Supposed to be cooler, but still humid today. Mid 80s.
Yesterday stayed cool for a while but was still up in the high 90s in my driveway by early afternoon. It was overcast until late in the day, which helped me by keeping temps in the attic down somewhat. Still HOT, just less hot. I didn’t have a thermometer with me, but last time I was up in this attic in summer it was 142F iirc. It started raining heavily around 2am, and added a couple of inches to the pool. I’ll actually have to drain water out as soon as I get a chance. We’ve gotten a ton of rain in the last few days.
I spent the morning messing around. The afternoon and evening were spent at my customer’s house. And I’ll be back there today. I hope I get done. He wants everything done before the 4th, and so do I. They are having a ‘small gathering’ and I have no interest in being there after that, not for at least 3 weeks.
Dinner was two cornish game hens from the deep part of the freezer, at least a couple of years old. Baked, stuffed with oranges, covered in jerk seasoning and garlic powder. Delicious. And so preciously tiny! Sides were cheesy pasta from a pouch, BB 2018 and fine, and of course canned corn… Dessert for me was more of the cookies from yesterday.
My buddy the hospital exec says he’s not worried. They’ve got capacity, and the press and TMC hospitals are fearmongering. Since TMC had to ‘clarify’ their earlier statements and reassure the audience for the 6pm news that “we’ve got plenty of resources to care for Houstonians, and there is too much panic in the community at the moment”, he is probably right, at least for now. I’ll point out, it was panic which they helped whip up.
On the other hand, the Governor is getting briefed by someone, and he just pulled back on loosening restrictions. Closer to home, my sometimes business partner thinks he’s caught a case of sweet and sour sicken. He works in a hospital, and trusts their processes, but he’s definitely sick with flu like symptoms. He’s running a fever and the symptoms have been getting worse. I hope to know something from him in a day or two, and I hope he doesn’t have it.
Most of the wall warts we’ve lost over there in the past couple of months are similar ages. Caps or tin whiskers, it’s a huge pain in the butt.
I spent the morning messing around. The afternoon and evening were spent at my customer’s house. And I’ll be back there today. I hope I get done. He wants everything done before the 4th, and so do I. They are having a ‘small gathering’ and I have no interest in being there after that, not for at least 3 weeks.
A “small gathering’ … like this one.
This is why we can’t have nice things. 300, including “asymptomatic” teenagers waiting on test results.
That part of town reminds me of wealthy sections of Northern California, complete with the arrogance and stupidity. I’ve been consistent on the point that the virus won’t do us in as much as p*ss poor choices.
The last time I needed to dispose of a large piece of glass, the only recycling facility willing to handle that kind of hazard was out in Bee Cave. When I got to the place, I noticed I was the only one with just glass and not a 60-70 inch TV of some kind. I wondered how many still worked but simply weren’t the latest models.
Covid numbers kicked up here yesterday. We’ve been mostly in the teens, but yesterday there were 58 cases. Hope that’s just a fluke…
House is progressing nicely. The level of detail that goes into planning is amazing – today we were called in to look at exactly how they are going to lay the tiles. We’re having 60cm square tiles laid throughout the house, and they showed us exactly how they are supposed to line up, i.e., where the seams will be. It will be interesting to see if the tile layer actually achieves that level of precision.
Plugs: I’d Use Federal Power To Force People To Wear Masks
This is the guy who defeats tRump, says the MSM, ProgLibTurds, etc. Talk about being ruled over. Next, he will *Thanos* snap his fingers and all gubs will disappear.
The annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. It’s a pretty big draw for Harley-Davidson enthusiasts. Though, for the most part, you’re right. Like many flyover states you kind of have to be from there to love it (or stuck there forcibly by the military long enough that you fall in love with it).
I’m still wanting to be able to post the occasional photo/graphic.
Aren’t Hispanic and White the same thing? That is, don’t most government forms list “White, of hispanic origin” and “White, of non-hispanic origin” on them? I think they’re considered descendants of European colonists just like white Americans. Hispanics are just descended more from Spanish colonists than British/French/German/Irish colonists/immigrants. Honestly, I’ve never fully grasped the difference between Hispanic, Latina/Latino, and Chicano.
