Cool and damp again. Yesterday got cooler throughout the day, and was down to 48F when I finally went to bed. We had scattered rain, and occasional drizzle throughout too.
My brain was definitely fuzzy on Saturday, and still not normal on Sunday, so my apologies that I missed both Passover and Palm Sunday. While I no longer practice, the passing of the Holy Days does punctuate the year, and I know many people who visit here are sincere believers. My best wishes to you during this season.
I also missed Persian New Year (March 20 this year) and even practiced saying Happy New Year but never got to my mechanic to bust out with “Norouzetan Perouz”, and I think it’s getting a little late for that greeting now. I was looking forward to seeing his face. The iranian expat and immigrant community in Houston is surprisingly big.
I think anyone might be surprised when they take the time to REALLY look around and notice things they’ve just been passing by, or haven’t passed in a while. I like to take different routes to familiar places, just to see what is in between, off the path I normally take, or even just looks completely different going the opposite direction. It can take a bit longer, but I’m often surprised by what is just out of sight, or just half a block over… If you find yourself in a set pattern or moving habitually, take the time to go a different way. Even just riding in the car as a passenger gives me a different perspective on my surroundings. You can expand this as a metaphor for life in general too, if you’d like….
I spent yesterday in my pajamas monkey punching computers and grumping at my family. Definitely don’t feel ‘normal’ yet, but it could be that I’ve run out of my daily anti-inflammatory drug (which hurts), it’s cold and damp out (which hurts), and also tree pollen season (which often makes me feel funny). Or it could be mild reaction to the J&J&j vaccine. Who knows? I wasn’t at my best and kept thinking I’d get back in bed. Never felt bad enough to actually do it though.
Still not making great progress on my lists. Might have made a little progress on the bathroom/saferoom project as my wife mentioned she might have the final floorplan figured out. Given that my buddy at Home Depot says they are restricting drywall and mud sales, and lumber is at crazy high prices, and going up, I should probably move getting the bathroom done higher up the list.
So many things on the lists. So little progress. I need more of me. Cloning or time machine? Which should I build first?
I don’t know, but I think a me with a time machine would tell me that I needed to get busy and stack some more… and get some dang projects finished and off the lists. And buy bitcoin. F computers, working, retirement savings, or a shiny new car, just buy LOTS OF BITCOIN. And then cash it out on XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX….system fail. Rebooting………………..
44F and wet in Houston this am.
Weird dream about gun grabbers and ammo shortages this morning.
A long ago friend of mine is building a huge external drive with eight shucked drives. “Syba 8 Bay Tool Less Tray Hot Swappabe 2.5″ 3.5″ SATA Non Raid External USB 3.0 Enclosure SY-ENC50119l”
Does anyone have experience with this beast ?
Not that model, but Syba made the USB 3.0 dual 2.5″ RAID enclosure I run as an experiment on my home server. I haven’t had any problems with the hardware. It seems fairly generic.
I have experienced problems with Windows 7 and supposed “backwards compatibility” of other USB 3.0 to SATA external drive enclosures. The PC “blue screen” appears as soon as I plug in the external drives.
The same hardware combination under Linux runs fine.
Left deltoid muscle (injection site) is more sore today than yesterday or Sat.
I’ve still got the tired, vaguely nauseous feeling too.
I might go back to bed now that the kids are off to school.
–wtf are those cops dressed for if they aren’t making arrests and clearing the streets?
Nice armored car too, and a sound weapon mounted on the front. All very shiny. Wonder where the money came from?
Not one mention of the antifa shields and other weapons.
—somewhat different view.
Not one mention of the antifa shields and other weapons.
Salem, OR. Don’t be there right now.
So antifa can attack a vehicle that is occupied and make grave threats against another person with no consequences. When the recipient takes action to protect himself, he is immediately arrested. Rule of law is truly dead in the Pacific Northwest, and many other ares of the country as well.
I got my first jab of the Moderna vaccine on Wednesday. Thursday kicked my butt and Friday was only a little better.
Rumor has it that the second dose is the bad one, but if you HAD the Wuhan flu (or one of the national variants, funny how THEY are OK!) then the first dose is the bad one. I could have had it last Spring, I guess.
of furturSo much misinformation, even from official sources, that I doubt we will ever know enough about this. YMMV, past returns are no guarantee future profits, etc. etc.
