Hot, humid, chance of storming…
Yesterday it was hot and fairly humid all day, although water in the driveway did dry and the Portacool evaporative cooler worked, so it couldn’t have been as humid as it felt. I’ve seen days in a row where puddles didn’t dry because it was so humid.
I did get some work done in the driveway in late afternoon. I moved a pallet of stuff onto shelves. It makes a taller stack, but decreases the foot print. I was alternating with stuff that had me indoors to cool off. I was able to condense some stuff too, gaining a little bit of space. And it’s clear to me I should be going through all my stuff more regularly, to sort, sell, or dump.
We’ve got a storm in the Gulf so I don’t know what today’s weather will bring. I might head over to my secondary or I might just stay here and do other things. At least I didn’t add to my sunburn yesterday.
I’m sure something will come up to derail my efforts.
Like a global pandemic messed with me getting stuff cleaned out and taken to auction just when I was starting to make progress. After all, it’s all about me…
Speaking of, it seems to have passed the point in Brazil and India where the true extent can be hidden. Probably still going into the rapid doubling phase in India, WELL into it in Brazil. Africa is a big black hole info-wise and so are a lot of other places. If this was the zombie apocalypse it wouldn’t be long before we stopped getting news out of them entirely. Since it’s Just The Flu ™, I’m sure places that have dealt with infectious diseases in the past will have no trouble at all.
Really though, it’s still out there, still killing about 1000 people a day in the US, and it’s becoming clear that even if you get over it, you might have lasting and possibly life changing damage. Don’t get it. Don’t get complacent or distracted.
It’s just a tiny bit suspicious that when it appeared we might be getting a handle on it, we get a giant virus swapfest, happening daily. There are some real pros at work. Did anyone else look carefully at how WELL the slogans were painted in the streets of DC? The lines were straight, the edges crisp, the letters all well formed. It takes a lot of effort to even lay out the guidelines for something like that, let alone actually execute it so well, and with really minimal guidemarks. It almost looked unreal to me. In any case, if it wasn’t photoshopped, it took work and experienced people and planning and discipline. Not what you want to see in the enemies of freedom and rule of law.
One way or another, spicy time is coming. LOTS of people seem to be doing prudent things, far more than I expected. Shortages of seeds and freezers speak volumes to me. Canning jars and lids seem to be available at the moment, but that’s another thing I would expect to sell out. Unless all the people who would can already have what they need… like guns and ammo, you can always use more.
Speaking of which, you always think you have enough guns until the zombies come…
Getting training is harder and has more risks now, but if you need it, find a way to get it. Several of our local ranges are offering classes, despite the restrictions. LOTS of people are arming up. Even my wife suggested it was time to get the girls going on the pellet guns. I guess that living in the middle of a global pandemic makes it possible to see that some of the other scenarios might not be so far fetched after all.
Keep learning, keep stacking.
@Nick: On the one hand, I think you are a bit overly suspicious. On the other hand, organizations like NAACP, SPLC, etc. would have no reason to exist, if the race problems were solved. They seem to know this, and certainly make an effort to pour gasoline on any open flames they find.
I had stopped reading Fred Reed for a while, because he seemed to be in a rut. But his latest column has a lot of truth to it. There are problems on all sides, but the most notable problem is the absolutely lop-sided reporting.
Even though our problems here are a lot milder, and anyway in different areas, we still get hit by this. Yesterday, the police had to arrest a 14 year old from Eritrea.He fought them tooth and nail – literally – he bit two of the police officers. What’s the headline? A photo of the police subduing him with a choke-hold. The info about him fighting and biting was buried in the article text.
He needs to be drop-kicked back to Eritrea, along with all of the other opportunistic young African males pretending that they need asylum in Europe, when they’re really just hoping for a lottery win: residence + social services = free money to send back to their families in Africa. Whom I didn’t know we were obligated to support with our social systems.
There are some real pros at work. Did anyone else look carefully at how WELL the slogans were painted in the streets of DC? The lines were straight, the edges crisp, the letters all well formed. It takes a lot of effort to even lay out the guidelines for something like that, let alone actually execute it so well, and with really minimal guidemarks. It almost looked unreal to me. In any case, if it wasn’t photoshopped, it took work and experienced people and planning and discipline.
Just wait until July 15 when the serious anti-Cornyn commercials start airing on TV across Texas. How much time/money would you estimate went into this spot?
“It was all so humbling for a working mom of two.”
Again, C-suite at Dell, probably with a company-provided au pair. Say, what is Robert Francis up to these days …
So she’s most famous for having a good ad….
