Hot and humid, rain later, part sun. Heavy rain somewhere in Houston. Like yesterday.
Started out sunny and hot, later got rainy and cooled off a bit. Rained in patches all over town. I managed to find it in several places.
Did a pickup, and went by my secondary, but didn’t get anything done. Spent over an hour in traffic beyond what it should have been and that ate the free time. I was able to go by the place I buy propane and refill 5 bottles. It’s been a while. $10/ BBQ tank. I feel better with the stockpile refreshed. I’m reminded that I want to buy a propane conversion for my Honda 3000i. Forgot about that.
Took surface streets home from my secondary and was frankly shocked by the increase in homeless encampments… Every overpass had a few tents or improvised squats under it. Most corners had at least one beggar, and many had 2 or 3. More women too. It’s only been a couple of weeks since my last trip through the area and the change is dramatic. My route took me through areas that are predominantly lower income and subsidized housing, mostly for blacks. I can see the demographics shifting to hispanic though. Like so many places, all the illegals are displacing the blacks.
There is some good news in my neighborhood too. There is a bunch of new residential and commercial building going on. It’s right in areas that I predicted it would be in, but I once again didn’t buy property in the right place or time and I missed out.
Spent some time looking at my neighbor’s roofing contractor and how he works. It’s pretty low quality work, and there are a whole bunch of sketchy things going on. I definitely don’t want to be the one this guy or his crew blames if the owner ends up dissatisfied, but I also don’t want a bunch of cr@ppy work done right next door. It’s gonna depend on what the owner does now, and how he does it. For all I know, the crew is family and he’s on board with the cr@p work. Might need more cams.
I did get some of the sketchy behaviour on camera, and while reviewing that I saw that my lawn guys finally got here. I had just cut the grass hours before though. They did edge and blow and it does look better than before they were here. I guess I’ll be paying them, even though I did the bulk of the work. If I was here I might have waved them off, but I wasn’t and they did do work. Frustrating.
I felt better during the day than I had the day before, so whatever it was seems to be passing. I think I’d still like to see an ENT specialist to make sure nothing is wrong with my ears or sinuses. Either can lead to dizziness.
Puppy had a good day with no serious accidents and only one puddle on the tile floor after dinner. He’s been really good about getting to the door and getting our attention, but Rome wasn’t built in a day. I’m glad for the progress we’ve made.
The post title is from a funny little song by Louis Prima and Sam Butera, but the application is maddening. TPTB, when they’re not bragging about what cowards they are, are making examples of the Jan 6 protesters- to discourage the others. I think they are going to get some unintended consequences, at about 1200 fps if they keep this nonsense up. When you kill rule of law, and dance on it’s corpse, you shouldn’t be surprised when people act as if there is no law. They are creating the monster they most fear, and SHOULD fear. Equal treatment under the law is dead.
Things are NOT calming down. Take that under advisement.
And keep stacking.
It’s all right, they wrote the tos
Spent some time looking at my neighbor’s roofing contractor and how he works. It’s pretty low quality work, and there are a whole bunch of sketchy things going on. I definitely don’t want to be the one this guy or his crew blames if the owner ends up dissatisfied, but I also don’t want a bunch of cr@ppy work done right next door. It’s gonna depend on what the owner does now, and how he does it. For all I know, the crew is family and he’s on board with the cr@p work. Might need more cams.
If a government building permit is required for the re-roof and no one pulled a permit with the city/county, then you will have some legal recourse. OTOH, as a corporate entity, City of Houston is technically insolvent so enforcement may be thin, maybe a fine.
If the problem is a violation of HOA rules, good luck there unless the board has decent reserves for legal fees and totally clean hands in terms of uniform enforcement of the standards and business conduct consistent with state law. Really clean. Most boards don’t qualify if an aggressive attorney looks hard enough. I’m not an lawyer and I produced a page of potential countersuit issues when we blew out of Florida and the HOA President dropped hints that he would hold up the title clearing over my sod problems.
Get out of the city and the deed-restricted neighborhoods.
What fool in their right mind has a scheduling conflict for a space flight? It would seem the conflicting event would take second priority. I have a better theory. They chickened out.
What fool in their right mind has a scheduling conflict for a space flight? It would seem the conflicting event would take second priority. I have a better theory. They chickened out.
Divorce. Wife found out the husband’s name is in the flight logs for the Lolita Express.
My impression of the rocket is that it looks like a giant dildo for Orpah or the Mooch. There must have been significant design considerations, but really?
