Cooler and possibility of rain.
Yesterday was overcast and partly sunny late, but didn’t rain. So humid that the concrete was wet though.
I did some work on the pile in the driveway, and cleaned out a couple of my “window box” planters on the fence. If they dry out today, I’ll get some new dirt in them and some veg planted later.
I did get the second potato tower planted, and my onion starters in the ground. I had to remove some chives and some grass that had invaded the bed.
I had a small tree with two trunks die on one half, so I got out the saw and trimmed that back. Looks like woodpeckers made holes, then ants got in. They started attacking the remaining trunk too, so I shaved away the loose bark and sprayed the wound with nursery sealer. Hopefully that will save what’s left. It’s a nice ornamental tree in front of the house and I don’t want to lose it.
While I had the saw out, I did some pruning and cut up some medium sized branches that were waiting for me to get to them. There are a bunch of crepe myrtles and japanese cherry trees in the back yard that constantly need cutting back. They are under the utility lines and grow fast. I try to do all that sort of thing at the same time, so even if it wasn’t top of my list, I needed to do the dead tree in the front, which means spending a bit of time in back too. It’s always something.
In other news.
If you haven’t looked at the numbers for the wuflu in a couple of days, please take a look. This thing is growing and spreading. We MAY be slowing the growth, but that only extends the time it will take to get to saturation, it doesn’t prevent it. NYFC went from one case to 100 to 67K with 1300 deaths so far. That’s like 1 in 100 diagnosed, and more deaths to come. People are not being smart about this. They lined up to see the hospital ship FFS. They are loading bodies into freezer trucks. In NYC. In the USA.
Aesop has had cases in his ER and more are coming. Several people here have mentioned one or two degree of separation cases. Meanwhile, TPTB are working their way through the CDC’s Pandemic Checklist. They haven’t gotten to the part where they bring staff families inside the perimeter and fort up, but they are headed down the list toward that. Read that to see where this could be heading.
While I don’t think this is a panic engineered to allow the Deep State and tyranny to take over the US, it’s undeniable that certain people are using it to advance their long standing agendas, and the Constitution be damned. I encourage you all to push back against that without pushing any other agenda. Just point out the places where they are overstepping. And just in case, look to your arms. Figure out where you stand and what, if anything, you are not willing to tolerate.
No matter how this plays out politically, it’s already changing your local security situation. Jails are being emptied, and cops have stopped trying to control crime. They want to live through this as much as anyone, and I can understand that, even as I curse it. You may be much more responsible for your own safety and security than you are used to being. Get your mindset ready. Get your tools ready.
Whether a nothing burger or a society killer, this thing is here and the world around us has changed. I don’t know if we can get back to where we were, or even farther towards where we wish we were, but I know that right now, right here, it’s different. Get your head in the game and get used to the new rules.
Stay in, stay safe.
While I don’t think this is a panic engineered to allow the Deep State and tyranny to take over the US, it’s undeniable that certain people are using it to advance their long standing agendas, and the Constitution be damned. I encourage you all to push back against that without pushing any other agenda. Just point out the places where they are overstepping.
I make a point of going somewhere every evening, even if it is just to take the oak pollen-covered car through the wash at HEB.
There is something deeper than simple political agendas at work, however. Wall Street took advantage, scared the h*ll out of everybody and threw a temper tantrum until they got $5 Trillion. I made a profit in a few moves over the last month; I can only imagine what someone could do with the ability to borrow unlimited amounts of cash at negative interest rates vs. just my “beer money”.
Closer to home, work is getting away with not giving us promotions or raises, and the company’s money problems predate the virus. A lot of entities are using the situation as cover.
Without a forklift, you’re not gonna have enough silver to get any wealth thru a currency collapse….
Both metals have their place.
Silver’s per ounce cost makes it more readily convertible into essentials, and a lot of old coins have a collectible value that exceeds the metal’s value. Plus you can always make a claim that a bag of silver dimes came from a grandparent’s attic whereas the negotiable gold was seized and illegal to own for ~ 40 years.
Silver Eagles aren’t available either, however, and Eagles are very complicated to deal with as value storage outside of TEOTWAWKI situations. If the coins are suddenly Unobtainium and continue to be that way through the Summer, that’s of concern.
