Mon. April 6, 2020 – back to school, JK….

By on April 6th, 2020 in ebola, WuFlu

Warmer and dry? Maybe. [75F, 84%RH, and no actual rain yet]

It stayed cool all day yesterday but the rain stopped. It was even pretty nice, if a bit chilly and damp in the evening.

I did mostly indoor cleaning and organizing. I’m moving at a turtle’s pace though. Doesn’t look like a hoarder’s house, but it does look a bit like the wand shop in Harry Potter. I do tend to use ‘pile’ as an organizing structure. Doesn’t help that my wife will occasionally just round up everything she thinks is mine and pile that in my office. Some of the piles haven’t moved in a while.

I’m trying to get some space for my non-prepping hobby, and move some radio stuff around. I really want to get up with some digital modes and I don’t have the room to keep all the bits and pieces in one place. Baby steps.

I also continued to get the shelving and storage area in the garage cleaned up and gone through. Found a couple of boxes of ammo I didn’t know I had. Happy day!

Dinner was Costco special pork ribs from my last run, one rack for us, with the other two racks seasoned, vac bagged, and frozen. My wife ordered Oyster Sauce from somewhere online. I’d run out. It sucked to enter the zombie apocalypse with a freezer full of pork and none of my go to sauce… Anyway, delicious ribs. Really good baked beans- HEB branded can, cornbread (from mix) with added bacon crumbles and baked in a cast iron skillet (just cuz), canned corn (2016), and baked potatoes with all the fixin’s. Admittedly, the first can of corn was rusty from rat pee, and didn’t “suck” when pierced. That went straight into the trash. Clean can had a very reassuring “fushht” sound as the vacuum released. I’ve definitely found that if the packaging is intact, even with my horrible storage conditions, even stored food that is 6 or more years passed ‘best by’ tastes fine. I’m blending in stored food with our normal pantry and freezer food to help ease into this isolation. I also try to have a really good meal with familiar food every few days.

The kids have been great so far. Less poking at each other this week as they had some school work and a lot of “separated” time. Wife and I have been less stressed too. This coming week the school sent out more work to do, and some added resources. Short week anyway due to the Easter holidays, or as the school put it “a holiday you might be celebrating”. FFS, it’s Easter break, whether you are Christian or not. I’m finding I have a lot less tolerance for the ‘tolerance’ as this confinement goes on. If others are simmering too, the whole world could explode soon.

And hey, checks are coming, but conspicuously NOT HERE. Jails have been emptied, and burglaries are up 20% in Houston, while the cops are out sick. Who could have known? You are on your own. Act accordingly.

Stay home, stay safe.


66 Comments and discussion on "Mon. April 6, 2020 – back to school, JK…."

  1. brad says:

    @Nick: Totally agree with your comments about the passage of time. On the one hand, it feels like forever since this started (can it really only be three weeks?). On the other hand, individual days fly by. It’s odd.

    Younger son visited yesterday. I suppose that’s a bit of a cheat, but he “self-isolated” for 5 days before coming. He needed out of his four walls in the middle of the city. Since we’re in a pretty remote village we took a walk, perched on a hilltop and he could just stare into the distance for a while.

    Man, do I wish we were in our house, instead of this microscopic provisional garden hut. Then he could just move here, since both his university and his job are 100% remote at the moment. On the positive side, the foundation and basement are finally finished. This week the scaffolding goes up, and next week the wall elements start to go up. Three weeks from now, and it will at least *look* like a house.

    – – – – –

    @Greg: That’s interesting info about the Star Trek series. I used to be a huge fan, but sort of lost touch during TNG days. I watched maybe 1/4 of those episodes, but was very put off by Wesley Crusher, Counselor Troy and Beverly Crusher. Those were three irritating characters. So I never started the follow-on series DS9, etc..

    On y’all’s recommendations, I’m now catching up on Picard. I’m through episode 7 and – wow – that is a well-done series. If I were to go farther back and catch up on earlier series, what would you suggest?

