Cool and clear, rain in the forecast.
Did not get as much done I hoped. Spent time reading fiction during the day. I don’t usually do that, because I’d get nothing done at all if it became a habit.
I did get a low voltage power line run through the attic to the back of the house. I got the IR emitter hung and thought everything was good to go. Unfortunately, I’m not seeing much IR in the camera image at night. There is a BIT of foliage, but not enough. Maybe the camera doesn’t have good IR capability. In any case, not the slam dunk I hoped for. (Looking at a different camera with good IR capability, it looks like a floodlight is on, so I think it’s the camera. Bummer. One more thing to look at changing.) In the process though, I found a setting that needed to be changed on the other camera that is looking at my front porch, so net-net it was a positive.
Started to get kinda warm up in the attic in the afternoon, despite the cooler outdoor temps. I managed to run another network line for new camera number two, if I can find a good way to mount it on my chimney. It’s the other new 8mpx camera to cover the other end of my street. With possibly sketchy neighbors on that side, I would like to have more coverage of the street. Camera’s not doing anyone any good sitting in a box, I might as well hang it.
Still have a lot of outdoor stuff to do, so I’m hoping the rain holds off again.
Dinner was leftovers. Wasting food is a lot more of an issue when you’re in a lifeboat…. which is the metaphor I’ve been using with the kids.
Take a bit of a break this weekend. Recharge mentally and physically. Do something nice with your other shut-ins….
Stay in, stay safe.
Do you think that Boeing is happy about the SARS-2 taking up all the air in the room ? “The ancient computers in the Boeing 737 Max are holding up a fix”
The Starliner failure is arguably more embarrassing but will also be swept under the rug unless SpaceX fails in a big way with the crewed Dragon. And I’m talking about the real SpaceX that Gwynne Shotwell runs, not the mess in Boca Chica playing with tin foil spaceships.
Pray for Shotwell’s SpaceX. That’s it for the manned space program in the US.
Boeing has either been nationalized or will be shortly.
Spent the last two days in Git hell. The big downside of decentralized RCS is that anyone can do permanent damage to the repository.
Still, to paraphrase Facecrack’s lead pinhead, Git is eating the world. I just wish it had a little more understanding of source code beyond white space when doing merges.
I turned down a job at the beginning of February where I would have spent all day undoing the damage inflicted on a repository by a company attempting to force Git on 60-70 year old SMEs, arguably leaders in their respective field. Absent management authority to provide incentives and/or impose penalties, that gig would have been painful.
Korean company. They’re working right now. I saw the lights last night when I drove by on my weekly outing to keep the Camry’s battery charged.
@Lynn – Since Caliber Collision did the second injector wiring harness, the car runs a lot better. I don’t know what they did, but I’m over the local Toyota dealers when Toyota Care is up.
Well the end of a week of rain that has wiped out the rain deficit for the season. Not that we get much here. We’ll have to wait and see what it has done for the Sierra snow pack which is of course the most crucial factor. Overcast this morning but should go away and expecting beautiful spring weather in the 70s for several days. Only pollen to worry about and oh, maybe the Kung Flu but right now that’s not raging here.
On top of that there is a government intent on wreaking the economy and taking away rights. All Hail Screwsome!
More doom and gloom from the MSM. We’re all gonna die if we don’t stay inside for another two weeks (then another, and another…). The MSM says the FUSA now has THE MOST COVID CASES IN THE WORLD! They just believe China when it says “we have no new cases for a month now.” How can anyone believe that after the WuFlu started there? The MSM also is using this to say “socialism is the only thing that will save us.” The Commies are winning without firing a shot.
How about plenty of headlines of recoveries, new treatments, what’s going right? Nope, those are relegated to page 8.
CNN reporting on Twitter:
Kentucky will record license plates of those who show up to any mass gatherings, such as church services, and will provide that info to local health departments, who will in turn order those individuals to be quarantined for 14 days, Gov. Andy Beshear says
Here comes the shooting.
