Fri. Oct. 20, 2023 – Ah, living a life of leisure…

By on October 20th, 2023 in culture, decline and fall, ebay, march to war

Cool and clear, turning warm and clear. Possibly even “hot” for values of hot. It was nice bordering on sweaty yesterday by late afternoon. That would be just fine for me today too.

Did some pickups. Filled the truck bed and the passenger seat. My opening bid won 14 cases of methyl alcohol in bottles. Yeah, wasn’t planning for all that. That is so far more than a lifetime’s worth it isn’t funny. Should burn in an alcohol stove, or work as a cleaner, don’t know if it will work with resin printers to clean the model, but that would be sweet. Normally they recommend isopropyl alcohol.

I also won food, 10 packages of oreo cookies in various flavors, some Kettle chips, and something else I can’t remember. Also a bunch of OTC meds, some makeup for D1, and various and sundry other things for around the house. I made a big loop and hit three auctioneers before my doctor appointment.

After that it was ‘busy with kid stuff’ until late. D2 had a band concert. They’ve improved dramatically. My Axil G2 active hearing protection worked well for the parts that weren’t great.

Spent some time looking over my auction sales for the last two months, mainly to see how specific things did, and what my best sellers are. For margin, it’s clearly books. I pay between 33c and 50c per book, and it’s rare that the sort of book I pick up doesn’t sell. Minimum of $1, but $5-6 is more typical, and I hit $15 or more with several in every auction. Occasionally I have one that is crazy, like the one that sold for $420, although $40- 50 is more common. Most of what I pick up is either old, no UPC codes, or small press with narrow subject matter, or of local interest. Regional cookbooks did very well, as did outdoor books by authors telling their particular story.

Pokemon is a good seller, since it’s basically free (weighs very little) it has great margins, so do console game discs. Cast iron sells well too, but it’s heavy so the margin is poor. Modern Lodge sells for about $10-15 per piece, which is a small profit, but antique or collectible brands sell for much more. I had a collectible frying pan sell for $100 a couple weeks ago.

Well respected name brand cowboy boots, especially in exotic hides, sell well, but the ‘store brands’ like Justin don’t bring much money, even in great condition. Clothing and regular shoes are hit or miss- sometimes the top brands or vintage bring good money, sometimes it is just ordinary thrift store pricing. Even so, the margin on clothes is pretty good.

Ladies handbags, some vintage toys, and some cookware are all items selling well, but not for crazy money.

In general I’m seeing 1/3 to 1/5 of ebay sold price for most items with a few going much higher. And I’m getting a better idea of what should really be on ebay, where you don’t have to have the ‘right’ buyer during a narrow window of time, and your audience is broader. Add in that the economy is always changing, buyers come and go, and holiday spending has an effect, and you have to play a numbers game and hope for good averages. This month and last, I could finally get a lot of stuff in and sold. I hope it continues, and that the recent drop in prices improves.

Today I’ve got a few items to pickup, and all the normal list to do. I won a couple of blue plastic water barrels that will become part of my rainwater harvesting, either here or at the BOL. I won a couple of other things for the BOL too. And it would be nice to get some more stuff out of the attic and driveway for next week’s auction. At least I don’t have a bunch of kid chauffeur duties today.

I’m stacking up money, and clearing the way for more useful stuff, as well as buying stuff for the stacks. It’s a ‘multifaceted’ approach. Yeah, that’s the ticket. Multi- faceted.

However you source it, stack some stuff.


68 Comments and discussion on "Fri. Oct. 20, 2023 – Ah, living a life of leisure…"

  1. Ray Thompson says:

    @Bob Sprowl: I will need your email address. Send the address to me at rayt four-three-five (use the actual numbers) at comcast dot (throwable fishing device with small openings and sometimes floats and made out of string knotted together). Once I have that I will send you the files.

    Since I had purchased the items, including the PDF versions, I am no longer using the PDF versions, it is sort of like giving the books to a friend. But truth be told when I needed something specific, I generally found it on Stackoverflow rather than the books. The books do give a good overview and quite a bit of detail and are well worth using. The books gave me a good, well reasonable, understanding of what I was doing, even allowing me to invent some of my own methods.

  2. Nick Flandrey says:

    61F and clear.   Very nice waiting for the bus, if you discount the humidity.  Easy enough for a long time Houston swampdweller.