Hey it was a good ad. Made me want to vote for her. Very snappy. And absolutely nothing about her politics or platform, just personality cult. Her littlest boy has something weird going on in that ad too, like his hands don’t work.
Personally, all that shaky-cam does for me is induce nausea and the incredible number of cuts and pace of cuts is designed for the post-MTV brain damaged view. I don’t think Burrito Beta ‘dropping the F bomb’ on tv was awesomely cool either….
But that is some slick media production.
I did hear a new angle on COVID-19 that I hadn’t really entertained. I overheard some guy at a local cigar bar I like to chill out at complaining about the number of senior citizens not practicing social distancing or wearing masks. It basically boils down to “We’re all doing this social distancing for YOU. We’re all prisoners in our own homes for YOU. Odds are we younger people will be okay if we get it. You’re the group that struggles to survive it. The whole world closed down for the sake of the elderly and they don’t seem to give a shit. Why the hell am I wearing a mask if you’re not? Why in the hell are you wandering around Walmart just for something to do?” There was a real resentment for the elderly “forcing” us all to live like this.
It seems the people who passed the boredom of social distancing and being stuck at home by baking have now turned to gardening instead. I read an interview with a local shopper I found funny where she was commenting on buying a bunch of flowers for her garden back in early May and she said, “I just can’t bake anymore damn banana bread.”
Remember Hurricane Maria in 2017? CNN was there right afterwards and was speaking with the mayor of San Juan (who oddly got more press than the governor of Puerto Rico did). Anderson Cooper was interviewing her and she was wearing a newly printed custom t-shirt that said “Help Us We are Dying.” The whole island got stomped by the storm, most power was knocked out, everything was closed, they were fighting for their survival, and yet someone how she had a t-shirt made in time for her interview. Anyone else think CNN showed up ready with a shirt for her to wear?
I’m always highly suspicious when “unorganized” and “spontaneous” protests happen and everyone is holding a professionally printed sign.
” everyone is holding a professionally printed sign.”
–that is one of the indicators I use for ‘genuineness’, and I’ve seen mostly hand made signs during the GF protests. As they’ve gone on, I’ve seen a few more printed signs, with the usual roster of websites featured on them.* Still, mostly hand done signs. Of course, I’m suspicious that someone has noticed that people don’t care when they see all the printed signs, and has encouraged protesters to make and bring their own…
*young socialist, old socialists, socialists dressed as anarchists, communists dressed as anarchists….
or mysterious palletts of bricks…
Personally, all that shaky-cam does for me is induce nausea and the incredible number of cuts and pace of cuts is designed for the post-MTV brain damaged view. I don’t think Burrito Beta ‘dropping the F bomb’ on tv was awesomely cool either….
But that is some slick media production.
They know their audience. That’s not the campaign HQ I remember next to the Round Rock Spec’s, but I imagine that visual wouldn’t go down well in rural areas.
The original “Doors” ad, also on YouTube, blatantly ripped off Scorsese/”Goodfellas”, playing on how that flick’s style affects X-er’s subconsciously, particularly suburban female voters in Round Rock. It almost worked, but Scorsese doesn’t play as well in Bell County.
The CA money people behind Hegar would like to see her win, but my guess about the real purpose of funding her campaign this year is to further understand how to win on a state-wide level in a general election in Texas, readying for Newsom’s own run for President in 2024 … unless the party accepts reality and gives up on Plugs.
Newsom has time, but Cuomo is not going to wait for 2028 or 2032. A brokered convention will result in a Cuomo/Newsom ticket.
The San Antonio mayor did that last week too, talking about fixing the problem. Amazing how someone like him can be so brazen in avoiding the facts. I’ve been in SA >20 years and I believe the entire time the mayor has been a democrat and all or almost all of the council has been democrat. If there’s a problem, it’s the Democrats. The mayor ignores that of course.
Update: Democrat mayors since 2001. 19 years. That’s long enough to fix any problems.
It’s not looting, it’s just an involuntary clearance sale.
John Wilder knows how to turn a phrase.
“But Bruce Campbell will be Surgeon General.”
Nah, he will be working on Sky High The Sequel. “SIDEKICK !”
Disney needs more content.
Disney doesn’t have any money until the parks reopen.
Disney got 13 billion dollars from a hedge fund and banks a couple of months ago. Cash is not a problem. The problem is that half of their talent is walking the streets.
That’s long enough to fix any problems.
Yes, it is. Provided that you and they agree on the definition of “problems”.
On the evidence, they don’t
They’ve got it exactly like they want it.
I had stopped reading Fred Reed for a while, because he seemed to be in a rut. But his latest column has a lot of truth to it. There are problems on all sides, but the most notable problem is the absolutely lop-sided reporting.