“Kentucky will record license plates of those who show up to any mass gatherings, such as church services, and will provide that info to local health departments, who will in turn order those individuals to be quarantined for 14 days, Gov. Andy Beshear says”
Here comes the shooting.
As I’ve noted here before Beshear has serious Daddy issues.
I still believe the KKKlansman in Virginia will be the first out of the gate to have citizens Hut Hut Hut-ed.
Fortunately Texas isn’t interested in Hut Hut Hut-ing citizens. Florida either, but that doesn’t stop The Times from trying.
The Judge ordering the lockdown here in Williamson County is a bit of a loon, but I doubt that the Sheriff would go along with anything truly nuts.
To keep the gaskets wet and the tires round. FIFY. A trip less than a few hours will typically charge the battery to at most 90%. Use an external smart charger to bring it up to 100%, which takes a minimum of 24 hours. Doing so can double battery life. Chronic undercharging and high temperature kills most batteries.
Spent time reading fiction during the day. I don’t usually do that, because I’d get nothing done at all if it became a habit.
I’ve eschewed mysteries all my life because of that possibility! Crosswords are another habit I have to avoid. I joined Crosswords Anonymous and it’s been 3 years since my last puzzle.
So you’ve got 3 Down?
When I was in college, I had a sub to the Science Fiction Book Club. I would spend days in a very comfortable recliner, tearing thru whatever came in that month. Was NOT good for my grades at all. Nor probably my heart or muscle tone.
I’ve already reverted to staying up later and later and sleeping later and later.
When I was single, living alone, and between gigs, I’d often read until 6am, sleep until 3pm, watch a movie, then read until 1030pm, hit my local bar until 2/3/4 and read until sunup…. Not really a good schedule for now a days.
it’s been 3 years since my last puzzle”
–sorry, you seem to be having trouble getting your point across…. I put it down to a lack of [syn. for ‘will’, g-mp—n]
Any recommended brand/s or models?
Amazon has a somewhat overwhelming selection.
@Lynn – Since Caliber Collision did the second injector wiring harness, the car runs a lot better. I don’t know what they did, but I’m over the local Toyota dealers when Toyota Care is up.
Do you park your Camry in the garage ? I think that my son parks his in the garage.
And I have all three vehicles in the garage for the first time. The Civic is in the single bay with the 8 ft door. The Highlander and the F-150 are in the double door 16 ft bay. I had to park the Highlander a little diagonally to which the wife said that I will be backing it out. I told just to go straight back to which she said that she does not trust her backup camera. Sigh.
I was watching Vevo Music Video channel on the Roku this morning and they started off with the Beatles playing Revolution from 1968. Freaking Awesome ! I had no idea that this even existed. They look like a garage band and are totally comfortable with themselves.
John Lennons “Epiphone Casino” is almost bigger than him. Hard to believe that John Lennon would be taken from us by an autograph hound in just 12 years after this.
Do you park your Camry in the garage ? I think that my son parks his in the garage.
And I have all three vehicles in the garage for the first time. The Civic is in the single bay with the 8 ft door. The Highlander and the F-150 are in the double door 16 ft bay. I had to park the Highlander a little diagonally to which the wife said that I will be backing it out. I told just to go straight back to which she said that she doe not trust her backup camera. Sigh.
The Camry gets garaged every night since the rat incident. I have the sprays and Honda anti-varmint tape on the wires, but I’m still paranoid.
I don’t like the Toyota back up camara, especially at night. I wonder if that is a $1200 part too, like the front camera.
Overwhelming is a good description. I have used the original BatteryMINDer charger since 2003. It has been used continuously for months on end, and still works. I say this because some other brands, including the popular Battery Tender, have a reputation for failing after just a couple of years of use. When they fail, they can destroy the battery or even start a fire. I have only read reviews, so can’t vouch for this. If you will always be nearby while the charger is in use, then this is not too important. If you, like some of my friends, have two homes and leave a charger unattended for months, then you need something reliable and fail safe. I would recommend the newer model BatteryMINDer similar to mine, the 12117TC, currently on sale:
[webmaster, I don’t know how to add the affiliate credit to this]
Both my old one and this newer one, which has temperature compensation, are made in our favorite communist controlled country. They are US designs, however, and you can even call the company and talk to the nice people with the Long Island accent.
