Cool and damp, but hopefully clear… like yesterday. It got up into the 80s in the sun. Not so much in the shade, but nice ‘shirtsleeves’ weather.
Didn’t get much done on the list. Gotta admit, with the kids home I don’t get a whole lot of outside stuff done. Did get a bunch of auction stuff caught up. Bought another freezer. Used one this time, but $70 out the door. That’s one of my pickups today. The other might be some sort of defensive tool. There are a LOT of them in auctions this month. Might be people are trying to raise cash. Ammo too, but mostly single boxes of all different brands and sizes. The ammo isn’t going cheap, but there isn’t a delivery charge and it won’t show up on the CC bill as what it is. Tools, well they haven’t been cheap either but the prices are more reasonable than they were. I was shocked to get what I got, about $100 under retail. There were a lot of oddball pieces. Rossi revolvers, no name .25 semiautos… stuff from the 50s…
One whole auction is new gubs. Like a store went out of business or something. Starting bids are low, but we’ll see where they end up. NOT paying $650 for a DelTon that sold for $325 a couple of years ago… but I will keep watching to see where stuff ends up.
I’m seeing a lot of cards and sports memorabilia, and a lot of silver coins. That definitely feels like selling to raise money. I’ve expected it long before now, but people like their stuff and will try to keep it.
I don’t know who’s buying, but the silver at least is bringing good prices. Too rich for my blood.
Canned food is what you’d be buying with that junk silver anyway, so why not skip the middle man?
Stack it up folks.
Hmmm, can’t do much computing with 7 bits. I could do better accuracy on a slide ruler.

Raul Julia at the height of his career is hard to top. Julia was fresh off of “Presumed Innocent” when he did “The Addams Family”.
Plus, Julia had Angelica Huston. Catherine Zeta-Jones isn’t quite “Morticia”.
Hollywood keeps hoping that “Zorro” lightning will strike twice with Zeta-Jones. Even the sequel didn’t work as well as that first film.
I will not be surprised when a lot more shenanigans come out from this freak. It is obviously a mentally ill human-like being.
“The Mask of Zorro” and the sequel are on Netflix.
The sequel is semi interesting viewed as a failed audition reel for Rufus Sewell to replace Pierce Brosnan as Bond. Instead, Bronsnan returned for one more film befoe Daniel Craig took over.
FauXi lied:
Fauci Couldn’t Name Any Studies Showing Masks Work Against COVID-19: Lawyers
Just look at the Chinese COVID crisis for the effectiveness of masks.
Git yer 12 boosters, Skippy. You’ll feel better appeasing your goobermint.
We have been lied to many times during the entire covid pandemic. The responses created by the government were designed to instill fear in people. People living in fear can be more easily controlled.
The government, which includes the CDC and Fauci, were wrong on many points. Rather than admit an error the agencies just kept piling on more fake information and mandates. For a politician or government official to admit an error is a career ending move. Better to destroy lives and the economy than admit an error.
Certainly, people died from Covid. Certainly, people died with Covid who had underlying health issues. Certainly, Covid made people sick. So does the flu, so does the common cold, so does eating at Chipotle. Live has risks. Some will rise above; some will become worm food.
The reaction to the Covid, arguably a man-made organism, and response was worse than the disease for many people. I think it was a test by the government to see how much people will allow in restricting freedoms. Testing the waters for citizen tolerance. I have nothing to back up my paranoid reasoning, just a general distrust of the government developed over 50 years, starting with the USAF.
I also believe that many of these government officials have a financial interest in the pharmaceutical industry, not directly, but indirectly through relatives and family members. Even perhaps a “blind” trust. Many people got rich selling test kits, vaccines and syringes. I cannot prove it but have little doubt that Fauci and his family are one such beneficiary.
And in the other news. The truck has a bad OS sensor. There are two on the truck, left side and right side. When the first one failed a few months ago I should have had both replaced at the same time. Another $150.00 in repairs. More than I can fit in 7 bits.
The mechanic that is doing the repairs I know personally. He has an independent shop and has done a few repairs before. His shop has an excellent reputation for being honest and reasonable pricing.
The masks were effective for You Ain’t Got No Ice Cream games, which the Chinese really enjoy.
Plus, someone in China made a fortune manufacturing the masks most commonly seen in this country.
Unlike the jabs, however, the masks just made people look ridiculous, the only long-term harm done being psychological.