The major source of the problem is The War On Some Drugs ™. The War On Some Drugs has militarized the police. It has provided for crazy things like no knock warrants and all out wars between street gangs and the police.
Just imagine if we did not have drug laws. Over half of the arrests would go away. Incredibly long sentences of decades in jails would go away. CVS, Walmart, and Walgreens would sell just about drug you wanted without a prescription. No DEA.
The down side to no drug laws ? Public addiction. People having to be responsible about their drug usage. If a drug dealer puts draino in their product then that is poisoning and is handled by the injury to another person laws.
The drug laws were formed to give certain companies a monopoly in the marketplace. They have been enhanced so much over the years that mere possession of certain drugs is worse than killing another person.
In that vein, many gun control laws have become so harsh that if you choose to carry a firearm for self defense but cannot do so fully within the law, if you’re stopped by the police for any reason you might as well kill them. The penalty for killing a cop or three is no harsher than than for carrying a demonic assault pistol and there’s a chance you’ll be able to get away without arrest.
Over The Hedge: The Problem With Humans
No sirree, that is not a problem. Chair design would be exceedingly difficult.
And just about every person who is born with one has it cut off at some point.
After the first murder, all the rest are free….
After the first murder, all the rest are free….
Not for your soul.
If you are righteous in your violence, I guess it’s not bad for your soul, but then I guess it’s not actually murder…
Hey it was a good ad. Made me want to vote for her.
“Sympathy for the Devil” as the ad’s theme song? Really? I feel like I’m missing something …
In that vein, many gun control laws have become so harsh that if you choose to carry a firearm for self defense but cannot do so fully within the law, if you’re stopped by the police for any reason you might as well kill them. The penalty for killing a cop or three is no harsher than than for carrying a demonic assault pistol and there’s a chance you’ll be able to get away without arrest.
I had forgotten about New Jersey sentencing a black woman to major jail time and Gov. Christie pardoning her.
Again, murdering a person who is “legally” oppressing you comes under damage to your soul.
However, “legally” is on very shaky ground here nowadays. SCOTUS may, and I emphasize MAY, legalize the carrying of guns in all 50 states and protectorates. If, they revisit Heller and fix it which, John Roberts may veto.
Just imagine if we did not have drug laws. Over half of the arrests would go away. Incredibly long sentences of decades in jails would go away. CVS, Walmart, and Walgreens would sell just about drug you wanted without a prescription. No DEA.
There are some drugs, particularly antibiotics, that you do not want the public to have unlimited freedom to obtain in the interest of public health and/or safety. Antibiotic resistance stats due to overprescription are grim enough already, and the lethality of airborne quantities of Fentanyl, even in minute doses, would make the substance tempting as a weapon for those who want to create trouble.
And in the current pandemic situation, if the public had been able to walk in and demand Z-packs and the anti-malarials which may or may not treat the Wuxu Flu, all of the drugs would have immediately been unobtainium and arbitraged on EBay/Amazon like N95 masks, unavailable to people who truly need the medications to live.
Watch the video, with the sound off because of the useless soyboi screeching throughout…
Guy doesn’t attempt to drive thru protesters, he comes to a stop. Then they attack him in his car. He shoots one of the attackers, and then, instead of driving away gets out of the car. He’s carrying a full size pistol with what looks like an extended mag….
Note the guy in the rear passenger area trying to break into the car. Texas law is pretty clear that if you are in fear of your life or great bodily harm and they try to get in or break a window, you are justified in using deadly force. IANAL, but you can read the statute yourself.
You do have to wonder why he was there, and loaded for bear. ‘course he could have driven into the crowd, or mag dumped, if he was really there to hurt people.
unavailable [at a price they wanted to pay] to people who truly need the medications to live.
–free market sets prices based on supply and demand. If you can’t live without something, it’s on you to make sure your supply is assured. The only reason you can’t now, is the artificial restrictions imposed by ‘prescriptions’ and that insurance pays, not you. In other words, you can’t compel a third party to buy it for you.
What happened to mask and sanitizer availability for JQ Publick when ebay and amazon banned their sale? It went from available, if you wanted them, to NONE FOR YOU no matter what you were willing to pay.
“These Terrified Black Americans Are Packing Heat”
They had better get ready. It looks like most of the large cities are going to cut back their police forces.
The article says it is about racial violence. It is not. They are scared of the people living around them.
Hat tip to:
The down side to no drug laws ? Public addiction. People having to be responsible about their drug usage.
It’s all good till some semi-comatose drugged-out driver mows down a group of pedestrians by the side of the road, or some junkie wipes out his family in response to some substance-induced vision caused by too little oxygen to the brain.