Xenu be merciful!
The last time I drove through Downtown Clearwater, before I left FL a decade ago, both of the buildings which housed the big newspapers’ local bureaus in the 70s and 80s, run by editors critical of Scientology and located not far from the big buildings you see in the picture, had been razed to the ground.
I joked to my wife that the empty lots were probably salted regularly.
The big buildings are also just on the other end of the beach causeway from where that infamous Spring Break video was shot a few weeks ago. Considering who is obviously in charge of the area, I don’t think the crowd or the footage were a coincidence.
A lot more than simply advancing agendas is at work in many places. Never let a crisis go to waste.
Indeed. In the process they are making things worse, or saying things are worse, to enhance their financial gain. New York’s governor comes to mind with his tantrum about respirators and how New York should get every one in the country. Then finding that New York had been shipped several thousand that were lost. Someone made some money on that deal.
After this event is over I think a lot of companies that survive are going to do so with reduced staff. Using this event as a reason to lay people off and just not bring them back.
Kentucky’s governor is forbidding people to travel to other states. Does he really have that authority? What statute gives a single person to issue such an order to everyone? The governor is not law enforcement, the governor cannot introduce bills, the governor is not judicial. Yet one person, without judicial oversight or reference to supporting law, is allowed to control the lives of millions of people. Stunts such as this should be challenged in court, immediately.
Kentucky is also the state that declared a state of emergency when the state had it’s first death. A 90+ person in a nursing home with underlying health issues. Yet that was enough to trigger the governor to get on the bandwagon for federal money. No accountability of where that money is spent and to whom it is spent.
I wonder what they are doing to protect their cash cow, Tom Cruise. They probably wipe down his butt daily to keep him alive.
Kentucky’s governor is forbidding people to travel to other states. Does he really have that authority? What statute gives a single person to issue such an order to everyone?
Kentucky’s governor is an a**hat, another pol with unfulfilled ambitions from Daddy.
Daddy’s career melted down after he delivered the lame response to Trump’s first State of the Union address. Number One Son is probably destined to be a speedbump in the Dem nominating process in 2024, but so was Clinton in the Saint Mario era in the early 90s. Anything can happen.
I wonder what they are doing to protect their cash cow, Tom Cruise. They probably wipe down his butt daily to keep him alive.
Cruise has an elaborate penthouse in one of the newer apartment buildings downtown.
John Travolta, also a Flag Building regular, lives in a community north of Tampa called Jumbolair, a development centered around a 7000 ft runway where he can park his G2 and, before he sold it, the 707 Quantas gave him as part of his spokesman deal.
Trivia note: The Fort Harrison Hotel, the building closer to the camera in the pic, is where Keith Richards conceived of the core riff for “Satisfaction”, long before the Xenu worshippers moved in. Whatever I think of Scientology, the restoration and preservation of the hotel is immaculate, a much kinder fate than other old FL hotels such as the nearby Biltmore.
Travolta’s 707.
Ky is currently 480 of 4.4M or 1 in 10K. If KY’s doubling rate is 3 days, they’ll be at 1 in 1000 in 9 days, 12 if the rate is 4.
As predicted, looks like china’s second wave is coming…
And suddenly (also as predicted) here come japan’s numbers…
What do the collective minds here think of this?
Funny report on the Corona virus here: GPs are so bored that many have sent their staff home. Hospitals cancelled most optional procedures, and are nearly empty. Everyone is awaiting the storm, but the storm isn’t here yet.
Of course, we hope it never arrives. It looks like the restrictions are working, and the rate of spread is now constant at a few hundred new cases per day. That’s a steady state that we can live with, and will continue to leave the doctors bored.
Which is a lot better that the alternative, but really weird.
Letting criminals out? Failing to enforce laws? Over on Smallest Minority, I read that only 30% of college graduates are actually literate? I’m currently re-reading Freehold, and the US sounds a whole lot like the UN in that book. Which I’m sure was the author’s intent, but the resemblance grows as time goes on.
I came across some of Heinlein’s plaints about the modern state. We can only wish we were back in his time – things have gone far, far downhill since then.
