Cool and damp, but not cold. Hoping the wind blew yesterday’s patchy clouds out of the area. Some sun and warming would be nice.
I spent more time getting out of the house yesterday than I’d hoped, so I got up here a bit late. Did some small things, basically decided not to start anything big I couldn’t finish on time. Broke up and moved some concrete. Literally chipping away at that task… move three wheelbarrows full before I lost the light.
Did some more planning for how to reshape the grades around the house to better deal with water and drainage. It must have rained up here because there was evidence that my channels from last visit drained a bunch of water. That gives me some good contour lines for how the grades need to be.
Lake is up some more toward normal levels, but still a bit low, maybe 6″. The waves make a lot more noise when the level is up. I must have forgotten that.
One of the things I listened to on the shortwave last night was two western journalists living in Peking talking about their bouts with chinkyflu and the changes in the city since the restrictions were lifted. They both had mild cases, in bed for a couple of days despite being fully vaxxed and boosted (so- worse than most recent cases here). They were excited to ‘just get on a train and travel’ without having to register, get tested, show vaccine passports, plan ahead, quarantine, etc. That is for domestic travel this week. I almost never even think about restrictions or getting wuflu any more. What a difference. And an interesting ‘slice of life’ I wouldn’t have come across if not for shortwave listening.
Maybe having been burned so badly, now china will be a bit more cautious? Naw. It’s not in their nature.
I’m sure there will be another plague that spreads around the world. It’ll likely be worse too. Don’t get complacent with preps. 45 days without leaving the house would be a nice level to have…anything really nasty should burn itself out in that time. And if it’s less nasty, that level of preparation will stretch and be supplemented with whatever you can get, just like the past three years.
It’s funny, youtube put a gardening video from 2 years ago in my recommended list, and I watched it day before yesterday. It was a guy in the UK, who decided to start a garden, since he (and everyone else) was essentially locked in his house due to wuflu response. [he was pretty successful, but that wasn’t what caught me.] We were never confined to quarters. I had enough exemptions that I was able to go out if I wanted to, being a landlord, among other things. Most people had no problem moving around if they wanted to. I can’t imagine what it was like in places where they heavily restricted movement, and I have trouble believing that people COMPLIED the way they did. But they did. And they will again. Except in the US. Unless people are dropping in the streets with their eyes bleeding and skin sloughing off, I don’t think we’ll comply.
Stack your stuff high. Ordinary stuff. Extraordinary stuff. Stuff that would be ‘nice to have’ and the stuff you need every day. ‘Cuz I’ve got a feeling we’ll need it.
The Mainland Chinese doctors my wife works with are advocating more booster mandates at the VA and a return to full time masking within the building rather than just during one-on-one situations between patients and providers.
The Number One Sons in charge in China got to play You Ain’t Got No Ice Cream with not only their own people but the entire planet. That really pushes their buttons in a way that most Westerners don’t understand.
I’ve lived it for thirty years. The only way to deal with the Chinese relations and stay sane now is to ban them from the house with the exception of my mother-in-law, and she doesn’t always get a Thanksgiving invitation.
Absolutely right. As written I was just referring to the r&d funding.
Don’t forget the land owners. The pads will be tough to reclaim so I imagine the compensation is significant.
The Spanish solar power investment debacle is instructive.
66F and light overcast here. Only 84%RH.
Slept well. What a difference a 4 inch memory foam topper makes on a firm mattress. I’ve got TemperPedic at home and love it. We’ve got new ‘bed in a box’ mattresses here. The one in the master is “medium firm” but it’s pretty stiff. Last visit I added a mattress topper and wow. No more waking up with pinched nerves in my shoulders and arms.
WRT diversification, Put my savings into what? other than gold and silver, and jewelry, income producing assets are what the rich use. They own land, rental units, commercial property, factories, warehouses, companies…. and since they do it, there are LOTS of tax and legal protections, far more than there are on your currency. They are large scale, but there are small scale ways to do it too.
Indian families around here buy a distressed motel, move in, renovate, and rent the other rooms. They leverage that into a better property, or a franchise deal with a national chain. John Wilder was thinking about alternatives to bank loans and interest, and I think the way the indian families do it probably qualifies (although the family members might have loan agreements between them, IDK.)
