Cool and dry, hopefully. We’re supposed to get two nice days in a row. Yesterday was bright and sunny with cool breezes. And it got down to 51F by the time I actually went back to bed.
Spent yesterday mostly doing nothing. Drove to one pickup. Got the child from school. Went to the chiropractor and came home. Pain sucks. Chronic pain changes who you are and how you get through life. It colors everything and it’s possible to be in so much pain that you don’t even realize that you are in pain until it stops. That was the case with my lower back injury a dozen years ago. It had just crept up on me and poisoned my whole life. Fortunately I sort of accidentally got treatment, and suddenly knew what was going on. I’ve been pretty careful since then to not push it, or find myself without the means to manage the issue. Only a few months ago I found myself in that situation and vowed not to let it happen again. But it did. Ran out of my maintenance meds and suffered for it. This time I misunderstood the tele-doc and the pharmacy has not been as engaged as usual, and instead of toughing it out for a couple of days, I’m now going to be dealing with this for a week or more unless I get lucky.
What are the prepper lessons? The same old ones. Two is one and one is none. A stitch in time saves nine. Grid down will likely purely suck.
I’ve started the process to help insure that this won’t be happening again and that’s all I’ll say about that. The really frustrating part is that the meds which work very well for me aren’t abusable, aren’t even pain related, are well known and cheap, have minimal side effects, and are widely available as a vet med throughout the world. If the market was bigger, they’d be over the counter by now. There is no reason why I should have to beg anyone else for the ability to stop the pain and go about my life. And there is no reason to dole them out one month at a time. My condition is not going to improve. I won’t be needing less. I can manage my own stockpile and dosing. But I’m not allowed. The changes brought about by obama-no-care destroyed the family practice that was my primary care physician, and made my access to care more difficult, more expensive, and more time consuming.
Degradation of services that used to work well is a sign of a collapsing society. The current situation is exacerbated by the china flu and the response to it, but it was not CAUSED by it, the causes were already in place.
All of this is to say, if you have a medical condition that you are taking meds for, you MUST take steps to insure your continued access to them. Whatever the cause of any disruption, be it society wide, just a glitch in the supply chain, or your doctor is suddenly unavailable, there will be a disruption at some point. Lots of people online have discussed strategies and ways to do so for most conditions and we’ve talked about it here too. Some take more effort, some more time, and some just more money, but get started if you haven’t already. I used to have a cushion, I used it up, didn’t replace it, and now I’m paying the price.
Today, if I can manage it, I’ve got to check on some issues with my client’s site. Stuff continues to fail piecemeal from the lightning strikes, and I continue to patch it up. We are developing a plan to rip and replace everything, but as you can imagine, that costs money, and people with means, who came to them honestly and through hard work, don’t just spend money wildly. They are often very conservative and contemplative when it comes to that.
In any case, for the next little while, I’ll be focused on my physical issues and what to do about them, WHILE all the other things demand my attention too.
Don’t wait, start stacking stuff today.
Media manipulation. Not that the media needs much to spin a story how the media wants the story to appear. The media has repeatedly called the spectacle a “murder trial”. Uh, no, it is not a murder trial as murder has not been proven. It is a criminal trial on a murder charge. Calling the trial a murder trial does more for ratings and adds to the media spin. “He will get a fair trial, then shot” seems to be what the media wants.
George Floyd was a thug by any legitimate criteria. He was a threat to the officers involved, he was a threat to his community, he was a loser. Had he been white nothing would have been said. Had the officer been black nothing would have been said.
Floyd’s family used his death as a winning lottery ticket which was the only thing for which Floyd was qualified.
To listen to his girlfriend, his drug partner, both addicted to pills because they faked pain, indicates she should be charged with Floyd’s death as an accessory. Instead the prosecution is painting them both as pillars of the community who would give the shirts off their backs to help anyone. BS. Floyd was a thief and they are both welfare leaches.
Chauvin may have violated policy but that certainly does not rise to a murder charge.
The correct term is to “ensure”, not “insure”. One is to make certain something will occur, the other is to guard against loss.
Yes, I am a ahole today.
Media manipulation. Not that the media needs much to spin a story how the media wants the story to appear. The media has repeatedly called the spectacle a “murder trial”. Uh, no, it is not a murder trial as murder has not been proven. It is a criminal trial on a murder charge. Calling the trial a murder trial does more for ratings and adds to the media spin. “He will get a fair trial, then shot” seems to be what the media wants.