Ah 9am and the sound of nail guns will soon be in the air. Standing water on my patio, so I wonder if we got rain overnight.
82F 81%RH and overcast atm.
I was at our local Sooper-Dooper Walmart Sunday, and as usual walked past the auto batteries. They are normally fully stocked, but this time they were at about 40%. Can’t remember the last time I saw stock lower than 80%. Prices were lower than usual on several, but not all, sizes. This includes the popular 24 and others. Just a few weeks ago, the price on the Everstart Maxx (top of the line) batteries had been $120, but Sunday some were as low as $88. I haven’t seen prices that low in several years. Word to the wise.
I don’t know what is going on. Maybe they are reducing stock for some coming changes. This seemed to be only on the Maxx. Here is a good review that shows the Everstart Maxx is about as good as any, and better’n some:
Also note that the reviewer was disappointed with the AGM batteries. When these were first made by Gates Aerospace, one of the qualities was a long calendar life. I had one of those, and it lasted a very long time. When I bought its replacement, by then made by a new manufacturer, life was in line with flooded batteries. Same for my next one, from a different manufacturer. I no longer use them in cars. If you have a car that specifies one, you have no choice; they do stand up to punishing use, such as in auto stop start cars.
Costco sells their own version of an Interstate branded battery for a low price. I haven’t checked prices, as it requires visiting a store and going into the auto service area. When I bought one four years ago, it was about $83, but I don’t know a current price. I think the Everstart Maxx is a better battery.
Final thought. Those who don’t need a cold weather battery will get longer life with a hot weather battery. The Everstart line designates cold weather batteries with an ‘N’ suffix and a hot weather battery with a ‘S’ suffix. If there is no suffix, read the label carefully for clues. I have read claims that the S version lasts longer in hot climates, and that is what I have always used. IDK what the specific differences might be. One possibility is slightly lower electrolyte specific gravity, but the active material formulation could also be different. Some sources carry both, but most are based on the region, so you might not have a choice.
I don’t know what is going on. Maybe they are reducing stock for some coming changes. This seemed to be only on the Maxx. Here is a good review that shows the Everstart Maxx is about as good as any, and better’n some:
If you had 100 degree+ highs for a stretch, a lot of batteries probably died which were on the edge.
I’m always replacing batteries in July/August. Three years and out regardless of what I buy, but I’ve been using AutoZone Duralast as of late because I can walk there and back if necessary, pulling the battery in a wagon.
My 2018 Toyota is probably due … knock wood.
–mistake to not mask, but not a mistake to flee from their responsibilities…
and 6 of 55 “fully vaccinated” so far is only 90% protection.
also STILL no mention of any one actually sick, just positive tests. I smell BS.
if 10% or more of any group STILL get sick, despite the vax, that is only very slightly better than no vax. We were seeing groups pop with 15% infection rates on average way back in the beginning.
if 10% or more of any group STILL get sick, despite the vax, that is only very slightly better than no vax. We were seeing groups pop with 15% infection rates on average way back in the beginning.
The line is that the vaccines don’t prevent the recipient from catching the bug but, instead, mitigate the severity of the symptoms, reducing the chances of hospitalization.
My guess is that the Legislators currently testing positive participated in the type of FOMO gatherings I saw the week after the 4th. Several of the people on that plane looked like the Karen we encountered at one restaurant trying to get a party of 20 through the door when even the establishment’s posted limit at the hostess stand was 15. Who knows — maybe one of them was that woman — people look different with fresh sunburns.
If you had 100 degree+ highs for a stretch, a lot of batteries probably died which were on the edge.
I’m always replacing batteries in July/August. Three years and out regardless of what I buy, but I’ve been using AutoZone Duralast as of late because I can walk there and back if necessary, pulling the battery in a wagon.
I thought of that. We have had record high temperatures. Our Walmart seems to sell quite a few batteries all the time. I have seen pallets in the adjacent center aisle. When I used to go there more often, I could see the pallets go down over a few days.
In hot weather, open the hood when parking at home to allow the battery to cool, assuming it is in the engine bay. Inconvenient, but does work.
Also, hot weather is the best time to give that battery a saturation charge once a month. More frequently if needed. See here:
This is the best brief article on charging that I have found.
All charging is a compromise. The charging system on all cars is a float design. Its voltage has to be low enough for long trips. This means that driving less than several hours regularly will leave the battery at less than 100% state of charge. Using a small “smart” three stage charger until the battery reaches full charge can double the life of a battery. These chargers will take from 12 to 36 hours to bring a battery safely to saturation from 80-90% initial state of charge. They can be left charging the battery indefinitely, great for seasonal vehicles.
