Cool to start, warm later, and maybe even hot, before it cools off again. Yesterday followed that pattern. Fall is in the air at the BOL if not yet in Houston.
I didn’t do any big projects yesterday. I did a bunch of little things though. Main effort was cleaning up the dockhouse, as I’ve stashed bins full of electrical and plumbing supplies there while I was working. I’m done in that area, so I should clean up after myself. I don’t have a good place for that stuff to live long term, so I’ll probably end up stacking it in the garage and moving it several more times.
I also did a bit of prep for a post/column replacement project. It will take more time than I had this visit, but at least I’ve got some of it ready. They hold up a porch roof on the dock house, and they need to be replaced. Everything is there now, and ready to go.
Did some fishing. At one point I could see 4 or 5 big fish hunting in a pack. They were doing lazy circles in the cove, occasionally snatching a smaller bait fish. I tried 3 different baits, but didn’t get any hits. I watched them and tried for about 45 minutes. They had to be 18-24 inches long maybe longer.
I’d really like to start catching something…
And the fall garden probably needs to go in the ground if I’m going to try this year. Maybe I’ll get some work done on it next weekend.
There’s always a list of things that need doing.
And things that need stacking.
Get busy! Stack your own stuff.
Downtown San Antnio?
Sadly, we did not get cheesecake when we were there Labor Day Weekend. We went at breakfast time.
I did get a root beer.
I keep a cheap Android tablet with Acrobat around for that sort of thing, but, unfortunately, the market has decided that Amazon can own 7″ tablets and using a Fire carries with it the privacy issues if you are doing things for your business with proprietary information that Jeff shouldn’t see.
8″ displays get unwieldy with the glass weight, but having one in my bag on the road in Nashville kept me from getting lost whle wandering the suburbs in search of guava pastries when my iPhone lost GPS and data service.
Amazon and others are starting to make e-ink tablets with note taking capability and bigger displays. Cost is the issue there, however.
Try I-35 through Downtown on a Sunday.
The whole world has decided that Texas will be their BOL.
The Locust Class is definitely here, having drained California and Seattle dry, and active colonization is underway from Mainland China and the Subcontinent.
What struck me on our last trip to San Antonio is how much warehouse space is going up around San Marcos. That area will definitely be a focal point and host Coach Pop’s NFL team, but who exactly is going to use all of the commercial real estate?
East, and west, of Memphis on I-40 is just as bad. More trucks than cars. Said trucks taking 10 miles to pass another truck effectively blocking both lanes. The same truck drivers getting pissed at cars that take a mile to pass another car.
All of Arkansas on the route from Memphis to Texarkana is like that.
Arkansas is the worst part of the drive. Little Rock needs a Buc-ee’s, but the state probably can’t cough up enough tax breaks to make The Beaver happy.
Add FedEx in Memphis. I-40 needs some serious addition of at least one lane each direction.
Meanwhile, as Californians leave for other states, our traffic seems to be improving. On our last trip to Orange County, there were no slowdowns everywhere we went, although that is normal. Maybe I am just lucky.
Strange, as Bill Clinton made many beavers happy.
Maybe after 25 years of going to Orange County I would have learned how to avoid traffic. Maybe, but I never learned that going the 405 into parts of the South Bay and Torrance for the preceeding 30 years. So Cal has its beautiful and ugly areas, just like lots of other places.
Sadly, we did not get cheesecake when we were there Labor Day Weekend. We went at breakfast time.
No cheesecake. It triggers my milk allergy and all comes back up in 20 minutes along with eveything that I have eaten in the last two weeks. I got this nonsense when I was 46 or 47, 16+ years ago.
How did I get this old ?
One day at a time! The Present is a Gift.
I keep a cheap Android tablet with Acrobat around for that sort of thing, but, unfortunately, the market has decided that Amazon can own 7″ tablets and using a Fire carries with it the privacy issues if you are doing things for your business with proprietary information that Jeff shouldn’t see.
Yeah, I probably need to do that too. My dad keeps a cheap Motorola tablet for reading in his easy chair too.
My Android phone pdf reader does not have reflow either. I turned it 90 degrees and was able to get the text from 4 pt to 8 pt, readable. It is a free scifi book on the internet, about 3,000 pages. Huge.
