Cool and damp, although maybe less so than yesterday, which was generally nice. A bit on the cool side but drier than normal too. It would be nice to have one more clear day before the forecast rain gets here.
I did mostly home stuff yesterday. So yeah, I’m behind in pretty much everything. That’s the new normal though, and I’m beginning to just accept that.
Today though, I’ve got a couple of pickups, including the two remaining freezers. I also sold one freezer and I’ll deliver it on my way to pick up the other two. Works out ok for both of us, as I’m going that way anyway. Doing it that way because he wants a white one, and the two down his way are black. I think I’ve got someone on the line for one of the remaining freezers too. If not, craigslist or the neighborhood FB page should move them in a hurry.
Normally the title of the daily post is just whatever was rattling around in my brain when I sat down, and today is no different. It did occur to me that it would be fairly easy to do a big thoughts post based on it though. The whole country, or at least the ‘public’ parts has taken a “jump to the left”. A pretty big one, if you take a step back and consider the changes just in the last few years. Compare to the turn of the century, and it’s like living on another planet. Unfortunately the next line in the song is “then a step to the right”. We’ll need far more than a “step” to get anywhere back to a centrist position or even to a balance between extremes.
I don’t even think a “step” is possible. The pendulum seems to be swinging farther and faster with every tick and tock. I’m pretty sure that if we get a real movement to the right it will be sudden and overwhelmingly violent, and it’ll probably be followed by an even bigger swing back to the left. If anyone has any energy or will to do so, that is. Could be that a violent paroxysm like that sets us all back for decades, and when we do regain our strength, we’ll wake up and realize our time has passed. Poland or Austro-hungary might be a possible model…
It’s easier to invent the future than predict it, which is one reason that the WEF and the rest of their fellow travelers should be concerning. They are working to invent the future they want. Are we?
Stacks will help. Flexibility will help. Being surrounded by like minded folks will certainly help. Work toward those things.
Friday the Thirteenth falls on a Monday this month! Doom! Dooooooooom!
Number One Son!
You Ain’t Got No Ice Cream!
And I’m sure there is a bat-eating crazy mother-in-law in there somewhere.
42F and clear today. Sunny with half a moon in the sky. Pinkish clouds on the horizon. Pretty, in other words.
Leftover mexican sides for breakfast with my egg. Yum.
Nah, next time I am going with Nick’s advice. Going to get a gold foil hat.
Indeed. And it just happens to be the anniversary of my birthdate. Which every so often falls on a Friday.
Man, time is flying by. Comes from being way too busy. Next to my normal job, I can work 10% for another organization, as long as there’s no conflict. I’m finishing with one organization, and starting with another, so – practically – I’m currently doing 3 jobs at the moment. That doesn’t count things like trying to sort out the crazy neighbors…
There is some time for relaxation, though. I’ve been playing a lot of Valheim, which is a game where you start out with nothing, and build your way through the stone age, the bronze, age, the iron age, etc.. All in first-person: You start out wearing some rags, and find sticks and rocks to make your first weapon and tools.
Off to the post office to mail some packages…
Happy Birthday Ray.
@Lynn – I wondered what happened to this effort. It looks like they are still moving forward.
In theory, it should be possible to link the LLVM byte code into compiled C++ at run time, but I have zero hands on experience. I regret not taking the LLVM focused Compilers course when it was available during my first run at grad school.
Mail – seems like you have made it to the 1800’s then?
Post office? 1700’s?
Final Brief Submitted in CHECC vs EPA
This is the case challenging the 2009 EPA finding of “endangerment” from CO2 and other Greenhouse gases.
The problem, of corse, is that as usual the ProgLibTurds have run roughshod over the law fir more than a decade by the time this gets litigated.
Dems are trying to impose conduct standards on SCOTUS.
Then we can all shake our heads sorrowfully and say “Gee, it seems no one has standing to file suit and help you out on this one. Too bad. Guess you’ll just have to bend over like you’ve made us do so many times.”
At this point, the auto manufacturers have to meet the insanity of 50+ MPG CAFE in 2025.
The point of no return for the pipeline was 2019, but once impeachment started, the manufacturers knew that Trump – and 38 MPG – was done one way or another.
Outlaw Josey Wales currently ripping
Clint Eastwood’s second best western movie.
His third best western movie was Space Cowboys.
“DOE proposes new energy efficiency standards for refrigerators, clothes washers to save consumers billions”
Hey, lets make the efficiency standard 110% for all appliances !
Well now, you can kiss off working refrigerators and clothes washers as the new standards will have no basis in reality. Buy new ones before 2027.
xkcd: Only Serifs
Ok, Randall is going around the bend now.
Explained at:
I’ve got a Bosch 300 on my list with a Miele as an upgrade (pricy).
I had a Bosch #something at the previous house that I bought after the roof rat doused ours with mucho urine and feces. I really liked the quietness and the third rack.
I got a warning for a TOS (terms of service) review violation on Amazon over the weekend. They did not specify which review (I have almost 1,100) and which specific item of the TOS that I violated. It was my first strike. In other words, a totally worthless email. It was like swatting a dog on the nose a year after piddling on the carpet.
“Dragon Noir (Pixie for Hire)” by Cedar Sanderson
Book number three of a three book fantasy series. I read the well printed and well bound POD (print on demand) trade paperback published by Stonycroft Publishing in 2015. I do not know if the author will publish any more books in the series but I kinda doubt it.
