Cooler, but still damp. T-storms possible for a couple of days. No snow-magedon like the north east is supposed to get…
Didn’t get much done yesterday, but I did get the important thing done. I picked up an antenna tower. It’s a lightweight Rohn truss tower, so not good for a huge ham antenna, but good for my TV, VHF, scanner, and cell booster antennas. I may be able to hang an inverted V ham antenna for HF off it. It will be a while before I get to install it, but I will get it up the the BOL soon.
Other than that, I mostly avoided my MIL. No arguments or tears so it’s been a good visit.
Taking D2 to her Orthodontist appointment today, so that will eat my morning, but I’m hoping to get some stuff done this afternoon. Plenty that needs doin’, that’s for sure.
Haven’t seen my fisherman neighbor in a couple of visits now, I hope I didn’t screw something up. Networking and meatspace. Gotta have ’em.
Moved a bit more food, some shelves, and some more fishing stuff to the BOL. Progress is being made, just slowly.
Time to spend some time on the home front too.
‘Cuz there are stacks of things that need attention. And I haven’t stacked anything here in a while. Better get to it. Stack it up.
Has anyone seen the film “I am mother”? It’s a dystopian sci-fi flick. The movie is like a tiny look into the middle of a huge story. At the end, you are left wondering what the heck just happened… Worth seeing!
I’m wondering if there will be sequels/prequels.
Poor mentally ill person, whose mental illness was encouraged and facilitated rather than addressed and managed.
There are a lot more patients like that under VA care than you probably realize. The special forces types are always the most hardcore about it.
My wife has one patient who the nurses don’t like to be around because the end result is “too real”.
No mention of where Beck got surgery or if he got surgery. Usually, a trip to Thailand is a sign of a mental illness that the programs in the US won’t touch. Well, except for Jenner.
Something smells off. If Beck walked into the VA after surgery in Thailand and asked for hormones, then, yes, they would have taken care of what was an immediate medical problem without question. Otherwise, the process and the paperwork are very involved and lengthy.
Of course the DM gets schadenfreude for the UK readers dealing with the Solstice and possibility of going without heat at times this Winter. “Death in Paradise” won’t be back on BBC One for another two weeks, and then only a Christmas special until after the New Year.
C++ got the press in topping the latest TIOBE index, but I find it interesting that Objective C is on the rise after many years of decline in the face of Swift. I had an Apple engineer working locally confirm to me off the record in the last few years that Swift was, as I’ve long suspected, a trap for companies implementing the ‘M’ of their MVC for an iOS app, designed to force a choice between C++ and the proprietary language.
I also noted the engineer’s Android phone.
Beware the Hot Skillz, young Padawan.
65F and saturated. Light overcast. Bus was 15 minutes late with yet another different driver.
D2 has an eye exam today not an orthodontist appt. and since my wife is taking her parents to the airport, she will take the kid for her exam too. So I’ll have no excuses for not getting stuff done.
Yea! Yea. Yeah….
Good background on the mess in AZ
Shooting in town today. Husband shot his wife. Domestic violence. The wife died. Local news programs are having a field day. TBI involved. Local police department is just giddy with self-importance.
We got another dump of snow. Accumulation on our deck since Wednesday 12/7 is nearly three feet. The dogs powered through it with encouragement.
Public schools and private schools closed again today. And I have three youngsters again.
The specialized hardware I’m currently testing on has a power draw of 4200W sitting idle. From the outside, it doesn’t look any different from the rest of our PC-type server boxes, however.
@brad – I’m going to skip the second part of Advent of Code Day 8. The first part was too painful, and I tried to avoid doing a brute force search from each node in all four directions, which was probably the approach needed to do the second half easily.
My solution is in my github repository. It is ugly and needs some refactoring of rows vs. lines in variable names.
First read about this over the weekend
With these details, seven figures and a consent decree.
– add in everyone involved officially banned from sports, banned from education, and ordered to do community service picking up trash in black neighborhoods.
