More of the same. Same ol’ same ol’. Hot and humid. Some overcast and threatening clouds, but no rain. Rinse and repeat. Bo-o-o-ring!
So there I was, sweating through my clothes, sweat dripping from my nose and eyelids, again. Working on something. Again. Drinking water and electrolyte replacement like it was booze and I was Barney on the Simpsons. Seems like lately all I do is work in the heat.
And I can. This is the first summer I’ve been able to work normally after the multi-year recovery from my previous heat injury. So really, I’m thankful that I can. It is getting somewhat old though.
I also remind myself that it’s nothing compared to the labor people used to do, and that we’ll do again, if the world goes pear shaped. In the zombie apocalypse you will NOT be sitting around reading, FINALLY having time to do what you want. You’ll be doing all the work machines and other people used to do for you. You’ll be doing the ‘hidden’ work that others far away did, like providing food, motive power, water, or any of the many many other inputs to your life. Or you’ll be dealing with the outputs of life- waste, effluvia, trash. If you’re lucky, you may be tied to animals, their schedule and their needs.
And with luck, you’ll be fit, strong, and whole. You may not start that way, but if you have enough time, you’ll start heading that way. Not many weight problems in a hand to mouth existence. Not many picky eaters. Not many long term disabilities. Some of that is because if the problems are serious, just surviving them is tough. Some is because without toughness, both mental and physical, you don’t survive. In any case, it doesn’t seem likely that we’ll continue having the physical issues we have now, related to abundance. We’ll have the physical issues caused by scarcity, injury, and accident, but we’ll be thin…
Stack some stuff to keep the wolf from the door. And do what you can now to get in better shape, so you can be strong for yourself and others. We’re gonna need strength and toughness.
I buy only copies signed by the author.
We could mess with people by doing a new translation from the Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin, and what-not and then claiming copyright.
These days, $39k is a used Maverick XLT with a few thousand miles on the odometer, purchased from a dealer insider.
The old F&I room rule which I hear Ramsey repeat is don’t put more than half of the household annual take home in the driveway.
This won’t end well.
HFT is legalized cheating in the market. The FCC would be stupid to approve that allocation, but we may yet see the remaining terrestrial TV and radio spectrum sacrificed for the Pizza Box Dream.
Waiting for the costume contest to begin at the convention, we caught Olivia Olson’s panel discussion in the room. I knew she was in “Phineas and Ferb”, but I didn’t make the connection to “Love Actually” until the moderator ran down her career.
Geesh, Olson was young when Richard Curtis put the weight of that film on her ability to pull this off. Curtis writes with specific songs or genres playing in the background so the music becomes an integral part of his stories.
Sadly, my DVD copy of “Love Actually” was at home.
Well, then, we know it won’t happen, because .gov three letter agencies never make mistakes.
By the way, Colin Powell’s son Michael was once an affirmative-action hire to head that agency. And as useless as you might expect. He was a big proponent of Broadband Over Powerlines, which is the predecessor of this dog’s breakfast, and would have killed Ham radio.
My generation is fascinated by the Pizza Box Dream, and the HFT weasels getting their way will open the door for more spectrum to end up in the hands of the con artists who perpetuate belief in that dream for their own ends.
Cough … Musk … cough.
Plus, for 50 years, the Biden crime family has served the financial interests for whom HFT is just another means of shearing the sheeple. The allocation could happen, with more to follow.
Min requirement for FCC executives and boards should be a ham license.
Start the morning with a laugh (enough bad news for the rest of the day)
90F and rising. Joy.
Coffee, eggs and bacon all consumed. Brain rebooting…
Back is sore and hands are stiff and sore… so normal after hard work. That should loosen up soon enough.
One of, if not THE most hated women in Texas. Yet won reelection. The only candidate whose signs were routinely vandalized.
Gets a nice little vacation out of state. Still gets paid.
>> For those interested, the first most popular book in the history of mankind is the Bible.
But who collects the royalties??
The bride of Christ, the church, in donations.
I’ve added a new plugin to the site – one that I have written. This one will block (via the robots.txt file) access by chat-bots. Those are bots that scan a site to use the content as a ‘learning’ resource for chat programs. Example: ChatGPT, Bard, etc.
