Hot and humid later, but just humid to start the day. We had intermittent and light rain throughout the day yesterday. I’m thinking we might have more of the same today.
I got a bunch of stuff started, and nothing really finished. That said, lots of progress was made. I’m missing a couple of pex connectors, and 75ft of romex so those projects are now on hold until I get back with the parts. I will shift to gas lines today, and maybe some other stuff. There is always other stuff.
Kids and wife got out on the kayaks and paddle boards. Gotta remember the whole point of doing all this work… I floated on a tube and watched the bats cleaning up the dusk sky.
Find something that needs doin’ and do it. Find something that needs stacking and stack it. Take your joy where you find it.
74 F and the dew is pouring off the roof this morning. The wife made the coffee thick enough to chew this morning. Totally overcast, gonna see if that stays.
We don’t have Bible class usually on the holiday weekends so we may be headed to Golden Corral after church. After all, we can get both breakfast and lunch for the price of breakfast.
The son is thinking about interviewing at Google again. They extended the invitation to him again last week. I just cannot see him going through that crazy at 39. But maybe he could take it. Maybe he could buy an RV and live in the parking lot. It would be nice if they could give him 15 amps.
How in the world did it get to be September ? Who is in charge of this mess ?
They would pay him sufficiently to get an okay apartment, but a house would be a challenge in The Valley. How do you feel about investing in California real estate.
The in-laws are evasive about it, but rich Chinese daddy wrote a check, $1.2 million, for the fixer upper house in San Carlos, followed by what my friends who live out there estimate to be about $400k in renovations to make Number One Daughter happy. The house currently appraises at $3+ million.
Not a terrible investment, but you need cashflow. Daddy has to occasionally step in with property taxes. $34,000 last year. We got a shakedown phone call a couple of years ago when they were delinquent. Yeah, right, that ain’t happening.
Maybe they will put him out here. My son’s friend just rented an apartment closer to Apple for $1800.
If he’s been through the testing once and was rejected, he wants to be careful about signing on for another round. The HR there needs to notch “older white guy” on the EEOC reports just like everywhere else.
Of course, I probably have my current job based on filling a number, but while the name on the door is attractive on a resume, it isn’t “Google”. At this point in my career I don’t care as long as the money is decent and the work isn’t monotonous. Plus, no one yells.
I forgot to add that the investment started in 2014. Again, pretty good appreciation, but not without costs and seriously illiquid unless Number One Daughter decides she’s done with CA, which is unlikely.
77F and overcast with saturated air. Not as sore this a.m. as some days but sore in different places. I blame being in the attic on my knees for most of it.
Pancakes, coffee, and some gentle stretching are in order.
And “all praise Mr Carrier” for efficient dehumidification as well as cooling.
I doubt that Steve read my post from last night:
The embedded video from the Babylon Bee is worthy of a couple of nominations.
If you don’t laugh I don’t want to know you.
Things that make you go hhhmmmmm.
Watching Holmes on Holmes on Comcast. Checked my FB feed and there is an ad for Mike Holmes. Never seen those before. Comcast/Xfinity reporting my viewing habits to Facebook? Scary.
It isn’t “Bored of the Rings” by any stretch. The National Lampoon cranked out a seriously brutal piece of satire with that book. I used to have a copy around, but like a lot of my books, it disappeared in one of my moves.
The hardcore Tolkien faithful are very vocal about being dissatisfied with what is happening to their franchise. They don’t want to be the next “Star Wars”, Or Marvel (except “Spiderman”). Or DC. Or “Doctor Who”. Or “Star Trek”, Or …
Two words: She Hulk.
Working out great for my daughter. We were first owner’s here 55 years ago, before she was born. She will inherit 30 times greater value.
You’re kidding yourself if you think that Biden is in charge. Again, “Star Trek”, “Patterns of Force”. We’re living that life imitating art, except, in the end, the figurehead is not going to step up and do the right thing, even if it means nothing more than his career, to prevent a catastrophic outcome for the country.
Biden lets himself get used to keep Number Two Son from being fitted for an orange suit.
