Cool and less humid today, and yesterday for that matter. NOW Fall is here. It got warm in the afternoon, but morning was glorious. I hope for the same today.
I did some auction stuff earlier in the day, then did a couple of pickups in the afternoon. In hindsight, I shouldn’t even have bid in the one auction, but I forgot how far away it is. And that they misrepresented the condition of a bike I bought from them (which I still haven’t fixed.) I won’t make that mistake again.
The rest of the day got eaten by ducks.
Today should be a pickup or two, some ebay stuff, and getting ready to head to the BOL for two weeks of foundation work.
Of course for south Florida, and central Florida too, today is the beginning of cleanup following Ian. Looks like they got hit pretty hard. Several of my ‘daily read’ bloggers are in affected areas, and my mom is a bit north. She should be ok, but hasn’t checked in yet. My best wishes to all affected. Hopefully your damage is minimal, and your preps were good. Anyone who is a regular here, who is affected and has unmet needs, please let the group know. And if you’ve got some AAR or lessons learned, please share those as well, as you move into the Recovery Phase. There are always lessons to be learned.
One that I learned after Ike, here in Houston, you will need more water than you have. That’s when I got serious about water storage. The old standby of one gallon per person per day is WOEFULLY inadequate for anything other than bare survival. You will want a LOT more than that for cleaning, hygiene, cooking, cleaning, and cleaning…. It doesn’t have to all be potable- flushing, washing, cleaning can all use clean but not treated water or minimally treated, in any case. You will want lots of potable water for drinking, cooking, and kitchen cleanup too.
Don’t forget to stack the things that will allow you to get and treat more water. Filters, bleach, containers, buckets, laundry tubs, pots, turkey fryers, propane, and transfer pumps, hoses, siphons, along with tanks of some kind, will all help you replace what you use. Hot water on demand is one of the signs of civilization. The propane fueled instant hot water heater I’ve been using to shower at the BOL has been an incredible convenience. It’s relatively inexpensive, leverages the propane infrastructure I’ve been building out, and has been incredibly useful. A camping shower, or something improvised with a coil of hose and sunlight will work too. As long as you have what you need to make it work…
So stack some stuff. Water (and the means to collect, store, and treat it), food (and the means to collect, store, preserve, and cook it), shelter, medical, etc…… Get busy. Sooner or later, you’ll need something from the stacks.
After a long and very dry summer, we’ve finally had a decent amount of rain. About an inch yesterday, nice and slow over the whole day. Maybe another ¼ inch today, more dribbles coming over the next day or three. Probably doesn’t sound like a lot for you Houstonites, but here, that’s a good rainfall.
It’s was so dry that even outside BBQ was forbidden. They’ve now relaxed that. Still no fires allowed in the forest (camping, etc.), but at least normal BBQ at your own house.
My guess about the location of the DM US bureau is Sunrise, just on the other end of “Alligator Alley” from Naples. If they aren’t there, in one of the office parks around the old Motorola taxpayer boondoggle, the Mail newsroom is nearby.
I don’t know about now, but when we left Florida, the country with the largest overseas investment in the state was the UK. The pics will sell papers.
Mom just checked in. She’s fine, as are the other residents of her complex. They are in the Sarasota area. No power or real news, but cell service works for texts.
63F and 65%RH in the swamp this morning.
The local paper in Fort Myers/Naples is part of Gannett. They kinda-sorta want to sell papers.
Tampa? The Times? Fuggedaboudit.
SMS uses maintentance record transmissions to carry the messages. That will be the first service restored on a cell network, and will get through even when voice and Internet are overloaded.
The big downside is that SMS has no expectation of privacy or legal protection like voice on the same network.
No shit, Sherlock. And the most likely candidate is…
Here, they showed a couple of videos of the voting, taken by people in Ukraine. Picture this: A couple of guys walk up to your house and ring the bell. They hand you a piece of paper with two boxes on it, and a pen. You are supposed to check one of the boxes “Yes¨ join Russia or ”No”. While they’re watching. Oh, the Russian soldier with the gun is also watching. Guess which box you check.
The vote is a legal fig leaf. The plan continues. The march to world war continues.
FEMA daily update
Tropical Storm Ian
National Watch Center
Lifeline Impacts (NRCC SLB Sep 28, 6:00 p.m.)
