Day: July 30, 2023

Sun. July 30, 2023 – Oh, my it is hot. Must be global warming. Or summer.

Hot ah, so hot. And drippy wet humid. Yesterday too. Got to 107F in the late afternoon, and I looked twice to be sure the sensor wasn’t in the sun. Dropped off pretty quickly and was down to 79F by the time I went to bed.

Got up here a bit later than I wanted to. Had to stop in town and pick up my order at Tractor Supply. They still have lots of empty spots on the shelves where they just haven’t been restocked. They are getting seasonal from corporate but not plumbing fittings.

Jumped right into my deck project, and then it got hot… kept going, eventually my friendly neighbor made me take a break. I needed it. Then finished what I could do with the materials I had. Since the design changed, I didn’t have everything I needed. Did some small things like weedwhacking with the trimmer, and cleaning up.

Today I’ll head into a nearby town and pickup what I need at Lowe’s. The online tool says they have plenty in stock. Still a 2 hour round trip… If they have the electrical stuff I need, I will just buy it there too. That will give me more stuff to do if I finish the deck project. Ha. WHEN I finish…

I didn’t bring much up with me, some instant coffee for the long term freeze dried food boxes, and some medical supplies and OTC meds. I’m adding stuff to the stacks up here as I can. My main focus remains on improvements though. Whichever you choose, stacking or improvements, get to it!


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