Hot and humid. Yeah, really. I know, you think I’m kidding but I’m not! Highest I saw it yesterday was 92F in the shade, but it might have exceeded that in the sunnier areas. Not much breeze either. Fortunately it was overcast with spotty drizzle for much of the day.
Got the power undergrounded, and a new panel in place. We thought the co-op had screwed us up by not replacing the pole ahead of time, but it actually saved us time when they stuck around to do the reconnect. 4 hrs total, and I got a trench dug for my LP gas line. Still need to upgrade all the branch circuits, and do something proper to supply the outbuildings and the dock, but at least the burnt stuff is gone, and I can turn off the house without pulling the meter.
Today I think I’ll get the gas line in the trench, and maybe do some plumbing. There’s a lot on the list, I’m sure I’ll find something…
Stack some spare parts, or supplies for the project you know you need to do. You’ll be glad you did.
You surely have some speaker wire in one of the stacks.
No joke. The previous owner of our residence laid doorbell/speaker across the garden to power an outbuilding. The whole installation in the house had a very Frankenstein’s lab appearance, missing only Jacob’s ladders and knife switches.
The writer of the article was unclear about whether those salary numbers were at Netflix or elsewhere, used as a comparison.
$400k in the Valley wouldn’t surprise me for ~ 10 years experience these days, but the taxes and real estate costs would make that comparable to $150k everywhere else.
Netflix is probably reintroducing stack-n-rank, or at least a modified version, if they’re going to those old school titles. At the pay grade above mine where I currently work, the performance requirements to avoid a “needs to improve” evaluation in a really competitive group start getting onerous.
Titles with fixed salary ranges enforced by HR are dangerous in that, as I pointed out a few weeks ago when this came up, any salary discrepancy even rumored in a group will have people on Indeed by lunch time and interviews scheduled before they leave the current job for the day. “Working” from home makes the process even easier.
Sounds like Netflix picked up someone from AT&T or IBM in HR.
After GTE went bye-bye, the company HR hatchet man, Randy McDonald, went to work for IBM. It is a small club requiring a certain “moral flexibility” as they say in “Grosse Point Blank”.
Subbing, er, babysitting, today. Only half a day.
I really despise Google classroom. It is a lazy crutch for many teachers. It is impossible for subs. I have no access, cannot answer questions, cannot determine if students are doing their work, have completed their work, or provide help. It is, in my opinion, another way for Google to glean information about people, society trends, and manipulate the learning process.
Of course, Google classroom requires Chromebooks. Another scam that profited companies that make the devices. Also hooks people on using Chrome. Like Apple did supplying schools with computers for little to no cost many years ago.
The students don’t take care of the devices. Every day there is at two people that have problems. With the charger and the cables in knots. Devices that won’t work. Won’t charge. They grab the devices by the screen and carry it around. They slam them on the desks, jam into a backpack the gets tossed around. I really think some hope the Chromebook will break.
Many of the students don’t charge their devices at night. But their cell phone is charged. Well, some of them. There are a few that need to charge their phone at school.
There is usually one or two whose Chromebook will not work, and they just sit there. No initiative. I have to tell them to go to the office and get another Chromebook or charger. It is obvious that they do not want to do the work and a Chromebook not working is just an excuse. A high tech “the dog ate my homework”.
Four to five feet is good to keep the ducks – and associated duck exhaust – under control, but you have to establish a rule with the tenants that no one is allowed to feed the gator.
If you catch any hints that the gator has lost his fear of people, you need to get the county out to trap him and relocate ASAP.
Why should something trivial like “a complete lack of evidence” stop someone from repeating the sam outlandish claim over, and over, and over? See, for example, “the 2020 election was stolen”, “vaccines cause autism”, or “mRNA vaccines alter your DNA”
Ah, morning. Used to be it came at the end of a good long day.
I couldn’t figure out why my back and hips hurt so much today, I mostly stood around watching the other kids work yesterday…. then I remembered I spent 2 hours mowing. The HOA lot in particular is bumpy as Edward James Olmos’s skin, but both lots are hilly, both have lots of divots, tree roots, and other “toss you out of the seat” topology, and 2 hours of getting tossed around and beat up will hurt the next day.
It’s overcast and 77F. Humidity is high. Basically the best weather I’m likely to get for outdoor work. Coffee is ready, bacon is calling…
Oh my.
