Cold and clear. Was 34F when I went to bed. Didn’t get very warm during the day, probably won’t today either. Pretty sure we froze at some point, but I’ve got the citrus indoors, and I’m hoping nothing is negatively affected.
Did some more cleanup on the old family pc. I’d previously upgraded it with an SSD and it breathed new life, along with making the RAM and adding a second drive for data… but the main reason for retiring it (technically anyway, the real reason was the newer $8 pc I picked up) was that the SSD was full and it’s a pain to manage where stuff goes on it.
Well. I killed more than half the drive’s capacity which was taken up with LOG FILES from failed updates. 150GB of pure crap was filling the drive. And windows ‘drive cleanup’ tool doesn’t even look for the files. WinDirStat identified the biggest files, and where they were, and I deleted them. Just like that the PC is usable again. I went looking because windows update was failing with useless error messages. It sure looked to me like the updates were failing when they tried to make a restore point, because the drive was full.
After making space, update found 23 more updates to apply under ‘safety and security’, so I did those and it updated without an issue. Freaking windows storing cr@p and failing with useless errors.
Now I’ve got to look for the same sorts of things on this, my primary desktop. I bet it’s full of cruft too.
— spent the evening watching Bukaroo Bonsai with D1. She laughed and enjoyed it.
The at bedtime we had a long philosophical discussion. Kid’s smart but since we’re not religious, she doesn’t have a framework she can fit the more mystical workings of the universe into… And old movies give us plenty to discuss regarding PC language, wokeness, and changing times. She’s anti-wokeness. The kids are starting to back lash against it. They’re tired of saying the opposite of what their eyes tell them. Interesting times.
Took some stuff to my secondary, and spent some time stacking stuff on a pallet for auction. Monday I’ll be talking to another auction company about consigning a truck full of stuff with them. They definitely do ‘estate sale’ type stuff, and it sells, if not always for highest dollar. They just moved to a bigger, and empty warehouse space so the time to strike is now.
Ordered some powdered cream for the stacks. It was finally back in stock. The powdered cream, butter, and cheese all do age out. They get hard and lumpy, and get an ‘old’ flavor, so I need to rotate them, even if it means wasting them. I won a ‘seed display’ in one auction too. It looks like it’s about half flowers, half veg. We’ll see if it was worth the money when I pick it up. Seeds aren’t cheap.
Don’t forget to stack up the little things that make all the other things better, like butter and cream. Stack the things.
Oh how cool! What company, if I may ask? The rack itself would be desirable as a decorative item in a cute porch or sun room or other garden room. So you can probably plan on reselling it even empty "at the right time", ie April/May/June when all us cottage-core folks are decorating for spring.
That is a relief to hear. I know it will happen, but nice to know it is already in-the-works. In the blink of an eye, those middle-schoolers will be the culture "influencers" of tomorrow.
Apropos yesterday's comments
I am thinking about blocking China from my website. Nothing but a bunch of thieves, especially in the last decade. Half of the users of my software are thieves, it is getting aggravating as this is how we feed and house our families.
Man, pasting from my Droid phone is a pain. I added the em html in the secondary editor. I could not figure out how to select the stuff from nick that I pasted in the primary editor. Just not very handy with the droid.
It is 39 F at my house this morning.
"Low-trust society" describes most of the world except, traditionally, Western Europe, Great Britain's white-majority former colonies, and possibly Japan.
And for reasons of their own, the leaders of Western Europe and Great Britain's white-majority former colonies are destroying the features which create a high-trust society.
See also: "Import the third world, become the third world."
You are having a cold spell. We are having a warm spell. Averages.
Your log file problem echoes mine with Mint Linux. Totally filled my root partition. No error messages, just corrupted files. Took me a while to figure out. Backups are gold.
Yep, posting from Android is a pain. Just a moment ago, I tried to edit this post, but the precious one opened. Third try worked. I miss simpler times.
The VA clinic in Austin has started to monitor arrival times of providers.
Not that it matters to my wife. She's usually early by about 30 minutes.
It is a big deal, however, to the Subcontinent contingent working in the clinic who feel they are being singled out.
They’re right!
They’ll just start using a VPN if they aren’t already. Did I get my pronouns correct?
Even the “Nextdoor” neighborhood app reported someone’s kid found an Apple AirTag tracking her.
The final comment was “We’re just glad she had an iPhone that alerted her.”
