Cooler and overcast in Houston today? Maybe. I got yesterday wrong at the lake, as it was overcast for at least the morning. Houston was partly sunny, with rain in the distant south. None at the house or while I was driving around.
And that’s mostly what I did yesterday, drove around. Got home, planted myself in front of the panopticon and bathed in the flow from the fat pipe… or plopped down in front of multiple screens and surfed all my normal blogs ’til I was caught up.
I did spend some time cleaning up my ‘family’ blog. We started it for hurricane comms to our families but most of that happens directly or through fakebook now. We haven’t even done a ‘hi there’ post on it in years. But there are some good memories in the comments and posts, so we leave it up. Unfortunately, askismet ran out, the comment spammers found the site, and I never closed comments on old posts. So my inbox has been filling up with ‘someone posted a comment on your blog’ notices, and ‘please moderate this comment’ notices from WordPress. I ended up deleting over 5000 spam comments and locking comments on all the posts. Tedious, took a while, but not hard. I should probably take it down, there is way to much personal info there, and I could save the hosting fees, but some of the comments are from people who have since died, and it doesn’t feel right. For now, it’s up, but frozen.
No shoeboxes full of old photos for this generation. Just bitrot, and ghost sites. Maybe someone in the future will collect old thumbdrives, harddrives, and CDs like people now collect old photos, diaries, and other ephemera. I can almost imagine a gallery show (virtual of course) “Curated photos from before The Fall, a collection of dinner entre’s from the early 2020s” and the adjunct gallery “Desserts commonly available in “restaurants” during pre-Fall times…”
Today I’ve got my local get together, then a shopping trip, and back to the BOL for more work. And a long weekend with family, of course.
Stack some of the things you need to pass on your history and culture to your ‘tribe’. And stack some ‘tribe’ too.