the next time it needs to be removed it won’t require a saw and a repair fitting… I left it for the next visit and just shut off the controller. I’ll add a suitable union fitting to the shopping list. Maybe two fittings.

Today D2 has an orthodontist appointment in the morning, I’m supposed to get a load together for my auctioneer, and I’ve got to do a housecall for my client’s network issue. Wednesday I’m fasting in the morning for my PET scan in the afternoon, so I won’t want to do much, which means I better get my stuff done today.

Add an incipient cold to everything and I’m not feeling energetic and motivated. I almost always get sick if my nose is cold for any length of time, and it was while watching the movie. I started the Airborne last night. Runny nose and tiredness along with sneezing. joy.

Sleep will help. I’ll have to try to get some.

Some things you can’t stack. For everything else though, you should get busy…


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Mon. Oct. 9, 2023 – Columbus Day in the USofA, not stinky natives day

Another cool and clear day is on tap. Sunday was beautiful. Cool, clear, sunny. Warm in the sun. Cool in the shade. Just nice. Chilly at night though. 56F during movie night.

Made a “Picanha roast” for dinner. It’s just the cap off the sirloin given a new name. It’s a tasty cut, but best served thin sliced. The sirloin has a lot of nice flavor, but the swirling grain can make it chewy too.

The burn pile for the lower part of the property got burnt up. Did it in the big fire ring so we had a nice bed of coals for a campfire with s’mores, then we watched Serenity for movie night on the dock. It was pretty dang chilly at 56F over the water. I fired up one of the patio heaters and was still cold.

I didn’t get my main project done, or even started, but I did get a bunch of small projects done that had been on the list for a while. Mostly electrical, but there were a few sort of “hey it’d be nice to get this done” things too. Played a couple of rounds of pool while piddlefarting around in the garage. Easy enough to sort, clean, and move stuff while waiting for my turn.

Used my pole saw on a few trees. Two smaller trees on the HOA lot, and a couple of saplings, all killed by something and starting to drop limbs were turned into firewood and brushpile. A couple of my tree limbs got trimmed too.

Changed out two light fixtures.

Even had a chance to fish for about half an hour.

Steady, if slow, and low priority tasks, but work got done.

Today the appliance repair guy is supposed to fix the dishwasher. I sure hope so. I’ll be doing some more things on the list, depending on when in the day he gets here. I will definitely be mowing before I leave for Houston.

There are a few more things I found that I need to move up here, and a hole or two that should be filled. I think I’ll move about half of my serious medical preps up here too. All the long term wound care, and more heavy duty, I don’t necessarily know how to use it but someone else might’ stuff should probably live up here. At some point soon I need appropriate storage for some other needful things, and all the accessories and accoutrements that go with them. I’m overdue on that last, but there is a tough balancing act involved.

In fact, equipping another place has a lot of decisions that boil down to “where should this primary stack live?” “What about this thing that is most useful in this or that scenario?” I’m assuming I won’t be able to use a U-Haul to bring it all with me if we do in fact BO to this L. At that point, it’ll either be here, or it will likely be lost.

Don’t want to strip my primary residence though, lots of scenarios have us staying there, or trapped there. Plus, if I’m there most of the time, I’m more comfortable having some things near at hand. Short of equipping everywhere identically, decisions must be made in a world of limited resources.

It’s an interesting and challenging situation to work through, and the consequences of getting it wrong could be dire. I’m leaning toward, “every place is mostly equal, with some specific to the location scenarios supported as needed.”

However your situation shapes your choices, stack them up…


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Sun. Oct. 8, 2023 – short post today

Cool. Really cool. Below 60F overnight. 52F when I went to bed. That is pretty chilly. Today should be cool and clear too.

Spent most of the day getting the pool table set up. It plays just fine and looks pretty good. Wife loves it and that was the goal. There are a lot of memories from her childhood linked to playing pool, so this was more important than I knew.

Today I’ll be working yesterday’s list. If no one opens the canned sunshine. Bloody hell.

Top up your preps. Stack your stacks.


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Sat. Oct. 7, 2023 – time flies when you’re having fun

Cool, chilly even this morning at the BOL. Was kinda cool when I got here and it got chilly at night. Forecast calls for a low of 59F today, so probably chilly this am… that’s what I’m going with, as it was 69F when I went to bed.

Did my pickup, with 15 minutes to spare, and headed to the BOL yesterday. It was a beautiful day. Sunny, cooler, blue sky with fluffy clouds… some of which were kinda dark, but mostly fluffy. Stopped at a couple of stores on the way up. Still have gaps on the shelves at Tractor Supply, although they are different gaps from the store closest to the BOL. Cashier said there are gaps all over. That is the new normal I guess.