Beau … Beau …
Something seems wrong with the guy.
Yeah, the ability to inherit the homestead exemption is one of the problems in CA real estate right now. We may get another shakedown phone call from the Chinese relations later in the Fall since sufficient cash flow for the property taxes may be a struggle again this year with the husband unemployed -er- entrepreneurial and the parents dealing with serious health issues.
Florida has a similar issue with the modified “Save Our Homes” in that the exemption number can’t be inherited but it is portable to another piece of homesteaded property. My guess is that the portability will eventually be found unconstitutional however and bring it all down – a political and taxation timebomb that Charlie Crist started ticking the last time he was Governor.
Something seems wrong with the guy:
FJB: “I never said that” (only 12 hours later).
@Greg Norton
“You’re kidding yourself if you think that Biden is in charge.”
No illusions there. I doubt Biden would recognize Meachem on the street a week after sitting down with him. The question is who gave Meachem the go-ahead on the speech, put it in front of FJB three months later, and told him it was a good idea?
If you showed Biden a video of his speech and told him that someone made this hateful caricature and posted it on YouTube, he would not only believe it, he’d be calling …
oh, you know… the Big General…. Garrick something..
to track them down.
I think Disney or someone with similar skills consulted on the lighting and props (I’ll include the Marines in that category), but the people in charge of the staging didn’t know how it would look on 1080p video until it went live. It probably didn’t look the same on a direct uncompressed feed from a Red Dragon (I’m not making the camera name up to be funny) or whatever Hollywood prefers these days.
Yeah, Darth Biden’s delivery, but if they had a traditional lighting scheme and ditched the Marines, I doubt that would have moved the needle.
Singling out one politician is silly. Especially the high-level cretins. All politicians have something wrong. They are liars, cheats, scoundrels, fools, incompetent. Basically, worthless except in their own minds. They did not get where they are without significant lack of integrity.
As I have stated many times, the last several elections were a matter of voting against someone, rather than for someone. If I knew nothing about the candidates, I voted against the incumbent. If there was only one name on the ballot for a position, I did not make a choice. I don’t want someone thinking he/she/shim/sher/shit was liked because they got a lot of votes.
In non-political news on a Sunday I bought a small Anker 521 power station for dry camping and telescope powering use:
It arrived in apparently good condition and is charging now on the 60w wall charger, predicting 2.5hr to completion from 35% to 100% .
I wanted a range of output ports: 12v automotive, USB(DP), and pure-sine wall, and it should deliver.
It will also charge from those sources – and solar.
I’ve had good luck with Anker and am hoping for another reliable product.
Almost 100% right. Our opposition is most definitely not incompetent. They are succeeding at light speed. It will take several Trumps, and throw in a few Gary Johnsons, to recover from the past year and a half. Not all of the badness is easily reversed executive orders. Worse, I am losing confidence in the hoped for midterm outcome.
They would pay him sufficiently to get an okay apartment, but a house would be a challenge in The Valley. How do you feel about investing in California real estate.
No freaking way would I invest in California real estate. The son owns a $300,000 house in Houston that he could sell and invest elsewhere if he wanted to.
The wife inherited two lots in Missouri outside Branson that her father paid $110,000 for in 2006 and are now worth nothing. In order to get the lot deeds transferred over, the wife would have to hire a probate attorney in Missouri for $3,000 and get her father’s will probated their also. The lots are worth nothing but the HOA is spending a boatload of money on the roads and is threatening to sue us for the assessments. We are not going to pay the HOA fees, property taxes, the probate attorney, real estate taxes, etc. About $12,000 and growing rapidly with no intrinsic value.
And “all praise Mr Carrier” for efficient dehumidification as well as cooling.
You know, that one statement could get you thrown into a reeducation camp some day soon.
Well, that’s a pain in my posterior. I have to move the bathroom outlets I did yesterday. The new vanity is taller than the old, and would block the outlet. Won’t take too long but I hate doing work over.
On the other hand the vanity and top look great and were cheap in an auction.