What that means is that a chatbot scanner will have the site pages blocked because of a setting in the robots.txt file. That also means that a chatbot scanner that doesn’t use the robots.txt file will still scan the site’s content. I suspect there are those types of chatbot scanners, but the plugin will block the most popular chatbot scanners.
This blocking will have no effect on visitors to the site. Unless that visitor changes the ‘user agent’ on their browser to be one of the user agents used by chatbot scanners. It also will not affect the response time here, as WordPress has always used a virtual robots.txt file on every page request.
The blocking will also not affect the indexing of the site by non-chatbot scanners, such as the googles/bings/ducks. They use a different user agent value than the chatbot scanners.
Perhaps it is sort of ironic that I used ChatGPT and Bard to do the research for the plugin.
The plugin is currently in review, so does not yet appear in the official WordPress repository. The WP plugin review team is undergoing some staff and process changes; there is a very large backlog of plugins (over 600) waiting for review, so don’t know when it will become publicly available.
Sort of like “Set a thief to catch a thief”
I buy only copies signed by the author.
So where did you get that copy of The Odyssey from ?
“A Message from ConSec” by Cedar Sanderson
Some excerpts… Lots of pictures.
“Cedar’s notes: at the very beginning of the madness, when Lockdown Fever started to set in, there was an online convention. Our very own Lawdog, aided and abetted by Old NFO, became the con security detail. What follows are some of the more, ah, memorable messages and memos they had to issue for the multi-dimensional convention of geeks from around the galaxy and even further. While compiling this for posterity, I’ve also illustrated some of them, with the assistance of my loyal AI, Midge.”
“Message from Con Security (Lawdog): Please stay off the mezzanine for a bit. The alpacas and the sheep raided the armory of the 501st, and are currently reenacting ‘Romeo and Juliet’ up there.”
“Jim Aepilot, please drop by Con Security regarding someone switching out the 501st replica blasters for the real thing.”
“We’d like to recognize Kevin the Intern for his brilliant, yet unorthodox tactic of “Shrieking Incoherently and Throwing Baby Shoggoths”. Took care of things rather quickly.”
“Message from Con Security (JL): The military pass in review will take place at 1800 in the main parking lot. All units are requested to be in place NLT 1745. UNLOADED weapons are permitted. Lineup will be Manticore, Romulans, 4HU and their aliens, Ewoks?, Marines, Klingons, Army, Rebels, Navy, 501st, and the various air units last since none of them know how to march and they will probably get lost since they won’t have their navaids…”
Hat tip to:
xkcd: Solar Panel Placement
Yes, Option B is the way to maximize your sun exposure. Servicing your panels, however…
Explained at:
Great comment:
“Congrats, you’ve just made the universe’s smallest Dyson sphere component!”
I’ve been alive forever.
And I wrote the very first song.
Tell me, if the lyrics to a Barry Manilow song are the first thing to come to mind as a reply, should one entertain suicidal thoughts?
Misfits aren’t misfits among other misfits.
Only if it is Manilow’s “Like a good neighbor …” State Farm jingle.
Listen to “Box Set” from The Barenaked Ladies. The singer is chanelling Manilow, lamenting his career, the big clue being the rhythm track from “Copacabana”.
“Biden Admin Concedes No Evidence Behind Recommendation for 6 COVID Booster Shots a Year”
“After Health Secretary Xavier Becerra, a Biden appointee, wrote in a social media post on Nov. 29, 2022, that people should get vaccinated “if it’s been over 2 months since your last dose,” the Functional Government Initiative (FGI) filed a Freedom of Information Act request for documents supporting the statements.”
These people are freaking nuts. Six booster shots a year ? I ain’t taking even one booster shot a year.
For the really aged: “There’s a holdup in the Bronx…”.
Mead Chapel Lawsuit goes forward:
College will not be able to withhold records from discovery.
Although this case is in Vermont, it may provide a legal framework for structuring gifts to colleges and universities that involve facility names.
Ray Thompson says:
“Brooklyn’s broken out in fights..”
Certified geezer here.
Diversity hire. Becerra has never held a real job and does not have an education relevant to the position of HHS Secretary.