This is obviously Tim Cook’s evil gay plan to get you to buy an iPhone. How can you be sure you’re not being tracked if you don’t have an iPhone?
I’m fully invested in Apple products. Gotta keep my creds up to get into Elysium.
Precious > previous. Arrrgh.
I'd rather be in Hades than Elysium. Note: Hades is NOT HE77.
Interesting article:
U.S. Hospitals Have Become Hotel California: “You Can Check-Out Any Time You Like, But You Can Never Leave”
Doesn’t surprise me. $$ rule the medical mind these days.
Disparate impact is proof of racism!!!!!
~50F this late morning. Pack is due to be reunited in an hour or two.
I better get the house picked up!
The world where there is a headline like this is a world gone mad, turned up side down…
'I would wake up to her hand in my pants': TikTok star Jack Wright,
18, accuses influencer Sienna Mae, 18, of sexually assaulting him FOUR times – once by groping him while he was passed out. She says he's slut shaming her
Ho boy,
–The words "self fulfilling prophesy" spring to mind.
She’s anti-wokeness. The kids are starting to back lash against it. They’re tired of saying the opposite of what their eyes tell them. Interesting times.
Putin: Wokeness Is Dismantling The West: Cancel Culture First Happened In Russia During Bolsheviks!
When Vladimir Putin starts channeling the ghost of Ronald Reagan . . .
I guess it is racist to expect people to show up for work on time.
The most common excuse is that they need to make sure their kids get to school on time. Apparently the kids cannot be trusted to do that on their own. Hilarious.
If you don't have an iPhone, you probably can't be tracked. It uses iPhones to send the tracking data to the owner of the tag. There is also an app called Tracker Detect available for Android.
Unless you are around someone with an iPhone. Not as good as full time contact, but you’d pop up enough to get decent location info.
Not true. The whole Apple thing is *any* iPhone can send where the tag is. You park somewhere and a person is close enough with any iPhone and the location is sent. Or the tag is hidden in a purse/bag. It's their whole "Find My" built into all iPhones (current).
Cross post with Mr. ITguy.
‘An ABUSIVE FARCE’! Yossi Gestetner DROPS Biden in DAMNING, receipt-filled thread for claiming he will finish the job and shut COVID down
Posted at 9:11 am on January 23, 2022 by Sam J.
The ineffectiveness of surgical masks was detailed in a report from China earlier (ca Feb 2020) in the pandemic.
The CDC and the rest of the federal government have worked unceasingly to eliminate any evidence of NI by requiring that everyone get vaxxed regardless.
Thass wypypo thankin!
Bitter sarcasm aside, I find it (bitterly) amusing that everyone in the world wants to live around white people because we're rich and have open societies which are very accepting of and tolerant of differences. Then they come and live around us, bring their dysfunctional culture with them, refuse to change, and cry "racism" when called on it. And the aptly-named white knights come leaping to their defense at every claimed slight, because the white knights hate their own culture.
I'm not racially prejudiced and not very culturally prejudiced, as should be evident from my dating and marriage history, but damn if all of these retards aren't trying to turn me into a genocidal white supremacist.
No. Any new-ish iDevice relays the data to Apple, and, in all but the most remote locations of the US, the tags will be within range of someone's iOS toy.
It is the God-given right of every American to watch their Baby Yoda whenever and wherever they want.
The mandates are intended to eliminate the control group for long term side effects of mRNA vaccine technology.
Pfizer still isn’t deploying Comirnaty in the US.
What? And give up all of that sweet, sweet EUA immunity?
"I'm not racially prejudiced"
No need. Observational fact is that the majority of the human race are poo-throwing mostly hairless apes with tenuous claim on "sapien" and an embarrassment to the rest of the primates.
There's an app called AirGuard on Android that will alert you if an airtag follows you.
The tags must be Bluetooth.
I keep Bluetooth turned off on my phones, but maybe I should activate it every now and then.
@pecancorner, the seeds are AMERICAN SEED. the display is folded cardboard, so not really very cute. The listed value was $150 and I paid $55, knowing that about half are flower seeds.
I was talking to my buddy that (used to) works at Home Depot about the lack of garden seeds. He said that for his store, they took down the seed display at some point and threw whatever was left into the trash compactor, so it was normal to have a period with no seeds at all. I'm clenching my fists and jaw at the idea, but maybe Lowes does the same thing and that's why there were no garden seeds on display when I was there.
Someone clearly sent their seeds to the auction this time.