Don’t call smart chargers trickle chargers, as those are a relic of the past. They were usually unregulated, and would damage a battery if left connected for more than a day or two. The regulated ones are actually float chargers, and are safe, but will take from a week to never to saturate the battery. They have their place, but the newer ones are far better.
Roofer is doing more shady sh!te today. Owner told him he was on camera, and they’d be reviewing all his work. He’s using the correct underlayment on the front of the roof, that faces the street. He used tar paper in the back. He’s staged the better quality shingle for the front. He is using tar paper for the smaller roof at 90* to the main roof though. But he hasn’t stripped off the old paper, which means he’s not looking at the sheathing. And still reusing the valley flashing. His detailing where the underlayment meets the drip edge is sloppy too.
Some different guys on the job today too. Big man drove away and half the crew disappeared….
Oops maybe I spoke too soon, yesterday’s guy seems to be taking the shingles off the roof again. Why all the double labor?? Hmm.
yup, there got the shingles off the roof and into the truck… 1108am
Stedman Graham is a personal friend of MrsAtoz. They went to Uni together at Hardin-Simmons. He’s Zooming in today for our conference. Greetings from Vegas. I call him The Stud-Man.
The launch vehicle does have a unique look. IIRC, others do not launch a spacecraft whose diameter is larger than the booster stages.
I read with disgust how these people are imprisoned and BLM fcuk-tards just walk free. plugs will go down as the worst President in the FUSA’s history. The next President needs to pardon all these people even if they have already served their time. Disgusting.
Rumor has it the tRump told people at a dinner party he is running in 2024. It would be hilarious if he did and won. His first act should be to fire every plugs turdbrain he can.
Well, Bezo’s is longer and harder than Branson’s. He can keep it up longer, too.
Jimmeh Peanut: I was the worst President in American history!
Obuttsuck: Hold my White Claw and watch this!
Gropey Pedo: Hold my Geritol and watch this!
“Equal justice under the law” now means that violent felons that use explosives and lasers to attack leo walk, but carrying a flag into the capitol will get you prison time.
I care for just one reason and maybe it applies to you as well. My grandkids are all under age 12 and as such are currently unvaccinated. Combine that with the reality that it’s likely that a high percentage of the unvaccinated are not wearing masks and we have a source of infection for young children. Now I’m aware that most kids that get Covid only experience mild (or no) symptoms, but it’s “most,” not “all,” and somebody’s kids get the short straws.
So yeah, it’s your right to not get jabbed, but then either lock yourself down until this virus is under control (herd immunity?) or else wear a mask when you’re in an indoor public space.
@Jenny, sorry for your loss. Never easy with our canine friends.
This happened to my wife recently and she swears it has to be Alexa listening when it’s not supposed to.
Caught a few minutes yesterday of one of the NPR news programs where they were discussing the appearance of the US talking about booster shots when a good deal of the world’s population haven’t yet had even one dose.
I guess you gotta have big shoulders when you are “the leader of the free world” and have to speak to these issues. So Uncle Joe, who you gonna give priority to?
Make that appointment now before TPTB say you’re no longer eligible. Even if that hasn’t happened yet, at least in our town (ymmv), we’re seeing longer and longer wait times to see any specialists.
Huh, I got the amazon terms change notice too.
Looks like Big River sent out two hundred million email notices today. Maybe three hundred million.
I got two notices today. One to my business email account and one to my personal email account.
wow, how does something like that not get automatically flagged as spam?
Gmail uses the old Postini honey pots. Any email sent to those honey pots is automagically flagged as spam across the entire 150,000 gmail servers. Shoot, there may be 500,000 gmail servers now.
Supposedly the 28 million dollar man is going on the second flight. He swapped places with the 18 year old kid that was on today’s flight. Kid’s father was the second highest bidder in the seat auction.
During an after-flight interview Bezos said one of his goals for Blue Origin is to have inter-planetary flights that are as frequent as commercial airlines are today. Once achieved, we can move “heavy industry” off of Earth which will save our planet.
I had read the highest bidder cancelled and the second highest bidder got the slot and gave it to his son.
I would go. If I die, big deal. I have lived long enough. Would like living longer for certain but the chance for a big adventure cannot be passed up for maybe 15 more years. Especially when those years are looking more miserable due to the downward pitch of society.