    – – – – –

    I spent a lot of my life in Texas, so I’m all too familiar with the politics. Which doesn’t mean that I understand them. Why do the religious Republicans insist on mixing bible-thumping with government? Mixing the two just pisses off all the conservatives who aren’t religious.

    Most of my family in Texas falls in the “religious fundamentalist” category. They can’t talk politics, international culture, or the Corona crisis, or *anything* without dragging religion into it. How can you actually talk about something, if anyone who thinks differently is going to hell? Irritating, and it restricts conversational topics down to the weather and other banalities…

  2. Greg Norton says:

    According to my former USMC son, people with grudges do not let a good crisis go to waste. Time and time again, they had to settle fights between people while in Iraq. We are not much better than them.

    The difference between there and here is that the grudges are remembered across generations, hundreds if not thousands of years.

    As Dr. Pournelle pointed out many times, Brenner made a horrible mistake by not keeping the Iraqi army intact and giving them an honorable way of being involved in keeping the peace. My friends who drove tanks in the first Gulf War said that the most effective tool they had for dealing with Iraqi regular army positions was food.

  3. Greg Norton says:

    On y’all’s recommendations, I’m now catching up on Picard. I’m through episode 7 and – wow – that is a well-done series. If I were to go farther back and catch up on earlier series, what would you suggest?

    Push through “Discovery” as much as you can handle. Season One is a tough watch at times. Season Two is uneven but has some cool moments.

    If nothing else, once you’ve seen Season Two of “Discovery” the android’s eyes at the moment of betrayal in the Mars shipyards in the “Picard” flashback will take on a whole new context … and raise more than a few questions that Season Three of “Discovery” needs to answer.

    Also, watch the “Short Treks”. “Q&A” and “The Escape Artist” in particular. No context necessary as long as you’ve seen the original series and have some familiarity with the characters.

    Kind of a tangent, but Ronald D. Moore’s reimagined “Battlestar Galactica” up through the “Revelations” episode. That series effectively killed the modern “Star Trek” TV era, making what was produced on Stage 8/9 at the time (“Enterprise”) seem very weak by comparison.

    After “Revelations”, “Galactica” seemed to lose its own way as SyFy started bleeding ad revenue and squeezing productions’ budgets. You can safely watch up through that episode and consider it a series finale.

    American commercial TV (along with most traditional media) has never rebounded from the rise of “Facebook” and “Google” as competitors for the advertising money combined with the splintering of audiences across tens of basic cable channels supported through “carriage” fees in the mid 2000s. The consumers in this country treated their houses like cash registers in refinancings during that period, and $200 cable bills were just another entry on the credit card statement paid without thinking.

  4. brad says:

    @Greg: Many thanks for the recommendations! That ought to keep me busy through the summer…

  5. MrAtoz says:

    I just finished season 2 of “Project Blue Book” on the History channel. I like UFO series (with Nazi sooper science references). It’s sort of like the X Files, but with alien reveals right away. Just enough to make you wonder where they are heading. Based, *very* loosely, on Dr. J. Allen Hynek’s work. Not for everybody. I hope it gets a 3rd season. Who knows with the slow death from COVID-19. Self inflicted.

  6. Nick Flandrey says:

    “the most effective tool they had for dealing with Iraqi regular army positions was food. ”

    –Keep that in mind during the coming unpleasantness.


  7. Greg Norton says:

    “the most effective tool they had for dealing with Iraqi regular army positions was food. ”

    –Keep that in mind during the coming unpleasantness.

    I was thinking about that when my wife told me about the problems HEB had with the debit card network yesterday. Most people don’t even have the cash at home much less standing in line at the checkout, and that situation could have ended with a lot of shouting … for now.

    When we left Vantucky, 25% of the Portland Metro were dependent on those EBT cards to work, with ~ 20% real unemployment *pre virus*.

    Heck, with patient visits down by 2/3 at my wife’s former employer and off-the-record talk of doctors going 3-4 months without paychecks in the region, we could have been headed to Food Stamp dependency this week if we were still there. My wife’s paychecks were always carefully dialed down to be *exactly* what we needed every month, no more, no savings. I’ll never trust US Bank again.