They’ve learned their lesson from irate home buyers of the past. Once you’ve dealt with a couple of “Karens” you start asking for DETAILS and writing them down and getting them signed.
From CNN:
When Trump mentioned closing down the country, I coulda sworn Democraps all across the nation screamed “you don’t have the power to do that!”.
-snap- I’ve got it. Democrats and Republicans have a different Constitution. Now it makes sense.
Well, one is a flexible guideline, open to interpretation and extension, the other is a solidly defined foundational document, brilliant in its execution, to be taken at face value and changed only infrequently and through extraordinary effort.
Something isn’t adding up.
I’m not sure how small “small” is, but their normal 4th of July party is 120 guests. Families, not individuals.
“Something isn’t adding up.”
Texas Orders Bars To Close As Hospitals Flooded With Patients Amid Record Surge In COVID-19 Cases: Live Updates
Ever been to 6th Street in Austin on a Friday or Saturday night?
Boozeheads have a lot of denial. I don’t use the term “bacchanalia” lightly.
It looks like I need to apply for an absentee ballot from Nevada. I’ll never become a Texas resident at this rate.
I’m not sure how small “small” is, but their normal 4th of July party is 120 guests. Families, not individuals.
No guarantee that “asymptomatic” won’t show up.
The biggest boozeheads I know, to the point that they will eventually self-destruct, are “family” men/women.
Melinda Gates: Blacks should get the vaccine first
The virtue signal is so bright “I gotta wear shades.” I assume Blacks will also be *chipped* first by Emperor Gates. Forget all those nursing home deaths ‘cause Cuomo says they are tRumps fault. They were close to death, anyway, and Blacks should rule the FUSA for reparations and GET WHITEY!
It looks like I need to apply for an absentee ballot from Nevada. I’ll never become a Texas resident at this rate.
For the general election or the primary runoffs next month?
Nevada is a lost cause. We’ll see what the real consensus on Texas is on both sides after the Dem runoffs in July when the CA money starts flowing into the US Senate race in the state.
Excessive drinking among older white men is out of control. I’ve read several articles over the last few years on how life expectancy in the US is increasing among almost all demographics except white men. In addition to the usual suspects (bad diet, no exercise, smoking) one of the biggest factors is alcohol. It’s not alcoholism. It’s not like if you take their booze away they start shaking uncontrollably and lashing out at people. It’s just regular heavy drinking. 3 or 4 beers after work EVERY weekday. A 12-pack every Saturday and Sunday. Going through a 1.75L of cheap whiskey/vodka every other week. Stuff like that. White men over 40 are starting to put frat boys to shame when it comes to units of alcohol consumed per week on average.
I see it all the time around here. Every evening I can go outside and look up and down the street in my neighborhood and one house after another there’s a guy standing in the driveway holding a beer. If I check an hour later he’s still standing there holding another beer.
@Chad: guilty. A couple of beers most evenings. Never to excess, but pretty much daily. It’s mostly stress relief…
White men over 40 are starting to put frat boys to shame when it comes to units of alcohol consumed per week on average.
Austin takes recreational drinking to a whole new level. The city had to build a new old-fashioned drunk tank simply to keep the downtown jail and psych hospital from being overwhelmed on weekends and, more importantly, during the big weeks of excess centered around SxSW and ACL.
I’m not surprised that the city has seen an increase in virus cases since 6th Street reopened. Thank God SXSW and the Indy Car events were cancelled in March or the city would have had numbers worse than New Orleans.
Why not? We’re the cause of all the problems. Get out of the house and go drink a beer in the driveway. Get away from the drama and releve the stress.
Americans drink an average of 2.3 gallons of pure alcohol a year compared to 7.1 gallons in 1830.
When I’m being an ass my wife will not hesitate to tell me to have a beer. lol
Hispanic whites have sought those designations. Brown – La Raza – SA. They also tend to be anti-black and differentiate very white spanish from indians, unless it just to be against whites. By far most joke about but of course the are the agitators that push, push, push.
OTH article on increase of Whu Flu in the area mentions that the biggest increases here are in Arvin, Lamont, and SE Bakersfield. Geographically close areas with overwhelming latino populations. No mention of that detail however.