“Microsoft is shipping Windows 11 in dark mode by default”
“Whether it is because of concern about eye health, or just a general aesthetic preference for more muted colors, dark modes have become prevalent in apps and operating system. Windows is no different in this regard, and with Windows 11 Microsoft is giving dark mode a promotion.
The company has revealed that Windows 11 will have dark mode activated as standard. It will, of course, remain possible to switch to a lighter option, but dark mode will be the default setting out of the box.”
Why not ?
That’s a lot of fuel. Maybe he is developing a *solar* powered rocket. LOL. The FUSA is shutting down refineries and coal, I guess China will be running commercial rocket flights to Mars.
I would get pay-per-view to watch Mr. Ray rip one in the capsule while going ass over teakettle. They could stay up a couple of more minutes.
I’ve got a bridge on Mars I’d like to sell him.
According to my wife everyone else on board would die. A painful, choking, death. I alone would survive as I have developed immunity.
My ice machine was just delivered. Delivery guy came from Nashville, about a 300 mile round trip. He opened the box, explained the machine, and left. Uh, the machine is basically an ice bucket with a pump, hose, and a circulating pad. Not exactly complicated. I asked why the device was not just sent UPS. Apparently the VA does not allow that. The device is a prescription device. Whereas the walker and cane I was sent (via FedEx) is not. He said some veterans have difficulty understanding the machine and it’s operation, thus personal delivery.
Hmm, remind me again where funding for the VA comes from?
Bezos full of it like Christmas goose.
Bezos full of it like Christmas goose.
I’ve always been astonished that people bought into The Legend of Jeff (TM) on a serious Kool Aid quaffing level and not just because he could save/make them money.
And MacKenzie drove the Bronco …
Long live the Bronco…
How long for the EV model??
I’m having fun with the new phone. I installed something called Spotify only to find at some point in dim past I had done so before. When I opened my favorites I discovered a single album. It was a compilation of Nellie Melba arias. Okaaay…. lol
And it took me about ½ an hour to find the f****** offensive word filter and turn it off. It’s buried under settings> languages> keyboard> Google voice typing, which you have to tap in order to access its settings.
I also discovered you can decrease the sensitivity of the touch screen by lowering the “mouse pointer speed”. I think this may also work with the touchpad on a laptop?
As an experiment, I nuked a whole, peeled beet last night with some water in a covered dish for about 15 minutes. Came out great!
From the pockets of taxpayers, you and me, the working stiffs.
The mileage charged to the VA is 332 miles for delivery at a rate of at least $0.415 per mile. Probably more as the VA is not only paying for mileage but the driver. I am guessing that delivery probably got billed to the VA for about $400.00. Plus the most likely heavily marked up price of the machine. Being a “medical” device it probably cost the VA $800.00 or more. A device that is worth probably no more than $150.00, tops.
I tried to get home therapy but the doctor will not allow home therapy. Has me scheduled for 11:00 AM on Friday after the surgery. How I get there I don’t know as I don’t know when I will be discharged from the hospital. Maybe therapy is in the hospital. So many unknowns. And finding the right person is difficult. I have dealt with four different people in the VA as each is only responsible for their small corner and providing authorization for their small piece. There are probably half a dozen more of which I am not aware, hospital authorization, anesthesia authorization, recovery authorization, hospital room authorization, hospital pharmacy authorization (I am not allowed to bring in my own medication), etc.
When it is all over I expect this surgery to cost the VA $50K or more. There are times I just wish I had used my Medicare and paid the deductible. Which would have been less than $1K for the entire year. But no, I had to be a jerk and insist the VA get involved.
Well, actually, that is not fully true. I went to the VA to have the knee looked at because that is where I was able to get an appointment in a shorter amount of time. One week earlier than my private physician. I have to give the VA credit in getting an appointment with the bone doctor. Originally it was scheduled for almost six weeks later. I complained to the VA and they got me a much sooner appointment.
Long live the Bronco…
How long for the EV model??
A long time. I’ve seen several up close in my area, and the vehicle is surprisingly small, even the four door.
“Squeeze it, dammit”
“Dirtbag assaults restaurant worker, employee protects herself and others by drawing her weapon.
Shannon Watts of Moms Demand Action would prefer that the women be unarmed.
Concealed carry empowers women.”
Yup, that man is a menace to society and needs to be put down.
