Cool and clear? Maybe clear. Maybe not. It did clear yesterday, in places. Typical Houston, with threatening skies but no rain where I was. I could see rain in the distance…
So I used the Expedition for my errands. Didn’t want to get rained on in the pickup. Dropped stuff off at one auctioneer. Picked stuff up at two others. Some was resale, but most was actually sprinkler system parts. I’ve got a lot of work to do on sprinklers at the BOL.
Today should be working here at home. I found more exploded cans and they leaked all over. That led to other cans being nasty. I’ve got to do some sorting and triage. And cleaning up. Of course there are ten things to do first to make room and time for that… it’s fractal.
But I’ve been putting it off for a while, so it’s time to deal with it. Unless it’s raining. Then I’ll have to find other stuff to do. That shouldn’t be an issue.
Stuff needs maintenance and that takes time. But the proverb about ‘a stitch in time’ will prove itself out one hundred fold if you ignore it. Don’t be like me, stay on top of important stuff.
Anything spoiled will have to be replaced, and that will take away from your stacking.
And what do we say about stacking? Stack it up!
Ironically, Boca Chica is not the kind of terrain where a Tesla does well. Most of the immediate area is salt water marsh, and the nearest superchargers would be in Port Isabel.
I didn’t go out to the launch site at the beginning of March since had my Camry instead of the Exploder. Even in the SUV, we get nervous, and I always take the vehicle through the carwash after playing tourist.
The employee parking lot is mostly big Ford or Toyota trucks. Real work happens out there.
“The employee parking lot is mostly big Ford or Toyota trucks. Real work happens out there.”
Plausible until you notice that most of them paste wax and detail the beds.
What are your ideas about preventing future occurrences?
Long time lurker. RIP Bob.
Went to Sam’s (live in remote KS no Costco near) and purchased some canned chicken. I have been gradually storing more food items for unexpected events. The chicken is in a can with a pull off lid. My question is how long can you stored this chicken before it must be thrown away. I believe (maybe wrongly) that the food stored in pull off lid cans doesn’t remain viable for as long a fully sealed cans.
That’s a mess, with no easy solution. I don’t envy the cleanup. And take some care – depending on the can contents, there can be botulism, with its nice little nerve toxin…
@Darryl Hoar
Welcome, lurker.
Easy open cans should not have a shorter shelf life, but are perhaps more prone to seal failure.
Anything past the best by date should be inspected. It’s a good idea to write purchase dates on cans going to storage. There’s a big difference between a can the manufacturer thinks is good for a year vs three years. Six additional months on the former is +50%, but on the latter is 17%.
Storage conditions are a huge contributor. Stable temps at 70 are much preferred to cycling, esp when the high end is over 80-90.
The biggest guaranteed storage failure is synthetically sweetened soda. A few months past the date and you have bad water.
No. The facility is for real even if the rockets go boom. People build things.
The fantasy is that the property will become a transportation hub on the level of Atlanta.
Kennedy could be upgraded for passenger Starship service with high speed rail to three of the four biggest airports in Florida given a decade and a Governor/Legislature possessing “the vision thing”, but the south Rio Grande Valley is one of the poorest areas of the country with really bad transportation infrastructure and a largely unskilled workforce.
How about VAFB?
From Kim du Toit: Ten Things That Make Me Proud To Be American
Went to Sam’s (live in remote KS no Costco near) and purchased some canned chicken. I have been gradually storing more food items for unexpected events. The chicken is in a can with a pull off lid. My question is how long can you stored this chicken before it must be thrown away. I believe (maybe wrongly) that the food stored in pull off lid cans doesn’t remain viable for as long a fully sealed cans.
I just fed some Sams Club canned chicken with an expire date of 2019 to my dog. Some of the cans had the fixed lids and some had the pop top lids. My dog survived, in fact she thrived. She has a sensitive stomach and we feed her Prescription Diet for small dogs ($49 for 7 lbs at the vet) or rice and chicken. If my wife has the time and energy, she cooks chicken tenders for her. Otherwise, it is the too salty canned chicken with a double rinse first.
What are your ideas about preventing future occurrences?
– My main issue is storage conditions. I am as far from the proverbial “cool dark dry” place as you can get. I accept that I’ll have more losses than I might have under better conditions. That said….
I am seeing the fruit fail “all at once”. Fruit in cans always fails sooner than something like beans or veg, given the same age and storage. The failure I found earlier was all one brand (HEB grocery VERY LOW END house brand) which might have contributed. I haven’t looked at this failure too closely yet, but it was all fine a few weeks ago, and now it isn’t.