FWIW, they are assuredly newer and fresher than what I have in my storage…
I'll report on my actual count when I pick them up Mon or Tues.
My wife decided to clean out the pantry today. I jumped in to help, and we found quite a bit of expired stuff. Old chili that we just tossed. 4 cases of green beans from 2019 (Costco). I opened a can from each box and they were fine. Put them back on the shelf with instructions to use first. Same for the 3 boxes of canned peas. Tomato paste and tomatoes were tossed, along with mixed fruit. Actually, I emptied all the fruit and vegetables we were throwing out into our compost bin. Last year I made a compost bin out of a 55 gal drum. Mounted it on two posts so I turn it. Makes great dirt. We will have some really nice dirt to add to the raised beds this spring. Only other casualty was a box in frosted mini wheats, which we don’t eat anymore anyways.
@Nick, yep, they don't keep the displays up after the "Spring season", which often means no seeds are available by May or June. Part of it is that they get really picked over, so the display looks sad, and there aren't enough left to pay for the space they are taking up. It's a shame, because esp in Texas a lot of the seeds can be planted in late summer and fall.
Sounds like you got a pretty good deal on them, esp for prep purposes. A great many will keep for years.
Oh, Christmas Tree. Oh, Christmas Tree.
The Game is afoot in the SEC.
UT just replaced their football coach … again. No one buys the “special assistant” story.
The last swap was $70 million when they were done.
The university may wait until word hits about where Urban Meyer is headed, but I’m guessing that the Fired Coach Walking is gone by the time conference play starts in the Fall.
"Agent to the Stars" by John Scalzi />
A standalone science fiction book, no prequel, no sequel. I read the well printed and well bound trade paperback. According to John Scalzi this is the first book that he wrote to verify that he could become a science fiction author. This is the second or fourth time that I have read this book, I will probably read it again. I have read several of Scalzi's books, starting with "Old Man's War".
A group of space aliens takes a long generational flight to the Solar System to investigate the humans. The space aliens note the extreme differences between themselves and the humans. They then hire a Holloywood agent to market themselves to the humans.
My previous review was: "Somebody needs to sit John Scalzi down and read him the riot act. After all, an author of this magnitude should spend his life writing awesome books rather than messing around with mundane things like eating, sleeping, etc."
"I have to state my rule on 5 star books, you gotta keep me up to all hours of the night, "just reading one more chapter" before I accede to the wife's request and turn out the light. Last night was 245 am when I finished the book."
"BTW, you can also read this book for free on Scalzi's website. I advise that you pay the man though."
My rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Amazon rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars (585 reviews)
>The tags must be Bluetooth.
That just seems wrong. Put them on sale instead?
There was a bunch of high-quality advice recently about purchasing new-ish laptops, and I ignored it, because I thought I didn't need a new one.
I was incorrect My primary entertainment netbook died a hard failure a couple weeks ago. Please advise re: brand/processors/OS (I'm NOT an apple person, so W10 or W11), memory, My current baseline after minimal shopping is <a href=" HP, although I'm concerned if 8GB is enough memory.
Even though I described it as "entertainment", some of my entertainment these days is running Visual Studio and retraining myself on programming for my own enjoyment. I'm currently working on a constraint programming optimization/search system So it's more than a surf the web and watch videos machine.
We have a food pantry at our church that receives overstock or remainder seeds from somewhere every year for free distribution, many of them get planted in the adjacent community garden that occupies part of the church's property.
There are a lot of stupid rules because of people being a-holes. For instance, when I started at HEB there was an old man that came by every day to pick up a barrel of discarded produce. To feed his pigs and chickens. 55 gallon drum barrel. Sometimes two barrels.
Hey, it's going into the trash, why not toss the stuff in a barrel instead of into the compactor? Same amount of work.
Well, down around San Antonio way, the same thing was going on but the barrel of produce was not wilted stuff that will not sell. Nah…. we gonna fill the barrel with good stuff, get some money for it, and the stuff is being sold at Sahib's little grocery store. Corporate stomped that project flat and fired a few dozen folks.
So, it all goes in the garbage now. Chickens and pigs go hungry.
Oh. And same for expired bread and stuff from the deli. Don't mark it down to perhaps half price the day before it expires, just toss it ALL into the compactor.
Deli use to make fried chicken and stuff. Deli closes at 9PM, it all gets tossed. Even the rotisserie chickens. Why not put it in the breakroom for folks? For the night stockers that can't actually buy anything for lunch because the store is closed? No no, can't do that because someone in some deli somewhere in the company might make extra food for their buddies that work night… which is stupid because tossing a lot of unsold stuff in the trash affects the department's bottom line.