  8. SteveF says:

    Greg, I’m sure you’re mistaken about the latter part of your comment. All doctors in the US are millionaires and drives Mercedes or Lexuses and they’re just lucky that they got high-paying jobs instead of service jobs and it’s not fair that they get to be rich when other people aren’t. I heard that somewhere or other — a few people named Liz and Bernie and Tidepod Evita, I think.

    Seriously, I get really peeved when people — Commies and levelers, no matter what they call themselves — talk about someone being lucky to have a good-paying job or one which is relatively layoff-proof. While it’s true in a few cases — the members of the Biden family certainly didn’t get their jobs based on merit — you don’t become a medical doctor or an engineer through luck. In founding a successful business, even where luck might have been a factor, there was a lot of hard work behind it. But the “unlucky” don’t want to admit that they were lazy or made bad choices, so success gets written off as luck, and undeserved. /rant

    (Similar goes for being “lucky” that you have tools in your car and know how to fix a roadside breakdown, being “lucky” that you had food and toilet paper in the house before the shortages and lock-ins, or being “lucky” that you were able to defend yourself and your girlfriend when a group of drunks were hassling her.)

  9. lynn says:

    I also continued to get the shelving and storage area in the garage cleaned up and gone through. Found a couple of boxes of ammo I didn’t know I had. Happy day!

    Happy days indeed !

    I found my metal toolbox with tools in it during the move. It was so rusty I would have sworn that I threw it out a while back. I use these Dewalt totes for toolboxes nowadays (topless for quick visual finding the needed tool):

  10. lynn says:

    I need a chewable dog toy that can last longer than 24 hours. My dog loves these but she can destroy it with some serious chewing. Any ideas.

  11. SteveF says:

    Lynn, why not get rawhide chew toys and not worry about them disappearing?

  12. MrAtoz says:

    Plugs releases another video. The Dumbos must be panicking. The guy can’t put two words together. Incoherent at best. I wonder how they will torpedo him.

  13. Greg Norton says:

    Plugs releases another video. The Dumbos must be panicking. The guy can’t put two words together. Incoherent at best. I wonder how they will torpedo him.

    Delay the primaries. Failing that, they will ask Plugs to turn his delegates loose for the first vote at the convention. Of course, that didn’t work when they asked Jimmy Carter to do the same thing in 1980.

    Of course, they could just let Biden lose, advance the running mate for 2024, allow the House members to win reelection by distancing themselves from the debacle, and regroup to try to take the Senate in 2022.

  14. lynn says:

    Dilbert: Extra Dogbert Clone

    Oh yes, you always need a fall guy.

  15. lynn says:

    Lynn, why not get rawhide chew toys and not worry about them disappearing?

    I will try some of those. Lady, the previous dog, did not like rawhide chews.

  16. lynn says:

    “the most effective tool they had for dealing with Iraqi regular army positions was food. ”

    –Keep that in mind during the coming unpleasantness.

    Carry an MRE everywhere you go ?

    BTW, Rush Limbaugh’s replacement today said that the USA unemployment was now 13%. If true, that means that sixteen million people have been laid off in the past 30 days. Not good, not good

  17. Nick Flandrey says:

    Unlike Italy, the US didn’t immediately declare a mortgage and rent and loan holiday.

    It’ll be too little too late when it finally comes. And read for a look at how the lower half lives in NOLA.


  18. lynn says:

    “Businesses That Are Going To Fail”

    “Any politician speaking of a “non-essential” business is an idiot and should be removed from office. Because lamppost decorators need work, too.”

  19. lynn says:

    “End of the World Tour” tshirt

    The Ultimate Survivor !

    Michael Williamson forgot “Silent Spring”.

  20. Nick Flandrey says:

    This from official CDC guidance, particularly on what to do when the masks run out, but also generally–

    It may be possible to designate HCP who have clinically recovered from COVID-19 to preferentially provide care for additional patients with COVID-19. Individuals who have recovered from COVID-19 infection may have developed some protective immunity, but this has not yet been proven.