I’ve thought about doing a truck parking area, or ‘lay down yard’ on a fenced lot, with someone living on site, or connected via internet. I see versions of what I’m imagining in various places. If you already had the property, adding a restroom and showers, maybe a power connection or 3 and a gate with a video doorbell and credit card scanner wouldn’t be too hard. Truckers are always looking for safe and convenient parking, with a few amenities.
There are ways, none are without risk and work.
Yuuup, I’ve stayed at a number of Patel motels.
I’ve seen the future of those deals in Austin over the last few years as companies like 3M and HP Enterprise shrink their campus locations and the hotels resume declining in value. The families sell the properties to local governments for homeless housing.
If it hasn’t started yet in Houston, it will. And the shelters don’t just pop up in marginal sections of town. Keep an eye on the area around the old Compaq campus as HP Enterprise relocates to a more modern building.
North of Austin, the Indian community has moved up the development foodchain, into buying farmland and building houses like you will see on Parmer in the section where it turns into Reagan Boulevard and loops around Georgetown to connect with I35.
ChatGPT tells it like it is…
No attribution to MLK? Today?
Time to activate The New Years Hammers!
Did they get SinoVax, the ChiCom vaccine? It’s relatively ineffective in reducing spread and infection severity.
So, I have a question related to the MLK quote.
Why does an abridged version of that letter get created and used for reading assignments at “good” schools?
If you are an originalist, then the government can regulate all of those. The 2A specifies “keep and bear arms”. At the time, arms were what an individual soldier could carry and use – muskets, rifles, grenades, bayonets, knives, etc. Cannons were “ordnance”. So, crew served weapons and the like are not arms.
I agree!
Unfortunately, there were (are?) backpack nukes. Very low yield, but still.
Lets see the numbers for SinoVax vs. Comirnaty and SpikeVax outside of clinical trial data.
Greg Norton says:
Because King wasn’t politically correct, and said a lot of things that are no longer acceptable. Berserkeley is trying to use MLK day to say things that MLK never said.
In 1789, private individuals could and did own the most powerful weapons on Earth; a wooden sailing ship armed with cannons. LOTS of cannons.
@ech, and yet private individuals owned war ships, cannon, gatlin guns… they were expected to raise and outfit militia companies including the crew served weapons. The interpretation that “arms” means personal weapons has been thoroughly – debunked isn’t the right word, refuted is probably best. The framers were revolutionaries who had just fought and defeated one of the greatest powers at the time. Would they really have turned their back on that and limited THEMSELVES? No, it’s a protection for them.
WRT the journalists on the radio, they were talking about having had SinoVax. I’d not heard the name of china’s home grown vax before but from the ‘sino’ I assumed it was.
WRT MLK Jr day, Objectively, the civil rights movement AS IT ENDED UP pretty much destroyed the black community, black families, and coupled with Roe v Wade, about 22 million black babies. From what little I know about the man, I can’t believe he’d be happy with the way things turned out- just looking at the destruction of the family, and ‘gangsta’ culture. His dream of independence certainly was subverted, blacks are more dependent on others than every before, and his most famous quote doesn’t even apply to blacks anymore as they demand black only spaces, and different treatment based on ‘the color of their skin.’
I expected trolling today. And got it. How predictable and sad.
I don’t know any originalists who believe that the Founders meant arms in a restrictive sense. That is the ploy of PLTs who sqawk about “muskets, muskets, muskets.” You also don’t mention the rest of the Amendment or any of the Federalist/Anti-Federalist papers on the meaning.
IMHO, the 2nd is primarily to defend against goobermint tyranny. That means any all weapons.
EDIT: What Mr. Nick said above.
Common muskets were not the most advanced personal weaponry available to anyone with the means and interest at the end of the 18th century.
Even in the common zeitgeist interpreting ‘arms’ in the 2A to be limited is ridiculous.
When you hear the phrase “arms dealer” do you picture a guy selling pistols and hunting rifles, or do you picture a guy moving shipping containers full of anti-tank missiles, crates of AKs and M16s, crates of grenades, really big machine guns, and other crew served weapons?
Arms is armaments, is weapons of war.
I’ve seen “Lord of War”. The opening line delivered by Nicholas Cage is classic.
Ever since seeing the flick, Cage’s is the first face that pops into my head when I hear/read the words “arms dealer”. Well, Cage and Quark on “Deep Space Nine”.