If I consider all of the aches and pains that had to go untreated in the early 19th century, then that is not surprising at all. Just the thought of dental pain alone back then is enough to make me want to have a drink now.
Probably the third or fourth beer.
Beer in the early ages (think Egyptians) was actually a way to store the nutrients from grain. Fermented the resulting brew did not spoil. The brew was not as high an alcohol content that exists today. It also served as a way to not have to consume rotten water as the alcohol kept the bad bugs at bay. Beer served a useful purpose. Now it just fills the toilets at NASCAR, baseball and other sporting events events. (After having been filtered through the kidneys).
A lot of that had to do with no easy access to clean drinking water. The alcoholic brew was generally safe to drink, especially the beer. Of course back then a Texas Ranger was known to drink water from a muddy hoof print (True Grit reference) and be happy to get it. People were a lot more immune to pathogens in the water than they are today.
I got a cancellation notice from Ticketmaster today for the Braves game I purchased tickets for in August. Finally. I’m really surprised they didn’t keep the money and try to force my ticket to apply to one of the as yet unscheduled games in the proposed shortened season.
Drudge has just gone down the toilet. Front page:
Every day that goes by is a new high. Click bait by the ProgLibTurds. “Look what tRump has done to us.”
Drudge has just gone down the toilet. Front page:
Virus cases hit all-time high
Every day that goes by is a new high. Click bait by the ProgLibTurds. “Look what tRump has done to us.”
Gotta get those mail-in ballots in Texas. The Dems are working the US Supreme Court now since they believe the key to ending Cornyn and Trump in Texas will be an all mail-in election. They may not be wrong IMHO, but it would depend on how much overtime the Perkins-Coie paralegals in … Dallas (office?) … could clock between a ruling and November 3.
The Texas Supreme Court ruled that lack of WuxuFlu immunity is not a sufficient disability to justify a mail-in ballot. Regardless, early voting for the primary runoff starts Monday so it is too late for that election.
Texas has open primaries, but you lock your affiliation for the election year the first time you vote. I voted Republican in the primaries in March to get rid of a Sucontinent RINO challenging our walking corpse Congresscritter so that precludes me from voting in the Dem primary runoff to vote against “Doors” in the US Senate race.
My wife didn’t vote in the March primary, however.
“Former Intel Engineer Explains Why Apple Switched to ARM”
“Apparently the quality assurance of Skylake processors was so bad Apple decided it had to make the leap.”
I suspect that Apple jumped to their own custom ARM chip also for power management as Intel has not been able to get their power requirements down to the ARM level.
Freefall: Captain on the Bridge !
You know, snarkiness in an AI may not be desirable in the future.
“Poor air quality today as Saharan dust takes hold”
“Saharan dust just began to infiltrate the Houston area yesterday, and it was not yet thick enough to obscure the sunset, which proved to be a real treat in spots.”
I was wondering if the Saharan dust had gotten here when it was murky outside this morning.
I suspect that Apple jumped to their own custom ARM chip also for power management as Intel has not been able to get their power requirements down to the ARM level.
ARM makes sense for the notebooks, but the change is risky for desktops where power consumption isn’t as much of a concern and users may not feel the need to run iPhone/iPad apps.
Betting against Chipzilla is risky. Apple tried it once before with PowerPC, and that was going to be a forever thing … until it wasn’t.
I think the change has more to do with lowering the timeframe for forced obsolescence. It was getting harder for the company to justify to corporate IT departments cutting off > 7 year old hardware when a 2012 ThinkPad will run Windows 10 competently enough that most users are not going to notice the performance difference even if the battery life is worse. Linux runs even better on the same hardware.
Five years and out for a laptop like Apple does with phones/tablets? Maybe if the price was right. That won’t work for desktops however. I bet Intel is around for a while at Apple, maybe even inside the high end laptops.
As I’ve noted before, anytime I’ve traveled in the last few years, I see ThinkPads in increasing numbers at airport gates where MacBook Pros used to dominate. Apple will have to present a compelling argument for that to change.