  3. Nick Flandrey says:

    Gaza’s most tragic victim: Doctor places the body of an unborn child with its mother who died while seven-months pregnant alongside her two daughters in Israeli airstrike 


    It was supposed to be a scene of joy – a mother reaching out to her crying newborn daughter and cradling her to her chest after months of feeling her little kicks.

    Scroll down to the pic with this in the caption  “a Palestinian refugee camp”.     Does the reality  of that building match your mental image of “a Palestinian refugee camp”?  Didn’t think so.

    Let me just make a couple of corrections to this paragraph…

    For the more than two million Palestinians millions of Israelis trapped there, nowhere – and no one – seems to be safe from the relentless Israeli strikes Hamas missiles. And doctors say they are fighting a losing battle against a lack of medicines, water and fuel to keep hospitals running.

    Grief-stricken parents, their legs buckling beneath them as they see the bodies of their dead children had become a familiar sight since the war started on October 7 40+ years ago. 

    –they just can’t help themselves can they?   Click the author’s name in the article, she’s clearly the middle east desk.  Nothing as blatant as this one though.


  4. Nick Flandrey says:

    Expectant mother Erika Gemzer (inset) is demanding answers from the staycation company after visitors clogged her toilet and fled, leaving behind ‘a literal s***storm’ that flooded all three levels of her San Francisco home with wastewater. Gemzer shared details of her horrific ordeal, which happened in April as she grapples with mountains of debt that she says Airbnb has done little to help with over the past seven months. The Google employee, who also runs her own tech advisory business called Pocket Board, said she used her life savings to buy a two-unit home in the Golden City.

    – so AirBNB is a “staycation” company now?    This woman is learning the hard way that there is no such thing as a free lunch.  When you are in business, you can and will suffer losses.   And is anyone surprised that Abnb’s insurance doesn’t want to pay??  nope.


  5. ITGuy1998 says:

    I purchased some 5.56 ammo 10 days ago for $0.37/round. Today the cheapest I see on ammoseek is $0.49/round. Crazy times are coming again.

  6. Greg Norton says:

    – so AirBNB is a “staycation” company now?    This woman is learning the hard way that there is no such thing as a free lunch.  When you are in business, you can and will suffer losses.   And is anyone surprised that Abnb’s insurance doesn’t want to pay??  nope.

    Something tells me that she didn’t make her property insurance company aware that she was renting on AirBNB. That isn’t covered by a homeowners policy since it is a business activity.

    The tech types always swim naked, even in the case of “Coach Erika” who seems to have a real eduction and work experience.

    You forgot the DM article link:

    Reading between the lines in the article and the “Coach’s” Linkedin profile, I’m guessing family money bought the rental property.

  7. Greg Norton says:

    Reading between the lines in the article and the “Coach’s” Linkedin profile, I’m guessing family money bought the rental property.

    A day of reckoning is coming for all of the people who thought they would retire collecting rentier skims from properties in desireable areas rented for short durations on Vrbo or AirBNB. It is an unnatural application of capital and consumption of housing stock, made possible by cheap borrowed money for a decade.

    Plus, people are gross. The tenants knew what would happen with the toilet before they even pushed the lever.

    I have kids. I’ve gone to the front desk of some very fancy places and asked for the toilet snake and/or plunger knowing what would happen if I hadn’t.

    Usually, they’ll send maintenance due to the liability. The maintenance knows that a tip will be involved so they always show up in a few minutes.

  8. Ray Thompson says:

    Something tells me that she didn’t make her property insurance company aware that she was renting on AirBNB. That isn’t covered by a homeowners policy since it is a business activity.

    Agreed. Proper, and costlier, insurance will cover damage from water leaks from inside plumbing, including backed up toilets. My insurance will even cover sewer damage from waste water than enters from the street disposal system in cases of the city system backing up.

    The owner just learned an expensive lesson.

    Auto insurance will not cover Uber and Lyft operation unless a rider to the original policy is obtained. An individual here locally, whom I know, operating under Uber, got in an accident carrying a passenger. Uber paid for the passenger’s injuries. The loss of the vehicle, damage to the other vehicle, and the injuries to the people in the other vehicle were not covered. That person is now on the hook for 10’s of thousands of dollars in damages and lawsuits.

    Another expensive lesson learned.

    I have zero sympathy for people that are irresponsible and try to game the system, then lose. Tough noogies. They gambled and lost.

  9. MrAtoz says:

    New season of Bosch:Legacy is dropping weekly on FreeVee. Picks up where the prior season left off.