Addicts almost by definition aren’t responsible people.
Make all drugs legal, but also make drug abuse grounds for automatic divorce with no child custody, an automatic firing offense, and driving while stoned grounds for loss of one’s driver’s license coupled with mandatory jail time.
Booze is legal and drunks tend to behave. I don’t see why a pot head / horse junky / speed freak would act much different. Or should be treated differently than a drunk.
Prices could be lower, gov would make all that sweet sweet tax money, and a lot of crime would vanish.
The down side to no drug laws ? Public addiction. People having to be responsible about their drug usage. If a drug dealer puts draino in their product then that is poisoning and is handled by the injury to another person laws.
Booze is legal and drunks tend to behave. I don’t see why a pot head / horse junky / speed freak would act much different. Or should be treated differently than a drunk.
My thoughts exactly. We cannot legislate morality. We can and do however, legislate harm to others.
We went to church yesterday for the first time since the quarantine started. Our church has been having indoor services ever since Governor Abbott declared church “an essential”…needless to say there was no distancing and I was the only person who wore a mask. Paul wouldn’t put his on – he is pretty confident that it isn’t spreading locally any more. But, on the way home, he told me that by autumn, we need to be sure we are well stocked on all our foods, canned goods and other supplies, because he said if there is a “second wave”, we will be staying home again.
I chopped weeds in the garden yesterday, only got one row done. This morning when I went out to water, there were some pleasant surprises: baby cucumbers, one young butternut squash, one young tromboncino squash, several Iciban eggplants about 4″ long, a few peppers, and green tomatoes that I must have missed before. So it is doing better than I thought.
I put the soaker hose on one row for an hour, turned on the hose from the horse trough to trickle down another row and finish emptying that, and carried water from the mineral tubs for the tomatoes and eggplants. I have a 2 1/2 gallon vintage watering can, and a gallon jug with the top cut open, so it is a pretty good workout when I do that. The tubs hold 25 gallons, and I emptied two of them today. I put pool chlorine tablets in them so they don’t harbor mosquitoes, but I don’t like them to sit too long. I’ve still got three more full left to water with in another couple of days.
I’ve been writing this post in snatches over the morning… reading the thread now, it is almost an anachronism LOL
but also make drug abuse grounds for automatic divorce with no child custody, an automatic firing offense, and driving while stoned grounds for loss of one’s driver’s license coupled with mandatory jail time.
This is already done. DUI in Texas means driving while drunk or stoned. Ask Tiger Woods about his DUI conviction.
The down side to no drug laws ? Public addiction. People having to be responsible about their drug usage.
It’s all good till some semi-comatose drugged-out driver mows down a group of pedestrians by the side of the road, or some junkie wipes out his family in response to some substance-induced vision caused by too little oxygen to the brain.
Addicts almost by definition aren’t responsible people.
Neither are most drunks. That experiment in prohibition almost took this country down.
Just imagine if we did not have drug laws. Over half of the arrests would go away. Incredibly long sentences of decades in jails would go away. CVS, Walmart, and Walgreens would sell just about drug you wanted without a prescription. No DEA.
There are some drugs, particularly antibiotics, that you do not want the public to have unlimited freedom to obtain in the interest of public health and/or safety. Antibiotic resistance stats due to overprescription are grim enough already, and the lethality of airborne quantities of Fentanyl, even in minute doses, would make the substance tempting as a weapon for those who want to create trouble.
And in the current pandemic situation, if the public had been able to walk in and demand Z-packs and the anti-malarials which may or may not treat the Wuxu Flu, all of the drugs would have immediately been unobtainium and arbitraged on EBay/Amazon like N95 masks, unavailable to people who truly need the medications to live.
Tough. I have a friend who was a pharmacist. Her pharmacy owner started filling the scripts issued by the pain docs. Her owner’s pharmacy was shutdown by the DEA, he got put in jail, and she got her pharmacy license removed even though she quit two weeks before the DEA raid. So at 60 years of age, she became a real estate agent.
We need to focus the laws on important things and minimize police interactions.
We went to church yesterday for the first time since the quarantine started. Our church has been having indoor services ever since Governor Abbott declared church “an essential”…needless to say there was no distancing and I was the only person who wore a mask. Paul wouldn’t put his on – he is pretty confident that it isn’t spreading locally any more. But, on the way home, he told me that by autumn, we need to be sure we are well stocked on all our foods, canned goods and other supplies, because he said if there is a “second wave”, we will be staying home again.
Our church met yesterday for the first time. The wife and I were there for first service. About 75 people out of the normal 700. Every 2nd and 3rd pews were blocked off for social distancing.
