Fri. Sept. 11, 2020 – Never forget. Never Forgive.

By on September 11th, 2020 in Random Stuff

19 years and I still can’t talk about it without tearing up.

Tell them you love them every time you leave the house.  You don’t know if it’s the day you won’t come home.




74 Comments and discussion on "Fri. Sept. 11, 2020 – Never forget. Never Forgive."

  1. Greg Norton says:

    Well, that did not happen. The wife’s father passed away tonight at 87 years of age. We will be burying him next week in Merkel, Texas next to his wife whom we buried in 1992 ? and his son whom we buried in 1982.

    Sorry about the loss and the mess with the nursing home.

  2. Greg Norton says:

    WRT mileage, I get around 18 in my 6 cyl 2003 ranger. Never get much better than that except on the highway. I’ve got a lead foot and a heavy brake…

    Take care of the Ranger. I’ll bet little beater pickups have a bullseye on them in Cash for Clunkers 2.0. Too useful.

  3. Nick Flandrey says:

    I was wrong about the weather yesterday. It started cool in the 70s and continued cool-ish, until afternoon when it got into the mid-90s. It rained off and on, and across Houston too.

    I almost made it to my drop off before the rain hit. I pulled over and put a tarp on the load for the last 2-3 miles. It wasn’t raining at my auctioneer’s place. Then rain chased me all the way home.

    It rained throughout last night too, and is rumble and grumble this morning.

    I’m at home today, most of the day anyway. Taxes and repairs are on my list… and maybe helping the kids with school. Look up “lattice multiplication” if you want to see the latest abortion facing them. Like so much of what they are doing, there is a ton of prep work (drawing- like a friggin’ art project) before any math gets done. Lots of rules to remember and lots of moving numbers around. In other words, lots of opportunity to get something wrong. I can understand if it was presented as an alternative algorithm for a kid that doesn’t get long multiplication. But that’s not how or why they’re using it. It’s not the dumbest algorithm just the one they had yesterday. Ed majors, looking for thesis research, and the proliferation of PhD students in education leads to more convoluted methods for everything, since the straightforward methods are all in use.

    Anyway, time to get some food into people.


  4. Ray Thompson says:

    Putting it in was bad enough with a three week hospital stay and pneumonia.

    That is sort of how the MIL is feeling about this. A one week hospital stay, then another week in a recovery facility. She questions the effort, discomfort, etc. is worth the couple (maybe) of extra years.

    Well, that did not happen

    Condolences on the loss Mr. Lynn. Death is as much a part of life as living. Unfortunately it hurts more than other parts. FIL is no longer in discomfort and seems that he lived a good life. A notable goal to achieve.

  5. Harold Combs says:

    Awoke around 1am to a horrible smell. The dog had gotten the wrong end of a skunk, had snuck into the house, and was rolling on the bedroom carpet trying to transfer the smell. She did a passable job. Threw the dog out and locked the doggy door. Then I groggily looked up ways to deal with the smell. The only solution I could lay my hands on was vinegar. I filled a spray bottle with vinegar and hosed down the carpet. Then opened the doors and windows even though it was in the low 50s. All day at dialysis again so no time to deal with it till late afternoon. Not looking forward to this.
    Nineteen years ago at this time we were finishing dinner in our apartment on Launtau island, Hong Kong. I was reading my email and saw one from the new CNN email alert service saying that a “small plane” had hit one of the World Trade Center towers. I called down to the wife to turn on Sky News. We didn’t sleep that night watching the nightmare unfold back in America. I was reluctant to go to work in the morning because I worked on the top floor of the tallest building in Hong Kong. Rumors were flying everywhere, we were all waiting for the next event, expecting this to be the start of a war.

  6. dkreck says:

    9/11 – Never Forget

    I see Biden in the middle of the NYC ceremony in news shots – Someone will blame Trump before the day is out.

    5:30 am and only 59F outside, predicted 91F but we will see. Checked out the moon, almost directly overhead and obscured dark yellow by smoke. At least I don’t smell it right now or maybe I’m just used to it.

    Condolences Lynn to your wife and yourself.
    Still dealing with my mom’s passing from December. Found out last week the annuity has the trust named wrong. Prob more money for lawyers. House sale still needs to go up. Market here is strong probably from peeps wanting out of LA.

    TGIF but I have lots to do.

  7. SteveF says:

    54F here, heavily overcast and with a breeze. Rather chilly to be sitting out on the deck while working. (Or, at the moment, catching up on a couple web sites while waiting for a job on the server to finish, or more likely to fail.) One might think I’d put something on my feet or at least a pair of pants but one would be wrong about that.