    I have “Zon Prime, but you have to endure commercials. There are 4 episodes on the ‘tubes with the commercials cut out. I watched the first 2 last night. I won’t post spoilers for you fans.

    Lower Decks is ongoing. Upload S03 starts tonight. Gen V (The Boys spinoff – just as raucous) is almost done, so The Boys should start soon. The Gilded Age starts soon, MrsAtoz is a big fan. For All Mankind S04 starts next month.

    Waiting for Reacher S02.

  10. Greg Norton says:

    Lower Decks is ongoing. Upload S03 starts tonight. Gen V (The Boys spinoff – just as raucous) is almost done, so The Boys should start soon. The Gilded Age starts soon, MrsAtoz is a big fan. For All Mankind S04 starts next month.

    Even if you are not a regular “Strange New Worlds” fan, the “Those Old Scientists” crossover episode with “Lower Decks”, directed by Jonathan Frakes, is worth the time.

    I interpret “Those Old Scientists” as damage control for the entire output of recent TV “Star Trek” efforts with the exception of “Picard” season three. Frakes, as usual, is in the director’s chair for a specific reason.

    The rumor is that Paramount will be put up for sale and, in the interim, gave in to pressure from the “Star Trek” merchandise licensees to produce a proof of concept for a “Next Generation” timeline show without any involvement from the current TV or movie production teams, including the people who rescued “Picard”.

  11. Greg Norton says:

    Agreed. Proper, and costlier, insurance will cover damage from water leaks from inside plumbing, including backed up toilets. My insurance will even cover sewer damage from waste water than enters from the street disposal system in cases of the city system backing up.

    Sewage mitigation is costly. I’m not sure if complete drywall replacement will cover completely eliminating the biohazard.

    Again, the renters knew, did it anyway, and they didn’t let anyone know until well after it was too late. More typical tech/Locust Class attitude.

  12. Nick Flandrey says:

    Waiting for Reacher S02.  

    I ran into a bad disc in my latest “Nikki Heat” audiobook, so I switched to a Jack Reacher I just picked up.   Title is “61” or “61 Hours”, can’t remember which.   The storyline is really far fetched.   The reader has a strange accent and mangles female voices, although not as badly as that first Reacher book I listened to.  They’re not all Mrs Doubtfire, but still bad.  The writing is pretty bad too, with the ending being obvious from about half way thru.   

    It kept me awake while driving, which is really all I ask of them.


  13. ITGuy1998 says:

    Re: sewage damage. I have a rider on my home insurance covering this. I do not, under any circumstances, want to deal with that myself.

    I wish I had thought about having a backflow valve installed in the sewer line when we built this house.  

  14. Nick Flandrey says:

    One of the online ammo sellers that spams me with email is advertizing S&B, not a premium brand, 9mm for 44c/rnd.  that’s FMJ range ammo.   Federal defensive 9mm is 1.50 per round.  .223 is $1 or more per round depending on manf and weight.

    The respite was brief.


  15. Nick Flandrey says:

    the renters knew, did it anyway, and they didn’t let anyone know  

    – and incompetent humans as well, since they managed to break the valve instead of turning it off.  One bowl’s worth of overflow will not flood the house.   One stopped up toilet will not flood the house.  FFS, pull the lid and lift the float and the water flow stops…

    You get a gallon or two of mess to clean up.  Unpleasant but not “drop a match and walk away.”   They BROKE something and THEN left.


  16. ITGuy1998 says:

    You get a gallon or two of mess to clean up.  Unpleasant but not “drop a match and walk away.”   They BROKE something and THEN left.

    I’d bet the breaking of the toilet it was intentional.

  17. Nick Flandrey says:

    A day of reckoning is coming for all of the people who thought they would retire collecting rentier skims  

    – indeed, all the people who think you can get money for nothing, or from being “cleverer” than the people around them (Gridly), and who have only lived in an up market are getting a harsh reality check.    The exodus from AirBnB as a small business, with heavily leveraged properties that they can’t afford without the rent, has already started and been remarked upon elsewhere.   The sell off will drive down prices further, and could cause a death spiral in some markets.

    Running a few properties as a mini-empire of AirBnBs was touted to the same people who thought they could retire by flipping houses with no prior experience in remodeling or construction.   The tradesmen were lined up to take their cash, the scammers were lined up to “teach them how” and the banks were happy to provide the loans.  Taxing authorities loved it too.

    It’s peaked when the wine mommy club girlfriends decide to enter the market because “grrl power” or something.   How hard can it be?  Those dirty unkempt looking men are doing it….