Safety & Security
Mandatory & voluntary evacuations in FL for 21 (+3)
Food, Water, Shelter
196 shelters open with 10.6k occupants
FL ordered 2.1 million meals and 2.6 million liters of water
from FEMA; 1.1 million meals and 1.5 million liters of
water received, remainder to be delivered pending poststorm impact
Health and Medical:
176 of 4,388 healthcare facilities across FL evacuated,
additional evacuations being assessed
Generators and emergency power restoration teams prestaged. Fuel contracts activated with fuel pre-staged in GA.
FL: 2.17 million (20%; peak 2.5 million) customers without
power (DOE Eagle-I as of 7:15 a.m. ET)
9 airports closed; 777 cumulative flights cancelled
25 ports closed, 3 open with restrictions
8 railways closed; numerous interstate Amtrak and
Northern Southern schedule cancellations and
Usually, the utility crews stage at the McDonalds outside Animal Kingdom, but that was in the projected path of the storm.
According to the in-laws, there are still a lot of trucks staged around Orlando from all over the Southeast.
The vote is a legal fig leaf. The plan continues. The march to world war continues.
One of the things that I got out of the “Friday” book was ever increasing balkanization of the world. Heinlein wrote the book in 1981 when the USSR was going strong but ten years later it blew up with a cat’s meow. I suspect that the USA will end up balkanizing also, “”Friday” has Chicago, Texas, California, and Nevada as the main areas to split off. Heinlein was strong friends with Dean Ing and Jerry Pournelle who promoted this future balkanized world also.
Of course, there are other views of the future. Travis Taylor pictures a solar system in the 24th century where the USA has expanded to 350 states including Mars.
Hilariously added a canine skeleton to the 7’ hominid skeleton on our flat garage roof. Original plan was to have Fred lovingly rest a hand on Fidos head. Fred leans his head back in a peculiar fashion. Like he’s belly laughing. Or… Screaming? So Fido is on his rear legs, front legs stabbing Fred in his non-existent nards, with Fred’s funny bone clenched in his teeth. I about fell off the roof laughing.
Picture please !
Took the truck into the dealer because the parking brake does not work. Will not hold the truck in place when the transmission is in D, engine idling. Any parking brake should hold that position with no problem.
Tech adjusted the brake. I went to leave the dealer and tried the same test. Same issue. Back into the shop to adjust the cable. Another test, same result. Then things got weird.
The service advisor stated that was normal. The parking brake should only be used after the vehicle is put in park and stops the thunk when shifting out of park. I had to restrain myself to keep from laughing or spewing all over his shirt. He was adamant the parking brake was working properly. I stood my ground.
I asked the service advisor to get a comparable vehicle off the used vehicle lot. He did. I then asked him to place the transmission in neutral. Then apply the parking brake. Now shift into Drive. The vehicle did not move. I then said give it a little throttle. He did. The vehicle did not move. I told him that in my vehicle simply placing into Drive the vehicle would move, no need to apply any throttle.
The service advisor finally agreed there was a problem. The dealer is going to replace all the rear brake components at no charge. The original repair was done about a year as the parking brake was dragging. There is a two-year parts and labor warranty. Last time it was $1200.00 in parts alone. Labor was another $800.00 The entire parking brake assembly was replaced. This time it will just be the brake components.
And speaking of truck brakes…
I purchased a set of the newest Airpods Pro by Apple. Neat little devices. Of course they integrate into the Apple ecosystem very easily and quite nicely. The noise cancelling is on a par with my Bose Quiet Comfort II phones. Much less bulk. That will be a consideration when the spousal unit and I travel to Europe June of 2023. Less bulk to carry. Have to have noise cancelling on those long flights.
Transparent mode is interesting. Allows external sounds like people speaking through with persistent sounds such as blowers to be blocked. When the devices are removed from the ears the music immediately stops playing, starts again when the devices are reinserted.
It is amazing to think of the processing power in such small devices. Over a billion transistors in each CPU, one in each ear. Probably more computing power than was available to NASA in 1969 when a human arrived on the moon.
I got the devices at Costco for $10.00 less than what Apple wanted. Expensive but on a par with most noise cancelling listening devices.
