Day: July 6, 2023

Thur. July 6, 2023 – still at it. Crazy, huh?

Hot and humid. Cool enough to start, but broiling under the sun later in the day. Highs yesterday were mid 90s. Probably get the same today. I’m blessed that most of the work I’m doing is in the shade.

I continued working on the side patio. I’ve been grabbing a task here and there as I drive the machine back and forth to the piles of dirt and the work area, like leveling the area in front of the entry door, or pulling a root ball, so MOST of the regrading of the front yard is actually done, or very close to done.

I should be able to finish the grade and backfill on the side in the morning, leaving a few other ‘could do’ ‘would be nice’ and ‘you’ve already got the machine…’ jobs. Pulling down the concrete steps from the house to the yard is technically one of those optional tasks, but it needs to be done and I’ve got the machines…and the dumpster still has room in it.

The machines are crazy useful.

And I’m getting pretty good at fixing pvc pipe that was/should be/will be buried, after breaking it.

Still have all the dock electrical to do, but don’t have the panel. Wife has approved doing that next visit. I need to secure it before I leave though. I’ve been here a long time. It’s a bunch of massive projects. Time to finish and get home.

Always working to improve my situation. If I can’t stack, I’ll work… but stacking is good too.


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