Yes, it is hot. Humid, and hot. Sunny and hot. So I’m out working in it… The highest I saw in the shade yesterday was 95F at the dock, with a cooler breeze off the water. The sun was hotter by a lot. I struggled to stay hydrated, but at least the humidity was only 50%RH. That helped quite a bit.
I did get a bunch of work done on the new electrical for the dock and dock house. Got the conduit and wire in for the little house, that was run as feeder without breakers. It’s two circuits in conduit now, with breakers (when I get them installed.) Got the feeder conduit and wire installed. Got the panel mounted. Brought two existing circuits into the panel.
I still have to install breakers and land the circuits. I need to add a box and some romex to straighten out the lighting circuit before connecting it, and I need to install a circuit for the sprinkler controller and the pump motor circuit. Once I get all that done, I’ll change the fused disconnect for a breaker/disconnect and power up to see what I’ve got…
I’ll admit that late in the afternoon, the sun and heat did get to me a bit. I was banging my head against a wall trying to get my fish tape through the conduit and it just wouldn’t go. I finally just cut the pipe near where the tape stopped and jiggled the tape past the binding spot. Should have done that sooner, but I wasn’t 100% at that point. Took a break and cooled down. Felt more rational after that.
It was a long day and I spent it entirely doing electrical. Running the conduit under the dock and around existing obstacles took much longer than it should have. Working in the heat just takes longer too.
Today the rest of the pack arrives at some point, and I’ll probably take a short break when that happens. Otherwise, I’ll be doing electrical work.
Always be working… and stacking…
Elliminating “working” from home would motivate some of the bloated Federal bureaucracy to find other jobs. I doubt the bill will go anywhere, however.
Lots of livelihoods depend on an expansion of that DHS campus and the department’s bureaucracy in SW DC.
As I’ve pointed out before, even pensioners in Australia and Canada have a vested interest since they own a 50% stake in the toll roads serving DC on the Virginia side, including a new stretch of road opening in theory later this year, connecting the Pentagon area with Quantico (think Marines and FBI), extending all the way down to Fredericksburg.
The “Fred Ex”.
If you have an Android phone, try the OsmAnd app with a cached map of Alaska.
Driving back from Nashville last week, I had to depend on OsmAnd and a cached map on my Android tablet when GPS blacked out on my iPhone for about 30 minutes while driving in a ritzy suburb when I went looking for another Publix away from the freeway in the hope of finding guava pastries for my wife.
OsmAnd is open source code and crowd-sourced map data. It may or may not work for you, but I generally find it reliable.
I was still sweating the trip until Waze reestablished location lock. I was not being strictly legal with the speeds wanting to get home before dark last Sunday, driving a just-purchased car, and Nashville to Texas can be part of a Cannonball route so the cops are extra thick on weekend mornings.
I needed those “Police reported ahead” voice cues.
BTW, just for grins, I recently asked Google Maps to calculate a Cannonball route from the Red Ball Garage in NYC to the Portofino Hotel in Redondo Beach, and it refused.
Just went to a regular grocery store (Hannaford, a regional chain) for the first time in months and suffered sticker shock. Mostly I bought stuff for the mother-in-law but I checked the whole store. Produce mostly up sharply. Beef prices up sharply from the last time I went to the same store. Pork and chicken prices up, not as much. Eggs are down from the high a while back but noticeably up from where they were before that. Packaged things like breakfast cereal and boxes of macaroni and cheese not only well up but the “value” bulk packages were no longer available. Shelves had no gaps (early in the morning) but a number of products took up more shelf space than they used to so selection was down.
Hannaford is part of Delhaize and the stores are kinda pricey.
About 20 years ago, Florida got Hannaford stores rebadged as Sweetbay for a while in an attempt to compete with Publix, but that didn’t work work out.
Publix is The Borg. Resistance is futile.