The Yucs looked awful yesterday, but Brady still has a clear route to the playoffs as division champs.
Gronk’s shoe commercials are still not back on the air. Ownership cheaped out on coaching again hiding behind the Rooney rule, and I doubt Gronkowski wants to be part of that offense, playing Warren Sapp football without Warren Sapp defense.
The Niners have John Lynch as GM. He knows firsthand what is involved in Warren Sapp football.
Once Brady retires, the Yucs are done for a while.
Oh, my bad…
– would have voted differently. Not that it matters, as it turned out. 81 Million votes. More than anyone in history, including the Lightbringer Obammmma and Orangeman. Despite never having anyone at his rallies, and mostly campaigning from his basement.
wonder what those ‘respondents’ would say about their votes if asked “would you have voted differently now that you’ve seen Slo Joe slowly lose his mind, live on TV?”
BTW, in my travels, hundreds of miles of driving every week, all over this “purple” city, I can’t recall seeing a SINGLE Biden flag or banner, or hand painted sign any place. Yet I see Trump banners and flags including Trump ’24 flags almost daily. His commemorative coin STILL sells for a dollar or more each in one of the auctions… and they sell hundreds.
Has anyone seen the film “I am mother”? It’s a dystopian sci-fi flick. The movie is like a tiny look into the middle of a huge story. At the end, you are left wondering what the heck just happened… Worth seeing!
I’m wondering if there will be sequels/prequels.
The movie, on Netflix, is a cautionary tale for a different form of Skynet. And it is very good with a low budget.
Poor mentally ill person, whose mental illness was encouraged and facilitated rather than addressed and managed.
My wife actually talked about people like this in her Social Work classes forty plus years ago. When the guy converted his outie to an innie, he lost mass. Now that he is going to convert back to an outie, his unit will be half the size it was before or less. And no testicles. The mental stress is incredibly high.
And I have three
youngstersapprentice cage cleaners again.Yes ! And apprentice snow trampers. And apprentice rabbit slaughterers. And eaters of the 48 ??? frozen rabbits.
The big problem that no one talks about is that the innie and rebuilt outie often don’t function to manufacturer’s original spec due to the incredible amount of damage done to the nerves in the area by essentially filleting the original equipment.
by essentially filleting the original equipment.
That is just nuts.
I will let myself out.
Why is this a thing?
Elevated Dog Bowls. And it sells for $40.
Dino, Fred, Wilma, and a few others would not be happy. They liked to lay down to eat. The other dogs that stand, their choice.
I know. I’m a bad person. I feed my dogs from cheap Wearever 3 quart pots. Yeah, they are a bit beat up but I got tired of buying new plastic dog dishes every year. The pots cost the same at Wal-Mart, cough, about 20 years ago. A real big plus is they have handles. I can carry three pots in each hand when it’s time to feed the pack.
I’m missing a few. One was being used on South Padre for Missy’s water dish and “someone” backed over it. Flatter than a pancake. I don’t know where the missing pots went. Under the house somewhere is my guess.
I rinse the pots with hot water after supper and they go in the dishwasher once in a while.
“Elon Musk Slaps Down Straight Leftist Astronaut Lecturing on Pronouns and the LGBTQ Community”
One wonders if Scott Kelly’s brain got fried in space.
I used to have Danes. They (and I assume the other giants) are susceptible to bloat/torsion, which can kill them. Our breeder recommended raised bowls for food and drinking water, and carefully monitoring their intake.
I lost one Dane to torsion, out of the 5 I had.
Doing a little research now shows that the raised bowl may help, and it may hurt, but regardless, it’s what was recommended to me back then, 30 years ago.
I miss my Danes. They steal your heart, but then they break it, all too soon.
Edited to add: I never used a purpose-built riser for the bowls. I used a step stool to hold them up, with a rubber pad to keep the bowls from moving around. They were dainty eaters, not so dainty drinkers.
