Sat. Oct. 7, 2023 – time flies when you’re having fun

By on October 7th, 2023 in culture, decline and fall, lakehouse

Cool, chilly even this morning at the BOL. Was kinda cool when I got here and it got chilly at night. Forecast calls for a low of 59F today, so probably chilly this am… that’s what I’m going with, as it was 69F when I went to bed.

Did my pickup, with 15 minutes to spare, and headed to the BOL yesterday. It was a beautiful day. Sunny, cooler, blue sky with fluffy clouds… some of which were kinda dark, but mostly fluffy. Stopped at a couple of stores on the way up. Still have gaps on the shelves at Tractor Supply, although they are different gaps from the store closest to the BOL. Cashier said there are gaps all over. That is the new normal I guess.

The weird thing was the number of gas stations with out of order pumps. One station was completely shut down, no working pumps. One had several with bags over the nozzles. Another had two or three. I’ve seen more out of order pumps at my local gas stations too, more in the last month than the previous year. Anyone else notice this?

Don’t know if it’s regional, or just me noticing something that is otherwise common, but it’s a bit worrisome without an explanation.

Today will be some carpentry, some cleanup and organizing, and probably some work on a pool table…

But first, sleeping in and eventually coffee and bacon. My coffee stacks are deep, but the bacon can use some work.

Find where you are weak, and strengthen that. Stack.

38 Comments and discussion on "Sat. Oct. 7, 2023 – time flies when you’re having fun"

  1. Greg Norton says:

    That’s frightening. It also seriously limits his ability to actually get stuff done. The Supreme Court appointments fell into his lap. Otherwise, he accomplished basically nothing during his term in office. He certainly failed to drain the swamp – all he did was piss off all the swamp creatures.

    The jury is still out on the long term fallout of the appointments of Kavanaugh and Coney-Barrett.

    I was surprised when Coney-Barrett sided with the conservatives on the student loan issue. Her concurring opinion, which Roberts attached to the majority’s, has a take on the situation which, to put it mildly, is unique.

    Roberts threaded the needle fine on the majority opinion, but he is fortunate that the remaining Liberals can’t write except for Kagan, who handled the dissent poorly.

  2. Greg Norton says:

    He certainly failed to drain the swamp – all he did was piss off all the swamp creatures.

    To quote Steve Spurrier’s most famous coaching line, “A swamp is hot and sticky and can be dangerous. Only Gators get out alive.”

    Tennesse native, but the man does know a few things about swamps.

  3. drwilliams says:


    “Plus, SCOTUS said the nonviolent could not be institutionalized in 1986.”

    Violent today might not be tomorrow, and different next week. On meds/off meds, lots of variables. Make the wrong decision and get sued.

    Cuckoo didn’t help.

    Biden’s open borders for alien invaders and drug smugglers has made the streets 100x more dangerous than they were 60 years ago.

    Pinhead judges who find rights to camp out on public sidewalks, shoot up, and urinate and defecate all over should have their workplace relocated to those same streets.

    And “Chill, chill” doesn’t work.

  4. crawdaddy says:


    I have two of the T-mobile “home internet” boxen. I think they cost me $30/month each as part of a larger package (excluding all the ridiculous fees and taxes.) One provides reliable internet at the in-laws’ assisted living apartment. The other is my back-up connectivity. I often take it with me when I travel.

    I have been impressed with their functionality. They have worked fine in “unsupported” locations, even one in a historic town that has terrible cell coverage because they want to “Keep Historic <town name> beautiful” by not allowing modern infrastructure. I met someone who uses one in his RV, and his family loves it.

    Even in that location, we can get consistent 200MBps+ down. Where coverage is good, it’s usually around 800Mbps.

    One thing to note is that they do best when sitting on a window sill on the side of the property closest to the nearest tower. They will work inside a closet where coverage is good, but still perform much better next to the window.

    The other issue is that one now has to configure the unit with the phone app. It no longer allows one to set preferred DNS servers and such. If that’s important to you, you probably already know how to add a router, but it’s a PITA.

    I was an AT&T user for 15 years, but due to some corporate stupidity, I switched to T-mobile early this year. I have been surprised to get better mobile coverage in areas that were completely dead when I was with AT&T.

  5. Ray Thompson says:

    Saw something on the web that stated the single star on the Texas flag is actually a review.

  6. Nick Flandrey says:

    @ray, if it keeps them out of Texas, I won’t argue…

    62F, bright and clear.    Coffee with my wife on the deck, then I’ll start the day.


    One thing else that Trump’s run and Presidency did was show the extent of the problem, which I think most people still underestimate.   When the leader of the party you’ll be nominated to represent publicly says he’ll vote for the opposition instead, you can see very clearly that it’s all one big club.  And that isn’t in the average guy or gal’s best interest.

