Cool. Sunny. Humid. Breezy. Eventually.
Did some stuff yesterday. Some of it even advanced my plans. Wrote this post then went to bed early.
Much of the time I feel pretty OK, then I’ll stumble for no reason, or feel nauseous for a few seconds. The sharpness in my upper lung is better, and I’m coughing less, but I’m not skipping my test appointment. I’ve got something, maybe not wuflu, but in a normal world, I feel like I’m about two days from crawling into bed for a week.
So I’m crawling into bed early…
Keep stacking. All that stuff ain’t gonna stack itself….
Indeed, don’t skip out. RBT ignored his vertigo and the result was not good. Caught in time he might still be around. Many of us are at that age that anything that changes, especially causing issues, should be looked at immediately.
+1 for that. I’m another example of “get it looked at immediately”. It’s nearly the second anniversary of my cancer surgery, so I’m following doctor’s orders even more than I would have before. Thus far, all seems well – let me stress: “seems”.
But “following doctor’s orders” doesn’t mean switching into full-on hypochondria mode. Nor does it mean chasing quackery. Lockdown 2.0 is in force here in UK, until Dec 2nd., and that doesn’t seem like quackery – to me, at least.
It appeaars that many of your compatriots disagree on that. Fine: more power to them – for themselves. Just so what they do doesn’t affect me. Which last pretty much sums up my plilosophy of life.
Indeed, don’t skip out. RBT ignored his vertigo and the result was not good. Caught in time he might still be around. Many of us are at that age that anything that changes, especially causing issues, should be looked at immediately.
IIRC, a minor concern on RBT’s part was that he’d have to deal with a Prog lecture, but, rest assured, they don’t dominate the medical profession yet. Just don’t go to an office of a large group and accept a nurse practitioner or PA walking into the room.
And DO/MD are equivalent. That’s come up here before. Trump’s personal doctor, who put him back on his feet within a week of the Covid announcement, has the DO initials after his name.
Geoff, that is crux of the debate, isn’t it? Most of those of us that oppose the mask mandate and the lockdowns are NOT saying this is nothing. We are saying that each individual should assess their risks and act accordingly.
People that are at high risk should reduce that risk anyway they can. But we aren’t ending this until the herd is, mostly, immune. And the quicker we reach that point, the quicker we can return to normal.
Unemployment is high in the States right now, and I presume world-wide, because of the lockdowns. Some industries, not businesses, are in danger of failing completely. If that happens, they, and their jobs, will likely not come back soon. Some 80% of restaurants fail in their first year before the pandemic, for instance.
I strongly believe the masks are much like the TSA. Theater. They SHOULD offer some protection, and every engineering test shows some benefit. But every real world study shows no detectable impact on infection rate. And this has been studied for the flu for decades.
Americans are, or at least were, suspicious of government. Our country was founded largely because a government tried to treat us as second class citizens, a captured consumer and work force. A brief look at the documents from our debates on government shows that very clearly. They, and many still do, feel government is a necessary evil and is best kept small. The US Federal government has forgotten that, and many of the citizens are trying to remind them.
What I don’t see anywhere? Democrats saying “Joe won, without cheating, and we’re happy to sit down and go thru the votes to prove it.”
It’s in EVERYONE’s interest to have fair and open elections. If you truly believe your candidate won without cheating, you’d be happy to PROVE it beyond a shadow of a doubt. You wouldn’t even want the HINT of impropriety to taint your candidate. Is that what we see? Nope.
late 90s? Delphi
hot skills, same, but as I read frequently here, begin translating to spanish jajaaja, I read nada, amigo, and a lot of spanish words here
I was on Delphi in the mid 90s, but by “Hot Skillz”, I’m referring to how computer professionals of that era in the US would plan for their futures by talking management into all kinds of crazy technologies and languages in order to build resumes with which they planned to ask future employers for six figure (US dollar) salaries. This coincided with the rise of big box bookstores in the country which devoted massive amounts of floor space to mostly useless Internet books and computer languages of the moment.
I’m not kidding when I describe how PC Magazine, for about a year around the year 2000, featured advertising from Sybase inside the front cover which read “LEARN POWER BUILDER OR LOSE YOUR JOB!” Hot Skillz! I remember that Johnson and Johnson in Tampa went for the language in a major way and the decision ruined the division.
I’m assuming the US wasn’t the only country with the people seeking to build Hot Skillz, but Americans buy anything, including, at the time, lousy computer-related books and magazines. Still, Venezuela was pretty forward-thinking at the time, including state-paid plastic surgery, and, before their professional class fled to bug out condos on Collins Ave. in Miami Beach, I imagine their engineers had the same thought process as US engineers. Geeks are geeks everywhere.