We have 14 Publix stores in the metro area, so definitely a player. Food City (NE TN, SW VA chain) just announced they are building 6 stores in the area, with the first going in less than 3 miles from our house. The Publix and Wal-Mart by us are 4 miles away. Nice to have more choices close.
Well (to quote Ronald Reagan), he has ten times the energy that Basement Biden had in 2020, and the multiple has gone up since. I’m not sure what the argument is here. Republicans need more energy because they might actually work? Because they have to fight the LSM headwind?
I know there are some other actual (declared) candidates, but have yet to see any that are reasonable. Most are simply delusional.
If you can’t survive five minutes with Tucker then you’re not qualified for the next step, as Pence and Hutchinson learned this week. The next step, of course, is being in a debate with Trump.
Do we need a reasonable Democratic candidate this time? Hillary and Biden surely were not, yet that doesn’t seem to matter, as the Democrat Party outside the hard left has devolved into the Yellow Dog Party.
I’ve dealt with low back/hip pain for years. I finally went to have it checked out. After playing the game of visiting the doc, getting an x-ray that doesn’t show anything, and doing 3 weeks of PT that temporarily does good but never lasts, I finally got in insurance approved MRI. I have a slightly bulging disc between L4-L5. I had a lumbar transforaminal steroid injection on Wednesday. Today the dog and I walked 3.5 miles and I am pain free. First time in many years. I know it’s temporary, but we’ll see how long it lasts. Even with the pain, it’s manageable and I won’t consider surgery until it becomes much more severe.
I finally decided to get checked out as we had hit both the individual and family deductibles for the year by May. Have to get my value out of the PPO plan!
Trump blew the 2020 debate a visibly medicated Biden. All he had to do was keep his mouth shut and wait for the “dog faced pony solder” lines.
It will happen again.
You’ve had all of the other common age-related issues checked which could result in similar pain, right?
Colonoscopy? PSA?
Speaking of backs, mine woke me this morning, so I’m up earlier than desired… just late to the laptop.
83F and overcast but the sun is poking thru. I expect another day like yesterday. Windy too.
Going to bed last night was a good choice. I don’t feel too bad considering. I am borderline cramping, so I’ll take a multivitamin and start hydrating early.
W and D2 are on their way, so I better get cleaning…
Yep, thanks. I actually had the colonoscopy almost 2 years ago. Apparently the recommended age to begin routine screening has dropped to 45 from 50. No issues found. PSA is normal.
The kick-off event for the back pain was a loud pop when I bent over to get something out of a file cabinet. That was almost 20 years ago. After that, I would have occasional pain, but it only gets bad when doing lots of walking. Disney trips were interesting – a steady does of Aleve managed it.
They dropped the colonoscopy age guidelines and introduced a new genetic screening tool for rare colon cancer types which I passed on doing after discussing with my GP.
The thing that has made the most difference in my back pain, other than meloxicam, was the foam yoga roller. The ‘log’. I put that under my lower back/hips, and use it to massage my hips, and then I use it to stretch my hips and back by extending a leg out sideways and rotating my hips/lower back.
A couple of minutes with that in the morning, and after a bad day, a couple of minutes before bed, and 90% of my pain goes away.
Of course, that motion and movement mimics what my chiropractor was doing that gave me relief, so YMMV.
Also, the logs come in different hardnesses. I found a fairly stiff log, on my softer memory foam bed, gives the right height and hardness combo. Experiment, find what works for you.
Boy I wish I could watch the Tucker v. Pense video. Did Pense really say “American cities are not my concern”?
Holy cr@p. It’s one thing to blame mayors and voters and soft on crime prosecutors, it’s another to just blow it off.
My sister and her husband bought land near Julian, CA, and planned on building a house.
In the permitting process, they were informed of the normal need for a well, an approved septic system, and fire reserve system. They were required to have 5 or 10 thousand (I don’t remember) gallons of water in an above-ground tank with fittings that firefighters can connect to. Every house in the area had similar equipment.