Make no mistake, however, Kabuki or not, a lot of people are still living in fear, and the Good Germans have their armbands -er- masks ready, just out of sight, for the return of “ze old days, ja”.
Austin PD was still running mask enforcement drills at Sam’s near my house into January of this year, the irony of which was that the masks the store handed out to the heathens under the watchful eye of the police came from a box clearly marked that the protection provided was not sufficient for preventing the spread of respiratory illnesses.
No mention of what APD was doing about the city’s record murder rate in 2021, which continued into this year.
Big Smile!
From which end, vertical or horizontal?
stayed up to 4am with a combination of upset GI and reading… so later start than even I’m used to. 81F and 87%RH with light overcast and part sun.
I need to get going, I’ve got pickup appointments I need to make. Gut feeling better this morning.
Take a half roll of Charmin Blue JIC
Normal school day tomorrow. And I’m getting ready to head out.
The “pup” loving weirdo has hit the front page.
Alt media for the win on timeliness.
Dometic has extended their sale, if you have to have cold to survive, you should have something that makes cold….
Their reputation is top notch.
“Hard Drive Cost Per Gigabyte”
“When Backblaze purchased hard drives back in 2009, we paid over $0.11 per gigabyte. In 2017, when we did a review of the cost of hard drives, the cost per gigabyte had fallen to just below $0.03 per gigabyte. Today, we can get 16TB hard drives for about $0.014 per gigabyte on average. That’s not quite a penny, but we think we’ll get there soon enough. In the meantime, let’s look at our hard drive purchases over the years and see what we can learn about the cost per gigabyte of hard drive storage.”
The temptation of the $1700 bag was too much for him to resist. He got caught … this time.
Hmmm, can’t do much computing with 7 bits. I could do better accuracy on a slide ruler.
I guess that I should have said that our Fortran characters use 7 bits out of the 8 bits available. Our Fortran floating point uses 64 bits and our Fortran integers use 32 bits.
As a part of this F77 to C++ project, I am moving very small parts from 7 bit characters to UTF-8 characters. We already have some support in our user interface for UTF-8 file names and file paths such as π\π.psd (psd is our file type that we have used since 1988).
Fort Worth NewsGuild social justice reporter’s thread about journos ON STRIKE accidentally HILARIOUS
Poor “journalists” got they azzez handed to them.
The Daily Mail is carrying it on the front page with “it still has it’s job, plugs is doing nothing”. It’s already admitted to the crime and is still holding a Federal job. I can’t wait for the LameStreamMedia spin: “It’s got PTSD so double it’s salary and pension, you haters”.
>> It’s already admitted to the crime and is still holding a Federal job
And Hunter’s already admitted to ine federal crime (lying on his gun purchase application) and no one is doing anything about that either.
Shocking, right?!
Home. Scattered showers, some heavy, across the Houston area. Got the freezer. Got the other item. Stopped at Habitat and got some cans of spray paint, $2.50 a can for krylon and krylon industrial. Good deal. Hit the former Sears scratch and dent and found a dishwasher, half off, all the things the boss wanted, no visible damage, so added that to the back of the truck. I look like fred sanford…
It seems like a lot more of my neighbors have Christmas lights up this year. It’s nice.
The Daily Mail is carrying it on the front page with “it still has it’s job, plugs is doing nothing”. It’s already admitted to the crime and is still holding a Federal job. I can’t wait for the LameStreamMedia spin: “It’s got PTSD so double it’s salary and pension, you haters”.
There is something wrong with that there fella.
I’m so old I remember when mental illness was a disqualification for important positions. For example, Thomas Eagleton. Now we have several cross-dressers in important places.
Serious question. I need a new Primary Care Provider, and I can’t seem to make the normal search tools behave for me.
I’m searching for someone who can manage my chronic illnesses and is sufficiently smart to know that masks are stupid and the Covid “vaccine” is worse than the disease it was invented to “treat”. Or at best, statistically ineffective, but my money’s on worse. I am, after all, betting my life on that.
I’d hate to have to call and interview a hundred doctors just to find one with an open mind who can understand the bent science.
I know I can eliminate some wholesale, like any doctor who still works for Houston Methodist, since they fired all the ones who objected to the jab when they fired me. Indeed, the PCP I’m firing is one of them. A mask-wearing slave to his student loans, the drug companies, and Standard Of Care, who continues to push statins despite their proven hazards and increase in all cause mortality.