Yup, that’s me. Sacramento, CA to San Antonio, TX, three years ago.
I have an 8″ Samsung, which is the smallest available in the US right now.
The 7″ Kindle Fire is strictly a movie machine for the road. With VLC from FDroid, the device will play just about any video file format, legally purchased or homebrew ripped.
“How did I get this old ?”
Not enough cheesecake.
75F and sunny in this part of the Great State of Texas. Slept in. Still only got 7 hours but it feels like 10.
I lived on the edge of Torrence for a while, one year? two? Stuff blurs. Sometimes it would take more than three hours to get home from Dodgers Stadium in rush hour. 15-20 minutes when there was no traffic.
That doesn’t happen often in SoCal, but the day all the mexicans / illegals stayed home to prove how much we needed them was one. Traffic was almost clear. It was beautiful. And it turned out, we didn’t need them that much, and they needed us, so they came back to work and shut the hell up about that. Things might be different now.
Pdfs exist to force you to display the work the way the creator intended. If the creator was dumb, you get to look at dumb. the ‘reflow’ thing only came about with the rise of small screens and an attempt to maintain market dominance. That’s how I remember it anyway, and I was there. The emphasis was definitely on faithfully recreating the original document formatting across platforms.
We bought pdf openers and utilities to defeat the intent and do what WE wanted with the files. Remember?
Food is eaten, coffee is drank (!), and it’s time to stretch my back and do some work.
“It is a free scifi book on the internet, about 3,000 pages. Huge.”
I will read the review.
Meanwhile, as Californians leave for other states, our traffic seems to be improving. On our last trip to Orange County, there were no slowdowns everywhere we went, although that is normal. Maybe I am just lucky.
All your neighbors have moved to Fort Bend County in Texas. But they still vote for dumbrocrats. They think that they are not going to get the same rot here too.
Our dumbrocrat county judge just raised our county tax from 40 cents/$100 value to 45 cents. Even though our average county property value jumped from $300k to over $400k. He claims he needs a billion dollars to help people pay their mortgages in FBC. He is going to cause more people to lose their homes for his schemes.
Worm? Deathworlders?
The whole world has decided that Texas will be their BOL.
Yup. When I decided to stop moving to wherever paid the most, I considered 3 or 4 locations that don’t get cold. South of Corpus Christi was on that list, but I ended up not terribly far from Mr. Norton’s old stomping grounds. That was always the first choice, anyway. The others were in the desert. I’ve been a swamp rat and a desert rat; I prefer the swamp.
As a consolation prize, you get my sibling’s family. They closed on a property NW of SA last week.
coffee is drank
Thank you, Nick. As an aspiring country music writer, I have never been able to pull off the rhyme of drink with bank, a la the great Merle. You have shown me a different path.
I drank a few drinks, and now I am drunk.
As the late great Sonny Eliot used to say just before Independence Day, If you want to feel good on the sixth, don’t drink a fifth on the Fourth.
Worm? Deathworlders?
Taylor Varga.
“Air Force Seeks Help From Public in Finding Missing F-35 Jet Lost Over South Carolina After Pilot Ejected”
They dont put Lojack on these things ?
We have a niece who works for a large accounting firm. She has been taking assignments in different locations including overseas, and is climbing the corporate ladder. She just made a big milestone. Good for her. I hope she never forgets her humble beginnings, but is already a bit too full of herself.
She is originally from suburban Iowa, and is about the leftmost person we know. She moved to the Austin, TX, area a couple years ago. She says she really likes it. NB, she is not from CA. Not everyone is from the same mold.
I would have washed my screen if I had been drinking coffee. Priceless!
I used to look at 8” tablets. I also cruised Newegg looking for a really cheap one for automobile work. Meanwhile, phones get ever larger. Now, I see a foldable phone in my future. Maybe it will be too valuable to risk in a shop environment. Back to the small tablets. Might look around in advance of black Friday.
Anyone here recommend some adequate specs? How cheap can I go without a lot of compromises? Example, I once took a serious look at a low end Samsung 8 or 10” tablet at Costco. It was about $200 on sale. Right next to it was a same sized Samsung with better specs (more RAM and storage?) for more than double, not on sale. Big difference in price. Always wondered if the difference was worth it. Still too lazy to read up on them.
