Cool, getting warmer, breezy and sunny. Until the rain comes.
Got some stuff done yesterday. Not what I was hoping but that’s the story of my life at the moment.
Today I’ve got a couple of pickups about as far apart as you can get in the metro area. Conroe to League City. And then I have to see my client out on the northwest side of town, at 290 and 99. Lots of driving in my day. I could slip one of the pickups to Saturday, but I’ve got my non-prepping hobby meeting and I feel like I really want to go. I’m feeling healthy, and I’ll mask up. I miss the guys and the technical sessions.
I have noticed that if I’m tired from not getting enough sleep, I rarely get done even half of what I hoped to. I’m not as young as I was I guess. I have trouble focusing too, when I’m tired. Good reasons to head to bed earlier.
Physical condition is an often overlooked part of prepping. I’ve been eating less, and I’ve gradually lost about 10 pounds since March. I hover around 200 now. At 190 I’m too thin and my skin hangs on my face. It would be nice and prudent to convert some of the weight to muscle mass instead of spare tire. Nice, but I haven’t got the interest in spending much time on it. With the cooler temps, it’s easier to work outside and inside, so I’m hoping to firm up a bit while doing some work. Either that or it will break me…
Dinner last night was canned beans, canned corn, leftover canned carrots and frozen pork chops on the grill. As I was opening the cans, I had a thought. You used to see a can opener as a primary appliance in every kitchen. Most had some sort of electric opener, some were attached to cabinets, and there were many styles and models to choose from. It suddenly struck me that was because our parents and grandparents ate a lot of canned food. It was the only way to get fruit and veg out of season for most people. Two sides per dinner meant opening two cans at least. Soup for lunch, and pie for dessert meant a couple more cans. Jar openers were common gadgets too. They used enough cans that it made sense to have a faster and easier way to open them right there on the countertop. Contrast that with our diets now, with any fruit or veg available fresh in any season due to rapid and cheap shipping and handling, and the global nature of our supply chain.
Prepping and the current emergency have shifted my family’s diet back toward canned… even though we get fresh veg and fruit with every grocery order.
If the supply chain faces further disruption, if the cheap peasant labor in far away lands should suffer a population decline or political strife that shuts down commerce, if energy became much more expensive, everyone would be forced to shift toward canned food. Which would cause shortages. One more reason to stock up now. And to work on your gardening skills.
So stack the stuff you’ll need in the spring for your garden, and stack more canned goods in case your garden doesn’t grow. In fact, keep stacking all the things…
If it was something unusual we might notice. But after so many times one just tends to ignore.
That’s my story and I am sticking to it.
I’m so glad to see the VA gov has realized that the virus is much more contagious from midnight to 5AM. /sarcasm
Sorry dude. Tough week and I am on road today. I drove down to Victoria, TX and went to see the latest Ridley Scott movie with Dad.
“The Last Vermeer” is quite good and very unexpected. It is a WWII movie about art and paintings.
Is the film similar to George Clooney’s “Monuments Men”?
Bill Murray turns in another quality almost-a-cameo appearance in “Monuments Men”. I was really looking forward to seeing him (among others) in “The French Dispatch” this year.
Another lost year in the name of political advantage coming straight up.
re can openers:
I’ve been using a manual can opener for about 35 or 40 years. Being left handed, I used to have trouble with the electric ones, so I just went to manual. The Swing-a-Way brand of manual can opener is the absolute best in my book. Well worth the cost. I don’t have much hand strength or arm strength, have very small hands, and Swing-a-Way turns smoothly and easily without tiring my hands.
I finally bought a new one last year because my ~15 yr old one was getting dull on the cutting edge. In fact, I bought two, to have one for emergency use.
Talking about hand strength reminds me to give Jenny some applause and sympathy for her hard work with the tools she mentioned the other day. She has grit, the lady does!
I’m so glad to see the VA gov has realized that the virus is much more contagious from midnight to 5AM. /sarcasm
The KKKlansman plays to his audience in the suburbs around DC.
Fortunately he’s gone next year, but Gov. McAuliffe may be back for an encore, supported by the same core Dem female voters.
Trump may be gone, however, and the Coonman (Northam’s medical school nickname — go Google) getting elected to the office was the first blowback from 2016. Terry McAuliffe has lots of negatives, including a long association with the Clintons.
Brad: I got tired of the Brave messages asking me to participate in their weird funding scheme.
I don’t get those. Maybe because I have always ignored that scheme. Or, maybe because I use it on my Android phone, where I have almost all notifications turned off.
