Hot, hot, and more hot. I think I could put that in the template for the site.
Yesterday was hot. Humid. Sunny, cloudy, and then we got a nice shower in the afternoon. Sunny and STEAMY after that. 78F when I went to bed.
Looks like the million idiot march in DC had pretty much the same result as the last one. And the fires, looting, and destruction continue elsewhere.
Meanwhile, one of the greatest accomplishments of the last millennium, and one of the most momentous for Europe slips by with little notice.
I enjoyed my time in our pool yesterday. Since we were in the privacy of our back yard, I thought I might get in without a T shirt on… It’s probably been 20 years since my belly saw sunlight (other than my brief exposure last week.) I was in the shade. It was overcast. I stayed under the water. And I’m still itchy and sunburned on my belly and back. Not even bad enough to see, but it’s enough to feel like wearing a wool sweater with nothing under it.
Other than finally getting in the pool and the yardwork, I really didn’t get much done. I’ll try again today.
Dinner was lamb chops, delivered fresh from Costco by Instacart, finally. Sides were cheese and bacon scalloped potatoes from a box, only a month out of date, steamed broccoli from the last delivery, and dinner rolls. Dessert was sugar cookies from a pouch, just add a stick of butter and an egg. Pouch was best by 2017, and the kids raved about how good the cookies were. How could they have been anything but good with that much butter in them? They were, in fact, REALLY GOOD. I ate 7.
If we don’t have a big spike in cases before July 4th, I’ll accept that we can relax our covid response a bit, and move further toward normal. I don’t think we’ll be doing that, or that we’ll get back to ‘normal’ ever again. My wife and I don’t think the kids will be back in a school building in the fall. She actually joined a FB group for homeschoolers to start figuring out what is available out there. I had no idea, but I’m glad. Doesn’t hurt to spend some time planning ahead or considering options. That’s what preppers (and all prudent people) do.
Consider also- truck guns, body armor, fire extinguisher sized pepper spray, a house in the country, and some good hedges against inflation. Another income stream might be a good idea too.
Plan for the day is do as much as possible without getting heat stroke, and get some projects finished. I guess we’ll see….
Keep stacking, keep thinking, keep your mind and eyes open.
Wow, that’s a pretty big change in the reporting from last week…
~10k dead in a day…
The Mail, but the Subcontinent has obviously been hiding a problem.
If we don’t have a big spike in cases before July 4th, I’ll accept that we can relax our covid response a bit, and move further toward normal. I don’t think we’ll be doing that, or that we’ll get back to ‘normal’ ever again. My wife and I don’t think the kids will be back in a school building in the fall.
I don’t think we’ll see anything close to “normal” until after election day November. Certainly, not before the Progs win “no excuse” vote-by-mail in all 50 states.
The Dems are quiet in Texas, waiting for the results of the primary runoff in July, but vote-by-mail is their best route to winning state-wide. Look for the “Doors 2.0” ads to start running on local TV July 15. The abused mother story will come out early this time.
Florida may get away with hanging tough, ironically thanks to the Floyd ruckus. These stories about Chauvin voting illegally in Florida illegally started circulating this weekend.
The cop racket can’t throw Chauvin under the bus fast enough. Most of the property appraisers in Florida allow searches for neighbors by address, and I’ll bet Chauvin isn’t the only public servant with retirement plans in Tiger Woods’ old neighborhood.
Yeah, mail in voting will get Plugs elected. Then the DSWs (Deep Swamp Creatures) will finish the FUSA. “Without firing a shot” as Mr. OFD would say. I can just hear Cankles cackling about Shrub and Bishop Mittens saying they won’t support tRump. Those retired Generals jockeying for a position in Plugs’ administration is troubling. More “perfumed princes.” Another way to say DSW. There will be mucho buyers regret if Plugs gets elected. Of course, the same thing happened to Cankles and she got creamed. It could be glorious in November.
Tyler Durden cowardice. The oil industry could probably use a “gas shortage” right about now, but the offshore rigs and coastal refineries can deal with tropical storm force winds.
Yeah, mail in voting will get Plugs elected.