I keep stuff WELL past it’s best by date, and use it too. Most of the time it’s fine but I do find things that haven’t held up, and I report them here. I had some beef in cans from Argentina, very heavy steel cans, that all failed w/in a month or two of ‘best by’, so can sturdiness and ‘pop tops’ can’t be absolutely relied on as predictors.
@Darryl, welcome back. Glad to hear you have been visiting. Undamaged cans, stored well, should keep their contents edible LONG past best by. I’m routinely eating out of cans from 2014 with only occasional issues. The cans have been stored outside, on my patio (under cover, near the house, but still in Houston weather) subjected to heat, cold, condensation, humidity, and rodent mess. Many have faded labels from sun exposure. They get temperature cycling daily. REALLY poor conditions. Most are still tasty after all that.
And, I store far more than I can cycle thru during normal use. That is the best way to keep them fresh, use the oldest, replace with new. Store an amount that you can use that way within their ‘best by’ window, plus a year or two. I store more because I store things we don’t normally eat much of, and I store a quantity much higher than we use in 4 years. I expect losses, but want to have the quantity on hand because I suck at predicting when the crunch will come. (I hope it never comes, but if it does, I want to eat.)
eating what you have…
I look at every can and thoroughly wash each one before opening. My cans are dirty, some have rodent mess on them, some have other debris. Most have rust somewhere on the can. We are not at mad max yet, so if you are unsure DON’T. However, here is what I do, and I haven’t had any issues.
After washing and drying the can, I inspect it. Do the tops and bottoms still pull in a little bit? IE is the can still under vacuum? Push on the top and bottom. They shouldn’t really move at all. Next open the can. Listen carefully for the “shush” as the vacuum is broken. You should see and feel the top move OUT when the opener makes that first hole. Any top that moves IN is bad. It means the contents are under pressure which can only mean that something bad is growing in there. Carefully dispose of the can, clean up any that sprayed out, and thoroughly clean the can opener and any surfaces involved. Use diluted bleach.
If the can was still under vacuum, dump the can into a bowl (not directly into the pot) and rinse out the can. Look in the can for any discoloration on the inside that would indicate a pinhole leak. If none found, pour the bowl into the pot and enjoy. If found, discard the can and contents, carefully wash the bowl. Open the next can. Repeat.
And look at the contents of the bowl for any telltales. Does the food look normal? Over time it may change color (generally darkening) or texture (generally softening). Is there any unusual odor? Bad odors are bad. If in doubt, discard. If it’s mad max time, and it smells ok but looks different, maybe try a small amount and wait? Again, better safe than sorry unless you are literally starving.
Cook canned food thoroughly if you have even a suspicion of an issue. Boiling for 5 plus minutes should kill anything that could come in with a pinhole, but not make the can swell.
Cans that fail and have some bad stuff inside will be swollen. NEVER open or use a swollen can. Straight into the trash.
I’ve been doing this with my canned food for a couple of years without issue. I usually err on the side of caution, and if there are any real indicators of a problem (no vacuum, discolored can) I toss it and move on. Some of my cans look terrible, with rust, dirt, and fading. The contents are fine.
Some other thoughts based on storing cans in the heat and humidity.
Prior to wuflu lockdown I stored them in the garage. That helped with the swinging temps but they still got hot. I added insulation to the door, and eventually added a window AC unit to ‘take the edge off’ the heat. Both helped a lot. I can see the difference in JARRED foods and boxed meals. I’m assuming the difference in the cans I can’t see into.
Cover the cans. That will keep rodent poop off them if you have an issue elsewhere. It will keep rodent urine from eating the cans too.
Don’t keep the cans on the cardboard trays. The trays hold any moisture that does happen against the can and accelerates rusting.
I’ve been using plastic storage bins with snug fitting lids to separate and store many of my cans, and all of my boxed and bagged food. They contain the mess when a can fails. They reduce air circulation around the boxes keeping the boxes from getting damp. They protect the cans from rodents and spills. Stacked two high on a shelf, they act like drawers- I can pull out the bin and load new items in the back to maintain a bit of FIFO with the oldest food in the front of the bin. They are sized to fit about 30 cans, and are about one can tall. They fit two high and two wide on my shelf system. Some have taller, heavier duty lids, and bigger items fit well in them. I got them at Lowes.