    Nineteen years ago I was in my apartment in Boston on my computer, IIRC programming. My mom called me and told me to turn on the television. I didn’t have a TV and streaming video was in its infancy, but I found what she was talking about on the Drudge Report and blog posts.

    Eighteen years and eleven months ago I was concerned about American backlash against muslims in the country. A couple coworkers were muslims and were decent enough people and I didn’t want to see them lynched, and muslims in general were pretty quiet in the US. In the succeeding years my views have, shall we say, evolved, based on the behavior of the flood of mohammedans and my own observation of words and deeds.

  8. Nick Flandrey says:

    Hah, just 9 months ago I was worried about islamic terror in the US. Now I’m worried about insurgent terror in the US, and have hardly given islamic terror a passing though.

    I did think of it yesterday and considered what the rest of the world would do if the US suddenly focused inward on a civil war… LOTS of scores get settled, lots of cheap shots get taken, and lots of jockeying for position. Not good for the US or Americans.


  9. MrAtoz says:

    I was at Ft. Sam Houston during 9/11. Pretty freshly retired, I was taking my Twins in for a checkup. I got to watch the murders on TV. Shortly after, I realized we better skedaddle off the fort before they locked down. We just made it out a back gate. The fort locked down and took others hours to get off base.

  10. Greg Norton says:

    Look up “lattice multiplication” if you want to see the latest abortion facing them.

    Basic multiplication was screwed up in WA State when my son started 3rd Grade ten years ago. No rote memorization of 1×1 through 9×9, but a structured addition method to get the same answer.

    Timed drills are the only thing that work.

  11. Chad says:

    Someone will blame Trump before the day is out.

    Well, he is part of the military industrial complex that orchestrated 9/11 and are still profiting from it.

    Basic multiplication was screwed up in WA State when my son started 3rd Grade ten years ago. No rote memorization of 1×1 through 9×9, but a structured addition method to get the same answer.

    We had to memorize 1x through 12x. I still remember how relieved I was when we did 5’s, 10’s, and 11’s. So, easy. 🙂 My daughter had to memorize them but I’m not sure to what extent.

    I’m still of the opinion that the only thing schools should be teaching is reading, arithmetic, and the scientific method. With those three things people are equipped to learn whatever the hell they want on their own. It sure as shit shouldn’t take 12 years to teach them that.

    Tell them you love them every time you leave the house. You don’t know if it’s the day you won’t come home.

    I’m sort of over the whole obligatory 9/11 mention every 9/11, but this is just damn good life advice in general. I had no idea when I met my dad for lunch one day that was the last time I was going to see him. Damn glad I made time for that lunch.

  12. JimB says:

    Condolences to Lynn and family.

  13. Ray Thompson says:

    It sure as shit shouldn’t take 12 years to teach them that.

    Don’t forget to add in another 4 to 6 years of college. The military could teach in 6 months what it takes colleges 6 years to teach. But the military does not make you take worthless courses and has repercussions for those that do not progress. Of course the military is not about making money whereas colleges are about sucking every possible dollar out of students and their families. Colleges need that money to employ the unemployable, the liberal arts majors, who could never handle a real job.

    Nineteen years ago I had just returned from my first trip to Germany. Missed 9/11 by 3 days. Would have locked me in Germany for a couple of months. I could have stayed with the family I was visiting but it certainly would have been a major imposition. I also would not have gotten paid from my job at work and knowing those jerks they would have fired me for not showing up for work.

    We all sat around a small TV stunned by what happened. Until the big boss came around and told us to get back to work on billable hours as the company was not paying us to sit around on company time. Had to work the full day and come in the next days. Billable was everything.

  14. Chad says:

    The military could teach in 6 months what it takes colleges 6 years to teach. But the military does not make you take worthless courses and has repercussions for those that do not progress.

    Agreed. The military is about the only place where, for example, an 18 year old is twisting wrenches on a $150M aircraft that’s going into combat that afternoon when just 6 months ago that same 18 year old was sitting in a high school classroom goofing off with his buddies. Meanwhile, a college kid is nodding off in English 101.

  15. SteveF says:

    EEEEEEEEEK! Vocational training! Our Democracy rests on a widespread liberal education, you … you … you tinkers!

  16. dkreck says:

    Sunrise over Dunkin’–A9WBc5BGnJWQbRZlVf4lHARX/view?usp=sharing
    not much different than last night’s sunset. A little less smoke.

    No, not a donut run, I was at the Wally World NM. Store was almost empty. 7:30am good time to shop. They even had Lysol wipes. 1 per customer and I’m sure I could have taken two but there were not a whole lot and why be greedy.

