Cool and clear to start the day but getting hot later. Monday was gorgeous. I know the dry spell is killing us and crops, but it sure is nice weather otherwise. And nice not to get rain when I’ve got 27 holes, 4ft deep around the perimeter of my house…
My foundation work definitely got pushed back to next week. Supply chain issues, and a critical adapter part they need is weeks overdue. I’m headed back to Houston later today and will work on stuff at home for the rest of this week.
Yesterday the main thing I got done was to connect the master bath pex to the pex trunk line in the attic. The lines to feed the kitchen are in place but not stubbed out. Working under the sink just wasn’t going to happen, I hurt too bad from the attic crouching and crawling. I got foam rubber insulation over the parts of the trunk and branches that I’ve connected so far too. I do need a couple of parts to tie the new service into the pex and old piping. I’ll bring them back with me later.
I spent the rest of the day on little tasks and cleanup. Wife and kids went home yesterday evening. That left me to have a fire and listen to the radio one last night this week. The moon rise was later, so I did have some nice dark sky before the moon washed everything out. It was bright enough to cast shadows and if I had a large print book, I could have read by the moon light. No shooting stars last night though.
Today I’ll wrap up a few small things, and pack up for the week. One auction pickup on the way home (an antenna) and then I’m back to normal routine. It will be a change getting up to get the kids out the door.
I’ve decided to move a bunch more food and supplies up here. The goal is to get out of Houston if there is an issue, and it would be better to have more of my stacks up here. Can’t move them all, because of the possibility of needing to stay in town. Also doesn’t make sense to have all my eggs in one basket. So I’ll move about half, then rebuild the stacks in both places. I’ve still got stuff at my secondary too, that will probably stay there. Backups to the backups.
I need to get serious about getting a full set of tools up here too. I’ve got enough dupes to do it, but haven’t done much to organize it. Right now, if I had a plumbing issue at home, I’d be out of luck as all my supplies are here and if I had a mechanical issue, all my real tools are in Houston. That’s not a great state of affairs.
Ditto for medical. Some of the stacks need to move, not just first aid kits.
Your stacks aren’t big enough. Neither are mine. Get to stacking!
Curious. What is the “critical adapter part”? And is it delayed or unobtainium?
The Kennedy family’s bootlegging empire and the influence it bought was long gone by 2010. Cindy McCain runs a legitimate booze distributor.
If a few “protesters” got run over by a 4×4, they’d learn faster.
Which reminds me – weed distribution is going to buy a lot of influence before too long.
Friends in Florida who are frequently in the Smokies suggested finishing our truncated Tennessee trip soon. The big ski mountain in the state was apparently purchased by a weed billionaire from Colorado, and big changes are coming if what they predicted comes true.
I commented about the moonshine distillery t-shirts on seemingly every kid in Nashville’s tourist areas, and the response was, “Oh, Gatlinburg has a dozen built or planned already with more on the way.”
Exactly the reason that Sponge Brain decided to pardon federal marijuana sentences. It is about buying votes. Many of the people in prison have state charges which are not going to be forgiven by many of the states.
I fully expect weed in small quantities for personal use to become legalized in TN. In fact I expect within the next 10 years to see weed legalized in all 50 states. Licensed dealers that pay taxes as well as taxes on the purchase of the product.
I think the war on illegal drugs should be abandoned. It is not working. That lesson should have been learned during prohibition. The caveat should be that people on drugs get no federal or state aid. They chose the lifestyle, live it (or die with it) to the fullest. If a crime is committed while on drugs, maximum sentence with no other option. If kids are involved and the parents are stoned the kids are removed from the parents never to return. Make the penalties for other crimes while using drugs some of the harshest on the books. Make drugs a personal choice but with severe consequences for doing other crimes while stoned.
There are several in Pigeon Forge (the main path to Gatlinburg), not so many in Gatlinburg. In fact I don’t know of any moonshine stores in Gatlinburg but have not spent a lot of time looking. I do not like visiting Gatlinburg. Pigeon Forge advertises the distilleries on many billboards. I have visited a couple of the stores when friends visit. Usually do the tasting. The tasting used to be free but too many people were making the rounds to all the moonshine stores and getting drunk. Now there is a charge of $5.00 to taste with that amount taken off any purchase.