    More relapse articles in the press too.


  21. JimB says:

    Well, SteveF, ya beat me to it with those comments about “luck.”

  22. Ray Thompson says:

    I wonder how they will torpedo him

    The democratic plan is simple. Let Biden win the nomination and Hillary will be the VP candidate on the ticket. Gets FSA vote and the female vote, illegal alien vote, probably some prisoners and dead people for extra measure. Then hope the democratics win the election. Once that is done, and shortly after inauguration, Bide will become incompetent and resign. Thus Hillary will then become president and make Bernie the new vice president. Everyone wins.

    New carpet in the wife’s work room. Same room that contains the washer and dryer. Front loading both of them. Moving those things is a challenge Had to move them out for the carpet install and them move them back. The slick pads help but it is still a chore. The rest of crap is the wife’s stuff and her problem.

    Also acquired new reinforced (stainless steel mess outer covering) hoses for about $20. Three hoses, splitter, and a short 6″ hose. The dryer has steam refresh and thus requires water. Split the cold water line at the washer with a hose to the dryer and the short hose to the washer. Old hoses looked to be in good shape but as long as I am behind those machines the cost of new hoses is trivial. May avoid major problems years down the road.

    Now the wife can put all her stuff back, which is lot. All of it important of course. Most never touched in 25 years. Her room was the most difficult.

    Now on to the next two bedrooms which is just moving massive furniture. I am thinking about hiring that done as that is going to be a major effort. Once those are done then on to the main part of the house, living room, hall way and den.

    The old carpet is 25 years old in the living room, den and hallway. Stuff in the bedrooms is original from when we bought the house 32 years ago. Time to renew. The stuff we installed was high quality kid proof and stain proof carpet. It really held up well over the years.

  23. JimB says:

    Lynn, try a Nylabone. Just looked one up, and it is expensive.

    We had a couple of collies, border mix. One of them ate rawhide almost like potato chips. You would have to see it to believe it. We tried some plastic “bones,” but they didn’t last too long. By accident, we bought a Nylabone, which was very tough yet soft. Problem solved. They outlasted the dogs.

    However (and you just knew there was a however) the Nylabones didn’t have any flavor at the time, although they seem to now. The dogs apparently didn’t enjoy them, but they did chew them when nothing else was available. Those two were chewing machines. My point is that we also gave them rawhide, which they really enjoyed; the flat pieces worked better than the knotted ones for some reason.

    Occasionally, my wife would buy beef knuckles at the grocery store. She cooked them in the microwave oven. The dogs loved those, and carried them around for days. I would occasionally break them up so the dogs could get to all the marrow. I think the calcium and other natural minerals in bones are good for them.

    I sure miss those two.

  24. dkreck says:

    Kong brand toys are almost industructable.

  25. Nick Flandrey says:

    UK might have a new PM soon, in addition to all the other issues….

    Best of luck to him. Sincerely.


  26. Greg Norton says:

    The democratic plan is simple. Let Biden win the nomination and Hillary will be the VP candidate on the ticket. Gets FSA vote and the female vote, illegal alien vote, probably some prisoners and dead people for extra measure. Then hope the democratics win the election. Once that is done, and shortly after inauguration, Bide will become incompetent and resign. Thus Hillary will then become president and make Bernie the new vice president. Everyone wins.

    I don’t see Hillary as VP. Too much bad blood between the camps. The Clintons used what they saw in Biden’s FBI file to force him to forego 2000 in favor of Algore, and again in 2016 “Her Turn”.

    Robert Francis would give Biden a shot at Texas. Florida isn’t going to happen for the Dems this year, and they need one of the two states. Hispanics here still think the 4th generation Irish-American is one of them, and Boomers want to believe in the Camelot implied by Robert Francis TV makeup that screams “Addisons” like JFK.

    As for Bernie, he’ll stay in the Senate, become a 100-millionare and get his jet. Mrs. Bernie has been busy buying TV ads. Haven’t you seen them? Oh, well, I’m sure that media buy money goes for ads … somewhere.