Coming to a warehouse near you:
Introducing Stretch
When the BD doggie is dropped, it reminded me of the Black Mirror episode with the robot killer dogs. Soon the ‘Zon can eliminate their army of migrants and let robots run their whole distribution system.
Dr. Faux-ci is so full of shit:
Fauci takes credit for COVID vaccine
How can this guy still be on the goobermint teat? Get rid of him already. He’s becoming Crone Pelosi redux.
I did not know that man had any authoritative powers to do anything. He cannot summon the national guard, he cannot order businesses to produce, he cannot pass any laws, he cannot assess any fines, he cannot hire or fire anyone, he cannot introduce bills in congress. What exactly does he do other than run his mouth? Remember, he has never had a patient, only done minimal research, read books, copied others, lied to everyone. Fauci is one doctor with whom I would never like an appointment.
When the BD doggie is dropped, it reminded me of the Black Mirror episode with the robot killer dogs. Soon the ‘Zon can eliminate their army of migrants and let robots run their whole distribution system.
That is the idea.
Amazon can’t afford to continue subsidizing retail with AWS if the workforce gets ideas about unionization.
The big difference I noticed in Florida on our most recent trip was the number of Amazon warehouses or wanna be facilities *everywhere*. The only exceptions were areas vulnerable to hurricane-driven flooding and/or where the real estate costs were prohibitive.
Of course, the beach areas were immune … for now. Just getting a second *non chain* grocery store on the island where we like to visit was a four year court battle in the 80s, and the permanent residents are still divided about the nearly 40 year-old “new” store.
Sam’s run yesterday. Gallon water bottles continue to be non-existent at our local store, and Coke products were thin again.
All paper goods were back in stock, but at prices that have many reconsidering the private label TP and paper towels.
A side trip involved Target for Tide Studio my wife uses for dark colors. Interestingly, the store didn’t have any on the shelf, but it was possible to order for pickup *at the same location* with a two hour window. Gotta wonder what other items are getting handled this way, probably to discourage Instacart.
The press is saying “The murder of George Floyd” rather than “death”. The press has already convicted Derek Chauvin.
Reminds me of the popular Nazi line. He will receive a fair trial, then hung.
I also notice that the only people that are qualified experts on racism and used as experts by the press are black. Can’t a white person be an expert on racism? Or just more media bias.
I really miss Walter Conkrite and Dan Rather.
Both lefties, but Dan Blather was a bit more outspoken about his anti-Americanism.
I really miss Walter Conkrite and Dan Rather.
Isn’t Dan Rather’s mailing address PO Box 34567, Austin, TX?
IIRC Rather is still around, opining on some Mark Cuban-funded satellite or low-rent cable TV outlet.
”So antifa can attack a vehicle that is occupied and make grave threats against another person with no consequences. When the recipient takes action to protect himself, he is immediately arrested. Rule of law is truly dead in the Pacific Northwest, and many other ares of the country as well.”
If cops dont act like cops, is it reasonable to conclude that they are not cops, but the enemy?
holy smokes bat flu man…
I went back to bed because I didn’t feel great. Woke up 15 minutes ago, and was so dizzy I barely made it safely to the bathroom, I couldn’t walk straight or stand in place.
The worst of that seems to have passed now, and I’m eating crackers and ginger ale. Wow that was unpleasant.
Dan rather blew his wad on the fake documents with g. bush. “fake but accurate”. Even cbs cut him loose after that.
If cops dont act like cops, is it reasonable to conclude that they are not cops, but the enemy?
Priority is always going to be preserving the best interests of the people who will pay the pensions.
Regardless of what happens this week in Minneapolis, Derek Chauvin has a much better retirement planned than what most of us will end up seeing.
The iranian expat and immigrant community in Houston is surprisingly big.
Yes, it is. I know two of them who got stranded here when the Shah left. One of them is a chemical engineer who was working for Dupont at the time and has had a flooring store in Fort Bend County for almost 30 years now.
Dan rather blew his wad on the fake documents with g. bush. “fake but accurate”. Even cbs cut him loose after that.
Rather lost his credibility about 20 years earlier with “What’s the frequency, Kenneth?”, reporting on his *own* mugging in 1986.