I’m as against government overreach as the next guy, but if I lived in forest fire country like Julian, I’d probably consider this a prudent requirement. I’d probably add my own diesel pump and firehoses so I could do my own grid-down firefighting.
Fly the flag, get the sack:
I gotta quit typing these out on a tablet/phone.
Yet, the LSM keeps squawking how great you have it under the plugs economy. You should see Vegas grocery prices. The Dumbocrats use Rules for Radicals and keep repeating the lies. The sheeple keep believing, and are getting dumber since the WuFlu Kootie farce.
@Greg Norton
Biden + LSM vs. Trump – LSM
Under what circumstances was Trump ever going to “win” a debate in a rigged game? Biden could have stroked out in the middle of an answer and the LSM would have claimed that he kept answering in the meat wagon on the way to the morgue.
This week Biden couldn’t stay up for the most important dinner of the year with world leaders. He couldn’t debate now, much less in 12 months. Doubtful he will be the nominee.
As the evidence piles up against the Biden crime family it gets more and more likely that presidential pardons are the only thing that will keep them all out of jail. Bad, very bad optics, and complicated by two things: First is the pardons won’t be handed to the little fish, who will be looking at hard time and vulnerable to pressure. Second is that FJB pardoning himself would not only be the worst optic of all, it would constitutionally dicey.
As I said before, McCarthy needs to have a conversation with Jill. Orange is not her black either, and a theoretical scenario that kept Joe out of prison might be possible.
And for the record, the possibility of Nixon in prison on phony charges had Democrats salivating for years, and Trump even more so. Putting FJB in a cell and showing that even the most powerful (albeit abysmally stupid and venal) have to pay for their crimes would be good civics.
My advice to McCarthy is to have some serious conversations with Harris. If Biden goes the Dems are going to pass her over and alienate a big part of the electorate, and there is no way they can buy her off. Kevin can’t change that, but can do other things.
Trump needs to get a list of reasonable demands for a debate series based on what has been done in the past, and be talking about it for the next year.
ADDED: Greg, I knew what you meant.
The President is very sharp–Morning Joe
Hope your next surgeon is that sharp, Joe.
Laughable. Tell me the LSM isn’t carrying water for plugs.
Mumbling, stumbling, lost, bipolar anger, and hair sniffing children is not normal or sharp.
Yes, let’s send cluster bombs and missiles to Fuher Zelensky. That’s an act of war.
It won’t matter. Trump lacks the discipline. 90 friggin minutes.
I’m not voting for him in the Primary here in Texas. I didn’t in 2016, and I only voted in the primary in 2020 to protect our walking corpse Congresscritter from losing to a obvious fake Republican.
alt + 0252 = ü
Why did you want an ü?
@Greg Norton
Local downticket is much more important. In the top slot Desantis is a distant second and the rest have records that run aground on kungflu, groomers, or 2A. Or in Christie’s case, his impersonation of a beached whale on the private beach when the public beaches were closed.
None of it is going to matter unless the Republicans really pay attention to Jay Valentine and make the ballot box secure.
For Füher Zelensky
Firefox offers to change füher to father. Without the umlat the choices are “fuhrer”and “further”.
The word is führer, or fuehrer or even fuhrer. Two Rs. No wonder your poor innocent computer was getting confused.
Quoted for truth, not because it has more than a minuscule chance of happening.
Just went to a regular grocery store (Hannaford, a regional chain) for the first time in months and suffered sticker shock. Mostly I bought stuff for the mother-in-law but I checked the whole store. Produce mostly up sharply. Beef prices up sharply from the last time I went to the same store. Pork and chicken prices up, not as much. Eggs are down from the high a while back but noticeably up from where they were before that. Packaged things like breakfast cereal and boxes of macaroni and cheese not only well up but the “value” bulk packages were no longer available. Shelves had no gaps (early in the morning) but a number of products took up more shelf space than they used to so selection was down.