  27. lynn says:

    Lynn, try a Nylabone. Just looked one up, and it is expensive.

    I got Lily the piggie strips and beef strips at HEB at lunch. She ate the first piggie strip in less than ten minutes. I left her with the beef slice. She was busy working it over and did not even tell me good bye when I left like the wife did.

    Kong brand toys are almost industructable.

    Lily killed a Kong toy in less than a week. Chewed it in half. She told me it was a personal challenge.

  28. William Quick says:

    Found a couple of boxes of ammo I didn’t know I had. Happy day!

    Same thing, but in my case it was 1000 rounds of 12 gauge double ought buck. Heavy as sin to haul up the basement stairs from the relative’s house where I had it stored, though. But my 870 was very happy to see it.

  29. Greg Norton says:

    Dial bar soap for $20. That’s a new gouging/hording item.

    I bought bar soap at Costco recently for the normal price. They had plenty if you don’t care about getting Kirkland brand.

  30. Chad says:

    RE: Relapse

    IIRC, most people are immune to Chicken Pox after their first bout with it (excluding Shingles that comes later). However, a small percentage of people would get it a second time (usually a weaker case). A third time was almost unheard of.

    So, it is possible that most people are immune to COVID-19 after their first run-in with it, but a handful will get it again.

  31. paul says:

    Tractor Supply use to sell rope chew toys. Cotton, I think, something about flossing their teeth as they play and chew, about a 2 inch rope with a knot on each end. Maybe $8? It’s been about 8 years since I bought one.

    I have several of the knots stashed in a corner of the bedroom. Once in a while Penny snuffles through for one she wants and prances into the living room. Then Missy wants it enough to make Penny happy defending “her knot”.

    Fifteen minutes later it’s totally ignored. Not even enough interest to chase it down the hallway. Crazy dogs.

  32. paul says:

    Prices on Amazon and from other sellers on Walmart are just nuts.

    Pepsodent toothpaste? A buck a tube at Walmart. Walmart doesn’t sell it on-line but some of the resellers there want $5 a tube and about the same for shipping. Gouging? No. Not if you want it.

    For example, price Vegemite.

  33. ~jim says:

    Dow soars 1,600 points as growth rate of new coronavirus cases appears to slow

    What if they threw a pandemic and nobody came?

    Biggest damn boondoggle in centuries. If you’ve got nothing better to do, pick up _Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds_ from

  34. Nick Flandrey says:

    Scanner has our PD working some sort of burglary ring. Big one I guess with several vehicles involved. They have been following them for an hour and are starting to stop and arrest them. I guess they have them for something they did before I started listening.

    Several of the channels were busy with undercover work. I guess sitting in your car for hours beats making traffic stops hands down.


  35. Nick Flandrey says:

    I’ve been stocking up on Dial AB bar soap for years. I never saw any AB soap at Costco. I tried their bars that look like dove, and hated them.

    FWIW, the tubs I put Dial soap in don’t have even the hint of bugs in the food.


  36. lynn says:

    Dial bar soap for $20. That’s a new gouging/hording item.

    I bought bar soap at Costco recently for the normal price. They had plenty if you don’t care about getting Kirkland brand.

    You can get 8 bars for $4.55 on Big River:

    ADD: Wait, Temporarily out of stock.

    But there is 22 bars for $24.45:

  37. Greg Norton says:

    FWIW, the tubs I put Dial soap in don’t have even the hint of bugs in the food.

    Whole Bay leaves inside rice bins extends the shelf life.

    I haven’t noticed a taste problem, but we buy Thai Jasmine, Three Ladies or Elephant Brand.

  38. Ray Thompson says:

    I see a lot of healthcare workers crying about having to go into work and possibly getting infected or dying. Welcome to the life of a combat soldier in a combat environment. WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq (and other shirtholes(-r)). I never saw a soldier get on TV and complain about going to work. Probably got paid a lot less in the process. And please don’t ever compare your hospital or clinic to a war zone. Not even close. Until your work area is slippery with blood, limbs hanging, guts exposed, bones protruding, limbs missing. Your work area is nothing close to a war zone.