I don’t know, but I think a me with a time machine would tell me that I needed to get busy and stack some more… and get some dang projects finished and off the lists. And buy bitcoin. F computers, working, retirement savings, or a shiny new car, just buy LOTS OF BITCOIN. And then cash it out on XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX….system fail. Rebooting………………
I should have bought thousands of shares of Amazon stock when it was $6 for an entire decade. Now it is $3,082. I have been buying stuff from them since 2001.
Woulda, coulda, shoulda.
Woulda, coulda, shoulda.
Circa 2000, no one would have predicted the rise of AWS.
Sears was the dominant player in home appliances and their demise did not seem inevitable.
Heck, I *owned* several hundred Amazon share, back when they were playing negative capitalization games. I figured that wasn’t a path to success, so…
Cronkite and Rather, nah… They were the lefty MSM of the day. They just didn’t have the same opportunities as today’s MSM. At least today there are alternatives – it’s just hard to sort the wheat from the chaff.
Had some lunch. Feeling a bit itchy all over. Jeez.
dometic is the number one producer of RV fridges, and I think portable toilets too. They are having a sale. If you have something you need to keep cool, a 12v cooler should be on your prep list.
The dometic ones are a step above…
BTW, sun came out and dried up the rain. Temps are rising and at 77F currently.
Still feel a bit swirly especially when I move my head quickly.
Had some lunch. Feeling a bit itchy all over. Jeez.
It is that third kidney settling into place.
BTW, the wife got sick off the first Shingrex injection so it can happen. She is dreading the second injection.
Swirly… interesting description.
“REPORT: Biden Pressing Supreme Court to Allow Police to Barge Into People’s Homes, Take Their Guns”
“The Biden Administration reportedly put pressure on the Supreme Court to allow for warrantless confiscations of guns as the Court heard arguments in the Caniglia v. Strom case.”
“In the case, Edward Caniglia allegedly got into an argument with his wife Kim back in 2015 which resulted in the police taking away Caniglia’s firearms.”
Here we go. TPTB are going to invade our homes without a warrant and take our guns anyway. It is now obvious that there are police officers who will do this after watching the Salem, Oregon arrest.
When even Sotomayer is concerned about the overstepping, that is bad.
Hat tip to:
Swirly… interesting description.
Rhymes with Hurly. Hurly = needing to hurl.
didn’t link this when it was fresh, I’m not the only one to call BS on Biden’s press tongue bath numbers
“One reason why there is more violent attacks on innocents in NY”
“I survived brutal life/death assault by man w/ knife & brass knuckles August 2018, when I was a customer in nail salon. I’m a law abiding citizen. I have the God given RIGHT to defend my own life. @JoeBiden
will not be taking that away from me. Ever.”
“To get my pistol permit I had to:
•Take NY safety class
•Take/pass handwritten test
•Pass target class w/ certified instructor
•Get 4 letters written on my behalf to judge
•Write letter to judge on why I wanted permit
•All so I cld prevent this from happening to me again”
The SPAM email is flying in fast and furious today. Is there something that I missed ?
Yep. I have A/C, heating, water heater, stove, microwave and refrigerator in my RV. All built by Dometic. Stuff seems to work. Cheaply built to match the style of the rest of the RV.
Bit of an issue today. We were scheduled to go to Indian Mountain State Park for 5 days/4 nights. Got a call just after we left that the park had been flooded and there was no electricity. All packed up and nowhere to go. Actually half way to our destination. So a scramble to find another location. We went back to Cumberland Mountain State Park.
The strange part is that the reservation showed the place almost full. When we arrived two of the camping areas were blocked. The area we are in is only about 25% full. I don’t know if people are coming in on Thursday (our checkout is Friday) or for some reason the park is restricting the number of sites.
But we are here. Indian Mountain had sewer hookups, here we don’t. Water and electricity is all. We can easily go three days without dumping tanks. I think we can make four days. If not, we hook, go to the dumping station, and return, and unhook. Not difficult.
Minimal incoming spam on my gmail account. Usually only single digits daily; occasionally bumps into the low 10’s. Has been at that level for several months. Used to be higher.
Gmail or someone is getting much better at not even putting spam in my spam folder. No complaints here.