Anything that got on a 18 wheeler in the last 18 months had a serious shipping charge added to it. That shipping charge doubled in the last 18 months and will double again soon when the diesel prices go up again.
Four days to receive a letter from San Antonio to podunk Burnet. Time to deposit the check into Frost with my mobile tracking device? Ah, I spent more time finding a pen that works.
Clicky click and done.
It’s pending and that is normal. Once it clears the fun begins with TreasuryDirect.
Sure. I expect a headache. But what the heck. Savings pays 1%. Frost CDs pay 4.xx for 90 days but I have to go to the edge of Austin. If I can manage over 5% and do it all from home, win.
We get junk mail all the time wanting to buy the land. Yeah, it looks like a lot but it usually works out to between 4 and 6 grand an acre. While everyone we know says land is going for 10 grand an acre, more if it touches a paved road.
And more if there is electricity and a well.
So the offers tend to be about ½ of “real prices”. Received one today. It works out to $12,500 an acre. Pump that up to 40 grand an acre and well, tempting.
Not for sale. The kids can sell it after we’re dead.
Some years ago I was awarded a large sum in arbitration with a large corporation. I told my attorney that I would bet a nickel that the paper check would somehow be impossible to immediately cash.
When the check came it was Wells Fargo, but “payable through” a branch that was 100 miles away. I took it to the local WF (I had an account at the time), where I was told that the check would have to clear before funds were available. I asked if I drove to the branch and presented the check if they would cash it–the answer was no.
Paper checks are rare now, but the corporations have all sorts of ways to delay clearing funds that are electronically deposited.
When eBay took payments through PayPal, funds were immediately available when paid with or backed by a credit card. You could spend them or transfer to your bank and the funds would typically be there next day.
Now that eBay took over the payments, the funds have to clear, regardless of the payment method.
“Lightning” by Dean Koontz
A standalone science fiction book, no sequel or prequel. I reread the well printed and well bound MMPB that was published by Berkley in 1988, I bought new copy from Amazon. I’ve read this book several times and enjoy it very much. I have read many other excellent novels by Dean Koontz such as “Watchers”, the “Odd Thomas” series, and several others. Dean Koontz has published 105 novels over the years and sold over 450 million copies of his works. An interesting fact, his publisher refused to publish this book, he had to talk them into it for four months, they wanted to wait seven years. And then they slow rolled the book out with zero promotion even though it went onto the best seller lists immediately.
Laura Shane was born with a guardian angel, Stefan. Her mother went into labor but her doctor was drunk. Stefan prevented her doctor from operating on her mother and crippling her for life. At the age of eight, Stefan prevented a thief from killing her and her father in his small grocery store. But at the age of twelve, Stefan could not prevent her father from passing away due to a heart attack but he attended the funeral. Laura was subsequently placed in an orphanage where she was preyed upon by the janitor. Stefan beat the man up and told him to stay away from Laura but the man attacked Laura when she was placed in a foster home where she killed him.
Every time Laura saw Stefan, he was preceded by lightning and thunder, even if the weather was clear. And he never aged during the thirty years where he saved Laura from several situations. Stefan’s origin is shocking and pushes the book into awesome territory.
Dean Koontz has a website at:
My rating: 6 out of 5 stars
Amazon rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars (7,775 reviews)
Some years ago I deposited cash in an account and was told it would take four days to clear before I could write a check against it. This wasn’t a problem because I already had funds but I did note it as a pile of crap and closed that account before long.
Something the same happened with someone else. He got pissed off and demanded they give back the money he had just deposited … and was told he would have to wait until the funds cleared. He complained to someone, but knowing the way the NYS regulatory agencies operate, I’d guess that nothing came of it.
“Hunter Biden Lawyer Sends Donald Trump Cease-and-Desist Letter”
Why are Hunter Biden and the other nine members of the Biden Crime family not in the Big Spring, Texas unairconditioned federal prison ?