The weird thing was the number of gas stations with out of order pumps. One station was completely shut down, no working pumps. One had several with bags over the nozzles. Another had two or three. I’ve seen more out of order pumps at my local gas stations too, more in the last month than the previous year. Anyone else notice this?

Don’t know if it’s regional, or just me noticing something that is otherwise common, but it’s a bit worrisome without an explanation.

Today will be some carpentry, some cleanup and organizing, and probably some work on a pool table…

But first, sleeping in and eventually coffee and bacon. My coffee stacks are deep, but the bacon can use some work.

Find where you are weak, and strengthen that. Stack.

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Fri. Oct. 6, 2023 – busy day, even if it’s raining…

Starting cool and a bit overcast. Not supposed to be raining in Houston today, but by now we all know how that can turn out. It was cool yesterday, and mostly overcast, with occasionally rain, mostly depending on where you were. Typical Houston.

The rain did keep me from working in my storage units, so I only took a bin or two worth of stuff to auction this week. He’s definitely on board with me bringing another load next week so that continues to be good. I’ve got stuff, and it needs to move. And even though prices are low compared to previous auctions, my stuff is still selling. For now.

With money getting tight, I am a bit late unloading my stuff. I should have been doing it for the last year, as I’ve said many times. Well, the hard times are here. They will get far worse I’m sure, but it’s already started. The typical ways out of the dilemma are ‘fight a big war’ and ‘issue new currency’. That’s after the price and wage controls are implemented but fail to solve the issue. Neither one of those sounds appealing to me.

Revolution, or at least ‘uprising’ often happens in there somewhere too.

No matter which path is chosen, a whole lot of people usually end up dying.

I really don’t see a path that avoids one of those other than a paradigm breaking event (like aliens revealing themselves, and really only by doing it in a way no one can armwave, like by dropping big rocks on population centers) or a messianic leader with huge support and iron will, ALONG WITH a big world altering event.

So I stack, and upskill, and network. Because people will make it through and I intend to be one of them. Along with my family and friends.

Join me on the journey, and we’ll get to the other side together. [but only if you stack too.]


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Thur. Oct. 5, 2023 – some running around today, if the weather holds

Cool and damp, really damp. Joint ache weather as the pressure moves up and down with the fronts moving in and out. We had rain throughout the day, depending mostly on where you were. Some bizarre moments of rain on my head, but clear everywhere around me… then by evening it cleared and got pretty nice. Today will be a cr@pshoot for weather. We’ll just have to see.

I spent a good part of the day driving around. It turned out that I had a new pickup in the same neighborhood that I skipped picking up in Tuesday, so it all worked out. I had three pickups in a 1 mile radius. Then I drove for an hour to pickup the small generator.

A quick look at it and I think the pull rope being broken might be the only issue. Hopefully it’s as simple as that. I want to do the work here, where I have more resources and better internet, then take it to the BOL. It’s far too small to run the house, but I don’t have any generator at all up there now. I do have some solar panels and batteries, so if I got caught up there, I’d have something, but adding the gennie will greatly expand my resilience.

Today I’ll be pulling stuff for my local auctioneer, if the weather stays nice. I’ll also be sorting some stuff for the weekend at the BOL. I’ve got the gennie (maybe) a scaffold, and the usual stuff to take up. Should be a full truckbed.

One bummer, the swimming pool sand filter, pump, and assorted plumbing I picked up is well used. Might still all be working, but not new. I only paid $5, so I’m still feeling ok, and the whole thing is for a future experiment, involving rough filtering of lake water, so there isn’t any urgency either. Still, I thought it was new when I bid. The auctioneer was chagrined that it even got listed, as he’d told his staff to just junk it. I told him that for $5 I’d take a chance.

Water from the lake is one of my long term preps. I’ve got several means of purifying and preparing it for drinking, but filtering first, and in large volumes, would make sense for anything long term or catastrophic. As I said, a long term, low likelihood, but high reward prep. Sometimes I just throw something like that on the stacks.

You should be a bit more focused on your stacking, at least until you have met basic and intermediate needs. On the other hand, if something comes along, it’s cheap, and might save you later, sometimes you just have to grab it.

Stack the good stuff, and the weird stuff, and the good times.


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Wed. Oct. 4, 2023 – emergency broadcast test today, Don’t Panic!

Cooler this morning, but maybe not actually raining. Yesterday started out misty and got to drizzle, with scattered downpour around town. I was driving on the ring road in heavy downpour, but to my left, and 1000 feet away it was sunny and blue sky, for miles. Houston. Even if you think you know the weather, it’s only YOUR weather. Today could be much the same.