“Reunion: A Pip and Flinx novel (Adventures of Pip & Flinx)” by Alan Dean Foster
Book number seven (in reading order) of a fifteen book space opera with psi series. I reread the well printed and well bound MMPB published by Del Rey in 2002 that I bought new since I cannot find my copy in my packed books. I will continue to read through the series.
Flinx has his own FTL spaceship, the Teacher, built and given to him by the Ulru-Ujurrians. Flinx and Pip are again researching his heritage on good old Terra, using less than ethical and legal means, when he finds a file missing that describes his mother and his siblings. He traces the file to a data recorder headed to the Aann Empire. Yup, the lizards who have occasionally eaten humans. Flinx and Pip follow the spaceship and have more crazy times.
The reading order of Pip and Flinx:
ADF has a website at:
My rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Amazon rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars (106 reviews)
@lynn, didn’t you say you were looking for a specific flinx that you couldn’t find? I’ve got one or more in a bag from goodwill.
and a lot of keith laumer
I’ve been getting a lot of email with no images or broken images. can’t figure out if it’s me or them
The Director of the CDC:
CDC director says ‘I’m scared’ and has ‘recurring feeling of impending doom’ from Covid-19
How sciencey. We’re all gonna die. Hold on just a little longer. After a year wearing a face diaper we should just “hold on a little longer.” How long? Show us some stats. Geebus. If we all wore 8 face diapers for two weeks could we get rid of the diapers?
plugs’ new vax-port ™ proposal must be crushed. Papers Please! “Excuse me, Mr. Nick, you only have the J&J vaccine so you can only ride on trains, not fly. You need the Pfizer vaccine to fly.”
@lynn, didn’t you say you were looking for a specific flinx that you couldn’t find? I’ve got one or more in a bag from goodwill.
and a lot of keith laumer
Nope, I am good now. Big River (Amazon) has the titles that I want new now. And since I am trying to promote Alan Dean Foster in his justified dispute with Disney, I prefer to buy them new. I did buy a couple of them used though.
“Texans really hate ERCOT after winter storm, UH survey confirms”
“More than 4.5 million homes lost power during the storm, with millions of Texans not seeing the lights or heat turn on for days as Texas experienced record low temperatures. According to UH, 69 percent of Texans lost power for an average of 42 hours between Feb. 14-20.”
“Nearly three out of four Texans (74 percent) are unhappy with the Electric Reliability Council of Texas’ performance during the winter storm, with 65 percent strongly disapproving.”
“The failure of Texas’ independent electrical grid has sparked heated discussions on how to prevent it in the future. But according to UH’s survey, more than half (51 percent) of Texans are unwilling to pay even $5 more on their monthly electricity bill to winterize and safeguard the grid from future severe weather.”
People are idiots.
Boston Dynamics, our robot overloads, have a new machine that moves boxes around – up to 50 pounds using suction. – includes a video.
So basically people like cheap electricity and aren’t will to do more than complain when it goes offline once every 20 years.
I like the tradeoff and I’m not mad at ercot. So long as the grid doesn’t need a black start.
Check my above post for more info.
Find the elephant!
Rural white kids shooting themselves in the head, urban poor adult males shooting each other, rural young kids accidental discharge into an extremity…
I’m betting you could add black and gang affiliated to the 18-21 yo urban youths, just because that’s who lives there and shoots each other…
So basically people like cheap electricity and aren’t will to do more than complain when it goes offline once every 20 years.
I like the tradeoff and I’m not mad at ercot. So long as the grid doesn’t need a black start.
We last had rotating blackouts in 2011 in Texas when a cold front came in the middle of the night and the wind turbines shut down since the wind changed direction 180 degrees and was below the minimum speed for over an hour.
We were reputedly four minutes away from a grid black start in ERCOT this time. Next time will be worse as more coal power plants are losing money and can not afford to stay in business when only making electric power for money below 32 F or above 95 F. About half of the coal power plants in Texas have shut down permanently over the last ten years due to the federally subsidized wind turbines. I expect the rest of the coal power plants in Texas to shut down permanently over the next five years.
Coal is the only dispatchable electric generation that doesn’t use a home heating fuel. If you Texans allow the green weenies to shut the coal plants, you’d better be prepared to use them for fuel if you don’t want to freeze. Be ironic if the biggest energy producing state was first to follow Germany and Great Britain into the dark. Somebody needs to put up a website with the home addresses of every elected public official that doesn’t get up off their backside and demand that the no coal train just STF down.