Re Dr. Zelenko: It is impossible to say from tne information given. Cynically: we all know that the vast majority of Corona infections are minor. For that matter, were his patients actually sick, and actually with Corona? Optimistically: maybe he really has found an effective treatment. Time, and independent verification, will tell…
What if they threw a pandemic and nobody showed up? I don’t think anyone calls them GPs over here anymore, they are “Primary Care Providers” who spent half thier time typing into a computer to cover their asses instead of talking to patients, err, customers?
Has anyone tried JustWatch? It’s a website and app that purports to show the newest releases in streaming titles. I just fired it up and plugged in my streaming services and I guess it accessed my history on each because the recommendations it threw up were spot on. They were so good it’s eerie!
If truly successful the cost of the treatment will jump from $20.00 to $2,000.00.
I can easily believe that and would not be surprised if the number isn’t lower.
What do the collective minds here think of this?
Only under supervision of a *doctor*, not an ARNP, PA, or Nurse Midwife.
I hate to see Z Packs become the next TP. I absolutely need one about once a year, and that’s after I’ve been really bad for about a week.
What if they threw a pandemic and nobody showed up? I don’t think anyone calls them GPs over here anymore, they are “Primary Care Providers” who spent half thier time typing into a computer to cover their asses instead of talking to patients, err, customers?
Yup. Because the IQ points of the employees in a doctor’s office fall off a cliff once you get past the physicians, and documentation is essential. My wife was sued after she foolishly depended on her dopey white trash MA to document a follow up call to a patient. No amount of complete clearance from three state medical boards is sufficient to erase that mistake.
$1 million settlement. Breast cancer patient with a lawyer recruited from Ohio as one of the best in the country at going after the big damage awards.
Of course, once it is public record, then the sharks start swimming around. My wife was subsequently approached by a Thai woman who wanted to leave her dopey American husband and go back to Thailand with six figures of US cash in her pocket, proposing a fake lawsuit and split settlement 50-50. “You were sued once. What’s the big deal?”
Thank John Edwards as in Kerry-Edwards. He built his fortune teaching lawyers how to sue doctors, specifically obstetricians.
Lethargic today. No drive to jump on the tasks that need doing. Two things must be done today. The auto guy will come pick up the wife’s 1994 Honda DeSol. He will spend the next month getting it up to show quality with rust repairs and top quality paint. This was supposed to be her Christmas present but with the move we couldn’t get to it. Second thing is going to the Walmart pharmacy to pick up wife’s medication in the afternoon. I have a lot that should be got to but no urgency. We will have to be up extra early tomorrow for a 6am dialysis session. Not looking forward to that.
If truly successful the cost of the treatment will jump from $20.00 to $2,000.00.
The insurance companies would flip. All the listed drugs are extremely old and off patent.
Speaking of Walmart: the pharmacy in our Walmart is closed for an undisclosed amount of time. An “employee” has the COVID-19 so the entire pharmacy is considered contaminated. All drugs must be destroyed and the place disinfected.
Be prepared for more of this.
If the insurance companies even cover the treatment. The companies will try and find some way to weasel out. The government may force the insurance companies to cover the treatment. Someone, or some company, is going to make a of money over this event. If they have not already. The price of the drugs will skyrocket. Remember insulin, off patent. Epipen?
Service is fast these days. I called an appliance repair guy to fix our clothes dryer. He called back within an hour and schedule an appointment to be out first thing the next morning. It usually takes a full day to get a call back to set up an appointed 2 or 3 days out.
Geez. How about insulin in the fridge. People are going to die that would want those drugs.
Every jar that sick guy opened and poured into a counting tray, then poured the excess back into the jar is potentially contaminated.
The virus is on everything he breathed on.
There are treatments to sterilize the room and outside of everything,but the drugs inside the bottles are suspect now.
in normal times, it’s probably cheaper to replace everything than to trace every bottle he had open. These are not normal times and those drugs might not be replaceable. That thought might make it worth the expense.
As the wife and I were discussing last night “what part of zombie apocalypse don’t you get?” (From John Ringo’s Graveyard Sky/Dark Tide Rising books) The rules have changed.
Salvaging the drugs and remediating the room is probably worth it under the new rules.
If the insurance companies even cover the treatment. The companies will try and find some way to weasel out. The government may force the insurance companies to cover the treatment. Someone, or some company, is going to make a of money over this event. If they have not already. The price of the drugs will skyrocket. Remember insulin, off patent. Epipen?