I spent too much time messing around yesterday, and not enough time driving. It was messing around that needed to be done, certainly, but still it took up more of the day than it should have. I ended up doing my farthest pickup, after bypassing two other stops thinking I’d get them on my way back. Nope, the rain had traffic messed up and I ran out of time. I was able to get to my doctor appointment on time, but skipped the pickups.

So today I am driving in opposite directions to get my stuff done, and starting earlier in the day than I normally would. That’s the plan anyway. Something is sure to interfere or cause me to be “flexible.”

On a related note, as I’ve been driving around I’ve had a few things catch my eye. I’m seeing more burned out buildings that ever before. I think I’ve commented on this recently, but it struck me again. And I’m seeing more closed businesses, and ones you don’t often see, like national brand fast food. Normally when they close, they remove all the identifying marks from the building. Not Church’s Chicken, not in Houston anyway. I have seen a half dozen closed stores now, and in all different parts of town. I’ve seen Jack in the Box stores closed too. Closed gas stations. Sit down, “fast casual” restaurants. Retail storefronts. BIG retail stores sitting vacant. And Houston’s economy is booming. They are redeveloping one of the failed malls on the north side of town (Greenspoint area- or “guns-point” as it’s known…) into new multi-story multi-family residential. I have a feeling it will be an insta-slum within 3 years. Only out of towners would move to that area, no matter how nice the building, or the amenities, and I can’t see them staying once they find out what the area is like.

The only language I heard spoken at the grocery store yesterday was spanish, other than the checkers, who spoke to me in english, and one black lady speaking english. I might have been the only white person in the store. That is a BIG change from when we moved to this neighborhood in 2008. The increase in blacks as a percentage is massive too. A huge demographic shift has taken place and continues to take place here. People are on the move. Globally and locally.

Jack needs to be nimble and Jack needs to be quick. Keep your eyes and options open, and stack something.


added- the emergency broadcast test will be ringing everyone’s phones today, take the helpful and friendly advice on the cover of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. And pay no attention to any black helos that might be zipping around.

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Tues. Oct. 3, 2023 – slouching toward the future…

Slight coolness to the breeze in the morning, not quite as high temps in the afternoon, it must be Fall, finally. 90F+ is still plenty hot, and I don’t want to be in the attic yet, but I can tell the day is coming. I will end up doing all those things I’ve put off.

I spent the day Monday doing paperwork. Tax stuff. Billing. Bill paying. Nothing at all interesting, other than the observation that round trips to the BOL pretty much doubled the miles I drive in a year. My wife is doing about the same number of trips in her Honda too. So we’ve increased our mileage expense dramatically, especially when gas was at the peak.

The other observation is that I haven’t been keeping up my rate with my remaining client. I bumped it up for this invoice, and I’ll be bumping it again on the next one. I need to get at least a thirty percent increase just to stay even, and I’m not close yet. Raising rates is hard, even with good, long term clients. It might be harder actually, as you can more easily raise rates on strangers than someone you’ve been working with for a decade. He’ll understand, and he’s not pinching pennies, but he didn’t get to where he is by writing a bunch of checks. I think my position is pretty secure as I know more about what’s going on there than anyone, but I also don’t want him to put off calling when there is an issue. It’s tough, and it’s going to be tougher.

Today I’ve got to do the stuff I blew off yesterday, and I’ve got to finish before 4pm. I’ve got a doctor appointment for more prodding this afternoon. There was a week without anything, but now I’m busy again. Still, better to get any issues identified and treated before things get really bad.

And make no mistake they are getting bad. Lawlessness in our major cities, feral youth running wild, imported criminal cartels busy getting set up and established, and a flood of illegal dependents pushing aside citizens will continue to worsen our standard of living and cause anger and resentment in a way that hasn’t been seen in decades. You need to start asking yourself, what are you willing to put up with? What are you willing to do? Would you join a lynch mob? Chase down and beat a thief? Burn down a nuisance property? Report your neighbors who you think might be doing those things? Will you join a neighborhood watch? or an armed militia? Will you become a police auxiliary, or volunteer with the Sheriff? Time to start thinking about lines in the sand.

And stacking. Always improving.

And for your sake, get out of big cities…


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Mon. Oct. 2, 2023 – time to get back to work.

Cool edge to the start of the day. I’m sure it will get to be plenty hot today. We didn’t get any rain here though, despite the forecast.

I spent most of yesterday sitting at my desk watching youtube, and doing paperwork. Put my laundry away, and cooked breakfast and dinner. That was the extent of my involvement with the world.

Today I’ve got to get out of the house. I’ve got pickups to do, stuff to pull out of storage and get ready to drop off at the auctioneer, and stuff to donate. There are some other things I need to do too.

Can’t forget about the everyday, just because there is some bad stuff coming.

So get your everyday in order too, and consider that a prep, as you’re building the base that holds up the rest.

And stack. You know why.


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