Caught a fish this morning while drinking my coffee on the dock. Big one, about 14 inches. No idea what it was so I put it back. First one! The Tx Game warden site only identifies fish that are controlled with size and bag limits. I thought I had a printed guide here but can’t find it. D2 helped land it with the net. Exciting morning.
Not a lot of activity on the lake for the last long weekend of the summer… a few more boats than usual.
Still overcast, and saturated.
Back at it now that lunch break is over.
Not a lot of activity on the lake for the last long weekend of the summer… a few more boats than usual.
A good sign that you are in the right place. The last thing you want is a bunch a power boats with open exhausts running around the place all day long.
I was scrolling channels yesterday and the local PBS was rebroadcasting
“Water of Life–A Whisky Film”
so I caught the last 15 minutes that I missed back in June when it premiered.
A very good documentary focusing on the renaissance of Scotch whiskey that began with single-malts on Islay in the mid-80’s. Well worth checking your local schedule if you have any interest in distilled spirits, but if you don’t see it, email and ask (it was not on the schedule for my PBS). PBS, btw, has rights for a year, so you won’t find it elsewhere until at least June 2023.
“Caught a fish this morning while drinking my coffee on the dock. Big one, about 14 inches. No idea what it was so I put it back. First one! The Tx Game warden site only identifies fish that are controlled with size and bag limits. I thought I had a printed guide here but can’t find it. D2 helped land it with the net. Exciting morning.”
Hope you took a photo to show the neighbors.
re: Anker 521 Portable Power Station
How do they get away with calling batteries “generators”?
A battery is not a generator, and a battery coupled with a soar panel to charge it is still not a generator.
meant to post this yesterday after the other auto-tune post:
Fil (Wings of Pegasus) analyses auto-tune gone wrong in a Michael Buble performance (where it is turned off midway through due to problems), a live performance where it is used, and a performance where it is not used.
Reminds me of problems from the early days of Dolby.
Pearls Before Swine: Sweet Caroline
Oh my goodness.
“Illegal Alien” by Robert J. Sawyer
A standalone science fiction book, no sequel or prequel that I know of. I read the well printed and well bound MMPB published by Ace in 1997. I am slowly working my way through all of Robert Sawyer’s books.
In 2009, a small alien space ship lands on Earth in the Atlantic ocean. It is greeted by a Russian submarine, a USA aircraft carrier, and a cruise ship. After exchanging signals, the alien space ship takes off and lands on the aircraft carrier deck. An alien steps out of the space ship which turns out to be a lander. There is a 300 meter long deep space ship in a polar orbit that we had not seen previously. The aircraft carrier then heads to New York City for the alien to meet with the UN.
At the UN, various speeches are exchanged. Then the lander heads back to the mother ship and brings down the rest of the crew of eight. But one crew member died during the two hundred plus year journey. And then a human dies and an alien is put on trial in Los Angeles for his murder.
The author has a website at:
My rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Amazon rating: 4.3 out of 5 stars (48 reviews)
Same way they get by with saying a dude is a chick. Just mangle the language and oh, and shut up Hater.
That’s so horrible it’s actually punny.
Darn Steve Tyler anyway.
That’s because advertisers write the copy instead of engineers. I’m sure you and I can find lots of other instances of things we would consider ridiculous, but the genpop would accept without question.
That said, this does appear to be a worthwhile device. It combines a lot of features in a small package, although it seems rather pricey. I have a couple of small inverters that can run from a car battery (or, duh, a car) to power small devices, such as charging a phone or notebook. It isn’t elegant, but could make a difference in an emergency. Since I have never needed to do this in an emergency, I don’t have another battery kicking around, needing maintenance, with a limited lifespan. Also, since I do all my own auto maintenance, I usually keep an old battery or two around. My current one is really weak, but could charge a cell phone probably 10+ times. All I have to do is remember to charge it every few months. Eventually it will die, and then I will be without a spare, but I can always use one of the cars. Still, the Anker device could be really handy for camping, etc.
I also carry jumper cables instead of one of those little jump batteries. Have had the same pair of homemade ones (welding cables) for decades. They will last the rest of my life, and have required no maintenance. Not a perfect solution. YMMV.