I don’t trust the US government to tell the truth. I also do not believe they have our best interests as a priority. The government is composed of people, leaches that have spent their life on the public dole. Called politicians. Their goal is to attempt exert power and keep themselves in office.
I fail to see how governors, mayors, etc. can impose mandates, make them legal requirements, without legislative oversight. Some (Kate Brown, Oregon) have gone so far as to impose fines for non-compliance of the mask mandate. She has set herself up as a lawmaker and judge, something that is way outside the realm of her authority. I see this as government tyranny, a single person putting themselves in the role of a dictator. Such people should be reigned in, quickly, and with legal consequences for their actions.
This entire episode has produced a huge flock of sheep, and a few sheep dogs of dubious intelligence and most certainly huge egos. Governors and mayors who see themselves as ones that need to control others to satisfy that ego.
I take reasonable precautions to protect myself. Others should also take precautions to protect themselves. I should not be told I cannot go out because I might infect others who want to go out. If a person is at risk, stay home. Don’t tell me to stay home so they can go out.
Sadly, COBOL was not on the shelf.
–take the time to read thru the affidavit and see just how blatant the fraud is. More votes in a particular time than they have physical equipment to count. The built in ability to load BLANK ballots, and then assign them to a candidate at a later time. Logs that aren’t really logs. Algorithms that “distribute” votes among candidates, resulting in decimal vote counts- which were seen in the reporting- and therefore point to the algorithm being used.
Anyone know what happens if the candidate alleges fraud, and the allegations are proved? The counts don’t really matter then, do they? and simply recounting fraudulently cast votes is not enough, you must determine that they were also valid votes.
“This coincided with the rise of big box bookstores in the country which devoted massive amounts of floor space to mostly useless Internet books and computer languages of the moment.”
Sadly, COBOL was not on the shelf.
COBOL is not a useless fringe language. I believe there are long-established books which are the “gold standard” for learning the syntax.
late 90s? Delphi
hot skills, same, but as I read frequently here, begin translating to spanish jajaaja, I read nada, amigo, and a lot of spanish words here
@Ayj – Oh, I just realized that you may have meant Borland Delphi.
Yeah, that one sold a lot of books and definitely qualifies as one of the Hot Skillz. Up until the board fired Philippe Khan in 1998, Borland’s name on anything was taken seriously.
I never worked at a Windows shop until I joined that phone company with the Death Star logo in 2000. By then, Anders Hejlsberg and his friends had taken that fateful limo ride to lunch with Microsoft and Delphi was pretty much history two hours after the car pulled out of the Borland driveway in Scotts Valley on that fateful day in … 1996 (?).
Hejlsberg went on to create the ultimate Hot Skillz, the one that ended up ruling them all, C# and the .Net runtime.
Philippe Khan invented the cell phone camera post-Borland. Maybe you’ve heard of it.
(I’ve long believed Khan’s accomplishment is behind Bill Gates desire for a singular intellectual achievement he can call his own … well, beyond the garbage rand()/srand() functions in Visual Studio.)
Ann Coulter’s article today is about how Dumbocrats “gracefully” concede elections.
Shouldn’t they certify after the audit?
How can you certify future results?
I found a 3-inch wide Cisco book on my shelf last week when I was researching something.
2005, $85 at Borders Books. Completely obsolete
Same way you need to pass legislation to know what’s in it.
Or when you know it’s a futile gesture.
BTW, these two were harangued and browbeaten for HOURS, doxed, threatened, called names, etc. They were treated like enemy combatants, abused until they ‘confessed.’ as soon as they got free and had a chance to breathe, they recanted. DM calls it “flip-flopping.”
wrt something that has fallen off the radar…
–shady, real shady.
–israeli bombers inbound in three, two, ……..
“How can you certify future results?
Same way you need to pass legislation to know what’s in it.
Like the nationalization of the student loan program written into Obamacare.
I still floor people when I point that out. The usual reaction is denial at first, especially among Progs with big loan debts, then they usually scurry off to Google, search, and, in most cases, feel too embarrassed to admit I was right. Occasionally I get acknowledgement.
Our household has some expertise in the area. My wife was offered a fast track job to an officer position at Chase in their student loan division pre-medical school I’m still undecided whether turning that down was a good idea, but the government writes all the student loan paper now with banks simply collecting a handling fee for processing the payment checks which don’t go to Navient (nee Sally Mae).
Not so.
This entire episode has produced a huge flock of sheep, and a few sheep dogs of dubious intelligence and most certainly huge egos. Governors and mayors who see themselves as ones that need to control others to satisfy that ego.
The KKKlansman sitting in the Governor’s Mansion in Virginia has a picture from his med school yearbook which he desperately needs voters to forget before his reelection campaign cranks up after the first of the year. Selling the DC suburbs that he will keep them “safe” from the virus … as well as the rubes in the red counties of the state … will be the key to his reelection.
ech, did the CDC determine that masks are effective while they were telling people that masks are not necessary for ordinary people and should be saved for the medical professionals, or while they were telling people that they have to wear masks?