Oh, not for games, if that is even a thing on tablets. Mostly to display automotive OBDII codes. Goal if to get something as good as a dedicated scan tool, but capable of other uses. Good scan tools go from ~$100 to over $1000. A tablet with a Bluetooth dongle and software might be as good for amateur use.
My current scan tool is a ten year old $20 bargain bin cheapie that only reads engine codes. Would like to get something more comprehensive. My OBDII cars are new enough that they tend to have no problems, but I want to be able to watch for problems.
Just wait until the local governments and school boards raise taxes under cover of “rate compression” and the temporary increase of the homestead exemption for 2024 and 2025 under the property tax “reform”, hiding the mischief until the Spring 2026 trim notices.
Texas is no longer a Republican state.
The 2027 Legislative session will see the debate about an income tax under Governor McConaughey, Abbott having been defeated over the rolling blackouts which the 2025 session papered over once again.
All right, all right, all right.
I started Taylor Varga but didn’t go far into it. It seemed to be meandering even at the start. Comments by others, who’d gotten hundreds of thousands of words in, confirmed that this was the way it went. Fine if one enjoys that but it’s not my preference.
Our property assessment has gone up about 55% in a few years. Some of that is from actual increase in market value (theoretical increase; no one in this hundred+ house development has sold lately) but most of it is the local governments scrabbling for more money when they’re not allowed to increase the tax rate. The school district was able to increase the rate, so we got hit with a double increase on that part of the tax bill.
re the natural gas conference that Lynn went to, I’m surprised that Ray didn’t go, as a supplier.
I can hear the exchange after it is found now:
Citizen: Here you go Andre’, your missing F-35.
USAF: Where’s the frickin’ ROTARY CANNON?
Citizen: (innocently) Dunno. Fell in a lake somewhere?
My property tax bill came last week – up 20% due to the higher valuation from a year ago. Thank merciful Zeus they don’t go by Zillow’s inflated value.
Schilo’s has lots of other good things, and it is expense account friendly.
If the office manager won’t beat you up too badly about exceeding the per diem a bit, on the last trip, I had decent pork loin at Iron Cactus on the Riverwalk.
Just don’t go to Margaritaville. That’s deeply offensive to native or near native Floridians like myself.
Austin is Margaritaville. It is documented as the inspiration for the song in multiple interviews with Jimmy Buffett.
Hey, H.E.B. shoppers in Texas – got SPAM?
See here.
I have a BlueDriver OBD reader which I use with a Galaxy Tab A7 Lite.
The tablet is $120 IIRC, but I received it as a gift last Christmas after my old … A4 (?) … tablet went so obsolete that it wasn’t even useful as a map device in the car since OSMAnd wouldn’t run on the base version of Android.
I keep things for a long time. My daily carry phone is a first gen iPhone SE which will go obsolete with the release of iOS 17.
My wife knows about the phone needing an upgrade this Christmas.
I have a bluetooth OBDI gizmo that talks to Torque on my phone. It works well enough for me.
Torque has a free version, with limited features. It’s so you can see how Torque works with your OBDI gizmo and your phone before you drop the totally excessive sum of $5 for the full version.
I have thought of dropping the apk file on my Kindle Fire just for the larger screen but wi-fi is sketchy where the cars are parked. Phone has cell service, that works.
I just updated to 17. I guess your phone will die now?
I started Taylor Varga but didn’t go far into it. It seemed to be meandering even at the start. Comments by others, who’d gotten hundreds of thousands of words in, confirmed that this was the way it went. Fine if one enjoys that but it’s not my preference.
I got about 40 or 50 chapters in to it this time so far. I like meandering, that is just like my life. I’ve just got to figure out how to read it without reading it on my pc which I hate. 500 chapters to go !
If you have a Kindle or other device which can handle .epub, .mobi, .azw3, or other ebook formats, I can give you step-by-step instructions for producing one from the website. For that matter, I guess I could make it myself and send it to you.
If you have a Kindle or other device which can handle .epub, .mobi, .azw3, or other ebook formats, I can give you step-by-step instructions for producing one from the website. For that matter, I guess I could make it myself and send it to you.