    I’m still of the opinion that the only thing schools should be teaching is reading, arithmetic, and the scientific method. With those three things people are equipped to learn whatever the hell they want on their own. It sure as shit shouldn’t take 12 years to teach them that.

    Well I think English belongs in there as I’m amazed at how poorly many graduates write. Agreed on the 12 years + 4+ more. You shouldn’t exit junior high unable to spell or write.
    Free college for everyone? No way!

    edit – BTW I mean reading, writing, spelling, and grammer – not the bullshirt like eng lit or humanities

  17. Harold says:

    Twenty years ago evil governments held matches in far away countries chanting Death to America. Today evil organizations hold riots in our own cities, Burn Loot and Murder at will chanting Death to America. What’s become of us?

  18. Greg Norton says:

    Twenty years ago evil governments held matches in far away countries chanting Death to America. Today evil organizations hold riots in our own cities, Burn Loot and Murder at will chanting Death to America. What’s become of us?

    Rain and cold will start in Seattle and Portland soon. Focus will shift to Lafayette Park in DC where BLM plans to stage their pretty white coeds for martyrdom as part of a 50 day siege leading up to the election. The fun starts next Thursday.

  19. Jenny says:

    I remember talking with my husband and supervisor the day the towers fell. We all reached the same conclusion, that our own response to the attack would cause us far more damage than the attack itself. Terrible things were done in the name of safety.

    On a lighter, funnier note – my eight year old was very nearly successful in smuggling one of our seven week old meat rabbits to school this morning. She had thought it through very carefully, selected the ideal padded bag for it’s comfort, ensured it ate and drank prior to being bagged, and hidden the rabbit sack in her school backpack.

    She was foiled when I picked up her school backpack and noted it’s unusual weight. My brain recalled the conversation the previous day – “can we give a bunny to — because his died?”, followed by a question this morning “Will rabbits die if they don’t have water all day?”

    She’s grounded for the deception but gets major points for creativity. I -almost- wish she had gotten away with it. Her reputation at the school would have been made -cackle-

    We have had several discussions about her pursuit of making other people happy. Not your job, sweetheart. Be a decent human, honest and forthright, but at the end of the day happiness is a choice and not your job. Trying to make other people happy leads to a lot of f*’d up behavior on the part of women (and men too, I’m sure).

    The self destructive part of that behavior starts a heck of a lot younger than I realized.

  20. lynn says:

    Well, that did not happen. The wife’s father passed away tonight at 87 years of age. We will be burying him next week in Merkel, Texas next to his wife whom we buried in 1992 ? and his son whom we buried in 1982.

    Sorry about the loss and the mess with the nursing home.

    Thanks to all.

    I am really concerned about the people going without their families in the nursing homes. My wife is very upset that the isolation caused my FIL to deteriorate much faster than he would of in normal times.

  21. lynn says:

    Twenty years ago evil governments held matches in far away countries chanting Death to America. Today evil organizations hold riots in our own cities, Burn Loot and Murder at will chanting Death to America. What’s become of us?

    We’ve been watching foreign countries go through horrendous civil wars over the last 50+ years on our TVs. We may get to watch a horrendous civil war in our front yards here in the USA now.

  22. Ray Thompson says:

    EEEEEEEEEK! Vocational training!

    Did I offend Mr. Steve’s limp wristed side? Apologies. I hope Mr. Steve is not moving to the dark side.

    [sarcasm intended]

    She’s grounded for the deception

    Tough to ground when you want to award for creativity and compassion for someone else. On the surface you have to be tough, inside you glow with pride.

  23. SteveF says:

    Jenny, I regret to inform you that you have lost all of the Cool Mom points you may have accumulated.

    Kudos to the kid for the plan, if not for the impulse or the implementation.

    Use the incident as a teaching point on subtlety and lying without lying. Your daughter may be too young (ie, brain not yet developed enough in the right ways) to think through scenarios and apply the techniques. I went through that with The Brat a year or two ago, along with a framework for deciding when lying is appropriate or is acceptable within whatever moral framework she’s living under.

    Trying to make other people happy leads to a lot of f*’d up behavior on the part of women (and men too, I’m sure).

    Oh, yah. Ever hear “Happy wife, happy life”?

  24. Nick Flandrey says:

    I’ve been hammering on the kids since they were babies that you can’t control what other people think, feel, or do…

    But smuggling a bunny is not only clever, but super cute too. Good catch, as it surely would have come back to you at the end of the day when the bunny was exchanged. Saves the other kid being disappointed. Of course, now you have the added possibility of going thru channels with the gift and clearing it with the other mom first…


  25. lynn says:

    Oh man, I cannot do a thumbs up and a sunglasses emoji together anymore. My doubling down has been noticed.

    No, I cannot do any emojis at all today. Something must be broke.