  18. Nick Flandrey says:

    And the TV shows with the skinny hosts in makeup and tight jeans make it look so easy…


  19. ITGuy1998 says:

    HGTV has ruined the world.

  20. nick flandrey says:

    I learned a lot from watching some of the shows, mainly the DIY rescue shows…  


  21. Greg Norton says:

    HGTV has ruined the world.

    I blame Erin and Margo in the Embrel ad which ran forever during the early days of the pandemic. 🙂

    Side effects: death … but your plaque psoriasis will be gone and you will be empowered to do all these fabulous things with your life.

  22. RickH says:

    @Ray: I have a couple of manuals, PDFs, CSS3: The Missing Manual and HTML5: The Missing Manual. I bought them several years ago for work, about 2014 I think, left the physical books with my replacement. Do you have any interest in the PDFs? I will never use them again as my coding days are long gone. I can drop them on a website and you can download. If Rick is not interested, anyone else?

    I may have had those books at one time; I haven’t looked at them in years. CSS has changed a lot with the addition of grid systems, and online sources are useful. Even AI has been helpful at times with quick questions. I could find the same answers via a googles/bings/ducks, but the AI gives the answer a bit faster than going through search results. Usually accurate enough for quick/simple stuff.

    Thanks for the offer, though. 

  23. brad says:

    they managed to break the valve instead of turning it off.  One bowl’s worth of overflow will not flood the house.   One stopped up toilet will not flood the house.  FFS, pull the lid and lift the float and the water flow stops

    The renters were either stupid or evil. Maybe both.

    Regardless, it should be easy to prove who caused the damage. She has an excellent case for a civil suit. Of course, if she had proper insurance, the insurance company would be dealing with the situation for her.

    – – – – –

    The school is eliminating our permanent desks – we now get to share. We protested, and had a meeting today with the school administration. Lots of pretty words: they understand our concerns, blah, blah. They certainly aren’t backing down. Of course, management doesn’t eat its own cooking. They aren’t sitting in an open field of desks, with an open meeting room next to them.

    The story they told of how and why this decision was made is completely different from the story they told last summer. Basically, make up whatever story they think will pacify us.

    There’s a reason – well, many reasons – why no one respects PHBs…

  24. Greg Norton says:

    The renters were either stupid or evil. Maybe both.

    Regardless, it should be easy to prove who caused the damage. She has an excellent case for a civil suit. Of course, if she had proper insurance, the insurance company would be dealing with the situation for her.

    Stupid. I know very few truly “evil” people, to the point that they would rent an AirBnB just to maliciously trash the place, and the burden of liability would be on the company arranging the placement without proper vetting.

    I know lots of stupid people and that includes many in tech. To paraphrase Ted Knight in “Caddyshack”, “The world needs quota fillers too, Danny.”

  25. Greg Norton says:

    There’s a reason – well, many reasons – why no one respects PHBs…

    For most of my career, the PHBs looked for a way to get “Dilbert” banned in the office. Then, one day, Scott Adams  himself hands them a rock solid excuse on a silver platter.

    Dilbert is raaaaaayyycissst!

    If it isn’t part of some long-term play, Adams needs an intervention.

  26. nick flandrey says:

    He’s a pretty smart guy, with a proven record of seeing the truth in the world… 

    And he may have F-you money, and just not care anymore.  Or a terminal condition.


  27. Lynn says:

    Scroll down to the pic with this in the caption  “a Palestinian refugee camp”.     Does the reality  of that building match your mental image of “a Palestinian refugee camp”?  Didn’t think so.

    Let me just make a couple of corrections to this paragraph…

    For the more than two million Palestinians millions of Israelis trapped there, nowhere – and no one – seems to be safe from the relentless Israeli strikes Hamas missiles. And doctors say they are fighting a losing battle against a lack of medicines, water and fuel to keep hospitals running.

    Grief-stricken parents, their legs buckling beneath them as they see the bodies of their dead children had become a familiar sight since the war started on October 7 40+ years ago. 

    The current Israel – Palestinian war started in 1948.  75 years ago.

    The Palestinians are descendants of the Philistines.  The conflict started well over 3,000 years ago when the Jews escaped from Egypt, the Exodus.  When the Jews crossed the Jordan river, they found the Philistines.  God told them to kill the Philistines: man, woman, child, goats, cattle, etc, etc, etc.  They did not.  Here we are today.