The same thing was overheard at a local bar.
True enough. I agree. Auto Play can be an evil thing. The new PC came from China. The 16GB USB drive was in a little bag and labeled “Free Gift”. A scam to avoid paying customs? I don’t know.
I figured that infecting the stick with something was silly…. just infect the OS at the factory. Have something like the Java updater program sitting in the background for a couple of months.
The stick had two files. A PDF in Chinese and an exe. I assume directions for and some kind of password protection program. I have another stick somewhere with that stuff.
Are you whales from Wales?
That’s pretty much every dog I’ve had.
I wonder. I have some friends, intelligent, educated and kind. As far as I can determine the only issues are:
Nothing else matters. Not the economy, not the corruption, not inflation, not the migrant invasion, not crime, not anything…
It is a case of utterly tribal affiliation. I just don’t bring it up anymore.
When I go to Start / Settings and end up at System > Activation, my PC is activated with a digital license. So if the hard drive pukes, then what? There’s no Product Key label.
Poked around on the ‘Net. There is a back-up Product Key in the registry at BackupProductKeyDefault
The MS store has a program called ShowKeyPlus. That tells me this:
With more ‘Net poking, I found mediacreationtool.exe on an MS site about how to create a recovery drive.
I ran it twice. Once to use the USB stick, and again to create an ISO. I need to burn it to a DVD. Why the specs for a 16GB USB stick are a mystery. The iso file is 4.2 GB and the USB stick has the same amount.
Yeah. I don’t know. XP was pretty ok after a while. Win7 has quirks but only blue screened twice in six years. Win98Se is my favorite. The beta for NT5 was pretty awesome…. XP dumbed a lot down.
And. After all of this fussing, I have never needed to use a Recovery Disc. But never say never.
It’s cookie time for the dogs.
The one small salve of the end of civilization is that I didn’t have to hear a single word of politics from my lefty in-laws this weekend. They can’t bring up a single good thing about their guy and they know it.
‘but tRump!”
–yeah so what? now, about the hair sniffing feeb in the oval office, with the crack smoking son that he called “the smartest guy I know”?…
like shooting fish in a barrel.
Visit your local Target in the near future and wander back to the electronics section. You’ll see what’s coming next from the Dems on a big screen above the Collectibles shelves if your store is laid out like ours.
The only Jesus Candidate still standing after the midterms sent the Shadow Governor of Georgia packing along with Val Demings in Florida.
Karen Bass can’t win South Florida. Ever.
This blows my mind.
Kill your baby and Trump is Super Evil. Don’t say anything critical of negroes (13% of the population) or jews or any of the lbgtWTFpedo crew because that might offend someone. That’s all that matters.
Oh. And get your covid shots you disease spreading hater.
The economy sucking? 60 million, minimum, more like 100 million actually, illegal alien criminals in the country? The crime? The crooks in DC becoming millionaires in a few years years of a salary of what? $173,000 a year? Why do they get paid that much anyway?
It’s going to be interesting to watch it all crash. In a scientific way. . . . Not going to be any flavor of “fun”.
Given the rest of your comment, I question their intelligence.
“Educated” is probably not true, either. “Credentialed”, maybe. “Indoctrinated”, for sure.
“Kind” is also debatable. “Empathetic” I could see, but I can’t agree that allowing a mob of lawbreakers in to rape, rob, and kill is kind.
Finally, I wouldn’t be so sure that they’re your friends. If they’re True Believer lefties, they’ll gladly see you fired, herded into a camp, or beaten to death on the street as soon as they have an excuse and a mob of fellow travellers.
I was going to quote part of your post for truth, but I would have had to do the whole thing.
Funny how someone downvoted it. Every word is true.
“A word about those bothersome bloodsuckers, and looking ahead to a very cold second half of December”
A hard freeze with ice and snow for south Texas on Christmas Day ? Christmas eve of 2004 with the eight inch snow all over again ?