Regarding your laptop purchase – if used for more than email and the interwebs, I'd go for 16MB RAM, and an 256M SSD (or more).
I see that it has the 256MB SSD, but more RAM is better. You might be able to upgrade the RAM yourself.
I wish I knew enough about the different processors and cores to get. Much confusion in my mind about them. A price/performance chart would be nice.
This is from last April and explains the nomenclature:
Intel has this page:
with links to a comparison charge in Excel or pdf
Reading both helps the understanding, if not actual simplifying.
Good question:
Have you noticed that it's not likely that one of the multitude of Democrats (and probably only a few more Republicans) that are always claiming that they're going to "fight" for this or that, have ever laced on gloves or been in a physical altercation more violent that wiping spittle off their faces?
Thanks, @drwilliams, those processor descriptions made interesting reading. I am happy with my older processor, but really should keep up to date. More importantly, I should shop for a replacement refurb system. I don't like to get caught without a spare system ready to go. Sometimes it takes some time to find a good deal: patience is valuable.
I was incorrect My primary entertainment netbook died a hard failure a couple weeks ago. Please advise re: brand/processors/OS (I'm NOT an apple person, so W10 or W11), memory, My current baseline after minimal shopping is <a href=" HP, although I'm concerned if 8GB is enough memory.
I would be concerned too. You need 16 GB of ram for Visual Studio, it is a pig.
note: embedded links omitted
A number of them have done some hitting. Not sure if that counts as a fight.
I don't try to "keep up"–it's too Balkanized unless you're working with it every day.
When I upgrade office computers I wait until the price has dropped and then pick up an identical unit cheap, which I then configure as a swapable clone. Was forced recently to "upgrade" to new (to me) pro Dell with Win10, which is an execrable pig all around, so have not cloned this one.
I'm due for a new portable but have that on hold. The advisability of staying in the Apple orchard with computers and phones is ten klicks south of Doubtful, with the company having it's little pink arse up in the air for China on demand, and being generally and specifically over-the-top liberal shiite-heads.
h/t to Weasel, who runs the Gub Thread at AoSHQ:
Today is John Moses Browning's 167th birthday.
Well, there's your problem. I have never been impressed with Dell desktop's performance. Their laptops, the higher end ones, perform extremely well. I replaced the spinning rust in my wife's computer with an SSD and that helped a lot. Turned out Dell put in a 5400 RPM disk drive. Ugh.
That system is five years old and maybe things have changed. Did purchase a new Dell for the church, high end model for the graphics, and it seems to work OK. But it has never been stressed.
My general experience is more RAM = better performance. And an SSD makes all the difference in the world. The most upgrade bang for the buck is swapping spinning rust for melted sand…. I have gotten years of additional use out of what were "slow" machines by going to SSD.
My old Panasonic Toughbook CF-30 is still providing great service with an SSD upgrade. It's not slow at all running win7. I wish the screen was wider, but that's about it.
I can't make any specific recommendations for lappys but looking at the Microcenter and Costco ads for the last year or more, while you can get a lappy for ~$300, a 'good' one is probably around $1000. Funny that ~$1000 has been the sweet spot for ordinary "good" lappys for so long.
Do consider ergonomics, and if you'll like typing on it, if you need a full number pad, etc. DEFINITELY go with anti glare. Those shiny smooth screens suck for glare.
IRS Will Require Facial Recognition Scans to Access Your Taxes
Users will have to submit sensitive government documents, their social security number, credit history, and a facial scan to third-party company
By Mack DeGeurin Yesterday 5:25PM
It's so much easier for the Feebs to get one file from NGKPC (non-governmental knee-padding captitalists) where people were forced to register (by the government) than consolidate files from 50 states and a few territories. That's just leaves cross-referencing the DNA info from all those Kungflu tests.
Check the memory configuration/specs of the laptop. If the machine ships with 8 GB in a 1 x 8 GB configuration with an empty slot capable of accepting another 8 GB SIMM, you can decide if you want the extra memory once you spend some time using the environment.
8 GB will probably feel too small using Windows 10/11 with Visual Studio if the graphics subsystem borrows a portion of main memory. I don't see any specs for discrete video RAM so I assume the main memory is shared.
My daughter has a Ryzen 3 laptop with shared main memory, and we knew right away that 8 GB wasn't enough. She doesn't develop software, but she does work with large graphics files.