Sooner or later, all life imitates “Star Trek” art.
BTW, the movie is based on the allegations against the arms dealer Biden freed in return for the Russians releasing the weed head basketball player.
Symbolic gesture, but interesting:
Article here.
Fatuous nonsense if not an outright lie. In addition to the private ownership of warships at least half a century past the Constitution’s ratification, there were private artillery companies and private infantry companies supported by primitive machine guns.
Although trolls will post here – we let anyone add a comment – I think it’s best that others don’t acknowledge or comment on a troll post.
Just ignore it – the admins will make it go away when they see it. Reacting to a troll post only encourages the troll to continue their actions.
And before I get back to work, if you limited the 2A to only things that existed at the time, you better limit any church that wasn’t established then, any speech other than written, printed on paper, or in person. You better allow any and all searches that aren’t in person, and a host of other things.
The founders wanted the most freedom possible, and the least government possible. To interpret one clause or amendment narrowly while interpreting others widely flies in the face of that.
The Constitution and BoR limits GOVERNMENT and intends to protect the existing rights of individuals. ALL of the Amendments should be interpreted as broadly as possible in whatever way they LIMIT government, and as widely as possible in whatever way they protect individuals.
The founders believed above all that they had the individual right to cast off an existing government and establish one better suited to them. How would they do that if not “permitted” the means- weapons, powerful enough to cast off an existing government and defeat its army? That is the core of the 2A.
“Lisa Marie Presley was spending $92k a MONTH before her death and owed the IRS $1million after squandering the $100million fortune she inherited from Elvis”
Her father trusted people too much with money and so did she.
Hat tip to:
If Wyoming really wanted to crush the EV industry, the state would impose an annual 90 day moratorium on coal mining and exports from the first of February until the first week of April.
“‘They ain’t seen nothing yet’: President Biden’s feud with oil companies heats up again as the industry fires back. But could it end up just burning you?”
Exxon and the other energy companies have documented several times that they pay more in taxes to the various governmental entities than they earn in profits. And who would want to invest in more oil and natural gas when the administration is planning on phasing these out by 2030 ?
Something is really wrong with Biden and his friends. The definition of insanity applies as they keep on thinking that the so-called renewables can provide our energy needs in the USA. Hint, they can not. There is not a single place on the Earth that renewables is meeting all of energy needs for the populace.
“$5 million for each longtime Black resident? S.F. has a bold reparations plan to consider”
Of course there is. Fantasyland, where all the eco warriors think they live.
JEP commented several times that after the war of independence, a good number of cannon went home with Washington. I tried several times after he passed to track down some info on that tidbit, but got nowhere.
Inasmuch as there was a lot of ordinance captured from the British, including cannon and mortar, it had to go somewhere—there was no standing army and no funds to build armories. Given the then-recent history, it is pretty certain that a lot if not most ended up in private hands and with state militias. It’s also pretty certain that the lack of disposal records was intentional.
We know quite a bit about the origins of some weapons—such as the cannon from Ft Ticonderoga. I’m sure ythere is someone who has documented some of that history.
How many longtime Black residents are left within the city limits of San Francisco?
>> We know quite a bit about the origins of some weapons—such as the cannon from Ft Ticonderoga. I’m sure ythere is someone who has documented some of that history.
As soon as Tony launches the Jesus Truck, gets all the Starlink satellites launched and lands the SpaceX Super Heavy on Mars he can get started on the Boring Time Tunnel and we can go back and have the Founding Fathers settle all these issues once and for all
Got some food put away and the storage sorted out.
Got the trim I can replace in the master back up. Found what I needed in the attic of a shed. Some will have to wait until the floor is in. Wife is thinking ceramic tile now… that will change the height of everything.
Closed up the dock house when it started to rain. Fortunately just a few sprinkles then it stopped.
Built and hung a ‘charging station’ for the cordless tools. W1 insisted I get it out of the kitchen and off the counter. 4 chargers and related batteries was a bit cluttered.
Reparations in the form of cash money will lead directly to civil war or open vigilantism. Your skin will be your uniform.
JEP commented several times that after the war of independence, a good number of cannon went home with Washington. I tried several times after he passed to track down some info on that tidbit, but got nowhere.