  28. Lynn says:

    There’s a reason – well, many reasons – why no one respects PHBs…

    For most of my career, the PHBs looked for a way to get “Dilbert” banned in the office. Then, one day, Scott Adams  himself hands them a rock solid excuse on a silver platter.

    Dilbert is raaaaaayyycissst!

    If it isn’t part of some long-term play, Adams needs an intervention.

    I am an annual subscriber to the daily Dilbert comic and Scott Adams daily rants.  $7 per month or $70 per year.  Dilbert has gotten much much cruder since he took it private.   So he is letting his private feelings hang out there now.

    BTW, Adams is also presenting himself as a influencer now.

  29. Lynn says:

    – so AirBNB is a “staycation” company now?    This woman is learning the hard way that there is no such thing as a free lunch.  When you are in business, you can and will suffer losses.   And is anyone surprised that Abnb’s insurance doesn’t want to pay??  nope.

    Something tells me that she didn’t make her property insurance company aware that she was renting on AirBNB. That isn’t covered by a homeowners policy since it is a business activity.

    The tech types always swim naked, even in the case of “Coach Erika” who seems to have a real eduction and work experience.

    You forgot the DM article link:

    Note to self.  Always rent out the lower unit, not the upper unit.

  30. Lynn says:

    He’s a pretty smart guy, with a proven record of seeing the truth in the world… 

    And he may have F-you money, and just not care anymore.  Or a terminal condition.


    Plus he is getting divorced from his second wife for infidelity.  When she started putting pictures of her boyfriend on Facecrack, that really upset him.

  31. Lynn says:

    The school is eliminating our permanent desks – we now get to share. We protested, and had a meeting today with the school administration. Lots of pretty words: they understand our concerns, blah, blah. They certainly aren’t backing down. Of course, management doesn’t eat its own cooking. They aren’t sitting in an open field of desks, with an open meeting room next to them.

    The story they told of how and why this decision was made is completely different from the story they told last summer. Basically, make up whatever story they think will pacify us.

    There’s a reason – well, many reasons – why no one respects PHBs…

    The PHBs want more money to hire administrative staff to do their jobs.  So they are compressing the teaching staff.  All of the Universities in the USA have done this already, there very few Professors, mostly Lecturers.  Professors get an office.  Lecturers get a shared desk.

    BTW, Google practices this for their programmers too.  You have to be a superstar programmer to get an office. Everyone else is first come, first served. Bring a sweater and a fan every day cause nobody wants the cold spot or the hot spot. And no stuff left overnight, the cleaning staff throws it away.

  32. Lynn says:

    Nazi Time Machine Found in Ukraine 2023

    Note that one of the commenters told about his friend finding an old land mine.  The hard way.

  33. Lynn says:

    “Let’s talk about tanks”

    “There have been lots of interesting developments surrounding tanks and their battlefield use since the start of the Ukraine war.  Several of them have been highlighted by developments in Israel over the past couple of weeks.  Also, there’s been an unusual development straight out of World War II history that has me scratching my head.”

    “First, here’s a “lessons learned” video about tank warfare in Ukraine over the past couple of years.  There are some conclusions that may surprise veterans used to more “traditional” armored warfare.”

    “Following what has doubtless been very intensive analysis of battlefield “lessons learned”, the US Army has overhauled its plans for future tanks.”

    Uh oh.  That means that the “experts” believe that our Abrams tanks would not survive long on today’s battlefield.

    I have been thinking that we are using Ukraine as a proxy war.  This confirms it.

  34. Lynn says:

    Pearls Before Swine: Book Signing Canceled

    Distractions are very distracting.

  35. SteveF says:

    Lynn, you like long books so here’s a pair of recommendations from the author of Worm:

    Pact, a fantasy. I have trouble describing it without giving a synopsis. I want to say it’s a dark fantasy, but that’s come to mean something else. I liked it better than Worm. About 1M words.

    Pale, the sequel. I haven’t read it yet. Wildbow said that he regained the joy of writing while doing this one, a good sign. About 3.5M words.

    I’ve converted Pact to .mobi and can send you that or .epub if you want it. I’m in the process of making a .mobi from Pale. It’s presenting some difficulties because of irregularities in the source files gumming up the works.

  36. SteveF says:

    I have been thinking that we are using Ukraine as a proxy war.  This confirms it.

