Starting the day at the BOL, where we are on the edge of a storm system. No idea two days in advance what it will look like, or if it will materialize.
For those of you on the roads today and tonight, be careful. Lot of amateurs on the road today.
Time to wear out my only Irish joke–
What’s the definition of oral sex in Ireland?
– Two paddies standing on opposite street corners yelling at each other “Oy, FOCK You!” “No, FOCK YOU!”
See? I can bring the funny when I want to!
Stack up some good times today.
Bonus joke–
-Two irishmen walk into a bar……………… of course they do, they’re irish….
A very Happy Saint Patrick's Day to you all, and may the glorious man bestow his blessings on us all. I have taken a long weekend off work, and am looking forward to a cold beer or three this evening in honour of the occasion, Saint Patrick's Day being a day of respite from Lenten abstinence.
Half inch hail yesterday. Fun times in Florida. Some areas reported as much as 3 inch hail! I can't even imagine the damage that will do.
Like Texas when it happens, lots of car insurance claims.
What's an Irish seven course dinner?
Six pack of beer and a boiled potato.
Two Irishmen, Patrick & Michael, were adrift in a lifeboat following a dramatic escape from a burning freighter. While rummaging through the boat's provisions, Patrick stumbled across an old lamp. Secretly hoping that a genie would appear, he rubbed the lamp vigorously To the amazement of Patrick, a genie came forth. This particular genie, however, stated that he could only deliver one wish, not the standard three. Without giving much thought to the matter, Patrick blurted out, "Make the entire ocean into Guinness Beer!" The genie clapped his hands with a deafening crash, and immediately the entire sea turned into the finest brew ever sampled by mortals. Simultaneously, the genie vanished. Only the gentle lapping of Guinness on the hull broke the stillness as the two men considered their circumstances. Michael looked disgustedly at Patrick whose wish had been granted. After a long, tension-filled moment, he spoke: "Nice going Patrick! Now we're going to have to pee in the boat!
More screwed up trip plans. What was supposed to only be a two night stay in San Antonio has turned into four nights. One of the wife's nephews that we were supposed to see in Round Rock, and spend the night, has been aborted. The BIL and his wife are staying at the house thus no room at the inn. I really don't want to see the BIL's wife as it will turn into a bitch session over the bruh-ha-ha with the wife of her son and being kicked out of the house.
The lady we were supposed to visiting, as I have stated earlier, broke both her wrists on Monday and she is still in the hospital. She has to go to rehab and care facility. However, that can only happen after three days in the hospital per Medicare rules.
She does not have the use of either hand, limited movement of the fingers. Cast goes from middle joint on the fingers to about 3 inches below the elbow. It was considered major surgery by the hospital.
So today we head to San Marcos for lunch with the daughter of our longtime friends in Atlanta.
Then tomorrow we had to Valley Mills for a visit with the brother.
From an Irish uncle-
“Two irishmen walk OUT of a bar…”
And in other news. The state has decided to close two right hand lanes on I-35 North at the Judson road exit, about a mile south of the exit for Joint Base Randolph. Traffic yesterday afternoon was backed up 10 miles on I-35, backed up for a couple of miles on I-410. Along with all the access roads and other side roads. A five mile trip took almost an hour. Off ramps and on ramps for Judson and Tupperwein were also closed making matters worse.
One of the access roads the county decided to close one lane and blocked a major right turn at an intersection. This made travel on that road even worse.
What an absolute freaking mess.
Poor woman. That's an awful situation to be in. A friend of ours – a very fit & strong man in his early 60s – did the same a couple years ago. It seems to be a fairly common problem. We probably all should train ourselves to not use both hands to "break" a fall.
I am a clumsy person, and used to fall down a LOT. The only reason I don't fall down more often now is that I am more careful and move more slowly. I still trip and fall at least once a year. Oddly, if I am carrying something, I instinctively protect whatever is in my arms, which probably prevents real injury.
If you want to make God laugh, make plans.
San Marcos — another wannabe socialist paradise on I35.
And yet another Texas city where just *touching* a portable device within the municipal boundaries while driving will land you a $500 fine since establishing a uniform enforcement standard was yet another failure of a Governor and Legislature obsessed with cutting political deals for more abortion restrictions.