It is amazing how poorly music from the early 60’s moving forward to about the late 70’s was mixed in the studio. Still better than the crap of today which is nothing but thumping sounds. Can be mixed with a cement mixer.
My coffee maker was a Keurig 2.0-350. It was given to me, she kept the carafe. It can use two sizes of k-cups. I’ve only seen the large size on Amazon. It’s ok but I like coffee from a percolator better.
It’s worked fine after I cleaned it out. How it became clogged with coffee grinds is a puzzle. The k-cup holder broke last year. I found a new part on eBay. The holder broke again yesterday in a different way. I put it back together and it would not stay together. Weird. Then while trying the machine it’s doing the slow brew cycle. Unplugging for a while didn’t help.
“Well, we need a new machine.” “Ok, have fun at WalMart, they have 15 different Keurigs to choose from so pick the one you like.”
$85 with tax and the new machine is a K-Duo. K-cups on one side, Mr Coffee on the other. It’s pretty simple to use. Fill the water tank. There are two power buttons. Little button for k-cups, larger button for a pot of coffee. Pick either and the size buttons start blinking. Drop in a pod or fill the basket with grinds. Select the size you want and the machine makes coffee when the water is hot. You don’t have to wait for the water to heat.
This morning, that was about the time needed to put Buddy the Beagle’s harness on.
Well, someone, I’m not naming names but they did buy the machine… did all the stuff and put the cup on the hot plate. Big mess. Didn’t mind me laughing, either.
Pretty slick machine and it cost about a third of the old machine. If I get 5 years use, a bargain. Would have rather have it in white (easier to keep clean) but black is what they have.
Parking Brakes AKA Emergency Brakes. If it won’t hold the vehicle while idling in Drive, something is wrong.
Seriously wrong. Even on a slight hill in the dealer lot, in neutral the vehicle would move. The service advisor tried but he jammed the parking brake as hard as he could and said the brake is working normally. I said if the hill was greater than 0.05% there would be a problem. Any parking brake should be able to hold on something up to 10%. He disagreed. I still stood my ground.
Something is seriously wrong. Something installed wrong, wrong parts used. I will keep after the dealer until it is resolved.
There is a section in A.C. Clarke’s Imperial Earth where it mentions some states rejoining the extant rump USA for the 500th (?) anniversary.
I wonder if that or Friday was the kernel of the famous Heinlein/Clarke blowup?
Yikes, what a messy web site. It turns out I have the “Walmart only” version.
Sheesh, just looking for the owner’s manual, for more info about descaling and unclogging needles, yeah, don’t make it easy.
All I know is regular brakes. Disc in front, pads in back. Disc brakes self adjust as far as I know. Pads too, but the adjuster gizmo gets dirty and sticks. I haven’t dug into how parking brakes work with disc brakes on the rear.
Either way, if the brakes are otherwise working, I’d look at a mis-adjusted parking brake cable. I don’t think your truck is old enough to have a stretched cable.
I’ve seen cars where there is an adjustment near the parking brake handle. I’ve seen turnbuckles in the cable under the car. I have no idea what Ford does.
The service advisor is a moron. Or a liar. Hard to tell from here. But if your problem is under warranty, I’m going with “liar”.
Our circa-2000 Kenmore Elite washer is kaput. The valve assembly needs to be replaced and Whirlpool no longer makes the part.
@Nick – which model Speed Queen do you have? Are they really worth the extra money?
There are disc brakes, front and back. Parking brake is a cable that is connected to a small drum on each rear wheel that uses small brake shoes. The discs are not involved. The entire parking brake assembly, including the pedal, was replaced 13 months ago. That was due to a sticking cable that caused the brakes to drag. A known issue that Ford refused to accept responsibility. Supposedly the drum assemblies, including shoes, were replaced at that time as they were damaged. I am thinking they were not replaced or replaced improperly.
That is why I stood my ground. It is not a factory warranty but a warranty by the dealer when the parking assembly was replaced. Two years parts and labor. I had to show him that another vehicle did not behave the same and the parking brake was in fact quite capable of keeping the truck stopped.
The dealer does not know what is wrong and are replacing the entire rear brake system. I suspect they know what is wrong, the initial repair left residual damage, or the repair was done improperly causing the damage.