Do we need a reasonable Democratic candidate this time? Hillary and Biden surely were not, yet that doesn’t seem to matter, as the Democrat Party outside the hard left has devolved into the Yellow Dog Party.
How long until the CIA kills Bobby Kennedy Jr. ?
Boy I wish I could watch the Tucker v. Pense video. Did Pense really say “American cities are not my concern”?
Holy cr@p. It’s one thing to blame mayors and voters and soft on crime prosecutors, it’s another to just blow it off.
Yes, Pense did. And Tucker nearly s*** himself.
Pense is a jerk. There is no way I would ever vote for him.
Corn Pop has The Football and that special card in his wallet.
He’s taken us to the brink of nuclear war to protect the family grift in Ukraine. Why not go all the way?
Somewhere in my stash of stuff is a copy of “Who’s In Charge Here” from the 1980s. The first picture in the book is Reagan speaking to a soldier and the caption reads “It will just be a small war.”
That’s what image immediately springs to mind every time I see Biden with the military brass.
I concur. Koontz best before Odd Thomas, IMO. I used to buy used copies when I saw them to give away. Lots more printings now, and easier to find.
Recommend John Maxim’s “Time Out of Mind” (1986) as another good time travel story. Maxim is one of those writers that grabbed me immediately when I picked up a copy of “Platforms” (1980) in a bookstore. His Bannerman series is also excellent.
I wish it was because they were awaiting completion of the new unairconditioned/unheated facility in North Dakota.
Court Lotto Crock-o
Yes, let’s send cluster bombs and missiles to Fuher Zelensky. That’s an act of war.
Oh, we passed that act level a long time ago.
It won’t matter. Trump lacks the discipline. 90 friggin minutes.
I’m not voting for him in the Primary here in Texas. I didn’t in 2016, and I only voted in the primary in 2020 to protect our walking corpse Congresscritter from losing to a obvious fake Republican.
All I wanted from Trump was a conservative SCOTUS justice. I got three of them.
I voted for Trump in 2016. I voted for Trump in 2020. I will vote for him in a heartbeat.
Mr. SteveF picks up the mantle of “Grammar Nazi” for OFD.
Think of it as a SMO, Special Military Operation, and it doesn’t seem so bad.
And remember, back in the day, when China and Russia were supplying weapons and expertise to people that were killing American soldiers? Since we weren’t officially at war there was nothing that could be done then.
Payback is a bitch.
My 3 ton a/c unit for kitchen, dining room, and den just died. Lovely. It is a 2015 Carrier unit. Looks like the 4 ton bedroom unit is going to have to keep us cool.
Think of it as a SMO, Special Military Operation, and it doesn’t seem so bad.
And remember, back in the day, when China and Russia were supplying weapons and expertise to people that were killing American soldiers? Since we weren’t officially at war there was nothing that could be done then.
Payback is a bitch.
Yes, it is. And I am hoping that Putin does not EMP the USA in response.
“UAW to Biden: Where are those Good Paying Green Jobs?”
“The “good paying green jobs” in Lordstown pay half the money the old auto jobs paid, and “we’ve had a couple of fires”.”
How do you tell when Biden is lying ? His lips are moving.
“A President who most days cannot find his pants should not be able to sleepwalk the United States of America into a war with a nuclear power.”
Rep Matt Gaetz (R-FL), at TPUSA
“Airfares Soon to Increase”
“Having solved all of this nation’s problems, the Executive decides to fix the problem of handicapped restroom access on aircraft:”
I want to know how they are going to get a wheelchair down those aisles. And the disabled bathroom will need a six foot swing room on the plane. And as soon as they can, a non-disabled will rush into the handicapped bathroom for the entire plane trip.
Of course, Larry The Cable Guy says that the handicapped bathroon is great for pushing room.