A can management/dispensing system will help organize food you are using regularly but won’t store as much as just stacking. I hate my cheap chinese wire storage, and use but can’t fully endorse the plastic system that I have the most of. Best I can say is “it works ok.” (cans wedge sideways and don’t slide down, you need to bang on them to get them to move, and it’s not covered so cans get dirty.)
Some other thoughts. The heavy black bins with the yellow lids SEEM like a good storage solution. They are not airtight though. If they are packed full of cans, and subjected to temperature swings with humidity present, they will “pump” air in and out. The moisture will condense on the cooler cans, and will accumulate in the bottom of the bin. The result is VERY AND I MEAN VERY nasty after a year or two. Also, any rain or moisture present will wick under the lid and accumulate inside. Again, SUPER GROSS results. They are probably fine used indoors, where the temps are constant and moisture is controlled, but I’d test it with one first.
Wash your cans, at least the tops, and wash your can opener. Anything on the top will get into the can when the lid drops free into the liquid in the can. Anything that ends up on the cutting wheel will contaminate the next can if you don’t clean your can opener.
Buy cans in the size you will use. If you aren’t feeding a group, don’t buy #10 cans. It’s a false economy to buy bulk for the per unit savings, but then throw away food when it’s been open too long, or gets cross contaminated as you take the time to use it. There are situations where even the mini cans of veg are a better deal FOR YOU if that’s all you eat in a meal, and don ‘t or won’t use the leftovers.
Keep your eyes open for good can openers. Some are very sturdy, some are cheap crap. OXO seems to be generally good quality. Some USA made vintage are the best. There are two common styles too. One uses a wheel to cut thru the top of the can, along the inside of the seal. These are the most common and are fine. The other uses the wheel to cut thru the SEAL from the outside, which leaves a lid that doesn’t fall into the can, and forms a pretty good seal to reclose the can for a day or two in the fridge. These are less common, but I use it for stuff I know I’ll put back in the fridge, or that I don’t want to have to fish out the lid.
If you are storing canned food, store can openers with it. At a minimum, get some P38 military style openers and put them everywhere. Or do what I do, and get thrift store or estate sale GOOD openers and put those with the cans.
This should probably be elevated to “post” but I’ll leave it here in comments for now. Share any thoughts….
And I should add, I am specifically eating costco canned chicken from 2014 without any issues. Not pop top lids, and pop top lids.
Questionable Content: Liz Has Removable Arms
Why does Liz have removable arms ? One of the first things on my undesired list is removable arms. I shattered my right humerus (upper arm bone) when I was five years old and spent eight weeks in traction. Bedpans for eight weeks at five years old. Even with that horrible experience, I never want removable arms.
This is how the “commies took over without firing a shot” (RIP OFD):
Vermont school board has NEW names for males and females in sex-ed classes and it will CRACK you up.
The sheeple will take it. Instead, they should go to the school with pitchforks and torches.
LOL. Disney sues DeSantis for “harming its business.” Maybe they should sue themselves.
Or Baby Yoda for failing to deliver against a Star Trek franchise left for dead a year ago.
Who would have predicted last week even at the beginning of February?
“The sheeple will take it. Instead, they should go to the school with pitchforks and torches.”
And other supplies.
“Steven Spielberg Regrets Editing Guns Out of ‘E.T.,’ Says ‘No Film Should Be Revised’ for Today’s Standards: ‘That Was a Mistake’”
I still say that Han shot first.
Hat tip to:
Han did shoot first. He’s a scoundrel. A smuggler. A schemer. And he doesn’t much care for Greedo.
“Network Effect (The Murderbot Diaries, 5)” by Martha Wells
Book number five of a seven book series of science fiction novellas, short stories, and full length novels. I read the well printed and well bound hardcover published by Tor in 2020 that I bought new from Amazon. The first novella in the series won the 2018 Hugo, Nebula, Alex, and Locus awards. The series won the 2021 Hugo for the best series also. I am reading book number six in the series now. Book number seven will be released in September 2023 and is a full length novel.
Murderbot is a SecUnit, similar to a T-800 Terminator with a cloned and severely modified human head. There is a human brain in there but it is run by the AIs embedded in its genderless torso. There are lungs, there is a blood mixture with a synthetic, there is human skin over the entire body, there is a face. Everything else is machine. Somehow, the blood is enriched with electricity as there is no stomach or intestines. But, there are arteries and veins to keep the skin and brain alive. All of the major arteries and veins have clamps to stop bleeding in case of damage. There is a MedSystem computer with an AI, a HubUnit computer with an AI, and a governor module that can force the SecUnit to follow orders using pain sensors in the brain. It has a energy gun in each arm and several cameras, all directly wired to the brain. The SecUnit can sustain severe damage to everything but the head and still survive.