We had to wear masks in and out but not in the auditorium. I just do not have enough air to wear a mask for more then ten minutes usually so that worked out.
He could have stopped and backed up away from the crowd so I’d guess he was looking for a confrontation.
Interesting with the soi boi being totally fine with the crowd’s intention of dragging him from the car and whatever would follow, but the moment there’s a gun he’s upset, because now his friends on the ground are in danger.
What happened to mask and sanitizer availability for JQ Publick when ebay and amazon banned their sale? It went from available, if you wanted them, to NONE FOR YOU no matter what you were willing to pay.
If the government wants to regulate mask and sanitizer availability then they need to stock adequate amounts of them rather than banning the sale of them at market prices. Instead, the morons pass laws trying limit prices. That never works.
And the funny thing is that now we have guys with garages full of PPE and toilet paper with no idea how to sell it.
Note the guy in the rear passenger area trying to break into the car. Texas law is pretty clear that if you are in fear of your life or great bodily harm and they try to get in or break a window, you are justified in using deadly force. IANAL, but you can read the statute yourself.
Texas has an extremely broad Castle Doctrine. Many states do not.
Still, I would rather be judged by twelve rather than carried out by six.
I’ve seen that many times myself. A couple examples:
– A group of kids bullying a single, younger kid while the adults in charge look on and don’t do anything. As it was my six-year-old son being bullied, I charged over and knocked the other kids down or away. That’s when the responsible adults in charge piped up. “You can’t do that! They’re just children!”
– A bar fight that started out somewhat good-natured, with the other guy’s friends cheering him on and maybe providing a little help, but turned bad when he got mad that I was just playing with him and he pulled a knife. I took it out of his hand and jammed it into him. That’s when the screaming and the anger started. Of course I was the bad guy. I didn’t go with my “kill everyone” plan because my throat had just been cut and I didn’t know how bad it was.
If the government wants to regulate mask and sanitizer availability then they need to stock adequate amounts of them rather than banning the sale of them at market prices. Instead, the morons pass laws trying limit prices. That never works.
Personally, I have no need for a mask or hand sanitizer, but my point was that essential drugs would be as hard to obtain as a *real* 3M N95 mask if the arbitrage were allowed to happen freely.
A Z-Pack is not a Nintendo Switch console and shouldn’t be bought/sold the same way.
If the government wants to regulate mask and sanitizer availability then they need to stock adequate amounts of them rather than banning the sale of them at market prices. Instead, the morons pass laws trying limit prices. That never works.
Personally, I have no need for a mask or hand sanitizer, but my point was that essential drugs would be as hard to obtain as a *real* 3M N95 mask if the arbitrage were allowed to happen freely.
A Z-Pack is not a Nintendo Switch console and shouldn’t be bought/sold the same way.
I will guarantee you that the one percenters have rooms full of the stuff. Why should we, the deplorables, not have the same rights ?
BTW, at one point, if you were not wearing a mask in public in Harris County (Houston), you were subject to arrest. Luckily most of the police officers laughed off the county judge’s rule. This time.
Well, I totally lost my temper again today. I need to stop this, I am going to blow a gasket. I should have just called the cops instead.
I drove up to my office building today and a group of ten men were driving tractors and 4x4s on my main road. They have the right to do that, my road has an easement on it so my neighbors behind my 14 acres can get to their properties. I do have signs marking the road as private property but everyone ignores the signs. I did such a nice job on the main road that people think that it is a county road. It is not.
However, the men had parked their two dually trucks with 50 foot trailers on my yard next to my front pond. Heavy trucks and trailers. So I jumped out of my truck and started walking over to them. The lead guy got out of the lead tractor (air conditioned with an awesome batwing brushhog mower attached to it). After I yelled at him for parking his trucks on my yard, he explained that Exxon had him mowing the pipeline down by the bayou. He agreed to stay on the road from now on but I doubt that he will. His trucks left six inch deep ruts in the grass next to the road that I had paved last year.
What possesses a person that they can drive heavy trucks on private property ? I am trying to keep my commercial property nice looking. I have paved or graveled all of the driving areas at great expense (I’ve spent $70,000 on paving and graveling in the last nine years).
I should have taken pictures but I needed to get away from them as I was really pissed off. I did get his business card. The wife wants me to force them to fill in the ruts now. I’ll probably just go drive over them with my 4×4 like I do the hog ruts.
Maybe some kind of fencing along the road? Like a boulder every 20 feet to make it obvious. Or just t-posts spaced for fencing…
Or deep ditches.
I will guarantee you that the one percenters have rooms full of the stuff. Why should we, the deplorables, not have the same rights ?
