Month: June 2022

Fri. Jun. 10, 2022 – ah Friday, the end is in sight.

Gorram hot, and gorram humid.    Well over 100F yesterday in the sun, which was everywhere.   And the breeze was intermittent.  In the shade, with a breeze, very nice.  Anywhere else?  Gorram hot.  And more if it today.

Had a nice night at the pool, although I’d have preferred A/C and a book, but meatspace… and meet space.  Kid didn’t do well swimming, but she works at it.  There were several dads I chatted with from our old pool and it was nice to catch up.

Today I’ve got a bunch of pickups, ones and twos mostly, and almost all for the BOL.   I’ve got shopping to do too, I need more drywall mud.   I’m going to try molasses and water to kill the nutsedge in my garden plot.  It’s supposed to work while leaving the crops alone.  If I don’t spray it on the crops.  And if I can get some.

Then it’s load up the truck and head out.   Work for the weekend includes – scraping popcorn ceilings.  Painting out paneling.  Maybe some plumbing work in the bathroom, or the kitchen.  Cutting of grass, weeding of garden, and various and sundry other small and large tasks.

Gotta get pickups done and trucks loaded first though.

Make your own stacks, and stack them high.


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Thur. Jun. 9, 2022 – another busy day, where a bunch of stuff won’t get done…

Hot and humid, temps over 100F in the sun, with plenty of sun.   Despite a lot of hazy overcast we hit over 104F in the sun yesterday.    Since hot sun on my arms feels like dipping them in molten metal, I hid indoors.   Yep, I kindly ran away…

And I’ll be doing something similar today, getting the minimum pickups done, then getting ready for swim meet, and then doing said meet.   Sometimes real world meatspace obligations overwhelm anything else.   And I’ve volunteered to run the grill for 3 hours at the meet.   I think I’ll be wearing long sleeves.  Still gonna suck.

But that’s life.  We are still having grilled burgers and swim meets, and get-togethers.  Our little chunk of the big city still has a small town feel when we are just the kid’s school, or just the school neighborhood.   There has been a lot of overlap in the various Venn diagrams involving the kids over the last 6-8 years, and while we aren’t close to anyone, we at least know names and are nodding acquaintances  (my wife far more so than me).   Someone less anti-people would be quite tied in.  It’s an existing network that it wouldn’t be too hard to expand if need be.   For example, the ladies work it constantly.   The mommy mafia makes recommendations, shares experiences, and is the FIRST choice when one of them has a question involving local affairs/-living/-meatspace.

If you aren’t leaving the house, if you aren’t socially connected to your community, you are at a disadvantage.  Child activities make it easy, but if you don’t have kids, find something to do.  Join a club, a church, a charity, or a service organization.  You need to be involved at least a tiny bit.  You need  access to the information flow, the local zeitgeist.   You might need to be a known entity, a liked and valuable entity, if things get worse – “Oh George is cool, he helped me fix that thing, and I see him Wednesdays at the shooting range/at Little League games/at the food bank…”

A ‘community of the mind’ based on shared interests and modern communications is a very nice thing.  “Intentional family” or “family of choice” or whatever they’re calling it these days is a great thing.   But they don’t replace the cashier at the local store you chat with, or the guys in the men’s group, or the old farts drinking coffee at the Golden Corral, or your ham club, or car club, or poker friends, or fishin’ buddies.

It should go without saying that you shouldn’t be “that guy who rants about politics with all the guns” or “the sour old @ssh0le that’s one step from a mass shooting” or “the guy who acts like a Fed” or “the guy who comes in every Wednesday but never says “hi” and never leaves a tip….”  or any number of negative things….  To benefit you, it needs to benefit others.   Give a little to get a little.   A rising tide lifts all boats.   Be a good neighbor.   People notice.  And they notice the opposite too.

Stack up some relationships.  Stack up some stuff.  Stack up some good karma.   You’ll probably need it all, and still be short.