    Never occurred to me that we weren’t. That might not have been the plan from the start, but the generals would be fools not to learn everything they can from it, and that includes sending a few bits of near-top-line gear. The US hasn’t fought a near-peer opponent in some years and we need to find out everything that we can.

    Counter-argument: I strongly suspect that most of the flag ranks are, in fact, fools. It’s a certainty that most of the top levels of DoD civilians are. Non-fools with the courage to do anything but sway with the political winds were purged from 2009-2017 and from 2021-today.

  37. Ken Mitchell says:

    Counter-argument: I strongly suspect that most of the flag ranks are, in fact, fools. 

    Yes, they are; well, fools or traitors. Every GOFO (General or Flag Officer) currently serving was selected by Obama; and the GOOD officers were cashiered or fired during his reign of terror.  When Trump is reelected, he’ll need to fire or retire EVERY GOFO, and rebuild the military from the O5/O6 ranks. People like Milley, we should be able to save on his pension by convicting him of treason. 

  38. Lynn says:

    Lynn, you like long books so here’s a pair of recommendations from the author of Worm:

    So not going to happen.  I am 199 chapters into Taylor Varga.  It has now become marathon, not a sprint like most books.  233 chapters to go.

  39. Ray Thompson says:

    God told them to kill the Philistines: man, woman, child, goats, cattle, etc, etc, etc

    Explain the difference.

  40. Ken Mitchell says:

    Lynn said:

    Trump is going to jail today.

    This seems unlikely. Trump knows too many good lawyers for THAT to happen.

  41. SteveF says:

    Judge Scumbucket’s gag order is ridiculously overbroad. I’d guess that Trump is going to keep pushing it until she attempts a smack which will allow him to get an emergency stay and then a review by a real court and get it thrown out.

  42. Greg Norton says:

    Judge Scumbucket’s gag order is ridiculously overbroad. I’d guess that Trump is going to keep pushing it until she attempts a smack which will allow him to get an emergency stay and then a review by a real court and get it thrown out.

    New York State Court. DeSantis already said that cooperation on extradition is not happening, and Mar A Lago is under the jurisdiction of the Palm Beach County Sheriff, whose HQ is just across the Intercoastal.

    The Sheriffs report directly to the Governor in Florida.

  43. Greg Norton says:

    Trump is going to jail today.

    Judge Wheezebag can only impose a fine until Trump leaves Florida.

  44. Greg Norton says:

    New York State Court. DeSantis already said that cooperation on extradition is not happening, and Mar A Lago is under the jurisdiction of the Palm Beach County Sheriff, whose HQ is just across the Intercoastal.

    Looking closer at the municipal boundaries, it appears that Mar A Lago is inside the incorporated Palm Beach Police Dept. jurisdiction. Still, as long as Trump is in Florida, I doubt Georgia or New York can arrange extradition unless DeSantis cooperates.

  45. Greg Norton says:

    So not going to happen.  I am 199 chapters into Taylor Varga.  It has now become marathon, not a sprint like most books.  233 chapters to go.

    Try “Fall; Dodge in Hell”. I stopped about half way through.

    Friends say there is a payoff for anyone who has been with Stephenson since “Cryptonomicon” along with the real purpose in the Shaftoe/Woe-toe-hice books behind the character known as Enoch Root, but I’ll take their word for it. I have other things to do.

  46. Lynn says:

    Trump is going to jail today.

    This seems unlikely. Trump knows too many good lawyers for THAT to happen.

    Trump wants to go to jail.  The PR aspects are awesome.

    There will be a dozen SS agents in jail with him.

  47. Lynn says:

    Try “Fall; Dodge in Hell”. I stopped about half way through.

    Meh.  That is only a 100,000 words or so.  I am over a million words into Taylor Varga.  I was reading it last night while I watched my recorded Astros game and then until 4 am.

    BTW, Varga means Godzilla.  Godzilla means Giant Lizard over 500 feet tall.

    Taylor Varga has at least four different manifestations of Varga: 6.5 feet, 7.5 feet, 200 feet, and 500 feet tall.  We have not gotten to the 500 foot tall variant yet.  Well, once in a Omake (short story) where Taylor ate the trouble maker. But Omake’s are just conjectures.

  48. Lynn says:

    “Intel is pushing developers to make AI-enabled PC apps”

    “The company wants more AI tools for its Core Ultra chips.”

    I am getting daily emails from Intel about this.  I think that Intel is serious.

  49. Greg Norton says:

    I am getting daily emails from Intel about this.  I think that Intel is serious.