  26. SteveF says:

    I can’t put an emoji on a comment, either. I very rarely do so, so I don’t know how recently that broke.

    Or, to be more aggressive about it: Nice going, Lynn. You broke it so bad you broke it for everyone.

    A number of other WordPress-based sites have been having odd problems lately. At a guess, they use similar plugins which go to the same (temporarily down) site.

  27. MrAtoz says:

    No, I cannot do any emojis at all today. Something must be broke.

    Same with me, so broken.

  28. Rick Hellewell says:

    The emoji ‘click’ has a bit of a delay before registering and showing the emoji you selected. It may also need a page reload before you click it.

    Working for me . See the happy face on Jenny’s “rabbit” post. That was mine.

    There is no issue with any of the plugins accessing external sites that I can see. The console messages in the debugger show a loading problem with the googletagmanager (caused by popup blocker on client side), and some fonts not found, but those are normal (as is the TypeError for the cookie consent). Those do not affect the emoji or up/down plugins.

  29. Greg Norton says:

    But smuggling a bunny is not only clever, but super cute too. Good catch, as it surely would have come back to you at the end of the day when the bunny was exchanged. Saves the other kid being disappointed. Of course, now you have the added possibility of going thru channels with the gift and clearing it with the other mom first…

    The other problem you face is allergies in the classroom. I have a severe bunny allergy which I’ve never totally outgrown, and the 4H exhibit tent at the county fair in Vantucky was always something to avoid.

    Whenever I see bunnies, I can’t help but think of “Roger & Me”. If you never saw the sequel, the fate of the critter in that movie is even worse than that of the rabbit in the original.

    Michael Moore used to be funny on occasion. The Dan Aykroyd cameo in “Canadian Bacon” is awesome.


  30. lynn says:

    The emoji ‘click’ has a bit of a delay before registering and showing the emoji you selected. It may also need a page reload before you click it.

    Working for me . See the happy face on Jenny’s “rabbit” post. That was mine.

    There is no issue with any of the plugins accessing external sites that I can see. The console messages in the debugger show a loading problem with the googletagmanager (caused by popup blocker on client side), and some fonts not found, but those are normal (as is the TypeError for the cookie consent). Those do not affect the emoji or up/down plugins.

    Thanks, the emojis are working now. You fixed it !

    With 45 years of programming computers under my belt, I have learned one thing. Always claim credit for the good times ! Because as soon as the bad times come, you lose all those credits even if they are not your fault.

  31. lynn says:

    BC: riding a velociraptor

    I am fairly sure that velociraptors could swivel their heads at least 180 degrees. Then the rider becomes lunch.

  32. Rick Hellewell says:

    @lynn …. That’s not a bug — it’s a feature !

  33. ~jim says:

    Look up “lattice multiplication” if you want to see the latest abortion.

    Abortion – ha! good choice of words.
    You know that quote you put under your picture in the high school senior yearbook? Mine was, “In the New Math, as you know, the important thing is to understand what you’re doing rather than to get the right answer.” Does anyone here recognize the author? 🙂

    19 years ago I was at my computer in Thiruvananthapuram, waiting for the stock market in the US to open. Well, it didn’t and after about 10 or 15 minutes I turned on the TV to CNN. The rest, as they say, is history.

    Lynn, I always feel silly expressing condolences online but you have my sympathy.

    who asks, what if they threw a pandemic and nobody showed up?

  34. lynn says:

    The Texans – Chiefs NFL game had a moment of silence for the SJWs fighting for equality in the USA last night. The 17,000 people in the seats booed them. “Opinion: Kansas City fans told on themselves by booing NFL’s moment of unity”

    The players got their feelings hurt. The minimum wage on that field is $500,000/year. The Black quarterback for the Chiefs just signed a new contract for $500 million. The Black quarterback for the Texans just signed a new four year contract for $160 million. Don’t tell me that they are being treated unfairly.

    BTW, I passed on the game. I am passing on the NFL this year. Just gonna be a lot of gesturing by a bunch of millionaires. Pardon me for not caring.

  35. CowboySlim says:

    I also offer my condolences to Lynn and family.

  36. lynn says:

    _Spells for the Dead (A Soulwood Novel)_ by Faith Hunter

    Book number five of a five book paranormal fantasy series. The Soulwood series is a follow on to the excellent Jane Yellowrock Skinwalker series. I read the well printed and well bound MMPB published by Berkley. I will purchase and read any and all future books in both series.

    Nell Ingram is listed as “not human” by the FBI. Married at age 12 in a polygamous marriage and widowed “widder woman in church talk” at age 18, she has a unique perspective on life. Add in her ability to talk to the land beneath us and the trees and plants among us, she is quite unique. Which is why the governmental PsyLED group snatched her up, trained her as a field operative, and sends her out to confront dark witches and rogue vampires.