Waaay better than my explanation. That’s why I could never be a successful comedian.
>> Things that make you go hhhmmmmm.
Watching Holmes on Holmes on Comcast. Checked my FB feed and there is an ad for Mike Holmes. Never seen those before. Comcast/Xfinity reporting my viewing habits to Facebook? Scary.
Scary? I wouldn’t say scary, at least for most (all?) people here, nothing really new, maybe disturbing, maybe…’big brother’ is listening.
Which reminded me…it will be a year next month since Frances Haugen (the FaceBook whistleblower) appeared before Congressional committees and did media interviews…and has anyone heard anything that’s changed based on her disclosures??
As for “go(ing) hhhmmmmm,” watching Holmes on Homes probably wouldn’t, but Holmes on Holmes, that’s a different story
Comedians… Paul, you sometimes make me laugh with joy. You are a natural comedian, way better than most of the professionals. Another reason I keep coming back here.
I will admit, I sometimes look up Buddy Hackett or George Burns, or Johnny Carson on YT when I am a little down. Picks me right up. Forgot to mention Car Talk; I have a couple dozen saved shows. Tom and Ray always make me laugh, and sometimes I can’t understand why. Don’t analyze them, just enjoy.
Ground. Thanks, I never knew about the lettering. I will look more closely in the future, except that they mostly get away before I get a good look. Also, when I say rentals, some of these are Ryder rental with no FedEx markings. Sometimes they appear to be private vans, which reinforces your assertion.
Hey, @drwilliams, your name has shown as drdrwilliams for a few days. Error?
I just wanted to tell @Rick that the site has been great for some weeks now, thanks. Even the editor is working well for me. I also have not had any posts eaten by glitches, although I never had much trouble with that. Please ask your overlords (overladies?) for a 20% bonus.
I have a gizmo somewhere that plugs into a cigarette lighter and gives one about 120 volt outlet at around 120 watts. I forget. Worked great on the SeaRay when anchored for the weekend to run my electric razor back when i cared if anyone would be offended by a few days of whiskers.
Don’t know why that mattered. Probably some weird thing to do with potty training. Shrug.
Worked great to run the laptop that I played music on. Did a fine job of charging the battery for the Mavica, too.
I just dated all that, huh?
I still have the Mavica. It’s a nice camera. A couple of boxes of floppies, too. It still worked a couple of years ago…. although the batteries are very weak… after I found the USB external floppy drive.
Thanks for the kind words. Response times have been well under 2 seconds for a while. Still need to figure out why the mail doesn’t work. It’s a hosting issue; or maybe DNS/MX records.
I will, but they’ve been deadbeats as far as payments. Of course, 20% bonus on 0 is not that much.
I hope you scolded him severely (and washed the cup).
“Hey, @drwilliams, your name has shown as drdrwilliams for a few days. Error?”
Corrected, thanks. Probably mucked it up when the prefilled disappeared after MS finest operating system did it’s periodic “let’ just sit here and have the rust make chuckle flocking noises until he has to pull the plug again.
My name is Ed. I am a horse.
It’s been more than 20 years after Fedex bought RPS and renamed it Fedex Ground, and the two are still somewhat separate entities. In some locations they still have terminals that are largely separate.
Of course … but I thought the horse had no name. Even after 50 years, still no name. I hear it on the ‘oldies’ channel all the time. Still no name.
Although this has been meme’d. Which made me smile.
I gave away most of my VHS and Beta tapes. I still have a six or eight hour tape of Burns and Allen.
Why is that not on TV? Ditto Laurel and Hardy? And a bunch of other stuff? Sure, it was all goofy. No worse than Gomer Pyle or Green Acres. If the younger folks never see it and get hooked, what’s the point of having a copyright?
“They” expect me to buy again on Blu-ray? Dream on.
Once upon a time, say about 25 years ago, we had FedEx and DHL and UPS. DHL was, uh, really stupid. And lazy.