Another caution with AMD is that the chips do run warm and consume more power than Intel. The 5000 series are reportedly better, but Intel still has the edge with both fabs and designs.
Regarding your laptop purchase – if used for more than email and the interwebs, I'd go for 16MB RAM, and an 256M SSD (or more).
I see that it has the 256MB SSD, but more RAM is better. You might be able to upgrade the RAM yourself.
As mentioned before, Visual Studio is a pig. You will need at least a 512 GB SSD. I would prefer a 1 TB SSD.
I put 32 GB in my new office desktop with a 1 TB SSD. But I run Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2019 simultaneously. I’ve got two pigs.
@Ray Thomson
"Well, there's your problem. I have never been impressed with Dell desktop's performance."
Note that I said "pro Dell". The machine that was replaced (and it's swapable brother) was a Dell Optiplex, as was the previous iteration on the Windows side. The last one was a very nice machine.
I don't know if it's the Dell part or the Windows part causing problems. Two gens back I did have to work a bit on the WinXP part to get it running to my satisfaction. I do not want the overhead involved in figuring it out. I've been learning operating systems going back to mainframes for fifty years plus, and since it landed on the desktop it's all useless shiite because some pale sweaty wannabe billionaires pushed it out the door before it was ready. My curse on them is that everything in their lives is done half-ass like the product put out the door.
I have an old Dell i7-3xxx laptop, works great with upgraded memory and an SSD. However, the display is only 720p and the hinges holding it up have now broken for a second time. I was given a free Lenovo i5-5xxx with a 1080p screen, also SSD and upgraded memory, and that works great for everything I need a laptop for. I have an AMD desktop for when I need more power.
"1 TB SSD."
Samsung 980 1TB NVMe SSD was $115 at Microcenter the last I looked.
The "Pro" version is +$50.
Is it worth the extra dollars to oversize the SSD and/or upgrade to the pro version. Seems like the price point is low enough that you can't afford to spend a lot of time in the decision loop.
SSDs wear out with enough writes. The pro versions have a higher write capability, and if you buy one bigger than you need, each sector gets fewer writes, therefore longer life.
"1 TB SSD."
Samsung 980 1TB NVMe SSD was $115 at Microcenter the last I looked.
The "Pro" version is +$50.
Is it worth the extra dollars to oversize the SSD and/or upgrade to the pro version. Seems like the price point is low enough that you can't afford to spend a lot of time in the decision loop.
Always oversize. Personally, I prefer the WD Black 1 TB M.2 for $100.
You can get the higher speed version for $170 but I did not buy it.
Did over 100,000 people older than 124 years vote in Wisconsin?
By Andrea Widburg
Should be easy to audit.
…among other sources.
"Leonardo DiCaprio warns: ‘We literally have a nine year window’ to stop climate change – ‘There’s a ticking clock’"
"DiCaprio: “I have a foundation for 20 years. I have to go to Glasgow. I got to see world leaders make some pretty big commitments, but just like in this movie, there’s a ticking clock. I think there is a global sense of anxiety that the powers that be, the private sector, the governments, are not making the transition fast enough. We literally have a nine year window.” … “Our governments, the governments of the world, must work together as a community species and we must evolve as a species to address this problem.”"
Why must these morons continuously make promises that they cannot stand behind ?
Thanks for the links to the Intel CPU pages. Cleared up a few things in my feeble mind.
I always thought the I3 was 'older' than i5 – i5 being a newer 'model.. But the i-numbers are indicative of the 'power' of the processor, not their age.
Looks like my next system will be an i7 of some sort. My current HP was purchased back in 2019. Has 256GB SSD (for Windows and most programs) and 1TB 'spinner' for data. The data drive has about 90GB free.
So my options are to replace the 'spinner' with a 2TB SSD for about $179-199. Or a new system at higher cost – probably in the $1000-1500 range. First glance, replace the spinner with an SSD. But how long can I expect the HP to last? I use it about 10 hours a day.
My Toughbook was used by the popo and has about 40k hours on it iirc. There is a 'use' clock in the bios.
I haven't had laptops just stop working like I've had desktops. The mb's and power supplies just seem to last longer.
But then, my needs are modest, and I don't like all the spying in the new ones.
added- anything from a business section of the vendor, especially rugged or hard use versions will likely last longer and be supported longer than a machine aimed at the consumer market which is built to meet very aggressive price targets, and isn’t expected to be mission critical or to last as long.