They need to turn either Florida or Texas, and I don’t see Florida going Dem this year, especially without a Senate race and The Villages virtually unscathed by Wuxu Flu, so the focus will be on Texas.
The party is restrained by the July 14 primary vote in the state, however. Even before the Floyd ruckus, the Dems had to be careful how much favoritism they showed MJ Hegar over Royce West.
If Royce West were white, it would be all over but the voting right now.
Looking at the Primary ballots, the more interesting takeaway is how much Subcontinent ran for Congress this year in Texas, not just in our district. Something to watch because that community will support their own, without any concerns about racism, and tip the power balance in close districts, especially in the suburbs with tech companies.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Round Rock got its own Congressional seat next year.
–ya think? Pakistan, India, South and Central America, Africa…. all the countries around Russia…
Worldwide pandemic. Even if it’s not killing us and our neighbors, it is still killing and spreading and will have a huge impact on the world. Impacts that will certainly hit us too, even if we can go back to the beach.
Upon reflection, these last few days, rather than being the grey man (well, tan/khaki/beige man) I’ve been wearing stuff I don’t even normally wear. For hats, I’ve been wearing gunmakers, granted fairly subtle, not my GLOCK Perfection cap. Holland and Holland, Benelli; and morale/support hats from fire and EMS units. Last night I put on my Thin Blue Line T-shirt (it’s cotton so gets almost no wear).
I guess it’s the universe reminding me where my sympathies lie. Or maybe just contrarianism.
Currently at Fall Creek Falls State Park for the next three nights. Really a nice park with excellent camp sites. The site I am at was difficult to back the trailer into. Between the narrow site space sided by trees, narrow road and trees on the other opposite side of the road made getting the trailer in proved to be a challenge. I did it with one attempt and one adjustment moving forward then back again to make room for the slide out.
We have been here multiple times, even photographed a wedding here. Stayed in cabins for that event. Dozens of day trips over the years. Stayed here in October of 2018 where it got cold enough to freeze the water hose to the trailer. Luckily I had water in the onboard water tank. Warmed up enough in four hours for regular water flow through the hose.
Connection for electricity I use a surge/voltage/spike regulator. It indicated there was an open ground on the 30 ampere circuit. This required me to use my 50 amp to 30 amp adapter plug and all is good. I need to inform the park of the issue as an open ground is never good in a trailer that is effectively insulated from the ground sitting on rubber tires and rubber pads under the stabilizers. The ground becomes the person opening the door and touching the ground.
Only $25.00 a night with my senior discount so not too bad. May be our only trip until about September as the heat is here. Currently about 92 degrees outside, thankful for A/C in the RV. But it does take awhile to cool the RV down after making the two hour journey. Must have been close to 100f in the RV when we opened the door.
Took a different route this time. Never going that way again. Had one hill, very steep, for about five miles. Truck was starting to get hot because of the air temperature and the load so forced the transmission into 2nd gear and dropped the speed to about 20 mph for the duration of the hill. That helped keep the coolant temperature from getting too high.
Looking at the Primary ballots, the more interesting takeaway is how much Subcontinent ran for Congress this year in Texas, not just in our district. Something to watch because that community will support their own, without any concerns about racism, and tip the power balance in close districts, especially in the suburbs with tech companies.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Round Rock got its own Congressional seat next year.
Might happen. Texas will probably get three new seats next year.
Might happen. Texas will probably get three new seats next year.
“Doors” would have won the seat in our district in 2018 if the vote had been strictly Williamson County. As is, the district spans Williamson and Bell, and cutting it in half would create two potentially “safe” seats, one Dem and one Republican. The map drawing would still have to be creative.
Socket and burner replaced on the stove today. Not exciting and it works.
Roasted a whole chicken on the pellet grill yesterday. Not huge, a bit over four pounds. That turned out nicely. I have a couple of tubs of meat in the fridge and the carcass is in a pot. I’ll simmer it down, maybe tomorrow, for stock.
And then, Chicken and Dumplings. It’s been a while.
Been working in the driveway in the sun. Got the Portacool fired up. It makes a nice cool breeze but it’s really not enough to be out in the heat.