BTW, at one point, if you were not wearing a mask in public in Harris County (Houston), you were subject to arrest. Luckily most of the police officers laughed off the county judge’s rule. This time.
Personal use, probably, but that is different than stocking for arbitrage. And, again, with Z-packs, again, unregulated antibiotic use is a public health hazard.
We have one Z-Pack under our sink in the master bath and some generic Septra. No Hydrochloroquine — my wife is scared of that stuff under normal circumstances and believes it should be left to the Lupus patients.
The Judge in Round Rock/Williamson County was exposed as a raving hypocrite early so no mask order ever came down here. If I go to Costco or some other place in Austin requiring a mask, I have two real 3M masks left over from painting our house.
As things currently stand, I’d probably be in trouble if I had to depend on EBay for anything essential for life. They keep sending me nasty grams because, no matter how legitimate the complaint, the pendulum has swung in favor of the sellers again and I’m too picky about accepting junk. Enough sellers have complained to the point that I was informed I am in danger of having my return rights revoked. Note — not buying rights, just return rights.
Last I heard Z-packs were so heavily used and abused that they were mostly useless against anything serious.
Maybe some kind of fencing along the road? Like a boulder every 20 feet to make it obvious. Or just t-posts spaced for fencing…
Or deep ditches.
That land is sloped to fill my front pond automatically. It has five acres of land filling it. If I put in more ditches then not all of the rain water will go in the front pond.
Anything I put out there is going to make the twice monthly mowings tougher which cost me more money (they charge for each obstruction and the lake shoreline weedeating). I did try to put tposts in the ground of the road cutoff with a no turnaround sign but the gravel is over a foot deep. I will have to get a powered auger for those holes and I just do not have the time.,-95.667624,70m/data=!3m1!1e3
Yes, agree about antibiotics.
I keep hearing about Z-packs. ? What’s that? Oh, never mind. I would know if I ever went to a doctor.
Let’s see. While cutting down a cedar tree, it caught on another tree, spun, knocked off my sun glasses and scratched my cornea. That really hurt. I went to the emergency room because I know where the hospital is and can get there with one working eye. Ok, so, here’s a script for some eye goo. Forget the name at the moment… but $45 at the Pharmacy vs same stuff at the vet for $10. That was 1994, maybe 1995. The scratch was not in the center, Doc said I might notice if is very dark but if it’s that dark, I won’t be able to see anything anyway. I liked the guy.
While working at HEB I made an appt at the Scott & White joint on the square. For a check up. Heck, I’m paying for this out of my pay check. They seemed really offended that I just wanted a check up. And disappointed I declined the finger up the butt routine. But, hey, turn 50 and getting some baseline numbers seemed to be a good idea. Never went back….
I guess the last “doctor” I’ve visisted was my dentist and that was a couple of years ago.
As for blood pressure, I was high up on the green scale, maybe 20 points from the Yellow. But they changed the rules so now I’m in the yellow about 15 points. Same numbers. Hmm. And I think a bit higher is better…. because standing up from sitting on the floor and almost passing out isn’t all that fun. Might be fun to watch.
Total cholesterol was high for my last sticking at HEB. So, another test. With LOTS of tut tutting. So they did it again. Oh, the “good” cholesterol is high, “bad” was actually on the low side.
Lots of drugs over here. Not really. Vitamin B, aka Beer. A Tums once in a while. A couple of aspirin every couple of months. Benadryl whatever (I can’t spell) when the allergies get crazy.
My case of Dicky Do Disease is starting to show. I suppose I need to cut back on the Vitamin B…..
Last I heard Z-packs were so heavily used and abused that they were mostly useless against anything serious.
Resistance stats depend on where you live among other factors. Your doctor will know.
If I’m on a Z-pack, I have a serious problem. I saw scary antibiotic resistance stats for Tampa about 20 years ago, and I’m really tough on myself about taking the medication carelessly.
Tonight’s planned gruel isn’t going to happen. The chicken carcass has simmered for a few hours, finally enough to make the Saladmaster lid tinkle. But the chicken was smoked for several hours.
So. Tastes fine, needs salt. But not good for Chicken and Dumplings. Chicken Noodle Soup tomorrow, sure. I’m tired of smelling it simmer all afternoon.
Tonight is going to be a pizza. And yeah, I really hate to run the oven when it’s almost 100F. But.
“18 murders in 24 hours: Inside the most violent day in 60 years in Chicago”
All black ???
I ain’t saying nothing else.
Hat tip to:
I keep hearing about Z-packs. ? What’s that? Oh, never mind. I would know if I ever went to a doctor.
