Maybe a bit cooler? It would be nice.
Despite the overcast, yesterday stayed hot and stuffy all day.
I got a laundry list of small things done, and I’m going to take the ‘baby steps’ are still steps award.
Other than taking down my 40m dipole wire antenna, very little involved preps. Oh, I had a can of mango explode, and another bulging. I cleaned up that mess, and washed out the bin, and the cans. Used another can to make cobbler for dessert. I like mango cobbler better than peach so I stock mango.
While cleaning up that mess, I found some mouse droppings and a 2/3’s empty peanut butter jar. Another jar was gnawed and open. F me. Set some glue traps in the shelves. Cleaned up the mess. Putting the cans (everything really) in shallow lidded bins payed off. The mold from the exploding can only affected the one bin. All the other food was untouched by mice except the aging peanut butter that wasn’t in a bin. Given enough time, the peanut oil seems to migrate through the plastic jar, and I’m sure that was an attractant. The cans that failed were the ‘pop top’ style and the top did indeed POP. It couldn’t be rats because my colony of rats learned that peanut butter = death, and they wouldn’t touch the stuff. Time to refresh the poison bait boxes too.
I did manage to go through a couple of boxes in the garage that I haven’t opened in a while. Moved some of the contents to the trash, some to the ebay pile, some to the local auction pile, and some to the ‘hamfest’ pile. I really hope we can have our hamfest in March. My non-prepping hobby club is planning a meeting next Saturday in a much larger space than we used to use. I intend to attend. I’ve got no problem masking and staying masked, most of the guys are older than me. Funny, my ham radio meetings are that way too. My part of the hamfest is the swapmeet and that is all outside anyway.
My plan for today is the same as always. We’ll see how the plan does against reality. Keep stacking.