    If you want to run AI, you go Intel for now. Their stock is up since the Nvidia hardware started shipping in March.

    Intel can’t compete with ARM for mobile, but ARM has RISC-V to worry about.

    Even Qualcomm has a RISC-V chip in the works.

  50. Greg Norton says:

    @Lynn – My work laptop had a file system permission crash so the IT people upated me to Windows 11.

    I needed a console to run my Cygwin installer, and I was surprised when cmd.exe in the search box brought up what looks like the old Windows terminal.

    I usually run Cygwin bash regardless, but FYI.

  51. drwilliams says:

    Armed Seattle Home Invaders Stunned When Homeowner Shoots Back. It’s a Lesson for the Gun Grabbers.

    One shouts “Seattle Police!” as he begins kicking in the front door. The homeowner waits until the bad guys have kicked or thrown themselves at his door at least seven times before he starts shooting. And it’s a good thing he does because on kick number nine the door flies open. The homeowner sounds as if he said something that included the word “shoot” before the bad guys busted in the door.

    In all, it sounds like the homeowner fired as many as 12 rounds at the intruders and didn’t hit any of the three. No one was physically harmed, but you can bet the homeowner, who now has to replace his front door and endure sleepless nights over nearly coming nose to nose with the wrong end of a pistol, isn’t over it and won’t be for quite some time. Worse, the bad guys know where he lives.

    Armed homeowner fights back against home invaders posing as police

    “You can see that they really did have their home properly secured. It took them a solid 20 seconds to get through that door by kicking it and trying to ram it,” said Kolby Crossley, who is the PIO for the Auburn Police Department.

    Home security camera footage provides absolute proof that a number of the gun grabbers talking points are horsehockey.

    This shows that:

    The police are not close enough to protect you.

    12 rounds is not “high capacity”. 12 rounds is “out in the middle of a firefight”.  

    20 seconds. Ordinances requiring locking up guns, keeping ammunition locked up separately, trigger locks, etc. are not “reasonable”, they will cost time in an emergency when time is of the absolute life-saving essence. 

    Having one shooter in the house is not enough. 

    There is also a possible argument here for suppressors, as 12 rounds from a handgun fired indoors is not only unpleasantly loud, it is darned disorienting if you haven’t trained to expect it.

    Note the counter-argument is “shotgun, tho”. 

    I expect that this video will get a lot of analysis and debate quickly.  Part of that debate will be firearm/magazine selection, and part will be the legality of firing through the door. 

    Another part should be proposals for making a false “police” identification in the commission of a violent felony a separate charge carrying an additional mandatory 10-years.*

    In the event of bad guy survival, the preference being DFD.

  52. Greg Norton says:

    Home security camera footage provides absolute proof that a number of the gun grabbers talking points are horsehockey.

    Seattle Police are not known to patrol Auburn, about 45 minutes south of the city.

    I nearly rented a crash pad above a liquor store there during my brief Seattle employment experience. The area was a cr*p hole then – probably still is — but the city was on the BNSF-run heavy commuter rail which kinda-sorta worked from points south into downtown.

  53. Lynn says:

    @Lynn – My work laptop had a file system permission crash so the IT people upated me to Windows 11.

    I needed a console to run my Cygwin installer, and I was surprised when cmd.exe in the search box brought up what looks like the old Windows terminal.

    Nope, that is the new unified Command Prompt, Powershell, and Azure cloud shell window.  Purty ain’t it ?  It can handle multiple windows with many tabs too.  Freaking screen hog.

  54. Lynn says:

    Armed homeowner fights back against home invaders posing as police

    “You can see that they really did have their home properly secured. It took them a solid 20 seconds to get through that door by kicking it and trying to ram it,” said Kolby Crossley, who is the PIO for the Auburn Police Department.

    Note to self, add another G19 each to the front door stash and the back door stash.

  55. Greg Norton says:

    Nope, that is the new unified Command Prompt, Powershell, and Azure cloud shell window.  Purty ain’t it ?  It can handle multiple windows with many tabs too.  Freaking screen hog.

    Microsoft is probably trying to give Tmux capability to CMD.

    Tmux is big with the Hot Skillz crowd on Linux to script interactive command line applications running in container, but, to me, it is just Expect with a lot more string parsing involved.

    Hot Skillz, tho.

  56. Lynn says:

    Microsoft is probably trying to give Tmux capability to CMD.

    Tmux is big with the Hot Skillz crowd on Linux to script interactive command line applications running in container, but, to me, it is just Expect with a lot more string parsing involved.