    The author has a website at:

    My rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Amazon rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars (523 reviews)

  37. ayjblog says:

    Condolences Lynn

  38. paul says:

    I’m sorry to hear about your father in law Lynn.

    Not a whisper of anything about my Mom. I suppose the gears move slowly.

    It was chilly in the house last night. Ok, relatively chilly. By mid December it will be normal. I flipped down the comforter and blanket on the bed, smoothed out the spot she usually sleeps. By now, Penny is on her bed. I slapped my bed and said “Penny ready go bed?” She walked over, inspected the scene and hopped up. I had warm feet last night. We keep each other warm.

    I usually have the loveseat covered with a Mexican blanket. $10 in Puerto Vallarta. Didn’t try to talk the price down. My Spanish is enough to order from a menu, ask for another beer, and where is the bathroom. Except in PV everyone wanted to speak English. It made for some strange conversations with both sides “practicing” the other language. Fun times.

    I washed the blanket a couple of months ago and it’s been sort of folded and sitting in a spare chair. (Get to the point already or it’s a down thumb!)

    While making I my 2nd cup of coffee this morning, Penny was standing in front of the loveseat, watching me. She looked at the loveseat, looked at me, her tail about 4 o’clock with a slow wag and then back at the loveseat. I can take a hint. I covered the loveseat, she watched me smooth the blanket and tuck the corners in and over the arms. Hopped up as soon as I stood up and, how does she curl into such a tiny ball? Happy dog.

    That’s my excitement for the day. That and I deposited a check via the bank’s phone app and did not have to take the pictures twice. 🙂

  39. Nick Flandrey says:

    “and did not have to take the pictures twice”

    –dang man, you should buy a lottery ticket! Speaking of, with me not going into the store,I haven’t bought a lottery ticket in 9 months. I suppose I’m not the only one… file under unexpected consequences.


  40. SteveF says:

    I’ve never bought myself a lottery ticket. I’ve bought scratch-off cards to be given as door prizes and I’d give my wife a dollar or two to buy a lottery ticket “for the baby” when we walked with the stroller up to the convenience store to get milk and eggs. I’m not sure what a baby still in diapers would have done with $100M if she’d won, and I’m sure the taxes would have been a mess. Luckily, not a single ticket won so much as a dollar so I didn’t have to worry about it.

  41. Greg Norton says:

    Florida dodged a bullet in Andrew Gillum. The political fallout from the pandemic would have been much worse with every major paper in the state going to Gillum for almost daily quotes.

    President. Lets see him beat Little Marco or DeSantis in 2022 first. Or even stay sober and away from male prostitutes.

    Party At Kitty And Studs Redux.

  42. paul says:

    It’s interesting how phone apps from different banks, er, differ.

    Bank of America acts like a web page. Even the login. And seems to not be tied to your phone. I didn’t notice any extra steps the first time I used it on my new phone last August. Except for being able to deposit a check via phone, I don’t need the app.

    FrostBank ties their app to your phone. Which lets you have a four digit PIN. I think I was redirected to their web site to log in the first time I used the app on the new phone. I don’t remember.

    BoA has a slicker (to me) process to deposit a check. It takes the picture when it decides the focus is correct. Startling if you are not expecting the camera to flash.
    FrostBank’s app, yep, I usually have to take the pictures twice. But here you are, the camera is on one end of the phone and getting the check lined up between the lines and then pushing the shutter, maybe I need more practice. Y’all send me a check!

    I like Frost’s app better. But I do use it more. BoA is just to pay Mom’s credit card and the electric bill on her house. And to deposit checks from her credit card when they decide carrying a $50 credit for a few months is too long.

  43. paul says:

    Gillum for President? Yeah, no.

  44. lynn says:

    “WRT mileage, I get around 18 in my 6 cyl 2003 ranger. Never get much better than that except on the highway. I’ve got a lead foot and a heavy brake…

    In my Expedition, with the v8 5.4L, I get between 12 and 13. It’s a heavy truck that I drive like a sports car, and I’m carrying hundreds of extra pounds. Carrying extra weight will always knock down your mileage. And I don’t care. I don’t drive enough for the difference in mileage to add up to real money. When I was working, my mileage was reimbursable and I drove about 5000 miles a year. Since I quit, I drive more, around 12000 across two trucks, but I still deduct most of that as business miles. My mileage stays the same, my fuel efficiency stays the same, but the cost of the gas fluctuates quite a bit. All said and done, I think it would be more interesting to hear what peoples’ yearly miles per dollar of gas ends up being. I think the range would be very narrow as high prices make better mpg more important, and encourage reduced overall miles, vs me, who has low cost gas and low miles. Maybe I’ll look at it in Quicken if I remember…”

    Based on gas milage alone, I understand why Ford dropped the Ranger. If you get a plain jane F-150 XL or XLT with non-turbo V6 and the six speed automatic, that vehicle reputedly gets 20 mpg in the city and 25 mpg on the highway. Pretty good for an aluminium brick. But due to the cost of the larger vehicle starting at $30K, people really miss the Ranger. As a large guy, I want the F-150.