  7. lpdbw says:


    No, that was the California flag.

  8. Ray Thompson says:

    if it keeps them out of Texas, I won’t argue

    I agree. TN has three stars on their flag, representing the average number of teeth.

  9. Ray Thompson says:

    that was the California flag

    California should have half a star.

  10. Greg Norton says:

    One thing else that Trump’s run and Presidency did was show the extent of the problem, which I think most people still underestimate.   When the leader of the party you’ll be nominated to represent publicly says he’ll vote for the opposition instead, you can see very clearly that it’s all one big club.  And that isn’t in the average guy or gal’s best interest.

    Lots of Republicans in the leadership ranks have Daddy issues, and Trump is the ultimate “Bad Daddy”.

    Even Matt Gaetz was working out a Daddy issue this week, with Gaetz’ Senior having unfulfilled political ambitions regarding the Florida Governor’s Mansion.

  11. SteveF says:

    the single star on the Texas flag is actually a review

    Here ya go, Ray.

  12. EdH says:

    Saw something on the web that stated the single star on the Texas flag is actually a review.

    Nah, it just means that ‘Captain America” is really ’Captain Texas’.

    A careful observer will note that California has a *red* star. Though no sickle, yet.

  13. Ray Thompson says:

    See what I started.

  14. Lynn says:

    >> A seat belt would not have saved you ?  I have a firm belief in seat belts, one kept me from going through the windshield in 1972.  Of course, I got my right leg broken in two places but that was the front seat collapsing on my leg.

    Gotta have the belt properly positioned across your hips, not up around your waist.

    My middle brother had the seat belt across his stomach.  The surgeon had to repair the vein from his stomach after the driver’s mother in the other car died on his table.

  15. Lynn says:

    “’We are in a war,’ Netanyahu says after Palestinian militants launch surprise attack”

    “ASHKELON, Israel — Israel was plunged into chaos Saturday after the Palestinian militant group Hamas launched a deadly land, air and sea attack inside the country, with fighters infiltrating the southern border and firing a massive barrage of rockets from the Gaza Strip.”

    “”We are in a war,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared in a video on social media. He ordered strikes on Gaza and called for an “extensive reserve mobilization” as the nation responds to the unprecedented incursion.”

    “At least 150 people in Israel have been killed, according to local officials. Gaza’s health ministry said 198 people were killed after Israeli airstrikes there, with another 1,610 injured.”

    Not good, not good at all.

    Hat tip to:

  16. Lynn says:

    “Israel at war: 200 killed in Hamas assault, hostages taken to Gaza, rockets on Tel Aviv”

    “Over 1,450 injured in unprecedented infiltration from Gaza, with terrorists at 22 sites attacking civilians and soldiers; thousands of rockets fired at Israel; reservists called up”

    The Israeli retributions will be swift and overwhelming.  I suspect that many in Gaza will be killed for actions of a few.

  17. Lynn says:

    “The Camps are Coming: Time Grows Short”

    “HRC says that Trump supporters should be put into “reeducation camps.” She is citing the Republicans who are going along with Democrat talking points as being pragmatic enough to make this happen. Watch this segment. It’s worth a few minutes of your time, trust me. If you aren’t terrified and angered by this, you aren’t paying attention.”

    HRC is scary.

  18. Alan says:

    The fact that she commands enough attention to ‘hold court’ on the LSM is scary as well.

  19. Alan says:

    The NYFS and NYFC flags both have zero stars…infer what you will…

  20. Lynn says:

    “One Fell Sweep (Innkeeper Chronicles)” by Ilona Andrews

    Book number three of a six book paranormal fantasy romance science fiction series. I read the well printed and well bound POD (print on demand) illustrated (kinda) trade paperback published by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform in 2016 that I bought new on Amazon recently. Note that “Ilona Andrews” is the pseudonym for a husband and wife writing team. And yes, this is science fiction, there are spaceships, teleportation devices, and beam weapons.

    Dina Demille is an innkeeper in Red Deer, Texas. Only her Victorian inn is not like a typical bed and breakfast, it is an intelligent magical haven named Gertrude Hunt for aliens coming to Earth or using Earth as a way station. Dina does have a permanent guest, a retired Galactic aristocrat named Caldenia who is hiding from several bounty hunters, she paid for a permanent room and board.

    There are many inns like the Gertrude Hunt on Earth, that is because Earth has been designated as Neutral Ground for the various Galactic races, many of whom don’t get along. That’s why Caldenia is safe within the confines of Gertrude Hunt, the inn has many powerful weapons to protect itself and guests. Several of the bounty hunters are still chasing Caldenia for the massive bounty and have taken on the Gertrude Hunt Inn to their dismay.