Added–  if you are like me you might need to be reminded – consistency and longevity are key.   Johnny Come Lately is just that.   You need to get started so that you’ve always been there when things are worse down the road.

Be approachable.   I’m not sure what it is, but people will talk to me.  They come up to me to talk.  I LOOK at them when I say hi.  I don’t just use a rote greeting.  I’m friendly.  I don’t glower. I don’t intrude, but I open the door for them to respond.   I do it a hundred times a week, and it might not work 58 times, but most people want some connection to others even if it’s just a tiny bit more than a superficial exchange.

I say “thanks” and in a way  that it’s not just automatic, if they’ve actually done something.   I offer praise instead of criticism – a stocker at the grocery store asked “are you finding everything” in a very rote way, I paused to consider my answer (which broke the rhythm of the rote exchange) said “pretty much”, again not a stock answer, then told him I thought they were doing a great job of keeping the shelves looking good “given all the challenges they’re having”.   That opened the door and he told me about how their warehouse operations were going, how their staffing was having issues, and made several comments about supply chain issues.  I ended with something like “well thanks, I appreciate you guys working so I can buy food for my family.”

That was a one off conversation, but it could have led to more the next time I saw him, and it gave me some first hand info I wouldn’t have had, while helping to reinforce the social bonds between people in my community.    I want him to feel GOOD about what he does because I want him to continue doing it!

Chatting with people and being open and approachable is NOT my nature.   I very much had to learn it, mostly on the job.   Look for some commonality, even if it’s tiny, that you can use as an opener (one reason why people talk about the weather).    It takes time and is a skill that you can improve.   Mostly, for me, it took realizing that I really didn’t have anything to lose if I tried and failed. It can still sometimes be awkward, and I still sometimes decide not to do it.  I’m better at judging when people are receptive now than I was, but really the cost of trying is so low, that I usually try.   If you sometimes get a glower, or a blank stare?  Move on.




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Wed. Jun. 8, 2022 – surprise taxi service today

Hot and humid, sunny and clear.  Boy it got hot yesterday.   Sun was beating down too.  It was still 80F at 1am when I went to bed.

Spent the day doing auction and home stuff in the morning and pickups in the afternoon.   Something similar is planned for today.  Except that in the middle of my day I have to take D1 to a birthday party.  Unknown details at this time, but it breaks up my day and makes it hard to get stuff done.   Frowny face.  It would be nice to know when I’ve been tasked, at least a day before…

One of the things I’d like to get done is a visit to the doc in a box to get something for whatever is making me itch.  I got something on my forearms while up at the BOL cleaning out brush and debris.  I thought it was just scrapes on the skin, but it’s turned into big splotchy red itchy stuff.  It’s not looking like poison ivy, and I didn’t see any at the BOL.  I’m super aware of it, and look for it all the time since the last time I got contaminated with it.    Normal OTC creams aren’t helping it much.   Sunlight and sweat on it is excruciating, so no outdoor work for me today either.  Most of the time it feels like wearing a rough wool sweater on bare skin, but there is an edge of burning pain too.   We’re grid up, so might as well take advantage.   It’ll be another all cash visit, thanks Obastard care.

I’ll find plenty to do that doesn’t involve sweating in the sun today.

Always be working to improve your position.   And stack it up.


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Tues. Jun. 7, 2022 – no snappy title

Hot and humid.  Maybe a breeze, probably sun.   Got over 98F in my yard yesterday.  I know because I was out in it cutting the grass.   Poor planning on my part, but it needed to be done, and that’s when I had time to do it.   Made it in record time and it looks like it…  Today will be the same in all likelihood.  It was 78F when I went to bed, and the same when I woke up.

I’ve got several pickups of BOL and home stuff, and a couple of smalls for resale.   I’m hoping to pay for the rest with those items.  All part of the neverending list of stuff needed to furnish another home, especially when some of the stuff is duplicating preps.