“621 Miles of EV Range? You’ll Need This Chinese Company’s Solid State Battery”
“In the race to bring ultra-high-range EVs to market, Beijing-based WeLion seems to be in the lead. Its ‘semi-solid state battery’ is already in the Nio ES6, and the company plans to IPO in 2025.”
I have trust issues with Chinese companies so I am not sure that I believe this.
The continued plugs admin squawking about boosters is nothing but CYA at this point. Social distancing, face diapers, and quarantines f’d up a lot of people. We now have the dumbest kids in a generation. Thanks a lot goobermint at all levels.
“Another day, another downgrade for America. Today it’s the banking sector”
“Another day, another downgrade for America. Today it’s Moody’s Investor Service, one of the three major credit rating agencies alongside Fitch and S&P.”
“Last week Fitch downgraded the sovereign debt rating for the United States of America. And late yesterday, Moody’s downgraded the ratings of several US banks.”
Nothing to look at here folks, just move along.
In a few years the dumbest kids can vote. Just what the pin headed politicians want, stupid and ignorant voters.
I bought a new e-bike today.
Significant upgrade from my other bike. Belt drive and transmission is entirely contained in the rear wheel hub. No front derailer. I did notice that most of the bikes in the bike shop do not have front derailers on the chain driven models. Just derailers on the rear hub. On this model the motor is mounted on the crank rather than the rear hub. This allows the gearing to be used by the motor to provide more torque in the lower gears.
I had to connect the bike to my phone and the Bosche app to update the firmware in the bike electronics. In conjunction with the phone lots of data can be accumulated about the bicycle ride. There is a lot of information on the handle bar display about trip information, range left and power consumption. That information does not need the phone. When the phone is used, the app can be used to plan a trip and turn directions show up on the handle bar display. I am not that sophisticated nor inclined.
I did take two rides today, each about 5.5 miles for a total of 11 miles, just to get more comfortable with the bicycle and learn how things work, especially with the power assist.
All this covid booster talk got me inspired to finally read/skim the 126 page complaint we filed against Houston Methodist. It’s quite the lengthy and well-researched document. The link is not directly to the complaint, but it’s on the website.
I remain hopeful. The next legal wrangling begins in just a few weeks, where Methodist asks for dismissal, and we respond to that, and the judge decides whether to go on to trial. Not the idiot judge from last time.
Our angel investor is also funding several other big lawsuits against major health systems and government agencies nationwide that had mandates. Houston Methodist is only the first to drop, because they were the first system to fire people and there’s a statute of limitations.
You might note that Texas state agencies are also defendants in this case, since Methodist was clearly acting as a state agent. TWC is also one of them, since they cooperated with Methodist in denying unemployment benefits.
An excerpt:
The punitive damages paragraphs use these terms: intentional and willful, reckless or callous indifference to the Plaintiffs’federally protected rights, and motivated by evil motive or intent.
Puts a smile on my face.
The thing is, we can be at 135% because people believe in us, unlike a lot of the other places at 50% (cough … Niger …cough).
That said: Do we deserve the belief?
The thing is, we can be at 135% because people believe in us, unlike a lot of the other places at 50% (cough … Niger …cough).
That said: Do we deserve the belief?
About half of the USA sovereign debt is self financed through Social Security, Medicare, and the Federal Reserve.
Federal student loans since Obamacare passed under reconciliation.
We had to pass the bill to find out what was in it.
>> I buy only copies signed by the author.
That would be “Joe Gideon,” right??
We’re from zee government and we’re here to help…please rolls up da sleeve…
Are the RSV shots mRNA tech too?
Gotta eliminate the control.
From the article:
Looks like just the Moderna vaccine is mRNA based.
“Looks like.” Except the information is coming from sources that are provably untrustworthy and liars, specifically Wallensky, CDC, and pharma.
I expect mRNA to be in everything the FDA approves in the future. Which is why I’m refusing any more medications except older ones I’ve been taking for years, and I’m attempting to wean off those.
I may change my mind if I’m given a terminal diagnosis and there’s a new promising drug. I may not.
Ready for harvest in August my left one. A buddy gave me a couple three weeks ago. If I lived on the Left Coast and used one to defend myself in a mugging I’d get charged with ADW.
I shredded one and used it to make blueberry and cherry cake/bread/whatever. Same recipe, two variations. 9×13 clay baker, cut a slab to go with the morning coffee. Zucchini has not taste to contribute, but it doe wonders for the moistness and let’s the berries shine. Have to make another batch for the freezer.