No Kindle here. My son loves his Kindle paperwhite though. I may get one someday.
No, but I know better than to stay on any version of iOS which Apple no longer supports with patches.
The first gen iPhone SE will remain at iOS 15, and Apple only actively supports ‘N’ and ‘N-1’ unless the security problem is beyond egregious.
I’ve sat across the table from the people whom I assume are still making decisions for security and crypto in CoreOS, the upstream source for iOS and macOS. I wasn’t impressed. They seemed fond of the concept of security through obscurity, which has bit them multiple times in the decade since that meeting.
Here’s an action plan for ya: Remind your son that “two is one and one is none” so he should get a spare Kindle. Then you can borrow it for a bit to evaluate it.
Dadgum. The 32 GB Kindle Paperwhite 6.8 inch is $190. Plus $20 for the charger.
I can hear the exchange after it is found now:
Citizen: Here you go Andre’, your missing F-35.
USAF: Where’s the frickin’ ROTARY CANNON?
Citizen: (innocently) Dunno. Fell in a lake somewhere?
Ever try to buy 20 mm armor piercing rounds ? You gotta have a license for those. Or, roll your own.
A buddy of mine back in the 80s used a 30 mm brass for a pencil holder. That is a lot of brass for one round.
BtW, he was an F105 driver until he nailed a tree in one of the Carolinas while landing in the middle of the night. Somehow he got his scalp ripped off in the crash.
I think a couple hundred come with the gun.
No one should need more than 10 rounds anyway. Just ask any Soros backed politician…
Remember when cleaning supplies were gone from the shelves due to supply issues? Now this:
As Nick would say – “How’s your stacks?” I think I still have some from the last time.
And do you know how to make your own – with a roll of paper towels cut down and a bleach solution?
“She is originally from suburban Iowa”
I would have guessed Iowa City, but the only real suburbs are greater Des Moines, so Urbandale.
I used to stop in WDM to see Ivor Rogers in the 70’s. Tiny old railroad town is now a major insurance center. DM in th 70’s had the second-highest per capita core storage in the U.S., after Hartford. Mostly made by IBM in Rochester, MN.
I have the base model which used to be $79 but now goes for $99. The screen isn’t that much smaller than the Paperwhite, but far fewer LEDs are involved in the backlight.
I keep the light turned down to the minimum, which is only visible in a dark room, but YMMV.
$20 for a 9W charger. Seriously, Jeff?
$14 at Best Buy will get you two USB-A to USB-C cables so you can reuse an existing USB-A charger.
I use an Anker 735. $40, but it will handle two USB-C devices and a USB-A at the same time with much better build quality than what Bezos’ minions sell.
On the road, the 735 charges my Switch Lite, phone, and tablet-du-jour simultaneously.
I’ve never had to charge an e-ink Kindle on a trip, but we never exceed a week out of town.
BTW, I have a newer Kindle only because Amazon pulled the plug on 3G support for the 2nd gen old school reader about a year before the wireless carriers ended 3G support.
Once buying books required a download to my PC and then a transfer using a USB cable, I admitted defeat on the 2nd gen. However, it is still around for Gutenberg and other downloaded books not purchased from the Amazon site.
Until Amazon pulled the plug on 3G, WhisperNet was really cool. If I was bored with whatever I had on the Kindle, I could sample/buy books from just about any location where I could get a cell connection.
Someone probably had a job involving a SCADA network at the factory which they tried to do from home via TeamViewer.
TeamViewer is an automatic violation of many big companies’ security policies, but that doesn’t stop people from trying it.
A friend says she downloads dozens of books to her kindle from the library, then sets it to airline mode for her months long summer vacation.
It can’t phone home & so the books don’t expire after two weeks.
You probably have a charger and cable that will work fine.
I have a Kindle so I can download a book to my Mac and stuff it in Calibre, convert it to epub, and use Apple Books on my iPad Mini.
I have Calibre on my Linux server, which I use to manage the 2nd gen Kindle.
I rarely buy books on Amazon, and I’ll find some way to compensate the author if I download a book.
Cory Doctorow was at a convention I attended one year, and I bought signed physical copies of all the books I had downloaded from his site. Cash.