    Dina has received a message from her sister who had followed her exiled husband to an closed planet being used as a penal colony with their daughter. The message was a cry for help. But, any space ship shuttle landing on the planet without permission will be shot down. And the Holy Anocracy (represented by House Krahr, the space vampires) does not give landing permission to any one outside their clan.

    The authors have a website at:

    My rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Amazon rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars (11,604 reviews)

  21. Greg Norton says:

    Long term, RISC-V is arguably more important than ARM. I smell Chipzilla lobbyists at work.

  22. Greg Norton says:

    “HRC says that Trump supporters should be put into “reeducation camps.” She is citing the Republicans who are going along with Democrat talking points as being pragmatic enough to make this happen. Watch this segment. It’s worth a few minutes of your time, trust me. If you aren’t terrified and angered by this, you aren’t paying attention.”

    Vice President Mittens will cast the deciding vote in the Senate.

  23. SteveF says:

    HRC says that Trump supporters should be put into “reeducation camps.”

    Old woman shakes fist at clouds.

  24. Greg Norton says:

    Seven Wins Steve didn’t win the hat for the strippers to wear in Austin tonight.

    “Dagnabit, boy, are you hittin’ the sauce again? Ah want to see that hat on mah gal.”

    I wonder which second tier Florida football program will benefit from the generosity of the “Texas Exes” next time like USF and FAU did with the last two fired UT Austin football coaches.

  25. Greg Norton says:

    HRC says that Trump supporters should be put into “reeducation camps.”

    Old woman shakes fist at clouds.

    At this point, OFD would remind the room that the Clintons were at Trump’s most recent wedding, sitting in the space traditionally reserved for the parents of the groom.

  26. paul says:

    Ok, Moron Hat on.

    Why am I suppose to give a s(h)irt about Israel?   Best I can figure is somehow what Mustache Guy did years before I was born is my fault.  That’s like blaming me for slavery in America when my great grandparents were doing peasant stuff in Germany before they immigrated here after the Civil War.  

    The Arabs don’t like them.  Getting kicked off of your land will do that. 

    London Bridge was moved rock by rock to Arizona.  Do the same with the Wailing Wall to oh, Madagascar or some other island, just buy the land from the locals and there you go, “New Israel” like “New York” and no Arabs tossing rockets over the border in the middle of the night.  

    It’s all sort of a “Greater Tuna” thing…. “nuclear holocaust affects 17 states” (ticker noises) “Texas Not included and now for the weather report”. 

    Anyway.  I figure it’s all a distraction from something else.  

  27. SteveF says:

    Why am I suppose to give a s(h)irt about Israel?

    My solution: Draw a line from the southwest tip of Morocco to the southern tip of Somalia. Extend northwest into a box encompassing all of the stans. Kill every human in that box.

  28. Ray Thompson says:

    blaming me for slavery in America when my great grandparents were doing peasant stuff in Germany before they immigrated here after the Civil War

    If you are a white, heterosexual male, it is your fault and you are to blame. You will be made to suffer and pay. You will be denied jobs and education because of your skin color under the guise of affirmative action. You will pay lots of money in taxes to be paid to those who never suffered, criminally minded, generally lazy, welfare leaches under the guise of reparations.

    Blaming a person’s problem on others seems to be normal.

  29. Lynn says:

    “No More Free Speech in Canada”

    “Canada’s broadcasting regulatory body, the Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has published a news release announcing that it will require podcast providers, social media services and online streaming platforms to register with the government.

    That is chilling.

    “My answer to that statement? Canada began with registration of “assault weapons” in 1995. In 2022, the Canadian government announced that they would begin a “mandatory buyback” of the registered weapons. Mandatory buyback is really leftspeak for “we are confiscating your shit, and we will give you an amount of money in compensation that we think is appropriate, and if you don’t like it, too bad.””

    If we ever register guns in the USA, I lost most of my guns in the river.

  30. Gavin says:

    And please don’t forget the Lib’s ban on buying, selling or inheriting pistols. So enjoy them while you’re alive.

  31. JimB says:

    Thanks to Ray Thompson and @crawdaddy for sharing their experiences with fixed wireless Internet service.

    Ray, I think T-Mobile offers both home-based and portable devices, but I am only interested in the home version. Interestingly, the carrier (and probably the account) controls whether it is locked to one location or can travel. Whatever I get, it must support Ethernet. I was surprised to find out that either AT&T or Verizon Wireless, the other two providers in our area, offer a system that is Wi-Fi only. That is something everyone should make sure of, whether or not it might be needed immediately.