The company also makes lots of other models, but IMO they are not worth the extra cost. Their claims of desulfation are not believed by everyone, but just a small bonus. I have never successfully recovered a sulfated battery using any means, and believe prevention by keeping them fully charged is a better method.
Costco near the house fully stocked except for wipes, Lysol, and Calrose rice.
We wanted sweet potatoes for tomorrow’s holiday dinner, and Costco is enforcing the number of people allowed in the building and “social distancing” once inside.
Anything you would want in terms of meat was available. One of each type of chicken permitted per membership, however.
One thing that’s constant — if you don’t mind eating lamb, I’ve never seen a shortage of that at Costco or Sam’s over the last month. Granted, it is an acquired taste.
I don’t like the Toyota back up camara, especially at night. I wonder if that is a $1200 part too, like the front camera.
Any backup camera is good nowadays. Hitting 60 means your neck does not turn beyond 45 degrees any more and the wife hit 60 two years ago. We are getting old. The nice thing is that she has not backed her Highlander into anything like she did with my Expedition (twice !).
I’m fond of lamb, it was an annual special meal growing up.
You need to remove the fell and fatty bits from commercial lamb before cooking, otherwise you get that dank gamey taste.
We often buy end of season sheep (6 mos to umpteen years old) in September from a herding trial facility and farm with whom we are friends. They are lean and muscular from being worked by dogs all summer. Taste nothing like commercial. Little fat to speak of, and the fell is tender and doesn’t need to be removed. The mutton has a more robust flavor but not gamey. We slaughter and process them ourselves. Sometimes if one has a nice fleece I’ll tan it (Rubbermaid, water, salt, alum. Easy, if you don’t object to a stiff hide).
The facility only over winters what stock they must for repopulation in the spring. Too expensive to feed a big flock thru 8 months of no grazing. I’m worried about them – no herding lessons happening and high probability that the three annual trials will be canceled. Yet the animals eat and eat and eat.
Ahhh, delicious lamb….
@ greg, it’s not the lamb of your youth. The Australian lamb in the US and Canadia is a breed with less or no lanolin production, so the “lamb” taste is significantly reduced or absent entirely. If the remaining flavor is still too strong, remove the fat even further.
I consider the marinaded and grilled rack of ribs one of my ‘house specialties” and it never fails to impress. I’ve been working on it for >10 years so it should! Absolutely tender and delicious, full of flavors of meat, without being the least bit ‘lamb-y’. We call them “lamb lollypops!” (one big rack for the 4 of us, a big and a small rack if we have guests.)
The roasts are a staple here too. I usually get a 6 pounder, and cut it in half, cooking half and vac sealing the other for the freezer. 3# feeds my family with a bit left over for the next day. 2 1/2 # is even a better fit with the kids, leaving a 3 1/2 pounder for if we have guests.
I’ll almost always pair it with a saute’d brussel sprout dish with bacon and truffle oil, but any savory flavor is good, rosemary and herb roasted baby potatoes forex.
Lamb makes a nice change of pace.
@jenny, getting fresh like that must be nice!
I get the costco rib chops, triangle chops, and roasts, but they are all to expensive to grind up and make a shepherd’s pie or some other things I’d like to try.
I can get fresh lamb here in town if I wanted to shop the halal markets, and there are plenty of them to choose from, but why give money to them when they mostly hate all the things I love?
Dinner at Nick’s…
Fresh is worth the effort.
We will have lamb shoulder, crockpot, for our Easter repast.
“Fell” may be a New Zealand term. It’s the thin tough silvery skin that shrouds lamb legs. A sharp knife peels it off handily. Takes a couple minutes but worth the effort. I remember how effortlessly mom did this, took me a couple tries to get it. I haven’t bought commercial lamb for decades and the herding sheep don’t seem to have the same degree of fell and I ignore it. Different breed, different raising. I may go buy a Costco leg so I can compare.