The Low Court counterpart of the fairies and pixies in Underhill has a new queen known as “The Queen of Blood”. The new Queen has a new friend, the immortal Wendigo, an evil being who has plagued the Earth since the time of creation. Lom and Bella and their fellow adventurers must fight the new queen of the Low Court or Underhill will be destroyed.
Fairies, Pixies, Dragons, Ravens, Firebirds, Wood Elves, Trolls, Ogres, and a Wendigo, oh my ! This series just builds more and more very quickly.
The author has a website at:
My rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars
Amazon rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars (65 reviews)
I ran some numbers on our fancy high-efficiency refrigerator after about the third time the freezer heater burned out. Even with buying the third-party replacement heaters (they don’t last as long as the GE originals but the bang for the buck is better) and me doing the work, the energy savings are a wash. If I weren’t able to do the fix, the first service call would be several years’ energy savings. And, as I said before, if my wife had thrown away the fridge and bought a new one after six years, the energy savings would be utterly dwarfed by the cost. I don’t know the economics of disposing of a non-working refrigerator, but assume that it’s significant, with physical, real-world costs which involve not only energy consumption but dealing with metals and hazardous materials.
We ran on the generator this morning for three hours. The house being built down the way apparently had a truck back into the the power pole. I got another attaboy !
BTW, I watched the documentary on David Geffen on Netflix last weekend. I had no idea that David Geffen and Cher were the inspiration for the Eagle’s awesome song, “Life In The Fast Lane”. That little innuendo came from Glenn Fry who was thrilled that David Geffen was their manager and producer both.
“The Guardians (Perry Rhodan #58)” by Kurt Mahr, translated by Wendayne Ackerman
Book number fifty-eight of a series of one hundred and thirty-six space opera books in English. The original German books, actually pamphlets, number in the thousands. The English books started with two translated German stories per book translated by Wendayne Ackerman and transitioned to one story per book with the sixth book. And then they transition back to two stories in book #109/110. The Ace publisher dropped out at #118, so Forrest and Wendayne Ackerman published books #119 to #136 in pamphlets before stopping in 1978. The German books were written from 1961 to present time, having sold two billion copies and even recently been rebooted again. I read the well printed and well bound book published by Ace in 1974 that I had to be very careful with due to age. I bought an almost complete box of Perry Rhodans a decade or two ago on ebay that I am finally getting to since I lost my original Perry Rhodans in The Great Flood of 1989. In fact, I now own book #1 to book #106, plus the Atlan books.
BTW, this is actually book number 66 of the German pamphlets written in 1962. There is a very good explanation of the plot in German on the Perrypedia German website of all of the PR books. There is automatic Google translation available for English, Spanish, Dutch, Japanese, French, and Portuguese.
In this alternate universe, USSF Major Perry Rhodan and his three fellow astronauts blasted off in a three stage rocket to the Moon in 1971. The first stage of the rocket was chemical, the second and third stages were nuclear. After crashing on the Moon due to a strange radio interference, they discover a massive crashed alien spaceship with an aged male scientist (Khrest), a female commander (Thora), and a crew of 500. It has been over sixty-nine years since then and the Solar Empire has flourished with tens of millions of people and many spaceships headquartered in the Gobi desert, the city of Terrania. Perry Rhodan has been elected by the people of Earth to be the World Administrator.
The 8,000 exiles from Earth on the world Gray Beast have been attacked by an alien race after putting down a rebellion of the most radical exiles. The alien race killed or injured many of the exiles and enslaved the rest. The aliens then deliver several nuclear powered machines to plow, plant, and harvest wheat for delivery to the alien’s home world. The exiles immediately start looking for a way to get rid of the aliens.
Two observations:
1. Forrest Ackerman should have put two or three of the translated stories in each book. Having two stories in the first five books worked out well. Just having one story in the book is too short and would never allow the translated books to catch up to the German originals.
2. Anyone liking Perry Rhodan and wanting a more up to date story should read the totally awesome “Mutineer’s Moon” Dahak series of three books by David Weber.
My rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Amazon rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars (1 reviews)
Washers have been done for a while.
Dishwashers were neutered by WA State and Costco over 10 years ago, even before the retailer had their Chore Boy in the Governor’s Mansion.
Site was down for a while with an issue at the hosting company.
Back up now….
Back again. Data server issues at host.
Wow, long outage.
Back up at 11:29pm 2/12/23
Backup at has just a notice that we’re having issues.
Hopefully this fix is fixed…
Thanks for riding herd on them Rick.
Finally I can post this link to the smut that passes for culture these days.
Fashion show of models simply taped in patterns to [not quite] protect their modesty. Serious DM, labia and pubic hair?
More seriously,
Michigan State University gunman shoots himself dead in standoff with cops after killing three in campus rampage: Five hospitalized with multiple suffering life-threatening wounds
– something says ‘not random’ to me.
And WTF is in the air today?
>> I got a warning for a TOS (terms of service) review violation on Amazon over the weekend. They did not specify which review (I have almost 1,100) and which specific item of the TOS that I violated. It was my first strike. In other words, a totally worthless email. It was like swatting a dog on the nose a year after piddling on the carpet.
Supposedly you need to correct the dog while the errant behavior is in progress, or within a few seconds at most, to have the dog associate the correction with the act.
>> Back again. Data server issues at host.
Sure … as per
KJPKJP’s notebook, no relation to any Chinese ballo [screeeeccchhhh]Probably just bad luck, said duck, bad luck.
Your comment brought to mind a quote from R.A.H. regarding mistaking decadence for sophistication, and vice versa. My first thought about the fashion was, it won’t sell because it can’t fall off ‘accidentally’.