Liar in one thing, liar in all things.
Or, as Nick says, their goals are not our goals.
How’d you manage to get them to acknowledge that you were right? My rate in this regard hovers slightly above 0%. Maybe your coworkers and acquaintances are more intellectually honest than mine.
The CDC didn’t do all those studies. They just had a roundup of them.
Anyone heard from Miles Teg?
Missing Miles Teg. Haven’t seen that moniker anywhere.
“they usually scurry off to Google, search, and, in most cases, feel too embarrassed to admit I was right. Occasionally I get acknowledgement.”
How’d you manage to get them to acknowledge that you were right? My rate in this regard hovers slightly above 0%. Maybe your coworkers and acquaintances are more intellectually honest than mine.
The acknowledgement will come with the caveat “… but it is only a few billion dollars to the Treasury per year, hardly enough to completely cover Obamacare”.
A billion here, a billion there … but enough to get ACA through Congress on Reconciliation after the underwear model took Uncle Ted’s Senate seat.
– Everett Dirkson
‘course nowadays it’s more like trillion
Well, back from my test. Despite the online info, it was not the rapid test. Nasal swab and wait 2-3 days. Man, that swab is REALLY uncomfortable. I mean REALLY REALLY.
CVS has the process down. I got there 10 minutes early, was in line behind the previous appt for about 10 minutes. So they are right on time with appts. It was the drive up pharmacy line at CVS, and after they give you a bag with the stuff in it, they have you roll up your window and they call your cell. The swab caused me to sneeze and cough, so I know now why they have you close your vehicle up. They watch that you get the swab in all the way, and rotate it properly and hold it in place for long enough. 1 inch, 3 times, 15 seconds, both nostrils. Did I mention it burns and is REALLY unpleasant? Then into a test tube and seal, into a bag and seal, wipe the collection box lid with provided wipe, insert bag, wipe lid again with NEW wipe.
Results by email in 2-3 days. I was expecting the quick test. In any case, I’m not leaving for FL tomorrow. I don’t want to give mom whatever I have, even if it’s not covid.
Weather turned gorgeous. 81F in the sun, breeze, cool in the shade. The weather station says 56%RH but it feels much damper than that.
I guess I’ll do more outside stuff as soon as I get my lunch.
The MSM desperately wants to see bodies stacked in the streets. They want this to be like the Black Plague of the Middle Ages and it’s just not turning out to be. It’s basically a bad flu year, but that isn’t newsworthy. 0.3% fatal. Seriously? Who gives a fuck?
Europe locked down MUCH stricter and MUCH sooner and longer than the US did and they’re spiking. So, what do lockdowns and face masks accomplish when the places that most fervently did both are spiking? All they do is feed public fear and panic which drives people to empower (or ignore power grabs by) the government and drives advertising revenue for the MSM.
Much ado about nothing.
Poor Biden and the libtard left. By the time he’s sworn in either so many people will have been infected over the previous 10 months or the vaccine will be in mass distribution that he won’t have a crisis to be the white knight for. He’ll claim credit for it anyway I’m sure.
Oh noes, we’re all going to die. The end is Nearer, the end is Nearer!
Dog walking increases odds of catching COVID by 78 percent
Results by email in 2-3 days. I was expecting the quick test. In any case, I’m not leaving for FL tomorrow. I don’t want to give mom whatever I have, even if it’s not covid.
CDC issued a recommendation against travel for Thanksgiving.
Things would have to be really bad for Florida to close the border, but, in March, they didn’t want the AirBNB accomodations around Jacksonville and Pensacola filling with people from New York and Louisiana, respectively. IIRC, there were some checkpoints staffed by FHP but for a limited time.
Disney and, to a lesser extent, Publix would flip if Florida closed the border next week.
PSA has some black rifles in stock, and some 7.62×39 ammo. It’s TulAmmo, steel case, and 50c/rnd which is up from 33c/rnd just a month ago.
Prices are the new normal. Expect them to be even higher when/if sleepy joe is sworn in and to skyrocket at his funeral…
Prices are the new normal. Expect them to be even higher when/if sleepy joe is sworn in and to skyrocket at his funeral…
The Cabela family sold out to Bass Pro too soon. I guess they figured there would never be a gun salesman like Obama.
I never bought guns from Cabela’s, but they ran their casual clothing as a loss leader. Quality in that department is way down since Bass Pro took over. Even Bass Pro’s own private label items are off since the merger.
Which makes me wonder why someone would subject themselves to the test unless they really needed the test. I see no reason, currently, to put myself in such misery for the test. Perhaps if I got sick or some series of events required me to take the test. Lose my subbing job unless tested, job loses.