Murderbot is a self named SecUnit due to an unfortunate circumstance with 57 miners on a remote moon. It has hacked its governor and no longer allows the governor to give it orders or inflict pain. It prefers to internally watch its 35,000 hours of downloaded media such as episodes of “The Rise and Fall of Sanctuary Moon” and “Lineages of the Sun”. Even though it has a face, it does not like to interface with humans, yes, very introverted. It will follow human orders if it see fit to do so.
Dr. Arada really wants Murderbot to stop calling hostile people “Targets”. But, Dr. Arada is a terminal optimist. Murderbot is providing security for Dr. Arada’s latest planetary survey when they are held up for food and ransom by a gang in a large boat on a water world. Dr. Thiego was attempting to negotiate with the Targets when the leader shot Murderbot. Murderbot seems to always be the first to get shot. And the last to get shot. As Murderbot resolves the situation, they launch their vessel from the ocean, and join the tractorship in orbit. They return to the Preservation system but are kidnapped almost as soon as they emerge from the wormhole by a unknown spaceship and are dragged back into the wormhole to an unknown system.
Warning: The violence is graphic and extreme. Murderbot also has potty mouth. Books one through four are a series of novellas, not regular length books. There is a short story “Home: Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory” between books four and five. Book five is a regular length novel, book six is back to the novella, and book seven is a full length novel due out in November 2023. You can buy collections of the first four hardbacks or all six currently available hardbacks.
The author has a website at:
There is a wiki for Murderbot including various episodes of “The Rise and Fall of Sanctuary Moon”:
My rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Amazon rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars (18,661 reviews)
According to legend, The Beard did it because Drew Barrymore asked him to.
We joke at our house that all of the guns edited out of “ET” ended up in the evidence room in “Ghostbusters: Afterlife”, a better “Spielberg” film than Spielberg himself has made in decades.
Listen carefully to the little girl during the jailbreak before the final showdown in “Afterlife”. That’s an intentional slam on The Beard.
Florida is on the verge of having working high speed rail between South Florida and the Orlando airport. The line runs up the coast from Miami, stops at the Fort Lauderdale airport, and then continues north, turning inland not too far south from Kennedy.
“M2X Energy makes methanol out of flared gas”
“Oil and gas producers are increasingly called on to mitigate, if not outright halt, methane emissions. Those efforts will come at a cost, but some technologies promise to create a revenue stream from what would otherwise be flared or vented gas. Florida-based M2X Energy is planning to initially deploy its new technology – modular, transportable gas-to-methanol plants – in West Texas and North Dakota, according to Josh Browne, co-founder and chief technology officer.”
Cool idea but that trailer looks a little too nice for most oil field situations. You would not believe how many times somebody backs a backhoe into something.
“New Africa, Same As Old Africa”
“Fighting has erupted across Khartoum and at other sites in Sudan in a battle between two powerful rival military factions, engulfing the capital Khartoum in warfare for the first time and raising the risk of a nationwide civil conflict. The fighting between forces loyal to two top generals has put the nation at risk of collapse and could have consequences far beyond its borders. Both sides have tens of thousands of fighters, foreign backers, mineral riches and other resources that could insulate them from sanctions. It’s a recipe for the kind of prolonged conflict that has devastated other countries in the Middle East and Africa, from Lebanon and Syria to Libya and Ethiopia. The fighting, which began as Sudan attempted to transition to democracy, already has killed hundreds of people and left millions trapped in urban areas, sheltering from gunfire, explosions and looters.”
Yup, same old Africa.
“Microsoft Windows 11 Pro $39.99”
This has got to be a scam.
Maybe for Microsoft. For the purchaser it is real. I bought MSOffice from them for my Mac for $49.95. I got my key, download link in an email and it worked. I think they selling keys from volume license accounts. Will the key work a year from now? Who knows.
The Redumblicans are so stupid:
House PASSES bill to raise the $31 trillion debt limit in exchange for government spending cuts: Republicans set up a clash with Biden by winning nail-biting 217-215 vote after tense negotiations
When will they learn “give us what we want, then we’ll give you what you want” is the standard Dumbocrat ploy. They’ll get empty promises. Reagan is turning in his grave.