Total story at:
It should be noted that active duty and veterans are also taxpayers. 🙂
“Brothers in Arms (Miles Vorkosigan Adventures)” by Lois McMaster Bujold
Book number ten (in chronological order) of a sixteen book space opera series. However, some people call this a military science fiction series. There are several other books and short stories in the Vorkosigan Universe. This series won the Hugo and Nebula awards for best series in 2017. Also, several of the individual books in the series have either won awards or been nominated for awards. I have read this book at least twice. I reread the well printed and well bound new MMPB published by Baen in 1989 that I just rebought on Amazon. I have rebought the rest of the books in the series in various formats, mostly MMPB.
At beginning of the story, Admiral Miles Naismith and his 5,000 Dendarii Free Mercenaries and their assorted space ships have been chased all the way to Earth by Cetaganda warships trying to get revenge for the breakout of the Dagoola army. And what awaits them at Earth is just a continuance of the mess.
Vorkosigan Saga (Chronological) by Lois McMaster Bujold
My rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Amazon rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars (287 reviews)
I felt better during the day than I had the day before, so whatever it was seems to be passing. I think I’d still like to see an ENT specialist to make sure nothing is wrong with my ears or sinuses. Either can lead to dizziness.
I assume that you have checked your blood pressure lately ?
I check mine daily.
Also note that the reviewer was disappointed with the AGM batteries. When these were first made by Gates Aerospace, one of the qualities was a long calendar life. I had one of those, and it lasted a very long time. When I bought its replacement, by then made by a new manufacturer, life was in line with flooded batteries. Same for my next one, from a different manufacturer. I no longer use them in cars. If you have a car that specifies one, you have no choice; they do stand up to punishing use, such as in auto stop start cars.
My F-150 Ford AGM battery is allowing the start-stop system to work consistently now since I charged it a week and a half ago. Of course, I put 300 miles on my truck over the weekend so that charged it up also.
“SpaceX test fires massive Super Heavy booster for Starship for 1st time (video)”
“SpaceX fired up the massive booster rocket for its new Starship spacecraft Monday night (July 19) in a short first-of-its-kind test for the company’s ambitious new launch system.
The towering stainless-steel booster, called Super Heavy, ignited three Raptor engines in a brief “static fire” test on a pad at SpaceX’s Starbase facility in southern Texas, near the village of Boca Chica. Booster 3, as this particularly Super Heavy is known, is the latest in a series of prototypes for SpaceX’s Starship program, which aims to develop a fully reusable launch system for trips to the moon, Mars and beyond.
“Full duration firing of 3 Raptors on Super Heavy Booster,” SpaceX CEO Elon Musk wrote Monday night on Twitter. When asked about the chances of more tests with the rocket, Musk added: “Depending on progress with Booster 4, we might try a 9 engine firing on Booster 3.””
The firing with all 32 rocket motors should be wild.
“Brothers in Arms (Miles Vorkosigan Adventures)” by Lois McMaster Bujold
Man, you read fast…
Too long. Read till 340am last night. The wife was not happy.
3:00 AM seems to the cutoff for me between my wife giving me crap about how late I came to bed or her being genuinely pissed about it. I’m not sure why it matters, but it does. I’m still up at the same time.
The firing with all 32 rocket motors should be wild.
You could probably see it from the south end of South Padre Island, but SpaceX doesn’t give advance notice about activities at the Starport beyond arranging for the state/county to close the road to the site on a range of dates.
If you venture out to take a look at the Boca Chica site up close, leave the Highlander at home. Take the F150. Make sure everyone in the vehicle brings ID for the Border Patrol, and be aware that your cell phone may register with the towers on the other side of the river in Mexico.
Make sure to feed everyone and fill your tank in Port Isabel. The county park doesn’t even have a paved road.
Been there, done that, they don’t sell t-shirts at the site. At least, not to the public.
“21 Best Post-apocalyptic Science Fiction Books” by Dan Livingston
I have read “I Am Legend”, “The Postman”, “Alas, Babylon”, “On the Beach”, “The Passage”, “The Girl with All the Gifts”, “A Canticle for Leibowitz”, “The Road”, and “Earth Abides”. 9 of the 21.
I would add a few more to this:
1. “Lights Out” by David Crawford:
2. “Emergence” by David Palmer
3. “One Second After”
I wonder how big the test stand has to be to hold down all 32?
I wonder how big the test stand has to be to hold down all 32?
I have pictures of the rocket on the stand as of two weeks ago.
I doubt that the current stand is adequate for all 32 to fire.
