Cool, but no rain forecast.
Tuesday it rained. All over town in varying degree. Lots where I was. Not so much at home.
I ran my errands. Fixed the plumbing issue at my rent house. Got it the first time, with the stuff I had with me, and didn’t have to do the second part after all…. that’s two miracles and a ‘nice save’…. I feel like a lotto winner.
Of course I also found out that my tenants are getting married in May. Which means I’ll need new tenants when they get pregnant. House is fine for two, too small for three. And he had the ‘rona, but she never got it. Locked in with him, and him with both symptoms (mild to ‘this sh!t sucks’) and a positive test, her with two negative tests. Three whole weeks and she never got it. Crazy.
Harvested two stalks of broccoli from the garden. They are about fist sized heads. Maybe they’ll be dinner tonight.
While sitting at my computer I’ve been ripping my way through the hundreds of CDs in the two binders I picked up. The burned copies were all bad. But I’ve been having good luck with the commercial disks. Almost all have ripped, although some have taken a whole lot of re-reading and oversampling. A couple just needed washing, and I polished 2 so far that I really wanted to rip. I’ve done a couple hundred so far with the same left to go. Then the physical media goes to storage. I’m not the guy who rips his collection then sells all the disks… anyway, I like owning physical media. After this, I’ll have just about every Lynyrd Skynyrd disk ever released- something that wasn’t one of my life goals, but I’m a completist. If I’m going to burn all the disks, I’ll burn ALL the disks. Even 20 or more Skynyrd disks. Le sigh.
Today I’m home with the student, so I’ll be doing home stuff. There’s certainly plenty to do.
Perhaps I’ll get a chance to do some stacking… Something I recommend to everyone 😉