Day: October 12, 2022

Wed. Oct. 12, 2022 – odometer rolled past 123456 and I missed it

Cool in Houston, getting warmer later.   It was very nice at the BOL.   It was reasonably nice in Houston.   It’s getting to be that time of year, like Spring, when it is very nice to live here.  Pity that the good weather is so short lived.

Mostly spent yesterday on nothing much.  Spent a couple hours chatting with my neighbor.   That was a lot of fun.  I’m learning alot about the history of the area and the lake.   Then I spent the afternoon locking up and driving home.

So not a productive day in the traditional sense.

Today I’m hoping to do some tax stuff, some ebay stuff, and some auction stuff.   First I have to get the kids out the door.  And I have to take a load of trash to my secondary location and dispose of it.   Lots of neglected things around the house here, and things to get together to take up to the BOL.

I’ll get to some of it.

And maybe I’ll get some stuff added to the stacks.   You should too.



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