“The failure of Texas’ independent electrical grid has sparked heated discussions on how to prevent it in the future. But according to UH’s survey, more than half (51 percent) of Texans are unwilling to pay even $5 more on their monthly electricity bill to winterize and safeguard the grid from future severe weather.”
People are idiots.
The Geico Gecko has a plan he’s circulating around which is essentially providing very high interest rate paper for him in return for gas power plants and pre-staged fuel to prevent what happened in February.
It reminds me of the boondoggle that Florida bought into under RINO Governor Charlie Crist where the state paid Buffett $X for the right to borrow 2 * $X to shore up the insolvent insurance companies in a catastrophic hurricane event. Of course, the event never happened as most of Governor Crist’s term was quiet in terms of Gulf weather, as the actuaries probably predicted. The Gecko always wins.
Email addresses, office mailing address, yes. Home address, no. Even idiots need privacy.
What happened to your migration from Win7 to Win10 and your qualms about limited amounts of memory? Working better, worse or meh?
well, hey! someone put a version of dotnet core 3.1 back in the repository and so I was able to apt get it and I have my nvr up and running again.
The Gecko always wins.
Yes he does. No surprise to the folks here. I studied Warren many years ago, with the hope of learning how to make some money. Found out I am not in the club. Better to read the books he read when he was starting out. Worked pretty well for me. Of course, he started out with quite a bit, so even if we had the same multipliers… you get the picture. Beneath all that corny wisdom is a cutthroat investor; someone who learns something each and every day. Admire him if you like, but don’t try to imitate him.
Tip for those starting out: skip all this and study someone like Peter Lynch for sage investment principles. Spoiler: there are no shortcuts, but still worth reading. I don’t remember if it was books he wrote (probably,) or others who wrote about his methods. Also read some of Ric Edelman’s books for some unconventional basic financial advice. Ric has something for everyone.
I stopped reading most of this stuff years ago, but if I were still interested, I would probably take a look at Donald Trump’s books. They are probably fascinating, but, like Warren’s, you might find his methods impractical on the small end of the investment spectrum. Finally, I have wondered if John Bogle wrote much in his early days. Some of it might be instructive.
I read quite a bit for entertainment, but the above was more to learn how to do things that make money. I wish I had a nickel xxxxxx thousand dollars for every successful investor I have tried to learn from. Many don’t really share their secrets: they just write stuff that makes them look good. This is especially true of the old line newsletter writers who sell screed that people try to use to make money. It does not work well. Better to read some fundamentals, then do your own stuff. If you find you are not good at it, hire a competent financial advisor.
I have my nvr up and running again.
Let the disks begin filling!! Seriously, I hope it works this time. Oh wait, is this the third time or second time. Charm, you know.
Email addresses, office mailing address, yes. Home address, no. Even idiots need privacy.
Agree. Let’s not sink to the level of those we disparage.
This time around, no cups error log being constantly written. Access log wrote once. errorlog wrote never.
System was running without the nvr software for the last day, without using up any significant disk space. We’ll see how it looks in an hour, but I’m hopeful.
What happened to your migration from Win7 to Win10 and your qualms about limited amounts of memory? Working better, worse or meh?
The office PC upgrade is delayed for a while cause I am chicken. The home PC was upgraded to an SSD and Windows 10 Pro x64. I am getting slowly used to Windows 10 again first. I used Windows 10 five ??? years ago during the beta and was fairly disgusted at the time. Windows 10 Pro is better now but still not to the usability level of Windows 7 Pro.
“COVID Face Masks May Be Accelerating Biden’s Dementia”
“The evidence of President Joe Biden‘s mental and physical health degradation is continuing to add up.”
“Despite reports distributed by the mainstream media such as Politico stating the contrary, Biden is hardly “sharp as a tack” where his campaign was “run from the basement” with constant lids because of outbursts of gibberish as well as being “unaware” he’s groping women. It has only gotten worse since he occupied the White House, from appearing to state the N-word, to falling down the stairs of Air Force One multiple times. His aides routinely kick the press out of the room when there are any signs that Biden is appearing to falter.”
