Warm and wet, with potential for thunderstorms, if the weather liars are right. Yesterday they were about half right.
My pickup in the afternoon was for household stuff, and the pickup I need to do today is also household stuff – mainly cleaners. I’ve also got to coordinate with the electrician about the transfer switch installation. All while nursemaiding youngest, and doing normal weekend stuff. All good reasons for me to want nicer weather than we are likely to get.
Non-prepping hobby club meeting is NEXT weekend, so I won’t be missing that. Having attended a couple now, I don’t want to stop. Life is slowly adjusting to the new normal.
Short shrift today, as I have sleeping to do, and then ‘stuff’, and I’m beat.
Keep stacking what you know you need,
@greg, using the gui ‘file manager’ tool. I’m not sure I won’t delete something important using a command line.
Also, that house looks nice, other than the purple accents…
The strange variations in speed zapping the files could be a perception issue because the GUI is weird or poorly programmed. Windows and Linux, unlike Apple, do not do a great job of enforcing a separation of functionality and interface in a development model known as MVC, and Mint’s X Windows was still on X.org with that release, which has pluses and minuses, particularly in the way the program tells the display to update the widgets.
IIRC, Wayland replaces X.org in the latest Ubuntu, which will eventually make its way into Mint.
The Vantucky house was a decent house, but we couldn’t afford what the landlords wanted as a sale price when they decided to kick us out in 2014. And I wasn’t about to pay that much money for the paint/carpet “as is” in addition to other problems that would escape another buyers immediate notice. We lived there for four years; I think I can safely say I knew more about the house’s downsides than the landlords.
When they served notice about kicking us out, the landlords claimed to be taking advantage of the capital gains window, but I don’t think the female half of the couple was ever comfortable renting to me. As I’ve said previously, it was *her* divorce settlement house, and she did things *her* way.
Always sign up for your employer’s 401k plan, at a minimum an amount that matches the employer’s maximum matching contribution. Not doing so is basically throwing away free money. And contribute up to the employee maximum, even if unmatched, if you can afford it. You’re always 100% vested in your own contributions, it’s only employer money, and gains on both, that you can ‘lose’ if you leave the company before you’re vested. If you don’t yet have the time and/or knowledge to manage where to invest your funds, start with a target retirement date fund and watch the financial markets do their thing. Roth 401k’s are attractive but many companies don’t offer that option.
Follow up advice:
When you leave a job where you maintained a 401(k) plan and the company has a lackluster administrator or a limited set of fund choices, take the opportunity to do a rollover to an “IRA” with a low cost provider such as Vanguard or T. Rowe.
T. Rowe has (or had) non-commissioned staff who will gladly help with the process if you are clueless where to begin.
401(k) plan administration is a service an employer contracts for, just like the company who scrubs the toilets, and the decision making can be done for other reasons than being the best provider for the money. My last employer’s priorities seemed to place highest priority on a family relative followed by neighbor (in Austria) of the CEO before considering objective standards such as price/performance. Austin decisions seemed to prioritize questionable personal relationships, including #MeToo type situations.
Don’t leave your retirement money someplace lousy over a 20 minute investment of time. One thing I’ve learned in nearly 30 years in Corporate America is that scary number of purchasing decisions come down to what I call “hookers and steaks” influence.
After being fired from the last job, I lost 50% of my match, but simply moving the money to an IRA in a targeted Vanguard fund gained most of that back in the six months since leaving.
BTW, as I’ve said before, losing our rental wasn’t the reason we left the Northwest, but it was the catalyst for a thought process leading to my “it” moment.
68F and wet. We got 1.4″ overnight according to my gauge.
Wife and GS got overnight storms but are good this am. Girls are playing games in the shelter/pavilion area and screaming their heads off. Wife took my newly repaired Moka pot for her co-leader’s morning dose… My wife hates the smell and taste of coffee. For her to take a means of production, especially one she’s never used before, is a huge expression of appreciation for the other woman.
A while ago, daughter 1 broke the carafe of my Krups drip coffee maker. They are over $30 on ebay, because for as simple as it is, it makes a great cup, and it’s just the right size for me. I wired the filter holder cup valve open as a stopgap, so I could use a mug in place of the carafe. I WAS going to try out my vintage giant Moka pot, but the seals were perished.