Or maybe we were just buying lower quality because we were poor back then.
@ greg, it’s not the lamb of your youth.
I grew up just south of Tarpon Springs, FL. The stores have lamb for Orthodox Easter this time of year, but, much to the horror of the ASPCA, a lot of the old houses still favor a DIY approach to holiday dinner.
Can’t have Orthodox Easter without lamb and pipe bombs. And accidental pipe bomb explosions — there was always a stupid kid every couple of years.
“I Am Not Okay With This” on Netflix
After I finished bingeing XXXXXXX watching Stranger Things again in prep for season four (which has now been delayed to 2021, Hopper is alive !), Netflix suggested watching “I Am Not Okay With This”. It was 2 am, why not ? Well, if you want an insane mix of “Carrie” with some “Buffy” thrown in, I’ve got your less than three hours of crazy.
Shoot, if anything, the seven episodes serves as a public service announcement of why you run away from teenage girls experiencing awakening telekinetic powers. And, when she levels ten trees simultaneously, run away fast. In other words, Brad is an idiot. And so is Stan (who is in the Scooby gang).
Netflix has ordered a second season. Ah, to go where Carrie never went.
First Warning: Every fourth word is the F*** word or the S*** word. Do teenagers really talk like this today ?
Second warning: strong sexual content. Minimum age of 25 or so.
There is a graphic novel for the tv series also. I think that the graphic novel preceded the series though.
My rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Rotten Tomatoes: 86 / 85%
I can get fresh lamb here in town if I wanted to shop the halal markets, and there are plenty of them to choose from, but why give money to them when they mostly hate all the things I love?
The Phoenicia family is Lebanese-Armenian. They get this country. I’ve seen a few burqas in there, but not many.
I order the Shawarma with chicken at Arpi’s. They also have lamb.
Oh crap, our hospitals in Fort Bend County are laying off staff (and repurposing staff) since all elective surgeries have been canceled according to the above the fold front page article in our Fort Bend Herald today. So we are killing off our hospitals too.
BTW, we have 400+ SARS-2 patients in Fort Bend County and seven deaths. Pretty much a fizzle around here in this county of 800,000+ people.
From BH in the Fort Bend Journal:
“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery” – Thomas Jefferson
Thank you JimB.
I followed your link. Then looked on eBay and Amazon. Same prices within a few cents. I used your link because why give eBay a cut? Same for Amazon but with an added week for shipping. Go figure.
I could save shipping and go the Northern at Braker and I-35. Which would be cool for an excuse to see the 700+ year old oak tree there and to drive by the old house. But nah. I’ll pay the $7.50 shipping and wait a week instead of dealing with the traffic.
The loudest gripe I read was that the model with temp compensation doesn’t come with the ring attachments, just clamps. Maybe folks don’t use the ring connections? I think I can manage to cobble something with parts on-hand.
Rings for the truck. Because the struts seem to not like keeping the hood up. Dust on the rods? Sure makes noise. Clamps are fine for the van. I don’t know what is leaving acorn shells on the air cleaner… but Mom and Dad left the hood up most of the time anyway to keep possums from nesting there.
And then a project! Getting a/c from the outlet box from one side of the boatport to the other side. Romex in PVC pipe will work. Do I want to dig down or go up and across? Or keep using an extension cord?
One thing about the description that puzzles: “Not for use with aircraft batteries”. Why?
Article from Twitter today:
Video from Pastor Hamilton of King James Bible Baptist Church in Greenville, MS. Church tried the “drive-in” method of holding services & were targeted due to the Mayor issuing an order prohibiting such services. Watch as an officer tells the Pastor that his rights are suspended.
How long will Joe Citizen, in the South, put up with this? I bet plenty of people are taking names and badge numbers. “Your rights are suspended, Citizen. Fuck you very much.”
My Mom made lamp chops a couple of times when I was a kid. Maybe 10 or 12. Living in Mobile. She fried them like pork chops. They were different, had a skin of sort around the edge. Tasted great.
I’ve never seen lamb in a store.