The union will let it happen to set an example. Chauvin got sloppy in Florida and inadvertently broke the code of silence about first responder retirements which have left many cities technically insolvent if every dime is paid as currently promised.
I doubt Chauvin was the only Minneapolis cop with plans to spend retirement playing golf on the same courses as Tiger Woods outside Orlando. That type of dreaming gets done in clusters.
When we got hit up in WA State for money to “invest” in the Honduran island retirement colony, my wife’s co-worker indicated that got the information on the development from her sister, a San Francisco cop, who attended a presentation with many others from her precinct. The minimum buy in was $50,000, and that was just for the deposit on a lot.
The union wants the situation to go away.
Today? C’mon man, cut the malarkey.
This is where I jump in and say that language is a living thing and if enough people use insure and ensure (and let’s not forget assure) interchangeably for a long enough period of time they will each eventually and formally just become alternate spellings for the other and you’ll have to use context clues to determine which meaning was intended.
Back from a roadtrip to Mount Rushmore. Had to deal with some wildfires that messed with our schedule, but we got lucky and they reopened the highway to Mt. Rushmore the last morning we were there. Also managed to check out Crazy Horse and hopped over to Wyoming to see Devil’s Tower. Crowds were small. It pays to go in the off-season. I was surprised how seasonal the area is. A lot of the cheesy tourist stuff wasn’t open yet (which was fine by me).
We went to the Minuteman Missile National Historic Site on our way back. Saw some boxes of “Civil Defense Survival Ration Biscuit” on display that were packed in 1962. 36lb box with 89 biscuits per pound. Sounds yummy! They also had 17.5 gallon metal drums of drinking water.
NOBODY in ANY private business along I-90 through South Dakota was wearing a mask (except some out-of-state travelers). If it was a national chain that had a company policy of requiring masks then there would be a sign on the door and the employees would be wearing them (maybe) but they weren’t making any of the customers wear them and almost none of the customers were wearing them. As far as the rural plains is concerned, the pandemic never happened. It’s something that happened in those densely populated coastal states which they more or less view as a foreign country anyway. The most pandemic concerned area we ran into was downtown Rapid City (which is all of maybe 8 blocks) and that’s probably because it’s the most liberal leaning section.
NOBODY in ANY private business along I-90 through South Dakota was wearing a mask (except some out-of-state travelers). If it was a national chain that had a company policy of requiring masks then there would be a sign on the door and the employees would be wearing them (maybe) but they weren’t making any of the customers wear them and almost none of the customers were wearing them.
When we stopped in a Walmart yesterday outside the city limits to pick up an online order, the signs indicated that masks were “suggested” but not required for entry.
We still participated in the kabuki, however, since the store was still within the California Lite zone of Texas surrounding Austin. The local “Judge” in the county has been thoroughly discredited as a raging hypocrite, but we didn’t want a hassle from a random Karen.
Of course, this week, the Legislature is busy debating … more abortion restrictions!
It sure is important to cover the contingency if the Roe decision is overturned. That could happen at any moment.
(Roberts and Cavanaugh won’t let it happen)
Awake. Moving slowly but moving. Stiff and sore.
wrt insure vs ensure… sure, you could make that argument. I could claim I was being clever with health insurance since I was writing about meds… and my eye did trip over it when I proofread, but.
midnight and full of codeine and pain….
Proper use of language IS after all something we take pride in.
And standards need to be upheld.
(without much thought, I was able to start a sentence with “and”, end with a preposition, leave a fragment lying their, comma splice, get lie and lay mixed up and misused their…….. and the elipse.]
I’m on a role……….
Their are worse things so I except you’re excuse.
Don’t make me do a whole post in lolcat…
Yes, I am a ahole today.
Reminds me, my freshman HS English teacher was very strict. (As I think of this, I automatically sit up straight!) He never missed an opportunity to correct a grammar error in class. He could throw terrifying temper tantrums, but rarely did because he didn’t need to. Oh, sure, he was correct and even fair, so we tried hard.
He was a smallish guy, but they are some of the toughest. He also rode a Harley when many bikers were hoodlums. He was above all that, and a whole generation revered him. His funeral was one of the best attended.
Lessons abound. Challenge people to be great, even in things that may seem small at the time. A few thousand benefit from his effort and integrity.