  45. lynn says:

    I’m sorry to hear about your father in law Lynn.

    Not a whisper of anything about my Mom. I suppose the gears move slowly.

    It was chilly in the house last night. Ok, relatively chilly. By mid December it will be normal. I flipped down the comforter and blanket on the bed, smoothed out the spot she usually sleeps. By now, Penny is on her bed. I slapped my bed and said “Penny ready go bed?” She walked over, inspected the scene and hopped up. I had warm feet last night. We keep each other warm.

    Thanks !

    I am confused about your mom ? Did we not acknowledge your loss ? Or is something else going on ? In any case, I am sorry that you lost your mom. And I still have a hard time understanding the way that your sisters treated her.

    Wait, is this about Medicaid ? I’ll bet every single one of the state Medicaid workers is “working” from home. It will be months or even years before they get back to you. And they are not “working”, they are watching tv and playing solitaire.

    It was 73 F at 1 am last night when the wife and I went for our daily one mile walk. I wore a heavy tshirt as that is cold for me. The weather liars said that the cold front was not going to make it here and, they lied.

  46. lynn says:

    “19 Years Ago, Police Officers Were America’s Heroes”

    “Do you realize that many of these Antifa types and the Black Lives Matter types and all of these raconteurs that are out destroying things in Democrat-run states, many of them were not even born 19 years ago? And do you realize of those who were born, they were young, they were infants? I mean, it is startling to realize that 19 years ago, we were in awe.”

    “In just 19 years, we have all of these blue cities and blue states cutting funding for the police — who, 19 years ago, were among the most respected and admired people in all of our population. Who would have thought just a few years ago that you would have players in the National Football League protesting the American flag and the national anthem on the anniversary of 9/11?”

    “We were in admiration of the great courage and the great sacrifice of policemen and women, firemen, fire women, the first responders. We were in awe of them! Charities were created like Tunnel to Towers. All of his efforts were made to honor these people who ran into the buildings at the World Trade Center.”

    “They did everything they could. They sacrificed their lives. They gave up everything in order to save one life, if they could — and today, 19 years later, we are blasted hourly by the hate sponsored by the left, sponsored by the Democrat Party. That’s where the home of this stuff is, in the political sense. We are blasted hourly, minute by minute, with hatred for the police.”

  47. Nick Flandrey says:

    Hey all, Barbara had knee surgery Tuesday to remove her infected joint replacement. She’ll be recovering for 6-8 weeks, and the leg won’t be load bearing during that time.

    She sounds in fairly good spirits in the email, but I’m sure she could use some support over at her blog. And anything you didn’t get around to sending last time, would probably brighten her day.


  48. Nick Flandrey says:

    Rain started back up here a little bit ago. Still coming down just not as hard. I guess that’s the problem with a front moving in, you get weather with it.


    It did take the temps down 10F to 82F. so that’s good.

  49. Nick Flandrey says:

    Palmetto State Armory. com has some guns in stock, although the rifle kit went up ~$100 from last week, and the M&P Shield is now almost DOUBLE sale prices from January.


  50. Ray Thompson says:

    The scariest issue driving in San Antonio is the thought that 50% (or more) have no auto insurance.

    Went to Lackland base exchange. Prices are not that good. You can save tax so good for big ticket items. Other stuff, nah. Lot of empty space and poor inventory. Reminded me of K-Mart in their better days. I was not impressed.

    @Mr. Nick: may try to schedule a meet and greet, over a Dr. Pepper milkshake (at least for me), this coming Tuesday. I will know more in a couple of days.

  51. MrAtoz says:

    _Spells for the Dead (A Soulwood Novel)_ by Faith Hunter

    Book number five of a five book paranormal fantasy series. The Soulwood series is a follow on to the excellent Jane Yellowrock Skinwalker series. I read the well printed and well bound MMPB published by Berkley. I will purchase and read any and all future books in both series.

    One of my Twins is into Urban Fantasy. She has all in this series and really loves them.

  52. lynn says:

    How stupid must you be?


    They will be eaten first. They think that they will be the SS officers in the new order running the USA.