When I worked at the local HEB I asked the market manager why it’s never stocked and he said it doesn’t sell. Same for cabrito. He can order it, two packages sell and the rest ages out to the dumpster.
Probably doesn’t have an FAA certification. Would work just fine. Just like any certification process the goobermint controls.
And notice it is an order by a Mayor. Better watch Zir/Zim’s back.
Link to video on Twitter of a cop trying to chase down a lone jogger on a beach:
What the heck is the harm of going for a run alone on the beach? It’s probably a thousand times safer than putting gas in your car or getting groceries. Run Forest run!
I love the Run Forest, run, comment!
Make sure to turn on the sound.
After I finished bingeing XXXXXXX watching Stranger Things again in prep for season four (which has now been delayed to 2021, Hopper is alive !), Netflix suggested watching “I Am Not Okay With This”. It was 2 am, why not ? Well, if you want an insane mix of “Carrie” with some “Buffy” thrown in, I’ve got your less than three hours of crazy.
The season of “Ash vs. The Evil Dead” with Lee Majors guesting as Ash’s dad is a lot of fun if you’re old enough to remember Majors’ glory days. *That* was inspired casting.
Less profanity, but, wow, lots of blood and carnage. You don’t even want to know where Ash gets his head stuck in the first episode of the season. Definitely not for the kiddies, but 13-14 would get it more than a lot of older people.
I have an autographed Lee Majors picture from “Ash vs. The Evil Dead”. I wanted him to sign it “Sack up Sunshine”, his character’s money quote from the series, but the rules for his appearances are that Lee decides the appropriate inscription for each autograph.
Grit, backbone, spine, will, courage, — ah, gumption!
Rochester, now stop that!
Sitting on the MIL porch relaxing in the cool breeze. Overcast now and threatening rain in the evening. We are done with the warm sunny weather for a week while an artic blast brings us back to the 30s.
Wife woke me about 10 yesterday, just as I had dozed off. Have to run up to get MIL and take her to hospital. So, being a good boy, I did. She was in distress with bad pain in her back again. I’ve taken her in twice before for this but this time was the worst. She couldn’t walk and a was crying from the pain. I had to sit in the car park while the ER examined her. Since the ER was empty (on a Friday night? Unheard of) they spent a lot of time with her. I picked her up at 2am when she called. They said she has a severe kidney infection. I asked her had she been taking the antibiotics they gave her two weeks ago when I took her in. She said NO, she didn’t like them and all she wanted was pain medicine. Grrrrr. So wife and I are up here getting her sorted. Wife read her the riot act about taking the antibiotics else we will not be coming back to help. I am hiding outside on the porch else someone finds work for me to do. Hope Easter is a better day. Not the same without kids around.
What the heck is the harm of going for a run alone on the beach? It’s probably a thousand times safer than putting gas in your car or getting groceries. Run Forest run!
I love the Run Forest, run, comment!
Make sure to turn on the sound.
A bunch of tinhorn dictators. But we were born free !
At some point people are going to start shooting.
The comment further down is awesome, “1/2 of you gonna come out of quarantine pregnant, the other 1/2 are just gonna look pregnant.”
“More than 2,200 coronavirus deaths in nursing homes, but federal government isn’t tracking them”
Nursing homes are the real place to worry about SARS-2. Especially if the workers moonlight at another facility.
The wife’s father is doing well, her sister goes over and yells through the window to him as he does not answer his phone very often.
The kids made a Costco run for us this afternoon. No wait to get in. Plenty of bottled water, all paper goods but still limits on them, plenty of eggs with no restrictions, bread aisle had every regular brand, but each self was 25% to 75% empty, and no office chairs. One of the long-time Costco Employees that know my family said when asked, that the office chairs flew out and got snatched up whenever any come in. A result of all the “work-from-home.” My daughter was looking for a better chair. The one she has poor lumbar support that even a lumbar pillow isn’t helping. I have one “buried” in the shed, so I’ll get my son to dig it out tomorrow.
No matter how many “honey-dos” I get done, the list doesn’t get smaller.