Of course he will. I predict the vaccine will not be available until after sleepy Joe is sworn in. He will then take full credit. Photo op of him administering the vaccine to some drug head homeless wino showing his compassion.
About the same deal as him running out on the platform. What a stupid scene. Add in the background/backdrop he now uses where it states “Office of the President Elect”. Ha, there is no such office. What an idiot.
Any discussion or conclusion about mask use has to consider that most people aren’t wearing anything effective against GETTING covid, they aren’t wearing them correctly or consistently, and they’re doing all kinds of other bad behaviours like rubbing their eyes and constantly handling the mask.
The only mask effective AT ALL against getting covid is an N95 worn correctly. All the other masks are not and never were about protecting the wearer. So I think it’s disingenuous at best to make some of the statements I’ve been seeing in articles about masks not working to prevent getting covid.
VERY few people are wearing N95 masks. To judge the efficacy of mask wearing, you’d need a population of N95 or P100 wearers, and the only ones currently are healthcare workers and they have a better than average chance of getting sick just based on their increased exposure so that would skew results.
This coincided with the rise of big box bookstores in the country which devoted massive amounts of floor space to mostly useless Internet books and computer languages of the moment.
Sadly, COBOL was not on the shelf.
Nor was Fortran.
Iran Just Activated Formerly Banned High-Tech Uranium Centrifuges At The Same Site Trump Considered Attacking
“Any action against the Iranian nation would certainly face a crushing response.”
–israeli bombers inbound in three, two, ……..
Why use bombers when you have one of the finest ballistic missiles on the planet, the Jericho ?
Ann Coulter’s article today is about how Dumbocrats “gracefully” concede elections.
The MSM desperately wants to see bodies stacked in the streets. They want this to be like the Black Plague of the Middle Ages and it’s just not turning out to be. It’s basically a bad flu year, but that isn’t newsworthy. 0.3% fatal. Seriously? Who gives a f***?
Europe locked down MUCH stricter and MUCH sooner and longer than the US did and they’re spiking. So, what do lockdowns and face masks accomplish when the places that most fervently did both are spiking? All they do is feed public fear and panic which drives people to empower (or ignore power grabs by) the government and drives advertising revenue for the MSM.
Much ado about nothing.
Poor Biden and the libtard left. By the time he’s sworn in either so many people will have been infected over the previous 10 months or the vaccine will be in mass distribution that he won’t have a crisis to be the white knight for. He’ll claim credit for it anyway I’m sure.
Aesop really disagrees with that IFR by an order or magnitude. I have not been able to figure out what he is looking at to get such a different IFR.
They watch that you get the swab in all the way, and rotate it properly and hold it in place for long enough. 1 inch, 3 times, 15 seconds, both nostrils. Did I mention it burns and is REALLY unpleasant? Then into a test tube and seal, into a bag and seal, wipe the collection box lid with provided wipe, insert bag, wipe lid again with NEW wipe.
I must not understand why it is so unpleasant. One inch does not sound bad. The people that I know who have taken the test are claiming five inches into your nostril.
“Sadly, COBOL was not on the shelf.”
Nor was Fortran.
Again, not a Hot Skillz. And, like COBOL, there was a standard text which taught the basics.
I may even still have my copy.
Ah, you all just inspired me to look for a copy of my first programming book (FORTRAN IV):
Hmmm, $1008? That money laundering idea is looking more and more plausible.
This coincided with the rise of big box bookstores in the country which devoted massive amounts of floor space to mostly useless Internet books and computer languages of the moment.
Sadly, COBOL was not on the shelf.
Nor was Fortran.
Ah, you all just inspired me to look for a copy of my first programming book (FORTRAN IV):
Hmmm, $1008? That money laundering idea is looking more and more plausible.
I’ve got a McCracken Fortran IV book on my shelf also. I bought mine in 1975. Read it cover to cover several times.
I’m always afraid I’ll do this…
Hmmm, $1008? That money laundering idea is looking more and more plausible.
The Chinese relations use the Native American casinos around Seattle to launder their racket cashflows. If they win, great. Otherwise, the casino always makes sure they have something to eat via comps.
I’m sure they aren’t alone using the casinos that way.
A Death Star Telephone salesperson knocked on the door today to sell fiber service
I guess the special “Do Not Contact” list for extra grumpy ex-employees is no longer a thing since the company is $150 billion in debt.
Maybe those thousand-dollar used textbooks are like Wayfair furniture: With every order you get a preteen sex slave.
(Yes, yes, dubunked conspiracy theory. “Debunked.”)
re Pfizer and their super-miraculous 90-whatever-percent-successful vaccine, wasn’t it Pfizer who payed a $2B settlement for fraudulent claims? And a number of multi-million-dollar settlements for impermissibly cozy financial arrangements with politicians and regulators?