So I hit the global supply chain…. searching for my out of production, vintage, orphaned italian moka pot got me nothing. Ebay had a vendor of upgraded moka pot seals, and the 12 cup size looked like it would fit my pot, so I ordered. I was supposed to get 8 silicone seals for one price. Fast forward a month and a epacket mailer arrives direct from china. It’s got 4 traditional seals and a filter plate in it. I can’t use the filter plate but the seals are an exact fit for the original seal, as far as I can tell from the hard pieces of the old seal. 4 should last me plenty long enough, although the silicone would have been nicer. At $5, I’m not complaining.
We live in an age of miracles. I was able to order replacement parts for a device that hasn’t been made in decades, direct from china, with a few minutes effort, at minimal cost, and receive them a couple of weeks later.
And the stupid fools are going to destroy it all.
added- I could have tried to make a gasket out of rubber. I’ve got some sheet that would work, although I don’t know about taste or hygiene, or I could try one of the many many o rings I have in storage, but we’ve still got a global civilization, so why not try it?
Custom seals can be pretty quick and easy. You need two flat plates–PTFE is nice, but glass or stainless work fine if you use a mold release. Trace the old seal or gasket on one plate with a white board marker, and place 4 spacers (or stacks of shims) of the appropriate thickness around the outside. Dab of CYA holds them in place. Mix up some two-part silicone or polyurethane and lay a bead in the center of your tracing that is thick enough to squish out and fill the outline. Lay the other plate on top, hinging it down from one side, and press gently to seat against the spacers.
Demold and post-cure overnight in a convection oven well above the use temperature before tracing the old seal on the new material and cutting to shape.
Polyurethanes are particularly easy to work with because the A:B ratio can be varied within 10% to control durometer. Silicones are fussier and the durometer is pretty much set by the kit that you buy.
What I got from this is that a dose of pot was needed so they could deal with the screaming girls.
Hey now!
There is plenty of info on perps cutting gaskets out of silicone sheets in laser cutters. The most common problem is char, but a good vacuuming filter will help.
Gotta have a laser cutter, though. I’ve got one!
There is plenty of info on perps cutting gaskets out of silicone sheets in laser cutters. The most common problem is char, but a good vacuuming filter will help.
Gotta have a laser cutter, though. I’ve got one!
Dallas Maker Space had a new homebrew industrial size cutter the last time we hit one of their presentations.
$100 drones, body cut from a single piece of foam using the laser, was the keynote talk.
We haven’t been to Richardson in a while. Sadly, Tanner Electronics closed last year, unable to deal with the decline in business and the lockdowns.
“SpaceX Cleared to Use Starlink Satellite Internet on Starship Rocket”
“SpaceX is still waiting on FCC approval to use Starlink on moving vehicles and ships.”
“The company’s Starlink system is currently operating over 1,300 satellites in orbit, which are capable of delivering 80Mbps to 150Mbps download speeds to almost anywhere on the planet. The $99-per-month service is already serving over 10,000 users, many of whom previously lacked access to reliable and fast internet.”
SpaceX is eating their own dog food. That is a cool thing.
Over The Hedge: Having A Special Purpose
George has a special purpose, to mow the world.
Peanuts: Over The Hill
And gaining speed.
I think I hit a new gear at 60. And it wasn’t a low gear.
“Majority Of US Companies Will Require Workers To Provide Proof Of Vaccination”
“It looks like American colleges won’t be alone in making vaccination mandatory for any students who want to return to campus next semester. Despite the White House’s determination that vaccination shouldn’t be mandatory by law, more than 60% of American companies are reportedly leaning toward requiring proof of vaccination from their employees.”
Yup. I think that the insurance liability companies are going to force this.
All of my employees have been vaccinated at least once except one.
“Blighted San Francisco Diagnoses Its “Perilous Trifecta” …And Bungles The Cure”
“San Francisco is coming undone. In recent years, the city has manifested a series of visible and persistent inequalities, with a spoils-to-the-victor world for its technological elite, and a chaotic, brutalized world for its dispossessed. In the city’s Tenderloin district, men openly hawk drugs on the street corners, desperate addicts are crumpled across the sidewalks, and first responders dart through the chaos to revive overdose victims.”
Ok, that is just nasty. How do we prevent this from spreading east ?
I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
“Ok, that is just nasty. How do we prevent this from spreading east ?”
Defund the police so the citizens can take care of it.