No touchee the phone … or the Garmin.
My Masters is from the University. In my own defense, it was all about the paper.
Take a good look around, though, since it may be an expansion city for the NFL in the next round. All of that growth close to the freeway has happened in the last 8 years or so, predicated on the possibility of pro football, first with the Raiders teasing a move there and then ongoing rumors about a new team with the Spurs Coach Pop in the ownership.
I believe the rumors. Jerry Jones doesn't know wine like Coach Pop, Dallas is about as far from San Marcos (team would be San Antonio) as Jacksonville is from Miami, and the less said about the other NFL ownership in the state, the better right now.
Plus, the liberal NFL beat reporters *love* Coach Pop. Any hints of expansion and the stories will start rolling to support the move.
What is green and Irish and sits around out in the yard?
Why, it's Paddy O'Furniture!
Duly noted. My phone is hands free, works with the truck entertainment system. Garmin, not so much.
She has no family in the area that can help. Son lives in Seattle; daughter is in Switzerland. Her sister is taking care of the mother and cannot spare time.
She could transfer to rehab and care now but Medicare will not allow that to happen until she has spent three days in the hospital. The hospital is markedly more expensive. The night in the ER will not count as she was not admitted and assigned a room. I have no idea how long the recovery facility will take. Could be a couple of weeks, could be a couple of months. Medicare only allows 90 days so regardless of how recovery progresses she will be kicked to the curb.
Perhaps three months will be enough for her to be able to resume the most primary of tasks, although she will still need help. And hopefully she has a good church and good friends to help with shopping and meals. Medicare will cover home health services (perhaps including some personal care) once she returns home. Texas also has a very low cost transportation system that she can use during the time she is unable to drive. They will take her not only to the doctor but also to the beauty shop, etc. It will take a bunch of different places cobbling together their services.
I've noted before that, when we first moved to Texas in 2014, Austin PD would set up what I termed "Waze Traps" on NB I35 entering the city, with cops using binoculars to scan for people touching portable electronics and dispatching other units, mainly on motorcycles stationed along the road, to pull over the guilty drivers.
$500 is a lot more lucrative to the various city governments enforcing the tighter standards than even a DUI.
Nowadays, they also have a state-wide "Move Over" law with tighter speed restrictions than a lot of other states with similar statutes. Again, very lucrative and subject to enforcement via "trap".
Local goobermints are just as bad as State and Federal goobermints.
For ITGuy1998:
This will accept downloads of your MP3 files and send audio to a speaker via Bluetooth.
Thanks for the link.
Why get a smart watch or any such widget? Ukraine has a number of refugees and surely some of them are English-speaking musicians. Get a Ukrainian musician refugee and have her sing and play guitar when you want music and tell you the time when you need to know that.
How do you know Mr. ITGuy1998 wants a "her"?
Men aren't being allowed to leave, are they? Mr ITGuy1998 is going to take a nubile Ukrainian girl or do without.
What about those guys hiding on the train to Poland with the wimmens' and chillins'. Ya, they're probably *she* wannabes.
>> (from yesterday) "Sleep experts say Senate has it wrong: Standard time, not daylight saving, should be permanent"
I don't care what we do as long as we quit changing the clock forward and backward twice a year.
Arizona and Hawaii already got it right by ignoring DST. And Arizona is specifically exempt in the Senate bill, they'll remain on Standard Time.
>> (from yesterday) "The Verge reports that Tesla has raised prices across its entire vehicle lineup by between 5 and 10 percent. The cheapest Tesla vehicle, the Model 3 Rear-Wheel Drive, now has a starting price point of $46,990. The company’s top-end Model X Tri motor has increased in price by $12,500, from $126,490 to $138,990."
MSRP on an entry-level 2022 Nissan LEAF S is $27,400 or $19,900 after the $7,500 federal tax credit (if you qualify). Lowest cost new EV available.
Oh, and no tax credit on Tony-mobiles, he's sold too many.
>> Crushed beer cans are paying 50¢ a pound. Compared to 30¢ a few months ago.