Court orders lawyers for Southwest Airlines to take religious freedom classes
Read the whole awesome thing.
Now if they’d treat all of Colorado government the same way, it would be a start.
No, strike that. It would be a start if the Catholic Church would excommunicate every paper Catholic that gets elected and votes for abortion.
No, I’m not Catholic. And in my outside looking in opinion the church is one more woke pope from imploding. But I hate weasels and liars. And anyone that thinks they can pick and choose the parts of the constitution that they agree with and violate the rest.
eBike fires:
Yeah. Canadians don’t have a clue about beer, and a Canadian dope company will probably forget they own it after the bong cools. Hops look kind of like buds, eh?
Winterhook used to be one of the reasons to look forward to the season. Haven’t been able to find it for years.
Of all the small brewers gobled up by megabeercorp, I still mourn Casta.
Methodist’s screwup was not showing up for some of the hearings.
TWC had to pay unemployment in those cases, which blows the argument of terminations being “for cause” due to a policy being applied evenly.
“Electric Bus Company Tied to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm and Touted by Biden Regime Files For Bankruptcy”
“A California transit official previously said electric buses manufactured by Proterra were melting in the California heat.”
“One electric bus caught fire while it was charging and the agency said the electric buses are just too expensive to fix.”
Gee, one bus catches fire and suddenly no one wants to ride on them. Of course, finding one bus running might be difficult too.
“”As of July 7, 2021, only three of the 15 BEBs are available for service,” the report says. “Some of the buses have been out of service for very extended periods such as bus 2012 out of service for 275 days waiting for a part, bus 2010 out for 125 days waiting for a part, bus 2017 out for 45 days for a bad transmission and waiting for a part.””
“The report notes that Proterra’s problems are unique to the electric vehicle buses, which have been much more trouble than the company’s fleet of compressed natural gas-fueled rivals.”
Watcha want to bet that the EV busses are too heavy due to the batteries ?
>> I bought a new e-bike today.
No worries folks, your. gov-issued Plugs & Petey EV skateboard will cost less…Hecho en Mexico and all that…
I just ordered a fancy whole house water filter for the house. Now that I have 1.5 inch water pipes running to the garage, I can install the water filter in a somewhat protected area. I am hoping that the three filters last six months as advertised.
They already forgot they’re Canadian. Tilray Brands, Inc. is an American … company, incorporated in the United States, headquartered in New York City.
Whew, busy day.
Finished up at the rent house and cleared out. Got the fence in 95% good shape. Spent about $200 on it and pulled a couple more pieces from my stacks. It looks a bit cheesy, but I’m ok with that. Wife decided to slap some primer and color on the peeled paint and call it good, so that’s out of the way.
I did a few more little things, but didn’t change the security light. I bought a “battery” powered light. Not solar, just battery. NFW that’s gonna work. So the old one stays.
It was crazy hot and stifling where I was working in a back corner of the yard. Crazy hot. Drank a lot of water.
Photographer comes Thursday to update the pix for the listing. Hopefully we’ll have it rented not long after that.
Ran from the rent house to dinner with a visiting sibling. Had a nice steak. Got reminded that there are reasons I live 2000 miles from my family. Love them. Still don’t want them in my pocket.
Ate anchovies on my salad as supplemental salt
Very tired. trying to go to bed early tonight. We’ll see if I manage it.
@Rick H: I know nothing of WordPress, but something about websites in general, so I’m curious. Why do you need a plug-in? Couldn’t you just directly edit the robots.txt file?
In other news, the climate alarmists need to persuade the government to do some more adjustments on the data. Here’s the current temperature anomaly in the US. Note the lack of any increase, despite all the alarmism.
Note that the actual data goes back to 1895, even though they only calculate the anomaly for the past 20 years. I don’t have time to reverse-engineer their anomaly equation (presumably based on the average of the corresponding month over the years?), but putting the temperature data into a graph and eyeballing it, it looks pretty darned flat since 1895.
Tyop for truth! Courgette / Zucchini is the devil’s vegetable!
>> Tyop for truth! Courgette / Zucchini is the devil’s vegetable!
Don’t forget kale!