You have to declare an affiliation when you register to vote? And are then bound thereby? What happened to anonymous voting?
Here in UK, the voter registration is filed by the householder (and it is a legal requirement to identify everyone of voting age on the relevant day in October) but there is no requirement (or even space) to register political preference.
And at the voting booth, there is no requirement (or any way for a third party to check) to be consistent. For example, I could vote Conservative in a Parliamentary election, and, on the same day, vote Labour or Lib Dem, in a local council election. Within minutes. On separate voting papers, which would be counted separately.
And anyone who tried to check my votes would be committing a criminal offence. As do those who tweet images of their voting papers.
yes, as a matter of fact, I am wirting this with that machine, I5 T420 8 g RAM and,changed to test the HD to SSD (green WD)
In other business
I hate such designations, because you are ending with white but no so white, my late brother was redhead, both full blown spanish (really catalonian), so, which category were we?
And I would further suggest that having one ballot paper for each race would be a good thing, since it would easily allow for manual counting. Which is what we in UK do.
My eldest daughter is a regular counter at elections. Of course, she is not allowed to count in her electoral district of residence, e.g if she lives in Ealing North, she would not be allowed to count for that constituency. Instead, she woud be assigned to count for (say) Ealing Southall, the adjacent constituency.
This is not hypothetical – the exact situation has happened in the past.
“Ford Study: Pickups Are Better Than Sex”
“Ford says 38% of the people they surveyed would rather give up sex than their Ford pickup. REALLY?”
I refuse to give up either.
WAIT, are 38% of pickup drivers women ?
You have to declare an affiliation when you register to vote? And are then bound thereby? What happened to anonymous voting?
We in Texas are bound to vote in that party’s followon primary elections once we vote in the initial primary election of our choice. We can vote in the general election for any candidate that we want to vote in to office.
Several of the BLUE states make you declare a party affiliation and then vote in that party’s primaries. That is just wrong.
Betting against Chipzilla is risky. Apple tried it once before with PowerPC, and that was going to be a forever thing … until it wasn’t.
Is Chipzilla Intel ?
You have to identify which party you are affiliated with as only members of that party are allowed to pick that party’s candidates.
I seem to recall that we had a discussion about that here once – last year? – and there was minimal interest.
What you think now? Vote up / down on this comment to express your opinion, plus add a comment if you are inclined.
Ability to put up an image would be useful but it’s not a must-have.
Hosting costs are likely to go up. I’m willing to chip in some.
@SteveF – don’t think hosting costs will increase. Pretty sure that the plan on Dreamhost that Barbara is paying for allows unlimited storage.
There would be a limitation of image size (2M, probably), and only images would be allowed.
Things that make you say “Hmmmm” …
“And while Apple says the transition to Apple silicon from Intel will take about two years, Apple has said that it still has plans to launch new Intel-based Macs that have not even been announced yet. The company also committed to some form of long-term support for Intel Macs.”
I don’t think even Apple knows if they will ever be able to totally eliminate Chipzilla (yes, Intel) beyond the low-mid range laptop lines. One of the problems will be convincing Adobe to hand optimize assembly in their core image processing library beyond what they do for Intel x86_64.
Lack of optimized libraries in Photoshop for PowerPC was one of the motivations for moving off PowerPC to Intel.
Several of the BLUE states make you declare a party affiliation and then vote in that party’s primaries. That is just wrong.
Unless things changed in FL in the last 10 years, your party affiliation was locked at registration. If you wanted to change parties, you had to re-register before the 60 (?) day deadline.
Been in IT for too long. Gotta test the product…
It allows cheats to upvote themselves.
I feel bad she’s paying for this. Can she set up a PayPal donate or subscription or something so we can help offset the cost?
“Betting against Chipzilla is risky. Apple tried it once before with PowerPC, and that was going to be a forever thing … until it wasn’t.”
Is Chipzilla Intel ?
Yes. No one has better fabs or the resources to spend whatever it takes on new fabs and processes.
Once Intel realized that Itanium’s PA-RISC in drag and interns taping out Pentium IV chips was no longer a way to stay competitive with the Athlon 64, Core emerged from the desert. Literally, from the research labs in Israel, complete with an implementation of x86_64. AMD still hasn’t fully recovered from that market beatdown.