Watch: Argentina VP Survives Point-Blank Assassination Attempt
A misfire saves Cristina Fernández de Kirchner from death outside her Buenos Aires home
I guess she never need waste another peso on Lottery tickets, she’s used up a lifetime of good luck in a second.
Interestingly, this morning we crossed 191K approved comments. Thank you all for coming around.
I do remember the bottom ones in my grammar school using that excuse. OTOH, I also remember my dog chewing up the leather case of my HP15C pocket calculator,
It’s happening: Denver residents lose control of thermostats to fight energy crisis
When set-back thermostats appeared on the market due to the increasing cost of natural gas–which we were running out of in the late 70’s, donchano–they were expensive.
Mother Earth News popularized what would now be termed a “hack” in the form of a 24-hour timer and a nightlight (4-7W incandescent bulb) mounted directly below the thermostat. When the light was on a rising column of warm air made the thermostat room temperature reading a bit high, so the effective setpoint was lowered. By adjusting the height that the night light was mounted on the wall, the amount of setback could be controlled.
Pregnant woman claimed unborn baby counts as second passenger to use HOV lane
She fought the first ticket and won, then some unspecified days later, the same officer pulled her over and issued her a second ticket.
Net loss to the county just doubled, and Ms. Brandy gets another shot at GMA.
“The Texas penal code does recognize a fetus as a person but there is no such recognition in the state Transportation Department’s code.”
I expect that there will be discussions concerning tax deductions, too.
ADDED: Video is worth watching.
Yep, sounds right to me
I’m sure we’ll have democracy just as long as Papa
DocJoe and theStasiFBI say we do.Sha na na na…
Ace at AoSHQ has a send-off for the last excretia of posted by the house nevertrumper at Hot Air, and quotes his last post:
Which can be corrected to:
based on myriad examples.
The bets are already in as to where this throbbing vessel of hate will next appear, doubtless under a virtuous-sounding nom-de-plume of immaculate origin with no admission of past ashholery, but nonetheless tagged by the certainty of semantic analysis.
FYI, my own long shot is a staff writer for Lynn Cheney.
I could save time cutting down on bench pressing cat litter, too.
Hey, I need that exercise. Those 20 lb cat litter jugs are just right. I could and did bench press 330 lbs in college. Nowadays, maybe 140 lbs. And then all my joints would be screaming at me.
I have been wearing a brace on my right wrist for two months now. I keep on reinjuring it. And no, I do not want carpal tunnel surgery.
I’m going to talk to the AC tech about replacing our Nexia ComfortLink thermostat when he shows up to do the annual service next week.
Here in Texas, Oncor/ERCOT pushed installation of the “smart” thermostats to the point that me not wanting to keep the Nexia is the source of the rift between the original installation company and our household. They wouldn’t back down and neither would I so it has been a stalemate for five years.
Money was obviously involved which makes me suspicious about the long term goals. I’ve also been inside ERCOT, and that place is fortified almost as extensively as the money printing plant in Fort Worth.
Oh, I am certain there was election fraud. Not enough to swing the election. Any election fraud is troubling. I do not like electronic voting machines where there is no audit trail. Electronic machines can be hacked, results modified, or simply not counted.
I have been a victim of election fraud where the system said I already voted. I had provisional ballot issued. Was that ballot ever used? For whom was my fake vote cast? Provisional ballots are never counted unless the margin of victory is less than the number of provisional ballots. Regardless, my voting record may have been tainted by the fake vote.
Beyond just Trump, even local people in an election cry foul when the results are close and they lost.
Shoot and kill a pregnant female and the assailant will be charged with two murders. Punch a pregnant female in the stomach and cause an aborted fetus and the assailant will be charged with murder. Yet that same pregnant female can have the fetus aborted and that is perfectly legal. The legal system has sometimes very much conflicting standards.
Like the cretin that caused my auto accident. He had four prior charges of DUI. In traffic court. Those charges are not considered in criminal court. To me a crime is a crime is a crime. Thus in my incident it was his first DUI and he got off easy.
Thanks MrLynn for the “Recursion” review. I enjoy the majority of his books.
I hope the adaption is better than what was done for Wayward Pines..
You are welcome. Me too even though I did like the first season of the Wayward Pines tv series. Seasons two and three were meh.
Sarah Hoyt said that the Marines behind Bite Me last night were doing a funeral stand, not standing at attention. That is all you need to know.