The insurance companies force drugs to go over-the-counter like Zyrtec and Claritin, but the malaria drugs are too touchy. IG Farben invented Chloroquine in the 30s, and the *Nazis* considered it to be too dangerous for use as an anti-malarial.
Z Packs can’t go over the counter. Given the public’s tendency to reach for an antibiotic any time they have a runny nose, regardless of root cause, we’d quickly lose Zithromyacin as effective treatment for sinus infections.
MrAtoz said:
I ran into that situation when this whole WuHuFlu thing started and CVS could not get my insulin for a week. Since I was on insulin for a couple of years before I went on Medi-don’t-Care I do have a two month spare supply courtesy of my old real insurance plan. My old insurance covered my insulin 100%, Medi-don’t-Care costs me $200.00/month AFTER I meet my deductible, before deductible, it’s $597.00. And before you ask, I do research each year to get the best possible Part D plan for me and my wife (who is an asthmatic). IMHO and experience Medi-don’t-Care wants us Diabetics and Asthmatics to die.
What do the collective minds here think of this?
I suspect that he will be arrested and charged with treating his patients as guinea pigs without their informed consent. The standard of care for SARS-2 is to throw the person on a ventilator where 2/3rds of them die.
Like Lyme doctors are treated in several states for proscribing antibiotics after four weeks of treatment.
Out of curiosity who do you used for Part D? I am not on Part D as I get my prescriptions through the VA. But the wife is on a Part D plan through Humana. She also has this thing in her head that generics are not the same, nor as good, as top tier drugs. Same exact formula, but not to her. Thus I still have to pay top dollar for her medicine.
Her and her mother are the same. Once they get something in their head you cannot chisel it out. Most annoying when they are wrong about something and will not admit, nor change. Both still think things are the same as they were 50 years ago and refuse to change as things have changed. Wife calls the paint store “Sherman Williams”. I correct her and she gets pissed. I ask her where the “M” is located in “Sherwin” and she gets pissed more. Same issue with Tanger Outlets which to her is Tanager Outlets. Then she wonders why people look at her funny when she mentions those names.
Ray, I have coped with that tendency to retain incorrect names and pronunciations all my life. My favorites are “nu-cu-lar”, “rea-li-tor”, and “jew-ler-ey”.
Important: I never make fun of regional pronunciations. Those are an entirely different story. I will always say “De-TROIT”.
Probably makes me an assahole.
However, for those names she tells me I am wrong. That I should look it up. I do, she gets pissed. Six months later, same thing.
She also has this thing in her head that generics are not the same, nor as good, as top tier drugs. Same exact formula, but not to her. Thus I still have to pay top dollar for her medicine.
It depends on the generic/brand.
Just realize that your pharmacist is often spiffed (receives a percentage) to push the generic at the pharmacy counter by the manufacturers, and the doctors’ gimmies are quite limited anymore so they have no incentive to shill the brand names beyond belief in therapeutic benefit.
My sister, the pharmacist, put new wood flooring throughout her house with the spiff bonuses she received at work. My wife got grief over a *Boeing* lanyard for her badge *in WA State*.
We purchased the lanyard in Everett at the factory tour, and we had to show her employer that we indeed paid for it and weren’t trying to unduly influence patients decisions about buying jetliners.
I had to laugh when I saw this today. My wife’s previous employer. Keep in mind that last year’s measles epidemic started, in part, in their waiting rooms. Either somebody is lying about where their masks went or the clinic really is that sad.
It could go either way in our opinion.
Even the local *school system* had 6000 masks, donated to the clinic.
@Ray Thompson asked:
We both use Silverscript and CVS/Target is their “preferred” provider. We can use other Pharmacies but there is a co-pay on everything and with Tier 3, 4, and 5 drugs you end up paying close to full retail.
WRT generics vs brand name I am not aware of any plan that allows name-brand when there is a generic available, unless, your doctor goes through a long and complicated process to justify the name brand and even then you will pay a lot more.
Take a look at GoodRx. They have good discounts and many pharmacies participate (even Costco but Costo’s discounts are stealthy, you have to ask) and we do use them from time to time for one-time prescriptions that our doctor prescribes. Fewer hassles.