    Hot Skillz, tho.

    I can tell I ain’t got Hot Skillz because I don’t understand what Tmux or Expect are.  I might understand containers though.

  57. Alan says:

    >> The PHBs want more money to hire administrative staff to do their jobs.  So they are compressing the teaching staff.  All of the Universities in the USA have done this already, there very few Professors, mostly Lecturers.  Professors get an office.  Lecturers get a shared desk.

    Only the ‘full’ Profs get tenure…the Assistant Profs (lecturers) keep their files in the back seat in milk crates and get lunch off the dollar menu.

  58. Alan says:

    >> Uh oh.  That means that the “experts” believe that our Abrams tanks would not survive long on today’s battlefield.

    And you thought shipping all of them to Ukraine was a bad idea. So there!

    And as soon as the House elects a Speaker (#45 anybody?) they can fund the new tanks…which just by coincidence use parts manufactured in all 50 states.

  59. Alan says:

    >> God told them to kill the Philistines: man, woman, child, goats, cattle, etc, etc, etc

    Explain the difference.

    Is text enough or do pictures need to be included?

  60. Nick Flandrey says:

    Watched  “Constantine” starring Keanu Reeves with D1.   Movie looks pretty good for being 18 years old.  She enjoyed it, and I did too.  It makes you work for it to understand what’s going on, unlike some movies.  Effects looked good.  Dialog was mixed a bit low for my ears.

    She knew nothing about it, I only knew that it was based on a comic book.  Harumph, sorry, graphic novel. 

    Enjoyed it.

    Now to bed, to dream my own dreams.


  61. Alan says:

    >> 20 seconds. Ordinances requiring locking up guns, keeping ammunition locked up separately, trigger locks, etc. are not “reasonable”, they will cost time in an emergency when time is of the absolute life-saving essence.

    Keep the belt and holster on while home.

  62. Alan says:

    In the spirit of stacking, I picked up two sets at Costco today. Only $14.99/set in-store.

  63. Alan says:

    Because they’re rich and we’re  not…

    Stella McCartney is sued by Hamptons locals for refusing to remove 230ft long barrier protecting her $2.5million waterfront vacation home that blocks public path to the beach

    McCartney and Willis put up the sandbag wall with the neighbor after erosion claimed 40ft of shoreline in a year and they feared their home could be swallowed by the ocean.

    Gee, maybe don’t buy waterfront property. (Reference)

  64. brad says:

    The PHBs want more money to hire administrative staff to do their jobs.  So they are compressing the teaching staff.

    Yup. Our class sizes keep growing. It really comes down to empire building. Somehow the teaching staff doesn’t count toward that goal.

    In the end, it’s not even about the office. It’s about showing whether or not we are valued. I’ve been a professor here for 14 years, and teaching here for way longer than that. Yet they can’t see fit to give me a permanent place to sit?

    If I weren’t less than two years from retirement, I’d find a different job. I expect some younger colleagues will do exactly that.

    Lynn, you like long books

    Lynn recommended the Mercy Thompson series. I’m not generally a fan of vampire/werewolf stuff; the Monster Hunter series, for example, ugh…

    I’m in book 7 of Mercy Thompson. The author is just an amazing storyteller.

    I strongly suspect that most of the flag ranks are, in fact, fools.

    The problem, as seemingly everywhere, is that advancement into the flag ranks mainly needs great skills at interpersonal politics. Actual competence is secondary.

    The military does have the advantage the the flag officers had to go up the ranks. So at some time in the past, they did demonstrate competency. You don’t get pure managers.

    Armed Seattle Home Invaders Stunned

    Oof. So much to take in there. Amish, of course. It’s weird that they would try to break into an occupied house. It’s a shame he missed.

    Adding more crimes for shouting “police” isn’t going to help. The criminals were already breaking a lot of laws, so one more isn’t going to interest them. It does show, however, that “no knock” warrants should not exist.

  65. EdH says:

    I’m not generally a fan of vampire/werewolf stuff; the Monster Hunter series, for example, ugh…

    Funny, I generally agree with the sentiment (does B&N still have a separate “Teen Vampire” section?) , but that particular series I liked.   As well as the first few books in Barbara Hambly’s James Asher series.   

    And of course Fred Saberhagen’s Dracula.

    Bad Guy: “Where is Excalibur?”

    Good Guy: ”Behind you, in the hands of the Prince of Wallachia”.

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