  53. lynn says:

    One of my Twins is into Urban Fantasy. She has all in this series and really loves them.

    My first love is Space opera. My second love is Apocalyptic fantasy. My third love is Paranormal Urban Fantasy.

  54. lynn says:

    “Trump Announces Another Historic Middle East Peace Deal, With Israel And Bahrain”

    Cool !

    I wonder if Trump could do a peace deal in Portland ?

    Hat tip to:

  55. paul says:

    I am confused about your mom ?

    Welcome to the confused club. How long does it take to get the cremains? Hopefully NOT via FedEX! Death Cert? Final bill, if any, from the nursing home?
    It took a week for the nursing home to send a copy of Mom’s clothing inventory _when she moved in_ three plus years ago. They wanted that signed and returned within a week. I’ve taken her more clothes and shoes since then. But that doesn’t count. Thus far “clothing inventory” is more important than anything else. It’s bizarre.

    Yeah. I’m grumpy. Last saw her in January, the nursing home locked down in February. All the stuff after she died seems to be running on Island Time or just plain ol’ don’t give a rat’s behind Manana Time.

    It’s annoying. Let’s tie this up and be done already. Er, but I suppose that’s my (depending where the borders were) Prussian / German / Polish blood showing.

    Anyway. I called my brother a few days ago to tell him. He’s ok. I asked him if he has heard from Anna or Irene and he said Who? I repeated and Who? Oh, he’s cut them off, too.

    I do understand SS pays a month late. Thanks for the reminder, Ray.
    I applied to start in August and my first payment should appear in a couple of weeks. Get it while you can!
    I don’t know how her surviving spouse part of Dad’s Marine retirement works. Do they claw back September’s payment? If they do, no problem unless the nursing home bills for another month.
    I called the nursing home. She didn’t know but will “get back to me” about the billing. That was a week ago.

    Oh well. Medi-whatever will do whatever they want. The worst they can do is to seize her house…. property tax bill says it’s worth maybe 60 grand. I never expected an inheritance, so let’s just get this settled.

    I’m too angry with all the slack footing to yet be sad. But I have to tamp down the anger because I can feel my BP going to “my ears are hot” pressure.

    edit: Breathe. ….

  56. lynn says:

    Yeah. I’m grumpy. Last saw her in January, the nursing home locked down in February. All the stuff after she died seems to be running on Island Time or just plain ol’ don’t give a rat’s behind Manana Time.

    You and my wife. She is positive her Dad would have lasted longer in the nursing home if we (our family and her sister’s family and his girlfriend) could have visited him weekly LIKE WE DID FOR SIX YEARS until the lockdown last March 12. Phone calls are just not the same as a personal visit.

    I maintain that the nursing home lockdown has done quite a bit of mental damage to the people living there. They are people, not pigs or cows being warehoused.

  57. lynn says:

    I do understand SS pays a month late. Thanks for the reminder, Ray.
    I applied to start in August and my first payment should appear in a couple of weeks. Get it while you can!
    I don’t know how her surviving spouse part of Dad’s Marine retirement works. Do they claw back September’s payment? If they do, no problem unless the nursing home bills for another month.
    I called the nursing home. She didn’t know but will “get back to me” about the billing. That was a week ago.

    My FIL did not get his SS and civil service pension since the February payments. When the nursing home locked down, his girlfriend went and closed their joint checking account that his SS and civil service pension went into. My wife has tried to get his SS restarted since May but gets the answer, “all of the maintenance people are at home for the duration of the pandemic and the application to restart his SS is on so and so’s desk waiting for them to come back to work”. Now my wife has to shut down his SS and civil service pension. I wonder if they will put that on somebody’s desk ?

    We are at the future. We are just shoveling paperwork and checks around to each other.

  58. Greg Norton says:

    I wonder if Trump could do a peace deal in Portland ?

    Rain and 50s are overdue to start in Portland. That will quell the enthusiasm for antics real fast.

  59. lynn says:

    “Friday Night Antifa Smackdown: Episode One”


    Hat tip to:

  60. Nick Flandrey says:

    She doesn’t have ‘privilege’ over you you stupid cow, she has AUTHORITY over you.

    Why is this ‘queen’ not removed from the flight for failing to follow the instructions of the flight attendant? Why is she not banned from flying this airline? And what does this say about who has ‘privilege’ in this situation?

    Video like this is what will trigger genocide.


  61. Ray Thompson says:

    I don’t know how her surviving spouse part of Dad’s Marine retirement works. Do they claw back September’s payment?

    They will ask for the money. They will not take the money. If you can provide information that the money was spent and is no longer available, it will be forgiven. At least that is how it works with the VA. Military retirement should be the same.