The Marines are not happy with their Commander in Chief right now. The Corps had zero deaths from Covid prior to the forced jabs, and the Commandant publicly asked for an exemption from the mandate since they clearly had the situation in hand.
Exemption denied. The agenda comes first.
The last number I saw was that the Marines were up to seven deaths since vaccinations started. No word on cause, but for most of their ranks, the jabs were riskier than the bug.
Maybe the funeral stand was payback. The civilians working in the White House would be clueless until it was too late.
The Dems have never understood the Corps. I know libs who still don’t get what Oliver North did for Reagan after the pinheads running the House Iran-Contra hearings gave him full immunity from prosecution.
The writer of the article was unclear about whether those salary numbers were at Netflix or elsewhere, used as a comparison.
$400k in the Valley wouldn’t surprise me for ~ 10 years experience these days, but the taxes and real estate costs would make that comparable to $150k everywhere else.
Netflix is probably reintroducing stack-n-rank, or at least a modified version, if they’re going to those old school titles. At the pay grade above mine where I currently work, the performance requirements to avoid a “needs to improve” evaluation in a really competitive group start getting onerous.
Titles with fixed salary ranges enforced by HR are dangerous in that, as I pointed out a few weeks ago when this came up, any salary discrepancy even rumored in a group will have people on Indeed by lunch time and interviews scheduled before they leave the current job for the day. “Working” from home makes the process even easier.
Sounds like Netflix picked up someone from AT&T or IBM in HR.
After GTE went bye-bye, the company HR hatchet man, Randy McDonald, went to work for IBM. It is a small club requiring a certain “moral flexibility” as they say in “Grosse Point Blank”.
Netflix has transitioned from a Growth company to Value company. They need to get those dividend checks rolling to the stockholders.
I love “Grosse Pointe Blank”. Dan Aykroid, John Cusack, Joan Cusack, Minnie Driver, Alan Arkin, and an enemble cast don’t take themselves very seriously and end up with an awesome guy flick. Kind of a preview to the John Wick movies. “Even A Hit Man Deserves A Second Shot!”
The five foot tall assassin was John Cusack’s Karate teacher doing acting on the side.
The Dems have never understood the Corps. I know libs who still don’t get what Oliver North did for Reagan after the pinheads running the House Iran-Contra hearings gave him full immunity from prosecution.
You gotta have somebody whom you love with ADHD before you understand the Corps. We were out at 29 Palms seeing the son off on his second all expense paid trip to Iraq. A group of Marines was standing around and I wandered over to see what they were doing. They had found an ant hill and a Gunnery Sergeant (a platoon leader) was using a Bic lighter and a government issued can of Off to flamethrower the ants. It was awesome.
They don’t call the Corps “Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children” for nothing.
Don’t get them coming after you. They never stop. WWII was their finest moment and the source of many horrible stories in the Pacific. Some of those men went up eleven beaches over three years.
Steve Pink and DV DeVencentis did several movies with Cusack over the years. IIRC, they are his friends from high school.
My son was floored by “High Fidelity” from the same writing team. With the exception of Catherine Zeta Jones’ character, the movie has aged well. Jack Black’s performance in context is even more impressive in retrospect considering the material he’s been handed lately. We caught the last half one night in Tennessee.
If “Forensic Files” isn’t on the TV late in the evening in the hotel room on a vacation trip, that means something.
Got the gas line in the trench, and part of the trench filled. Time to drill holes in the brick wall and bring it inside. Still overcast. Still reasonably cool. Only put on my coolvest for a couple hours when the sun tried to peek thru.
I can’t BELIEVE the imagery from bidden’s speech yesterday. I’ve talked to one of my neighbors and it was one of the first things he brought up, also in disbelief. He pointed out that if the .gov wants to come for him now, there are a lot of “hims” out there and they are ARMED.
If you picked up Hertz on the cheap after the announcement of the TSLA deal, you may want to play this clip from the Ramsey show highlights channel on YouTube and read between the lines.
There is only one large rental car company with significant enough operations in Fort Myers, FL that layoffs would be necessary, especially with the big season for the region about to start in about a month, when the first cold front rolls through.
Got the power undergrounded, and a new panel in place. We thought the co-op had screwed us up by not replacing the pole ahead of time, but it actually saved us time when they stuck around to do the reconnect.
That is the way that we worked at TXU. We never put in the lines, poles, and the power to the customer’s equipment until they had a meter base ready and waiting for us. We had too much liability if they screwed things up while we did not have a lineman there.