“Vice President Biden, Please Hold Back for the Sake of Ballot Integrity” by Harold Pease
“Dear Vice President Biden, as I watched your campaign move increasingly leftward, away from freedom and the Constitution, I became concerned for your safety and place in history. You want the presidency so badly that you are willing to compromise yourself and soul to get it. Your new friends, Senator Bernie Sanders and the Squad, do not love America or anything about it, nor you. They want to bring it down. You are but a vehicle to them in advancing a socialist agenda. Your new friends will replace you as soon as they can. Nancy Pelosi’s latest 25th Amendment challenge is not to get rid of Donald Trump but you. The woman campaigning with you is anxious to replace you—and will— if you obtain this office.”
“You could have stopped the burning and looting of American cities by your supporters as they threw molotov cocktails at police and looted stores. You called them peaceful demonstrators. This empowered them to do more of the same. As president you will not be able to control them. They want a Marxist America and for the time being you are their “useful idiot” until replaced.”
“You have exceeded the average lifespan for males in this country of 76.1, and you know you are cognitively failing. If made president you are not likely to finish your term. Whether your “friends” take you out, or you go naturally, you will meet God soon.”
“You are corrupt. Tara Reade, your former staffer, says you raped her in 1993. You gave a quid pro quo to Ukraine, “If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money (one billion).” You never had to answer these charges because your corrupt media friends never made you. Your son Hunter’s laptop contains thousands of documents disclosing that you and your family made millions by influence peddling in multiple nations. You are “the big guy” in some of those documents personally profiting from the Chinese Communist government. They have lots more on you. Your friends and party helped you cover this up but you will stand before God soon where you cannot hide. You are in so deep you can be blackmailed and they and you know it.”
“The latest Liberal Buzzword: Deprogramming.”
“The first thing you have to understand abut deprogramming is that the intended target will be confined against his/her wishes. Individual rights need to be expunged to “heal you” but don’t worry: You are sick and they know better. Freedom is a luxury.”
I have got your Deprogramming right here.
“Boys ! Avenge Me !” – Father speaking to his sons while dying in a reeducation camp in the movie “Red Dawn”
“The people that I know who have taken the test are claiming five inches into your nostril.”
-they say an inch, but it looked like more to me, and it feels like 5. It goes in til it hits something. It also burns like fire, IDK if there is a coating, or if a dry cotton swab always feels that way.
It’s more an INTENSE discomfort than pain after the burning wears off. Nothing but air is supposed to go that far in.
“I guess the special “Do Not Contact” list for extra grumpy ex-employees is no longer a thing ”
–because of a product launch I worked on, and having my cell number for a VERY long time, and (I suspect) a personal relationship with one of the old guys, I used to show up in the computer as something akin to the founding fathers of cell service. When I called ATT Wireless, I got fawned over. Even though I still have the same number and service (dif plan obviously) I don’t get that anymore. I think when I had to give up my TDMA nationwide plan that changed something in the file. Been different since then anyway. It was nice while it lasted.
added- I got my service in 91, and eventually got gobbled up by ATTW. That was my second cell service btw, my first was 87 or 88 in PHX, with an analog bag phone.
“If you ever doubt if you are on the right side of history. Part 2.”
“You don’t have to guess: Another sexual predator is a high ranking member of Antifa/BLM.”
Looks like somebody right out of a Mad Max movie.
The problem is that the IFR is, even more than flu, heavily age-weighted. For those under 18 it is 0.003%. If you are 50-69 it is 0.5%. For those over 75 it is 5.4%. That’s the problem. Plus, it seems to have a higher R0 (2.5) number than flu, meaning that each case will cause 2.5 more. That means a faster spread and wider spread than flu.
If you get it bad enough to be hospitalized, your chances of surviving get dramatically worse than if you don’t get it that bad. 79K currently hospitalized is a lot more deaths coming.
While comorbidities are also a factor, there are lots of cases of younger and healthier people getting it. Problem is, which strain are you gonna get? A bad one or a not so bad one?
Even though I still have the same number and service (dif plan obviously) I don’t get that anymore. I think when I had to give up my TDMA nationwide plan that changed something in the file. Been different since then anyway. It was nice while it lasted.
AT&T Wireless service has been through multiple corporate hands since 2000. I lost track of all the antics, but legacy Cellular One TDMA was purged out of Cingular by 2006, prior to SBC rebranding to AT&T and buying out BellSouth, putting Wireless back onboard the new Death Star. The special attachment to your file probably went away with the “blue” TDMA network control systems.
TDMA was such a cr*p idea from a customer perspective. My father-in-law and I used to debate it all the time. People on the phone are not supposed to sound like the Rebel pilots’ intercom in the original “Star Wars” flick. The technique saved bandwidth, though, and co-existed with the old analog voice phones until the carriers had room to do capital spending and replace the original AMPS service.