The article I linked doesn't reference either a Facebook post or "Hecker's video" both of which are irrelevant, and does reference the WEC "explanation" as #2, noting that such "glitches" are opportunities for fraud.
But from your article:
I chose not to copy the whole article I linked to, preferring to copy enough to explain the questions.
But that article does contain this:
Your reference from Politifact ascribes the problem to a data merge more than ten years ago. The WEC link says 2006–14 years before the 2020 election.
And contains this gem:
An update to the voter's DOB is enough to generate an updated default DOR using the same lame +18 years calculation (inaccurate for anyone older than 70, and inconsistent with a 1900 DOB), if they gave a Flyer about the accuracy of the voting roles. Since the merged record "maintains the voter’s history of participation in elections" a better default would be to use the date of the first election they voted in.
One very good explanation as to why the cheeseheads wouldn't be interested in the accuracy of their records is that it does make fraud easier. Thousands of inaccurate records provide cover for other shenanigans.
That's enough right there to justify an audit of every one of those records, and to justify challenges to those voter registrations.
I'm going to note two things in the news this week
1) it was revealed that the TSA, an government entity that controls air travel with a cadre of under-educated rent-a-cops, and requires U.S. citizens to provide no less than FIVE identifying documents to qualify to fly, is now accepting arrest warrants from alien invaders as identification enabling them to fly. (Yeah, they check them against an ICE database that has no data other than the arrest warrant)
2) The new NYC mayor is fine with having alien invaders vote in elections.
No, not a damn thing to see here. Just move along before we ask for your ID. Have a good day and Seig Heil.
Wisconsin and Milwaukee in particular have always been mobbed up. IDK the relationship to the Chicago bosses, but I’m thinking semi-autonomous quasi-vassals. Chicago voting = notoriously corrupt, with basements full of ballots being discovered years after elections. Fraud is so common there are jokes about it. “In Chicago, even the dead can vote.” “Vote early, vote often.”
Add a criminal organization to corrupt politicians (another commonality between Chicago/Illinois and Milwaukee/Wisconsin) and you get fraud.
The only real question ever is, How Much?
add- internal error 500
"I always thought the I3 was 'older' than i5 – i5 being a newer 'model.. But the i-numbers are indicative of the 'power' of the processor, not their age."
My incorrect assumption also.
As I noted earlier, my policy is to always have a backup ready. My last swapable never got used, as my spinning rust gave sufficient notice of impending retirement that I had time to upgrade and make the transition. Yes, could have replaced the HD or swapped, but the machines were old enough and lots of decent refurbs out there for pennies.
>> He said that for his store, they took down the seed display at some point and threw whatever was left into the trash compactor
That just seems wrong. Put them on sale instead?
Probably cleared out to make room for the next load of 'seasonal' merchandise that's destined for the same floor space.
This meme
Paraphrases this speech. (twitter link to embedded video)
There might be a better source somewhere, but that's what I found when I 'fact checked' it.
Source on youtube starting at 6:40 with context, then about 7:40 with the quote material … thru at least 15:50
@lpdbw…re laptops…
I buy all mine from the Lenovo Outlet, either refurb or new, and the refurbs have always looked brand new. Stock turns over frequently so if you don't see a configuration you like, keep checking back.
With a quick peek, you're probably in the $500 – $600 range for 16GB RAM, i5 CPU, 256GB SSD and integrated graphics. Closer to $1,000 will get you 32GB RAM, i7 CPU and 512GB or 1 TB SSD and discrete graphics.
I upgraded my new Lenovo desktop to 32GB RAM and it already had an M.2 SSD and it flies. I easily have 40-50 tabs open in Chrome with no lag.
The wife and I received 1099-Ints from the IRS this weekend. $18 for us and $20 for her dad's estate. Something about interest on overpayments. Anybody else get these ?
Oh you have got to be kidding me. More paperwork. And for money I do not remember receiving.
"Global Coal Consumption Reaches New Record High In 2021…China, India Consuming Two Thirds"
"According to the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Coal 2021 report, coal-fired electricity generation reached an all-time high in 2021, increasing a whopping 9% in 2021."
I am shocked, shocked I tell you.
For clearing the crud out on Linux systems i use a great little utility called Stacer, searches for and clears out all sorts of stuff, gives a bunch of other useful info as well. Also, after you're happy with an update go back into the update manager and go to view-Linux kernals, you can then remove old ones.