I’m still running a Q6600 as my primary desktop, and the chip is 13 years old.
I’m still wanting to be able to post the occasional photo/graphic.
I seem to recall that we had a discussion about that here once – last year? – and there was minimal interest.
What you think now? Vote up / down on this comment to express your opinion, plus add a comment if you are inclined.
Adding a picture to a message is a nice thing. One of my employees fell on his bike this morning and broke a clavicle. He emailed the x-ray to me.
I can post pictures of the inside of my eyes and a couple of my spine from the latest CT scan. My dentist still does X-Rays on film so no teeth pictures.
Storage isn’t the issue. GB/month served to browsers is the issue. Most hosting plans have a cap, with a stiff $/GB for exceeding it.
I think that is a bit dated. TSMC seems to have the upper-hand nowadays. Global Foundries (AMD) lost that race as well a long time ago and I think IBM went away even before that.
Intel has not had a decent nanometer reduction for far too-long and it shows. Nowadays it is more like a pirate coming down the road: Tock, Tock, Tock and maybe Tick.
“Biden’s Basement Strategy: Just Say Nothing”
“If Biden emerges, then he will have to answer why all these institutions where his party and people are predominant — the media, Hollywood, the academic community, public schools, big-city governments, the big foundations, the federal bureaucracy — are apparently shot through with systemic racism after decades of Democratic dominance.”
That’s why the you subtract one from each total vote. But if there are enough votes, then the 1 ‘self-vote’ should be minimal impact.
All the plans on Dreamhost have unlimited bandwidth, so not an issue.
The plan she has on Dreamhost is $120/yr. I think she has mentioned in the past that she doesn’t mind the cost. The hosting plan is paid through to June 2021. I suppose there could be a “Donate” button, or one could just send donations to her email through PayPal.
Setting up a Donate button would require access to her PayPal account. I could set up one through my PayPal account and forward them to her, but there are tax implications to me with that.
California is just bat-shirt(-r) crazy.
Phase out of trucks, including the F-250 due to emissions. All large trucks larger than the F-150 must be zero emissions by 2045. Long ways off, maybe they can have electric trucks. I suspect a lot of shipping will be with F-150’s and light rail for the really big stuff. Or trucks will just avoid California altogether. Residents can beg at the Nevada and Oregon border for food, toilet paper, medicine, and crop harvesting machinery. If you live in California, move out, now.
Phase out of trucks, including the F-250 due to emissions. All large trucks larger than the F-150 must be zero emissions by 2045.
We will have Civil War II resolved by then. Or else the Terminators will kill all of us. Or SARS-COV-3, the weaponized version, will kill all of us.
California is just bat-shirt(-r) crazy.
“Phase out of trucks, including the F-250 due to emissions. All large trucks larger than the F-150 must be zero emissions by 2045.”
Maybe they should wait for the first real production electric trucks to hit the road before making decrees like that. It took Toyota 20 years to learn how to properly build that class of vehicle.
Just by saying it, it will be so. They don’t live in our reality.
California is just bat-shirt(-r) crazy.
“Phase out of trucks, including the F-250 due to emissions. All large trucks larger than the F-150 must be zero emissions by 2045.”
Maybe they should wait for the first real production electric trucks to hit the road before making decrees like that. It took Toyota 20 years to learn how to properly build that class of vehicle.
Ford just released details of their new 2021 hybrid F-150 and I am not impressed. The 3.5L V6 ecoboost with a 35 kW electric motor in the tranny and a 1.5 kWh battery. 23 mpg average with 30 gal tank giving range of 700 miles.
The all electric F-150 is still two years away. That does not bode well.
The plan she has on Dreamhost is $120/yr. I think she has mentioned in the past that she doesn’t mind the cost. The hosting plan is paid through to June 2021. I suppose there could be a “Donate” button, or one could just send donations to her email through PayPal.
I’ll contribute if you put up a button.
I used to contribute to Dr. Pournelle’s site until he passed.