This next round fixes the issue or I am moving up the food chain to Ford corporate. In fact, I think corporate was already contacted by the dealer so maybe Ford knows of a serious issue they want to keep quiet. The service manager said he was going to call the factory, left, and came back just a few minutes later with the full replace option. That leads me to think Ford knows of a problem and may be covering the repair.
Vehicle inspection in Texas requires the parking brake to hold when the inspector applies the brake in park and shifts from park to drive.
Someone just had a recall over electronic parking brakes short circuiting from moisture getting into the circuitry and engaging the brake at highway speeds – that will ruin your day.
@greg, we have the SpeedQueen Commercial Heavy Duty top loader.
Technically awn432sp113tw04.
It’s an earlier version of the only top loader they make. We have the ‘mechanical’ controls.
Is it worth it? IDK, to us it is. Made in USA. SOLID as a rock. Fast. Uses a bunch of water. No error codes, or jams since we got it. Gets the clothes clean. Can put a whole sleeping bag or comforter in it with room left over. It does have the center agitator, if that’s an issue. The only problem we ever had was that our house drain pipe is smaller than a modern pipe, and if it has any slowdown the washer pumps out too fast and overflows the drain. Since I used the power auger on the drains, I haven’t had a problem though.
And it is FAST. The old HE front loader took forever to run an ordinary load. The SQ takes 15-20 minutes.
I have essentially the same Speed Queen washer as Nick, though mine is awn432sp113tw01. Purchased June 2015. My only gripe is that it is on the loud side, but that’s easily solved by closing the laundry room door. Zero issues.
From SRW in the Fort Bend Journal:
“Some guy got mad at me for honking at him in the drive thru line at a fast food restaurant on Tuesday.”
“”YOU GOT A PROBLEM!!!” he bellowed at me.”
““YES!” I hollered back. “I’m trying to find the area of a region bounded by a parabola and the line Y_1 = 2 – X^2. And, Y_2 = X and I can’t figure it out !””
The home units aren’t worth considering?
I did my monthly maintenance on the house septic tank today. I removed the finishing tank lid, cleaned the four inch chlorine tank grill with my skinny old Woolworth yardstick, washed it with the hose to make sure that I did not miss any chlorine tablet chunks, and added four new chlorine tablets. I put the lid back on, screwed it down, and exited the area.
My dog was so impressed by the job that I did that she made her own surface deposit nearby so I had to go get a poop bag to clean it up. And then I gave her a treat for pooping outside.
All in all, a twofer.
I think that I need to take a picture of the septic tank and post it here.
One that I learned after Ike, here in Houston, you will need more water than you have. That’s when I got serious about water storage. The old standby of one gallon per person per day is WOEFULLY inadequate for anything other than bare survival. You will want a LOT more than that for cleaning, hygiene, cooking, cleaning, and cleaning…. It doesn’t have to all be potable- flushing, washing, cleaning can all use clean but not treated water or minimally treated, in any case. You will want lots of potable water for drinking, cooking, and kitchen cleanup too.
My rule is ten half liter 24 bottle cases of water per person is the minimum. Twenty would be better but storage of that many cases of water is problematic. Plus I have several water filters of varying capabilities. Drastic times will bring drastic measures.
Plus I have a portable toilet chair for the garage back corner as a drastic measure. I almost had to break it out in the Feb 2021 deep freeze.
And yes, we were flushing toilets with bottled water during the deep freeze. Expensive until forced with people peeing and pooping in the garage. I did not realize that we were going to have problems so I failed to fill up the bathtubs with water until it was too late.
There is a section in A.C. Clarke’s Imperial Earth where it mentions some states rejoining the extant rump USA for the 500th (?) anniversary.
I wonder if that or Friday was the kernel of the famous Heinlein/Clarke blowup?
“According to the Biography “Odyssey” by Neil McAleer the confrontation was at a meeting, at Larry Niven’s home, of the Citizens Advisory Council on National Space Policy in December 1984. Most of the participants were supporters of the Straegic Defense Initiative known popularly as “Star Wars”. Clarke had published a scientifically incorrect article rubbishing the concept.”
“Heinlein attacked him verbally and at the end refused to speak to him again.”
“Eventually they established a cordial relationship by letter but nothing like their previous friendship.”
The home units aren’t worth considering?