Inasmuch as there was a lot of ordinance captured from the British, including cannon and mortar, it had to go somewhere—there was no standing army and no funds to build armories. Given the then-recent history, it is pretty certain that a lot if not most ended up in private hands and with state militias. It’s also pretty certain that the lack of disposal records was intentional.
We know quite a bit about the origins of some weapons—such as the cannon from Ft Ticonderoga. I’m sure ythere is someone who has documented some of that history.
My 84 year old uncle’s grandfather was a muleskinner for the Texas 5th Artillery unit (Confederate) that formed in Texarkana, Texas in 1862 ?. His grandfather was 12 or 13 when they formed the unit. They took four privately owned cannons (4 inch and 6 inch ???) to Virginia, fought in a few battles, and retreated all the way back to Texas. They threw the cannons in a ditch along the way and ate the mules. His grandfather lived to be a 100 years old (born in 1850, died in 1950) and spent his last years living with my uncles family where he told my uncle all about fighting in the civil war.
Big River is wacky. I ordered some batteries. Amazon Basics. I have no idea if they are any good. 48 AA and 36 AAA.
If I take them up on their free month of Prime, they’ll be here tomorrow. Or I can pay about $11 to have them here tomorrow. Or pay about $6 to have them in 3 to 5 business days.
Yeah. I’m going with free shipping. Saturday is fine.
It will be interesting to see when they arrive. If Prime can do it tomorrow, well, why not Free?
I have an eight pack of C cells I bought at Tractor Supply. I know I must have something around here that uses C cells. I can’t find it. I guess I’ll look for a C cell FLASHLIGHT.
Added: After a quick shop on Big River, I think the C cells I have will die of old age, unused. Yeah, not paying $20 for a FLASHLIGHT.
I am down to six people as of today, including yours truly. It is rough out there.
And people are not paying their invoices to me even though we have a contract. My accounts receivable is over a quarter million now.
Oil and natural gas may be doing well but you sure cannot it prove it by my customers.
They are warning of a power outage here on Wednesday, predicted to be 4 hours, for a transformer replacement. We had a brief power outage during the big storm at New Years, 10m or so, it might be related to that.
I pulled out the little genny (2200w nominal, 1800 after losses due to altitude and use of propane), ran it for 5m no load, 10m on a moderate load of a 900w resistance heater, then 10m of 1500w of high load. No problems.
4 hours isn’t a big deal, but I would hate to have freezer issues if things run long.
“Norton Password Manager hacked, warning users about breaches”
“Customers of NortonLifeLock are being notified that Norton Password Manager accounts are being breached by hackers, performed via breaches of accounts on other platforms. The notifications to customers of NortonLifeLock advise that hackers are successfully gaining access to Norton Password Manager accounts. However, it is claimed that the attacks were not caused by weak security in the Norton Password Manager systems, but instead via a third-party platform.”
Well, that was predictable.
Which is why I have jars and a fried turkey set-up. Ok, actually, just the burner part. If the juice goes out, everything gets canned as it thaws.
Perhaps not the best plan. Better than nothing.
Dilbert: ChatGPT and Aliens
And thus Skynet was created.
Be a great time to test a zombie virus:
China loves the WEF:
I need a bigger puke bucket.
“Vulcan’s Kittens (Children of Myth)” by Cedar Sanderson
Book number one of a two book dark fantasy young adult series. I read the well bound and well printed trade POD (print on demand) paperback published by Stonycroft Publishing in 2013. I have ordered the second book in the series.
14 year old Linnea is flying out to spend the summer with her grandfather Heff on his Idaho ranch as her mother is spending the summer photographing active volcanoes. Her mother told her that her grandfather has four new kittens that she is looking forward to seeing and playing with.
After getting settled into the ranch house loft, Linnea wakes up to find that her grandfather has visitors, very intense and rude visitors. A man named Mars and three others are calling her Grandfather Vulcan and the mother barn cat has become a talking woman named Bastet. After Mars and his flunkies leave, Linnea finds out that her grandfather and her mother are immortals. Immortals who fell to Earth before human kind inhabited it. And some of those thousands of immortals want to kill off humankind, again.
Please note that I was recommended this book by Peter Grant, of whom I have read several of his space opera books over the years.
My rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Amazon rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars (69 reviews)
Agreed. There is no best plan. You do what you can.