A lady nearby collects aluminum cans and #1 plastic (soda/water bottles) from folks in the neighborhood that save them. At times when I've dropped ours off I've seen at least 40-50 trash bags full of cans. She takes them all to the local scrap dealer and the money goes to the volunteer organization that works at the county animal shelter.
@RickH, is the acronym translator part of the latest template update? Or has it been here and I've just missed it?
Hmm, when I copy/paste from where I saw it yesterday, the dotted underline (on SHTF) doesn't show.
Pearls Before Swine: Rat Has A New Book
Hurry, give him five stars!
>> I've noted before that, when we first moved to Texas in 2014, Austin PD would set up what I termed "Waze Traps" on NB I35 entering the city, with cops using binoculars to scan for people touching portable electronics and dispatching other units, mainly on motorcycles stationed along the road, to pull over the guilty drivers.
$500 is a lot more lucrative to the various city governments enforcing the tighter standards than even a DUI.
Nowadays, they also have a state-wide "Move Over" law with tighter speed restrictions than a lot of other states with similar statutes. Again, very lucrative and subject to enforcement via "trap".
And the cops wonder why they have such a bad reputation.
TN state troopers have several 18 wheelers they use to spot phone users. The driver sits up high and can easily look down. Drivers don’t suspect a truck.
I am not aware of an 'acronym translator' – it is not in the theme, nor in any plugin.
And I don't see any dotted underline for that in any of yesterday's comments. You'll get a wavy red underline if you type it in the comment box, indicating an incorrectly spelled word. A Ctrl+RightClick inside the comment box will get a list of suggested words (a RightClick by itself doesn't work in the comment editor box).
No theme changes or updates yet. Still testing (while working on another site). The new theme will use the CKEditor5 comment editor, in which a right-click will show spelling suggestions. (The theme lets you select the default editor, or CKEDitor4 or CKEditor5.) CKEditor5 will work better with mobile devices, as I understand.
"Buttigieg thinks high-speed rail would be good for Texas, wants highway expansions to consider neighborhood impacts"
Oh no, we don't need a train to nowhere in Texas.
"Netflix Will Prompt Subscribers to Pay for Users Outside Their Households in New Test to Address Unauthorized Password Sharing (EXCLUSIVE)"
I wish them good luck.
See the SHTF in this comment.
Alan, HTML has various "abbr" and "acronym" and similar tags but I wasn't able to get them to work here, last time I tried. I don't know the trick to them on this site.
The 'abbr' code will work, but you have to use the 'source' interface (raw html code) to type it in yourself.
The comment yesterday with that acronym has the 'abbr' code in it, which is why it works.
The editor here (CKEditor4) doesn't show it though – you'll only see it when you submit the comment. Dunno if it will work in CKEditor5 when I implement it, but there won't be a button for it in the comment editor.
In fact, the available buttons are going to be reduced when CKEditor5 is implemented. It will look like this: ….but with the image/table buttons removed. The 'media' button will still be there, and used to put in external URLs of media.
No image button because it was decided the images in comments are not needed. No table button for the same reason. I haven't decided if the options for CKEditor5 will include the ability to enable those buttons – the theme is intended for use on other sites, and they may want those buttons enabled.
"A World Gone Mad (Perry Rhodan #29)" by Clark Darlton, translated by Wendayne Ackerman
Book number twenty-nine of a series of one hundred and twenty-six space opera books in English. The original German books, actually pamphlets, number in the thousands. The English books started with two translated German stories per book and transitioned to one story per book with the sixth book. The German books were written from 1961 to present time, having sold two billion copies and even recently been rebooted again. I read the well printed and well bound book published by Ace in 1973 that I had to be very careful with due to age. I bought an almost complete box of Perry Rhodans a decade or two ago on ebay that I am finally getting to since I lost my original Perry Rhodans in The Great Flood of 1989. In fact, I now own book #1 to book #103, plus the Atlan books.
BTW, this is actually book number 37 of the German Pamphlets. There is a very good explanation of the plot in German on this website of all of the PR books. There is automatic Google translation available for English, Spanish, Dutch, Japanese, French, and Portuguese.