Then FedEx bought DHL and it’s now FedEx Ground. Still lazy. Still dropping packages at the gate… seems pushing a button to open the gate is too difficult.
I mean, it’s raining. Take the package to the house instead of tossing it over the fence.
There is no checking of the name and email field in WordPress. You are free to put any value in there you want.
As evidenced by some people using different names and emails (or different emails with the same name) when they comment. Or using proxies that use different IP addresses when commenting, in an effort to disguise your identify from admins.
You know who you are. And so do we.
That bothers me as well. I suppose it sounds more masculine to the copywriters.
It is a bit pricey for the storage, but a few things moved me away from Amazon’s lower priced “ctech” and “jackery” suggestions (and the dozens of identical clones under various names).
(1) It had a display. Many of the lower priced units just have indicator lights.
(2) A 5 year warranty on the battery. I have a Schumacher tire-inflator / 12v / 120v / light unit that I paid about $100 for a few years ago, and the battery won’t hold a charge. A new battery is about $50 I think. The simple nixie-style display on it failed in less than a year.
(3) Pure sine-wave for the a/c. Imaging gear for amateur astronomy is $$$$$ stuff. I am just running motors right now ( and TBH right now enjoying binoculars more than anything powered) but down the road having a decent wave-form could be very important.
(4) Form factor – It is roughly a cube, the center of mass is low, and it has feet. You could set it on a damp or dewy surface and not worry about getting water into the innards. It will transport nicely and stay where you put it.
(5) Weight – it weighs about 8lbs. I was helping a fellow club member pack up his stuff after an outreach session a few weeks back (not the scope, btw, no one wants someone else manhandling their precious baby…) and his battery weighed probably 25lbs.
(6) Reliability – I have a few Anker computer peripherals that are pushing about 10 years old, and going strong.
posted on another forum:
Last minute changes in the fall diversity syllabus at the Academy, with the two Mac’s helping out?
Would miss his morning latte and juice bar?
WRT Anker, it’s one of those weird chinese brands that they seem to have decided to support and improve. IDK if the name caught on or what, but they went from being a no-name dollar bin brand to being one I trust to not fry attached devices, ie good enough for the price asked.
Best of the worst? Cleanest dirty shirt? IDK but I’d buy them in preference to one of the other new brands.
I have been picking up old comedians on dvd or LP vinyl when I see them. I haven’t had a chance to watch the L&H but I mostly remember them from the big screen at Shakey’s Pizza on family pizza nights. They were a lot of fun, but I’m betting they are ‘problematic’ for the woke crowd. Even Laura Ingalls Wilder has a minstrel show and blackface in the books, and I never would have guessed that. It makes sense in context and is a window into daily life on the frontier. I guess you wouldn’t miss it if it was gone, but your understanding of her life would be a bit poorer.
On vinyl, I was able to pick up a bunch of Flip Wilson, and some others whose names I recognized but can’t recall offhand. My first exposure to George Carlin was a record at a friend’s house. Richard Pryor too. Without physical copies, you are definitely subject to gaslighting.
Of course, like many things, the anti-racism crusaders are mainly causing the removal of blacks and indians from white bread America’s daily life…
Nothing like erasing the people you are supposedly helping.
got the electrical in the bathroom reworked. Got the new light fixture installed (for now). It will need some additional carpentry to be finished. Hard to patch wood paneling. Not at all like drywall.
And FWIW, I highly recommend an oscillating multitool for cutting holes in all kinds of stuff. They work VERY well for cutting in electrical boxes, especially in wood paneling. I got the dewalt 20v version for Father’s Day, iirc. Specialized tool, but a lot of uses.
Have you considered getting professional help? You remind me of the homosexual who is so ashamed of himself that he goes out on weekends to get the beating that he is convinced he deserves.
Laura Ingalls Wilder is on the woke crowd bad list because she didn’t get on the internet and challenge what she was told about the Indians murdering the settlers.
Watch out for Bob Newhart and Bill Cosby.
Nope. Statement of facts:
So, my statements stand as facts. Not offensive, or ‘name calling’. Certain people abuse the comment forms here for personal attacks. And their comments get removed.