I strongly suspect that most people are in the ‘nothing’ camp.
>> And people are not paying their invoices to me even though we have a contract. My accounts receivable is over a quarter million now.
@lynn, is factoring an option for you?
@lynn – I’d put a ‘warning’ notice in the software that would alert on non-payment after xx days of arrears. Something like “Your software license payment is xx days in arrears. The software will be disabled on mm/dd/yyyy if payment is not received by then.”
And the ‘warning’ routine would not rely on the local computer time, but Internet-connected time (an external time source), so the deadbeat can’t reset the time on the computer to get around the warning.
The software would require Internet access in order to function. And probably some legal terms in the Terms of Use to allow the above to happen. Plus, no feature/bug updates on past due accounts.
Sure. Because there were no laws against it. That doesn’t mean that they couldn’t pass such laws.
And I made my comment to point out that there are downsides to originalism.
Heck, RBT was an originalist when it came to copyright, believing that only books and other printed material could be copyrighted since audio recordings, films, video, etc weren’t “printed works”.
Or send Guido and the Boys out.
They take 50%, but nobody gets behind a second time.
Top-trending on Twitter:
“I identify as a Black San Francisco resident.”
Wrapping up and heading home. Did do some plumbing after all. Capped off the washing machine supply line. I’ll run in the new lines next visit. Freaking dark green corrosion thick and flaky on the hot water supply, all of the visible pipe… I need to get off the copper asap. At least the washer won’t be hammering it right now. And all the other sinks had a stubbed up pipe to help with air hammering, but NOT the washer which is the main cause of hammering, with the hard on/hard off valves. And I exposed the drain line so I know what I need to get to install a trap and vent. I’m thinking about adding a utility sink while I’m at it. Don’t have one at home, sometimes miss it.
That doesn’t mean that they couldn’t pass such laws.
—it does if you want to be Constitutional. Shall not be infringed is really clear, especially when there are other Amendments that DO specify exceptions – like due process, or warrants for searches. If they wanted exceptions, they would have listed them.
Do you have some kind of source escrow mechanism if you go out of business?
Lynn says:
The California Territory never allowed slaves, and California was admitted to the Union as a free state. There was never slavery in California until you get back to Mexico. Why on Earth would San Francisco be talking about reparations for slavery?
Just ONE MORE reason why I am SO glad that we left Cacafornia when we did, and moved to San Antonio.
$5mil? Paid for by whom? White residents will either flee, or will do the Shaun King “Talcum X” thing and “identify as” Black to try to claim some of that loot.
My mom had a name that could pass as ethnic, but was really Missouri white trash. I could pose as black and move briefly to Frisco, I suppose. For $5 Million, I could
>> Sure. Because there were no laws against it. That doesn’t mean that they couldn’t pass such laws.
Or just rule by fiat.
Race? I’ll admit that I support my own race above all others. My race is “human”, Homo Sapiens. However, I am quite tolerant of other races; if a Denisovian or Neanderthal were to appear, I’d have no problem with him.
Skin color has NOTHING to do with “race”. There’s less genetic difference between a black man and a white man than between a black labrador retriever and a golden labrador retriever.
First week of May or a 60 day moratorium. I just caught that.
Make it 90 days/May.
I wonder where the “prototype” Terminator animatronics went when they shut down T2:3D at Universal in Hollywood and Florida.
Maybe I don’t want to find out.
Looks like all of the trolls are government employees as they have today off. Why am I not surprised ?
Well, they may not have a job come Friday after the repuglicans default on the public debt.
Do you have some kind of source escrow mechanism if you go out of business?
Nope. That kind of stuff is fairly expensive and nobody wants to pay for it.
23andMe tells me I am almost 2% Neanderthal.
23andMe tells me I am almost 2% Neanderthal.
I am feeling Neanderthal today.
Although trolls will post here – we let anyone add a comment – I think it’s best that others don’t acknowledge or comment on a troll post.
Just ignore it – the admins will make it go away when they see it. Reacting to a troll post only encourages the troll to continue their actions.
Nothing that can’t be handled by a good old-fashioned Shunning.
(Despite having recommended this before, in the past I’ve succumbed to the temptation to feed the trolls. Nevertheless, Rick H is right: Just ignore it.)
RickH is usually right, but sometimes is fun to be bad.
dcp says:
Most of us are.
