Day: October 14, 2023

Sat. Oct. 14, 2023 – Solar eclipse today… and my non-prepping hobby

It was warm as the devil’s backside yesterday and just as sweaty, so I’m hoping today actually is cooler, like Fall is supposed to be. It’s still not “winter” or “summer” in Houston, so it could go either way. There were threatening clouds too, but I didn’t personally see any rain. Somebody probably did.

I did my running around, several pickups, and arranging for a drop off later today, and on Tuesday. Ran the kids back and forth from their events too. Didn’t make it to Costco, or into the attic for some Halloween decor.

Today is busy too. Starting out with my non-prepping hobby, then eclipse watching with the kids if possible, then drive out to an auction pickup. My wife wanted some more patio furniture for the BOL, and I won some more in an auction. Grabbed a few more things, since I was going there anyway. Then if I get back in time, I would really like to get some preliminary decor out. I’m feeling a bit slack this year. Doesn’t matter that I’ve got this cold, no one cares. And I don’t actually want it to delay me either. So I’ll push through.

The world continues to get crazier. Thankfully there wasn’t much from the “day of jihad”, outside of the stabbings and chanting “Death to Israel” and “Death to the USA” that I’m sure played a big part in the various gatherings worldwide. Doesn’t mean there won’t be more. I think the chances of something bigger than Ham-ass killing jews and getting themselves slaughtered in return just got downgraded a notch. I still think we’ll get more involved, and then China will move on Taiwan, but that will wait for another day.

Meanwhile, think about what losing Taiwan will do to global manufacturing, product availability, price, and the stock market. And what that will do to our economy. Plan for it. Stack while you can.


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