Home from running my errands.
Roofer is just starting on the front of the house. It’s gonna take these guys 3 days to do what mine did in one.
And he’s def using the cheaper shingles now that the boss man is gone. You can see the color on the package quite clearly.
Still not using the manf’s approved method for install either. STill not nailing the whole shingle.
The underlayment isn’t nailed to code either.
Shrinkflation in Lipton black tea?
I was making a pitcher of summer tea this morning and realized that the tea bags looked wrong. Searching around in the back of the cabinet unearthed a few left in a zip lock bag from last year – yep, the new bags are about 75-80% the size of the old ones.
I don’t have a receipt for last year, so I can’t say for certain, but it looks like it.
Anyway, used 12 bags instead of 10 this time.
It’s not unheard of – the Titan “hammerhead” was a standard launch package one could order, for example.
Then again, that wasn’t the base configuration, so it’s a bit weird for BO – you don’t really gain anything by it.
Looking at my SCE bill:
YOU: 231kWh
Amusingly, because my swamp cooler motor failed and it was difficult getting a replacement: I used MORE power than usual last month.
But then its just me, and some cats. I don’t even watch much tv, so it’s basically from lack of trying.
<a href="
I've mentioned it before but _Malevil_ is up there with the best of them. I may have a Kindle copy somewhere… Vadakunathan at gee male.
I’m tired of fixing those damn links every time.
Dunno why there is an issue with links. I enter text in visual mode. Then paste a link in the comment. No other formatting required.
Here’s your link, just pasted in with a Ctrl+V :
I put a space character after it, out of habit – sometimes that extra space is needed if the URL is at the very end of the post.
Try highlighting Malevil in visual mode and clicking on the link button and inserting a URL. Torques me every time.
<a href="
Try highlighting Malevil in visual mode and clicking on the link button and inserting a URL. Torques me every time.
<a href="
I do not use visual mode. I only use text mode.
OK. Here I am in Text mode. Got a URL in my clipboard. Click the LINK button. Paste in the URL in the URL field. Also paste the URL into the text field. Click the “Add Link” button. Here is the result.
<a href="
And here is the same link with words in the text field.
<a href="
And here is the same link with several words in the text field:
<a href=" is the link
That’s a link that gets borked – because there are blank spaces in the Text field. So don’t do that.
But, don’t know why the Visual mode is not used. Unless you like to see HTML codes.
I missed your Sun eve post.
Very sorry to hear of your loss.
Er, Rick, maybe you’re seeing something different than I am, but all three of the links in your 19:15 comment are messed up. All three show an opening angle bracket and a “a” tag with the href param (complete with ttgnet-20) but no closing tag, and of course the “a href” part shouldn’t be showing at all.
Regarding the links:
This is what I am seeing.
@rick, me the same as Steve, they’re bare link urls including the ttgnet tag.
But, don’t know why the Visual mode is not used”
-I don’t use it because I can’t right click paste into it unless I’ve clicked in it first.
Going back and forth between visual, text, posting, and editing will definitely eat links too.
OK….some conflict between my “Amazonlinkenator” plugin and the comment editor and Text mode (because of adding Rich Comment Editing that gets you the extra buttons and the Visual/Text tab). And maybe the Comment Editor plugin is a factor.
Links with the above settings works OK in Visual mode.
Conclusion. Use Visual mode for comments. Use the Link (chain icon) button for links, or just paste in the link (easier).
And here’s a right-click paste of a URL
Here is a right-click paste of text: here is some pasted text . All in Visual mode.
Right-click/Paste works for me. Using FireFox v 90 on laptop. YMMV,.
During an after-flight interview Bezos said one of his goals for Blue Origin is to have inter-planetary flights that are as frequent as commercial airlines are today. Once achieved, we can move “heavy industry” off of Earth which will save our planet.
I have noticed how some people want to eliminate fossil fuels, but they never seen to include rocket boosters. I wonder what is the fossil fuel equivalence of one booster launch in airliner miles, or automobile miles? I’ll bet quite a few.
Just like converting the auto fleet to electricity will save all that gasoline, but where does the grid get its energy? Better, how many electric vehicles will it take to overwhelm the electric grid. Careful what you wish for.
Oh, wait, it won’t matter to the greenies. They ride in chauffer driven cars, so THEY don’t really burn fossil fuels. Same for private jets. 😀
Conclusion. Use Visual mode for comments. Use the Link (chain icon) button for links, or just paste in the link (easier).