I want to try Brave on Win 10, but am too busy right now. Later… Too many things are “later.”
I presume you have the Swing-A-Way Large Crank version?
I second the Swing-A-Way. My wife bought one decades ago, and we have used them ever since.
@drwilliams, No sir, I have the ordinary one (maybe someone can fix the link for a referral if desired!):
I’ve never heard of the Large Crank one… can’t imagine an improvement over the one I have but I will take a look
Judge dismisses St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner from Mark McCloskey case
The couple’s attorneys argued Gardner’s email solicitations for campaign contributions demonstrated she and her office have a personal interest in the case
One of the reasons I like the Brave Browser is no need for add ons or extensions. As pointed out here, extensions break some sites, and change occasionally. In my experience, they required frequent fiddling, enough that I ran Chromium for a couple years with mo add ons. I just avoided sites that were too ad-rich.
When I installed Brave, it Just Worked. One of its quirks was that it “forgot” home screen links on my Android phone, and that infuriated me. Twice. So, I converted back to bookmarks. Quaint.
I am in a state of transition, and browsers are just a small part of my discomfort. Add to that the fast approaching end of year, and life is way too busy. I like a certain amount of boredom.
I’ve been struggling with can openers for years. Poor design, user fatigue, breakage, and impossible to clean. I finally bought a cheap electric. I like my chili with beans, and opening enough cans of beans and other ingredients to make a 12-quart stock pot made me tired.
After seeing this guy with Popeye forearms
talk about fingers cramping up, I don’t feel so bad.
Butterfly handles are not a good design choice for can openers. Not much better than a military P-38 in terms of the wear and tear on your muscles. A long crank lever makes more sense in terms of mechanical advantage.
I like the openers that cut the seam from the side so you can pop the top back on to store a partially used can in the refrigerator, but they all seem to have butterfly handles.
A long crank lever makes more sense in terms of mechanical advantage.
Also with wrenches. I get a better “feel” with more leverage. I have been chided by mechs over this, but they don’t understand we are individuals, and learn what is best for each of us.
Reminds me, I used to tell teenagers: “Remember, you are unique… just like everyone else.”
I like the openers that cut the seam from the side so you can pop the top back on to store a partially used can in the refrigerator, but they all seem to have butterfly handles.
My one criticism of the Swing-A-Way. If you ever find one, please post. Many thanks in advance.
Swing-A-Way, yep.
I actually have two, one used from ebay at an inordinate price (when my horrible horrible Chinese clone froze from rust), the other from friends at a yard sale for 25 cents.
After all: “Two is one, one is none.”
“I like a certain amount of boredom. ”
As in reliability?
With you there.
This week I had my first experience with my bank’s (major us chain) “you’ve been upgraded to a new online banking experience!”
It doesn’t exactly suck dead bunnies through a straw, but it sure ain’t an upgrade. And it omits one feature that I suggested to my banker months ago to make it user friendly and consistent across all loan types. Time to check out one of the smaller local banks, methinks.
I switched to Opera with tabbed browsing years ago, then something broke and I went to Firefox with TabMixPlus. I was recently forced to “upgrade” to Win10, which does SDBTAS, and have been using Firefox, albeit not happily. Seems like the whole package is designed to let the popups dance on my desktop.
All I want for Christmas is a new keyboard with a fully functional key:
“Send 50 Volts to Programmer”
I’ll take a look at Brave.
That’s the problem right there. You’re putting beans in your chili. Stop that.
The BF series:
Hammer, Wrench, Screwdriver, Channellocks
If you don’t have the tool that is too big for the job, you ain’t equipped.
Harbor Freight has some pretty good values in their sales. I bought SAE and metric impact sockets and a 24″ breaker bar to go with. Agree with you on “touch”. My policy is that if it’s not a wet part of the engine, squirt it with Kroil 24 hours beforehand.
Swing-A-Way, sadly, is no longer made in the USA. I doubt they have any product development going on.
I should have known that with this crew I’d be the noob with can openers….
I searched the thrifts for years before finally finding the one that cuts from the side. I only use it on cans that I want to put the lid back on though since it seems more fragile than a regular one.
If you are storing #10 cans, and you haven’t opened any, you might not know that you need/want a big table mounted opener for commercial use. They are pricy new, but with all the failing restaurants there should be some bargains. I saw a meat slicer go for pennies on the dollar this week, and usually they bring a premium.
Battle lines being drawn, nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong….