If I wanted a robot as a doctor, I’d just use google and buy fish medicine.
Edit: I got distracted by the rant. What I’m asking is for search tools or websites, not specific doctors.
Clarence Gilyard Jr. Dead At Age 66
Too young. Rest in Peace.
Unfortunately, the pilot for WTR doesn’t seem to be available on YouTube at the moment.
As Walker’s partner, James Trivette had a lot of good moments, but I always wondered what would have happened if he’d continued to be written as the badass that terrorized a con by putting snakes in his room.
Google is evil.
So is Apple.
Controversial energy official charged with stealing woman’s luggage at MSP
Was that by any chance a taxpayer-funded work trip to Europe with a stolen $2k bag?
This p.o.s. told multiple provable lies to law enforcement and refused to return the stolen property.
He’s a leftist p.o.s. scheduled to appear in court in one of the bluest counties in the U.S.–home to Ilhan Omar–so don’t hold your breath expecting justice (unless you voted for FJB).
from AoSHQ:
As far as I know, the leftwing media embargoed this story — and probably still is embargoing this story. It took Alpha News to break it.
I said yesterday when a commenter first reported this story,, that I googled it to get details. First Sam Brinton nothing, then Sam Brinton arrested nothing , finally Sam Brinton arrested for stealing luggage from airport and the Alpha News story came up. Google was suppressing it and the propaganda ministries were boycotting it. F**k them all
Any way to get a handle on any of those fired doctors?
Sounds like that might be a line of inquiry.
Word of mouth. Ask friends, neighbors, etc.
If you like your dentist, ask him/her.
Methodist San Jacinto trained the Prog associate my wife worked with in Vantucky. I understand your problem. It wasn’t so much the associate as it was her idiot husband, whom we also supported for far too long.
Apple’s entire line of laptops is designed to be thrown away in 7-8 years. The phones have an even shorter lifespan.
So much for “green”.
I haven’t had a primary since before wuflu. Mine quit the group and went concierge because of obamma no care. Everyone I knew or saw as a sub in the group has left since then.
I had my wife ping the neighborhood mom’s group on FB and she got a couple of names I haven’t followed up on.
Time to move that project forward.
Erle Stanley Gardner on Dashiell Hammett’s turns of phase:
Now go watch The Maltese Falcon and understand what was really being said.
My GP just retired. So I am going to Dr. Mathews Ninan at Hillcroft Medical Clinic here in Sugar Land.
They are affiliated with Methodist but my heart doctor is at Houston Cardiology Associates which is also affiliated with Methodist. I have had two surgeries (heart ablation, endoscopy) at Methodist in the last five years and survived them both so I am there. I had my second heart attack at Sugar Land Methodist in 2011. And I like the private rooms. I had my first heart attack in Port Lavaca in 2009 and was moved to Victoria (bad idea).
My mother has had six surgeries at Methodist in the last ten years. My father has had three surgeries at Methodist in the last 25 years. Both of my parents are stage 4 cancer in remission ( Dad – non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma – 4 times at 42, 43, 44, 75 and bladder cancer, Mom – endometrial cancer) and were treated by Methodist.
It is tough to get away from Methodist in Houston. I also had a surgery last year at Sugar Land Hermann that I survived – colonoscopy.
I forgot to add that I went the “word of mouth” route to find my PCP.
He isn’t woke, but this time last year, he was uncomfortable with my position on jabs.
From what I understand, however, he held a “Come to Jesus” meeting with partners and staff when some of the clerical people started telling patients that they would eventually need to be vaccinated to enter the office.
Even nurse practitioners are shrugging these days.
The new source of provider labor that practices are starting to tap are MBBS grads from India. Some states allow them to use the initials MD after their names if they study at a US residency program.
My wife’s former employer in Vantucky has a pilot Internal Medicine residency program with two MBBS grads participating.
That place burned through IM specialists like they were Defense Against The Dark Arts instructors at Hogwarts.
>> Edit: I got distracted by the rant. What I’m asking is for search tools or websites, not specific doctors.
Is a concierge physician within your budget? May be more amenable to your POV. If so, DDG will find them for you. If not, OneMedical is pseudo concierge for $200/year. (Owned now by the Zon though.) ZocDoc was/is(?) a physician search site.