Still, needs must.
Last night Ch. 36 had a “debate” instead of the 6 PM news. Hager and a man, I forget his name. He seemed like a decent guy. She, yeah, Greg is right, she has wild eyes and I didn’t believe a word she said.
So, they are competing to see who runs against Cormyn (sp?) for the Senate seat? I’m not a fan of the guy but I don’t see him loosing to either of the Dems.
Svengooli had “Bride of Frankenstein” last night. Nicely restored. I had no idea what the hell was going on. There were a few scenes that Mel Brooks lifted for “Young Frankenstein”, that was funny to me.
Last night Ch. 36 had a “debate” instead of the 6 PM news. Hager and a man, I forget his name. He seemed like a decent guy. She, yeah, Greg is right, she has wild eyes and I didn’t believe a word she said.
So, they are competing to see who runs against Cormyn (sp?) for the Senate seat? I’m not a fan of the guy but I don’t see him loosing to either of the Dems.
Once Royce West is dismissed, the CA money behind Hegar will start pumping TV spots.
The abusive father story will come out early this time. During her run for Congress, Hegar and the money people learned too late that it was an effective meme running against an older white man, but they won’t make the mistake running for Senate.
Cornyn needs to take the challenge seriously. Abusive father story or not, Hegar has a “girls stick together” theme that worked in the Austin suburbs but not in Temple/Belton. I imagine that the theme would play in the Dallas and Houston suburbs.
And, lest anyone think otherwise, I’m not belittling the trauma of an abusive father situation, but MJ Hegar did not grow up in a broken home, her mother moving to Texas, filing for divorce, and remarrying starting when Hegar was 7.
Svengooli had “Bride of Frankenstein” last night. Nicely restored. I had no idea what the hell was going on. There were a few scenes that Mel Brooks lifted for “Young Frankenstein”, that was funny to me.
“Bride of Frankenstein” is kind of a mess of a movie even if it is widely regarded as a classic of horror.
Universal has provided Svengoolie with excellent prints lately.
The wife and I went to church this morning for the first time since February. It was nice and it was comfortable. Masks and people only sitting every three pews. But nice to be a congregation again. 75 people in first service when there was usually 700 before. Lots of people watching online.
Long lines to both get into and check out of the less-affluent crowd Sam’s Club near us today.
For a change, however, there was not a long line to get into the Burlington Coat Factory next door like there has been for the last few weekends. Maybe all the sale merchandise is gone.
Sam’s had whole chickens — kinda rare the last few weeks — and 1/2 of a palette of the canned ravioli my kids like.
Just got back from a Walmart run. I was shocked to see fresh ground beef at $6.57 / pound. Then I found frozen ground beef for $3.75 / pound. Bacon was up to $6 a pound too. We have plenty of both in the freezers but I hope this increase is temporary.
What the absolute fuck?
—um, since when is 2400 views “viral”?
—and no, this is what surrender looks like.
—and yes, this is what the start of the coming race war will be rooted in.
@harold, that’s what happens when the supply chain gets disrupted. Hopefully it will get sorted out, but I’m guessing not for some time.
I see stew meat for ~$8/pd at several of our local stores and costco. STEW MEAT. Wasn’t long ago I could get untrimmed tenderloin for less than that, and routinely bought rib eye roasts for ~$5/pd.
The million dollar question is, stock up now because you think it will get worse, either because of inflation or genuine market forces, or wait for prices to come down, believing that this is a temporary glitch in supply and demand and that the market will adjust?
Hey I had a thought. Given that the new trend in robbing ATMs involves blowing them open, wouldn’t it be a business opportunity to make a dye pack that bursts under overpressure? Shouldn’t be that hard to put inside the machine by the money….
Another WTF moment-
But he’ll still get a scythe to lop off the lop ear’s head? WTF is wrong with people?
I would stock up more, but freezers are still unobtabium. Hopefully soon…
This is NOT going to end well. Good bye white middle class… Goodbye anyone with portable income…
–I’ve said before that MPD has a problem. And it probably can’t be fixed in the face of entrenched interests. I don’t expect this to do what they think it will do though. I do expect to see a MASSIVE outmigration from that jurisdiction.