Rush apparently talked about succession and people are acting like that’s a new idea. Cali was moaning about getting away from Trump’s fascist nazzzi state for three of the last 4 years.
(and it might be the only way to avoid a bloody civil war)
I’ve had great luck with two gooberment websites today, one CA state and one Orange county.
Success at the state DMV in renewing driver’s license for 5 years. With Covid now raging, 70’s and older can renew online from home, no written or driving test required.
Success with county health agency in online sign up for free, at home, self administered Covid 19 infection test. Kit will be mailed here, drool in receptacle, mail back and resuts emailed to be when analysis done.
Like the suggested edit… HAHAHA
We have online renewal of driving licences here in UK, too. Licences are valid for 10 years if you’re under 70, 3 years thereafter. Have to send old licence back with application, which is a problem if you need to do something that requires photo ID, because then you have no photo ID pending receiving your new licence in the post. I did my last renewal at the Post Office, as is permitted, for exactly this reason. Have to do it again next year.
Passport is acceptable ID, but I suspect mine is on the verge of expiring – I haven’t been abroad for several years.
edit: Just checked my passport – 2024. Phew!
All I want for Christmas is a new keyboard with a fully functional key:
“Send 50 Volts to Programmer”
Electric Dreams Finale
Four years ago, Nebraska filed a motion in the Supreme Court seeking permission to file a complaint against Colorado over issues involving Colorado’s passage of legislation that legalized the recreational use of marijuana in contravention of federal law. Nebraska alleged that its interests as a state were harmed by that legislation.
The Supreme Court denied the motion.
Justice Clarence Thomas dissented from the denial, and he was joined in his dissent by Justice Samuel Alito.
Chief Justice Roberts, and Justices Scalia, Kennedy, Breyer, Ginsburg, Kagan, and Sotomayor were together in denying the motion.
Justices Scalia, Kennedy, and Ginsburg are no longer on the Court.
I am puzzled by Scalia being in the majority on this one. There is no majority opinion as such, only the “denial” and the dissent of Justice Thomas, joined by Alito, which includes:
“I have previously applied the Court’s precedents taking this discretionary approach to our original jurisdiction…. I have also acknowledged that “sound reasons” support that approach…. Because our discretionary approach appears to be at odds with the statutory text, it bears reconsideration. Moreover, the “reasons” we have given to support the discretionary approach are policy judgments that are in conflict with the policy choices that Congress made in the statutory text specifying the Court’s original jurisdiction.”
I guess ducking your responsibilities once gives you carte blanche in doing so forevermore, in the fantasy world of the Supreme Court.
I didn’t try to look up the precedents, but if part of the justification was “small potatoes” inasmuch as those previous disputes involved conflicts related to federal law vs. state law, that is not the case here.
Swing-a-way was apparently sold about 2007 and manufacturing moved to China. EZ-DUZ-IT is reputed to be producing openers on the US tooling. Mine has taken care of my needs since 2013. Have 2 spares….
Reviews are …mixed on the Chinese product, but they do have the long handle model on Amazon.
Success at the state DMV in renewing driver’s license for 5 years. With Covid now raging, 70’s and older can renew online from home, no written or driving test required.
Thanks. I went in in person a couple years ago, and it wasn’t bad, just inconvenient. I hope this is one thing COVID related that goes on forever.
I said that to my wife. I get out of the hospital on Tuesday, divorce court on Friday.
“The Last Vermeer” is quite good and very unexpected. It is a WWII movie about art and paintings.
Is the film similar to George Clooney’s “Monuments Men”?
Not in the slightest. Once the Dutch government returned from exile in London in 1946, they started trying and executing Nazi collaborators. A Dutch man sold a Vemeer painting to Goering for 1.6 million guildars. They put him on trial. The movie is about the trial.
@Lynn – I finally became sufficiently frustrated with the performance of Windows 7 Pro on my primary desktop to pull both of the Visual Studio installs and the system seems to run with a lot less disk churn.
If you have any of those installed on your server, you may want to look into whether you can live without them to try and fix the SMB problems. Of course, the only way to completely uninstall Visual Studio is to wipe and reinstall Windows, but I’d prefer to avoid that since it would require a paid license for an EOL operating system.
The Windows 7 Pro partition is where all of my games and saved data live.
@SteveF; Barbara recently had a knee replacement, might want to reach out if you have any questions.
Coincidentally, have been seeing a lot of commercials from this outfit:
I can get you a legal key for Windows 7 if you really need a key.
I wonder if the sales receipt (if any) from one of these PS5 resellers will be honored by Sony for warranty service if it should be needed?
