Cold. Wet. [43F when I got up.]
Yesterday was 46F when I got up. That’s pretty chilly. It was high 50s when I went to bed.
I deleted over 100 cyber monday email offers unread. Not quite as many as Black Friday, but more than I want.
Tonight I’ve got the second installment of our CPA Alumni continuing ed class on human trafficking. Very timely considering Epstein didn’t kill himself.
I should get stuck in on my mom’s pc today too. We’ll see how that goes. I don’t know how much managing of the pagefile I can do with win10 home. That’s my current plan of attack, move the pagefile to the SDcard with space on it. If I can’t, I’ll look at joining the two drives (built in flash and SD card.) I didn’t see the option when I looked remotely. Failing that, I’ll move or delete as much as possible and set updates to ‘off’. It’s ridiculous that 32Gb isn’t enough for windows by itself. Absolute worst case is I get her an all in one to use and set that up before sending it to Florida.
Please be patient with Rick as he pokes at the site and host trying to figure out what is slowing down response and reloads. Just imagine you’re back on a 14.4 modem and watching jpegs fill in line by line….
And with that, I’m off…