More rain. Slow enough to soak in. Good. It’s dark, the dog seems to think that means time for supper. I might be able to mow the yard on Tuesday. Or not.
I’m almost out of plastic wrap. Not much luck on eBay. Amazon has Reynolds 914, 18 inches wide by 2000 feet. 3000 feet seems to be discontinued. Google and DDG show other sellers but none seem to have a way to buy. Weird.
The current roll is from CostCo or Sam’s, I forget. 3000 feet. Only ten years to use it all. Yes, I wrote the date on the box. I’ve had the Reynolds before and I think is better than the current box.
After all of that, I looked for Keystone meats. Something to do. The prices seem ridiculous. But I found this gem:
Price seems ok but after reading the reviews, nope, ain’t touching it. The description reads like you get sausage patties. The reviews say you get a can of glop… but it tastes ok.
Sounds like they are reverting to normal. Watch any Dirty Harry era movie set in San Fran.
Beyond that, start shooting anyone in power that implies it’s not their fault, or that they had something done to them. Like the word “dispossessed” which means someone DEPRIVED them. DISadvantaged. Housing deprived. Shoot twice anyone who takes money to “advocate” or “raise awareness.”
Offer ‘one and done’ last chance services to deal with the addiction medically. No airy fairy trying to talk them out of being addicts or crazy. 6 months support while they get better. Then NOTHING EVER AGAIN, or 10 years minimum. If they are incapable of living without supervision, then back to the looney bins.
BTW, we missed any chance to stop it from spreading east. That paragraph describes streets in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, DC, Philly, and dozens of other cities.
And ‘war on drugs’ needs to be ended or taken seriously. Firing squads for any non-citizen enemy combatant caught with drugs. Shoot them at the border. One and done last chance for citizens caught with enough to get a distribution charge. Prison, parole, no additional strikes. Just firing squad or transportation.
Draconian enough? The Republic we knew is dead. We should get some benefit out of the rotted corpse.
Say a few people start buying up tents and sleeping bags and such at garage sales. Hit a few sales at the liquor stores. Fill up the trunk.
Then one Saturday night a couple dozen like-minded revolutionaries spread a roll of plastic wrap over their rear seats, pick up a few of the disadvantaged from Lowertown, bus them out to Richlibrulprikston and drop them, the tents, and the liquor in a nice park. Probably be a good idea to includes some car wash buckets, rags and spray bottles, so the more enterprising can start their own businesses keeping the windshields of those German grocery getters sparkly clean every time they stop at the corner. Might staple a sharps disposal container to a tree and leave a nice big trash barrel, too.
The fine tuning is in “how much” for distribution. I mean, a four finger baggie of weed? Does that count?
A truck load of stuff counts.
And just drop them where they stand. There’s not much 30 miles north of Edinburg to San Antonio. Buzzards gotta eat.
Hey, wouldn’t it be cool if the new traditional vaccines made you grow another opposable thumb? We could all be Moties, and the snus market would take off like a rocket.
And LeBron…
“Does that count?”
–if it’s rolled in joints that’s distribution. If its in baggies, that’s distribution.
Pick a point, draw the line. Get serious or stop messing around.
Also, end civil asset forfeiture and zero tolerance and mandatory sentencing, and charge stacking, and plea bargaining.
–in other words, undo 90% of the liberal prog agenda of the last 40 years. Progs love them some prisoners, if they’re political, and hate them if they are simple criminals, but they especially love anyone who USED to be a prisoner, because now their options are SEVERELY limited and they’re just another ‘class’ to be packaged and exploited.
Apropos of nothing, but I note that in my auction Texas state flags are selling for twice what US flags bring.
No argument from me.
As for “And just drop them where they stand. “, I’ve had 130+ pound emu die and I’ve hauled them way out back. After two or three days, it’s just a pile of greasy feathers and some bones.
One Summer the raccoons were beyond cute trying to get to my chickens. A live trap, no bait, and I offed 46 or so. The buzzards would be waiting in the trees for their lunch. Everything would be gone by the next day but a few tufts of fur.
Sounds like they are reverting to normal. Watch any Dirty Harry era movie set in San Fran.
Surprisingly, a lot of the landmarks from the first movie were still standing the last time we were in the city, including the Larkspur Landing trestle and the cross on Mount Davidson, spared from the church-state nutters petitioning for removal 20 years ago because someone remembered that Clint kisses the cross in the flick.