As our Managing Director keeps telling our IT teams…’fail fast’…
I was going to mention that. Bought mine in ’79 and it’s still going strong. Newer ones are flimsy Chinese shït, so if you see one at a garage sale, buy it. Blade is easy enough to sharpen, just disassemble and hold it up to a grinding wheel. I have a vague memory they once advertised that their can opener “went to the moon”.
Re strength/exercise, I learned something cool the other day. Muscles develop more strength when stressed while elongating, not contracting; so put more effort into slowly sinking down when doing push-ups. Do sit-downs, not sit-ups. & etc.
@Lynn – I finally became sufficiently frustrated with the performance of Windows 7 Pro on my primary desktop to pull both of the Visual Studio installs and the system seems to run with a lot less disk churn.
If you have any of those installed on your server, you may want to look into whether you can live without them to try and fix the SMB problems. Of course, the only way to completely uninstall Visual Studio is to wipe and reinstall Windows, but I’d prefer to avoid that since it would require a paid license for an EOL operating system.
It does have the visual studio 2015 installed on it. But it is having a hardware fault which is coming from the motherboard, I think. A hardware fault in either of the disk drives would be handled quite easily by the o/s.
Can openers…
I prefer the safety type – can usually find this one for about half this price at HomeGoods:
More on the EZ-Duz-It…
John J. Steuby Sr. told us that prior to manufacturing the EZ-Duz-It, his company made hardware for the Swing-A-Way can opener for 30 years. (Steuby stopped making parts for Swing-A-Way after that company was sold a couple of times and moved production to China in 2008.) According to Steuby, to create the EZ-Duz-It, his company made several improvements to the Swing-A-Way model, including making the handle ¼ inch longer.
Same principle when lifting weights – count how long it takes you for the ‘up’ motion and it should take the same for the ‘down’ motion.
Or as Bob used to say:
I’ve been married for 21 years to Barbara, who gets very annoyed with me when I introduce her to people as “my first wife.”
It does have the visual studio 2015 installed on it. But it is having a hardware fault which is coming from the motherboard, I think. A hardware fault in either of the disk drives would be handled quite easily by the o/s.
You could try running the Prime95 “torture test” for a few hours to see if the program reports anything wrong that would point to memory.
“but I’d prefer to avoid that since it would require a paid license for an EOL operating system”
I can get you a legal key for Windows 7 if you really need a key.
Thanks. The problem isn’t the money as much as burning a license on a Q6600 CPU motherboard.
IIRC, those were new 12 years ago, Intel’s first quad core package.*
I’ll upgrade at some point in the next couple of years, and that will be in for the Windows 7 partition. The machine still plays all of my favorite games fairly well, including Starcraft II, however.
I did upgrade the video card to something not a decade old recently.
* Not a quad core *chip*. The Q6600 was a half-baked response to the first quad core Athlon and featured two dual core Core2 CPUs pasted together. The arrangement works surprisingly well and hit a sweet spot in the market. I’m not the only person still running one.
Why FDA’s coronavirus vaccine review will be politics-free
White House orders FDA chief to authorize Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine Friday or submit his resignation
Similarly, introduce your wife as your ex-girlfriend. Accurate but annoying.
I guess Elon was too busy unpacking at his new TX digs to supervise…
Thanks Borepatch for the reminder
Oracle is moving headquarters to Austin, TX.
Oracle is moving headquarters to Austin, TX.
Like The Real Life Tony Stark (TM), Larry Ellison likes a good party.
The Oracle campus here is small compared to what is in CA. 10,000 maybe (?) plus an apartment building. The facility was a project of late Co-CEO Mark Hurd, hired by Ellison after Hurd got canned as CEO at HP for funny business with his expense accounts found by investigators looking into possible sexual harassment problems.
Mark Hurd also liked a good party.
Ok, I confess I just used Wikipedia to look up a concept I’ve heard of but didn’t understand. What I discovered was more codswallop.
I often tell young’n’s to skip the Hughes flicks watch “Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure” if they want to see a real mid 80s mall experience. Everything is there — Oshman’s, Orange Julius, Casual Corner, the organ store, and the obligatory ice skating rink.
Sadly, the mall used as the location for the film, the Metrocenter in Phoenix, AZ has seen better days.
47 years is still a good run. The pandemic pressed a fast forward button on the destruction of a lot of retail, all of which will have to be relearned and rebuilt at some point.