The old Brushy Mountain Prison in Petros, about 10 miles from my location, is now a tourist attraction. Interesting to visit and see the place. The place also has its own moonshine store where the stuff can be purchased. I have tasted the stuff, about the same as is available in Pigeon Forge.
The “real” moonshine, brewed in one of the many hollers in the area, is a much different taste, and much more potent. Generally cheaper with some risk to the maker and the purchaser. A couple of phone calls and I could have a quart that has been distilled through an old radiator from a Caterpillar D8 bulldozer. Nothing tastes quite like ‘shine with a hint of antifreeze and diesel.
I think a nice large front-end loader should be used to scrap them off the road. Or a snowplow traveling at 20 mph.
Trans women must sign up for military draft
Where do the PLTs in Congress stand on this? Could be interesting.
The downside of weed is the stink. Even in vape form, I hate it as bad as ciggie smoke. You’ll walk through pockets of it in a casino and almost gag it is so strong. During my two week biz trip, I swear weed was everywhere outside every airport we went through. Especially the evening flights.
But not trans men. LOL. Burn the place down!
It won’t take that long for legalization in TN. The next time you are in Nashville, walk by the Apple store and check out the sidewalk vendors the company allows to set up shop at the entrances.
I see some of these incidents of officers shooting black men and I have to wonder if it was not planned. A family in absolute poverty sees an opportunity to sacrifice a family member in exchange for a big payout from the government. Winning the lawsuit lottery. Settlements are usually in the millions with the lawyer getting a third. No wonder lawyers jump on these cases. A multi-million dollar payday for what amounts to little work. Of course the person killed was a pillar of the community. Would give the shirt off their back to anyone that “axed” and was the nicest person possible.
The “poverty” level is questionable. Images of expensive hair braids, fancy nails, new iPhone and a few gold teeth make me wonder where the money for those objects was acquired.
In my opinion the majority of the cases are truly rogue police officers out of control and the family deserves the money and the city needs to be financially punished. I read about a few cases where I have to wonder if the shooting was provoked out of desperation to acquire cash. Force the police to kill someone then sue the city. Many times a settlement is cheaper than having a portion of the city destroyed by thugs.
Some of these cases I just wonder why the person did not follow the instructions of the officer and continued to provoke the situation.
No man in the house growing up = no consequences for not learning when and how to comply with authority.
Florida came very close to putting Benny Crump into the Governor’s Mansion four years ago via his crony proxy, the known meth head the Dems nominated for Governor in the 2018 election.
Beyond the ramifications of having the veto and executive order power at his disposal, Crump would have immediately shifted the balance of the FL Supreme Court at midnight on Inauguration Day 2019, and the redistricting maps drawn this year by the Legislature would have ended up looking much different once the courts were done with them.
2010 redistricting wasn’t settled in FL until 2016, and the fallout from that continues, with Val Demings Congressional district being drawn by a judge and putting her in the position to run for Little Marco’s Senate seat this year.
Florida dodged a bullet. Your theory isn’t off base, but it requires control of a political party on the scale Crump had with the Dems in Florida four years ago and may have again once Charlie Crist is shown the door after November.
The ministers in the communities would go along with what you’re suggesting. They all know the families with a set of otherwise useless Y chromosomes that could be sacrificed and a Big Mama who would put some serious drama on camera. And the church could use a new roof — that’s always the way it works.
As much as I’d like to see him run for President — after careful vetting of course — Florida seriously needs DeSantis to finish a second term should he win reelection.
The “I can’t even afford to feed my babies” kit used to consist of beer, cigarettes, and lottery tickets. That’s been expanded to include hair extensions, a new iPhone with unlimited data plan, and a new, large SUV.
Uh oh. At the risk of being considered cynical, this sounds like the classic small contractor “bait & wait” scam.