As you know.
@EdH, let us know how it works out. I am on a thin pipe, so not gonna look at it today, but it sounds like a lower cost GoalZero. MrAtoz has shared his experiences with the Jackery model. Mixed, would be my summary, I think.
Possible to home brew something similar, but having the package deal has a certain appeal.
Anker seems to stand behind their products. I had a USB-A four port charger. I would take it to Europe as all I needed was a plug adapter, no voltage conversion. One of the port quit working. I contacted Anker and the sent a replacement, six port as they no longer sold the four port. Never asked for the old product back, just took my word. I did have to provide a sales receipt. Arrived next day FedEx overnight. Impressive support.
Most devices based on charging/discharging a battery seem to work out better if you use the heck out of them. That way they tend to fail in the warranty period.
My name is Ed. I am a horse.
My name is Mister Ed. I am a horse, of course.
Fixed that for ya.
The “Little House” books being semi-cancelled has nothing to do with the content and everything to do with the politics of the Wilder daughter and librarians as a group still being unhappy with the decision by the courts in 1995 that the rights should remain with the McBride family, designated heirs of the daughter when she passed.
I’ve seen the TV show on COZI lately, so the cancellation doesn’t extend to that medium.
Which model?
I have two of the corded versions from Harbor Freight that were heavily used on a project and held up well. The quality of their attachments/blades varies. Toothed blades seem to tend to be too soft and wear too quickly. Better off to spend 2-3x and buy brand-name blades.
My cordless is a 12v Bosch. Okay for light work, but even when it was new the battery capacity was wanting. I have two batteries and could exhaust the second one before the first one was cooled down enough that it would charge.
What is your contribution to his legacy?
@Nick: Will do.
It is certainly no Tesla Powerwall, but I am hoping it will suffice for more modest demands.
Laura Ingalls Wilder is on the woke crowd bad list because she didn’t get on the internet and challenge what she was told about the Indians murdering the settlers.
Laura Ingalls Wilder passed away in 1957 at the age of 90, way before the intertubes.
Looked for the “sarc” button, didn’t see it. Still.
“The Quantity of Metals Required to Manufacture Just One Generation of Renewable Technology to Phase Out Fossil Fuels”
“Abstract: The quantity of metal required to make just one generation of renewable tech units to replace fossil fuels, is much larger than first thought. Current mining production of these metals is not even close to meeting demand. Current reported mineral reserves are also not enough in size. Most concerning is copper as one of the flagged shortfalls. Exploration for more at required volumes will be difficult, with this seminar addressing these issues.”
There are a lot of people warning about quantity of materials for all this “renewables crap”. This is not good for the other areas of our economy needing these materials also. Such as, new homes.
>> Well, that’s a pain in my posterior. I have to move the bathroom outlets I did yesterday. The new vanity is taller than the old, and would block the outlet. Won’t take too long but I hate doing work over.
Hope you had enough slack in the run rather than having to pull that one out and replace it.
Love these guys, but this appearance, with bad video conversion, lipsynch, Warren’s vocals being faked by someone else, and Dennis not contributing his fine backup vocal (he wasn’t in the band when they did Midnight Confessions), somehow seems appropriate to accompany our least favorite poster.
I am NaN. I have no legacy.
“Most concerning is copper as one of the flagged shortfalls.”
What do you bet that those guys who stockpiled the pre-1982 pennies have no explanation for how they got to China?
“I have no legacy.”
Finish up your taste-and-smell-breaking coprolite survey.
I let one comment stand last night instead of my zero tolerance policy, and today we have to deal with it.
Just ignore until we can delete…
Bed Bath & Beyond CFO Plunges to His Death in NYC
A very good article featuring Mike Rowe and others perspectives on the idea of student loan indebtedness being shifted to taxpayers:
I thought it was good enough that I would take a trial sub to the paper to follow the writing of the author. Then I saw the part about automatic renewal on your credit card, clicked the terms button, and couldn’t find a simple statement telling me what the rate was. bzzzzzzzzzzzzt!
recklessly appropriated (again) from AoSHQ Saturday Night Open Thread: here [link fixed by RickH]
Thanks, RickH!