What, in general, isn’t more dangerous for those over 75? Encourage them (and others in high risk categories) to isolate. Provied help for them – food deliveries,work from home, etc. Let the rest of the world keep turning.
“A.F. Branco Cartoon – Resist We Much”
“We all thought the Democrats meant time to heal when they really meant time it’s time for you to heel. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020.”
This is for you MrAtoZ.
If you get it bad enough to be hospitalized, your chances of surviving get dramatically worse than if you don’t get it that bad. 79K currently hospitalized is a lot more deaths coming.
The hospitals are learning to treat the bug, and a lot more safe but “not approved” approaches get used than anyone wants to talk about for fear that the drugs will go unobtainium.
Don’t hesitate to go to the hospital if you think you have a bad case.
If you get it bad enough to be hospitalized, your chances of surviving get dramatically worse than if you don’t get it that bad. 79K currently hospitalized is a lot more deaths coming.
The hospitals are learning to treat the bug, and a lot more safe but “not approved” approaches get used than anyone wants to talk about for fear that the drugs will go unobtainium.
Don’t hesitate to go to the hospital if you think you have a bad case.
I want this list if I get covid again and have to go to the hospital:
I want this list if I get covid again and have to go to the hospital:
Contrary to what you probably imagine, the only prescription item on that list which we have stashed at home is a vial the steroid under a trade name along with two z-pack starter pills in my suitcase.
We currently don’t have a hypodermic for the steroid, however, because the cat has been sick and the vets asked for a urine sample from a clean litter box a few weeks ago. I had to use our hypo to collect the urine from the box.
LOL! h/t to Mr. SteveF, praise be His Name.
Not according to HARRIS/plugs advisor Doctor Ezekiel Emanuel. You shouldn’t live past 75.
That’s because needles cause addiction and kill people.
That’s always the problem with that demographic. How many times have we said or or heard, “So-and-so was doing great until [fill in the blank] and then it was just downhill after that.” You can fill in the blank with: bad fall, broken hip, bout of pneumonia, bad cold, stroke, heart attack, clot, infection, death of spouse, and now COVID-19. What makes COVID-19 any different than the others? That’s just how it is with that age group.
For those over 75 it is 5.4%. That’s the problem
That’s always the problem with that demographic. How many times have we said or or heard, “So-and-so was doing great until [fill in the blank] and then it was just downhill after that.” You can fill in the blank with: bad fall, broken hip, bout of pneumonia, bad cold, stroke, heart attack, clot, infection, death of spouse, and now COVID-19. What makes COVID-19 any different than the others? That’s just how it is with that age group.
But I should live to be 200 ! ! !
“We currently don’t have a hypodermic for the steroid”
That’s because needles cause addiction and kill people.
Dispensing hypos is up to the pharmacist’s discretion anymore.
My wife just goes in and asks, no ID or name dropping.
Looks like California is ready to send in the Stormtroopers for disobeying Father Knows Best.
Purple-tier California counties will get curfew from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., state says
What about the Rankin-Bass classics?
Christmas isn’t Christmas at our house unless we’ve had the debate about Miss Jessica in “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” — surgically altered or strict corset training.
Looks like California is ready to send in the Stormtroopers for disobeying Father Knows Best.
I made a point of breaking the curfew every night in Austin in March. I worked for an “essential” business so I wasn’t going to jail, but I never even saw a cop outside the city limits.
Inside the city limits, I only saw APD at Sam’s or HEB.
Looks like California is ready to send in the Stormtroopers for disobeying Father Knows Best.
Purple-tier California counties will get curfew from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., state says
“Florida and Texas announce they will have no more lockdowns”
Once again I am glad that I live and work in Texas.
You can’t make stuff up when Shot Girl ™ is involved:
‘Climate action is tied to reproductive justice’: AOC says the Biden administration has committed to a $2 trillion climate plan
Simp’s love the Girl of Shots! She’s so bad!
In WA State Commissar Inslee has ruled that it is illegal to sing in church, plus you had better not be gathering at church or anywhere else for that matter.
Welcome to the Left Side and you will like it.
Well. In the last month or so, I’ve bought a ton of pellets for the wood stove. Yep, 50 forty pound bags. On top of the 12 left from last year, I’m good.
The silly emu eats X amount, about two weeks for a 50 pound bag. I have a dozen bags freshly stacked in the feed shed. And they are heavy 50 pound bags. That should take care of her almost to the end of April. She’s pushing 27, she’s not friendly enough to pet, never has been, but she knows who feeds her and she doesn’t chase/attack the cats or Penny when we are in her pen. I have no idea how long she will live.
Today was cat food at Tractor Supply. Ten bags, five of each flavor. Not that I can tell they care what flavor. Maybe enough through April. Late March, anyway.
