Cooler and damp.
Yesterday was miserably hot and pretty steamy. Until the evening when the front came through and dropped temps into the low 70s and brought a bit of rain to clear the air.
I almost went out to bundle up some more sticks. Almost.
Instead I went to bed early. I’m still not feeling well, and I need extra sleep, which I’m not actually getting.
Spent yesterday hiding from the heat and doing as little as possible outside. I did clean up some of my pruned tree branches. I got the bird net put over the blueberries, so the humans might get a few more of the few berries this year.
Took the trash and recycling out, did a couple of loads of laundry. Domestic needs continue despite the isolation. I am wearing fewer shirts, since I’m not leaving the house and don’t need a ‘cover garment’. For everyone in the house, pajamas are getting a lot more wear
Dinner was pork roast from the freezer, mashed potatoes from scratch, saute’d cabbage and onions from the ‘last run’, tube biscuits, and gravy from a packet. Dessert was fresh baked cookies from frozen dough.
I didn’t get around to baking from scratch, but maybe today…
Oh, and can organizers arrived so I’ll be spending at least part of the day putting canned food away.
Folks, it’s only been a couple of weeks. We’ve got a lot more ahead of us before this thing is through. Cases are showing up in friends and relations, so we know it’s continuing to spread. I don’t think the “peak” is going to be anytime soon, although it might peak locally for some folks. But hey, what do I really know? I know I’m going to continue to isolate myself and my family and that will create hardship, but NOTHING like getting the virus and being hospitalized would. Aesop and RBT helped me get ready for just this sort of thing. It would be stupid to throw out the plan when we’re just getting started.
So stay in, stay safe, start your garden. And think about what you need to do if this continues…
I have a buddy that used to take a weekend every other month and smoke some pork butt, pull it apart, and portion it into meal size batches and then freeze it. Rather than have lunchmeat sandwiches when they were in a hurry they’d have pulled pork instead.
That’s the nice upside to WFH. I can now play with my smoker 7 days a week instead of 2.
@chad, I thought really hard about grabbing a big brisket on the ‘last run’. You’re right that I’d finally have enough time to be chained to the smoker all day. Now though, I’d have to go to the store for the meat.
Man, smoked pig ribs, a couple of chickens, a shoulder or country ham…..
Ever notice anytime tRump mentions “opening up the country”, the MSM and ProgLibTurds start screeching we’re all gonna die. All those screechers aren’t hurting for a dime. Just like the Great Depression: it wasn’t so bad if you had a job. I don’t want to live in a Commie run country.
Talking of the rayciss COVID-19, Plugs is now on board: “Release the real racial breakdown…” I guess someone poked him in the side “don’t let this crisis go to waste.” Go back to sleep, Joe, don’t burn out too soon.
I’m seeing some articles on the DNC replacing Plugs with a ringer. Who will it be?
It’ll be be Barack’s husband.
“after much soul searching”
“at the urging of friends”
“with somber consideration”
“heartfelt something”
“good of the party/country”
Andrew Cuomo? He’s all over CNN.
As an outsider, I think Cuomo lost any national chance earlier this week when he looked beat up, tired, and emotional. I might revise that later, but I think his actions and comments cemented him as a NYC local guy. Running roughshod over the rest of the state for NYC’s benefit has got to be getting old in NY, and I wouldn’t trust him to put Iowa’s interests anywhere in his top 20 concerns…. Or anyplace outside of NYC.
Good point, Giuliani couldn’t translate NYC to USA.
Here’s an indirect measure of the spread of covid
No mention of how they determined the level they expected.
CNN is so in love with the Cuomo brothers that I’ve renamed it the Cuomo News Network.
I figure the Dems/libs/progs have to turn this into as big of a humanitarian and economic tragedy as possible so they can push through socialist legislation akin to FDR’s New Deal that used the Great Depression to get broad support.
Someone asked about rent, my renters have paid for April. They didn’t even ask for a delay or reduction.
I just got an email from my car insurance company, The Hartford, telling me that I will be getting a “refund check” for a percentage (15%) of 2-months premiums (I pay in full every year). I’ll gladly take it.