“Zithromax is most familiar to the public as the “Z-Pak,” a convenient five-day pill regimen with a dose of 500 mg (2 tablets of 250 mg) the first day and 250 mg for the remaining four days. But, Zithromax comes in several dosages and forms, including oral tablets and liquids for oral use, injections and intravenous drips.”
“Zithromax is most familiar to the public as the “Z-Pak,” a convenient five-day pill regimen with a dose of 500 mg (2 tablets of 250 mg) the first day and 250 mg for the remaining four days. But, Zithromax comes in several dosages and forms, including oral tablets and liquids for oral use, injections and intravenous drips.”
The Z-Pak is also notable for certain components included in the pill which, in theory, enhance the results of using Hydroxychloroquine against the Wuxu Flu virus even though Zithromyacin itself has no effect.
My wife received texts from people she hadn’t heard from in years after Trump talked up the drug therapies as possibly being effective against the Wuxu Flu, the creepiest one from her former office manager in Florida who is married to a trailer park slumlord and (my guess) [nationality withheld] gangster of some kind.
Well, darnit, I was hoping that “historic” non-hurricane would spin over left and bring us a nice few days of rain. But nope, from the radar it looks like Cristobal made a bee line for Arkansas. I guess they deserve rain too, as much as I begrudge them.
That’s good that no masks are required for the service itself. We are early service people too. I had assumed they would have paused the “meet and hug” that happens in the 3rd verse of the first song but nope! “Go around and say hi to your brothers and sisters” That’s ok too, I expect. One thing I have heard from a lot of people is how much they miss hugging. So the hug-effect is probably worth the risk, esp for people who live on their own.
Jiminy, Steve. There are a bunch of you guys (Bill is another one) who are going to need to write some memoirs, just because the hints really make me want to read that book.
Sounds like a genuine old-fashioned sign painter. I’ve known a few. They can paint billboards without bothering to draw a grid or sketch anything in advance. One came through Port Lavaca while we lived there, and painted murals on buildings and we hired him to paint the name/logo of our business on the side in 4 foot high letters. Paul approved the index-card sized sample, and low and behold that is what it looked like when he was done. No guide markers or pantograph or lasers, just freehand painting. I think he charged a couple hundred dollars for it, plus the cost of the paint.
Masks and sanitizer were piled high on the clearance table at CVS last time I went there
Masks and sanitizer were piled high on the clearance table at CVS last time I went there
Chinese-made masks are readily available, but real 3M PPE is unobtainium.
Dam, I wasn’t paying attention and missed out on a kenmore upright freezer in an estate auction tonight. It went for $120. I forgot it was closing, and missed it by 10 minutes. Grrrr.
WRT antibiotic resistance, I’m pretty tired of Drs not giving me an effective treatment until they’ve tried the lesser drug first. I’ve had MRSA twice requiring that bits of me be removed, and I told the doc that when I went in with the open wound showing bone. A filthy wound caused by hitting my elbow on the ground. She knew it wouldn’t work, I knew it wouldn’t work, and I had to suffer and risk a serious infection spreading , or it taking hold overnight. Sure enough the next day it was red, inflamed, and painful, and the new doc gave me the good stuff that time. It was under control in a day.
Yes, I get it that we don’t want people misusing antibiotics, nor do we want them misusing pain control drugs, but the consequence is I can’t get them ANYWAY and if I can’t get them it doesn’t matter if they still work.
And anyone can get whatever they are willing to pay for with a little bit of effort anyway, only they have to take unnecessary risks involving efficacy and equivalence.
Why can’t I stock my medicine chest with whatever I think I might need, for future use under the direction of a physician?
Further, there are control issues. If you are on a restricted drug, even something like zertec d, you get 20 days at a time (OTC). .Gov knows were you are every 20 days because if you want the meds, you need to swipe an ID. I find that offensive and worrisome. And 20 days? I can just here the argument now, “Two weeks is more than enough.” ” No, one month makes more sense.” “OK we’ll split the difference.”
That’s good that no masks are required for the service itself. We are early service people too. I had assumed they would have paused the “meet and hug” that happens in the 3rd verse of the first song but nope! “Go around and say hi to your brothers and sisters” That’s ok too, I expect. One thing I have heard from a lot of people is how much they miss hugging. So the hug-effect is probably worth the risk, esp for people who live on their own.
Sorry but no hugging ! I spent three days with my parents last week and never hugged my mother. Just in case !
Sounds like a genuine old-fashioned sign painter. I’ve known a few. They can paint billboards without bothering to draw a grid or sketch anything in advance. One came through Port Lavaca while we lived there, and painted murals on buildings and we hired him to paint the name/logo of our business on the side in 4 foot high letters. Paul approved the index-card sized sample, and low and behold that is what it looked like when he was done. No guide markers or pantograph or lasers, just freehand painting. I think he charged a couple hundred dollars for it, plus the cost of the paint.