By the time the first American death was announced a month later, the vaccine had already been manufactured and shipped to the National Institutes of Health for the beginning of its Phase I clinical trial.
NOTE: a month later = ~Feb 13
The mRNA techniques used to manufacture the vaccines had been touted for years, but couldn’t get funding:
apropos of nothing:
I was reminded today that one of my favorite film martial artists—great martial artist, not so great actor—had a match injury that left him with one testicle
His alma mater?
BREAKING: SCOTUS rejects Texas suit…
Four years ago, Nebraska filed a motion in the Supreme Court seeking permission to file a complaint against Colorado over issues involving Colorado’s passage of legislation that legalized the recreational use of marijuana in contravention of federal law. Nebraska alleged that its interests as a state were harmed by that legislation.
I imagine a lot of weed moved on I-80 from CO border towns to Chicago prior to IL legalization at the beginning of the year, but it is hard to make the case that Nebraska was necessarily harmed by the increased traffic. Maybe the McDonalds drive thru in North Platte got even crazier than when I last stopped on a *Monday night* 10 years ago.
Weed munchies are good for the restaurant business. Portland is getting two In-n-Out stores, and the Chick-fil-A boycott was promptly forgotten when OR leagalization happened.
Watsamata U?
Interesting read.
I have a friend that says he has one testicle. I’m taking his word for it, I haven’t looked, ain’t gonna look, I don’t even know how the subject came about. Talking about shi(r)t we did in high school while drinking beer and charring stuff on the BBQ. He was playing baseball in high school and took one to the crotch. Says he passed out. I called him a word we use for cats and not for manly men. Grin. Anyway, he has a couple of sons that seem normal.
My brother had one nut. Crushed it as a kid in his bicycle. Used to joke about it. Used to joke, period. After he had surgery for scoliosis he got a license plate that read 1BENT1
Edit — I had really bad acne in my teens. Wasn’t attractive. Told my brother, “It’s what’s on the inside that counts!”
Without missing a beat he replied, “Yeah… pus.”
Ball State.
The awesome Bill “Superfoot” Wallace.
Professional Karate Assoc middleweight champion 1974-1980, retiring undefeated in 23 matches, and later teacher at Memphis State.
I worked with a guy who lost one testicle in a table saw accident…………
not like THAT. The 4×4 sheet of 3/4 ply kicked back and spun one corner into his sack. Says it instantly swelled up to grapefruit size.
Friend of a friend was sliding down a metal roof on the farm… and a nail was sticking up. His mom sewed the sack shut.
Another kid was using the kitchen cabinet drawers as a ladder to stand on the counter. Jumped down backwards and one drawer was a bit further out than he thought…
it’s why we have two.
it’s why we have two.
Yup, like Ed said, one is none and two is one.
I heard a podcast where the guest was an attorney and talk show host in Atlanta who has run Republican campaigns in the state and has filed protest lawsuits. He was asked about the widely circulated “suitcase ballots” video. The essentials are that it wasn’t a suitcase, it was a ballot container. The container was being counted because it had been opened, and state law provides that any opened ballot container must be counted before it is left alone to prevent more ballots being added or taken. The elections supervisor was still in the room. The R and D poll watchers had been there for the opening and examined the ballots. In short, it was much ado about nothing. (He interviewed one of the people that were there at the time.)
And to think I thought it was to keep us from walking lopsided.
I remember him as “Sparks” in some movie with another, uh, actor, Chuck Norris.
HARRIS/plugs will save us all!
“BREAKING: SCOTUS rejects Texas suit…”
HARRIS/plugs will save us all!
The upside is that Georgia will not elect Raphael Warnock to the Senate.
If the Court had decided otherwise, Atlanta would have burned tonight, scaring the h*ll out of the suburban Dem female voters in the suburbs. They would have done whatever the thugs wanted to restore the peace.
We worked hard for what we have. What can we do that doesn’t involve losing our McManson and my German grocery getter?
At the last job, most of the upper management in North America was split between the suburbs of DC and Atlanta. Except for the CEO, everybody on the calls from those areas was female … or trans. Before I was fired, there was serious talk of everyone staying home into next July. And I imagine they still wonder how they lost 60 million EU in the first half of the fiscal year ended in November.
A very logical explanation that holds up exactly as long as it takes to formulate the questions:
1) Why was a burst water main used to justify the announcement of the end of counting for the night, when no water main was burst and counting was not stopped?
2) How was it that those containers were opened and shoved under the tables until after the legally required observers were left, and then suddenly remembered?
3) Where did those containers come from, with such a statistically unlikely load of ballots?
