Hot and humid, little chance of rain. The window thermometer in the kitchen read 112F yesterday afternoon. The sensor is always in the shade. I’m inclined to believe it. Holy Moly it was hot. REALLY hoping today isn’t as hot.
Did get some stuff done yesterday. Took the rebar to the scrap man. 442 pounds at 5c/lb netted me little over $21. Better than nothing and it had to leave the BOL some way anyway. Still, that’s a bit more than half of what steel was bringing just a few months ago. Would not have been worth making the effort if the effort was much more. Two cut off blades were used… a third would have broken the bank.
Did a quick pickup and stopped at the Habitat reStore on the south side of town. Their prices have gone WAY up, and their stock has gone way down. This store used to always have tile, doors, and paint, as well as new cabinets. They have only a few of those items now. I’m still looking for doors for the BOL, and not finding any deals. I want to try the reStore that’s north of Houston again because they always have used cabinets, and some doors. I want some cabinets for the laundry area at the BOL, and the key to buying used is to keep checking for new arrivals. I might get to there today since I’ll be on the north side of town anyway.
Or I might not. I still have to get the tire I found half inflated checked and repaired. I still need to go to HEB for the stuff I buy there. I still need to hit Lowe’s for the electrical stuff I need, and I still have a couple of other things to do at the house too, before heading back to the BOL. The net-net on all that is I’ll probably head up on Wednesday.
Some of the Costco run, and part of the HEB groceries will be added to the BOL stacks. There is always something to be added, or refreshed. Your own stacks are probably the same, so give them some love this week… Stack it up.