Currently in Hilton Head Island, 400 miles away from my home. There is currently no electric vehicle that would get me all the way here without a significant stop for recharging. Enough of a delay that I would have to take two days to make the trip. Even if I did not use the A/C (not an option). Will that improve? Maybe.
I suppose Ford could put three more battery packs in the bed of the pickup thus defeating the purpose of a pickup. Might impress the stupid legislators in California. However, I doubt even that arrangement could pull my boat or trailer more than 100 miles before needing recharging.
California has just signed the death toll for people that pull trailers to CA using a F-250 or larger. Which is the majority of trailer towers in use on the road. CA is doing everything they can to eliminate tourism. CA is doing everything it can to get people to leave CA. When population growth in CA is negative, when business growth in CA is negative, then people in the legislation should wake up. CA is losing their tax base and will bankrupt themselves in the next 15 years or sooner.
Ford just released details of their new 2021 hybrid F-150 and I am not impressed. The 3.5L V6 ecoboost with a 35 kW electric motor in the tranny and a 1.5 kWh battery. 23 mpg average.
That should have been a small diesel. Ram got their 1500 class V6 EcoDiesel recertified, and FCA cut the Americans out of the gimmie from the Italian government for R&D for new platforms. The recertification got done on the cheap.
1000 mile range. 12,000 pounds towing. What’s the argument for the hybrid?
Ford has a problem, and Steelcase Boy needs to go soon.
Arstechnica is frequented by a bunch of snotty nosed, clueless, liberal brats, where few have actually earned a decent living. Most I think have not yet reached puberty. I left DSLReports for the same reason, jerk wad administrators on a power trip. ARSTechnica is following the same path.
Ford just released details of their new 2021 hybrid F-150 and I am not impressed. The 3.5L V6 ecoboost with a 35 kW electric motor in the tranny and a 1.5 kWh battery. 23 mpg average.
That should have been a small diesel. Ram got their 1500 class V6 EcoDiesel recertified, and FCA cut the Americans out of the gimmie from the Italian government for R&D for new platforms. The recertification got done on the cheap.
Ford released their F-150 diesel last year. $50K minimum price and a host of issues.
Currently in Hilton Head Island, 400 miles away from my home. There is currently no electric vehicle that would get me all the way here without a significant stop for recharging. Enough of a delay that I would have to take two days to make the trip. Even if I did not use the A/C (not an option). Will that improve? Maybe.
Did you pull your trailer at 8 mpg again ?
BTW, Tesla’s revised model S is rated at 402 miles now. That will give you 2 extra miles of range anxiety to deal with.
Crap, Windows 7 Pro just rebooted me to install Microsoft Edge. What is wrong with these jerks ?
When it came up, it told me that Windows 7 was unsupported and asked me to make Edge my default browser. No way in H E double toothpicks !
The number of SARS-COV-2 cases may be exploding in the USA but the number of deaths sure is not. In fact, the number of deaths in the USA is still trending down. There is a chart called “Daily New Deaths in the United States” several pages down this webpage. I do know that there is a lag between new cases and deaths, but I thought the deaths would be trending up also now.
Rush was saying today that most of the new cases are “younger” people. 20 to 40 or something like that.
Ford released their F-150 diesel last year. $50K minimum price and a host of issues.
PowerStroke is all over the place in terms of reliability over the years.
Put a decent diesel in the hybrid and give it the capability to serve as a generator providing power for heavy duty tools at a remote job site. Those would sell, but I doubt that Ford could get that past the government entities, particularly CA.
Maybe if they built a Tesla supercharging port into the front bumper. The Cybertruck tows the F150 with the engine turning for the generator feeding the EV vehicle’s motors.
lots of younger people getting sick now, and they generally have better outcomes so deaths as a percentage should trend down.
A lot of our deaths came when NYFC got overloaded, as was predicted. Also, the criminal handling of old folks homes ran the numbers up.
added- you would expect them to get better at treatment too.
Home, fed, about to shower.
I think I got all the attic work done. It was overcast and cool, with temps in the high 80s in the attics. SO much better than 140F…
I rearranged my plans to get the hot work done.