“More than 2,200 coronavirus deaths in nursing homes, but federal government isn’t tracking them”
Whatever happened to ‘natural causes’? Of course this will all be attributed to Chinese Flu.
In the words of that esteemed philosopher, Roseanne Roseannadanna, “It’s always something!”
I have never seen an FAA certified battery charger, but my aircraft experience is limited. When my wife was a pilot and we owned a plane, I occasionally charged its battery, but I used an old fashioned manual charger and carefully monitored the voltage and current until it was fully charged. Actually, aircraft batteries ARE different. They are made to be lightweight and are optimized for cranking more than a car battery. Here is a brief description:
And here is a longer version:
That capacity test is hard on the battery, and I don’t recommend it for car batteries. Instead, use a conductance tester, but that is another subject.
I have seen supposedly well trained mechanics abuse batteries by charging them until they overheat. I have even seen stores that sold batteries abuse them in preparation for sale. This is because they are in a hurry. Fortunately that is rare today, because most batteries go from the manufacturer to the end user quickly, without the need for charging. They also have date stickers. As long as it is less than six months old, it is good.
That little charger I recommended only puts out about an amp or so; it can’t overheat a car or even a motorcycle battery even on a hot day. More importantly, its final “float” voltage is well regulated and temperature compensated. That’s why you can leave it connected for long periods.
When you get it, connect it to a fully charged battery and watch the voltage with a good digital meter. You will see it go slowly up to about 14.5 volts (from my feeble memory) hold for a while, and then cut back to about 13.5 volts. It actually starts out in a fairly constant current mode, limited to that 14.5 volts. When the current drops to a preset value (probably about 100 mA) or when a timer trips (usually about 8-24 hours) the voltage is reduced to the 13.5 volts or so, depending on temperature. The temperature coefficient of a lead acid battery is negative, about -43mv/F. Float voltage should be around 13.6 V at room temperature. That lower float voltage is what brings the battery up to 100% charge. It takes about 24 hours, sometimes more if the battery is weak.
The little charger can only put out about an amp, which means it is slow to charge a battery that is, say, half charged. That is actually an advantage if you are patient: batteries last longer if they are charged slowly, because they don’t get hot. Don’t be in a hurry. If you need to bring up a discharged battery faster, there are bigger, more expensive chargers, but it still takes at least 24 hours to approach 100%.
Most “smart” chargers will not charge a battery whose voltage is less than something like 5 volts. They need to detect a voltage to start. Some have a special mode for dead batteries, but this costs more. So, just connect any other charger, or jump with another battery until the charger starts, then disconnect and let it do its job. This can be a problem if you don’t have that capability. Fair warning.
Finally, when to use the charger. Auto batteries last longest when they are fully charged and then left open circuit. Charge every two weeks in hot weather or every month in winter, even if the car is driven regularly. Most newer cars with computers put a steady drain on the battery. This can be about 20 mA or sometimes more. In that case, check the battery voltage when it is fully charged and rested for a few hours. When it drops about 0.2 volt, charge again. Most batteries have a full charge voltage of 12.6 V, but some are lower, and AGM batteries can be higher. That’s why I recommended the 0.2 V drop, which corresponds to about 75% charge. If you can’t do this schedule, just leave this charger connected all the time if the car is not driven.
And you thought the humble lead acid battery was simple!
At some point people are going to start shooting.
Nah. Here come the lawsuits.
I don’t think any major daily paper in Florida endorsed DeSantis for Governor. Everyone was fascinated with the prospect of an African American in the office at any price.
DeSantis Derangement wasn’t this bad until Andrew Gillum self destructed at the beginning of the crisis.
How long will Joe Citizen, in the South, put up with this? I bet plenty of people are taking names and badge numbers. “Your rights are suspended, Citizen. Fuck you very much.”
The South has Progs concentrated in certain areas, but they don’t stray far from the big population centers. As a result, their antics get press.
How Bad is It?
The state lottery commission just announced they’re giving away ventilators instead of cash prizes.
I should have said “for commercial aircraft use.” And yes if you have a commercial rating, and fly for hire, even the lowly Cessna 150 will have to meet commercial standards.