Yellow Dog Democrats.
Biden could sniff their children and grandchildren and they wouldn’t be able to make excuses fast enough.
“And as soon as they can, a non-disabled will rush into the handicapped bathroom for the entire plane trip.”
More room for the Mile High Club and selfies.
The immediate response should be to stop selling those products in Multnomah County in an abundance of caution.
Not permanently, mind you, just temporarily until the merits of the case are investigated, say, 2-3 years.
Wouldn’t want to do any more harm in the meantime, if harm has been done.
After all, wouldn’t want to do harm to the good citizens of Multanomah. Why, I’m surprised that when this rapacious scheme was found out that elected officials didn’t move to make sales of such illegal.
Note to Multanomah County Government: Not too late to get out in front. Lead the way and make your county fossil fuel free. Start by making county government 100% fossil fuel free.
“RFK Jr. says COVID may have been ‘ethnically targeted’ to spare Jews”
Yes, we have a winner !
Hat tip to:
classic litrachur:
The Saturday Night Joke
A senior citizen drove his brand new Corvette convertible out of the dealership. Taking off down the road, he floored it to 80 mph, enjoying the wind blowing through what little gray hair he had left. Amazing, he thought as he flew down I-94, pushing the pedal even more.
Looking in his rear view mirror, he saw a state trooper behind him, lights flashing and siren blaring. He floored it to 100 mph, then 110, then 120. Suddenly he thought, What am I doing? I’m too old for this, and pulled over to await the trooper’s arrival.
Pulling in behind him, the trooper walked up to the Corvette, looked at his watch, and said, “Sir, my shift ends in 30 minutes. Today is Friday. If you can give me a reason for speeding that I’ve never heard before, I’ll let you go.”
The old gentleman paused. Then he said, “Years ago, my wife ran off with a state trooper. I thought you were bringing her back.”
“Have a good day, sir,” replied the trooper.
World Population – Political Statistics
Kip Hanson has some spot-on criticism of a new graph from Statistica that purports to show the populations of the world’s top ten countries in 1950 and 2023, and the UN projections for 2100.
I only drilled down two links an didn’t find all the data, but the 2100 projections are even more preposterous than Mr. Hanson concludes based on China.
Looking at Africa we go from Nigeria being the sole top-ten representative in 2023 with 224MM (one “m” is thousands, you asses) to being one of five African nations in the top ten for 2100. Since Mexico is number 10 at 128MM in 2023, we can put a rough bound of 100MM each for the four countries added to the 2100 column. So we have five countries in Africa that total roughly 624MM in 2023 that are projected to total 1.7 billion in 2100, a nearly 3X increase in 77 years.
From 1950 to 2123 China expanded almost 3X and India 4X, so it’s not impossible, at least until you consider that with the other countries that projects more than 2 billion on an African continent that has no prospect of feeding that many.
Worth noting, also, is that the U.S is the only top-ten now in 2023 and projected for 2100, meaning that compared to Asia and Africa, the Americas, Europe and Australia would be be relatively empty. At least until you consider that the world elites have already declared open borders In Europe and North America, with South America enthusiastic in assisting in the violation of U.S. sovereignty.
If I believed in my country I might think about mass-producing clustre bombs and working up.
Finally, noting that Mexico’s current population is ⅓ that of the U.S., I think it’s time we annexed them outright and established camps for the asylum seekers south of our present border.
Turned into a nice night. 82F and mostly clear. Saw one shooting star in an hour and a half of radio listening.
Ham bands were crowded and noisy.
Shortwave was nice. Nothing out of Cuba, which was odd. Okeechobee Florida was coming in strong. is where the guys doing old style AM radio ended up after they left Tennessee. Nice mix of songs and genres, rarely hear something I don’t recognize but rarely hear something I don’t like.
Lots of little bugs early, but they stopped bothering me around 11pm, zapper stopped crackling too.
Time for bed.