Ok, sat down to do something else and fell down a rabbit hole.
This woman was able to get herself and her sister thru 100 countries. But she can not complete a thought or communicate an idea verbally.
WTF? And she doesn’t even try to get to the topic until 8 minutes in..
Humana allows that. But you pay a lot more for name brands and insurance covers less. The amounts do apply to the deductible of about $500.00.
I just heard that the children born nine months from now will be known as “the children of the quarn”.
lol! I wonder if the quarn will have TP, tissues, paper towels? My neighbor said HEB is still out unless you wait in line, get a ticket, and within the first 100.
People see stories like this and their imaginations get fired up.
I wouldn’t doubt that a few years of supply has gone through the stores in the last month. The problem is that, while the raw material is renewable, the infrastructure has to move at the rate of nature regrowing the trees.
I plan to call anyone born late this year a coronnial.
You can buy corn on the cob …
Best realtor line of the day, “Can you see yourself being quarantined in this house ?”.
Good one! By the powers usurped by me, I credit you King of the Interwebs today. Now behave.
Oh wait, there is good and bad behavior. Carry on!
That’s what I like about this place.
Another good one. Too bad I already gave out my one award. Missed by that much!
“America’s darkest day: Modelling predicts 2,271 Americans will die from coronavirus on April 15 and the pandemic will stretch past June”
“Dr Anthony Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease expert, said on Sunday that the US could experience between 100,000 to 200,000 deaths and millions of infections from the pandemic.”
“As of Monday, the US had more than 150,000 confirmed cases and more than 2,700 deaths. In New York state, the epicenter of the virus, there now more than 66,000 cases of the virus and 1,218 people have died.”
I predict that the chicken littles will extend the lockdowns to August.
Hat tip to:
Wells Fargo Mortgage rates:
3.625% now for a conforming 30 year fixed. It was 3.125% yesterday. This is crazy and the Fed needs to stabilize this now.
You can buy corn on the cob …
Recommendations from the Newport, OR Police Deparment:
Our Governor and ISD just extended school closure until May 4 at the earliest.
WRT to TP:
We can tell our future children and grandchildren that we wiped our butts by them skidding on the lawn, up a hill, both ways, in the snow, and we enjoyed it.
The WA goobernor is going to deploy the WA National Guard in the next day or two.
Sure, and I have a bridge to sell you.
Say, I wonder if I can get the National Guard to mow my lawn since the goobernor has closed down all lawn care/maintenance companies.
3.625% now for a conforming 30 year fixed. It was 3.125% yesterday. This is crazy and the Fed needs to stabilize this now.
The Fed buying all the paper, including unsold Treasuries, causes the problem.
“There’s nothing alarming about what we are considering using the Guard for…It’s not being done because of any increased threat. It’s not being done because of any increased restrictions that the Governor is going to announce. ”
–One of the things they tell you in cop school, or when you study the use of violence, is that crims will very often tell you what they are thinking. “Hey, it’s not like I’m gonna rape and murder you….”
NG announcement doesn’t reassure…
Ok, got up on the roof and changed out a camera. Much higher res, and better night/ IR vision. Covers the whole south end of the cul de sac.
Don’t know where it all is but our local Walmart had some, 2 per person limit.
The people in the caring professions are the best people in America and we’re all relying on them. I think I read that somewhere.
“Obama Drops Coronavirus Bombshell: It’s All Due to Climate Change!”
“We can’t afford any more consequences of climate denial.””
Dadgumit, somebody let Obola out of the bunker again.
This is what amazes me. I don’t particularly like either party, I’m more libertarian, but I don’t wish ill of anyone. The people in that story appear to genuinely want people who disagree with them to die.
“Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo on Tuesday announced that in addition to extending the county’s stay-at-home order to April 30, she will also order that nonviolent defendants be released from the Harris County Jail.”
Lovely, Harris County (Houston, Texas main county out of nine) is on lockdown until April 30. And she is turning out all the “non-violent” inmates out of the county jail. I wonder if her definition of “non-violent” and my definition of “non-violent” are the same ? If so, I am ok with that.
Our chicken little county judge out here in Fort Bend County will be running to the microphone any minute now to make sure that he gets his street cred with his fellow dumbocrats.