Best Buy is selling the “commercial” Speed Queen with an electronic control board for $1,399. “Speed Queen – TR7 COMMERCIAL HEAVY DUTY TOP LOAD WASHER Model:TR7003WN SKU:6505833”
>> The big downside is that SMS has no expectation of privacy or legal protection like voice on the same network.
“…legal protection…” don’t the cell companies readily hand over what any of the .gov TLA agencies come looking for when they just whisper “subpoena”?
>> Best Buy is selling the “commercial” Speed Queen with an electronic control board for $1,399. “Speed Queen – TR7 COMMERCIAL HEAVY DUTY TOP LOAD WASHER Model:TR7003WN SKU:6505833”
Check out the cost to replace the ‘electronic control board’ before you go that route. For me, a washer needs a temperature selector knob, a size selector knob, a cycle selector knob, and a start button. Replacement rotary switches hopefully are $25-$30 apiece.
So now we’re rescuing people within the mandatory evacuation zones that didn’t evacuate? And weren’t they warned there would be no such rescues? They should be getting a bill for the full cost of their extraction. Btw, these are people that need rescuing, not those that stayed because they were prepared for all hazards and can wait things out in place.
@greg, I don’t think they have a “home” unit, as the only top loaders they list are the ONE model…pick your controls…
The sales guy told my wife the electronics are rock solid and long lived, but we went with mech anyway.
I was tired of error codes, socks getting stuck in pumps, despite the sock catcher grill, stinky water, and 3 hour cycles.
added- I remember the set being about $800 each, but that was several years ago.
>> Vehicle inspection in Texas requires the parking brake to hold when the inspector applies the brake in park and shifts from park to drive.
You guys haven’t done away with those yet? Just ask DeSantis how to get it done.
Probably still have front license plates too, huh? Cretins
Yeah, the TR7 isn’t happening because of the control panel. Plus it isn’t a real commercial model, and the reception to the TR series has been mixed, forcing the company to bring back the old mechanism in the TC series.
The Kenmore got a big dent in the middle of the control panel when the movers dropped the 36″ Sony on it. Analog controls. The washer kept running for eight more years without a hitch until the valve assembly went.
Bob Graham did away with the inspections. Give credit where credit is due.
Graham also dusted off the electric chair and signed the first Ted Bundy death warrant. Sadly, Bundy’s date with Old Sparky didn’t happen until the next Governor’s administration.
The FL Dems have made many mistakes over the last decade, but one of the biggest was throwing the Graham family under the bus to run the known meth head for Governor four years ago.
>> I did my monthly maintenance on the house septic tank today. I removed the finishing tank lid, cleaned the four inch chlorine tank grill with my skinny old Woolworth yardstick, washed it with the hose to make sure that I did not miss any chlorine tablet chunks, and added four new chlorine tablets. I put the lid back on, screwed it down, and exited the area.
Interestingly enough, both Lowes and HD still sell yardsticks. In the paint department iirc.
My grandparents that lived in upstate NY (across the Hudson from Kingston) had a bucket in my grandfather’s workshop full of yardsticks). When I was a kid we’d go every Labor Day weekend to the county fair and just about every local politician that was on the November ballot gave out yardsticks with their name and slogan on them. Wish I had saved a few. $30 shipping? Really??
@lynn: thanks for the Heinlein/Clarke information. I know Pournelle mentioned it a couple of times but couldn’t recall the details.
I just ordered the Kindle version of Odyssey.
Also Naomi Novice’s latest.
Probably on the road this weekend, some reading to look forward to.
>> Supposedly the drum assemblies, including shoes, were replaced at that time as they were damaged. I am thinking they were not replaced or replaced improperly.
Ask to be shown the removed parts, especially if it’s for a repair you’re paying for.
Not specific to that model, but it occurred to me when I had issues (before I replaced them) that the logic for washers and dryers could easily be replicated by a Raspberry Pi control board. It is just valve and motor control.
Might be a small business opportunity there…
Hmmm. Some of the young’n’s fancy lad editors at work are putting weird unprintable characters into the code which the compiler does not recognize as whitespace even though they look like spaces.
Too much liability for a commercial product.
Maybe open source, but those kinds of projects are usually from people who are passionate about the specific tech.
Plus, in my experience, motor control is something a lot of software guys fail to comprehend.