In this alternate universe, USSF Major Perry Rhodan and his three fellow astronauts blasted off in a three stage rocket to the Moon in 1971. The first stage of the rocket was chemical, the second and third stages were nuclear. After crashing on the Moon due to a strange radio interference, they discover a massive crashed alien spaceship with an aged male scientist (Khrest), a female commander (Thora), and a crew of 500. It has been over ten years since then and the New Power has flourished with millions of people and many spaceships headquartered in the Gobi desert, the city of Terrania.
Most of the Springers have fled from Goszul's planet with the disease rampaging through the population. But, Rhodan's mutants have found out that the Springers were building a new huge warship in a hidden cave on the planet. The mutants capture the warship building cave and fake the disease with thousands of Goszuls and that the disease has spread to the robots. The Springers that have come to the planet to grab the new warship flee away.
One has to remember that this book was written in German in 1962 and translated to English in 1973. Many items that came about in the 1970s and beyond such as cell phones are not reflected in the book. However, commercial aircraft commonly traveling at Mach 3 are not available to the public as talked about in the book. Niels Bohr's saying "Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future" comes to mind.
Two observations:
1. The publisher should have put two to four of the translated stories in each book. Having two stories in the first five books worked out well. Just having one story in the book is too short and would never allow the translated books to catch up to the German originals.
2. Anyone liking Perry Rhodan and wanting a more up to date story should read the totally awesome "Mutineer's Moon" Dahak series of three books by David Weber.
My rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Amazon rating: 5 out of 5 stars (1 review)
Note to self: when pulling bank line from a tree, wear gloves. And safety glasses.
I was attempting to get a messenger line into a tree for a temporary ham radio antenna, and it got stuck. I wrapped the line around a handle and pulled until it snapped.
The tennis ball is still up in the tree, and 5 of my fingers are bruised at the knuckle. That smarts!
Speaking of smarts, I get smarter every day. That's my story…
People are ooing and awing over Ahnold:
MUST WATCH: Arnold Schwarzenegger shares an important and powerful message with the Russian people [video]
Yeah, 1/6 attempted insurrection. Go fcuk yourself. This is also how you get a Putin hit-squad assigned to you. Very brave sitting behind your phone.
You'll notice all the chickenhawks like SausageHanger and politicians aren't volunteering to fight for Ukraine. They have no problem sending *our* kids, though.
If the trains work like the buses in Austin, no thanks.
I lived near Oltorf and Research (aka US 183) and besides having almost a mile walk to the nearest bus stop, I could get my skinny butt on my 3-speed bicycle and get to work at 505 E. 6th Street in less than half the time. Time spent waiting for the bus not included.
For more fun, the bus dropped you off at 6th and Lamar. Which is a pretty good walk. Cap Metro gets extra points for no buses after about 10 PM which is awesome when you work 4PM to Midnight.
And now you know why the buses are empty.
I've been relearning basic knots and the marlin spike knot and a wrench comes to mind for pulling.
‘She got elected? MUST be fiction’: Stacey Abrams’ cameo as President of United Earth on Star Trek Discovery accidentally HILARIOUS
I can't even. "Virtue Signal to maximum, Spock!"
It's little things like this that tell you plugs' brain is Swiss cheese:
Joe Biden clears up any confusion: ‘I may be Irish, but I’m not stupid’ [video]
He probably thinks he's being a cool cat.
Heh. T'Pau would have her killed on the spot.
I use
on my acronyms and abbreviations from time to time. You can also use<ACRONYM>
, but I believe it's been deprecated in favor of just using<ABBR>
for everything. As Rick says, just switch to source view to do it. I find the comment-editing source view easier. So, I fully submit the comment first and then go back and edit-in the supported HTML I want. I worked in web development for years so reading/writing HTML and CSS is second nature for me.And T'Pol would have just stood there looking hot.
The consultants like the group behind Lone Star Rail need billable hours.
Lone Star Rail p*ssed away $25 million and nearly 20 years "studying" Austin-to-San Antonio commuter rail.
There really isn't much to study. The lines exist, but Union Pacific wants a lot of money for access.
Netflix knows exactly who shares and to what extent. Moving too fast to shut it down would create more problems than simply allowing the status quo to continue.
The Chinese relations all share one cousin's account.
One way or another, the Georgia Shadow Government propelled by the media for the last 3 1/2 years ends this Fall.
