Day: January 8, 2022

Sat. Jan. 8, 2022 – non-prepping hobby day

Cooler, but still clear. Pretty dang cold out in the country yesterday. Had to wear a jacket outside. It was nice for my time in the attic, but pretty chilly otherwise.

Spent part of the day in my client’s attic chasing wifi issues. Had to slither on my belly a couple of times to get through some small areas. I’m really glad the insulation was the fluffy white kind and not itchy fiberglas. Found a bunch of mostly dead gear. Not surprising really, given the heat and the lightning. I know the local electronics store had replacements on the shelf last week so I should be able to have them replaced without issue, but the configuration part might give me fits.

If I think about it today or tomorrow, I’ll do an online pickup order and lock down the WAPs I need.

This morning D2 and I will attend my hobby meeting, while my wife and D1 venture to a distant city in Texas and camp overnight in cabins. They’ll be ‘showing the flag’ at a family gathering of some aunts and cousins who don’t usually get to Texas. After my meeting, we’ll go to an open house for incoming students at the middle school, then an auction pickup (stuff for her) and talk about my sale, lunch, the prep for D2’s basketball game, and then the actual game. It’s gonna be a busy day.

It’s also a lot of out and about, which is actually making me a bit nervous. Oh well. Compare and contrast with other locations. . .

I would have preferred to sleep in for a few extra hours, but meatspace baby.

Stack some things, but also refresh your spirit, you’ll need it later.


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