Need to get out there and dust a bit with Sevin powder. Because weevils. But Winter is coming and that should take care of the bugs.
So I think I’m pretty set for the next few months. Other than buying another generator and more gas cans.
When did gas cans start to cost $20 plus each? WTF. They were like $8.
I have a few holes in the pantry but that’s for ground beef…. and some canned veggies and etc.
I’m good until May, easy. Ok, half and half for coffee….
When did gas cans start to cost $20 plus each? WTF. They were like $8.
Wait until you actually have to use that “improved, safer” nozzle on the gas can.
The silly emu eats X amount, about two weeks for a 50 pound bag. I have a dozen bags freshly stacked in the feed shed. And they are heavy 50 pound bags. That should take care of her almost to the end of April. She’s pushing 27, she’s not friendly enough to pet, never has been, but she knows who feeds her and she doesn’t chase/attack the cats or Penny when we are in her pen. I have no idea how long she will live.
“Old man emu approaching 60 years, living stress free in eastern Victoria ”
She could outlive you. sent me a heads up this morning that 7000 uncirculated one ounce gold Eagles would be released at noon ET.
I wasn’t seriously on the market, but left the page up so I could look later. I got busy and didn’t check until 2 PM. All 7000 were gone. $2500 each.
Eagles have caveats, but there is no questioning provenance, especially if you have a receipt and packaging from the Mint. Sill, wow. All of the other gold Eagles produced went to their “preferred” dealers this year. sent me a heads up this morning that 7000 uncirculated one ounce gold Eagles would be released at noon ET.
I wasn’t seriously on the market, but left the page up so I could look later. I got busy and didn’t check until 2 PM. All 7000 were gone. $2500 each.
Eagles have caveats, but there is no questioning provenance, especially if you have a receipt from the Mint. Sill, wow. All the other Mint production went to their “preferred” dealers this year.
Wow, that is quite the premium over the closing price of gold today at $1,861.70.
Catching up today, but skipping ahead to post this:
Interesting day at school.
A kid who has been an annoyance since day 1 was causing issues again. Slumping in his chair with a coat over his face, almost sleeping. Got on his case a few times. Finally just let it go as he has his work done. I have had multiple issues with him in the past.
He asks to go to the bathroom and I say OK. He returns using his cell phone. I tell him to put the phone away. He does so but only after delaying, giving me attitude.
Ten minutes before class ends all the students are standing up. Needed because of staggered departures to avoid crowding for the busses. Several have their cell phone out including the jerk. I tell them to put their phones away. The others comply, he does not. I tell him again, put the phone away. He does not. I tell him a third time, he does not. I then tell him to go to the office. He says no. I tell him again, go to the office. He again says no.
I then go to the office and get the vice principal. She comes into the room and tells him to come with her to the office. He says no. She tells him again. He says no.
She leaves the room and comes back with the principal and the school SRO (School Resource Officer, a sheriff’s deputy). The principal tells the rest of the students to leave. The principal says something to the jerk I cannot hear. The SRO has her hand on her taser. The principal tells the kid he is going to MEC (alternative school). The kid says no, he is not going to MEC.
The kid continues to tell the principal he is going to MEC. This continues for a few minutes with the kid mouthing off. The SRO moves her hand from the taser to her gun. I get behind some tool chests in the middle of the room.
Finally the kid says he is leaving and the principal says go ahead, I can’t stop you but your still going to MEC. You will not be returning to this school.
Alternative school (MEC) starts at 8:30 and ends at 3:30. One of the parents MUST sign the student in and out of the school. There is no bus and private transportation must be used. If the student does not attend, or the parents do not bring the student, an arrest warrant is issued for the parents and the student. The district, county and state are really strict about that policy. Only when the student reaches 18 is MEC avoided at which time they are sent packing.
This kid has had a chip on his shoulder since school started. I have had to come down on him several times for the way he conducts himself in class. Surly, arrogant, and generally pushing back against any sort of authority. The kid is only 14 years old. I predict a life of incarceration will be in his future.
I informed the teacher via text and she stated the kid was a time bomb. She has had multiple issues in the past. Apologized to me for having to put up with his behavior and said it should have been dealt with weeks ago.
$1969.14 Jan 11 shipment for 2021 coin. 2020 coin shipped when payment clears for $2 more, essentially today.
What’s a mask have to do with that? I do that all the time, even when there is no wind.
Yes, yes. And a AA cell is not a battery but almost everyone calls them batteries and everyone knows what is meant.
Wow, that is quite the premium over the closing price of gold today at $1,861.70.
Physical delivery, usually within a week from the Mint. Available immediately.
Eagles have their downsides, particularly if you think you will want to cross a border, but they are instantly recognizable.