Seems like we need a Manual to RTF.
…which would be ignored…
I have noticed how some people want to eliminate fossil fuels, but they never seen to include rocket boosters. I wonder what is the fossil fuel equivalence of one booster launch in airliner miles, or automobile miles? I’ll bet quite a few.
The Falcon 9 first stage burns 25,000 gallons of kerosene, and the second stage uses an additional 4600 gallons.
Kerosene. No unicorn farts or pixie dust necessary.
What? You thought The Real Life Tony Stark (TM) had whipped up a “green” rocket fuel to propel his fleet?
@rick, that’s what I see too.
“The White House is prepared for breakthrough cases with regular testing.
–suddenly the phrase “breakthrough cases” is everywhere. I guess the memo went out.
and when “the people” can’t count on the law to provide justice, they do it themselves.
re: post-apocalyptic science fiction
The original review was right. IMO Canticle is only in print because it keeps getting assigned in English classes.
Adam’s Horseclans series should be on the list. Also John Christopher’s Tripods. Might argue for Blish’s Cities in Flight.
Also missing: Wells’ War of the Worlds, Heinlein’s Farnham’s Freehold, Zelazny’s Damnation Alley, Wyndham’s Day of the Triffids, Norton’s Star Man’s Son, Boulle’s Planet of the Apes, Pedler/Davis’s Mutant 59: The Plastic Eaters
But the worst omission may be Zelazny’s This Immortal.
Given the clustering by publication date, multiple lists might make sense.
I have noticed how some people want to eliminate fossil fuels, but they never seen to include rocket boosters. I wonder what is the fossil fuel equivalence of one booster launch in airliner miles, or automobile miles? I’ll bet quite a few.
The Falcon 9 first stage burns 25,000 gallons of kerosene, and the second stage uses an additional 4600 gallons.
Kerosene. No unicorn farts or pixie dust necessary.
What? You thought The Real Life Tony Stark (TM) had whipped up a “green” rocket fuel?
Spacex Starship is using or is planned to move to LNG (liquefied natural gas). Still fossil fuel.
The big problem is that the trip to Mars from Earth, or back, is about nine months based on the initial boost and free fall all the way. If you can boost forwards (acceleration) halfway there at one gravity and boost backwards (deceleration) at one gravity, the trip is one to two weeks depending on the current positioning of Earth to Mars.
Feebies swirling:
I read this:
“Now we hear that Vice President Kamala Harris saw a doctor. Let’s pray that this drama ends well.”
I wonder if he’s praying for the same thing I am?
Making clean hydrogen is hard, but researchers just solved a major hurdle
Two things:
1 You have to wonder where we would be today if the prog pointy-hairs hadn’t united against Bush’s SOTU proposal to make hydrogen energy a national goal.
2 “The team has filed a provisional patent application to commercialize the technology.” Only if you weren’t sucking on the taxpayer teat for research money. What a freaking scam.
“This research was funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation through the Directorate for Engineering and the Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSEC) program. Yu worked on the project with UT Austin students Soonil Lee and Alex De Palma, along with Li Ji, a professor at Fudan University in China.”
So you can bet we paid for it and the chinese will get it for free….
Thousand Talents Plan
Started the pre-surgery washing ritual. Special scrub stuff. Two days before, then one day before, then the morning of. Surgery will probably be at 7:00 AM, need to get to the hospital at 6:00 AM when they open. Means I have to get up at 4:30 AM, which is still real late at night in my opinion. Thursday is the day I am dreading, actually a little scared, very uneasy about the whole thing. I know they do many every day, outcome is almost always excellent. Being sliced open just leaves me uneasy.
forgot: Larry Niven’s Lucifer’s Hammer
Remember the van that went missing? It would be interesting to [redacted].
Had a thought, but realized it would make a nice dissertation. Need to keep a few of those around in case I get bored with retirement.
Talked to a friend who’s making the transition from dept head to emeritus–no more dept meetings, just do enough research to cover conferences. Maybe I should just put together a list of research projects and take it to a second-tier school in a good climate and propose a new dept… if they could find someone to run it… No. Club along the lines of the Black Widowers would be better. No drinking for suits and neckties, and they have to eat off the children’s menu, too–mac’n’cheese, chicken nuggets, and fruit cups.
Did they have PASF in the old SovU, or not so much because they were actually living it?
Take something Zoom compatible. We could set up a meeting and take turns telling bad jokes…
Best Advice: Put a cam in the bathroom and tell staff it’s to monitor hand washing.