  39. Greg Norton says:

    You can get 8 bars for $4.55 on Big River:

    ADD: Wait, Temporarily out of stock.

    I’ve been buying Kirkland brand ever since Costco and Lever had a falling out over Lever 2000 prices. I was already buying the shampoo.

    If it doesn’t irritate my sinuses, normal people should be fine.

  40. JimB says:

    For example, price Vegemite.

    What, no Vegemite jokes?

  41. Greg Norton says:

    I see a lot of healthcare workers crying about having to go into work and possibly getting infected or dying. Welcome to the life of a combat soldier in a combat environment. WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq (and other shirtholes(-r)). I never saw a soldier get on TV and complain about going to work.

    Healthcare is a racket so a more apt analogy is a low level mafia member aspiring to be “made” one day. The bosses in a big clinic don’t really have any more concern if you live or die than a Mafia Don. In theory, they’re legally prohibited from putting out a hit on a errant employee.

    In theory.

    My wife’s partnership “offer” in Vantucky was essentially extortion. Sign or be fired — an offer she couldn’t refuse since, thanks to questionably legal games with direct deposit from US Bank, they thought we were broke and were partially right.

    The current Chairwoman of that practice faces a huge dilemma facing retirement because, in order to protect her partnership value, she needs to find an equally skilled/ruthless replacement, but no one qualified wants the gig.

  42. lynn says:

    If it doesn’t irritate my sinuses, normal people should be fine.

    I use Irish Spring Aloe bar soap at I buy at HEB, 8 bars for $3.97. Sometimes 50 cents off until they run out. That is why I have five 8 bar packs under the sink.

    BTW, I have noticed that HEB is not running any store coupons for the duration of the emergency. One wonders how long the emergency will last.

    And they let me buy four 24 bottle cases of Ozarka.

  43. ~jim says:

    I use Dawn for everything. Detergent is detergent. 😉

  44. SteveF says:

    If you put a large bottle of Dawn dishwashing detergent and a half gallon of bleach in your washing machine and set it for a large load, you can sanitize your entire house in ten minutes.

  45. SteveF says:

    Guidance from the CDC on coding for COVID-19 deaths.

    TL;DR version: Code a death as COVID-19 even if China Flu is only assumed to have caused or contributed to the death.

    Gee, I wonder how that might be inflating the Worstest Plague Evah numbers?

  46. lynn says:

    If you put a large bottle of Dawn dishwashing detergent and a half gallon of bleach in your washing machine and set it for a large load, you can sanitize your entire house in ten minutes.

    Dogs, cats, humans, random microbes, etc…

  47. lynn says:

    Guidance from the CDC on coding for COVID-19 deaths.

    TL;DR version: Code a death as COVID-19 even if China Flu is only assumed to have caused or contributed to the death.

    Gee, I wonder how that might be inflating the Worstest Plague Evah numbers?

    My partner died of pneumonia from heart surgery complications. I would not be surprised if they are listing him as SARS-2.

  48. lynn says:

    Forgot to mention that HEB had generic paper towels but no TP. And just about anything you might want. Or even need.

    And the new isolation shields for the checkers are awesome.

  49. ~jim says:

    FWIW, the tubs I put Dial soap in don’t have even the hint of bugs in the food.

    Hmm. Interesting. Which reminds me, whatever happened to irradiating food with gamma rays? It seemed really promising and was very effective. Scaled well too, as I recall. Did the anti-nukular Green brigade legislate it out of existence? Probably the same crowd that’s killed untold thousands (hundreds of thousands?) of little brown babies by campaigning against GMO ‘Golden Rice’, or whatever it’s called. Sheesh.

  50. lynn says:

    Am now submitting our application for the small business PPP (paycheck protection program). Hopefully I did not screw it up too badly. Trump said this morning that $40 billion has already been applied for.