Finally, I wouldn’t be so sure that they’re your friends. If they’re True Believer lefties, they’ll gladly see you fired, herded into a camp, or beaten to death on the street as soon as they have an excuse and a mob of fellow travellers.
I really am concerned about this. We are fairly interspersed between the conservatives and the PLTs here. If things go down bad, will the PLTs support the Constitution breaking authorities or their conservative neighbors ?
If you have to ask… then you have your answer.
Whew! That Houston forecast doesn’t depict any really terrible weather for San Antonio. But the Old Farmer’s Almanac does call for Texas weather Dec 13-20 to be sunny and mild, 21-27 rain & snow showers and cold, and Dec 28-31 to be sunny and warm. January 2023 should be colder than normal, with rain showers and snow.
Haters gonna hate.
Lynn; please define “PLT” in this context. Thanks.
Attacks on power stations:
An interesting sequence of links.
Lynn; please define “PLT” in this context. Thanks.
Sorry, I should not use that derogatory term.
One of the things that the 2023 House should slip into one of those “read it to find out what’s in it” bills is a couple paragraphs requiring the identification of all property and other assets owned by foreign entities. I wonder if anyone knows just how much of McAllen aka Monterrey North is owned by foreigners?
Some years ago I noted that alien invaders sending money home to “south of the border” countries is typically the second or third largest source of funds for those countries, and it was past time to play hard-effing-ball in the form of withholding half or more of all transfers that could not show source of funds and taxes paid. Since the PLT’s managed to ram a bill through requiring U.S. citizens to report and get 1099’s for selling more than $600 on eBay, it is more than way past time to prioritize illegal alien activities ahead of U.S. citizens. 80k new IRS agents need direction.
Here’s a little something posted by my online friend GVDL.
Porcelain Unicorn.
The PLTs in this little film wear brown.
And just to put a fine point on it, “normal” PLTs are the grown-ups in the film. “Most” PLTs are the kids. And the one who wasn’t intrinsically evil got punished for not going along.
“FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried arrested in the Bahamas after U.S. files criminal charges”
“FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried was arrested by Bahamian authorities Monday evening after the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York shared a sealed indictment with the Bahamian government, setting the stage for extradition and U.S. trial for the onetime crypto billionaire at the heart of the crypto exchange’s collapse.”
You know, I am surprised that the guy did not run to Argentina or somewhere like that.
You have a better one for the shiiteheads that giggled about “Teabaggers”?
I have several…
Lynn & others; Thank you. I was close; “progressive liberal thug” was my guess, but progressive and liberal are redundant.
Lynn: For some people, the term is perfectly appropriate. Keep using it.
I’ve studied a bit about the collaboration between German industry and the Nazis.
Goebbel’s would have loved the economy of having chokepoints like Twitter, Facebook, and Google.
Four hours in the cold caring for rabbits and moving snow. Aided by husband, uncle, three youngsters, and a teenage boy. Then a neighbor showed up with a quite powerful sno blower.
yee haw
I got the vent that runs the length of our homes roof clear, plus the tricky sometimes leaky spots on the garage(they only leak when the snow is deep). I stayed on the single story side of the roof and made the path up to the peak in line with the garage so if I fell I’d land on the roof. I was very careful and did what I could to mitigate bad outcomes if I screwed up. It was fun if a little hairy.
Snow depth on our flat garage roof is 26”, this is up to my crotch, I’m very short.
I couldn’t find my gaiters so I cut the arms off a stretchy shirt and pulled them over my legs, blocking the gap at the top of my boots from snow. Kept my feet dry and I could work longer.
I thought I did pretty well today…
hat’s off to you.
thank you, sir
I was pretty wretched when I came in from the cold. I can neither confirm nor deny there might have been some snivelling about being cold. Uncle asked why I didn’t stop sooner if I was so miserable, responded that I wouldn’t have gotten the work done and it needed to be done. He thought that was dumb and I don’t disagree. Not doing it increased the risk of ice dams which lead to water intrusion.