If that’s a threat, you win. Please don’t. I bow before greatness. (Or is that gr8ness?)
If ur gud, u can haz bukkit….
Getting weirder
Capitol cop is killed and another is injured by knife-wielding driver who mowed them down after breaching DC barricade before being shot dead
I try really hard not to comment on people’s appearance, unless it’s relevant to something else.
The british have a wonderful phrase that springs to mind when I see the pictures accompanying this article…
“Mutton dressed as lamb.”
There is something very ‘not right’ going on.
Telemedicine got my scrip called in, and I’m headed over….
Wood fence pickets continue to be in short supply in our area – since the start of the pandemic. I found a Lowe’s 20 miles away that had 500 in stock. I just got home with 100 of them. That will do for now. Eventually I’ll need about 300 more, but I can wait for that – years if need be.
There is something very ‘not right’ going on.
*Dr.* Jill Biden is a loon, but I think she’s the wildcard that the cabal, the real power behind Plugs, didn’t anticipate. Beyond the succession question mark, Biden’s wife may be the only reason he’s still alive.
This wouldn’t have happened if we had some real knife control in this country! Damn the National Knife Association and the politicians it buys!
One viewing of plugs talking and walking and your realized how feeble spongebrain is. I believe rapid deterioration approaches.
Actually he struck the two Capitol cops with his car and then exited the vehicle brandishing the knife at which point the suspect was terminated…so need to go after the National Car Association instead. Nothing wrong with the bus ya know.
Should have gone with the word games yesterday…
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabbrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Amzanig huh?
What about L337, L33T, 1337?
7h15 w45 7h3 c00l357 w4y 70 wr173 0nl1n3 25 y34r5 460.
Well, if the suspect tests positive for COVID-19 then this is another COVID-19 death and not a shooting death. Likewise, if the cop tests positive for COVID-19 then he didn’t die by motor vehicular homicide, but by COVID. According to CDC statistics, both of these deaths could have been avoided had we all been wearing face masks.
@rick I think we need some lolcat emojiis… at least a grumpy cat.
Got my adjustment. Picked up my antiinflammatory meds. Did some grocery shopping while I was there. Got home and TOOK my meds.
Ate a bit, and now will take some painkillers and have a lie down.
PICTURED: Capitol cop and the knife-wielding ‘Nation of Islam’ follower, 25, who mowed him down along with a fellow officer before the suspect was shot dead
–not white, not a gun, Islam mentioned. Off the front page in 3. 2. 1. …
“New government statistics have revealed that 171,000 migrants came across the southern border in March – the highest monthly total in two decades and nearly double the number that came here in February. The total includes about 19,000 unaccompanied minors – ”
— IF I believed that this was “totally normal” and “happens every season” is that not reason enough to stop this madness? Over a quarter MILLION in two months alone? How many MILLION is that in a year again? Two years? Three? And that is just the number they catch and release. There is a whole ‘nother number they don’t catch. The smugglers know that if they give ICE 50 to process at point A, then they can walk 500 thru point B during that time, including any “special” OTMs that might be along for the ride.
“Clown Show: Pete Buttigieg ‘Bikes’ To Work After SUVs Drive Him Part Of The Way”
“If you ever wondered what would happen if that white, upper-class student body president, you know the one who used your student activity fees to pay for bike lanes on campus, were actually in charge of a federal bureaucracy, look no further than our Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg.”
“CNN reporter DJ Judd shared a video that appears to show a team of Secret Service agents unloading Buttigieg’s bike from the back of an SUV, then at least two SUVs following him as he mounts the bike and rides to the White House.”
Over The Hedge: Bird Feeder Chapter 5
Can squirrels get diabetes ? Asking for a friend.
Dilbert: Dogbert Makes A Deal
Note to self, never have Dogbert negotiate for me.
“New government statistics have revealed that 171,000 migrants came across the southern border in March – the highest monthly total in two decades and nearly double the number that came here in February. The total includes about 19,000 unaccompanied minors – ”
CDC released guidance on vaccinated people today which includes that they will be required to show a negative test re-enter the country if they go abroad.
So the alien invaders can come in Olly-Olly-Oxen-Free but a U.S. citizen has to show a passport and a negative Wuhan chirus test?
“New government statistics have revealed that 171,000 migrants came across the southern border in March – the highest monthly total in two decades and nearly double the number that came here in February. The total includes about 19,000 unaccompanied minors – ”
CDC released guidance on vaccinated people today which includes that they will be required to show a negative test re-enter the country if they go abroad.