    As for congestion, I am away from the population center, but that might work against me. My AT&T cell phone gets great speeds in town, but suffers from low speeds during peak hours at my house, where I am only served by (probably) one tower.

    I agree that I should give it a try. The deal I was offered on the chat came with a gift card that was equivalent to three months of service, but it also required a credit check and ID beyond just a credit card. I balked. Sure enough, at the web site there were options without the credit check, but the sign-up bonus was only one month of service. That, plus the somewhat high pressure tactic of only disclosing critical information over chat, soured me to the deal. I will revisit, because last time I checked, T-Mobile had good reviews for this kind of service. There is full information on their web site.

    @crawdaddy, thanks for the good information. I got a giggle over “’Keep Historic <town name> beautiful’ by not allowing modern infrastructure”. Our town (I am outside the city limits) initially forbade 5G, citing cancer risk. I don’t want to get into that discussion, but they apparently caved to popular demand and reversed their position a short time later. Of course, the mode of 5G they didn’t want is (I think) still not deployed. 5G has so many flavors that all carriers can claim they serve it almost everywhere. That tells me they probably grandfathered one of the older modes and called it part of 5G. I have certainly not seen any effect from 5G rollout here, and I have a phone that supports everything. At least one of the T-Mobile gateways claims to support 4G LTE along with the other modes. Ha.

    That windowsill location might be a problem for me, but at least T-Mobile has a way to measure signal strength. I am an old radio engineer, so things like that are second nature to me. So is adding routers. I also noticed that T-Mobile is offering 65% off one of the major name mesh systems. I haven’t looked at the details, but getting better Wi-Fi coverage is one of my goals. My house and outbuilding shop are well shielded, and Wi-Fi has been a constant problem. I initially installed Ethernet many years ago and it works fine, but the convenience of Wi-Fi, especially for mobile devices, is always attractive.

    I have also been an AT&T customer for many years, and have recently had some issues. I was very tempted to switch, but only AT&T had a very good offer on the phones I wanted for my wife and me. I wish I had dropped them, but they have been consistently the best for voice coverage in my remote area. Dealing with them has gone from excellent to way below average. Fortunately, the local store can do much better than contacting the company directly. Sad.

    Thanks for the information. I will probably give one of the T-Mobile services a try. I don’t have much to lose except time. Right now, time is in short supply. I surely wish Frontier comes through with fiber to my home, but something smells off about what is going on. Verizon promised Fios to me a lot of years ago, then dumped our whole state along with Texas and Florida. I feel like Charlie Brown and the football.

  32. Lynn says:

    Oh fussbudget, income tax extension day is coming soon for 2022 extensions.  The day is Monday, Oct 16, 2023.

    I am so not ready to do this.  I’ve got too many irons in the fire.

  33. drwilliams says:

    Otherwise, he accomplished basically nothing during his term in office.

    So there’s no basis for comparing and contrasting between Trump and Biden  on  border security, inflation, unconstitutional expenditures, the shipment of billions to our country’s enemies, military readiness, the state of the strategic petroleum reserve, etc., etc.?

  34. Lynn says:

    the state of the strategic petroleum reserve

    We don’t have a strategic petroleum reserve anymore.  Hunter sold it off to his friends in China.

  35. Lynn says:

    Why am I suppose to give a s(h)irt about Israel?   Best I can figure is somehow what Mustache Guy did years before I was born is my fault.  That’s like blaming me for slavery in America when my great grandparents were doing peasant stuff in Germany before they immigrated here after the Civil War.  

    The Arabs don’t like them.  Getting kicked off of your land will do that. 

    Because if the entire Middle East goes up in flame, we will get involved.  We cannot stand to stay out of the fray.

    And the Saudis are blaming it all on the Israelis. 

  36. Lynn says:

    the shipment of billions to our country’s enemies

    Apparently the Israelis are stating that Iran paid Hamas to attack Israel with the money that Biden gave them.

    The Israelis appear to be … upset.

  37. Bob Sprowl says:

    Two steps forward and one back…

    One of the carbs I had milled was cut too deeply and we ruined it.  I had four of them, now I have three.  I used a hack saw, a Dremel and some files to get the cuts for clearance.  I did make some progress as I finished by hand air cleaner gasket mounting surfaces.  I’ll make cardboard templates tomorrow for the gasket I’ll make next week. 

    Ran the replacement rug cleaner; it works fine. 

    Watched some football and enjoyed the cooler temperature; high in the upper 60s instead of mid 80s.

  38. Nick Flandrey says:

    Got the pool table recovered and assembled.   Played several games with the kids.  Wife is out there now, at 130am knocking balls around…  so it was  a good deal.

    Didn’t get anything else done though so tomorrow should be busy.

    headed to bed.


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