Yeah, big Prog, but a nice guy one-on-one. Even his panel at the convention was more subdued and thought provoking than some of the zingers he’ll drop in interviews or in various venues online.
The only party I haven’t found a way to compensate for the work is, inronically, the Ayn Rand estate. If they have the chutzpah to charge $20 for that typo-laden trainwreck that is the Kindle version of “Atlas Shrugged”, the piracy is inevitable.
The Rolling Stone list has always been a bunch of pretentious crap (almost as bad as the R&RHoF). As the in-group of gatekeepers aged and contemplated their receding hairlines and expanding bellies, they grew ever more desperate to stay relevant. So they sent more surveys to non-pink artists–maybe more accurately “artist”–whose politics and relative youth (never having played a real album on a turntable)–lead inevitably to racial-based voting.
So they send more surveys to female artists–maybe “female”/“artist”–whose politics and relative youth (never having played a real album on a turntable)–lead inevitably to gender-based voting.
I’m certainly biased. But my personal* album collection (mostly CD’s) is well-north of 6,000 and I play 40-50 a week and have a real life. It’s pretty obvious to me which names on that list of 70–with 3 or more on the 2003, 2012 or 2020 list–were over-represented in 2003, over-represented in 2020, or both. It’s also pretty obvious who should be on the list and is not. I would not argue that Beyonce or Janet Jackson or Joni Mitchell or Madonna shouldn’t have an album in the top 500, but 3-4 each is a joke. As is 3-4 each from Radiohead, Velvet Underground, Beastie Boys, and a number of others. And if some of those names get whittled down to one and then knocked entirely off the list when I add in people that should have multiple albums or at least one, that’s too bad–yeah, that includes Big Star, Outkast, and Pavement to start.
Otis Redding was a fine singer lost way too early, but 2 on the 2020 list down from 4 in 2003 is another joke, especially when Diana Ross and the Supremes aren’t on that list at all. (note: recognize the structural problems of 45’s vs. albums when the time periods overlap)
Bob Dylan is still way over-represented. And Neil Young? YGTBFKM.
Chicago should have 3 on the list. That they don’t is indictment and conviction–The Rolling Stone is a bunch of posers.
Clapton? 4, not-including Derek. Same comment as above.
Moody Blues? 3. Ibidem.
Steely Dan? 5 (all five better than anything Nerv-ona or Eminem ever did). And again, to the same place..
I just played a 5-disc box set of Simon and Garfunkel last week. 3 minimum.
I haven’t read the entire list nor sought out a searchable copy. I did notice that the soundtracks to Saturday Night Fever and Purple rain are on it. Any other soundtracks? Bodyguard? My first thought was Easy Rider, but now we would just call it a playlist (ok, except Robbie Robertson got prickly so The Weight is a cover by a Dunhill house band, but Smith’s version of Baby It’s You with Gayle McCormick vocals is a stone 11.)
Where do compilations come in? Surely the Eagles Greatest Hits** should be there. What about the Doobie Brothers? The Guess Who?
Live albums? (Yes, Carnegie Hall is one of the 3 for Chicago) Woodstock?
*I think that’s the third cause of the problem, after staying relevant and ramping up the PC/DIE. The critics and writers 1) don’t have albums that aren’t bought for them or part of their business expense, and 2) don’t have any status unless they worship the sacred cows, tear down the merely popular, and sell the sophistication of their obscure selections.
**EGH was pre-Hotel California, and hence Volume I. It was for years the biggest selling album of all time, and probably still is wrt physical media.
Well, sooprise!
The worst kept secret in Florida politics is that Gaetz wants to be Governor.
Close. Beaverdale. A district rather than a suburb. Quaint little neighborhood. House was built in 1921.
I am also familiar with West Des Moines and of course Valley Junction. We were there a year ago, and there was an impressive car show on the main drag. “Main drag” is a term I haven’t heard or used in a long time.
I suppose suburb is now a blurred term. I always thought of Los Angeles as a giant suburb in search of a city. I was born in Pontiac, Michigan. We never considered it a suburb of Detroit, probably because there was a lot of open space between the two cities, but some did. It was also founded as its own city, not an expansion of Detroit.