Many of the older buildings in “downtown” Port Lavaca off Virginia Street have murals painted on them. My parents moved there in 1986, I’ve driven past those murals thousands of times.
WRT antibiotic resistance, I’m pretty tired of Drs not giving me an effective treatment until they’ve tried the lesser drug first. I’ve had MRSA twice requiring that bits of me be removed, and I told the doc that when I went in with the open wound showing bone. A filthy wound caused by hitting my elbow on the ground. She knew it wouldn’t work, I knew it wouldn’t work, and I had to suffer and risk a serious infection spreading , or it taking hold overnight. Sure enough the next day it was red, inflamed, and painful, and the new doc gave me the good stuff that time. It was under control in a day.
My wife’s Prog associate in Vantucky came out of the General Practice residency progam in Baytown. Damn, are they ever uptight about antibiotics there. Add in the Prog aspect, and, as the man himself says in “Ferris Bueller”, put a piece of coal in the right place and “in two weeks you’d have a diamond.”
I mostly agree. However, you then have to decide how you are going to deal with the drug addicts, because you will have them, and presumably more of them. Currently, plenty of cities are making a total mess out of dealing with the homeless – which is basically the same problem.
However, as Greg points out, some regulation is desireable. I’m not sure where you draw the line on selling drugs without a prescription, but the tragedy of the commons is a genuine problem.
Which I totally understand. Any competent, reasonable person should be able to understand how and when to use most medications. But: do you know how few competent, reasonable people there really are?
Lynn is full of wisdom today. This is the bottom line. I would just add in that the “tragedy of the commons” also counts as harm. Selling pain killers should be no problem – you can’t hurt anyone but yourself. Antibiotics and similar drugs, on the other hand, do require regulation.
We cannot legislate morality. We can and do however, legislate harm to others.
Lynn is full of wisdom today. This is the bottom line. I would just add in that the “tragedy of the commons” also counts as harm. Selling pain killers should be no problem – you can’t hurt anyone but yourself. Antibiotics and similar drugs, on the other hand, do require regulation.
Nah, Lynn is just full of it.
I’ve thought about the War on Some Drugs for a while. My youngest brother has been pothead since age 14 or so (he is 55). My brother-in-law was a pothead and would trip occasionally on speed before he was murdered back in 1982. Speed causes you to become paranoid, I could tell you some stories, mostly bad. We shared an apartment for a while at TAMU, I came home one day and found him cooking some speed / meth in our oven. That was a bad conversation while I was throwing his speed out.
You should know, I have a dog in this fight. I have had an auto-immune disease for about 15 years now. I am in stage 2 of it since the beginning. I take a daily antibiotic to stop the spread of the disease, 50 mg of doxycycline (a maintenance level). Totally odd way to treat a disease but it works. It took me and my doc a year to find the cure. That daily antibiotic cuts the number of skin lesions from several hundred to one or two every few months.
The occurrence rate of the disease is 1 in 300,000 so no docs are very interested in fighting it. My doc is 72 or 73 and just came out of retirement again. There is only one known doc in the Houston area with experience in the disease, mine. I live in dread that he will fully retire or kick off some day and I will have to find a new doc who agrees with the treatment. Maybe I will have to go through another year of hell again with another doc as I bring them up to speed while they are playing games with my body.
The research to date thinks that Stage 3 is stage zero of lymphoma (non-Hodgkins) with collections of malfunctioning lymphatic sites around the body. I’ll give you a guess what stage 4 is. BTW, my father has had non-Hodgkins lymphoma 4 times now. Amazing coincidence that a son would have the same cancer as the father. My father maintains that lymphoma is totally caused by stress.
I’ll be 60 in 3 weeks. I will be amazed if I make it. That is not despair, it is just acceptance of several issues.
WRT antibiotic resistance, I’m pretty tired of Drs not giving me an effective treatment until they’ve tried the lesser drug first. I’ve had MRSA twice requiring that bits of me be removed, and I told the doc that when I went in with the open wound showing bone. A filthy wound caused by hitting my elbow on the ground. She knew it wouldn’t work, I knew it wouldn’t work, and I had to suffer and risk a serious infection spreading , or it taking hold overnight. Sure enough the next day it was red, inflamed, and painful, and the new doc gave me the good stuff that time. It was under control in a day.
Ouch ! I seem to remember you doing that.
Mr. Lynn, you are still with us because you are a good person. Live Long and Prosper!
Hear, hear!