Even so, things got screwed up. My dad had a guy reach up and grab the disconnect breaker and did not notice that the ground wire had fallen off the meter box at a refinery. So, the meter box got energized and the guy was standing in four inches of water. He became the ground. He did not make it.
Pregnant woman claimed unborn baby counts as second passenger to use HOV lane
She fought the first ticket and won, then some unspecified days later, the same officer pulled her over and issued her a second ticket.
Net loss to the county just doubled, and Ms. Brandy gets another shot at GMA.
“The Texas penal code does recognize a fetus as a person but there is no such recognition in the state Transportation Department’s code.”
I expect that there will be discussions concerning tax deductions, too.
ADDED: Video is worth watching.
You would not believe how expensive a nine month stillborn is. At that point she got a burial plot since she had been named three months before birth. My wife has never been to her burial plot, my inlaws buried her.
“G7 countries agree on Russian oil price cap”
“G7 finance ministers agreed on Sept. 2 to impose a price cap on Russian oil aimed at slashing the country’s revenue while avoiding price spikes, but Russia said it would stop selling oil to countries implementing the policy.”
Collusion never works unless you can threaten the entity in nonexistence. And Russia very much exists. So do its 24,000 ??? nuclear missiles.
The disposal in my kitchen sink has died. Sort of hums and trips the built in breaker. We don’t use it for much more than “what the heck is that?” fuzzy stuff in the fridge. Because septic system
I’m ok with it dying. It’s about 30 years old, guessing, can’t be bothered to look for the paperwork.
I replaced the sink way back then . Pulled a standard 50/50 sink and installed a 25/75 sink. Little side for the disposal and on the big side, I can soak a cookie sheet. Soak the whole cookie sheet all at once in a couple of inches of water. When we do a turkey the sink is large enough to hold the roasting pan while the turkey is being de-boned which is pretty nice for drips and such. It works for me.
The little side is handy for thawing a package of meat or soaking bloody clothes. You have a sink to use when soaking a cookie sheet, too.
So the disposal isn’t working. Let’s try the allen wrench gizmo that came with the machine. It’s not there… it should be in a plastic pouch that was stuck to the cabinet. The glue marks are there. I found the dishpan of under sink stuff and there it is. No go. The motor is seized or someone fed the machine a piece of silverware.
I could stop here but there was a decent sized puddle of water under the sink. The RO stuff feels dry. Oh great. The disposal is wet.
I hate under sink plumbing. I can’t see what I’m doing. Other than that, it’s like Tinker Toys.
Ok, the disposal is leaking from somewhere. It has to go. No need to replace it. It works from a wall switch.
Hmm, how an outlet box instead of a disposal on that switch?
Then a couple of light fixtures? Like this:
The cabinets have two doors each. Mount to the upright between the doors? I can see under the sink and I can see while rummaging for pots in the other cabinet.
Whole lot classier than a couple of surface mounted boxes with a porcelain socket and a light bulb screwed in.
Might as well use the switch for something.
Added: And for the price, buying two lights from Amazon is cheaper than buying a couple of surface mount boxes and porcelain light sockets. Just for the cages to protect the bulbs, that $7 times two right there.
“X-37B: Space Plane or Bomber Designed to Nuclear Attack Russia?”
Hat tip to:
Can confirm. My Dad lied about his age to join the Marines for WW2. He had a few stories about Iwo. Then he went to Korea. And ‘Nam messed him up.
So, for example, I’m the oldest kid and all of my sister’s and little brother’s F-ups were /my/ fault. Because, reasons. Never mind little brother was a few years younger and went to an entirely different school. I’m the Big Brother. It’s my fault and out comes the belt. I heard him talking to Mom once and wondering why I don’t want to be around him.
Still not sure why an 11 year old kid is suppose to know anything about child raising. Shrug.
A belt buckle to “just starting” to get hair ‘nads makes them about the size of a grapefruit. And no Mom, you can’t look. I limped around for a week or so.
I assume you tried the broomstick trick: Insert broomstick from above at an angle. Twist and shout. (Shouting optional. ) I’ve had that fix jammed disposals – better than the hex key trick, as you get more leverage.
Disposals are fairly easy to replace, and not too expensive. Go one horsepower step up from the cheap one. Don’t forget to remove the dishwasher plug (if you have a dishwasher). I’ve seen some videos of people using a small bottle jack to hold it up while twisting the disposal on the mounting rings.