–anyone here who lives in the affected area, if you think they can do it, get out before everyone else…
Looks as if concealed carry permits will no longer be required in Minneapolis
Another WTF moment-
But he’ll still get a scythe to lop off the lop ear’s head? WTF is wrong with people?
AT&T wants eyeballs on HBO Max.
They cut the BBC a big check to keep the current “Doctor Who” debacle going for at least another season after Amazon dropped the streaming rights.
As the saying goes, import Somalia, become Somalia.
–I’ve said before that MPD has a problem. And it probably can’t be fixed in the face of entrenched interests. I don’t expect this to do what they think it will do though. I do expect to see a MASSIVE outmigration from that jurisdiction.
A lot of big city police departments have the same fundamental problems as Minneapolis. Houston and Dallas are technically insolvent now due to pension obligations.
Just spent most of the weekend sanding and then painting/staining/whatevering the deck. This follows half a day power-washing the dirt and old paint off a few weekends ago. What a complete pain in the ass. I suspect that anyone who’s done it himself knows what I’m talking about. The pollen allergy and the allergy medicine didn’t help, but this weekend and Monday were dry, which is hard to come by in summers around here.
I’m bidding in several estate auctions. They are upright freezers, which I don’t like, but I’ve got a plan. I’ll put the convenience foods in the upright and the long term deep freeze stuff in the chest. Prices have been all over. Two big nice uprights that were less than 20 years old went for ~$500 (2/3 or 1/2 of new) but then one the same went for $200. I’m currently bidding on two, and I’ll go up past $200 if needed. Upright will fit better where I have room anyway.
My local HomeDepot is showing September delivery on some models. They also show that they might have stock on some really expensive uprights. I’m going to check the two stores that used to be Sears Outlets this week for scratch and dents… They are American Logistics, or something like that now.
Check out and for auctions and sales in your area. I think they both have national footprints. Older freezers usually work better than newer, and seem to have no problem lasting decades.
Just spent most of the weekend sanding and then painting/staining/whatevering the deck. ”
–cheaper than new, if the wood is still sound and the design is strong.
Oh, certainly, and that’s why I did it. (My wife painted for a couple hours today and I suppose can be said to have helped with the sanding, and she got a couple of her friends to help some, but the majority was my work.)
I’m not saying I wasn’t tempted to go with the “unexpected fire came totally out of nowhere” approach to home renovation, though.
“A flood? How did you arrange a flood???” /end Tevia voice
Video of the ceremony was shared to Facebook where it went viral racking up over 2,400 views.
‘Powerful display of what reconciliation looks like,’ one Facebook user wrote.
‘This is how racial healing starts,’ another added.
Straight out of the Bible. We wash feet in our church occasionally.
People are trying hard to stop this nightmare. I applaud them.
–I’ve said before that MPD has a problem. And it probably can’t be fixed in the face of entrenched interests. I don’t expect this to do what they think it will do though. I do expect to see a MASSIVE outmigration from that jurisdiction.
A lot of big city police departments have the same fundamental problems as Minneapolis. Houston and Dallas are technically insolvent now due to pension obligations.
Every big city in the USA is going to look like “Escape from New York” and “Escape from LA”. Snake Plissken will not be around to help you.
Every big city in the USA is going to look like “Escape from New York” and “Escape from LA”. Snake Plissken will not be around to help you.
But Bruce Campbell will be Surgeon General.
Every big city in the USA is going to look like “Escape from New York” and “Escape from LA”. Snake Plissken will not be around to help you.
But Bruce Campbell will be Surgeon General.
Nah, he will be working on Sky High The Sequel. “SIDEKICK !”
Disney needs more content.
The wife and I went walking for two miles at dusk. The first walk at 90 F this year. Just a little … toasty.
Opened up a moving box yesterday and found a dozen empty AR magazines. Looks like a good time to fill them up.
“But Bruce Campbell will be Surgeon General.”
Nah, he will be working on Sky High The Sequel. “SIDEKICK !”
Disney needs more content.
Disney doesn’t have any money until the parks reopen.