Putting a double pressure drop device in the air path of a 78 year old guy cannot be good for him. And if the double mask rig traps CO2 then that is a double badness for him.
Hat tip to:
I studied Warren many years ago, with the hope of learning how to make some money. Found out I am not in the club. Better to read the books he read when he was starting out. Worked pretty well for me. Of course, he started out with quite a bit, so even if we had the same multipliers… you get the picture. Beneath all that corny wisdom is a cutthroat investor; someone who learns something each and every day. Admire him if you like, but don’t try to imitate him.
Or buy BRK-B, but that is a tricky play, with a window that opens only once every few years.
I’m not in the club. Never had the money.
Tennessee just passed the permitless carry bill. It now heads to the governor’s desk. Since he was the sponsor I see no problem in him signing the bill.
Law enforcement was against the bill along with liberal groups.
I fully expect crime to possibly drop in TN with the criminal scum knowing that anyone can be armed. Some places are exempt such as federal property, airports (which are under federal control), courtrooms, schools, universities, etc. I suspect some businesses will post signs about if a person has a weapon they are not welcome, which is their right. The loss off revenue may change their mind. I have no idea about major athletic events such as pro football.
I also expect every traffic stop to be modified to “do you have a weapon” or more than likely “put your hands outside the window” while the officer has their gun drawn. Since LEOs were against the bill it is for certain they will make any confrontation with anyone as uncomfortable as possible. “Hands up, on the ground, legs spread, handcuffed, you know your left brake light is out, you are now free to leave, use your walker to get back in your vehicle, have a nice day”.
Tennessee just passed the permitless carry bill. It now heads to the governor’s desk. Since he was the sponsor I see no problem in him signing the bill.
I thought I heard that the Florida Legislature was debating something similar when we were there two weeks ago.
In TX we got some school carry, mainly upper ed. We can enter an airport, but not pass thru security. School premises are specifically defined as the buildings the kids use, so you are ok outside, in your car, etc. ALL pro sports are no carry zones, even the Rodeo. Kids’ sporting events off school grounds get complicated. Any property that belongs to the people, no matter who is leasing it, is ok for carry if none of the other exemptions apply. Courthouses are no carry, once past security.
Bars that make 52% or more of their money from alcohol are off limits.
It’s complicated, to say the least.
It’s not just the alt news sites that found it strange, now it’s in the DM
@Rick H
drwilliams said; “Somebody needs to put up a website with the home addresses of every elected public official that doesn’t get up off their backside and demand that the no coal train just STF down.”
“Email addresses, office mailing address, yes. Home address, no. Even idiots need privacy.”
Two responses:
–Rule #4 is “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”. My Rule: I don’t believe in asymmetric warfare. Rules that the other guys don’t follow are not going to get followed by me, either.
–If people are going to freeze in their homes because elected officials do not have the mental capacity to analyze the expected outcome of their decisions and recognize that they are putting people’s lives at risk, they have no expectation of privacy or security, but rather should expect that other people will be willing to respond in kind. (And my wager is that should the lights go out those officials are going to bug out with a speed conducive to sonic booms, and probably take their families to a facility with uninterruptable utilities funded by elected officials to protect themselves in just such an emergency.)
Let me rephrase.
Even idiots need privacy from idiots.
Tennessee just passed the permitless carry bill. It now heads to the governor’s desk. Since he was the sponsor I see no problem in him signing the bill.
I thought I heard that the Florida Legislature was debating something similar when we were there two weeks ago.
Texas is looking at Constitutional Carry also for the umpteenth time.
@Greg; this?
“The failure of Texas’ independent electrical grid has sparked heated discussions on how to prevent it in the future. But according to UH’s survey, more than half (51 percent) of Texans are unwilling to pay even $5 more on their monthly electricity bill to winterize and safeguard the grid from future severe weather.”
People are idiots.
The Geico Gecko has a plan he’s circulating around which is essentially providing very high interest rate paper for him in return for gas power plants and pre-staged fuel to prevent what happened in February.
It reminds me of the boondoggle that Florida bought into under RINO Governor Charlie Crist where the state paid Buffett $X for the right to borrow 2 * $X to shore up the insolvent insurance companies in a catastrophic hurricane event. Of course, the event never happened as most of Governor Crist’s term was quiet in terms of Gulf weather, as the actuaries probably predicted. The Gecko always wins.
