Hot and wet. Possible storms. Joy.
Tuesday was a bit cooler in the afternoon. We almost got some rain in the morning, which should have increased the humidity but actually didn’t do too much. Overcast helped keep the temps down. The attic at my client’s house was only 96F and had a max high temp of 112F recorded. Cool really.
I did go over to my client’s to chase internet and networking issues. Found more lightning damage. The Silicon Greybeard has shared some of his lightning strike travails on his blog. Basically, everything in the house is suspect now that we’ve established that there was damage on some things. I’ll be swapping out gear for the next year as it dies early and mysterious deaths.
Dinner was ribs from the freezer. My wife did the honors while I was working. Sides from the fridge, and pasta. Not much long term storage, and no canned corn…
Today I’ve got to pick up a truck load of auction items. Shopping for the wife’s list kinda got out of hand. I ended up getting some stuff to resell, and some stuff for my various hobbies. I took a gamble on one item I hope is a light bar for my truck. Couldn’t quite make it out, but I wasn’t the only one bidding it up. Hopefully the other guy was sure it was something desirable and not just following me
The news hasn’t been screaming about cases this week, but they are still going up. Deaths are up a bit, not enough for a trend but basically right on time. Aesop has his hands full at his ER in Cali, and reports are that the ERs here in Texas are about full. Florida is headed there too.
Economic impacts and real world effects are starting to hit locally. Our city councilwoman told one of my neighbors that the city might have to hire contractors to catch up with heavy trash pickup. They’re 2 weeks late this Friday. She said too many city employees were out sick. I’m seeing a lot more shuttered businesses this week too. LOTS of empty storefronts in some parts of town, where I don’t expect to see them. Even the Habitat for Humanity reStore on the north side of town was closed down to “help keep everyone safe”. And FFS people, update your website if you close your business.
Tomball Ford was running their $20K off list ad again, only this time they included Expedition, along with F series trucks. Lots of lesser deals on other vehicles too.
If there are things you think you’ll need in the next year, you might want to start getting them while you can. Maintenance parts, cleaning stuff, “just in case” like toilet rebuild kits, rake and shovel handles, etc. are all going to be in short supply if this keeps up. I don’t see it getting better soon. Think about how many batteries you’ll burn through if you have a community watch in your neighborhood running those little GMRS or FRS radios… Start thinking about clothes too. You probably have closets full, but do they fit? Will they fit if you lose or gain weight? Most of the clothes and cloth come from China and other far away shirtholes, as do most of the shoes and boots.
Anyway, the knock on effects of closing down our economy are starting. The effects of our third world suppliers losing big chunks of their workers, either temporarily or permanently, are just starting to show up.
Time to stack it high…