The people in the caring professions are the best people in America and we’re all relying on them. I think I read that somewhere.
This is what amazes me. I don’t particularly like either party, I’m more libertarian, but I don’t wish ill of anyone. The people in that story appear to genuinely want people who disagree with them to die.
TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) is an outgrowth of CDS (Conservative Derangement Syndrome). The first known cases were at the IRS and State Department. Both are classified as a mental illness of the first order.
I’m surprised she was fired. That’s the only thing surprising to me.
The people in the caring professions are the best people in America and we’re all relying on them. I think I read that somewhere.
There are lots of Progs in medicine.
I’ve posted here before about my wife’s Prog associate in Vantucky. The girl and her idiot husband were originally from Houston, but, back during the 2010 election, when they lived in Fredericksburg, the husband did something so stinky politically that they left Texas.
Dadgumit, somebody let Obola out of the bunker again.
Leaving office at such a young age, Obama has the same problem as Jimmy Carter, possibly worse since no one viewed Carter as The Chosen One.
Maybe Obama should put a little work into the neighborhood around his proposed Presidential Library site in Chicago. That place could use some community organizing starting with the train station.
Now the British are warned to prepare for power blackouts.
This would be a true EOTWAWKI event for them. No food or medicine and no power !
To think: England used to be a first-world nation.
Now the British are warned to prepare for power blackouts.
This would be a true EOTWAWKI event for them. No food or medicine and no power !
No big deal, we used to have daily blackouts when we lived in London in the summer of 1973. Between the oil shortages (Arab oil embargo) and the coal strikes, the lights would go off almost daily for a couple of hours. But it was summer time so the sun did not go down until 10 pm. And the Tube ran regardless.
Now the British are warned to prepare for power blackouts.
Daily Mail.
What? 6.5 magnitude earthquake in Idaho?
What fault is that? Idaho doesn’t have fracking does it?
There are faults in Idaho – and it may be related to the one in SLC last week.
Or, the earthquakes could be traveling to Yellowstone. In which case, there will be difficulties….
True. Imagine what those people will be like if this country has it’s own IngSoc.
My favorites are “nu-cu-lar”, “rea-li-tor”, and “jew-ler-ey”.
Do you insist on “Wed-nes-day” as well?
Used to drive my mother mad.
Check out _The Creature from Jekyll Island_ if you haven’t already come across it. Probably hard to find, but verrry interesting.
Check out _The Creature from Jekyll Island_ if you haven’t already come across it. Probably hard to find, but verrry interesting.
I’ve heard of that but never read it.
I spent most of my four year sentence -er- tenure in Vantucky reading “Atlas Shrugged”. On top of being a slog of a read, every now and then, I would hear some nitwit on the local news talking like one of the antagonist characters in the book , and I would have to put the book away for a while.
My favorites are “nu-cu-lar”, “rea-li-tor”, and “jew-ler-ey”.
Realt-whore. I had a lot of friends who ended up like the doughy husband in this commercial when it first aired 1o-15 years ago. I still can’t believe Century 21 put it on the air with a straight face.
I guess they knew their customer.
No, but reminds me of “Feb-ru-ary”.
One last one… English is a rich and challenging language.
E.g. Pronounce “Ghoti”.
Gh from rough
o from women
ti from negotiate
Put ’em together: Fish!!
Yeah, old, but I always enjoy it.
“Obama Drops Coronavirus Bombshell: It’s All Due to Climate Change!”
Oh dear, the climate alarmists have been out-alarmed by something else. They’ve got to get all that attention back!
And Obama, as Greg points out: What is the guy to do with the rest of his life? I mean, he could become a dignified elder statesman, sort of an unofficial ambassador, sent around to deal quietly with politically difficult situations. Some former Presidents have adopted that role.
Or he could work for his own, private enrichment by signing deals with Netflix and serving as a political hack for whatever cause is willing to pay him.
Looks like he has chosen the latter…
– – – – –
On a matter of no global importance whatsoever: Before this Corona mess kicked off, my wife ordered a puppy from a breeder in the Netherlands. We’re in Switzerland. The puppy should be picked up (or delivered) in about 3 weeks.
We’re wondering if that will be possible…