@ray, I find general anesthetic terrifying. I have difficulty waking up. They did my knees, both elbow surgeries, my bicep repair, and removing MRSA from my neck under generals… The bicep with the nerve block had the least pain.
Make a decision, and then commit. You said it’s not hurting right now, but it didn’t repair itself, and the next time you might be too weak to have the surgery. Or the damage might be much worse next time, leading to even more invasive procedures.
As much as I hate the general, I am glad for the years without pain. (oh, and being able to keep my arm when the MRSA set in, and being able to use the other one, after ripping the bicep loose. Modern miracles.)
Got a letter from the White House. Yep that one. Slow Joe is happy to let me know that he’ll be giving me back some of my money. Up to 300$ per child for the rest of the year, just cuz… and it will appear in my account magically.
And it did, of course, I’m only getting $366 for both kids combined, cuz I pay too many taxes due to my massive income, so I don’t need as much back. Or something.
F ing thieves spilled some money out of my wallet as they walked away and I should be happy? And because I’ve got a FAT wallet, they’ll drop less and keep more of mine to give to people without fat wallets? Sweet.
The money was in the account before the letter got opened.
Included are all the Wall St. CEO’s demanding the end of jammies (i.e. WFH) and full-time return to the office. Those limos sure must be comfy.
The scientific illiteracy on display in articles like this is just stunning.
‘cuz baking soda — Sodium bicarbonate
vinegar — Acetic acid
and soap — Triclosan being the active ingredient in dish-washing detergent
aren’t chemicals.
I’m working on some science-y content to raise the tone around here…..
Skim down past the Taco Bell nonsense and to some actual numbers and reporting.
As an additional data point, one of my wife’s projects has two types of technology that are not going to be delivered on time. One is a hardware communication box that the manufacturer can’t get chips for, and the other is a lighting fixture that is also missing some critical part. This is just one small part of one project, but it’s going to cost the General Contractor money leaving scaffold in place until the items come in, and the customer without a completed facility.
Every construction project likely has similar issues. Nothing is without comms and chips these days. Lighting is now part of the “digital ceiling”. Everything uses z-wave and bluetooth for config and setup. The quest for increased functionality and energy savings is biting everyone on the arse.
“‘One of the most damaging invasive species on Earth’: wild pigs release the same emissions as 1 million cars each year”
“Whether you call them feral pigs, boar, swine, hogs, or even razorbacks, wild pigs are one of the most damaging invasive species on Earth, and they’re notorious for damaging agriculture and native wildlife.
A big reason they’re so harmful is because they uproot soil at vast scales, like tractors ploughing a field. Our new research, published today, is the first to calculate the global extent of this and its implications for carbon emissions.
Our findings were staggering. We discovered the cumulative area of soil uprooted by wild pigs is likely the same area as Taiwan. This releases 4.9 million tonnes of carbon dioxide each year — the same as one million cars. The majority of these emissions occur in Oceania.”
And they stink really bad !
“‘One of the most damaging invasive species on Earth’: wild pigs release the same emissions as 1 million cars each year”
First get rid of the feral pigs, then get rid of the pigs, then get rid of the cows and suddenly you do not have to deal with human population increases. 🙂
Literal open season on wild pigs in TX. They will destroy millions of dollars of agriculture every year. The dog food I used to use was mainly wild pigs harvested locally in TX.
FBI hard at work again…
–since OFD isn’t here, I’ll use his voice to reiterate… “How can you tell who the Fed is? He’s the one trying to get you to do illegal sh!t.”
“‘One of the most damaging invasive species on Earth’: wild pigs release the same emissions as 1 million cars each year”
First get rid of the feral pigs, then get rid of the pigs, then get rid of the cows and suddenly you do not have to deal with human population increases.
Texas would love to hear your way of killing the feral pigs. I ran over one back in January with my F-150 and then shot it twice trying to dispatch it. The second shot, I put my .44 special pistol under her lower jaw and shot up into her brain. That worked, they are quite hardy. And there are at least four million of them roaming around Texas.
Over at 357 Magnum, Zendo Deb asks the crucial question at the end of this post…
Thursday is the day I am dreading, actually a little scared, very uneasy about the whole thing. I know they do many every day, outcome is almost always excellent. Being sliced open just leaves me uneasy.
A very understandable reaction. I wish you the best outcome. I hope they give you something early to remove the anxiety. No idea what that could be, I just hope it is effective. You will likely feel much better when it is over.