    If we dot all of the i’s and cross all the t’s, then the SBA loan money is forgivable. Maybe.

    And three people will get to keep their jobs through the summer.

  51. Nick Flandrey says:

    Rain came back, and continues in fits and starts.

    Lynn, what the 4377 are you doing going to HEB? Stay in man!


  52. Nightraker says:

    My partner died of pneumonia from heart surgery complications. I would not be surprised if they are listing him as SARS-2.

    I’ve been meaning to google stats for pneumonia deaths in 2019 vs. this year….

  53. Nick Flandrey says:

    I think they still gamma ray food. My food lasts a whole lot longer than it used to in the fridge. Of course all the meat has those maxi pad things under it now, and the butchers are probably much more sanitary, if only because they know the supply chain is longer and the food needs to stay fresh longer.

    I’m shocked sometimes when I forget to freeze something in the fridge and it’s still fine WAY past the sell by. As long as air doesn’t get into the package, stuff lasts.


  54. Paul says:

    Today sucks. Hard. I wandered towards the gate and here comes penny and missy.
    Nice walk. Lots of poop dropped.

    Missy has allergy problems.

    Almost back to the house and her back legs went out.

    So. Let her catch her breath….

    And then she has some kind of eplicatic fit.
    But back to the house and cookies. And another fit.
    And another.

    Tripping this shot on my phone.

    So….. Currently waiting for her to die. She’s making lots of snot from her lungs. Done made the stinky from the other end. Her eyes seem to see me…. But, bad stuff.

    She can’t get up.

    This sucks. I think she’s gone, it’s just body now . er. But sometimes she reacts.

    Pretty much sitting up all night . tough dog, ain’t ready to die.

  55. Paul says:

    Not sure she knows I’m here. But.

    Oh. Her toumge is just flopped out too.

    Man, I hate typing on my phone.

  56. brad says:

    @SteveF: Obese, diabetic, high blood pressure, asthmatic, heart problems, and 90 years old. Oh, also had Corona. Must be a Corona death.

    Watching the European stats, it is clear that different countries are coding things differently. Take Germany and France: the health care systems are not hugely different, but the Corona death tolls are. The only explanation I can imagine is that France is blaming all possible deaths on Corona, while Germany is not.

    It basically means that we, as plebes, have no fricking clue what is *really* going on.

  57. Clayton W. says:

    Tough times, Paul. I feel your pain.

  58. SteveF says:

    Sympathies, Paul.

    It basically means that we, as plebes, have no fricking clue what is *really* going on.

    As I’ve been saying for weeks. All I know for sure is that we’re being lied to.

  59. brad says:

    @Paul: Sorry, hadn’t read your message yet. That’s tough. Give her some last love, hope she goes peacefully.

  60. ITGuy1998 says:

    @Paul – sorry to hear about your pup.

  61. DadCooks says:

    @Paul, while these last moments with your pup are sad and stressful, treasure them as she knows you are with her. Peace.

    Re: Coding

    My daughter is a Certified Medical Coder, working her butt off from home now. All I can tell you is that…

    Do not believe any gooberment statistics, they are all manipulated to suit an agenda.

    And I am saying this with my tin-foil hat off.

  62. MrAtoz says:

    Sorry for your pain, Mr. Paul. My last dog died in my arms at the vet. It’s always hard.

  63. paul says:

    Thanks all. Missy aka Miss Thang is gone. (’cause she knows how to swing that thang.)
    Still panting and stoking but no reactions. Penny is sort of spooked.

    I fell asleep on the laundry room floor with my head propped up against the door. Whoa, big crick in neck!

    She wasn’t all that old. Jan 3/11 to last night. A 95 pound mess of pure love caused by a “big black dog that come over the fence” on top of a pit bull female. Yeah, Lab mix.

  64. MrAtoz says:

    My condolences, Mr. Paul.

  65. Nick Flandrey says:

    Mine as well. We bring them into our lives and it makes us both better.


  66. lynn says:

    Sorry to hear that Paul. I can remember every dog we every had, they were all great friends and willing partners in the adventure of life.

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