Cool and clear? Maybe clear. Maybe not. It did clear yesterday, in places. Typical Houston, with threatening skies but no rain where I was. I could see rain in the distance…
So I used the Expedition for my errands. Didn’t want to get rained on in the pickup. Dropped stuff off at one auctioneer. Picked stuff up at two others. Some was resale, but most was actually sprinkler system parts. I’ve got a lot of work to do on sprinklers at the BOL.
Today should be working here at home. I found more exploded cans and they leaked all over. That led to other cans being nasty. I’ve got to do some sorting and triage. And cleaning up. Of course there are ten things to do first to make room and time for that… it’s fractal.
But I’ve been putting it off for a while, so it’s time to deal with it. Unless it’s raining. Then I’ll have to find other stuff to do. That shouldn’t be an issue.
Stuff needs maintenance and that takes time. But the proverb about ‘a stitch in time’ will prove itself out one hundred fold if you ignore it. Don’t be like me, stay on top of important stuff.
Anything spoiled will have to be replaced, and that will take away from your stacking.
And what do we say about stacking? Stack it up!