Do you have a liquidated damages clause in your contract for failure to complete in a timely manner?
Hmmmm, Just realized how quiet, calm, and civil it has been here lately. We don’t all agree with each other, but we are, generally, civil about it. Nice.
Common Expression: “Where is such and such when we need him?”
And now: “Where are Ed and NaN when we don’t need nor want them?”
The daily soap opera known as the main road on our commercial property that goes back to my two landlocked neighbors continues. Yesterday, some of my friends from church who I have known for over 30 years came by to ask questions about the area. They looked at the property last week and are very interested. They have three grown kids and seven grandkids and want a big place where people can come and visit and stay for a while.
So we spent three hours going over the problems and neat items such as the property has two water wells, two up to date septic aeration tanks, a nice metal barn, and lots of wild life. There is a one year old double wide on the property that is in very good condition. I took them down to the bayou in my 4WD and showed them how high the bayou got during hurricane Harvey, it was not as high as they thought.
And we talked about the easement across our property. I showed them the road and my property lines and the old expired easement. I made no promises except that we would get something done if the seller would get off his rump.
They would like to build a barndominium on the property after they buy it, move, and sell their property. I told them that my 3,750 ft2 three story office warehouse actually is a barndominium but we ran out of time before I could show it to them.
Over The Hedge: Humans Were Forced To Grow Up
I knew it ! Our cousins are mean.
First we were thrown out of the Garden of Eden and then our cousins refused to share with us.
You said you cant find the original easement document, but have something from 2004(?) that refers to it. Wht
Is it time to buy a handheld geiger counter yet ? “Handheld Geiger Counter Nuclear Radiation Detector, Professional High Accuracy Nuclear Radiation Meter Beta Gamma X Ray Data Tester Marble Dosimeter”
You said you cant find the original easement document, but have something from 2004(?) that refers to it.
Nobody can find the reputed 1948 easement document that the seller’s grandfather created. The title company found a 1997 document where the seller’s mother sold an easement on the road for two years to a subdivision development company to the north of us across the bayou. That easement expired in 1999. All the other documents point to one of these documents.
WRT slides pictures and other ephemera.
When my grandmother passed away my dad’s cousins brought by a really old photo album. It came over from Poland in the late 1800’s. Fancy stuff with tooled leather and obviously very expensive.
And not a single name, date, or note.
Nobody left alive to know who these people were, where they were from, or anything. Very tragic.
Thanks for the clarification.
@Clayton W
The names, places and dates are vital. Full Five W’s even better, along with how and the photog’s name.
Yep. That’s how most of my mother’s historical photos were. Whoever put the albums together knew who the people were, so why bother labeling them?
I gave them all to a pack rat cousin. Who knows, maybe she has other photos that are labeled.
The Amish make front-page on DM:
‘The last word he said to me was ”Help”’: Devastated girlfriend of Georgia high school football star, 18, who was shot dead on their date recalls searching for his pulse as he died in pool of blood
Someone here might have already posted this, but it is never too much to repeat: watch out for Amish thugs.
My Apple Watch Ultra has these big numbers on the screen that keep changing. I used a timer and they seem to change every second. I’m not sure what they are.
Try changing the watch face to a rotary watch face. Then it is just a matter of rotating the watch to keep the numbers in the same place.
Headed home, spent the morning chatting with the neighbor. Meatspace baby! Well worth the time and effort. Plus, I got a late start and wasn’t getting a ton done anyway.
WRT bait and wait, I really don’t think so. He’s just called me ½ hour ago, and we talked. He’s got a machine they could use, that they use when doing pipeline construction, but it has a long boom arm. They’ve got a smaller machine they call the ‘manual’ machine, but the guys have gotten hurt using it in the past. This new part they’re waiting for is a short reach attachment so they can work in tight to the building without having to jockey the drive head into place. Given the site access restrictions, the long reach machine wouldn’t work well, and he’s been trying to avoid using the ‘manual’ setup, which is why they commissioned the short reach thing in the first place. Said supplier has not finished the machine, citing missing parts they are waiting to receive. Latest is it ships Thur or Fri, and install for me starts Fri or Mon.