Jesus < Clint Eastwood in San Francisco cultural math.
Kazar Stadium, the original home of the 49ers even got an rebuild.
Dirty Harry retired to Lakeland, Florida.
We haven’t been in 16 years, however. The last time I was in San Jose/Oakland, about nine years ago, was depressing enough.
Amazon e-mail order receipts are almost worthless. You get the order number, expected delivery dates and the total cost. What you bought? Oh, hell no, that’s a secret.
It’s annoying. More than half of the message size is in the mail headers and the messages footer. One more line of text saying what I bought would be useful.
Yeah, UPS “you’ve got a package coming’ emails too. At least where it was coming FROM would be nice.
I suggest to my pro-vaxxer friends that it is a total waste to argue with anti-vaxxers.
Consequently, I suggest that they ask them “why is there no more poliomyelitis?”
Probably be a good idea to includes some car wash buckets, rags and spray bottles, so the more enterprising can start their own businesses keeping the windshields of those German grocery getters sparkly clean every time they stop at the corner.
The various government entities involved with the freeways around Austin just put the squeegee bums working I35 SB-to-US 813 SB out of business this week with a new flyover.
And I’ve seen several car washes around me change ownership or fold since last year.
People aren’t driving as much, they don’t think about a car wash. Or they decide not to spend the money because times are hard…
That’s the problem with a service based economy, we can’t just all give each other backrubs and haircuts.
Well, my electrician bailed on the project. He wants me to get centerpoint energy out to fix an issue with the service drop before he does anything. Fair enough.
The insulation is cracked and separated, it looks like the energized conductors are fused to the bare support cable by corrosion, and someone used a piece of romex to attach the carrier cable to the weatherhead…
That is not stuff he wants to have come back on him at a later date.
Amazon e-mail order receipts are almost worthless. You get the order number, expected delivery dates and the total cost. What you bought? Oh, hell no, that’s a secret.
It’s annoying. More than half of the message size is in the mail headers and the messages footer. One more line of text saying what I bought would be useful.
Email is considered open to anyone. My deceased partners opinion was do not put anything in an email that you do not want to read on the front page of the Houston Chronicle the next morning. Amazon is treating your actual purchases as private so you need to log on to http://www.amazon.com and look at your order list to get a list of what you bought.
I suggest to my pro-vaxxer friends that it is a total waste to argue with anti-vaxxers.
Consequently, I suggest that they ask them “why is there no more poliomyelitis?”
We had troubles with that one before we figured out a killer for it. One of our gang here reputedly had trouble with the first virus. I used to know a man at church who got polio from the first vaccine, he passed a few years back after living in a wheelchair for over 50 years.
The second polio vaccine was the winner. The government forced everyone to take it. I remember standing in line in 1970 at my elementary school in Lake Jackson, Texas to take it in a sugar cube and the smallpox vaccine in an air gun.
My dad is 82 and recounted what it was like recently in the 1940s and 1950s with the polio running through the population. You did not touch anyone outside of your family. He grew up in College Station with all the college students at TAMU.
over your budget? https://www.vroom.com/inventory/ford-expedition-2011-1FMJU2A50BEF09683
and a fewer Highlanders, all at Toyota dealers: https://www.cars.com/vehicledetail/detail/843682720/overview/
Email is considered open to anyone. My deceased partners opinion was do not put anything in an email that you do not want to read on the front page of the Houston Chronicle the next morning. Amazon is treating your actual purchases as private so you need to log on to http://www.amazon.com/a?tag=ttgnet-20 and look at your order list to get a list of what you bought.
Most people have “free as in beer” email accounts anymore, which have no expectation of privacy. Amazon doesn’t want the email receipts data mined by Google, Microsoft, or Yahoo (owned by Verizon for now).
Ironically, an old school paid AOL email account which used to tag users as a “n00b” offered a good expectation of privacy.
over your budget? https://www.vroom.com/inventory/ford-expedition-2011-1FMJU2A50BEF09683
and a fewer Highlanders, all at Toyota dealers: https://www.cars.com/vehicledetail/detail/843682720/overview/
I am trying to keep my budget at $10,000. I do not trust any vehicle over 150,000 miles to not require a rebuilt tranny and a rebuilt engine in the first thousand miles. The intersection between those two goals is a very narrow group.
I am not in a real hurry but I do need to get this done soon.