Maybe an hour to do the whole removal and installation. Including the several trips to the garage to get the tools you forgot.
Yep. Pretty easy.
I’m going to go for lights instead.
With the power OFF, preferably at the breaker, reach in and make sure the rotors in the disposal turn freely and are free of debris … like silverware.
Then, find a 1/4 ” allen wrench for the motor manual crank. You may have to apply some force. Turn until the movement is smooth back and forth.
Turn the breaker back on and flip the switch. The disposal should run. Make sure to always have water flowing into the disposal when the motor is running.
If the disposal still doesn’t run, a new disposal is (was) $100 at Home Depot. I’ll leave it up to you to decide on the $100 install fee, but I highly recommend it for your sanity.
I’ve only replaced one bad GE/Badger InSinkerator for a bad motor. The rest all eventually sprung leaks from the harsh junk in the water in Florida, even with a softener.
“This new Renaissance can fuel human prosperity for decades to come”
“Again, I cannot overstate how important cheap energy is to human prosperity. So these incompetent, spinless politicians and climate fanatics are dragging the world down a terrible path.”
“Fortunately there is a real solution to this problem that already exists: nuclear.”
“It’s controversial (even though it shouldn’t be). But momentum is really starting to build for a new energy renaissance driven by nuclear power.”
I agree.
“‘Quiet quitting’ isn’t always the best option — try these 3 things first, experts say”
“The Great Resignation, which saw droves of workers leave their jobs or switch careers, may still be going strong — but another new workplace phenomenon is emerging: “quiet quitting.””
“While quiet quitting has received a fair share of backlash ever since it went viral, there’s no single definition for the term. For some, it means not going above and beyond at work. Most, however, agree it does not mean you’re leaving the job.”
Do not quiet quit a job, find another job. Money and benefits are not everything.
Also, don’t forget to remove the little piece of metal that holds the power cord in place to use with the new disposal. Those don’t automatically ship with the replacements, and the gizmo might be code where you live.
I know it is code in Texas.
If you end up losing the clip, Home Depot sells it as part of a disposal install kit for $20. The part should be $1 at an electrician supply, but the clerk at Graybar scratched his head when I walked in looking for one there.
Temple, TX Graybar. “Code” might be an interesting suggestion. I stopped at lunch hour when I worked at CGI in Belton.
Space plane. Experiment platform. Exactly what Boeing says it is.
Once the Space Force perfects on-demand access to low Earth orbit for the price of fuel and routine maintenance, who needs nukes?
Rods from God.
If I had to guess, when Boeing brings the current X37B home, they want to try a 24 hour turn around. Not all of the pieces are in place yet at Kennedy.
@Lynn – If you want to try to make it to the launch, the window is closing, but it is still possible.
Take the toll roads.
So for me, it would be most of a day, and I’d STILL need to call a plumber to fix what I screwed up. Thanks, no.
Hair-sniffing president has DOJ seize articles of clothing from Trump’s residence:
along with books, magazines, and newspaper clippings.
Yeah, 15 boxes of confiscated material. Sounds like most was padding for the cameras.
Not specific on the articles of clothing, but they spent a long time in Melania’s closets and it would be within character for the old pervert in the WH to have a few trophies from the lingerie drawer.
Future historians are going to need to bleach their eyes after reading about these abuses.
“Go one horsepower step up from the cheap one.”
Agreed. Most units are ½ horse. Go to ¾ horsepower.
Insinkerator may make a decent unit, but for decades they made underpowered short-lived prone to jam crap favored by builders, so screw ‘em.
I’ve never had a GE fail or choke on anything reasonable. I have had jams that were pretty easy to clear. In addition to the hex key to turn the rotor in reverse to free a jam, you need something to reach done and grab the offending objects. Kitchen tongs work most of the time, but I keep a pair of 12″ straight forceps on hand.
Buy two if you order. You’ll find lots of other uses.
Why mess around when you don’t have to?
Installation time thirty seconds.
Half price on sale.
@Greg Norton
Might be as cheap to let Elon drop Teslas on them. Of maybe just the batteries. Charge them in space from a solar array and design a heat shield that burns up at 32,000 feet, so they ignite for the last six miles before impact. Better than a V2.
@Lynn – If you want to try to make it to the launch, the window is closing, but it is still possible.
Take the toll roads.