Florida had the same problem for about a year after the 2018 election until Benny Crump crony and Dem candidate for Governor Andrew Gillum's fondness for male prostitutes and crystal meth were revealed in a very public way on the first weekend of Covid lockdown.
For the uninitiated, I will occasionally refer to the situation in the hotel room as “Party At Kitty And Studs 2.0”, referencing the often-mentioned-but-rarely-seen soft porn flick Sylvester Stallone made overseas early in his career.
If it didn't end with you wrapped up and dangling upside down, like Charlie Brown getting his kite out of the tree, were you even trying to make a good story for the rest of us?
That's been my thought for years: that if American troops, even just a few dozen "advisors", are sent to war, then all of the President's, Vice President's, and Speaker of the House's descendants, from age 17 to 70, should be sent to the front lines.
That's been my thought for years: that if American troops, even just a few dozen "advisors", are sent to war, then all of the President's, Vice President's, and Speaker of the House's descendants, from age 17 to 70, should be sent to the front lines.
Which is why John Fogerty wrote "Fortunate Son".
OK, one more post of the stupidity of our Federal Goobermint:
Jen Psaki says ‘we don’t know’ if 79-year-old Joe Biden contracting COVID would be more serious than someone in their 20s
I don't know how she can spew this with a straight face.
Words Of Wisdom
Clint Smith, Director of Thunder Ranch, is part drill instructor, and part stand up comic (Thunder Ranch is a firearms training facility in Arizona ).
Here are a few of his observation on tactics, firearms, self defense and life as we know it in the civilized world.
“The most important rule in a gunfight is: Always win and cheat if necessary.”
“Don ‘t forget, incoming fire has the right of way..”
“Make your attacker advance through a wall of bullets. You may get killed with your own gun, but he’ll have to beat you to death with it, cause it’s going to be empty.”
“If you’re not shootin’, you should be loadin’. If you’re not loadin’, you should be movin’, if you’re not movin’, someone’s gonna cut your head off and put it on a stick.”
“When you reload in low light encounters, don’t put your flashlight in yourback pocket.. If you light yourself up, you’ll look like an angel or the tooth fairy… and you’re gonna be one of ’em pretty soon.”
“Do something. It may be wrong, but do something.”
“Shoot what’s available, as long as it’s available, until something else becomes available.”
“If you carry a gun, people will call you paranoid. That’s ridiculous. If you have a gun, what in the hell do you have to be paranoid for.”
“Don ‘t shoot fast, unless you also shoot good..”
“You can say ‘stop’ or ‘alto’ or use any other word you think will work, but I’ve found that a large bore muzzle pointed at someone’s head is pretty much the universal language.”
“You have the rest of your life to solve your problems.. How long you live depends on how well you do it.”
“You cannot save the planet but you may be able to save yourself and your family.”
“Thunder Ranch will be here as long as you’ll have us or until someone makes us go away, and either way, it will be exciting.
“More Excellent Gun Wisdom……..
The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense.
The sword is more important than the shield, and skill is more important than either.
The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental.
1. Don ‘t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.
2. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.
3. I carry a gun cause a cop is too heavy..
4. When seconds count, the cops are just minutes away.
5. A reporter did a human-interest piece on the Texas Rangers. The reporter recognized the Colt Model 1911 the Ranger was carrying and asked him “Why do you carry a 45?” The Ranger responded, “Because they don’t make a 46.”
6. An armed man will kill an unarmed man with monotonous regularity.
7. The old sheriff was attending an awards dinner when a lady commented on his wearing his sidearm. ‘Sheriff, I see you have your pistol. Are you expecting trouble?” ‘No ma’am. If I were expecting trouble, I would have brought my rifle.”
8. Beware of the man who only has one gun, because he probably knows how to use it very well.
“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.’ — G. K. Chesterton
A people that values its privileges above its principles will soon lose both.
I feel like these two oppose each other a little.
Though, they do make a .50
I'll try to up my game. Sorry to disappoint.
Reaching way, way back, to high school, there was an episode of me riding on the hood of a 63 Ford Galaxy on a gravel road.
He stopped suddenly.
I still have scars on my wrist from the gravel.
I have a saying I tell people. I used to be young and foolish. I'm much older now.