So the alien invaders can come in Olly-Olly-Oxen-Free but a U.S. citizen has to show a passport and a negative Wuhan chirus test?
What do you expect from a crazy person with dementia ?
And I was just thinking that we might try to make a game this year if the kneeling crap stops. Nice job MLB – you have save me a lot of money going forward…
“Joe Biden’s Bid to Remake America” By Patrick J. Buchanan
“The bait to lure Republicans into embracing this $2.3 trillion in Great Society II and Green New Deal spending is the modest fraction to be allocated to infrastructure — airports, bridges, roads, ports, public transit. Most of the rest is to be used to grow social programs and launch new ones.”
Yup, Biden and his entourage are pretty much losers. They desperately want to rule over the rest of us. You know, pick out our toilets, our underwear, etc.
Of course, this week, the Legislature is busy debating … more abortion restrictions!
It sure is important to cover the contingency if the Roe decision is overturned. That could happen at any moment.
(Roberts and Cavanaugh won’t let it happen)
At 60 years of age, the last thing I want to do is tell a women what to do with her body. Past the midpoint of course.
As mentioned before, I agree with Bill Clinton on this. Abortions should be available and infrequent. Or something like that.
–nazzofast skippy….
–restaurant knew what was coming…
–so many different versions in one “simple” statement.
–I’ve been to big outings for work that everyone needed their own receipt in order to get reimbursed by their company for the meal. Most restaurants are all about getting paid and if the party says, we all need separate checks, they usually will do it. Then you don’t get people trying to free ride. I’ve been to restaurants where they insisted there wouldn’t be any splitting of checks on larger groups especially afterwards.
I bet the restaurant saw this coming a mile away as soon as the extra ‘guests’ started showing up.
No way for the place to win in this scenario.
And CashApp? Restaurant only takes cash and electronic transfers? WTF?
Surgeon General C Everett Koop. “Abortions should be safe, legal, and rare.”
It happens only on days that end in Y.
Stump grinder came back today to finish the job. Shocking really. I thought we’d never see him again. An honest and responsible guy. Rare in the contracting world.
BTW, beautiful day today. mid 60s and sunny. Clear and gentle breezes.
And I am crippled up.
It’s the plugs Flu!
And CashApp? Restaurant only takes cash and electronic transfers? WTF?
Square subsidiary. The newer arm’s-length payment services from the major players do not allow chargebacks, and the terms of service are very open that you have no privacy with regard to selling your transaction data … even if no one reads those agreements.
East Point isn’t exactly the garden distrct of Atlanta.
The last time we were in Pappadeaux, the restaurant had a large group of the same demographic that were under careful surveillance. The upside for us is that the wait staff were very attentive at our table.
Eight months after Fauci admitted that the COVID-19 test was so sensitive that it would trip positive for anyone who had been exposed to the word “Wuhan”, we are still being bullpuckied at every turn.
The unsurprising fact that the vaccine is not 100% effective in keeping people from catching the virus is being used to bludgeon people into continuing to wear masks. Despite the fact that masks are not effective in preventing people from catching the virus (unless the “mask” is a properly fitted N95 respirator), and only marginally effective in preventing people from spreading the virus. Despite the fact that two, three, four, or a stack of masks are not effective, unless they social distance the wearer to 16 feet, which is a more scientifically supportable distance than 6.
How about if we throw all the CDC apparatchiks into an arena with bears and rattlesnakes? If one survives, we will know that bears and rattlesnakes are not deadly.
Nothing there that shows any data on vaccinated people spreading virus.
And absolutely nothing about any efforts to verify efficacy in the inoculated population.
note: fixed some misfiring html
The dr I drew at random for my adjustment today, black man with heavy non-english accent, is OLD SKOOL. He wished me a happy Feast of the Resurrection. African, from one of the serious Christian traditions…
We had a good chat too. About literature and the classics of all things. In all the world there’s nothing so queer as folks. Or as interesting.
Fauci is an example of the worst a bureaucrat can get. Faux Diktat after diktat. Flip flops on a dime. Narcissist to the max “Hey, I’m getting a comic book.” How many interviews has this guy given? Highly overpaid (more than POTUS). How the Hell do you get rid of him? I guess bumping him off is the only way. plugs will continue Obola’s policy of never firing anyone.