So I do’s it.
I -like- the idea of apprentice cage cleaners and apprentice rabbit slaughterers. And yes they get to partake of rabbit.
I also let the growout rabbits run around for a bit in the rabbitry while I cleaned up a nasty mess in their cage. They are so flipping cute running around and jumping in the air. It’s going to be harder to process them after todays cuteness.
@jenny you need a snow rake!
I got one of the ‘joe’ ones in an auction. I just use the handle for an antenna support but the whole thing looked pretty sturdy.
Regarding downvotes, some people downvote the idea in the comment, not the comment itself. In other words, they don’t like the same thing the commentor doesn’t like, but they downvote to show they also don’t like it. There was some discussion earlier when the voting was new about whether you were commenting on the comment, the commentor, or the IDEA expressed.
>> A hard freeze with ice and snow for south Texas on Christmas Day ? Christmas eve of 2004 with the eight inch snow all over again ?
Good then that Abbott’s already reelected.
Broke down 9 pounds of pork loin, and cooked 5 big chops. Got out a cast iron griddle and did them in the broiler, since it was raining and I wanted to try something different. Topped them with hunny and paprika. They were good, but lean, so a bit dry even though I was careful not to overcook them. The pork fat and honey made a good au jus though.
First time I tried that griddle, first time I tried chops in the broiler. First time I used honey and paprika… Kids liked it, I liked it, wife thought it was a bit dry.
Sides were canned corn, and canned kale, which I added to sauted onion and bacon bits, with a dash of red pepper flakes. It was better than I expected. Almost as good as collards, but a lot less work.
Cleaned up a few things for auction. One was a modern chrome GE coffee perocolator, 12 cup. It’s in a vintage style but has a three prong cord so it must be relatively new. The “magic eraser” does a great job of cleaning old burned coffee off stainless steel. Did a good job, and now it’s as clean as new. It’s going in the auction.
Cleaned up a pewter display piece, given for 30 years of service to Houston Light & Power. Took a lot of polishing. Mainly did it to see what the process would be and if it was worth it. D2 was making cookies for a class party while I did that. A couple might have found their way down my gullet. Just saying.
>> One of the things that the 2023 House should slip into one of those “read it to find out what’s in it” bills is a couple paragraphs requiring the identification of all property and other assets owned by foreign entities. I wonder if anyone knows just how much of McAllen aka Monterrey North is owned by foreigners?
McAllen? How about Manhattan and the Hamptons?
I keep a snow rake by the rabbits, turns a 30 minute job into a 10 minute job. Roof is steeper than house roof and only pulling 6’ of snow on a slick surface.
Won’t work to clear the vents in this situation, I needed to move 2’ deep snow in an 18” path, on a kinda shallow pitch roof. I’m simply not strong enough with nowhere for the snow to go. So I hump up there and move it a shallow shovel full at a time.
Women truly have weaker bodies. We are pretty good on stubborn endurance, but at my strongest I’m far weaker than a wimpy man.
And frankly I’m good with that <grin>
>> A hard freeze with ice and snow for south Texas on Christmas Day ? Christmas eve of 2004 with the eight inch snow all over again ?
Good then that Abbott’s already reelected.
Texas has gotten more conservative in the last couple of years as more conservatives have moved here from the blue states. So I think Abbott was safe regardless. Abbott beat Bozo 55% to 44%, not quite a stomping but better than I expected.
Plus I think that the Texas grid can handle down to 25 F just fine. Maybe even 20 F. Below that gets dicey as the wellheads freeze up and the natural gas pressure starts dropping. Most of the natural gas turbines do not have compressors for the natural gas and depend on the line pressure to be 350 psig or higher (900 psig is usually the max for a pipeline although they can and will pack them to 1,000 psig right before a Siberian or Arctic cold front).