I did go to costco to swap out the TV. They were keeping people apart, not touching stuff, and the vibe was very strange. The woman in front of me at checkout was talking on the phone… she says “now that we’re heading back into this pandemic I thought I better get down here and fill up a cart….” even ordinary folks are on the prepping train now.
occasional photo/graphic
Meh. I don’t care much either way, however confess I truly like and appreciate the text. Regular posters here have a fine gift with language and I sure do enjoy that.
For those occasional times when adding a photo / graphic would be helpful? Images are easy enough to drop in via a URL. There is a plethora of methods to place a linkable image these days.
I’ve sometimes wondered if I should add more photos to the daily post. One or two to illustrate something, like my food storage, or my garden….
But then I don’t. I might though sometime.
Being text based helps with page load times, etc. Not as much an issue as in the past, but I still notice a difference in pic heavy sites vs test heavy…
There is a bit of a fear or concern that the comments would turn into an endless parade of memes, demotivators, and etc. There are other places to find that.
I had that, too. But, as part of the reboot, I got massive disk thrashing, and no audio. So I reverted the change via System Restore, and eventually, after the second reboot, all came good.
I conjecture that the massive disk activity slowed down verification of licence validity, leading to the no audio symptom, and also the “unsupported” message. But why does installing a new M$ browser require a reboot?
It’s because M$ tried to , and evidently succeeded in, tying the browser deeply into the operating system back in Win95 days, and they’ve done it ever since.
Also, I suspect that the Win-10-nic lack of quality control has spread to Win7.
I agree with you about faster load times with pure text. My own site, which I do not link here, is almost pure text, although I do post the occasional image, and it loads quickly – helped, of course, by it being purely static, and hosted on a shared server with extremely fast links to the internet-at-large.
Today I received the Win 10 Optional 2004 Feature Update for one of my laptops.
I prefer to try and install these when I want to and not when MS says I must (Or because it is already running…).
After an image backup I started the update/upgrade.
It took a looong time to download and install. Quite a lot more than the previous ones.
I lost some things like CPU-Z -I have been carrying since XP times- and Intel RST which is being deprecated and replaced by an MS Store App. I also lost the ability to have a higher resolution on my Asus external monitor and God knows why I got a Light Theme on. The latter was the first change I had to do to get Dark mode back in in place.
You really do not want to get caught by the Upgrade when you are dealing with some critical personal or business activities. Visit Settings\Update and Security every now and then and do it when you have some time available.
I refuse to touch Win-10-nic with my worst enemy’s bargepole. Your anecdote is just the latest in a long line of such that confirm my opinion.
My next ‘puter will not run Window$ of any description. Too much risk of breakage.
I have had very few problems with Win 10 and those have been addressed sooner or later.
I really think it is much better than even Windows 7. Certainly with respect to the upgrades and patches system that Win 7 has. Windows 7 updates were/are horrible processes.
I moved all but one of my Windows 7 and 8 laptops to Windows 10 and am very happy with it. Some of those laptops came with Vista installed and were upgraded to 7 and then 10. That is a lot of very old hardware and software that is still -mostly supported by the OS- and running ok today.
I have one laptop, two desktops, and a vm running Win 10. Zero issues with any if them. There will always be some problems, but I am still amazed all that code works as well as it does…
Regarding Windows 10 – I finally did (the never withdrawn but quietly still free) update from Windows 7 about 6 months ago. No major problems. As with every upgrade, I get annoyed at why they have changed the location for certain things, just because they can I guess. I have never really thought any of these changes were an improvement once you factor in the “where did that go/now how do I that frustration). But no trouble. As for hardware, I am running an AMD Phenom II X3 and it and the motherboard are at least 10 years old – originally running WinWP. Memory maxed-out and SSD upgrades of course. Solid as a rock and fast. You really don’t need latest and greatest for Win 10. Of course, I don’t play games so I don’t need to participate in the faster chip/faster video card rat-race. I have never owned/built a desktop with an Intel CPU (too expensive) and I have had no problems with AMD as far back as their 386 clones. Of course, YMMV.
“(the never withdrawn but quietly still free) update from Windows 7 about 6 months ago.”
–last time I tried, all the links I had were bad. It was probably longer than 6 months ago… have you got a good link?