He’s promised that if it doesn’t ship, they WILL start with the ‘manual’ machine next week.
Their mistake was scheduling the machine on my project before they had it in house. Now it’s biting them, and me. The manf is blaming supply chain issues.
He did give me an interesting heads up. The concrete piers they use might be in short supply coming up soon, due to issues with concrete availability. They bought several truck loads and are going to have inventory, since they can get them now. Increased demand due to drought induced foundation shifting is also driving shortages. Stocks must be being used up and can’t be replenished quickly enough.
And now I’m off….
wow, that was weird and disconcerting given the current political climate…
ATT kicked my phone off the network, and it failed silently for about the last hour. Made me wonder how much was down…..
Lynn, that easement would have been filed and recorded in the county’s deed records. Your County Clerk has these still in paper form if they have not been scanned into the electronic data base. It’s likely that the title company did not bother doing an actual paper records search. Your county clerk’s office doesn’t list 1948 among the historical records they’ve put into the database, so a book search would be necessary.
A good thing would be to simply go up to the courthouse and speak to the clerk or one of her deputies and ask them if they can let you look through the book for 1948 for that piece of property.
“Muhammad/Mohammed/Mohammad Top Baby Boy Name in UK”
“There will always be an England”. Yeah, Englanistan.
And what will that do to NATO ?
Could it be a countdown timer? Have you been tricked into being a suicide bomber?
We will know soon. Especially if we hear a loud noise from his location.
When Ayn Rand wrote “Atlas Shrugged” 60 years ago and depicted England as a communist country, I wondered “What did she know that we don’t?” Now, I guess we ALL know.
Did you know that Liz Truss has NO white men in her government? None.
I don’t think he stated the numbers were going down, or up. The numbers may just be changing to new random numbers. That would be a Sponge Brain watch face.
>> If the protesters leave a little skin behind, maybe they’ll learn faster. They are welcome to protest, but not by messing up other people’s lives.
If they’re so committed to their cause maybe they should be willing to glue their important “bits” to the road next time. Ouch!
I’ll try to remember the talcum powder trick the next time I’m crawling in the attic. Might still itch but I’ll smell like a baby.
The ISP mostly worked today. Pretty much turned off at 8am. It seems to be back to normal other than random “page not found” or pictures not loading. So, not stable enough to play with new PC and it wanting to d/l stuff.
But….. hey, when your connection to the ‘Net pukes, how’s having all of your stuff in the cloud working out?
Sure, sure. I get it. You can sync your PCs to your phone and to your other PC without having a LAN or messing with Sneaker Net. The Calendar in W11 seems to be part of the built-in Mail program. That seems weird to me. And somehow you can tie in your Google account. Which is kind of cool. But the Calendar on my phone annoys the heck out of me. I pretty much want “just” Mother’s Day and Father’s Day and Easter. I are smart enough to know when 4th of July and Thanksgiving and Christmas and such happen. I don’t give a $#!t about Gay or Black or Mexican Month. So, yeah, ain’t syncing the Calendar on my new PC with my Google account. I’ll manage to survive. The less Google, the better.
I think I’ll find the setting to turn of Hibernate. Again. Just go to sleep and wake on mouse.
Another question. Looking at the drive via Disc Manager, I have four partitions on a 512 Gb drive. First for the eif or whatever the “new BIOS” is called. Next is Windows. Then an empty Drive D which is most of the drive. Then the Recovery partition.
So the first and last are “don’t touch”. There must be a reason for the C:\Windows partition and then having a D:\ partition. I could delete D and expand C. Then again, if all my stuff is on D:\, that makes back-ups easier (and more likely to happen).
Current PC has a lot of stuff I don’t use. I have copies of BirdTrak (gotta put Clipper=15 in autoexec.bat) that will not run on Win7/64. I can still run BirdTrak assuming the 486 sitting on the shelf in the EDC will boot. But no one cares about it except me. Just one bird left, maybe I can find her chip when she dies to see exactly which bird she is. Same for a lot of games dating from Win 3.11. Plenty of other things that I’ve kept “for later” and never use.