Well, I got a couple of things done. Got tomorrows ribeye roast out to thaw. Made mini-burgers for dinner.
Cleaned up and got 12 more feet of ‘window box’ vegetables planted with lettuce and onion starts.
Spent way too long getting my ispy NVR software back up and running. Freaking MS update restarted my pc and killed my install. Still don’t know why it wouldn’t restart, poked at it until it did.
Did a little work on the pruned trees. I like pruning sealer. I know some people don’t, but it makes sense to me to cover a wound. So I got a bunch of stuff sprayed.
Still didn’t get the cans sorted.
Easter eggs needed to be colored, and decor needed to be put out. I hope the rabbit can get here unmolested. The kids REALLY like hunting for eggs, and since we’re not a religious household, we embrace the secular traditions (which are really re-dressed pagan traditions.)
Talked with two of my buddies in hospital management, and we have the strange case of laying off hospital workers in the midst of a pandemic. With all the elective procedures canceled, and everyone staying home, the hospital patient counts are way down. Whole floors have been shuttered, and staff is being sent home. They aren’t really staff that could cover the ICU, and in TX they are not currently needed for that anyway. Weird.
Very weird disaster.
Talked with two of my buddies in hospital management, and we have the strange case of laying off hospital workers in the midst of a pandemic. With all the elective procedures canceled, and everyone staying home, the hospital patient counts are way down. Whole floors have been shuttered, and staff is being sent home. They aren’t really staff that could cover the ICU, and in TX they are not currently needed for that anyway. Weird.
My wife’s former office in Vantucky is shuttered for the duration. They don’t have enough money coming in the door to pay the utilities and staff.
Driving past her old office here in Austin last night, things didn’t look too financially solid there either.
Contrary to popular belief, the co-pay does not cover the overhead of the office.
Talked with two of my buddies in hospital management, and we have the strange case of laying off hospital workers in the midst of a pandemic. With all the elective procedures canceled, and everyone staying home, the hospital patient counts are way down. Whole floors have been shuttered, and staff is being sent home. They aren’t really staff that could cover the ICU, and in TX they are not currently needed for that anyway. Weird.
This has been happening for weeks. My buddy’s daughter-in-law is a floor nurse (RN) in an Austin hospital. She has been arriving for her 12 hour shift and being sent home. No elective work allowed.
This is crazy. His son and daughter-in-law have four kids. They cannot afford for her to lose her formerly awesome job. She has not had a paying shift in over two weeks. And no OT of course.
I think that might be the storm we had here in the Mojave Desert. It finally left Friday. Today was sunny, light breeze, and warm, high 70 low 40. Ahhhh…
The snow level got down to about 6000′, and the mountains from W, around N, to E are in white. We can see Telescope Peak from our living room, and it is all white down to the horizon, which is actually closer mountains. It is the highest mountain above its base in the lower 48, rising from -232 feet in Death Valley to 11,049 feet. It is 52 air miles from us.
The lockdown in the US is being credited for the Plague of 2020 not wiping out the hospital system. (Except possibly in NYC and a few other spots.) Sounds plausible.
I have a hand-drawn sketch of a mouse propped up in my front yard. I credit this sketch for the avoidance of elephants overrunning my yard. It’s not that estimates of elephant trampling were vastly overblown, it’s entirely due to quick and decisive action in placing the sketch.
Weather here near the southern edge of the Adirondacks has been sucktastic. Seasonally appropriate for the location, that is to say. We did have a couple warm, sunny days a week ago, but since then it’s been rain, gale winds, lesser winds, and full cloud cover. There was rumor that the sun hasn’t been extinguished but I can’t confirm the truth of that rumor.
Gotta get up at teh butt crack o dawn tomorrow to hide the eggs. Hope the kids sleep in due to being up late this whole week, and Harry Potter on the big screen tonight. HOWEVER, judging by the vibrational energy coming off the youngest in waves and her expressed desire to be up at 3AM, I’m not putting money on “sleep late”.
If only we could harness that energy to power my evil schemes…..