Had an ex that claimed I was a lot more than 2%.
Don’t get carried away now.
re: RickH
Well, technically, 51% is majority right…
I think it’s safe to say his batting average is above that.
And it’s appealing to address the trolls, and hard to resist.
There’s a couple on Youtube being gang stalked by trolls, and they’ve gone so far as to call out the main one as a psychopath. VoxDay pointed me to them. Turns out, I watched a lot of their early videos some time ago, before I moved on to other things.
Watching their video gave me a lot of insight into the deranged mind of a troll.
If they weren’t so hurtful, hateful and harmful, I’d feel pity for them. Mental illness is an awful thing.
10 minutes well spent:
Konstantin Kisin | This House Believes Woke Culture Has Gone Too Far – 7/8 | Oxford Union
Case accepted by the Supreme Court.
Pacific Legal Foundation is representing.
Ms. Tyler is black, and it would not surprise me if PLF has data showing racial disparity.
Legal in 12 states and mostly legal in 9. (Texas in one of the ‘tweeners)
See link for map.
>> And people are not paying their invoices to me even though we have a contract. My accounts receivable is over a quarter million now.
@lynn, is factoring an option for you?
Factoring is only about 10% after the payment is 90 days late. Been there done that. I’ve got almost $100K a year late now.
Sounds grim. I’m sorry.
Just got home from the bar. Second time this week some random guy bought me a drink on his tab. I wasn’t being picked up, honest.
Of course, I was in bars Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and today…
Got out of the rental car and got a gorgeous view of a clear sky. Orion shining in all his glory overhead.
“”Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Introduces Bill Criminalizing ‘Conspiracy to Commit White Supremacy,’ Criticism of Non-White People”
Looks like I am going to go to jail for criticizing reparations for non-white people.
Just got home from the bar. Second time this week some random guy bought me a drink on his tab. I wasn’t being picked up, honest.
Of course, I was in bars Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and today…
The “sports bar” a mile north of my house has had a full parking lot every night since Thanksgiving. It is not a very fancy place as half of the walls are sheet plastic.
@lynn – I’d put a ‘warning’ notice in the software that would alert on non-payment after xx days of arrears. Something like “Your software license payment is xx days in arrears. The software will be disabled on mm/dd/yyyy if payment is not received by then.”
And the ‘warning’ routine would not rely on the local computer time, but Internet-connected time (an external time source), so the deadbeat can’t reset the time on the computer to get around the warning.
The software would require Internet access in order to function. And probably some legal terms in the Terms of Use to allow the above to happen. Plus, no feature/bug updates on past due accounts.
There was a programmer who did this in his software about 20 years in Fort Bend County here in Texas. My county. The customer reported it to the District Attorney of Fort Bend County. The DA charged the programmer with terrorism and wire fraud. The programmer was convicted by a jury and went to state jail for eight years. I kid you not.
Our software passwords are timed with a begin date and end date. We are very careful that the passwords match the contract exactly. I do not want to go to jail.
Tom Brady may have played his final game for the Yucs. 31-14.
The Texans will have another Yucs retread coach to consider in their potential hire pool by this time next year.
>> Well, they may not have a job come Friday after the repuglicans default on the public debt.
Nah, Janet will dip into the coffee kitty, the curse jar and petty cash to hold things together for a couple of months, give or take. Of course, all for naught if ‘Stone Face’ McCarthy holds to his word, while keeping his members in the fold, and doesn’t blink playing ‘chicken’ with Chucky and Plugs.
>> Well, they may not have a job come Friday after the repuglicans default on the public debt.
Nah, Janet will dip into the coffee kitty, the curse jar and petty cash to hold things together for a couple of months, give or take. Of course, all for naught if ‘Stone Face’ McCarthy holds to his word, while keeping his members in the fold, and doesn’t blink playing ‘chicken’ with Chucky and Plugs.
Ol’ Stone Face has got to play chicken with the Freedom Caucus first before Chucky and Plugs. And those people play for keeps. The Freedom Caucus believes that the USA is going to default in the near future so why not now ?
The Freedom Caucus has a plan for who and what to continue paying with the funds that are available. They have a huge list. The IRS is not on this list.
>> 23andMe tells me I am almost 2% Neanderthal.
Tells you and several .gov agencies…