Episode two of Rings of Power was not better than the first. Something needs to happen quick or I’m going to lose interest.
Not a fan of LOTR – haven’t watched any of them, but note this in response to ITGuy1998 comment; story from the Verge:
Nothing has been put into writing yet.
@alan, fortunately, I didn’t have the romex for the home run to the panel, so I didn’t have to extend or replace that. I set up the outlets with a quad box above the vanity, one GFCI one duplex, then daisy chained further to a duplex under the sink. The only run I had to replace was the 2 foot run from above the vanity to below. I’ve had to leave the wall open until I can get more romex. I’ve got 50ft coils but not 75ft here.
@drwilliams, the tool I got was DCS356B, based on nothing more than brand name and it works with the batteries I already have. Its 3 speed trigger is a little twitchy, but very nice to have speed choices. Well built, smooth running, compact.
Heard this on the radio–
Amazon reportedly spent $700 million on the first season of “The Rings of Power”. Failure is not an option.
Occurs to me that I’d normally be talking about the water issues in wherever, the fires burning out of control in the west, and the other stuff that is happening, with notes that it is those sort of things that are the likely disasters we should be prepping for.
I’ve said that so many times, I forget there are new readers who haven’t heard it.
GET PREPPED. If you prep for the bad, the merely ordinary won’t throw you for a loop. Use every opportunity to use and evaluate your preps. Make changes based on what you learned.
Water, food, shelter, then the rest.
the 20V Max XR.
The Atomic line is supposed to be lighter and more compact, but in this case as in so many others, the accuracy of Dewalt info online is severely lacking. Dewalt show weight and length the same for the two, as does Amazon. I’ve not been sufficiently interested to chase down actual products.
“Negative Rings Of Power Reviews All Being Posted By One User ‘peterj4cks0n1337’”
I haven’t watched it yet, but probably will; I’m a HUGE Tolkien fan, and loved all the “appendices” at the back of the books.
Man, who writes choruses like, “pack up the babies and grab the old ladies” ?
Neil Diamond. Took the wife to HEB and we listened to that on the way home. “Brother Love’s Travelling Salvation Show”
The suspects in the Saskatchewan killings have been identified. This may be a native gang thing. I don’t know the current figures but a few years ago, Regina had on a per capita basis the highest murder rate in Canada.
Flip Wilson did some outrageous stuff for the times, but he was always lightheartedly funny, never angry. Did I say I was a big fan?
>> The question is who gave Meachem the go-ahead on the speech, put it in front of FJB three months later, and told him it was a good idea?
It was the “puppetmaster” of course…ohh, you want real names…those are Top Secret,” stored in a Miracle Whip jar, in Mar-a-lago since January.
The recent hire of Clinton hack…err…Chief of Staff John Podesta as the new ‘clean energy czar’ might be a hint.
>> All politicians have something wrong. They are liars, cheats, scoundrels, fools, incompetent.
All politicians have something wrong. They are liars, cheats, scoundrels, fools, incompetent and in the current instance, senile (or on the brink.)
“Biden Energy Policies: Incoherent, Incompetent, Intolerable”
“The wealthy will buy expensive electric cars that will be charged with pricey, intermittent, weather-dependent wind and solar power. Middle classes will see their jobs and living standards plunge further.”
“The U.S. Supreme Court’s 6-3 decision in West Virginia v. EPA is truly a landmark ruling. It decisively rejected the Environmental Protection Agency’s attempt to use vague, “previously little-used” language in the Clean Air Act to shutter America’s remaining coal-fired power plants and force the nation to switch to pseudo-renewable energy, in the name of ending the “manmade climate crisis.””
“But the decision goes much further. The Court made it clear that federal agenciesmay not impose “major federal actions,” decide “major questions” or implement “transformative expansions” of their regulatory authority without specific statutory authority clearly conferred by Congress.”
We’ve got a bunch of people in government who think that they are dictators.