What Buffet wants to do is put in 10,000 MW of gas turbines with LNG storage of a week or two at full load. He wants to get paid 9% of what he spends to install the plants. He realizes that his new gas turbines will only run when the temperature is below 32 F or above 95 F, ie rarely.
If we are going to do this then we might as well go back to regulated utilities with a dual responsibility to serve electric power on a reliable and economic basis. However, we are not going to do this since The Goldman Sachs owns a freaking large number of the wind turbines and solar farms in Texas. Oh yeah, The Goldman Sachs. Where did you think all that money came from to install these huge wind turbines and get their awesome federal subsidies for fair weather only equipment ?
So, we might as well contract with the Gecko to install his 10,000 MW of gas turbines.
I just remembered this:
What’s the difference between a SWAG (Scientific Wild A?? Guess) and an EWAG (Engineering Wild A?? Guess)?
You can have an EWAG right now, but a slightly more accurate SWAG takes much longer.
What Buffet wants to do is put in 10,000 MW of gas turbines with LNG storage of a week or two at full load. He wants to get paid 9% of what he spends to install the plants. He realizes that his new gas turbines will only run when the temperature is below 32 F or above 95 F, ie rarely.
So, we might as well contract with the Gecko to install his 10,000 MW of gas turbines.
The state will pay Buffet the cost of the power plants and fuel *plus* 9%.
That’s pricey paper in this intetest rate environment. It won’t happen.
Senator Chris Murphy (D-NJ) :
“You are going to have to make some reasonable accommodations if you want 10 Republican votes, and I’m already talking to Republicans who are not unwilling to sit down at the table,” Murphy said.
“Our best chance to get something passed is universal background checks. I think the theory of the case is: Once we convince Republicans that the sky doesn’t fall for you politically when you support a reasonable expansion of something like background checks, you can move onto other interventions.”
How about the sky does fall, politically and every other way?
Oklahoma passed Constitutional Carry a year ago over protests from police and left leaning organizations that it would lead to wild west shootouts. Silence from the media now the predictions proved false. We can still get concealed carry permits that allow us reciprocal rights with other states. I have passed the CC course and simply need to get fingerprinted at the sheriffs office before I send it in. But the sheriff has shutdown fingerprinting for all but arrests during the covid panic.
“Even idiots need privacy from idiots”
Not if the idiot of the first part is elected.
“Oh! I’m so sorry!”
“Well that’s alright then. Welcome to the MN House of Representatives.”
Read to the end for Gov Tim “I’ve got Cuomo beat on a per capita basis” Waltz’ non-response, and the interesting mention of a similar “peaceful protest” outside a tv news reporter’s home.
Time to boycott Slave-made Solar Panels?
We should believe the Chinese government:
It is entirely a coincidence that Wuhan Chinese Coronavirus first appeared on the doorstep of the nations only Level 5
bioweaponsbenevolent disease research facility (watch UN official nod when I crook finger! Haha! So funny!)It is entirely a coincidence that most of our solar panel manufacturing is done by
slavesdisplaced indigenous peoples.What Buffet wants to do is put in 10,000 MW of gas turbines with LNG storage of a week or two at full load. He wants to get paid 9% of what he spends to install the plants. He realizes that his new gas turbines will only run when the temperature is below 32 F or above 95 F, ie rarely.
So, we might as well contract with the Gecko to install his 10,000 MW of gas turbines.
The state will pay Buffet the cost of the power plants and fuel *plus* 9%.
That’s pricey paper in this intetest rate environment. It won’t happen.
Desperate people do desperate things. And right now, the Texas Legislature wants to make sure that the Big Freeze does not happen again in Texas. Desperately.
And I am unclear what he wants to get paid. I was thinking that he wants 9% of his capital costs each year plus his operating expenses. It may not be a bad deal.
After all, not many people have $25K for a home generator.
“Chauvin Defense Team: George Floyd Concealed Meth and Fentanyl Pills from Officers in His Mouth”
“Partially dissolved pills were found in the back of the police car”
Oh my. That was foolish. And explains much.
Hat tip to:
Still not feeling great. Kinda achy and blah. And tired.
I’m headed to bed. Hopefully I’ll feel better in the morning.