Vicodin and the anti-inflammatory have both kicked in and I can take a deep breath without the stabbing in my back. Still enough sharpness there to keep me from doing anything stupid though.
Kids are watching Jurassic Park, streaming from my computer to the Roku in the living room. Picture looks great ripped from DVD. I’ve ripped right around 500 disks at this point, and am slowing down. I still have box sets, and a bunch of bluray discs to do. They love accessing the titles from the tv instead of looking at and messing with the physical disks. I found that I listened to a lot more music once I had ripped my cd collection, I hope the movies are the same.
They also got a lesson on why I have physical disks today. Older child wanted to watch Die Hard again, but she couldn’t find it on any of the streaming services. She KNOWS it was there, because she watched it from there. So we explained that the offerings online vary at their whim and the vicissitudes of licensing. If you can’t put your hands on it, you don’t own it. (and I’d add, if you can’t FIX it or change it, or use it however you like, you don’t really own it either.)
Good lesson for her.
(I’ve got 350 artists in my cd directory, most with more than one album. This doesn’t include all the discs I’d ripped that are now in my wife’s itunes library, I don’t even know how many that is likely to be. And I’ve got the physical discs for all of it in storage.)
@Chad Quote What about L337, L33T, 1337?
7h15 w45 7h3 c00l357 w4y 70 wr173 0nl1n3 25 y34r5 460.Unquote
This is totally unreadable; what are you trying to write?
“Leet, leet, leet” ==hacker speak for “elite” mostly used ironically now.
“this was the coolest way to write online 25 years ago”
when I was a kid, we put 7734 on our digital calculators and turned them upside down to scandalize the other kids…
This was the coolest way to write online 25 years ago
Of course we also liked to trick each other into swearing by having someone recite the Yankee Doodle Dandy poem only with an F sound at the beginning of each word…
good times!
“Russia Mounting Massive Show of Force in Russian-Occupied Crimea and Ukraine (VIDEO)”
Crap. Just what we need, another freaking war for Biden to throw us into.
lynn says:
“As mentioned before, I agree with Bill Clinton on this. Abortions should be available and infrequent. Or something like that.”
“Legal, Safe and Rare” was Slick Willie’s formulation. Which, of course, he didn’t mean, not for a second.
Scanner has only one team working street racers tonight. Must be slow before the holiday, or they’re trying to all get vacation time before the Floyd riots start up again.
Did he leave after taking the tree down with you still owing him a portion of the money?
Wait, what? How do they have their hands in our underwear (so to speak)? Did I miss something??
@alan, he couldn’t get the grinder he brought with him past all my stacks of zombie (and girlfriend) repellent. His smaller grinder was in the shop for repairs. We agreed that he’d come back when he had time after the small grinder was running again, and took $100 off the invoice. He said “I’ll come back, I live in the neighborhood.” (and he was recommended by the ladies in the moms club, you DO NOT piss those ladies off if you want to work again)
I figured it was 60-40 that he would come back because of the ladies, and because it’s easy money, balanced against a contractor’s natural inclination to move on to the next job and blow off the retainage.
It took a couple of extra weeks, but he sent his wife over today to do the job, and she cranked it out. Got the $100 and $50 extra that I beat out of him on the day. Kinda restores a bit of my faith…
When I was a kid I could never figure out how to make that work on my slide rule…
Yup, Biden and his entourage are pretty much losers. They desperately want to rule over the rest of us. You know, pick out our toilets, our underwear, etc.
Wait, what? How do they have their hands in our underwear (so to speak)? Did I miss something??
I figure that since they have touched our toilets, refrigerators, windows, clothes washers, etc; our underwear is next.
Plus, they want to give puberty blocking drugs to all prepubescents. That is definitely hanging around the area of our underwear.
It took a couple of extra weeks, but he sent his wife over today to do the job, and she cranked it out. Got the $100 and $50 extra that I beat out of him on the day. Kinda restores a bit of my faith…
You got a deal. The last time I had a stump ground, it cost me $250 plus I bought them a new $60 blade since someone spiked the stump and the blade broke when it hit it. It was a four foot diameter stump though.
Nighttime dose has taken effect and I’m off to bed.
And thus ended the day the Jews betrayed their Messiah and the .gov of the day was happy to hammer down the nail sticking up, on their behalf. The people who know you best are the ones most in a position to dime you to the man. If you are a believer, better times are ahead.