I was just thinking of the pronunciation of Detroit: Dih-TWAH in French, Dih-TROIT in American English. I was exposed to some Canadian French speaking folks. My wife was born in Manchester, New Hampshire, and went to bilingual grade schools. She was once fluent in Canadian French, probably with some Québécois influence. Sadly, she has forgotten almost all of it. She says she does remember some vocabulary.
Well I’m home. Uneventful trip. Some street racers blurred past me at one point, doing well over 100MPH.
Home had a power outage for two hours. I’m going to have to bite the bullet and get the transfer switch installed. F ing third worldification well underway.
And the outage took my PCs down, and I can’t get my main machine to power on, even using the cheat I figured out last time. Rebuilding that machine was not on my todo list at the moment, but now it is.
Add the irrigation pump at the BOL and all the other stuff….
No rest for the wicked.
Tonight though, the three S’s and bed.
Beaverdale. Small world.
A college friend lived there for a couple of years. About 15 years ago I was going to fly into DM and drive to northern Missouri to visit a manufacturing plant. When she heard that I was going to be in DM and have a rental car she asked for a favor. There was a restaurant (on Beaverdale Road, of course) that had a particular salad dressing that they would not share the recipe for. She asked if I would pick some up and ship it to her in Cali. I did so, and the owner was so impressed by the effort that he did finally share the recipe.
Stellantis tells UAW they’ll reopen that plant the union’s so hep on
“et tu, U-A-Dubya?”
U.S auto makers fully-onboard with the goobermint EV koolaid, damn the cost and damn the consumers.
And UAW are yellow-dog Democrats.
Hard to see a downside to this fight going 20 rounds as they bleed each other to death.
Note that the plant in question is in Belvidere, IL, (between Chitown and Rockford) and opening it would mean closing plants in other states and moving lots of union members and their families to a failing blue shiite-hole state just in time to help hold the bag. Perfect.
Well, sooprise!
The worst kept secret in Florida politics is that Gaetz wants to be Governor.
Gaetz wants to be President.
Yup. Small indeed. The intersection of Beaver Ave and Hickman Rd is just a couple of blocks from the house I mentioned. The niece’s parents still live there. Still a nice neighborhood, just not in winter.
I wouldn’t bother trying. Copyright is supposed to be short. Estates like that are just grifters.
Got a couple of Kindle paperwhites and an oasis (2nd hand cheap less than a year old). Hardly ever connect my kindles to WiFi, I ‘download and transfer via usb’ from Amazon, drag them into calibre, remove the DRM, convert to mobi and, just to be sure, put the .mobi version onto the Kindle. So far the community has kept up with Amazon’s attempts to secure their format. Every so often I look on Amazon to see if there is an OS update which I can also transfer on via usb’.
Haven’t done that in…a while. Lazy, I guess. I still have an old, original Kindle, because the DRM used for it was a lot easier for Calibre to break. Maybe things have changed now, and the newer versions are equally easy to defeat.
In the end, DRM is a stupid game. Ultimately, the protected material – movie, music, book, or whatever – has to be readable. So of course the DRM can be broken, because it has to be openable in order for the material to be used.
What I do really appreciate are the authors who tell Amazon not to DRM their works. And, I suppose, I appreciate Amazon being willing to respect that.
– – – – –
Our electric meter was replaced today, by the next-generation smart model. Dunno what exactly that entails: remote-reading certainly. There is a network plug, and the technician said that was intended for end-customers to use. So at some point I’ll plug a cable into it and see what there is to see…
What they don’t tell you is that, in at least some models of smart” meter, there’s a relay that can disconnect service. There’re even more close-mouthed about when they’ll use the capability. Discconnection for non-payment? Almost certainly, although I’ve not heard of it happening yet. Load-shedding at peak times? Quite possible. Depends on whether the cut-off relay can be turned back on remotely.
We already know that these meters can be programmed remotely to require prepayment via physical token (not coin-of-the-realm, but effectively a USB key, obtainable from your friendly local electricity shop) rather than having consumption stored remotely, and billed ex post facto. There was a recent scandal here in UK about that very thing.
Your new meter is much more recent than mine. I have effectively no way of getting at what mine is doing, except for an industry-standard flashing LED on the front panel. 1,000 flashes per kWh?