Business crime in our area has tripled and the hoodlums are not backing down, several cops have been injured. The police are being too reserved with their guns. When a meth-head is not phased by three Tazers it’s time to stop him permanently. It’s not just a night either, daytime too.
Peace. Hope. Fair winds and following seas.
As an outsider, I think Cuomo lost any national chance earlier this week when he looked beat up, tired, and emotional. I might revise that later, but I think his actions and comments cemented him as a NYC local guy. Running roughshod over the rest of the state for NYC’s benefit has got to be getting old in NY, and I wouldn’t trust him to put Iowa’s interests anywhere in his top 20 concerns…. Or anyplace outside of NYC.
The Cuomos want coronations, not inaugurations. Most of the South and the Mountain West wouldn’t be in play for him right now, and the Dems have no organization to take FL away from Trump regardless of who is at the top of the ticket. TX, maybe, but that would require the cooperation of Gavin Newsom, who has built a network here of his own, plus Robert Francis in the VP calculus.
I can only imagine how Cuomo looks at Robert Francis, whose last real job was in NYC as the stereotypical X-er au pair who ran around the city in the early 90s. The words ‘f-ing nanny’ spring to mind.
Cuomo’s best bet for the White House may well be to let Trump have reelection and destroy the cabal behind Plugs.
It’ll be be Barack’s husband.
Michael? Nah. He’s got all the dresses and size 11 heels he ever dreamed of wearing plus a rolodex full of designers’ personal cell numbers. Why risk exposure?
Isn’t that why they killed Joan Rivers?
Plugs has kept at it to prevent his son from being fitted for that orange jumpsuit as long as possible. Unless he’s dead, Biden won’t back down for the Obamas return to the White House. Uncle Joe knows things, and he has nothing left to lose.
I just got an email from my car insurance company, The Hartford, telling me that I will be getting a “refund check” for a percentage (15%) of 2-months premiums (I pay in full every year). I’ll gladly take it.
I got a $250 rebate check from Ford through my dealer yesterday. It was dated Dec 19, 2019. I am perplexed. It says that it is good for 120 days so I am going to put it in my checking account. But I have no idea what it is for.
“Photos: Vehicles line up before dawn for San Antonio food bank”
“Thousands of vehicles lined up before dawn Thursday to seek aid from the San Antonio Food Bank.”
This is crazy. For people to line up like this, they are desperate.
From my friends:
“Factory owner said to a store owner, “Thank you, Mr. Smith, for your patronage. I wish I had twenty customers like you.””
“”Gosh, it’s nice to hear that, but I’m kind of surprised,” admitted Smith. “You know that I argue every bill and always pay late.””
“The factory owner said, “I’d still like twenty customers like you. The problem is, I have two hundred!””
I can identify with this.
COVID Cultivation Center.
I posted days ago, most people can only make it week to week (if they get paid weekly). Here’s the result. I wonder if they have goobermint cheese? I’ll drive the Subie over.
There is a video showing Philly cops dragging passengers without masks off of public transportation. How long before they just start shooting them. “I feared for my life that that guy might cough on me!”
It’ll be be Barack’s husband.
Michael? Nah. He’s got all the dresses and size 11 heels he ever dreamed of wearing plus a rolodex full of designers’ personal cell numbers. Why risk exposure?
Who the heck are you talking about ?
This is crazy. For people to line up like this, they are desperate.
Free stuff.
Is the flea market open as an essential business? This is normally a huge shopping holiday weekend in Texas for the Mexican middle class.
If the outlets in San Marcos and Round Rock were open, the lots would be filled like at Christmas, possibly more. A couple of years ago, when I had to work at the University on Saturday, the intersection with I35 at the outlets/IKEA required an hour to traverse on my way home. Crazy busy.
Who the heck are you talking about ?
The former First Lady. More passable than Jenner and a better wardrobe than Hillary’s body double, but Joan Rivers knew.
The former First Lady. More passable than Jenner and a better wardrobe than Hillary’s body double, but Joan Rivers knew.
Nah. Those kids are not adopted. She is a woman, not a trans.