Shoot, maybe I’ll take the 2008 Expy with 177,000 miles that has been wrecked five times for $6,000. Just park it in front of the office and let it gradually melt away.
@Lynn….my experience with Toyotas (Camrys and Highlanders) is that you can get 250K miles out of them with regular maintenance (oil changes, etc).
2008-2013 Highlander = 2nd generation
2014-2019 Highlander = 3rd generation
2010+ = 4th generation
Within generations, mostly styling/interior differences. Same engine/transmission in generations; FWD and AWD . I like the better stability of AWD (rain/snow).
But lynn won’t fit in a camry….
And the Highlander is a STATIONWAGON!! The 2021 anyway, look at that thing, low and long!
My wife called her caddy SRX a station wagon but I didn’t see it. Until a couple years after we got rid of it, then suddenly I went, “Holy cow, that thing is a stationwagon!”
The Highlander is built on the Camry frame, IIRC. We’re on our second one (first was 2008, gave it to one daughter/family last year). It’s probably got another 5 years in it (if they take care of it). Our current Highlander is 2019; has 35K miles.
Expect the new one will last as long as our first one did.
But lynn won’t fit in a camry….
Oh, I fit in a Camry. My son has a 2020 model. The dadgum Camry is so low that I cannot get into it easily and getting out is a disaster. My arthritis has really torn up my knees and my lower back. And my right hip.
I am getting old …
Exactly! I agree with your father. Well, I also am 82. It was my experience in the ’40s and ’50s and when the 2nd vax came out, we got it!
I understand that. I don’t know why people use gMail. Sure, my mail from my domain can be sniffed. I assume NSA ((hi guys!) has a copy of everything anyway and they know if I’m buying sex toys. Like, I ‘m not and I don’t care if they know.
My gripe is that the Amazon “you bought this” e-mails are useless for me to be able to search, on my PC, for stuff I have bought and when. Hey, if Amazon can make books disappear from your Kindle…. Look at it another way, go to the grocery store, buy your stuff, and the receipt is just a total and a bunch of gibberish about the credit card. How many cans of corn did you buy? It’s a secret.
@Lynn….my experience with Toyotas (Camrys and Highlanders) is that you can get 250K miles out of them with regular maintenance (oil changes, etc).
2008-2013 Highlander = 2nd generation
2014-2019 Highlander = 3rd generation
2010+ = 4th generation
Within generations, mostly styling/interior differences. Same engine/transmission in generations; FWD and AWD . I like the better stability of AWD (rain/snow).
My experience is that half of the people do not maintain their vehicles. Carfax does have some of the maintenance but not much.
And yes, Expeditions and Highlanders are station wagons !
Didn’t Toyota have a bad run of transmissions with v6 motors ? I cannot remember what years that was. Or was that just Honda ?
Station wagons rock. My favorite car was my Plymouth Volare wagon. Butt ugly with a faded Earl Schribb paint job. Slant Six, two barrel carb… Super Six!!!
First car, ’75 Cordoba, rich leather and all, was a great car. My first car. Then the ’74 Imperial. Then along the way, the ’81 Imperial and the fun of the Hydraulic Support Plate. They all had to be kept shiny and pretty.
The wagon? It looked good in the rain.
Station wagons from the mid-60’s could seat more kids than most modern SUV’s. The Oldsmobile Vista Cruiser was probably the epitome of the type. I had a 1966 Chevy with a fold-down second seat. Full 4×8 sheets of paneling would go in and you could close back until the stack got too tall and the forward slant of the tailgate narrowed things too much.
The new Aston Martin SUV starts at $172k. Heated seats are standard, but the heated steering wheel is an $600 option. No word on passenger ejector seats.
I had a 72 chrysler new yorker in high school. I could lay on the back seat from door to door. We put a full size la z boy in the trunk. What a beast. 440 with a 4 barrel. If I had a rolling start, I could smoke almost anyone. And that was on 7 cylinders, because in typical Detroit fashion of the time, you absolutely couldn’t get to one of the plugs because something was in the way. When my dad finally figured out a way to get it out, it was the original factory plug and was completely worn away (10 years or more of driving on that plug).
I hit a tree and barely dented it. I got t-boned, used a pickax to pry out the sheet metal, and drove home. The guy who hit me in an early 80s olds was towed away, totaled.
HORRIBLE scratchy brocade seat fabric. Ugg. Otherwise it was so lux it had a light shining on the keyhole to help you get it in in the dark….
