Cold again. And damp. [[41jF and 99%RH at 8am]
Spent yesterday morning doing a couple of pickups. Then an hour of tech support for my mom (unsuccessful- anyone know why quicken2017 wouldn’t install on a D drive from a cd in a USB external drive labeled E?) followed by a trip to the theatre downtown for a modern adaptation of A Christmas Carol.
Venue is posted 30.06 and 30.07, so no carry there. Felt naked but at least we parked in the adjacent structure. No pat down or wanding, but it was properly marked. Had an armed off=duty HPD officer in the lobby. Getting out of the venue in a hurry would be a nightmare.
Since I couldn’t carry I doubled up on med supplies, and added a TQ to my booboo kit. It all seems like crazy overkill until it doesn’t…
I’m going to try to get some stuff done today. The week of volunteering has put me behind in my normal shopping. I should have picked up dog food, and made a Costco run last week. I did add 24 cans of beans and 8 cans of greens… and learned that you can improve the texture and flavor of expired waffle mix by adding baking powder, but it still isn’t right. Tastes ok if you’re hungry but it isn’t the light and delicious normal result. Fortunately it is very cheap.
I’m definitely coming down with something. Scratchy throat, stuffy head, sore eyes… headache on Wed and Thur. Started in on the Airborne…
and now, stuff to do. No rest for the wicked.