“New Starlink Dish for Boats Can Survive Hurricanes, Musk Says”
“Elon Musk says the dish is designed to withstand wind speeds over 174 miles per hour.”
Am I the only who thinks that at 174 mph wind speed, just about any boat becomes a wing ?
“Families of three Uvalde shooting survivors sue school district, gun makers, city officials and others”
“The lawsuit says each defendant played a part in the shooting’s tragic outcome, from failing to comply with safety protocols to pushing dark marketing that pitches lethal weapons to young minds.”
Sigh. I wish that I was surprised. Suing everyone not responsible except the mother and father.
How do I know the parts are MY parts? Spare calipers, pads, rotor from another job. Or just kept in the shop to show customers. Calipers have a core charge. The only way to be certain is to watch the parts being removed. Shops do not allow people in service bays due to insurance demands. I would not put it beyond someone to slip and fall in the shop to win the insurance lottery.
Shops do not allow people in service bays due to insurance demands
– and also because of the guys doing the “work” and how they do it.
I posted about this last night:
Yes, I had read some of the details.
“the first person aside from the Father of the Constitution to play the instrument.”
How very sad. Such belongs to the people of the United States, and should be celebrated by being taken out to demonstrate history.
I’m going to ignore that Lizzo is vulgar and made an [obvious pun] of herself.
First, getting to hear the instrument after more than two centuries is beyond cool, and I hope that Lizzo is a good flautist.
But something much more important happened.
A precedent was reinforced.
This whole thing took place in real time, without a long application process, and without any ideological b.s. attached.
It’s about time. I’ve been waiting for follow-up for years. Keith Ellison, now the AG of the state of Minnesota, is an execrable piece of shit, a liar, denier of his authorship under a pseudonym of leftist revolutionary racist pap, and a defender of murderers and worse. When he ran for congress and won, he was allowed the use of President Jefferson’s copy of the Koran at his swearing-in ceremony. He’s not fit to be in the same room with Jefferson’s memory, but he is far too small to leave any lasting stain.
It’s past time for conservatives to take our nation’s heritage out on loan for their own purposes. To show people, and explain just what it is they have inherited.
Because it’s sure as hell to make the progs heads explode like a better remake of Invaders from Mars.
Just a quick update, and a note.
My bout of Covid was not even as bad as the last flu I had. maybe tied with my last cold. Maybe it was vaccinations, maybe it was the latest variant being less severe, maybe it was the fact that I don’t have any of the major co-morbidities (nonsmoker, reasonable weight, worked a physical job for the preceding 4 ½ years). It took 8 days from onset to test clear with the home quick tests. And then I found out that since all the restrictions were lifted, I got to use my sick days instead of the government paying for my time out. Eh, still got paid, no worries. So now I feel pretty good about my chances with the next round.
The note is about the one aspect that was more than uncomfortable. My gut shut down for 7 of those 8 days and restarting was difficult and fairly disabling. It occurred to me that that’s a prep too, I suppose. Making sure you can make it happen when you need to, because ‘retention’, the old term for constipation, or any name you want to use, will knock you down if you can’t correct it.
My gut shut down
– wow, first time I’m hearing that symptom. Downright unpleasant…
Finally finished reading The Once and Future King with D2. Took a long time to get thru the last few chapters as she kept falling asleep. Kind of an introspective and downer of an ending. Arthur facing his death, realizing that everything he did has failed, and that he’s alone to face his fate…
And all because he believed Merlyn, that men could be improved.
I’ve got a copy of A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court queued up next if D2 wants to continue with Arthur. If not, we’ll have to find something else. I’ve got shelves full…
BTW, I have seen elsewhere that our first attempt at a planet buster (DART), was a huge success.
Yes, Google is cockeyeing your browser screen there.
My gut shut down
– wow, first time I’m hearing that symptom. Downright unpleasant…
Yes, I had the opposite reaction with the Koof. And the second jab caused my entire gut to discharge quite forcefully at 4 am. Enough so that I am quite leery of the boosters.
>> and also because of the guys doing the “work” and how they do it.
Often using short-cuts they’ve picked up or figured out, which cuts time off the job, but you still pay the full shop guide hours.
“Beloved Fort Myers pier VANISHES after Hurricane Ian ‘tsunami’ surge swept it through city along with hundreds of homes”
Fort Myers is trashed.