Day: October 31, 2023

Tues. Oct. 31, 2023 – Halloween

Cold and damp, still. We had misty drizzle off and on all day yesterday, but we are supposed to be dry today. I hope so. I’ve got stuff to do. The cold and damp hurts in many places…

Despite the drizzle I did a series of pickups yesterday. Made a big loop and returned in time to get D1 from school, only about 40 minutes late. She says she’s fine waiting at school, just does her homework.

One of the pickups was a new seller, and when I went in I was surprised to see one of the old sellers… he’d sold his auction company to a guy who is continuing to run the business, and now he’s consulting for this new seller. The new seller has capital and an interesting idea to expand, it will be something to watch for the next few months. There’s a bunch of change in the online reseller marketplace at the moment and I expect more. I think the next logical step will be for the big money to start buying up mom and pop businesses and expanding to take advantage of economies of scale. It happens in most industries, so why not reselling? I’ll be looking for it, not looking forward to it.

Today I’ve got one pickup I’d like to make and one I should make as long as I’m out. The first has some stuff I’d like to use in my display. The second has some stuff for the stacks…

Then if it isn’t raining, I’ll be doing a blitz to get my main display ready. It’s always a bit of a rush but that’s part of the fun. If it continues raining, I’ll just add some more traditional stuff and save my idea/art project for next year. We usually have about 120-150 kids come by, and I have a great time doing it. Meatspace! Plus, CANDY!!

Connect with some people, preferably local. Chat with your neighbors. Take a walk around and see who has decorated… Call it local area intel…

And stack, if you DARE !11!!! /vincent price voice


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