Day: July 8, 2022

Fri. Jul. 8, 2022 – lotta driving around today…

Of course it will be hot, but just how hot  is the question.   Yesterday was a bit less hot than the past few days.  Still 84F at midnight though, so not like it’s an arctic cold front or anything…

Got very little done Thursday.   Dentist appointment in the middle of the day and getting the kids back home killed my plans.

I’m hoping to do better today.  Several pickups, stuff for the BOL and here.   Some building materials, although not as many as I wanted.  I wasn’t aggressive enough to win all the stuff I wanted.   There has been lumber, plywood, fiberglas batt insulation, and other stuff in auctions lately.  All stuff I need.   Look for what you need and remain flexible, and you will find it.

So, adding to the stacks today.

And driving all over town.


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