Day: October 26, 2023

Thur. Oct. 26, 2023 – Thursday? How can it be Thursday already?

Cool and wet. Rained overnight, might rain today. Rained in the afternoon yesterday too, depending on where you were… Some people got light sprinkles, some people got a downpour that didn’t last long. I got both when I was driving around.

Did some auction stuff, and some small stuff around the house, then had to pick up D1 from school and do some other stuff. Not much actual work got done.

I’m just not feeling it lately. Don’t know why, but motivation is not there. I can grind away, but I’ve got to get started to do it. Getting started is the problem.

Which brings me to today, which by some strange effect is Thursday, meaning the week is mostly gone. Ay carumba. Not enough work got done this week for it to already be Thursday.

At least I don’t feel particularly productive. I don’t think today will be much better if it’s drizzling all day. Plenty to do indoors, but I’d rather do some outdoor stuff too. Oh well, we’ll see. Because I can’t change the weather- yet.

Stack all the things. Seriously, stack them. And it’s time to be practicing with them too. Make a meal from your stacks. Use another backup cooking method. Wear something you don’t normally wear. You might not want to wear your normal tactical pants, cover shirt, and boots when you go do that thing. Do you have some stuff that still fits? Do you have some clothes you could just ditch if they got something unappealing on them? Do you have something to wear to the swapmeet or bodega that won’t make you a target?

Practice paying attention to your environment as you go through your day. Popo was running surveillance on someone yesterday on the scanner. He lost them. They are not yet panopticon. At least not until afterwards. If you don’t have a polite plan to kill everyone you meet, at least have a plan to leave in a hurry and know where the doors are… things continue to get weirder, and more dangerous.

Stack up your options. That is what it is really all about.


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