The Redumblicans are so stupid:
House PASSES bill to raise the $31 trillion debt limit in exchange for government spending cuts: Republicans set up a clash with Biden by winning nail-biting 217-215 vote after tense negotiations
When will they learn “give us what we want, then we’ll give you what you want” is the standard Dumbocrat ploy. They’ll get empty promises. Reagan is turning in his grave.
The Republicans barely passed this. If anything is removed then they will lose votes.
Tough times are coming, tough times.
Matt Gaetz wants to follow DeSantis from the House to the Florida Governor’s Mansion. He’s another pol with unfulfilled Daddy ambitions.
I don’t believe RINO Rick Scott is safe in 2024 so there’s another possiibility for Gaetz, but that seat wouldn’t come up for grabs again until 2030 if a Dem took it.
Reading the news is like living a cross between Heinlein’s “The Crazy Years” and Vinge’s Singularity mated with Epstein and Dahmer. Maybe a dash of “Breaking Bad”.
The only thing wrong with pedophile priests in the present is their Christianity–if they were Muslim, Druid, or Furry it would have been copacetic.
New retirement plan: I’m going to spend it all then adopt Megyn Kelly so she can support me in my old age.
The Catholic church covering up the abuses of its priests was bad.
You know what’s worse? The public school administrations and the teachers’ unions covering up the sexual abuse of minors by teachers. It’s worse, much worse, because the numbers are much larger.
Rumor has it that he does prefer a straight fight tho.
Yeah but no one since the Sign of the Rose thought pedo priests was a good idea, while attitudes toward sex with students have changed DRAMATICALLY since I was in school in the 80s.
remember “Hot for Teacher”?
SteveF says:
The Pope always had all the authority he needed to stop the sexual abuse of children. Give any such priest a choice; be defrocked and handed over to the civil authorities, or accept being transferred to a remote monastery to repent in silence for the rest of their lives. The Catholic church had plenty of money to pay for such a remote monastery; or rather, DID, before they had to pay enormous lawsuit bills. Every Pope since the 1950s or before knew this was going on and tried to bury it.
A friend of mine back in California, several years ago, told me that he had a cousin who had attempted to become a priest. Worked on it for years, and finally resigned before going into holy orders. The cousin had said that at his seminary, half of the applicants were openly homosexual, and that the Church accepted that. The cousin said that he was leaving while being gay was still optional, before it became mandatory.
Google Debra LaFavre. She’s the poster girl for that song.
Even the mug shot was Maxim cover quality.
Of course the radio stations in Tampa had a good time with that case.
– I think Disney is right in this case. They were clearly targeted as retaliation for getting involved in politics and the Parental Choice bill in particular. Should they have been smacked down? Sure, but let the market do it.
I may be putting words in OFD’s mouth but I think he’s agree that the Catholic Church was taken over by commies and gays around the time of Vatican II. It’s been pedos all the way down, and up, since then.
Greta Thunberg has 55 days to kill off all of humanity from her twitter post of Jun 21, 2018. “”A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.” …“
She referred to this posting: “A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.”
“In a recent speech at the University of Chicago, James Anderson — a professor of atmospheric chemistry at Harvard University — warned that climate change is drastically pushing Earth back to the Eocene Epoch from 33 million BCE, when there was no ice on either pole. Anderson says current pollution levels have already catastrophically depleted atmospheric ozone levels, which absorb 98 percent of ultraviolet rays, to levels not seen in 12 million years.”
Hat tip to:
We are all going to die.
Distributing Greta nudes would probably do it.
The saddest story in rock history:
There are very few songs that can be identified from one note. Still fewer when it’s the second note.
Thank you very much.
I’m going to pour myself two fingers of bourbon and try not to think of pink elephants or that disgusting image.
May the bird of paradise fly up your nose.
And hopefully have ringside seats to the punishment of the climatistas, or at least a 10k cable channel with smell-o-vision and 5-channel sound to properly reproduce the hopeless pleas for mercy.
Distributing Greta nudes would probably do it.
– aye, it burns!!!!
And hopefully have ringside seats to the punishment of the climatistas, or at least a 10k cable channel with smell-o-vision and 5-channel sound to properly reproduce the hopeless pleas for mercy.
It going to take a civil war to get rid of these fakers. Remember, they are ingrained in the EPA, CIA, FBI, DOD, Agriculture, Education, Department of State, etc, etc, etc.
You would think that the 250,000 person Department of Agriculture would try to protect the farmers but they have lost sight of their primary mission and are too busy handing out food stamps to people buying steak and King crabs with them.