The wife and I tried for the last space shuttle launch. About the same number of people everywhere. The closest hotel was 50 miles away. Was totally crazy the closer you got. And then the LH2 feed pipe broke off (probably due to hydrogen embrittlement) whcih delayed everything for two weeks. We went to tour the old 1600s fort nearby, went to Jacksonville to see an old friend, and took off for Texas.
@Greg Norton
Might be as cheap to let Elon drop Teslas on them. Of maybe just the batteries. Charge them in space from a solar array and design a heat shield that burns up at 32,000 feet, so they ignite for the last six miles before impact. Better than a V2.
The rods from God were designed by Jerry Pournelle and a few others. They were built to be assassins from space of just one person.
There is a video of a proposed Rod From God taking out a single person somewhere. Maybe it was the “Real Genius” movie.
“EIA: US crude inventories down 3.3 million bbl”
“US crude oil inventories for the week ended Aug. 26, excluding the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, decreased by 3.3 million bbl from the previous week, according to data from the US Energy Information Administration.”
“At 418.3 million bbl, US crude oil inventories are about 6% below the 5-year average for this time of year, the EIA report indicated.”
Our crude oil wells are not able to keep up with our usage and shipments. We are going to have to stop shipping so much crude out of the USA. Or, drill more wells.
The weapon in “Real Genius” was an airborne/space-based laser. The movie opens with an assassination from space using the laser.
The crazy life-imitates-art I’ve seen from that movie is the promo video for the 747-mounted laser Boeing played at a career day event when I was in grad school in WA State about 10 years ago. The target range in the video looked exactly like the one the filmmakers built almost (geesh) 40 years ago now.
I think I was the only one in the room who got the “in” joke … if it was an “in” joke.
“He looked like a f***ing a caricature. He looked like Hitler.”
“Anyone who says otherwise is full of …”
Not a problem. After two generations of prog/Marxist public school control, it’s doubtful that anyone under 40 has a clue anyway.
Seig Heil! and do you have the coupon code for the new uniforms?
because we can…
You know that thing about “multiple streams of income”?
Installing disposers gets easier with a minimum of practice. Worst part is levering it up to the twist seal flange because of the moment arm doing it by hand. There is a $pecial jack tool for that, but MacGuyvering works too. Oh! Breaking that twist on seal is a hammer job and difficult to get the angle.
Getting an old faucet off, even with the basin wrench or tube tool is hindered by a decade or two of corrosion and lack of space between the sink and cabinet wall. Never mind leaky shutoffs or godzilla tightened supply lines. Easy peasy if the countertop is off.
The blue language part comes from laying inside the cabinet box. The stile is in the way, there’s not enough room to swing a wrench, light is an issue, and the edge of the cabinet digs into something painfully.
Plumbers earn their fee.
ADDED: Those Harbor Freight light switch battery powered LEDs are the cat’s whiskers for oddball light locations. Someday all cabinets, closets and drawers will come with built in interior lighting as standard, but not today.
I originally planned to update on my shop daily but I’ve discovered that I’m just too tired to do so. Then I dropped back to once a week but it taken me three days to build update my site. Here’s what happen since my last update:
When I wired the breakers for the loft, I finished the wiring inside the main electrical panel. I finally got the door on it. Finished staining, etc., the trim for the kitchen cabinets and have some of it installed. Need more contact cement.
Saturday my son and I hung the doors to the wood shop. They look OK – much better if you are more than twenty feet away from them. I need to add the door trim one of these rainy days.
The corner of wall between the carport and metal shop was finished incorrectly – you could see light and feel drafts. Fixed most of it. Need to add some insulation and cover the exposed electrical wiring to finish it.
Worked on some other projects this past week. Built a cover for my granddaughter’s dog cage. Will build a second after she’s picked this one up.
Cleaned up some large tree limbs, etc., from the thunderstorms and burned everything in the burn pit – stump was not gone it but it will be sooner or later.
Made the decision to build the 225-foot retaining wall on the northwest side of the shop myself. The wall face is about 820 square feet. I got two bids one was for $45,000 but might be a third higher, depending on cost and availability of materials; they could do it before Spring. The second bid was only $20,000 but he couldn’t get to it until January and labor costs would probably change and again material prices were a WAG (wild assed guess). I don’t think either company really wanted to do the job. I want it done this fall. I know it I won’t be able to do as good a job as the contractor, but it will be good enough. I’ll use the backhoe to dig it out and then build a French drain at the base of the retaining wall, placing drainage gravel with a drainpipe behind the wall. My estimate is somewhere around 2500 blocks on the face area of the wall. If I average 20 blocks a day after I move the dirt, it will be five months of work. Blocks are $2.28 each today. Gravel is $500 a truck load, probably four or five truck loads. Drain pipe is 500 feet for about $600. Soon as the rain stops and it dries out, I’ll start on it with it having a high priority.