“Don ‘t shoot fast, unless you also shoot good..”
I shot a 250 out of 250 using my Springfield XDM .40 S&W at my conceal carry course. I asked the instructor how fast I needed to complete the shooting portion and he said no hurry so I took my time. That gun is wicked accurate with that 5 inch barrel.
"Microsoft study finds 50 percent of leaders have plans for a full return to the office"
"Officials said today the data shows the "Great Reshuffle"/"Great Resignation" is far from over and that 51% of hybrid employees say they are considering a switch to remote. At the same time, 57% of remote employees say they will consider a switch to hybrid. And 43% of employees are somewhat or extremely likely to consider changing jobs in the coming year, which is up slightly year-over-year (from 41%)."
"In spite of these desires for more flexibility by employees, 50% of leaders say they have plans for a full in-person return to the office this year."
Welcome to the crazy.
I35 sucks. Period.
Today traffic going south into San Antonio was backed up 14 miles from the Judson exit. I have no idea how far into San Antonio from Judson the backup continued.
Tomorrow we are off to Valley Mills for two days. I am going to take 130, the loop around Austin and let the state send me a bill. It will be interesting if they can because there is no state designation on the license plate. The plate is also red and white wavy pattern ike the background of a flag with black letters. Not the easiest plate to read. I wonder if the plate readers can read the plate or if a human will get involved.
The plate reader "Hew Mon" is probably located in Australia. $100 surcharge.
I got my second batch of WuFlu Kootie test kits today. Made by Siemens and it is a 5 test pack.
I got my second batch of WuFlu Kootie test kits today. Made by Siemens and it is a 5 test pack.
Huh. I got my second batch of free government issued Koof tests Monday. They were iHealth (two boxes of two tests each), the same as the first batch.
You can also buy them on Big River for $18 for two tests.
I35 sucks. Period.
Any real Texan could have told you that.
We need to covert Hwy 36 (north – south) and Hwy 6 (north – south) to interstates.
And finish I-14 (east – west) (Augusta, Georgia to Fort Stockton, Texas) (I-10 bypass).
We've got 30 umpteen million people living in Texas now. Some of them are even citizens. We need more interstates !
Mine is called CLINITEST(R).
Forgot about the special character button.
Let me try the special character button again.
Shot Girl™ is literally out of her mind:
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says the correlation between fossil fuel extraction and the abduction of indigenous women is all too overlooked
Say what again?
Forgot about the special character button.
Sounds like a STD cure.
Let me try the special character button again.
Shot Girl™ is literally out of her mind:
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says the correlation between fossil fuel extraction and the abduction of indigenous women is all too overlooked
Say what again?
If you like that, try this pile of feces, "Big Oil and Gas Kept a Dirty Secret for Decades. Now They May Pay the Price."
Especially this little gem: "And although a federal court last year threw out a lawsuit brought by 21 young Americans who say the US government violated their constitutional rights by exacerbating climate change, the Biden administration recently agreed to settlement talks in a symbolic gesture aimed to appease younger voters."
The lawyers are salivating. It is the tobacco lawsuit all over again, the only winners are the lawyers.
I'm setting up a M1 Mac Mini as an update to my antique Mini. I got everything moved over to the TV app and keep the library on an external drive. I let it import overnight and all was good. Then after a restart, TV couldn't find the library. I had to reimport, but fortunately everything was already Appled™ and it only took a few minutes to set up. I hope that doesn't happen at every restart.
The old Mini can't update to the latest macOS, so the TV app has a different file system. I think that was the basic problem.
I recreated my now automated TV torrent download system and all is working. I use ShowRSS as the feed for the system. I'm sure Windows users have a streamlined system, too. There are Windows apps that do it all, I have to use several apps to make it work on a Mac, but it does. Even with the latest OS.
iTunes let you sync your music across devices. Not so with Apple Music. You *have* to have a subscription. I have a Sirius/XM subscription for the Subie and you can stream with the iPhone app, so no Apple Music for me. I'm only interested in syncing to my iPhone, so I just connect it to the Mini. Same for audio books since I only need them on the iPhone.
G-Force 12TB T3 drive for the media library.
The employees want to stay home and do anything but their friggin' jobs.