I was in a mood for music today, and the youtube “my mix” started with Thompson Twins “you take me up” which has one of the strangest harmonica riffs of 80s music, to Styx “Mr. Roboto” and beyond. The opening of Mr Roboto still raises the hairs on my arms.
I’ve noticed that there are some things about 80s music that are VERY different from today’s– beyond autotune. Rick Beato has touched on some – particularly quantizing and changes in loudness of a digital sample vs the sound of the instrument being played louder…
I’ve noticed that the music I grew up with has a lot more key changes.
There are often parts of the song that are completely unrelated to the main lyric and melody of the song.
They are SLOW by today’s standards. Even as I sang along with Mr Roboto, I was constantly trying to push the tempo up.
The production is not as crisp, with less definition between instruments, vocals, effects, etc. This is partly producers making choices, but largely the tech involved in the recording process.
The production is also a lot less “punchy” than today’s. Today’s pop music gets added flourishes and emphasis on every verse, hook, and riff. Lots more dynamic range, lots more bass in modern production.
There were an awful lot of bands from the post industrial wastes of the UK in the 80s.
It going to take a civil war to get rid of these fakers
– it’s gonna take an extinction level event to get rid of them. MOST of them came out of the first great depression.
Ok I know nothing about this guy or his channel, but he’s got some serious gear…
I’d bet 90% of the population doesn’t have the ears left to get what the gear is worth out of it. Hope he does.
We need to leave Africa to sort out its own problems. History has proven time and again that well-intentioned help just makes things worse. Pouring gasoline on a fire.
Lots of Africa’s problems stem directly from aid provided by the West. Drop infant mortality without changing anything else, and you get a population explosion, which puts pressure on local resources, which leads to conflict. Oversimplified, but that’s basically what’s going on…
This. Only, I don’t see why the remote monastery should be an option. Prey on the vulnerable, go to prison.
Hiding the problems is nothing more or less than criminal conspiracy, and the entire organization is complicit. Treat them accordingly. What you do with criminal organizations? You could get a nice restitution fund by selling off Vatican city.
Me, personally, I intend to live forever. Or die trying…
>> Florida is on the verge of having working high speed rail between South Florida and the Orlando airport. The line runs up the coast from Miami, stops at the Fort Lauderdale airport, and then continues north, turning inland not too far south from Kennedy.
Still waiting for the high-speed rail between the Tampa airport and the Mouse. Probably not high on Mr. Sanctimonious’ priority list these days. (tRump’s gotta do better and find a nickname for Rick that’s easier to spel.)
>> We need to leave Africa, Ukraine, Mexico, all of Central America, the Middle East, etc., etc. to sort out its own problems. History has proven time and again that well-intentioned help just makes things worse. Pouring gasoline on a fire, not to mention our tax dollars.
@brad, F I F Y
>> Ok I know nothing about this guy or his channel, but he’s got some serious gear…
I’d bet 90% of the population doesn’t have the ears left to get what the gear is worth out of it. Hope he does.
Ehh … say what??
>> Maybe for Microsoft. For the purchaser it is real. I bought MSOffice from them for my Mac for $49.95. I got my key, download link in an email and it worked. I think they selling keys from volume license accounts. Will the key work a year from now? Who knows.
Well … real for the purchaser in that your installation works … but doubtful that either party legitimately falls under Microsoft’s terms and conditions as a volume licensee/licensor.
And if it does stop working a year for now, good luck getting a refund from the seller.
>> Yeah but no one since the Sign of the Rose thought pedo priests was a good idea, while attitudes toward sex with students have changed DRAMATICALLY since I was in school in the 80s.
And the students have changed as much as well. I cringe every time I open my High School yearbook. Must be something in the water these days…or maybe in the milk.
>> We need to leave Africa, Ukraine, Mexico, all of Central America, the Middle East, etc., etc. to sort out its own problems. History has proven time and again that well-intentioned help just makes things worse. Pouring gasoline on a fire, not to mention our tax dollars.
And not to mention 1/3rd of our ammunition. Replacing that ammunition will take over a decade for the Javelins and HIMARS.
@Alan: Being in Europe, Ukraine is not so far away. So we kind of have an interest in containing Russian aggression. The US gets to join the fun, because of NATO. Which is a discussion all its own.
The best solution, of course, would be someone in Russia putting a quiet end to Putin. Which is probably why the guy is completely paranoid.