Not to be difficult, Mr SteveF (praise be His Name), but Wikipedia defines a battery as one or more cells…
I use this link to check spot gold prices.
A single little GIF.
COBOL – In 1969 I was getting ready for college and I wanted to study anything to do with computers. Computers at that time were million dollar mainframes with 16K RAM presided over by hordes of operators to load card decks, spin tapes, and feed impact printers. My dad took me to his office to talk to the it staff so I could decide what I wanted to do. I was leaning towards being an operator because they actually got to physically interact with the magic machines. Sitting at the console, watching the hundreds of flashing lights, keying obscure commands into the selectric console. That sounded cool. I spent a day watching the it staff. The programmers just sat behind a desk examining flow charts and coding forms. The operators hustled all day with tapes and cards and fan fold paper. After that day I knew that I wanted to be a programmer, because when a program failed it wasn’t unexpected and everyone built lots of debug time into projects. Whereas if an operator dropped a card deck or mis-mounted a tape the operations supervisor was very vocal in his disapproval.
So I signed up for COBOL and 360 assembly courses.
I was in the USAF, June 1969 entry. In two months I was working on major projects. In six months I was traveling around the US installing systems at bases around the US. I was responsible for the OS and software. I think our systems had 256K. Did that for about 18 months.
I learned more about programming, real world stuff, in one year than college could in four years. Within five years I was writing my own compiler, ran on B-6700 generating B-3500 machine code.
–or maybe whoever is yelling like that is simply emptying his needlessly pedantic orifice into the wind…
or a relative newcomer who doesn’t even recognize that the N95 filtering face mask was SPECIFICALLY NOT A RESPIRATOR so that it didn’t fall under OSHA rules requiring fit testing, until OSHA changed the definitions and the rules during the 90s…
The MASK didn’t change, only the definition. I was there and lived it.
And mask is easier to type, sorry ‘keyboard’ since it’s technically not a typewriter (which is another industrial machine I have first hand experience with).
although to be fair, as I pointed out upthread, a lot of the confusion and angst regarding ‘face coverings’ and their required use is caused by people being unaware of the technical details, and the goals of TPTB.
“relative newcomer”
you knew that 3M’s original use for the molded nonwoven that became the basis for their filtering facepieces was a bra cup?
“became the basis for their filtering facepieces was a bra cup? ”
–yes but only because it was featured in (I think) Machine Design and another magazine I get…
I was going to post some pix from the funeral of the Houston PD officer killed last week. The notable thing was almost every officer is wearing a 3M N95, (or a copy with two yellow straps- should have tm’d their ‘trade dress’ too- guess they didn’t realize it would be iconic) and far too many of them were wearing them incorrectly. Some, especially the officers stationed outdoors, were wearing black cloth ‘face coverings’ but at least one had a respirator on UNDER the cloth mask… They MUST have been issued the respirators immediately prior to the funeral as they don’t normally wear them, and they have complained loudly about lack of PPE. Someone wanted to create a certain picture…
–some big bold statements on the lou dobbs show…
long but worth it for background. It’s hard to believe that the very machines that the election process is built upon are owned and controlled by private companies, with murky history and ownership. It’s also something you don’t think to ask about, you naturally assume the stuff has been thoroughly vetted. You don’t necessarily consider that their goals are not your goals…
Just watched someone bid and pay $6400 for a fake rolex in one of my local auctions. It’s not even a great fake, however it’s not listed as a replica or in any way suspect so someone might be fooled.
FWIW, rolex doesn’t make ‘gold toned’ watches. If it was real, it would be solid gold, with real diamonds, and would be worth ~$23K. The desire to get something for nothing will twist the most rational of people…
#DisneyMustPay Alan Dean Foster
I am not sure if any one here is a fan of the amazing Alan Dean Foster but, ADF just revealed that he has not been paid his book royalties by Disney since 2014 ! Here are more details.
A message from SFWA’s President, Mary Robinette Kowal:
Being Swiss, I hear about a lot of stuff like that. Personally, I just don’t get the fascination with expensive watches. But it’s easy to drop 6 digits on a watch here, and lots of Asian tourists used to do exactly that. Due to this craziness, the number of fake Swiss watches out there – ranging from “you’ve got to be kidding” to “that may be better than the real thing” – is nuts.
Funny, I haven’t heard how the watch industry is doing at the moment. I wonder if the lack of Asian tourists has had an impact, or if they have found other ways of reaching their clientele.
@Lynn: Just read your link about Alan Dean Foster. Crazy – Disney has’t got a leg to stand on, and he can easily win in court. The SFWA posted his story in case any less-well-known writers have the same problem – I wonder how many do?
How Disney thinks they can get away with something like that, is just baffling. Aside from the negative publicity, they are entirely likely to be liable for a multiple of the royalties owed.
They have a lot of lawyers, and likely have a number of judges in their pocket.