To start this project, I picked up some edging stones to use in place of the retaining wall stones that the previous owner had around a flower bed. The old edging stones needed resetting. The new stones at $65 freed the retaining wall stones. Saved me $50. Flower bed looks much better with the stones in alignment. Did it in one day. Now I only need 2450 stones. Lol The stones I picked up seem like they would make a good base where the wall will be its highest. I have pictures of how I’ll use them.
Ordered 2400 blocks (nineteen – 126 block pallets) of on Monday, just over a 504 were delivered on Thursday. I headed out to start moving dirt and its pouring rain on Wednesday afternoon. Thunderstorms were not predicted. Total by 6:00 pm was almost a quarter inch. But the runoff goes to the front of the shop. The finished wall should divert most of it.
Had a tube put in the lawn mower tire that won’t stay up. Remounting was easy until the dust cover won’t go back on (had a very hard time getting it off). YouTube videos show no problem with reinstalling it, but their caps were deeper than mine. The replacement cap was flexible enough so I could get it on.
Got started on moving the dirt. I first leveled the driveway in front of the shop and had two trucks loads (16 tons) of crush and run (sand and gravel mix) delivered. Took several hours to get it where I wanted it.
Still haven’t decided what to do about the floor in the shop. has some new pictures.
“Breaking that twist on seal is a hammer job and difficult to get the angle.”
Master Appliance Heat Gun. Dual range. I’ve had a couple for 25 years, and bought the spare parts the first time I had an element burn out. Not hot enough to solder with non-lead alloys, but gets the job done for a lot of other chores. Apply the heat to the female side to break the seal. (Yeah, I know. Incomprehensible to the under-30 crowd. To quote a well-respected philosopher: “Bite Me”)
An old SS pancake turner makes a good improvised heat shield when using a heat gun or a propane torch.
“Getting an old faucet off, even with the basin wrench or tube tool is hindered by a decade or two of corrosion and lack of space between the sink and cabinet wall. Never mind leaky shutoffs or godzilla tightened supply lines. ”
“Easy peasy if the countertop is off.”
“Plumbers earn their fee.”
Yup. But get some tutoring out of it.
“Those Harbor Freight light switch battery powered LEDs”
Get a pair and epoxy some cheap magnets on the back. I keep two in the lid of a hip-roof toolbox that I use for automotive tools.
I have a pickup with an aluminum contractor’s topper. I attached a pair of galvanized sheet metal plates to the inside of the roof just forward of the back hatch using double-sided foam tape. I can reach both from the back or one from each side, and pull them off and stick them to the body of the truck anywhere they are needed.
@Robert “Bob” Sprowl
Thanks for the update.
Happens I’m re-doing some landscaping and need 33-35 of those blocks, too. has some new pictures.
I like seeing those 36 inch wide doors. Never know if you are going to be pushing a wheelchair through there or dollying something wide.
That’s almost as much work as I have ahead of me!
Bob Sprowl – that’s looking great! Thanks for the report.
Garbage disposals are a facet of North American life that mystify the rest of the world – we don’t put solids down the kitchen sink drain, and for the few that do find their way in, there is a trap that is easy to clear.
Scratching head…
“Tell Congress: Stop Biden’s Bailout for Rich Kids | American Action Network”
I just saw this commercial during a Houston Astros game. It is freaking awesome.
When I married my wife in 1982, she came with an undisclosed $3,000 student loan at 3%. We paid it off at $35 a month. Was a lot of money for two struggling college students trying to live as cheaply as one. I was taking 19 hours to graduate, she was working at an apartment complex for $4/hour. But we paid it off. You know, that may have been our first argument when we got the $35 bill from the USA government. It was not in our budget.
Saw Jaws on the big screen tonight in 3D.
the actors were superb. I hadn’t appreciated the Quint character previously. Dang. When he began recounting the Indiana- hair on my neck came up.
I was in elementary school when Jaws was released. I’ve seen it on to a few times. I like it.
Very enjoyable evening.