Day: February 5, 2022

Sat. Feb. 5, 2022 – still winter. busy day, sorta. Early for sure.

Still cold.  It got up to 33F yesterday and stayed there for most of the afternoon, evening, and through the night.  Predicted to be cold all weekend.  I may have to bring at least one heater home and set it up in the garage just to keep stuff from freezing in there.

Spent the day on auction stuff.  Kids were home from school, and wife was working from home *cough*.   My wife and eldest went to GS horse camp for the weekend, and were packing and double checking through the day.  Got them out of the house around 6pm, then youngest and I watched Addams Family Values for about the 10th time.  Still funny though.  It’s the one with the summer camp and the play within the play…  Joan Cusack is great as the “Black Widow.”  The whole series of movies are outstanding and did a better job of the TV show than the show did.  Perennial favorites in our house.


Today starts early with youngest at a basketball game.   After that, I’ve got some auction pickups.  If it’s still super cold there will be limits to what I’m willing to do outside or at my storage (hands HURT in the cold) so I’ll have to find indoor stuff.  I’m sure that won’t be a problem.  Since I can’t sleep in, I’m off…..

How are you fixed for glasses? Dentures? Other non-durable medical stuff?   Get some and stack it up.


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