I’ll burn all the clutter to a few CDs. Just in case.
It’s pretty much just a thing to transfer Thunderbird, Firefox, and their settings. And pictures and music. Plus install a few things like PaintShopPro and puTTY and Filezilla. Oh, and VLC. There’s more. The Kindle Reader, maybe 7-Zip.
I think I’ll be using my USB to SATA/IDE hard drive adapter real soon.
Fun stuff.
Unless there was a courthouse fire.
Don’t laugh. I know it sounds like a cliche “Southern Thang”, but Dallas County has a lot of paper records missing for that reason.
So does the VA. And for the VA if the record does not exist, it never happened. The issues with my heart while in the servic were apparently lost by the VA. So suck it up buttercup. Private medical records are no indication the diagnosis occurred in the service.
They may have counted on you wanting to install Linux.
Personally, I like to run 8GB of swap and separate ‘/’ and ”/home’ partitions for Linux, but to each their own.
Fedora will go into one partition and activate zRam memory compression for swap. Fedora also works with Secure Boot.
Made it home. Listening to “Nine Princes in Amber” read by Zelazny himself. Keeps me awake, but it is dated and full of cliche’s… has a very ‘tough guy’ vibe. Throw in some sexy scenes and you’d almost have ‘men’s adventure’ fiction. Part of that is the style of the narrative, some of it is just who wrote it and when.
“The Hypocrisy, It Burns”
Yes, it does. What we did to Serbia in the 1990s was downright criminal.
True, but American involvement, and American casualties, nicely drew attention away from Paula Jones’s lawsuit against Bill Clinton.
Cue La Beatos
Florida is not New Orleans.
Of course, tomorrow, the AP will “accidentally” post a story about how it may be months before residents can access Sanibel, just like they did last week about Pine Island the day after that bridge reopened on a temporary span.
“Is Particle Physics science fiction ?”
“No one in physics dares say so, but the race to invent new particles is pointless”
“Imagine you go to a zoology conference. The first speaker talks about her 3D model of a 12-legged purple spider that lives in the Arctic. There’s no evidence it exists, she admits, but it’s a testable hypothesis, and she argues that a mission should be sent off to search the Arctic for spiders.”
“The second speaker has a model for a flying earthworm, but it flies only in caves. There’s no evidence for that either, but he petitions to search the world’s caves. The third one has a model for octopuses on Mars. It’s testable, he stresses.”
“Kudos to zoologists, I’ve never heard of such a conference. But almost every particle physics conference has sessions just like this, except they do it with more maths. It has become common among physicists to invent new particles for which there is no evidence, publish papers about them, write more papers about these particles’ properties, and demand the hypothesis be experimentally tested. Many of these tests have actually been done, and more are being commissioned as we speak. It is wasting time and money.”
“Since the 1980s, physicists have invented an entire particle zoo, whose inhabitants carry names like preons, sfermions, dyons, magnetic monopoles, simps, wimps, wimpzillas, axions, flaxions, erebons, accelerons, cornucopions, giant magnons, maximons, macros, wisps, fips, branons, skyrmions, chameleons, cuscutons, planckons and sterile neutrinos, to mention just a few. We even had a (luckily short-lived) fad of “unparticles”.”
Oh my. It is actually worse than the race for a working fusion reactor.
Was speaker number 3, the octopuses on Mars, named “Tony” by any chance?
The Fake Job
@Kenneth not true re the makeup of Liz Truss’ cabinet
His Majesty’s Government: The Cabinet – MPs and Lords – UK Parliament
few more POCs than I would like however
Leaving all the political questions aside, I really don’t understand people using this name. Your kid now has the same name as millions as others. You’re not going to call them that, you’re going to have some other nickname. It’s a really shallow demonstration of piety. So…why?
Um…no. Sorry, but people making assertions like that destroys their credibility, and – by contamination – the credibility of conservatives in general. There seem to be quite a few white guys. So, maybe make the easy check, before repeating nonsense?