Those and many other questions could have been answered if Lil Miss Blondie Butter Wouldn’t Melt In Her Mouth Pigtails had offered herself up for questions the next day, rather that arranging for some behind the curtain delivery of steaming b.s. pie long after the fact.
I’ve seen statistically unlikely sequences of events. I’m even willing to entertain that the estimate of 1 in 1,000,000,000,000 odds against is off by a factor of a million. That leaves 1 in 1,000,000.
Last poll that I saw was a 47% plurality of voters believed that the election has been stolen. That is a prescription for disaster and responsible citizens should demand a full investigation. Unfortunately, it seems that the majority of Democrats are Yellow Dog Democrats who think that “move along, nothing to see here” is going to make it go away.
In a post-apocalyptic USA, there will be an outhouse over John McCain’s grave.
Much is made of the fact that conservatives have not yet risen up and started the revolution. This is taken to imply, probably correctly, that the great majority of conservatives, gun owners, and patriots will not shoot their fellow Americans except in self defense, no matter how great the political theft.
The great majority of conservatives, gun owners, and patriots do not need to start shooting.
Two and a half centuries ago, a tiny fraction of the colonists actively sought independence from Britain. Only a fraction of that fraction took up arms.
The upside is that Georgia will not elect Raphael Warnock to the Senate
Wanna bet ? The filled out ballots are being printed as I type.
In a post-apocalyptic USA, there will be an outhouse over John McCain’s grave.
Whatcha gonna do about Mittens ?
I tend to think that the canary in the coal mine will be surveillance cams getting disabled. One can of long-range wasp spray would fog the view of dozens of exterior cameras up to second-story level. Can of roofing tar suitably thinned would fog a lot of windows protecting cameras looking out. Just temporary, ya know?
Of maybe just a can of spray paint and a new tagging fad, which we know ain’t being prosecuted much. No reason to think about nasty permanent laser damage.
Course, it would only be environmentally responsible to leave a warning label:
This tag may contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer…
Just in case they want to do some testing to preserve workers health, or sumpin’.
“The upside is that Georgia will not elect Raphael Warnock to the Senate”
Wanna bet ? The filled out ballots are being printed as I type.
Georgia is another generation away from electing a black Senator, and it won’t be a radical preacher.
Parts of GA, AL, and MS are still fighting the Civil War. MS only just ratified the anti slavery amendment in 1995, and even then dragged its feet on paperwork making the ratification official, finally filing with the US Government’s archivist in 2013.
Riots this weekend would have been a game changer, however.
“Whatcha gonna do about Mittens ? ”
Moi? Nadda. My bet is if the first shot misses, he’ll hide.
Georgia is another generation away from electing a black Senator, and it won’t be a radical preacher.
Stacey Abrams got 48% of the vote for governor of Georgia in 2018. They may not need many of the prefilled ballots.
48% with the prefilled ballots and any other “irregularities” which were reported only sparingly.
Or we could just put Mittens under the outhouse.
Hey Greg, or anyone, this is one of the files that is filling my linux hard drive
and it continues like that for half a terabyte.
It’s not the NVR software doing that after all… what can I do? Set up printing? I’d have to get samba working first and just poking at it didn’t work.
any ideas?
House update.
Ceiling paint is complete. Stairwell paint is complete. 2 of 4 bedroom paint is complete but may need touch up pending daylight. Several thousand staples removed from 1×3 furring strips which previously secured ceiling tiles removed pending drywall install tomorrow.
25% of the LVP moved to lower level prep for install. Baseboards removed prep for install.
About60% of the solid raw red oak floor is sanded.
There was more. I’m tired. Full weekend ahead. Husband and daughter are struggling with my long absences. Me too.
End is in sight. My hands really hurt tonight.
I know there is a lot of important stuff going on politically, hyper focused on getting moved in
“I know there is a lot of important stuff going on politically, hyper focused on getting moved in”
—local, local, local.
You took the step you needed to take. The elephants are dancing and we mice can only hide.
That sounds like you are getting a lot done in a very short time. For your daughter, don’t forget to take the time to make the holiday special. Husband will understand, kid won’t.
Tiger Balm always worked for my soreness. I wish I had some right now….
According to the witness statement, the water main wasn’t brought up (from Scott Adams). The election supervisor sent home the people opening mail ballots. That others went home is on them. He was only addressing the openers, apparently were sitting at the bottom area of the image on CCTV. That’s where the containers were from – they were the mail ballots being opened at that center.