  62. Nick Flandrey says:

    Pop culture time. Tagging this “decline and fall”. I’ve been vaguely aware of some excitement/scandal/titillation about a song by Cardi B and Meagan 3 Stallion (seriously) and now I know why.

    The song is called WAP, or more correctly ?ussy. Someone did a cover video in American Sign Language. That was interesting to me, because the article talks about it being sexier than the original (which was also decried by some as totally debased.)

    Oh jeez. I’m not a prude. I like women and sex. I use obscenity, profanity, and scatalogical language- in the right place and time. This is not empowering, or freeing, or anything other than the end state of a decadent society. Burn this mother down.

    This is a music video on youtube.

    Considering that Ketterer has to sign ‘wet a** p***y’ multiple times in the chorus alone, it should come as no surprise that the performance is far more explicit than some of her previous videos.

    The most talked-about portion of the clip appears to be when she signs the lyrics: ‘I don’t wanna spit, I wanna gulp / I wanna gag, I wanna choke / I want you to touch that lil’ dangly thing that swing in the back of my throat.’

    Culture. FMOD. Turn your volume down before watching, as there isn’t even an explicit language warning. I can’t even imagine the original video, nor do I want to.


    added- anyone remember all the fake outrage when a certain person used that very same word?

  63. Rolf Grunsky says:

    “Does anyone here recognize the author?”

    Tom Lehrer of course. As in “New Math.”

  64. Greg Norton says:

    Why is this ‘queen’ not removed from the flight for failing to follow the instructions of the flight attendant? Why is she not banned from flying this airline? And what does this say about who has ‘privilege’ in this situation?

    Video like this is what will trigger genocide.

    Nah. Spirit Airlines. In Portland, the Spirit gate was across from Rogue’s airport bar. “Fill A Growler For The Plane”.

    You’ll need it.

  65. lynn says:

    “Dallas Police Chief resigns after department criticized for stopping violent anarchists in the city”

    This crap is going on all over the place. The lady was a good cop and upheld the law. She will be replaced by a simpering fool who let the animals run wild.

    I worked out of downtown Dallas for five years back in the 1980s. I am so glad that I am no longer there.

  66. Harold Combs says:

    Former NASA head admits that the SLS “will go away”.
    “SLS will go away,” he said. “It could go away during a Biden administration or a next Trump administration… because at some point commercial entities are going to catch up. They are really going to build a heavy lift launch vehicle sort of like SLS that they will be able to fly for a much cheaper price than NASA can do SLS. That’s just the way it works.”

  67. lynn says:

    I’m getting about 21mpg in the 2019 Ram Classic with the Hemi. Given that a lot of this is city driving, not bad.

    I think, last time I checked, idling was something like 20% of the running time. I can see where fleet owners might want that auto on/off technology.

    Man, you must drive it like you own it, especially with the Hemi v8. Me, I drive my 2019 F150 4×4 biturbo like I stole it. I get about 18 mpg in mixed driving. 19 mpg on the current tank but I started it off driving from Victoria, Texas to Port Lavaca, Texas to Richmond, Texas, about 140 miles. And with a 36 gallon tank, that is quite a while between fillups.

  68. lynn says:

    “Man arrested, charged with arson in connection with southern Oregon fire” – not climate change.

    “The Almeda fire is now 50 percent contained as of Friday morning, and has burned more than 5,700 acres. It has burned more than a thousand homes between the towns of Phoenix and Talent. Hundreds of businesses have also been damaged, and leaders estimate more than 2,000 residents have lost their homes this week. Drinking water has been shut off, and power remains out in both towns.”

    Just turn him loose amongst the refugees. You will never see the fire starter again.

    Hat tip to:

  69. Ed says:


    From a text to my niece visiting her mother in Portland:

    “I mean, clearly the Big Guy Upstairs has plans for Portland, and they involve fire “

  70. Ed says:

    Me, I drive my 2019 F150 4×4 biturbo like I stole it.

    My neighbor says I drive like an old man. Heh.

    So I’m not saying we hit three figures taking the back way from Lancaster up to Yerington a couple of weeks ago, heavens above, that would be illegal.

    But, retired, no where to go and nothing to do once I get there…

    Had a trip planned to visit relatives in WA and OR next week, friends in ID, that’s all on hold till the fire stuff subsides.

  71. Marcelo says:

    … because at some point commercial entities are going to catch up.

    Starship Number 6 (SN6) is the sixth iteration of rapid development and Elon wants to build them like in factory with assembly plants…

  72. MrAtoz says:

    “Friday Night Antifa Smackdown: Episode One”


    Hat tip to:

    Ha, ha! About time more antifa slugs got slugged.

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