I know, ssssh, dude, the kids have soccer practice and there's day trading to do.
>> That's been my thought for years: that if American troops, even just a few dozen "advisors", are sent to war, then all of the President's, Vice President's, and Speaker of the House's descendants, from age 17 to 70, should be sent to the front lines.
But Beau…
I was nagged twice over "Discovery" torrents within a month so I'm avoiding any US TV feeds for a while.
Unlike Windows, Mac OS has a real Posix shell and a complete set of standard Unix tools so all kinds of automation approaches are possible. lftp from Homebrew will do torrents from the command line.
>> Note to self: when pulling bank line from a tree, wear gloves. And safety glasses.
I was attempting to get a messenger line into a tree for a temporary ham radio antenna, and it got stuck. I wrapped the line around a handle and pulled until it snapped.
The tennis ball is still up in the tree, and 5 of my fingers are bruised at the knuckle. That smarts!
How about a drone?
I35 south of Dallas is amateur hour. If you want a real test, try I35E from Downtown Dallas out to the suburbs *without* wimping out and taking the toll roads or express lanes.
That was tonight's fun for us. We went to the Asian shopping plazas in Carrolton. Really good Thai at Too Thai Street Eats.
>> The employees want to stay home and do anything but their friggin' jobs.
I know, ssssh, dude, the kids have soccer practice and there's day trading to do.
And another load of jammies to wash.
>> I don't know how she can spew this with a straight face.
Auditioning for her upcoming job at CNN/MSNBC/CBS/etc.
That was tonight's fun for us. We went to the Asian shopping plazas in Carrolton. Really good Thai at Too Thai Street Eats.
Huh, the wife and I lived in Carrollton, TX from 1985 to 1990. My inlaws lived there from 1985 to well, when my father-in-law passed away in 2020 (MIL passed in 1993).
I have never heard of the "Asian shopping plazas in Carrolton".
Oh, it is the old open air mall at Furneaux Creek where we used to go to the movies all the time. Wild.
thru another day at the BOL. We are"bingo" fuel, so I hope the scheduled resupply tomorrow happens. I'm expecting to receive about 250 gal of propane at $3/ gal. That should be good for a while. Previous homeowner used about 50/ mo. In the cold quarter, then 50 over the warm months.
I'm online with my phone. Despite everyone saying that only verizon worked, with the second booster I tried, I'm getting 3 bars of ATT 4G LTE.
The WeBoost from Wilson is a 4 band repeater. The Chinese one I tried with Verizon was 2 band. The neighbor was pointing me in the wrong direction yesterday, which probably didn't help. Today I used an app to see signal strength and nailed the direction to the tower.
Not awesome signal strength from the indoor part of the system, but way better than nothing. And I won't need new service.
We're getting stuff done. Weather was nice, then rainy, now nice again.
Kids even went out on the paddle boards.
It's very clear we are joining a community. Looks like a good one. One neighbor offered to share any food we forgot and said her pantry looked like a store. Another recognised the bench rest and asked me what I shoot. Third was wearing tactical pants with a clip knife in his front pocket. Everyone knows everyone.
I'm headed back to Houston in the morning to pick up another load.
Posting will still be light, as I'm busy and really only have signal in one room.
Y'all be good. If you can't be good, be safe. If you can't be safe, use someone else's name.
Sounds very positive, especially tactical pants and benchrest. My experience is that most folks who fall into those types are good folks.
If a curious question is allowed, about how long does the home-BOL trip take? Ours is two hours, or one hour forty minutes if I am in a hurry. I did it in ninety minutes one time, at night on empty roads. It is far enough to be "away" but not so far that getting there or back is a chore. Of course, with current fuel prices (2+ euro/litre | USD 10/gallon), I am not taking more trips than necessary.
The BOL sounds great, and it sounds like the kids are enjoying it too. All around a good purchase!
The most important, best thing about any home, is the neighbors. Good neighbors make for pleasant living in ways that nothing else will.
One of our neighbors stopped by yesterday and while we were chatting, I realized that only one of our original neighbors is still here. Over the course of ~10 years, the others have died, and two of them moved away. But the neighbors we now have are all good, and we are glad to have them.