The world continues on its way down.  Gas prices continue to rise.  Stuff continues to not show up in the stores…

WRT Russia and the Ukraine, well, the food they’d export is not being exported this year, and the food for next year didn’t get in the ground.   That shortage is now “baked in”.  It’s gonna happen, is happening.   Riots in Pakistan over food price increases have already started.   Lots of people in lots of places are going to be lots of hungry.   And angry.  And desperate.  Some of those places are even going to be here.   Tyrants have always used food as a weapon.  Take the steps you need to take to keep you and yours in groceries.

Some good discussion in yesterday’s comments.   Some more in today’s comments if I get to it…

Stack it up.  The life you save may be your own.


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Mon. Jun. 6, 2022 – D Day 1944.

National forecast has Houston in clear weather for the next three days.   Goes without saying it will be hot and humid.   Beautiful just a couple of hours north though.   Ah well, it is what it is.

Started yesterday at the BOL, did a bunch of work, and came home.   Now I get to do a bunch of work here too.  It’s all the normal stuff, plus the stuff that got put aside.   I don’t know what I’d do if I could actually catch up.    Up north I didn’t get back to my garden weeding, it was just too hot in the sun, so the carrots will have to compete with the grass for another week.    Here I’ve got grass to mow, gardens to weed, and maybe some blueberries to harvest, if the birds didn’t get them.   Plus a ton of stuff to move or put away, or organize.

Then there is all the stuff that needs fixing… and that is a growing pile too.   And the hurricane season has officially started, so there is all the normal hurricane prep to do.   This is not the time I’d have picked for rotating stored gas, but again, it is what it is.

It will be a short work day for me on top of everything else,  as D2 has a swim meet tonight.

Monday is not my fun day.

But hey, no rest for the wicked.

Do some stacking.  Don’t get caught lacking.



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Sun. Jun. 5, 2022 – working, but not just…

Cool morning, to hot day later, but still nicer than Houston.   It was at least 10 degrees cooler up here yesterday.  Still brain boiling hot in the sun though, so I waited a bit before weeding in the garden.


I don’t see any sprouts, well, one or two things that might be veg, but mostly I see grass.   Pulling it by hand, I can do a row in about 10 minutes.  Two rows and my back is screaming at me though, so I didn’t get the whole thing weeded.  Depending on temps, I’ll do more today.

I’ve got inside stuff to alternate with outdoor stuff to try and keep reasonably cool.

Last night was great.  I spent a bit of time at sunset actually fishing.   Didn’t get even a nibble, but I spent the time casting and tried a couple of different baits.   Then after dinner, I lit a fire in the metal fire pit out on the dock and spun the dial on the shortwave for a couple of hours.

Nice open bands, heard some DX I never manage to hear, and even an australian station that I rarely hear at home.   I need a good antenna and a bigger radio… or a good radio and a bigger antenna….

Since I can see the stars up here, I’m motivated to learn more about them.  There might even be some astronomy content in the future.  I did see about a dozen nice meteors, more than when we were watching the shower, but they weren’t as dramatic.  Neat to see in any case.

Lots of big splashes on the lake too.  If I could figure out how to catch them, I’d be eating fish tonight.             Figuring that out is fairly high on the list of preps.

Speaking of preps, I did move some more food up here.   We could go a month without starving, but we’d be pretty bored.   I’m working on expanding both duration and variety.   A chest freezer and a big UPS is pretty high on the list.  ‘Course, septic is too.

Still stalled on the big projects waiting for other people.

Got plenty to do in the mean time.

BTW the propane “camping” instant water heater is working really well.   It’s a bit of a comfort item, although hygiene is important, and morale is too.  $200 well spent so far.   No idea about longevity, but the only negatives in the amazon listings were people who let it freeze with water inside.   Given proper maintenance, I don’t see why it couldn’t last a long time.      If you’ve got the basics covered, I can vouch for how nice a hot shower is when you are filthy and sore.

One more thing to stack.

Stack all the things.  You are your own infrastructure provider.