The Highlander is built on the Camry frame, IIRC. We’re on our second one (first was 2008, gave it to one daughter/family last year). It’s probably got another 5 years in it (if they take care of it). Our current Highlander is 2019; has 35K miles.
Expect the new one will last as long as our first one did.
Yup, they all last if maintained. I put a rebuilt tranny in my 2005 Expedition at 190K miles and the engine timing chain broke at 210K miles. I gave it to a friend and he rebuilt the motor and is driving it now.
In that case there’s this classic for ya…
Shoot, maybe I’ll take the 2008 Expy with 177,000 miles that has been wrecked five times for $6,000. Just park it in front of the office and let it gradually melt away.
In that case there’s this classic for ya…
They should pay me $1,000 to haul that away !
Nope, they have corrected that to state that he’s been nominated.
Big deal that he was nominated, right? NO.
Why? Who can nominate?
From the Nobel Prize website:
According to the statutes of the Nobel Foundation, a nomination is considered valid if it is submitted by a person who falls within one of the following categories:
Members of national assemblies and national governments (cabinet members/ministers) of sovereign states as well as current heads of states
Members of The International Court of Justice in The Hague and The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague
Members of l’Institut de Droit International
Members of the international board of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
University professors, professors emeriti and associate professors of history, social sciences, law, philosophy, theology, and religion; university rectors and university directors (or their equivalents); directors of peace research institutes and foreign policy institutes
Persons who have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
Members of the main board of directors or its equivalent of organizations that have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
Current and former members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee (proposals by current members of the Committee to be submitted no later than at the first meeting of the Committee after 1 February)
Former advisers to the Norwegian Nobel Committee
In other words, any random politico and lots of college profs can nominate. It means nothing.
Didn’t Toyota have a bad run of transmissions with v6 motors ? I cannot remember what years that was. Or was that just Honda ?
Honda had a run of bad transmissions about 15 years ago. From what I understand, they took care of the problem completely if you were an original owner and/or had a previous history buying Honda.
Maintenance on V6 in the Camry platform (including Highlander) is more expensive due to the lack of access. If you really want the V6 and some towing capability, keep the 4Runner in mind provided you can handle the rougher ride. That won’t be cheap, however — 4Runners are Made in Japan.
Disclaimer – I drove my wife’s 4Runner cross country in three days. I felt that for a week afterwards. The Exploder is definitely a better ride.
That reminds me — we haven’t had any problems with the Exploder since the throttle body went at exactly 5000 miles. 2016 V6 without Ecoboost. I believe Ford is the target of a class action suit over the 4 cyl EcoBoost going into the Exploders.
Expand your search along the highways and check the local CL listings from the links on the right-hand side.
There are some interesting vehicles to the north, but you’d have to hop on a cheap flight, Uber, and drive home.
Youngest started playing Subnautica. It’s a 5 yo game, open world, with crafting, no guns, no quests, but it is beautiful to look at. She’s liking it so far.
Heads up for the next few days…
The latest Starship prototype (SN15) gets to live another day…
Hmmm, maybe the two are related
dang, my googlefu is not with me tonight
I’m trying to find two albums I used to listen to alot, but can’t remember the names or the band names.
one is something like “songs from the old kingdom” or ‘old marketplace’ and is hard to describe, but maybe edgy pop with islamic and north african sounds remixed and sampled. I think it was a side project of some english musicians. The sample stuck in my head is “There are many prophecies…” in a male voice.
The other was by a “drum band” and the only track I can remember the name was “Armina” which I must not be spelling right as it gets me nothing. There is one track with guitar and not just drum and vocal, where the guitarist yells out “ma, I made the band” and a female voice says “I thought they were a drum band.”
They were probably late 80s or early 90s.
driving me nuts.
Heads up for the next few days…
The latest Starship prototype (SN15) gets to live another day…
Hmmm, maybe the two are related
Maybe they are going to use SN15 to push the China booster into deep space.
Nothing to worry about, right?
North Korea warns of ‘crisis beyond control’ in heated statements aimed at US and South Korea.
I’m sure it will all be fine. Right? All the parties involved are sober and considerate individuals. Right?
It’ll be fine.
Got buckets of food? Clothes? Boots? Spare eyeglasses? Get to stacking. It’s all gonna unravel at some point.