My Dad reads this guy’s blog, “Covid-19 Diary : Wednesday 8 April, 2020”
“I have now published my two part article on what to expect in the future and how we’ll co-exist with the coronavirus until such time as we finally vanquish it.”
“I’d urge you to please read it and to share it. Even Travel Insider readers, in my survey last Friday, are massively underestimating the likely impact and duration of the Covid-19 crisis. While it seems increasingly certain we’ll get this first wave of infection under control, and perhaps with not much more than 60,000 people killed during the event, if we then relax our controls, the virus will return back, and take over our lives again exactly the same as it did the first time.”
“This was modeled by (I think) Harvard researchers. As best I recall, they saw the potential for up to twelve cycles of viral outbreak – first relaxing controls, then having the virus back, reintroducing lockdowns, beating the virus, then relaxing controls, then repeating, running between now and late 2022, before we got to a point of achieving sufficient herd immunity, and after having had over half the country infected during the repeated cycles. That contrasts with currently a 0.1% infection rate.”
Here is his article, “How We’ll Finally Win the Covid-19 War”
“It took the world 3,000 years to understand, respond to, control and eradicate smallpox. We’re all hoping to get the coronavirus behind us somewhat faster than that. And that’s the vital thing that has not been clearly discussed or explained – when things will get back to normal. Not everyone appreciates that the present lockdown can not be lifted, even if we have the new case rate down to zero, because as soon as we do that, the virus will reappear, probably from a visitor from another country, or from an undetected still existing case within the US, and we’ll be reliving the madness of March all over again. Asian countries that had essentially zeroed out their infection rates and relaxed movement controls are now discovering this.”
This person has eloquated well what I have been thinking for a while now. We are screwed. We are going to go through cycles of SARS-2, COVID-19, for years. And we are impoverishing ourselves in the first cycle. The subsequent cycles will be no less virulent and in fact, may be worse.
Nah. Those kids are not adopted. She is a woman, not a trans.
Seriously, though, Moochelle is not going to be the savior of the party. Uncle Joe won’t go quietly lest Hunter get a proactive phone call from a Federal prison tailor.
“About a 40 Regular?”
Plus, I don’t see Cuomo or Gavin Newsom being happy about hanging up ambition for eight years, with Cuomo facing a delayed run at 71.
Nah. Those kids are not adopted. She is a woman, not a trans.
I used to hang with a girl on the women’s swim team at TAMU. We would eat at least one meal a day together for a couple of years. She was a butterfly specialist and 6 foot tall, an inch shorter than me. Her shoulders were as big as mine and I could bench press 330 lbs at the time. I wore a 46L jacket at the time, I wear a 50L now since I am 30 lbs heavier. I never asked her out for some reason, maybe because I always had a girlfriend. She made Michelle O look petite.
“Eloquated”? Surely you must be joking.
“Eloquated”? Surely you must be joking.
The word or the blog ? The word is not a word, yet.
“Eloquated”? Surely you must be joking.
Ladies and germs, the English language is blossoming out before our very eyes!
Ladies and germs, the English language is blossoming out before our very eyes!
And it’s impactfully concerning!
“New Whitmer order bans ‘travel between residences,’ with a few exceptions”
So much for the first amendment.
We have the right to peaceably assemble. And travel to and from that assembly point.
So, are they going to extend these restrictions of our rights for the next 18 months ?
She may be a female, but she is no woman. At least not by my standards.
“New federal projections show huge spike in coronavirus infections in the summer if current lockdown and social distancing measures are lifted after planned 30 days”
“If the current shelter-in-place orders are lifted on May 30, the death total is estimated to reach 200,000, according to the projections obtained from the departments of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services.”
What happened to lifting the current shelter-in-place orders on April 30 ?
Hat tip to:
Do you think that Boeing is happy about the SARS-2 taking up all the air in the room ? “The ancient computers in the Boeing 737 Max are holding up a fix”
“The perils of fixing a hardware problem with software”
The 737 MAX will never carry passengers again. Probably.
Hat tip to:
I’ve heard that theory. Democracy: having a candidate chosen who no one voted for. That would surely be even worse than letting Biden run. Any Democrats who aren’t suffering from TDS would surely jump ship.