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Fri. Jun. 3, 2022 – Friday so soon? Well, yeah, so get busy….

Hot and humid, chance of rain… but probably not.  Just like yesterday.   SOMEONE got rain, but not me.  In fact it was hot and sunny most of the day.

Did some errands yesterday.   Went to the grocery store.    Baby formula and mexican sparkling water were both limited quantity and empty shelves.  Canned veg is still just the basics, but there are a couple more choices than last time.  You can get french cut green beans and mixed vegetables now…

The best part was that USDA Prime sirloin beef was on sale.  <$6 /pound and <$7 depending on whether they took off the cap before packaging.   I bought all I could afford and fit in the freezers.   Saved $100 according to the receipt, and there weren’t any other sale items.  In fact there was a real dearth of sale items in the store.  Small avocados were $1.09 each, and “big” were even more.  The “big” are the size “small” used to be, and “small” are tiny.  Limes that used to be 6 for $1 are 50c each and have been for some time.   If it wasn’t provably hard to keep the dang trees alive, I’d be looking for another lime tree.  And I wish I’d planted avocado 10 years ago, although it probably would have frozen too.

Buy it when you see it and stack it high.

Today I’ve got a pickup for my non-prepping hobby, one for some plumbing supplies, and one or two I’ll put off ’til next week with personal stuff or stuff for the house.   Then I’ll load the jon boat back on the truck, fill the bed with more stuff for the BOL, including more freezedried buckets, and two flats of canned veg.   I also bought some yeast packets to put with the flour in the buckets at the BOL.  I’d forgotten about that.  Then at some point we’ll head back up to the lake.

There’s plenty to do here, and more there, so something will get done.

It just might not be what I PLANNED to do.

Stack it while you can.


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Thur. Jun. 2, 2022 – more to do, more to do

Hot and humid.  Maybe some rain?  Who knows.  There were scattered rain cells all over town yesterday as I drove around.   Mostly stuff I could see in the distance.     I only got a few sprinkles though.

Did my pickups.  Got the boat.  It’s in good shape.   It’s an Alumacraft jon boat, 12ft, and painted flat green.   Fits in my pickup truck upside down, and over the cab… but it does catch the wind at 65mph.

Home stuff today.  Lots of catching up.   Honda EU300oi gennie needs a new fuel tank.   The rust went all the way through and now it leaks.   $20  of Evaporust leaked out on the ground…  Bugger me.  There were tanks on ebay, but there weren’t good choices when I looked last week.   Maybe I’ll just put the propane kit on it for now.  That is simpler and about the same price as a new tank.  Dunno, but need to do something before hurricane season cranks up.

Lots of other deferred stuff piled up here too.  Gah.  It’s always something.

I better get to it.

I’ve got stacking to do.


and so do you!



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Wed. Jun. 1 – almost half way through the year

National forecast has Houston in the “rain and t-storms possible” area, and maybe we’ll get some.  We are on the edge though, and that usually means “no”.   Beautiful day north of here yesterday, although it did get into the 90s.  Scattered dark clouds and a spritz of moisture from the sky greeted my in Houston when I got near my neighborhood.   Typical Houston “somebody is getting rained on” weather.

There was a lot accomplished at Casa de Nick, segundo.  Just getting window coverings on all the windows makes it feel more homey.   Staying the extra day was worth it.  Still lots to do of course, and all the major work still ahead.

Today is the first day of the kids’ at home summer vacation.  D1 is going to start doing some additional dog training.   D2 is … gonna do something.   Not sure what yet.   Lots of GS activity planned later, but some time to ease into doing nothing….

I’ve got a jon boat to pick up, and one other lot that I’m sending to my mom.  It’s a pole  thing that should help her get into and out of the bath more safely.  I won it cheaply enough that it is still cheap after I pay to ship it to her.  One of my siblings or their spouses can install it during a visit.   And of course I have all the normal stuff to do.  Even more of it, since I was gone 4 days.

Time to get back to work stacking up stuff.


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